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REVELATIONS 2012-01 (Jan)

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Weezsupes writes...

First, amazing job and cant wait for the rest of the season and future ones!
1. It was hinted at the end of the recent episode that Zatanna would love to join if her dad didnt ground her for life! (which it shoes he will) but will she be returning as a main character or just another guest on the show!
2. Awhile back, it was mentioned that we would finally get to see an animated version of Wonder Girl, but due to legal reasons wouldnt appear until further in the season or the 2nd(i hope this season). Any hints/clues as to when or if we will see her? (though i would be happy just to see a WonderGirl but i would guess it will be Donna as you have Robin as Dick.)
3. If the above two are current or appear on the show will that affect the relationships between the current ones? ie Robin & Zatana(though not officially a couple there was plenty of flirting going on) Superboy & Miss Martian (even though he dated Cassie not Donna)

Greg responds...


2. WHO "mentioned" this? Not me. When asked, I've said SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.


Response recorded on January 31, 2012

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Joe writes...

I'm gonna try and ask this really carefully because I don't want it to be a suggestion more than a question. I'm a bit curious about the relationship between Xanatos and Sevarius.

1. Did Sevarius really need Xanatos or just his money?

2. Did Sevarius just let Xanatos think he had control over the project?

Thanks in advance

Greg responds...

1. Money and resources. Though I think Sevarius admired Xanatos to a certain extent.

2. I don't know what you mean. Which project?

Response recorded on January 31, 2012

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Redwing writes...

Hi Greg,

First, I wanted to say that I am delighted that you've kept "Ask Greg" going over the years. I sent in a message back in 2002, and was recently delighted to discover that you had responded to it, two years later! You're my hero. Not just for that, but also because "Gargoyles" and "Ask Greg" helped inspire me to write, myself.

Another thing, though.

There's a group on Facebook devoted to urging Disney to release Gargoyles Seasons 2 Vol. 2 on DVD, and recently some of us have been emailing disneyinfo@disneyhelp.com to ask them to do this.

And recently, some of us have been getting replies. Mine is as follows:

"Thank you for your e-mail. We appreciate your interest and are happy to answer your questions.

There are tentative plans to release the rest of this series in 2012. No further details are available at this time.

Thank you for taking the time to contact us.

Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Consumer Relations
US and Canada"

Have you heard anything about this?

Greg responds...

Only that others have received a similar response. Beyond that, I am ignorant.

Response recorded on January 31, 2012

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conner writes...

1.I saw the Young Justice Invasion poster and its are hard to make out the characters but I think I've got them are these the characters on the poster? Miss Martian, Artemis, Robin, Zatanna, Blue Beetle, Kid Flash.
2.How old is Zatanna?

Greg responds...

1. You're right about some, wrong about others. But, really, don't obsess about it too much. It's a piece of promotional art. It's NOT canon. Not even the logo is final.


NOW, CONGRATULATE ME! I've gotten the queue down to under 300 questions!!! Whew!

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Sebastian Orr writes...

Do you know who is the snitch in young justice?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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kieko writes...

IF we see batgirl in this series will it be bette or barbara

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Marisa writes...

Young Justice is my favorite show, and I watch it every week with my dad. I love all of the characters, especially Robin. Thank you for making such a great show. I just have some questions: is there a reason why Wally West lives in Central City rather than Blue Valley, his comic book hometown? For some reason this has been bugging me. Also, does this mean that Wally was president of the Central City Flash Fan Club?

Anyway, my favorite character in the entire show has got to be Captain Marvel. I just laugh hysterically every time he does something. How can the team not notice that he acts like a ten year old boy? It's very, very obvious. Does CM have some sort of natural charisma about him that block people's perceptions?

I can't wait until the teens find out that Captain Marvel is really younger than them!

Greg responds...

We just put all the Flash characters in Central City to bring more coherence to the idea.

As for Captain Marvel, what's obvious to you wouldn't likely even occur as a possibility to most. Why would it? You see an adult with those powers and the wisdom of Solomon, and why would it EVER even occur to you that he might actually be a ten-year-old kid? Because he's sincere and friendly? Because he's solicitous and occasionally naive? Those aren't qualities limited to kids.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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chi fong writes...

i was wondering where zatanna lives and if she will join the team. i love the relationship between robin and zatanna. how many new charecters will be added?i hope you will not add any new charecters from teen titans. i praise your work and absolutly adore this show.

Greg responds...

Zatanna lives in New York with her father. Whether or not she joins the Team is a SPOILER REQUEST.

Many new characters are added all the time.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Jessica Diamond writes...

Besides the Pilot Episodes (Independence Day and Fireworks), the Episodes/Missions he wasn't a part of (Downtime, Targets, and Terrors), and the Loss at the Cave (Homefront), Kid Flash's souvenir collection seems to have something from every episode except Bereft, which is where Superboy started his pet collecting.
1) Did Wally get a souvenir and we just haven't seen it?
2a) If he did, what is it, please?
2b) If he didn't, why didn't he get one?
3) Did Wally get the arrow back for his collection after Homefront or was it destroyed?
4) If it was destroyed, did Artemis replace it with an identical one or is the spot permanently empty?

Greg responds...

1, 2a, 2b.) Rewatch the episode. I think it's quite clear on these points.

3. What was left of it, yeah.

4. See answer to 3.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why did you choose Taipei for the episode "Targets"?

Greg responds...

Seemed cool.

Response recorded on January 30, 2012

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