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Anonymous writes...

So the Tagline of Young Justice Legacy is One will rise, One will fall and One will die, now after checking the Wikia and searching the archives I am not sure about the complete answer. I know that Tula does, I suppose Kaldur falls as for who will rise, is the rise supposed to refer to Tiamat. Or does Rise refer to Dick stepping up to be a leader of the team. Basically can you tell/confirm who the three individuals in the Tagline are.

Greg responds...

I can't. I wasn't responsible for the marketing. I'm not sure who they had in mind or if they had ANYONE in mind as opposed to just thinking that the tagline sounded cool.

Though, obviously, Aquagirl was the one who died.

Response recorded on August 04, 2022

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Marvelman writes...

Jade always acts "pissy" when she talks to Artemis. My reading of Jade's attitude is that it's a cover for her feelings of guilt over having not been a better sister or mother. Is this a good reading?

Greg responds...

I don't think "pissy" is a good reading. I don't think that describes even half of their interactions over four seasons and a video game.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Matute writes...

At what age did Robin become Nightwing on Earth 16 and how did his teammates react?

Greg responds...

Robin became Nightwing in Team Year Three. As to how everyone reacted... NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

I keep hearing about these "Red Arrow Journals". What are they?

Greg responds...

They were bonus content in the Young Justice Legacy video game. You can also find them here: https://youngjustice.fandom.com/wiki/Red_Arrow's_journals

In general, the YJ Wiki is a fantastic resource. I use it all the time.

Response recorded on April 08, 2022

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Matt Itelson writes...

When did Leslie Wills become Livewire?
When did Andie become Mist?
When did Lia Briggs become Looker?
When did Tula become Aquagirl?
When did Cassandra Sandsmark become Wonder Girl?

Greg responds...

1. Team Year Seven or Eight.

2. Team Year Seven or Eight.

3. Team Year Nine, when she joined the Outsiders.

4. Team Year One, when she joined the Team.

5. Team Year Five.

Response recorded on March 14, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Will was wearing his Red Arrow costume in episode 5 of Phantoms. Was that a one time thing again like in "Private Security" or is he fully back as RA?

Greg responds...

Occasionally, he's back as Red Arrow. But not often.

Response recorded on February 08, 2022

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Suzie writes...

How many leaders have the Team had over the past 10 years and can you tell us how long they were in charge. For example when did Miss Martian become leader of the Team and how long was she in charge before stepping down.

Greg responds...

Not a lot, surprisingly. Aqualad gave over to Nightwing, who then turned it back over to Aqualad, until he joined the League as Aquaman, at which point Miss Martian took over until she resigned, at which point Tigress took over.

Response recorded on January 27, 2022

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Izzy writes...

Hello! I've seen the last three episodes of Young Justice: Phantoms and I'm eagerly awaiting the fourth. The relationship dynamic between M'gann and her family (especially M'comm) is rivaling Artemis's in terms of pure curiosity and intrigue. I love it and I want to know everything! And given what was shown in the trailer, it looks like even more of Artemis's family dynamics are going to be explored, which is fantastic. I think this is going to be something they'll bond over this season. But who knows! Anyways, on to the questions:

01. You mentioned in a recent Tweet that ‘Catwoman: Hunted’ is, like your Green Arrow short, a story that also occurs similarly on Earth-16. Given that information, is it safe to assume Catwoman exists on Earth-16?
02. Are Lucas Carr and Bethany Lee alumni of Happy Harbor High School, or did they graduate elsewhere? Given that Snapper was at least living in Happy Harbor as a teenager, I assume he attended the public high school. The same can be said for Bethany, if her backstory from the comics as the daughter of Happy Harbor’s police chief before becoming one herself is largely unchanged.
03. Given you are a Stanford alumni and have thought about what dorms Wally and Artemis spent their Freshman years in, did you give any thought into who their respective roommates were? Not asking for spoilers about who they were, just merely if you guys ever bothered to come up with them.
04. Is Batwoman Jewish on Earth-16 like she is in the comics? If so, wouldn’t that make Batman (by proxy, if not in practice) Jewish as well, at least on his mother’s side?
05. This is a long one! I know birthdays aren't something you come up with unless the story needs it, but do you have the same line of thinking with babies born during the story? Artur, for example, was born on February 1st, 2011 (according to the YJ wiki, which got the date from Legacy). For Lian, however, we only know she was born in September 2015. Do you have a birthdate in mind for her, or just the month? For Don and Dawn Allen, you answered in an ask that their due date was sometime in the September following Invasion. I’m not asking if that due date was accurate or when, if you know it, their actual birthday(s) are, but merely the concept as a whole. Was Artur the only one assigned a birthdate in-story because the diary entry needed a timestamp? Since then, a whole bunch of other super-kids (Anissa and Jennifer, Jonny, Traya, Amistad, and most recently Rhea) have been introduced, with Rhea being (according to Unknown Factors) born on January 21, 2019. While Rhea’s birthday is obviously a byproduct of the story and thus laying credence to your stance on only assigning birthdays when needed, she was also the only one explicitly shown. I guess this whole question can be summed up to: do children (emphasis on children somehow connected to the main cast) born DURING the story get assigned birthdays even if the story doesn’t necessarily showcase/reference their birth outright? If not birthdays, then just birth-months? Or is that only come up with when needed as well?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, in some form.

2. Yep.

3. I actually did give a little thought to Wally's roommate. I have a notion, but I'm not locking it in unless or until a story requires it.

4. Yes.

4a. I think it must be true that Martha Kane Wayne was Jewish. That means by Jewish tradition, Bruce Wayne is also Jewish. But I think it's also clear that he was raised as a Protestant Christian. Beyond that, again, I'm not going to go into details until or unless a story requires it.

5. Just birth years, unless the story indicates an obvious (thus necessary) birth month. And just birth months unless the story requires or dictates a birthdate.

Response recorded on January 04, 2022

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Young Justice Statistics

Well, as I tweeted today, YOUNG JUSTICE: PHANTOMS is complete, with all 26 episodes in the can. I've also updated all my various reference documents to include everything from Season Four (not to mention Seasons 1-3, our various comic books, the AudioPlay and the video game). And since statistics kinda fascinate me - and since maybe they might fascinate you as well - here are a few.

The Young Justice Timeline is currently 718 pages long. In the past, I've reported that the length of the timeline mysteriously differed between my laptop and my desktop computers, but during the pandemic, my (relatively) ancient desktop finally bit the dust. So now the laptop page count triumphs.

There are 759 characters confirmed - one way or another - to be in the Earth-16 Universe. Some have only been mentioned or referenced briefly. Others, obviously, have had entire arcs dedicated to them. Calling some of them "characters" might also be a bit of a stretch, but I have reasons for including every single one. And - anal individual that I am - I have actually ranked them all in order of their importance to the series. This is something I once did as a hobby for the Buffyverse (which you can find in the ASK GREG archives under the heading of "Buffyverse Geek-Out"), and I've been perfecting my ranking system ever since. The idea is to attempt to make an incredibly subjective thing as objective as possible, based on things like screen time and amount of dialogue and the amount of times other characters reference them, etc. It's still not perfect because I do wind up with point scores, and especially with the lower ranking characters, I wind up with a number of ties. Thus, in order to break any tie, I'm forced to apply more subjective criteria.I was thinking about listing them a few per week, starting with 759 and working my way backwards toward number one. But some of the names haven't been intro'd yet. So it occurs to me that I need to wait until the Phantoms' season finishes airing.

Across four seasons (98 episodes) an AudioPlay and a video game, we've used 128 actors, a phenomenally talented group if ever there was one. Some have only voiced one character. Others have voiced over a dozen. I'm honored to be included among them - even if hiring myself is a rather dubious way to earn this distinction.

There's probably more, but this will do for now.

Just a little peek into my weird brain. Hope you enjoyed it. And I hope you enjoy the show.

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Anonymous writes...

Because of the events of "Young Justice: Legacy," Tula's death was ultimately the reason why Kaldur, Garth, Wally, and Artemis left the Team before the events of "Young Justice: Invasion"?

Greg responds...

I can't tell if that's really a question or a statement. It certainly was a major reason why Kaldur went undercover and why Garth left the Team, and it clearly influenced Wally and Artemis.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Molly writes...

Hi Greg!

I've been wondering something for a while. In the comics, Kaldur mentions that Calvin Durham is his step father. But in Young Justice Legacy, he seems shocked to find out from Aquaman that Calvin Durham isn't his real father. Was this a mistake, or was the plan to infiltrate Black Manta's team already in the works for Kaldur, and he felt he had to sell it?

Thanks for being awesome!

Greg responds...

You're going to have to help me pin your question down a bit more. As I recall, in Legacy, Kaldur learns that Cal is his adoptive-father (not stepfather, I can't imagine him ever referring to Cal as his stepfather). When in the comics does he use that term?

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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NickS writes...


I want to say that I'm a big fan of the shows you've made from Gargoyles to Young Justice and I'd like to ask a few questions.

1. Are Plastic Man, Hardware and Batwoman part of Batman's team? Batwoman obviously and I think Plastic Man is due to his history with Batman.

1A. Why would Hardware be on Batman's team? Does he have history with Batman in the comics as well because I don't know him much.

2. What's Metamorpho's designation for Batman's team.

3. If I were to ask about the character designs for this season, should I ask you or Phil?

4. What was Troia like when she was part of the Team?

5. Did she ever wear stealth tech?

Greg responds...

1. I assume, given the date of your post, you mean as of mid-season of Outsiders. In which case, the answer is yes to all three.

1A. No spoilers.

2. I don't give out designation numbers here.

3. Depends on the question, I guess.

4. No spoilers.

5. Ever? Probably. I haven't thought about it.

Response recorded on August 05, 2021

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Ben writes...

1. How did you decide on Wyynde for Kaldur's romantic interest? Were you set on it being a former Atlantean purist?
2. I'm curious as to when Kaldur first started to realize when he was attracted to more than just women. Do you picture him struggling with it or was he very open minded about himself from the beginning?
3. When you were writing season 1 and 2, was there a storyline or character you wanted to showcase Kaldur's sexuality with, but couldn't?
4. How did Wyynde and Kaldur meet? Who asked who out? If you're planning on showing this at some point then I get the #NoSpoilers

Greg responds...

1. Brandon and I discussed it, and Wyynde seemed like the right choice.

1a. That was one factor, but not the only one.

2. Brandon and Khary and I have had many discussions about this. We think, generally, that Atlantis is way more open-minded than the surface world. But as for Kaldur's story (and mindset) specifically... NO SPOILERS.

3. Not particularly. We were playing the long game with Kaldur. He was in love with Tula. He and Raquel dated briefly between Seasons One and Two. But it would take time for Kaldur and Wyynde to find each other as a couple.

4. Well, they met at the Conservatory of Sorcery. They were classmates there before Kaldur became Aqualad. As for the details of how they became a couple... again, no spoilers.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Paul writes...

By the time that you see this question, season 4 will probably have concluded, but I'll take my chances. I love Young Justice - thank you so much for this amazing show!

I have a few questions about "Elder Wisdom", which has just been released on DC Universe:

1) Is Troia an Amazon by birth or is she from man's world? She bears a strong resemblance to Wonder Woman and she referenced Hippolyta ("Mother") so I'm guessing that the former is true, but I wonder if you could confirm this now that she has had a prominent appearance in Young Justice, please.

2a) Does Troia have the alias Donna Troy in Young Justice?
2b) Has she *ever* had this alias on Earth-16? Troia is quite an unusual name so I wonder whether it stems directly from the name Donna Troy somehow, even on Earth-16.

3) We've only ever seen Garth in one outfit, even when he was Tempest in the Young Justice: Legacy game. Likewise, we've only seen one look for Troia at this stage, but is it also her costume from her time as a member of the Team?

4) I hope it's all right if I ask this question as well, please: do you still have plans to include Mary Bromfield in Young Justice? I know that you've said that you wanted to introduce both her and Troia in season 2, so that's why I'm asking about Mary even though this is a spoiler request. I hope that Mary will still get her due, whether it's in the final stretch of season 3 or in season 4. Hoping for some Marvel/Shazam Family love at some point in Young Justice.

Thank you so much for reading my submission! :)

Greg responds...

Well, Season Four hasn't dropped as of this writing, though we do have fourteen episodes in the can, seven more in post-production and five being animated overseas, with all pre-production complete.

1. No spoilers.

2. As of Season Three she isn't using the name Donna Troy. No spoilers as to whether she ever did.

3. No spoilers.

4. It's not a spoiler to say that we still want to include her when it makes sense to.

Response recorded on July 28, 2021

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Kyle writes...

Hello Greg,

While I adored both the first and second seasons of Young Justice, and I have gone on to enjoy many parts of the third, I have to say that as of right now, I am very disappointed with what I've seen so far of Outsiders. Please know that I mean absolutely no disrespect to you, Brandon, the writers, the crew, or the actual show, but I feel this needs to be said.

I have watched all thirteen available episodes (by the time you get to this ask, I'm more than sure the second half of the season will have already aired in its entirety and you'll be well on your way into making the fourth season *fingers crossed!*) and the show has yet to come through in the ways I -- and many, many others -- had hoped it would prior to the season's airing. By the time you read this, I hope my complaints will have already been resolved and you can tell me I should have been patient and waited for the whole thing to air, in which I would agree. Fair enough.

But as of right now my complaints are still very valid and I would very much appreciate you addressing them, if possible. (Honestly, chances are you have already addressed these issues by the time you read this, if not in the actual show then on your Twitter page or in an interview. If so, I am sorry for wasting your time with a subject you've already gone on to spend a great deal of time on, but if not, here we go.

The pure lack of LGBT+ representation is, frankly, appalling.

I mean no disrespect, but it is 2019 for crying out loud. Men can marry men and women can marry women; boys can dance with boys and girls can dance with girls at their high school proms; those of us that are non-binary can express such freely and openly, when with the right crowd.

You have gone on record saying that LGBT+ people exist on Earth-16; you've gone on record saying that there have even been LGBT+ members of the Team and yet, still, after thirteen full episodes AND a twenty-page comic story where you COULD HAVE represented LGBT+ people, you've failed to showcase even ONE character and/or relationship of the sort. All of the while finding the time in these very crowded episodes and comic for not one, not two, but THREE new straight couples.

There's Garfield Logan and Queen Perdita. Then there's Helga Jace and Jefferson Pierce. And then finally Prince Brion Markov and Violet Harper.

And that's not even counting the suggestion of a relationship between Will and Artemis. Or the hinting that Bear and Dreamer have become exclusive, which would pretty much go against everything the New Gods (Bear himself, specifically, if memory serves) had preached to Conner about them finding satisfaction when they all come together as one back in the first season, which I thought was a pretty interesting way to sneak in the idea of them all being in one big polyamorous relationship. Which would have been SO COOL and SO PROGRESSIVE for a show back then to do.

The one -- ONE -- actual confirmed LGBT+ character you've ever had on the show in its entirety, not just Season Three, was then killed BECAUSE of said-sexuality. The sexuality-in-question, might I add, that we don't even get to know for certain, as when you were asked if she was a lesbian or just bisexual, you simply commented "Yes," as if there wasn't a distinguishable difference between the two in the long run, which just simply isn't the case.

And that's not even really a confirmation since it's plainly just Word-of-God in the grand scheme of things, rather than canon content that was stated out-loud or depicted, either on-screen or on-panel, in the comic. (I know that you weren't allowed to acknowledge it out-loud or in writing back then, so I'm not arguing on that. But you deciding to make her the ONLY LGBT+ character we ever got to see and then having her said-only character killed later in the same comic issue? Not only is it near-downright insulting, but it also fails to come across as anything other than a cheap and thoughtless try at representation.

(And with you and Brandon both going on about how you wanted to include an accurate representation of the world with a diverse cast, the pure lack of LGBT+ representation justs adds insult to injury.)

You've had significant time with Kaldur, who you hinted may not be entirely straight. And, yes, during most of that time with him you couldn't have genuinely acknowledged it either way in-show or out, but with Season Three, there is simply no such excuse. You've got the Brain and Monsieur Mallah, who, I'll admit, wouldn't exactly be my first choices for representation under any circumstances, but they still qualify. You've got Wonder Woman, who, albeit, wasn't confirmed bisexual until after YJ had finished its first two seasons.

But since the start of S3, the show has introduced us to Batwoman, a very prominent lesbian character on-par with Batman and the rest of the Bat-family; the show has given us a cameo of Renee Montoya; and, most recently, the show has given us the gay, married couple of Casey Klebba and Dale Gunn. Both of whom were in the same scene together with speaking lines and still -- STILL -- not even an ounce of content.

You've even introduced Harper Row, who I can't help but guess was only added to the character roster simply for the Harper-confusion joke. I'm hoping she will lead to actual, on-screen LGBT+ content in the next half of the season since that was one of her and her brother's most defining stories from the comics, but I'm no longer getting my hopes up.

And while I know you made no promises of actually having LGBT+ content in the third season, which I won't fault you for nor should anyone else, you KNEW you had a very large, very apparent LGBT+ fanbase. If you knew people were hopeful, don't string them along. If you honestly didn't have any LGBT+ content in store for us, just say so -- lest you be accused of queerbaiting down the line, and while it wouldn't be the case in technical terms in your case, it can still turn many, many fans against you.

Young Justice has and, up until I'm proven wrong, will always be a heteronormative show. The first season's finale got that message across loud and clear, with the second season's finale hammered it in, after you plopped in the surprise, secret romances of not one, but TWO more straight couples in the already-vast sea of straight couples. First, there was Virgil's surprise that Tye and Asami had gotten together, even though we got absolutely zero screentime showing anything of the sort, and was only included because, to you and Brandon, it "Felt right."

Then there's Tim and Cassie, who spent all five seconds of screentime together prior, with them only exchanging a conversation once. (Who then promptly leave each other's sides and enter a fight we're apparently meant to care about less than ten on-screen minutes later, in S3.)

And, now, Young Justice: Outsiders is pulling the same tricks but in a far worse fashion. The twelfth episode alone -- an episode all about Garfield going through nothing but hell, living through every trauma he's ever faced and then some, including the death of his LGBT+ mother, mind you -- ends with him kissing his girlfriend SECONDS AFTER recovering from nearly ending up catatonic. Because of hormones, or something.

Never mind the fact that he'd just rewatched many of his friends' deaths all over again, relived BOTH of his mothers' deaths, AND just realized that his boss -- someone who helped found a META-HUMAN YOUTH CENTER -- was using the Goode Goggles to abduct potential meta-teens and was continuously doing so, all over the country.

But, hey, let me make out with my girlfriend real quick first, right next to my sister and her fiance of the opposite sex, who then promptly make out as well, and just NOT rush to tell the proper authorities, the Justice League, the Team, or the Outsiders about ANY of this until after we're done showing just how straight we are to the audience.

I know this may come off as rude, critical, and/or entitled, but it is truly not what I wish for you to take away from this. Again, I mean no disrespect and do love -- LOVE -- many aspects of the third season, but some of the more recently established relationships and the actions that result from those relationships are the weakest links of an otherwise fantastic show.

I know I may be way off the mark/way too impatient and you actually ARE setting up stories with LGBT+ characters and relationships for the second half of S3, big or small.

If that's the case, I am truly sorry for wasting your time.

But I feel this needed to be said, and while I believe you already know this, I'll say it anyway for the other readers on this site: hinting that a character is LGBT+ off-screen (i.e. in a Tweet or an interview or something) does not adequately represent LGBT+ people at all. Either say it out loud and on-screen/on-panel or just, you know, show it on-screen/on-panel -- otherwise, what do you actually accomplish besides later being able to cry wolf and say that you had LGBT+ characters on-screen and therefore cannot be accused of NOT having them?

Once again, I'm sorry if this came across as critical and/or insulting to you, Brandon, your team of amazing writers/animators/voices, etc., but I promise you all that was not my intent in the slightest, and I hope when you get the time to respond to this (assuming it makes it to you, which I hope it does) it will be to say that I just jumped the shark, so to speak, a little too soon and that LGBT+ characters are all over the second half of S3, confirmed on-screen. It would be amazing, if so.

If not, though, then I would greatly, greatly appreciate an honest answer of why you and Brandon still haven't shown LGBT+ characters/relationships on-screen or on-panel, despite having no restrictions preventing you.



Greg responds...

Hey Kyle,

You were very polite. I have no problem with what you wrote. As you noted, I'm hoping that by now you've seen that we have - where we were allowed - objectively shown LGBTQ+ characters since the time you posted this. Hopefully, you were pleased with what we depicted. And, in any case, there's more to come in Season Four.

Still, I would like to respond to some of your points, as some of the people reading this may not know all we've dealt with on this subject.

1. I just want to point out that in the first two seasons, the video game and the companion comics that we've done up to this point, we were not allowed to objectively depict any LGBTQ+ characters or relationships. So we did the next best thing, which was to write and depict them with consistency for the day when we could.

2. Even in Season Three, TPTB wouldn't let us objectively reveal that one specific character, whom we had (in our minds) set up as gay, was gay - though they did let us depict others LGBTQ+ characters objectively. So we took the S1&2 approach to this one character.

3. As you hopefully have seen by now, we did have plans for LGBTQ+ characters in Season Three, and it's a justifiable complaint, I think, to ask why none of that was depicted in the first thirteen. But we wanted to introduce this stuff organically, and it just worked out for it to be back thirteen stuff. Not trying to defend that, per se. But that's how our stories broke down.

4. Killing off Garfield's mother is consistent with him being an orphan in the comics. I guess we could have kept her heterosexual as she was in the comics, since we knew she was going to die. But we didn't want to do that. It seemed to fit her character, and we didn't want to have one less LGBTQ+ character only because she was going to die.

5. I won't apologize for depicting heterosexual/heteronormative relationships simply because we've had restrictions on LGBTQ+ depictions. Chris Jones and I did equalize the scenes between Queen Bee & Marie Logan and Queen Bee & Ali in an issue of the comic. When TPTB wouldn't allow us to show Bee & Marie kiss, Chris and I wouldn't let Bee & Ali kiss either, as they were exact parallel scenes. But generally, we want to be able to be as honest as possible with relationships. So we're not going to create artificial restrictions when we don't have to.

6. Specifically, Garfield had a cathartic experience in "Nightmare Monkeys," and was grateful that his worried girlfriend had stuck by his side. The idea of them kissing at that moment wasn't us shoving heteronormative behavior in the face of LGBTQ+ viewers, it was us depicting what we believed was the honest and real response to all that had happened to both characters.

7. Bear and Dreamer being a couple is right out of the comics. In fact, in the comics they got married and had a kid. Now, of course, we could have changed that, but it seemed to fit what we were doing, so we didn't.

I'm not going to pretend that we've done justice (no pun intended) to these concerns, even including what we did in Season Three. But we believe the back thirteen episodes took a positive step forward, and we believe Season Four will take us multiple steps forward after that.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. In regards to "Young Justice: Legacy" why was the decision made for it to be a video game as opposed to an animated film...? The way I have depicted it is that the leader of each three-person team during each mission were canon and the other two members that accompany the leader were not because the player has to choose which heroes go with the team leaders.

2. The one thing that confuses me is that if you read comics associated with the Flash, Jay Garrick, Kid Flash, or Impulse or have at least watched episdoes of The Flash on The CW, you would see the lightning streak that forms when speedsters associated/connected with the Speed Force are running. That being said, why do we not see lighting streaks when Barry, Wally, Jay, and Bart run in the Young Justice animated universe...?

Greg responds...

1. Doing the story as a film was never presented to us as an option.

1a. That's basically correct.

2. That's just not a conceit that we chose to adopt, potentially because Brandon and I are older fans, for whom that wasn't a thing. So it didn't occur to us.

Response recorded on July 14, 2021

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EndBringer99 writes...

1. How old was Dick when he became Nightwing.
2. How long did Jason Todd act as Robin.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. I'm going to ask for a spoiler only because it is a spoiler you have already given us.

Years ago, you said that a villain from the YJ:Legacy would play a role in season 3 - if it ever happened. Is that still the case? (I'm guessing you were referring to Tiamat as she is the only villain specific to Legacy.)

Also, is the general plan you had for season 3 the same as it was when you completed season 2? I guess you'll be able to talk more freely about this after Outsiders has aired.

Greg responds...

1. There were a number of villains that Legacy and Outsiders had in common. I no longer remember who specifically I might have been referring to.

2. The general plan for the entire series (including S3) hasn't changed.

Response recorded on July 09, 2021

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Fangirl writes...

1.When did Jade found out that her sister is dating kid flash? (I'm not asking about a specific date. I'm asking did she found out like a week after that happen or mount or mounts)

2. What we her reaction? Was she happy? Did she wanted to mess whit Artemis about her dating him?

Greg responds...

1. Haven't pinpointed that.

2. She ALWAYS wants to mess with Artemis.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Marvelman writes...

I always imagined Wally and Jade liking each other for some reason, and then it hit me: Jade is like a darker, nastier, sultrier version of Artemis. So, my questions are:

1) Do Wally and Jade like each other?

2) Was it your intention to have the two sisters mirror each others personalities to some extent? Or, am I imposing my own interpretation after the fact?

Greg responds...

1. They don't have much of a relationship, honestly, i.e. haven't spent a ton of time together. But I think they had good days and bad.

2. Both.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg:) Is there a high chance of a new Young Justice game? I could see a Young Justice game being released on the Nintendo Switch.

Greg responds...

I'm unaware of any development of such. Or any interest.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Carlos writes...

How soon after Garfield started to shape shifting into animals did he start to shape shift into the human-monkey form he is in during young justice invasion ?

Greg responds...

Again, I'm not inclined to tell stories here - or circumvent the telling of stories by spoiling things here.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Takato writes...

What year did Malcolm begin working for the team ? How Malcolm did find out the team ?

Greg responds...

That's a story I'd like to tell some day.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Jaden writes...

I know Paula kicked Sportsmaster out of the house, but are they divorced? If not, how come?

Greg responds...

I'd say by now they are.

Response recorded on July 02, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

I was surprised that this wasn't asked already, but maybe I missed it going through the archives. Was Batman seriously completely unaware that aqualad was a double agent, given that he taught nightwing how to strategize, and was the world's greatest detective? And if he did know, did he support the idea, or help come up with it in any way? Also, did he know black manta was aqualads father bbefore aquaman told him?

Greg responds...

1. He didn't know. And being the World's Greatest Detective doesn't make one omniscient. How boring would he be if he were?

2. Maybe. Haven't thought about it.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Hayden writes...

Will the complete young justice timeline be revel if all future seasons of the young justice you Mister Greg plan for the show to have are produce ?

Greg responds...

Never. Cuz we'll never run out of ideas for future seasons, and the timeline is constantly growing. Right now it's 694 pages on my desktop computer and 609 pages on my laptop. (I have no explanation for the discrepancy. It's the exact same document. My desktop is much older than my laptop.)

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In every mission in Young Justice Legacy, each character who leads a three-member group is canon while the other two that follows the group leader are technically not because they are determined by the player. If the game had instead been an animated movie, which two characters would have canonically went with each group leader during each mission...?

Greg responds...

I don't know. I'd have to sit down and work that out for each mission, and I don't really have the incentive to do that right now. Or probably ever.

Response recorded on April 29, 2019

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to "Young Justice: Legacy," why was it decided that it would be a video game, as opposed to an animated film...?

Greg responds...

Where did this notion of it being an animated film come from?

WB was approached by Little Orbit, who wanted to make a YJ video game. So Brandon and I worked with Little Orbit to make the game as significant and substantial and as true to the series as possible.

No one ever approached us and said "Make a YJ movie," let alone approached us and said, "Would you rather make a movie or a video game?"

And while I'm at it, let me dispel another myth about the game. Folks - including folks I respect - have speculated that the delays in the game caused it to come out after season two, when they thought it was clearly designed to come out between the first two seasons, simply because it was SET between the first two seasons. This is flat-out not true. It was designed to fill in blanks. But we never would have approved the story in Legacy if we thought for a moment it might come out before ALL of season two had aired. It would have messed up nearly all of our mysteries and reveals.

The game was delayed, coming out far later after season two than we would have hoped. But it was NEVER supposed to come out before Season Two. Never.

Response recorded on March 06, 2019

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Rick Broomhead writes...

Had Beast Boy been on missions before the young justice legacy events happen?

Greg responds...

At least one.

Response recorded on December 14, 2017

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Jonathan Samuel Kent Son of Superman writes...

Hello good day
I have a question

The animated films Justice League: Doom and Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
Happen in the universe of Young Justice ie are they canon for young justice? That's all greetings and sorry for my english is not my first language

Greg responds...


Here's a list of the complete YJ Canon:

YOUNG JUSTICE (Season One) - 26 episodes (101-126)

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION (Season Two) - 20 episodes (201-220)

YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY video game - including Red Arrow's journal

YOUNG JUSTICE compantion comic book series - 27 issues (0-25 plus a free comic book day story)
--All of those issues (except for the free comic book day issue) have been collected in four trade paperbacks:
--*YOUNG JUSTICE, VOLUME ONE (collects 0-6)

That's it. Period. Nothing else is canon to our series until Season Three (i.e. YOUNG JUSTICE: OUTSIDERS) hits the air (or until we get more comics).

Response recorded on June 20, 2017

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anon writes...

Hey, following up from a question from years ago. Someone mentioned that you said Starfire was a character that you were thinking about for season 3 and you replied asking when you ever said that. You said it in this interview with GamerFitNation at the 8:24 mark https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YQnptAVvcVs

Greg responds...

Starfire has always been on our list. Raven too. Cyborg. Etc. All the obvious teen heroes. Given enough time and episodes/issues, etc., we'll get to literally all of them in one way or another. No promises of when or in what season.

Response recorded on June 02, 2017

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John writes...

Hi Greg, hope your day is going well, just wanted to say thanks for creating and producing all of these great shows, comics, and novels, and thank you very much for taking time out of your probably busy schedule to answer fan's questions.
1. How long does it take to make an episode of an animated series, like Spectacular Spider-Man or Young Justice?
2. Is Aquaman's son really named Artur, or was that just a typo in the video game?
3. What would it take to relaunch the Young Justice comic book series?
And I know these are probably spoilery, so I won't ask, but Zatanna and Rocket were some of my favorite characters in season one. Really hoping you guys get enough episodes to bring a resolution to the Zatanna/Zatara/Dr.Fate storyline, and we can finally find out who Rocket'a husband is! But if neither of these end up happening, I'm sure we'll get a fantastic Season 3 story from you guys no matter what. Ecstatic that YJ is back!

Greg responds...

1. Depends what you mean. You see, no one makes a SINGLE episode. From coming up with the springboard for the story, all the way through post-production, until it's in the can, it takes somewhere from between ten and thirteen months, depending on the schedule.

2. Artur is correct.

3. It would help if a lot of people bought electronic versions of the issues already published, either on the DC App, Comixology or iTunes.

Response recorded on March 10, 2017

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Lando the Mando writes...

How different was writing Young Justice: Legacy compared to writing for animation/comics?

Greg responds...

I didn't write YJL. I made suggestions on the story, a few course corrections and edited the dialogue.

Response recorded on December 23, 2016

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Nathaniel R. writes...

I think someone asked a question similar to this, but I just wanted to ask about something specific in case it doesn't get answered there:
1) You've recommended buying Young Justice DVDs and comics to help show continued fan interest, so will buying the Young Justice: Legacy video game help as well?
2) If yes, where would you recommend purchasing it? I assume it would be best to buy digitally, but is there a place where the royalties would go to WB?

Greg responds...

1. It would have way back when. I honestly don't know if it would still help now. It can't hurt. And it's got a great canon story.

2. I don't know enough about video games to answer. Just be sure you're not buying it second hand, I guess.

Response recorded on November 18, 2016

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Green Lantern's Nightlight writes...

1). You say to fans a good way of showing they want Young Justice to return, is to buy the comics, DVDs, and the game (and the toys still?), but how much would fans have to buy for this to happen? Is there a goal to reach maybe or perhaps just enough to get noticed by DC/WB that it's still something that people want more of?

I would think they'd be more interested in what was selling when the show was still on the air, because that's obviously what Mattel was looking at for it to pull its funding.

2). If by miracle, YJ does get brought back by Netflix, where would the funding come from? Having Mattel as a backer makes it look like it couldn't be made without it. Not every Warner Bros. Animation show has a backer (unless there's a silent contributer), and most of the Netflix shows have a backer (helped by broadcasters who air it around the world), so what would happen with YJ? Would it just be supported by Warner (and DC), itself? And I guess, Netflix.

Greg responds...

Well, this is all largely moot now, but...

1. I never had a NUMBER or AMOUNT. It takes more to get a company's attention after a show is off the air, then it takes to keep a show on the air. The other thing to keep in mind is that buying toys (or whatever) second-hand does nothing to get a company's attention. So, for example, I was not advocating buying YJ toys this year, because those toys were off the market. Any purchases were second sales and does nothing for Mattel or WB or DC's bottom line.

2. So YJ's coming back, but I don't know where it will air. The term "backer" doesn't really fit, either. It's about MONEY. Money to produce the first two seasons of YJ came from Mattel and Cartoon Network. (Mostly from Mattel.) When Mattel pulled out, the money from CN wasn't enough to produce the series. Period. For season three, Warner Bros itself is paying for it, for now. They have confidence, I guess, that wherever it winds up and whatever merchandise they may or may not eventually release or license, they'll still make a profit. That's based on what the fans proved over the last few years.

Response recorded on November 17, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. What is Mal majoring in?

2. What is he minoring in?

3. As of Young Justice Legacy was Raquel in college?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers to all questions.

Response recorded on August 31, 2016

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LynnL writes...

Hi Greg!
About the League's leadership:
1) When Canary becomes leader, was it because Captain Atom's lenght was over or because he stepped down?
2) Can a member be leader two years in a row if he is elected?
3) In Legacy, Batman was acting as Team supervisor (or liason with the League), which is a duty of the League's leader. Almost at the end, he says "I've sent the League out to help quell the panic". So during early 2015, was he the leader?
4) If so, when did Batman's lenght as leader (during 2015) start and finish? And during 2010?
5) After Aqualad leaves, the task of recruiting new members falls into Nightwing. Does that mean he always recruits the freshmen or, like in season 1, the mentors bring them into the Cave?


Greg responds...

1. The former. In my head, I had a vague notion that it had been up for some weeks, but Cap stayed on to finish out the Reach crisis. But that's just a notion.

2. Yes.

3. Team liaison is not by definition a duty of the League leader. The leader can delegate that to someone else if he or she choses. But, it does seem that he's the leader from that quotation. On the other hand, he may simply have had monitor duty and was being a bit loose (and paternalistic) in his word choice.

4. It's a one-year term. I'm not going to be any more specific than that, at this time.

5. A little from column A; a little from column B.

Response recorded on July 27, 2016

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rudlak07 writes...

Thanks for reading my question, Mr Weisman I'm a HUGE fan of Young Justice! It shouldn't be of any trouble.
If Aquaman knew that Kaldur's biological father was Black Manta and had kept this a secret,
1) How did Aquaman know?
2) How did Kaldur find out and use this to go undercover? Surely Manta would've thought this suspicious
3) Also, did Manta know Kaldur was his son?

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. No Spoilers.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on June 21, 2016

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Yojimbo writes...

1) At the end of "Usual Suspects", Vandal Savage takes a Zeta Tube to the Watchtower. The control panel indicated he came from Central City. Was this scripted or was the departure supposed to be from somewhere else and this is likely recycled art since it matches the screen seen back in "Infiltrator" when Wally West goes to the Cave in his beach gear?

For 2-4, I previously tried to ask you on Twitter if these Beast Boy and Wonder Girl biographies on a DC Nation supplement were canon but you viewed it on your phone and the writing wasn't legible. I noticed the profile also shows up in the Young Justice Volume 2 Training Day trade paperback so I took close-up photos. Hopefully, this time you will able to make it out.

Photo of Wonder Girl bio: http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j123/kenshi528/wondergirl_dcnation_freshman_zpscdb7619a.jpg
Photo of Beast Boy bio: http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j123/kenshi528/beastboy_dcnation_freshman_zps9376adfb.jpg

Just in case:
The Wonder Girl profile reads "Cassie Sandsmark is the daughter of an archaeologist... and the Greek god Zeus! After Wonder Woman discovered the amazing powers of Cassie's birthright, she granted her new protege the name Wonder Girl."

The Beast Boy profile reads "After a Martian blood transfusion and a green monkey bite, Garfield Logan gained the power to transform into any animal he encounters. Calling himself, Beast Boy, he's morphing right into the Team"

2) I only ask because a lot of these DC Nation profiles for individual characters from Young Justice have been incorrect with certain details in the past. Are these two profiles canon?

3) Is it canon Cassie Sandsmark's father is Zeus and that Wonder Woman was the one who discovered she had super powers?

4) Is it canon that Garfield Logan's powers manifested fully once he received a green monkey bite?

5) For Young Justice: Legacy, Vanessa Marshall once commented she did voice some lines for Black Canary. In the final product, Black Canary had no lines. What were her lines or in general what were they about?

For reference, her tweet: https://twitter.com/vanmarshall/status/432776173114757120

Greg responds...

1. I honestly don't recall.

2. Both are correct as far as they go. I don't want to label ANYTHING canon that isn't in the show or the comic or Legacy (and even Legacy has caveats), but these are not incorrect.

3a. Yes. 3b. No one said she discovered them first.

4. I don't want to confirm or deny cause and effect here. That would be a spoiler. But it's true that he was bitten by a green monkey. (Actually, more than once.)

5. I don't remember, and I don't have that information here at my Nickelodeon office.

Response recorded on March 28, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Are the alternate costumes as seen in Young Justice Legacy canon?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 24, 2016

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Just a Nerd writes...

Not so much a question as something interesting for anyone who feels up to it. Quizzes of EVERY character in YJ and Gargoyles. Go nuts.



Greg responds...

Well, I got 50% on YJ and 86% on Gargoyles. (Though I think I've done the latter before.)

I consider both scores pathetic. My memory sure ain't what it used to be.

Response recorded on February 11, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Is Little Orbit still interested in using their existing license to make a sequel to Young Justice Legacy set during Season 3?

Greg responds...

It doesn't seem like it.

Response recorded on October 02, 2015

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Algernon writes...

Hey Greg,

I've always been a big fan of Babylonian Mythology so I got a big kick out of all the references in Young Justice Legacy, Marduk, Tiamat, the Tablet of Destiny ect...

1) On Earth-16, is Nabu also the Babylonian God of Wisdom of the same name?

2) If so, what was his relationship to Marduk?

Greg responds...

1. I'd have to do more research to answer that. (You clearly know more about the Babylonian pantheon than I do.)

2. See the answer to Question 1.

Response recorded on July 30, 2015

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Larry writes...

What year did Aquagirl join the team?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on July 28, 2015

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LynnL writes...

Hi Greg,
I just rewatched the YJ first season finale , great episode and the New Year kisses and Tornado comment always makes me smile.
Anyway, regarding Zatanna and Nightwing:

1) Did they love each other when they were dating? If yes, did they get to say it?
2) When someone asked if they still have feeling for each other you said "Depends how you're defining 'feelings'". And other tim eyou said the same but you added a "yes" at the end. So, do they still love each other? (I'm not asking in a romantical or platonical way, but if could clarify that you would make me the happiest men in the planet)
3) Did the last part sound like a marriage proposal?
4) I just brought YJ: Legacy, great story (Tula's death almost made me cry) and voice acting, the graphics and the gameplay weren't great but they still satisfy me. And I loved when in the middle of a fight you can hear Dick say "Guys, I'm whelmed"
5) Was Mal in the team by the time Tula died (YJ:L)?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. I stick by my original answer(s).

3. Not to me.

4. :)

5. You saw what you saw.

Response recorded on June 30, 2015

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LynnL writes...

Hi, Greg.
A few weeks ago I asked when did Dick and Zatanna broke up, and now i realize that you are probably not going to give me an exact date. So the question are:

1) Did they broke up before or after Legacy?
2) You said that Batman offered to reveal his secret identity to Zatanna and asked her to move to the manor. We know that she moved to the Cave but did Bruce told her his identity anyway?
3) You also said that Nightwing hides his identity from newbies. Does that mean that the original team knows? And Troia and Bumblebee?
4) Is Zatanna's birthday the same as in the original comics? (May 20th)
5) And if the answer to my second question is no, did Zatanna find out Dick's identity before the other because they were dating?

Thanks for your time and sorry if they are Asked and Answered, Spoiler Request or something

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No.

3. As of season two, yes.

3a. No spoilers.

4. I don't know.

5. That suggests an order of events that I don't want to confirm or deny.

Response recorded on January 28, 2015

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Paul writes...

In Beneath, Nightwing said that Psimon had been in a coma since his last encounter with Miss Martian. Was he referring to the events of Image, or a battle that happened sometime during the 5 year gap?

Greg responds...

Both, kinda. Check out Young Justice Legacy.

Response recorded on December 18, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

First off all I want to point out how much I love young justice and spectacular spider-man and how thankful I am to you and your teams for creating such wonderful stories that I hope will someday continue. But I have some questions about Young Justice.
1. How old is Troia?
2. Do you think how the characters fought in Young Justice Legacy is pretty close to how they would have fought in the show or comics? I ask this because I really enjoyed playing as Rocket but she could "shoot" a sort-of energy blast attack and I remember you saying from a long time ago that Rocket could only fly and create force bubbles, or did she learn this ability over the five year gap?
3. Have you talked to Brandon about Artemis, Zatanna, Miss Martian, and Wonder girl appearing in Scooby Doo Wrestlemania? Does that story take place on Earth-16
4. Did you have story arcs planned for some of the lesser established characters like Rocket and Tempest, that you would have told if you had gotten more episodes or comics?
5. One of Batgirl's alternate costumes on Young Justice Legacy is a Batwoman costume, does that mean Batwoman exists on Earth-16
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. The game took some liberties with the characters' powers.

3. Yes.

3a. Not so much. But clearly our girls have parallels on Earth-Scooby.

4. Yes.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on December 11, 2014

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Rayven writes...

I'm not sure if this has been asked before or not but 1.what is it going to take for at least another season for young justice in comics? (I don't know if I asked that right but hopefully you understand )

Honestly, I hope you have another chance to have another season on TV ( I just really really love that version better but if comic is the only way.. Than I will buy every volume or at least try to). I just really really want to know what happens next (not a question just a statement ).

And with that being said .. 2.Why is so important that merchandise must be sold in order for you guys to have another season? Because I seen some other commits and they said y'all had good ratings but y'all just wasn't selling enough (I think). 3.What were y'all selling? I say that because I didn't even know y'all was selling anything. 4.Was it even advertise?

Also, I heard that there is a new president (or somthing like that) in Cartoon Network. 5.Do you think he would change it (I mean make another season for young justice ) if we call enough or something? Email?? Do anything??

I understand the show was canceled but that don't stop me form believing that there might be -even if there is a really small - chance that the show could one day come back.

Greg responds...

1. It's up to the good folks at DC Comics. Christopher Jones and I have pitched doing more YJ multiple times now. So far they haven't taken us up on it.

2. Our ratings were decent - but far from stellar and rather inconsistent. But our BUDGET was largely based on income from toy sales that never materialized.

3. Well, there were toys for awhile there. More recently there were DVDs and now BluRays. The soundtrack album. The video game, Young Justice Legacy. And the companion comics and the trades that collected them. Plus a t-shirt, I think.

4. A bit. But most licensees view the show as the main advertisement.

5. I honestly don't know.

And though none of the above sounds too encouraging, I also hold out hope that we'll be back in some form someday.

Response recorded on November 19, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg!
I'm a big fan of Young Justice. As a comic book reader I was really happy with how you portrayed Cheshire and her relationship with Roy in general. This couple is really interesting and it's a shame their relationship got so little screen time. Anyway I have some questions and I'd be really happy if you could answer them
1.Can you tell me when approximately Jade and Roy became a couple? Was it before or after Jade helped Roy escape from the Shadows?
2.Approximately how long they were a couple before they got married?
3.When they were in Tibet to rescue Speedy was everything already back to normal between them as a couple?
4.Does Roy love Jade as much as she loves him? I mean, in the Journals he so casually mentioned that they tied the knot.
5.How does the relationship between Roy and his parents-in-law look like? Does Sportsmaster care for his granddaughter?

I hope that's not too much. Thank you in advance :)

Greg responds...

1. This was all revealed in the Young Justice Legacy video game. If video games aren't your thing, I believe they've compiled all that information at the Young Justice Wiki, here: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/Young_Justice_Wiki.

2. See above.

3. "Normal" is not a word I'd EVER use for their relationship.

4. Wait, so you've read the journals? Then you already know the answers to these questions 1 and 2, right? Anyway, I think he loves her and she loves him, but neither of them are particularly optimistic about the long term prospects for their relationship.

5. Does Sportsmaster care for anyone? Roy's relationship with his mother-in-law is fine. Roy's relationship with his father-in-law is not ideal, but can you blame him?

Response recorded on November 14, 2014

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Alex writes...

So I bought Young Justice: Legacy and played it today. I'm going to be blunt, Greg. It was awful. I played 2 missions and stopped. I can't really come up with a single compliment. The graphics, the gameplay, movements, everything was awful. And the initial (joke?) Kid Flash dialogue about asking if the archeologist was rich made me cringe. I know the story must have been better, but I just can't see myself playing through this game.

I know this is not your fault AT ALL, but I just find it very unfortunate that a series I love so MUCH like Young Justice has been tainted by this awful awful game.

I was wondering if I would have appreciated it more had it been a mobile game, but the fact is I found the whole combat system completely counter-intuitive, I really don't know what Little Orbit was thinking.

I know it was a low budget game, but maybe Little Orbit should've tried making a side-scroller instead. This game tries to be X-Men Legends/Marvel Ultimate Alliance, when it is obvious that it doesn't have the resources to make a comparable game.

I really hope YJ is resurrected some day, but NOT like this.

Greg responds...

Well, I'm not sure what to say. I'm not a gamer, myself. I have no experience in this area. Other folks seemed to have enjoyed it well enough. But I can't judge. I'm still proud of the story, and I think the game is worth supporting for the story if nothing else, and because supporting ANY official YJ product is a vote for bringing the show back.

Response recorded on September 18, 2014

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Yojimbo writes...

These question are in terms of Young Justice: Legacy

1) How was Riddler controlling Psimon?

2) In Santa Prisca, Black Manta's vehicle was stated to be the Manta Sub at one time and the Manta Flyer at another. Which vehicle was present with Black Manta - the Manta Sub, the Manta Flyer, or both?

Greg responds...

This is embarrassing, but I just don't remember the answer to either question.

Response recorded on May 22, 2014

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Yojimbo writes...

These questions are in terms of Young Justice: Legacy

1) Who voiced Dr. Sandsmark?

2) In Greece, Alpha Squad heads to the Natural History Museum in Athens in search of the first statue fragment. Was this museum based on the Goulandris Natural History Museum or was it an original creation for Earth-16?

Greg responds...

1. Mae Whitman.

2. Honestly, I don't know.

Response recorded on May 21, 2014

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The Z- writes...

Hello Ms.Weisman
1. Do you think it's possible for another young justice video game?
2. Can you say if Tempest, Troia , Sergeant Marvel & Lieutenant Marvel are still active as heroes despite leaving the team? or is that a spoiler

Greg responds...

1. Possible, certainly, but I haven't heard anything.


Response recorded on May 21, 2014

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Feedback writes...

I haven't played YJ:Legacy yet (med school, *sigh*), but I've been a little disappointed in all the bad reviews for the game. I have a couple of questions regarding the game. (Sorry if they seem a little long, but I had to get my point across before each question.)

1. Did you get to view the finished product in its entirety?

2. The game was lower priced and clearly wasn't supposed to be viewed as a full-fledged console game, but instead as a lower-priced shorter companion game for fans of the show. Do you think the negative reception has been due to people expecting too much??

3. Can you estimate the game's costs??? With 70k units sold plus Steam sales and DLC, I'm assuming it's made a little under 3 million in revenue. The game obviously has a lower budget than most, and it seemingly had 0 marketing and advertising. Do you know if it is profitable? Is Little Orbit happy or underwhelmed with sales? Considering it's a small company with its first console game, it's hard to pinpoint what their expectations were.

4. Assuming Little Orbit doesn't follow up with a sequel, what hope is there for a continuation in the Young Justice franchise?? Is there a possibility for another game, another comic, a film?

5. Side-note: I hope Star Wars is coming along sweet! And I REALLY hope I'm not bothering you next year about why the big wigs canceled my new favorite show.

Greg responds...

1. In advance? No.

2. Don't know. The reception hasn't been so much negative as mixed. At least as far as most of the reviews I've seen. A lot of praise for story and character.

3. Not a clue.

3a. No idea.

3b. Don't know.

4. It's possible, but there's nothing on the horizon at this time.

5. I think Star Wars Rebels is going to be a huge hit.

Response recorded on April 11, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! Just finished YJ:L and collected all the Roy Journal entries. Very heartfelt. It's so much easier to read, though, knowing how thing turned out for him. Anyway, just have a few questions regarding him and/or Cheshire. Sorry if some of these are better left up to interpretation, but I'd really like an answer if you can.
1. Did Cheshire immediately accept Roy after he decided to "throw the fight"? Roy mentions working together in the next entry, but I was just wondering if he had to do much to gain her trust, or if she was already able to trust him.
2. Did Cheshire plan to betray the League of Shadows, or did she have to decide on the spur of the moment?
3. Were they officially dating before they "tied the knot" or did they rush into marriage?
4. Do you regret not showing any of their adventures, or do you think they're better left up to the imagination?
5. Do you regret not giving the two a reciprocated on-screen kiss?

Greg responds...

1. Nothing's simple.


3. Matter of interpretation.

4. I'm disappointed that I don't have a venue to show their adventures, but I haven't given up on someday having that opportunity. I don't regret the choices we made with the limited number of episodes and issues we had.

5. See above.

Response recorded on April 09, 2014

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

In "Beneath", Nightwing said that Psimon had been in a coma since his last encounter with Miss Martian. Was he referring to the events of "Image", or a battle that happened sometime during the 5 year gap?

Greg responds...

That was a reference to Miss Martian's reading of the Martian Chronicles at the Bialyan Barnes & Noble. She was a little monotone.


Response recorded on April 01, 2014

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Alex writes...

Just finished Legacy. Loved the story (though the gameplay was....alright. Just alright. Fun enough is what I'd call it). And after Invasion, it was refreshing to see the original team again operating out of the cave, before all the shake ups in the 2nd season. I was kind of bummed about there still being nothing on Ocean Master, but I will survive. I had a few questions about it though.

1. Who is canonically on the Team during Legacy? Between the unlockable heroes, and DLC characters, it gets hard to tell.
2. The voice cast wasn't listed with the characters they played. Obviously if a character's regular actor was in the credits they obviously played them (so Superboy and Superman were obviously played by Nolan North) but a few characters regular actors weren't listed, and some of them have noticably different voices(like Beast Boy). Can you tell us who voiced who as far as non regular roles were in Legacy? If you can't say, or don't know, can you at least tell us who you voiced since you were listed in the credits? Or was this an error?
3. Was there any specific reason Rocket had such a small role? She doesn't seem to appear in the story at all, and you unlock her by finishing the game on hard, at which point there's really nothing else to do.
4. Did the characters that left the team between Legacy and season 2 all do so due to the results of Legacy's....final mission? Don't want to spoil it for others but you probably know what I'm talking about. In the game it seemed like only Aqualad did.
5. This might be just my imagination, but does Tempest not like Wally? He seems to keep glaring at him in cutscenes.
6. Rumor is Little Orbit mentioned the possibility of another DLC character pack. If this is true, would you be involved in this in any way such as selecting, designing etc?

Greg responds...

1. It's pretty much the characters that you can play without downloading, plus Bumblebee and Lagoon Boy.

2. See below.

3. I don't know. I wasn't aware that was going to be the case. She didn't have a major emotional arc for this particular adventure, but she wasn't the only one who did not.

4. I think it had a major effect on many members of the Team (if not all). But I think everyone who left, including Aqualad, would list the end result of Legacy as only part of the reason for their departure. Even Tempest.

5. I think that's your imagination.

6. This is news to me.

2. Checking my files, I dug out my master-cast list for Young Justice Legacy. It's covered with cross-outs and my handwritten corrections. And though I attended nearly all of the voice sessions for the game, I missed a couple, and there may be changes I'm unaware of or forgot to note. So what follows seems right, but it's best to take it with a grain of salt. Jamie Thomason, Curtis Koller and I attempted to get as many of the original actors as we could. A few were unavailable, and Little Orbit also had some budget restrictions that forced us to double up some smaller roles and/or roles that were slightly less familiar to our audience that we thought we could get away with recasting with minimal distraction. Still, we managed to get 21 of the regulars (not counting me) to play their regular roles and only had seven character recastings (Bane, Batgirl, Beast Boy, Killer Frost, Psimon, Riddler, Rocket). Casting Mae Whitman to play Helena Sandsmark is something we would have likely done on the series (cf. Aqualad and Black Manta).

The cast of Young Justice Legacy (in alphabetical order by actor and then by character):

01. Adcox, Thom - Klarion, Riddler Goon, Sportsmaster Minion
02. Bennett, Jeff - Psimon, Red Tornado, Villager
03. Bowen, Cameron - Icicle Minion, Ninja, Robin
04. Chabert, Lacey - LexCorp Bot, Tourist, Zatanna
05. Chinlund, Nick - Riddler Goon, Sportsmaster, Statue
06. Greenwood, Bruce - Batman
07. Hu, Kelly - Cheshire, Manta Trooper, Tourist
08. LaMarr, Phil - Aquaman, Tourist, Villager
09. Lemelin, Stephanie - Artemis, Computer, Riddler Goon
10. Lopez, Eric - Bane, Bane Thug, Blue Beetle
11. Lowenthal, Yuri - Icicle Jr., Lagoon Boy, Tempest
12. Marshall, Vanessa - Black Canary, Killer Frost
13. McCartney, Jesse - Icicle Minion, Nightwing
14. McKellar, Danica - Batgirl, Miss Martian, Ninja
15. North, Nolan - Superboy, Superman
16. Payton, Khary - Aqualad, Black Manta, Tourist
17. Richardson, Kevin Michael - Bane Thug, Bialyan Soldier, Green Lantern
18. Rolston, Mark - Blockbuster, Lex Luthor, Sportsmaster Minion
19. Spisak, Jason - Beast Boy, Kid Flash, Riddler
20. Summer, Cree - Aquagirl, Rocket
21. Whitman, Mae - Helena Sandsmark, Wonder Girl


22. Weisman, Greg - Tourist, Undead Soldier

Response recorded on March 20, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Shortly after Ask Greg Live, you revealed that Donna Troy had been a leading candidate for Team membership at a very early stage in the development of the show - I was wondering if you could please list a few others who were serious contenders for a spot on the season 1 main cast but didn't make the cut?

Greg responds...

As I've stated before, there was a list of over fifty teen DC heroes, all of whom were considered, at least briefly.

We then cut that list down considerably to more or less the folks that became members of the Team that you saw in Season One: i.e. Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, Speedy/Red Arrow, Artemis, Zatanna and Rocket.

Others that were briefly considered for the final cut include, as I recall, Donna, Garth, Mary and Cissie. But Donna was declared off-limits (at that time). Kaldur replaced Garth. Artemis' backstory offered us more interesting secrets than Cissie's might have, and three archers (Artemis, Roy and Oliver) seemed like plenty to start with in one series. Finally, our developing plans for Captain Marvel in Season One worked better if Mary was not yet part of the equation.

As planned, Garth guest-starred (and had a nice role in Legacy). And we managed to slip a Cissie cameo in, with bigger plans for her later, if we had gotten more seasons/episodes/issues. We had planned to include Mary and Donna in Season Two, but as I've already discussed, Phil Bourassa just didn't have time to design them both for the sake of a couple cameo appearances. We had more plans for both of those characters, as well, but never got the opportunity.

Heck, we had eventual plans for nearly everyone on the original list of fifty-plus.

Response recorded on March 19, 2014

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Giant Boy writes...

I've been rewatching The Spectacular Spider-Man, mostly the second season so far, and decided to rewatch "Subtext".

I really like Molten Man's character and looked him up. I also by chance happened to come across Blackie Gaxton in Betty Brant's page on the Spider-ManWiki.

It said that her brother was put in a similar situation with Blackie that ended similar to what happened between Spidey, Mark, and Liz in "Subtext".

After thinking about it, I'd have to say it was brilliant that you decided to do that story with Mark and Liz, whether or not Betty's brother would have appeared since Molten Man had his story.

Looking foward to Young Justice Legacy, Rain of Ghosts, and Star Wars Rebels.

Greg responds...

Yeah, we conflated Betty's brother with Liz's half-brother.

And by now, I assume you have YJ Legacy and Rain. What did you think?

Response recorded on March 12, 2014

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Yojimbo writes...

In Young Justice: Legacy, Aquagirl mentioned asking Green Lantern to consult the historical records of the Guardians of the Universe on Oa to find anything on Tiamat.

Which Green Lantern was this - Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner or John Stewart?

Greg responds...

Probably John, since he's in the game. But it might have been Hal. Guy is an unlikely third place.

Response recorded on February 24, 2014

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Brian writes...

Hi Greg,
Hope you're well and that your book is successful and work on Rebels is going well. I've tweeted and posted before and can't express how much I appreciate your epic style of storytelling. I'm from the Boston area and would love to see them invite you to our Comic-Con this summer.

Now I am a Lex Luthor fanatic. I find him to be a fascinating character, which is why I cosplay as him and go to costume parties. The Young Justice version in particular was really quite fantastic and I just wanted to thank you, the other writers, and Mark Rolston for crafting such an amazing version of this great character.

Having recently finished YJ: Legacy I was blown away by the story and couldn't help but be disappointed by Lex's lack of screentime and dialogue. Your dialogue is always so brilliantly written and Mr. Rolston delivers the lines so flawlessly.
1)I was just wondering if there was a reason that even as a major "boss" in the game he had so little screentime and dialogue.
2)Was there any dialogue for Lex that was written but didn't make it into the game? If so would you mind posting that dialogue to Ask Greg

Thanks again,

Greg responds...

1. Don't overthink it. It is what it is. Much as you might have liked it, he's just not a lead character in the game. He got the screentime that was warranted, no more, no less. (I mean, we'd love to give endless screentime to nearly every character on the show. But that's never going to be possible.)

2. Not that I know of. Certainly none that I edited.

But I'm glad you like Lex. I'm fond of our version too. And I can't say enough about Mark's contribution to that.

Response recorded on February 21, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

I think the problem that quite a few people have, myself included, with Wally's character/story on Young Justice might stem from the fact that he was the 'normal' one amongst the members of the original team. And on a show that at it's core is built around angst and drama, the normal characters tend to get lost in the shuffle since they don't come with built-in storylines like a character with a criminal family/background (Artemis and Kaldur), leadership issues (Kaldur and Dick), an inferior clone made by the enemy (Superboy), or a Martian used to discrimination living on Earth. They're just harder to fit into the story of the show. So it's much more important to their characters for the show to create an emotional connection to the audience and develop some meaningful relationships for that character to make them relevant to the show at large. And that's where I think the show failed as far as Wally was concerned.

For instance, you've said that Wally was a very insecure person during the first season and one of the big reasons why you paired him with Artemis. But out of all the members of the team, he always struck me as being the only one that wasn't insecure about who he was, or his role on the team. He was never shown to be bothered by his inferiority to Barry in season one, and even a good portion of the fandom didn't even know Barry was faster until BLOODLINES in season two. In fact, it was Conner who got the inferiority to the mentor storyline fleshed out in season one. And it was never said that Barry didn't originally want him to be his sidekick on the show. Plus the only insecurity he showed with girls was with Artemis. But that was more of a by product of him thinking she hated him because he was a jerk to her when she joined the team, not because he was insecure about who he was. So the show never really established him as an insecure character during the first season. He just came across as an idiot and an occasional selfish jerk simply because he was an idiot and an occasional selfish jerk; not because he was trying to overcompensate for his insecurity because of that.

And it's more of the same in the second season. Wally had became a completely different character between seasons and the only explanation the show gives is basically time-skip happened. I mean, Wally nearly killed himself just to become a hero and absolutely loved being one throughout the first season despite everything that happened. He also was pretty much supportive of his friends no matter what during that season, too. But during season two, Wally wanted absolutely nothing to do with being a hero and was accusing friends of being traitors and blaming them for trying to stop an alien invasion that he couldn't care less about for the majority of the season. It's like the show tossed away whatever previous characterization he had to justify his retirement and get him out of the way before reverting him back to something much closer to his previous characterization in the final two episodes. Which is why I found it a little hard to use Wally's previous characterization during the first season to defend his character in season two when he's not even close to being the same character. And I don't mean to say it's impossible that he could change that much over the gap, but it's such a drastic change that I think it deserved some sort of in-universe explanation.

Another thing I'd like to mention is that you said that Wally's 'humanity' was what you liked most about his character, but I'd say that that was the biggest flaw that this version of Wally West had. I mean, one of the things I've always loved about Wally in the comics and on other shows is that he would normally do the right thing simply because it was the right thing to do. That was missing with the Wally on Young Justice to me. Everything was always about him and what he wanted. Sure, he'd say some nice things to his friends on occasion, but he was the guy that would basically throw an inner-fit at the thought of saving a little girl's life instead of working on another mission with the League. And whatever development he was suppose to get from COLDHEARTED didn't seem to stick or didn't happen as he was practically thrilled that someone got kidnapped simply because he was bored at the beginning of the Young Justice video game. And Wally sitting out the majority of an alien invasion where things get worse and worse goes against everything I've ever loved about him over the years, and the scene at the end of DARKEST pretty much destroyed the character for me. The only times he was shown to help out was when the situation suited his interest, such as retrieving Artemis in SUMMIT, or helping out his family in BLOODLINES and ENDGAME. If the situation didn't have something directly to do with him, he couldn't be bothered to help and that's just not Wally West in my opinion.

As for his relationships, I think the issue for me was how unbalanced they seemed to be. I mean, I can appreciate the slow build and subtlety the show did with building up Artemis' side of their relationship; though I did think the show relied a little too heavily on telling us that they were going to get together in an effort to make her small moments such as asking about his parents in MISPLACED or making the sling for his arm to mean more than they really did. The problem is that the show basically punched me in the face with Wally's side of the relationship in contrast. The show pretty much shouted that he should get together with Artemis in DENIAL, he had an entire episode in FAILSAFE where she's almost all he could think about, was basically her number one fan for the majority of INSECURITY, and was shown to do nothing but worry about her in season two. Artemis never had anything remotely close to those type of things during the two seasons while he was alive. That's because Artemis had a lot going on besides Wally, as she had her family/trust issues, being a mole suspect, and the undercover mission. Where as with Wally being the normal one, the show made Artemis his thing and smashed us over the head with it. That's why I always preferred the M'gann/Conner relationship despite never being big fans of their characters since neither side dominated their relationship. It was balanced. It never felt like one of them was way more committed to the other like it did with Wally and Artemis. And like a previous poster before me mentioned, I think his friendship with Dick was handled in a similar way. It's why their reactions to his death fell completely flat and contrived to me because Wally wasn't really ever shown to be as important to them as they made him out to be after he died. And as a character, Wally got very little out of those relationships himself.

And like most of the 'normal' characters, Wally was killed off because there's only so much a show feels they can do with them. You guys milked about as much drama/angst you could get out of his relationship with Artemis over the two seasons and because of that, Wally was no longer useful to the show because he didn't bring any drama/angst as his own character. In essence, as a standalone character he had no real story of his own and that made him an expendable character.

Unfortunately, it just seemed like the majority of the things that made Wally tick and were important to his character would seem to have been left out of the show for the most part. And I'd say that he's the only one out of the main cast of either season that was handled that way. It's why while I normally enjoy Wally in the comics and other shows (I loved him and Jay/Barry in the episode "Requiem for a Scarlet Speedster!" that you wrote for Batman: The Brave and the Bold, by the way), I had a hard time getting invested into his character on Young Justice. And the Wally you talk about here and the Wally that was on the show just seem like two completely different characters to me.

Greg responds...

Well, to some extent, I'll grant that there were things about Wally we didn't spell out as clearly as we might have in the series, though if you were also reading our companion comics, Wally's insecurity about his relationship to Barry would be hard to miss. But I'll also grant that you shouldn't have to read the comics to enjoy the series.

But I think we painted Wally consistently. His insecurity is there to see, certainly in "Infiltrator" and other episodes. We might not have stated it, hammered the nail on the head, so to speak, but I'm confident it's there. If you chose to see him as an idiot and selfish jerk, I can't stop you. But Brandon and I thought the insecurity was pretty clear. Clear enough that we were afraid we overdid it. Perhaps we were wrong. But I still don't think so, and the fact that a handful of fans disagree with me isn't exactly changing my mind. That's neither meant as a criticism of you or any other fans. Nor am I simply being defensive. In the end, all I can do is trust my own creative judgement (and that of my partners in crime - in this case Brandon Vietti), for better or for worse. If that judgement is faulty - and again, I'll grant that it could very well be - that doesn't change anything. Because if I start second-guessing myself all the time, the work, I'm sure, would suffer. In general, I think my instincts are decent, and the proof of that, I believe, is that most fans seem to respond positively - both to Wally and to the show in general. Doesn't make me right, of course, but what other recourse do I have?

As for some of your analysis, I believe you are choosing to interpret Wally in the most negative light possible, and that's certainly not how we saw him, and given the extremely vocal love for our version of the character expressed by a vast majority of fans, I will once again suggest that we simply agree to disagree. I'm not going to convince you. You're not going to convince me.

Having said all of the above, I still appreciate your post and your point of view. And who knows? Everything I read gets absorbed into my brain and tossed around into the mix. Maybe a Star Wars Rebels character will benefit from your words.

Response recorded on February 21, 2014

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Tupka writes...

Back during production of Legacy, it was revealed the last boss had to be replaced because the Greek Gods were good(ish) guys on Earth-16.

Considering the ocean/earthquake theme, was the last boss originally Poseidon? Tiamat was never really in command of quakes, but Poseidon was.

Greg responds...

Honestly, I don't remember.

Response recorded on February 21, 2014

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Sebastian "Brother" Blood writes...

Hey Greg,
I am another in your legion of fans, converted by Gargoyles, which i saw as a kid on Jetix, and then came SSM, which was EPIC. Since, in India, YJ wasnt telecast (we are not encouraged to watch animation or read comics here, quite the opposite, sadly as it is considered "childish") I ordered DVDs to see it. I also ordered Rain of the Ghosts (I started it, and it felt awesome. An all ages, yet not dumbed-down novel) and YJL online. The reason i wrote this to you is that while YJL has a solid story, as a game, there is no other way to say it, it's sub-par. Many of the levels are repetitive and borderline unnecessary and even illogical (For example, In the Museum civilian rescue with John Stewart, the villains who are non-ninjas also magically appear and keep attacking us instead of trying to get to safety, as a villain in a story, not a game, would, and 6-7 times i believe. It is irritating and pointless. If 2 or 3 hordes were there, i would have understood. And this repeats on every stage. The cargo boat level was also the same. The fighting system is also boring once you figure out that all the characters are essentially the same with different animation. The graphics arent too great either, but they arent that bad either.) I think that the developers should take support from you guys into figuring what parts should be there. My ideal version would be that the game would be like a season's worth of Young Justice with us playing the fights and doing recon and so on.... Well, i would recommend that the developers take a template of Arkham City, which flawlessly does what YJL tries to do, but the only thing which is common is that both have a great story. I liked the Red Arrow Journals. If you do make a game set post-season two, please do more stuff like that. But, honestly, by the time you read this (I estimate that it will be in July 2014) a decision on that will be out and i fear it will not be the one we want. So, it might have been pointless to write the above stuff, but i wanted to get it out of my system. Also, two questions :-
1. Do you have any idea of your fanbase outside of the US?

Greg responds...

1. Only anecdotally. Fans who post here or on Twitter, etc.

2. Did I miss your second question?

As for the game, as I've candidly admitted before, I'm not personally a gamer. I can work on story, but most of the things you're discussing are a bit beyond my area of expertise - even a bit beyond my understanding. If the game-play wasn't the best for you, I hope the story and characters still made it worthwhile. Far as I know, there's been no decisions made yet.

Response recorded on February 13, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

In Legacy, Tula researches the statue pieces in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Is this the museum in New York, or one in Metropolis?

Greg responds...

I believe New York, but I'm not 100% sure.

Response recorded on February 10, 2014

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Yojimbo writes...

In Young Justice: Legacy,

1) Who voiced Bumblebee in place of Masasa Moyo?

2) If my previous question(s) didn't answer it, who did Jeff Bennett voice?

2) If my previous question(s) didn't answer it, who did Vanessa Marshall voice?

3) If my previous question(s) didn't answer it, who did Jeff Bennett voice?

4) If my previous question(s) didn't answer it, who did you voice?

5) What's one moderate-major thing you changed in the script?

Greg responds...

1-4. Again, I don't have that info with me at the moment. And I don't trust my memory.

5. I don't know that there was anything major in the script. I did a pass on all the dialogue, so that hopefully it sounded spot on to our characters. And Brandon and I both worked the story with Little Orbit before they got to script. We wanted, for example, to make sure that the Light's plan made sense, given their objectives. And, of course, we wanted to make sure that the correct Team members, given the time period, were present or accounted for, and that no one who shouldn't be there was - except as bonus fun DLCs.

Response recorded on February 10, 2014

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Yojimbo writes...

In Young Justice: Legacy,

1) Who voiced Batgirl in place of Alyson Stoner?

2) Who voiced Rocket in place of Kittie/Denise Boutte?

3) Who voiced Killer Frost in place of Sarah Shahi?

4) Who voiced Bane in place of Danny Trejo?

5) Who voiced Psimon in place of Alan Tudyk?

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I don't remember, and I don't have the information with me at this moment.

Although, I thought Alyson did voice Batgirl. Hmmm....

Response recorded on February 07, 2014

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Yojimbo writes...

1) Would the unidentified alien race who sent Tiamat to Earth figure into a story in season 3?

2) Based on Black Manta revealing his part in helping collect statue fragments was a stepping stone into the Light, is Ocean Master no longer a member of the Light during the events of Legacy?

3) After she was rescued in Gotham City by Alpha Squad, was Dr. Sandsmark given an A-designation by the Justice League?

4) Red Arrow's third journal mentions a report of Blue Beetle joining an "illustrious fraternity" on November 1, Team Year One. Is this confirmation he joined the Justice League (just wanted to know for sure)?

5) Was Klarion seeking to collect the Tablet of Destiny for the same reasons he sought the Helmet of Fate back in season one?

Greg responds...

1. We had plans, but I'm not going to be specific.

2. He is not.

3. No.

4. No. Red Arrow meant he had joined the "fraternity" of super-heroes more generally.

5. Yes and no.

Response recorded on January 31, 2014

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg! A few YJ questions:

1) If Little Orbit make another Young Justice game and start discussing potential DLC characters, do you think you might entertain the idea of including Troia and Sergeant Marvel as DLC characters? If the show and the comic don't come back, the games made by Little Orbit might be the fans' only chance of seeing them, even if they're just thrown in there for non-canon fun like Bumblebee, Lagoon Boy, Blue Beetle and Wonder Girl were for Legacy. I realise it's probably not your call as you're not an employee of Little Orbit, but maybe this is something you could suggest to them if they get in touch again please?

2)Just out of curiousity, why did you opt to put Troia in the 'Junior' class, when the other original Titans from the comic (i.e. Dick, Wally, Garth) made it to the 'Senior' class'? Having Jason Todd, the Marvels, Batgirl etc. as 'Juniors' makes sense to me, but Donna's a bit more iconic due to her comic book counterpart's affiliation with the founding Titans, so I was just wondering what the rationale was for not having her make it past 'Junior' level.

3a) Why wasn't Donna Troy used in the companion comic book, once it became clear that you wouldn't be using her in season 2?
3b) Did you consider including her in any issues?

4) With Troia and Sergeant Marvel originally planned to be included in the bridal shower scene, I wondered if we would have heard Mary say, "Shazam!", to shatter the ice that Captain Cold had formed around them? Was it planned for her to say that, either before or after Zatanna's 'garb us for battle' spell, had she been in the scene?

5) I read online that the reason for Lieutenant Marvel and Sergeant Marvel not being on the Team in season 2, from what you said at Wondercon, is that there wasn't enough room for their story arc. My question is, since Batgirl, Beast Boy, Robin and Wonder Girl didn't have arcs in season 2 but were included nonetheless, why didn't you keep the Marvels around in minor roles too?

Greg responds...

1. It all depends on content, I would think. But I'm not opposed to the idea, especially as fun DLC extras. The problem is that those characters were never designed. And we'd all want Phil Bourassa to design them in collaboration with Brandon Vietti. Or maybe Chris Jones or Jerome Moore in collaboration with Phil and Brandon. In any case, I'm happy to make the suggestion, if and when.

2. The fact is, as I've said many times before, both Wonder Girls (Donna and Cassie) were off-limits to us when production began. By the time they got ON-limits, it was too late to include Donna in Season One. So she became a "Junior", so to speak, by default.

3a. Well, keep in mind, that didn't become clear until partway through production. We had planned to use her in two episodes (208 and 220) of Season Two until it just became a production impossibility. Anyway, had the comic continued - or the series for that matter - we would have definitely have introduced her. But both ended before we had the chance.

3b. None that came out. But we have plenty of stories.

4. She would have said "Shazam!"

5. Weren't we already crowded enough?

Response recorded on January 30, 2014

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a red arrow fan writes...

Hi Greg,
Just played the YJ Legacy.
Collected 3 Red Arrow journals.

Then a strange question came to me.
As player we can see the journal content by the computer in the Cave.
But in fact, I mean the team's fact, do they really find some Red Arrow's journals and read it?
Or they didn't really got some journal in the missions. The journals can only be seen by Player. As some player reward?

I asked this because that would be a bit weird if the team really read the journals of Red Arrow and still did nothing to help their friend. And also Red Arrow would be careless to put his digital journal every where.

Anyway, I like the idea of Red Arrow Journal.
I would like to get more and more side story about some sub characters in this show, in any way.

Greg responds...

I don't think the Team read the Journals. They are a treat for the audience/player. And the entries themselves are canon. But they were never assumed to be read by members of the Team or the League.

But the notion that the Team and League didn't try to help Roy is clearly false. You saw one of their efforts on screen in the series.

Response recorded on January 28, 2014

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Riyan writes...

Hi Greg,
I'm happy the question block is open again.
Congratulations on YJ:Legacy.
I bought the PS3 version game and completed it.
It's quite hurt to learn the story when Aqualad know who his father is and then Tula's death. Though we know what happened already, but when seeing the details, still heart breaking and it almost make me cry.
Do you know, I just can't help thinking that you may be too cruel to Kaldur.
Since the end of season 1, it seems only terrible things happened to him. Especially on the screen time. and we cannot see the off screen time so we don't know if he had met anything happy and smiled. (Maybe I should watch through season 2 again to say this, but as far as I remember, I never saw him smile in season 2.)
And without season 3, we don't know if he would became happy again, but with defeating his father and with great loss in the team, I doubt.
It's good to see your answer about he sure would re-new his friend ship with Red Arrow. I think this is one thing may give him a relief.
And I'd like to ask if there is anything good and happy happened to Kaldur. But I'm quite sure I'd got a "SPOILER REQUEST" answer. So, I'm just hoping YJ came back and you can treat him well.
The above is not complaining, or maybe kind of...
But what I really want to say is: it's a great ability to create and develop characters to let people love them and cry for them. I love Kaldur even more in season2, because he sacrificed a lot of himself and go through miseries to do justice. This makes him a greater hero.
It feels sad and hurt to see what he suffered, but it's also the reason I love this character, not for his appearance or powers or ability, just the greatness in his spirit.
I just want to thank you for creating such a great character.
And here I got some questions about the Young justice after the ask section is closed. And also some for YJ:Legacy.
1. I saw several times you said among the first 4 sidekicks, Aqualad is close to Speedy, and Robin is close to Kid Flash. Is there some reasons like:
a) Aqualad met Speedy first and Robin met Kid Flash first so they are close to the one they met first.
b) Aqualad and Speedy spend more time with each other in their mentors' missions, so did Robin and Kid Flash.
c) Personality. Speedy is the oldest and Aqualad is more mature than the other two, so their personality get along easier and better than with Robin and Kid Flash?
d) Maybe all above?
2. This is one question I got when I re-watch the end of S1. When Ra's said that the real Roy Harper "might still prove useful,as well".
So... was he 'useful' to the Lights in S2?
Or he wasn't because Red Arrow and Cheshire rescued him before Ra's can plan anything?
If Ra's already made a plan, and the rescue was also a part of the plan, what exactly did he want?
I didn't see anything like plan happened on Arsenal. Though he messed up a mission in Lex Farm, and also messed up Reach's plan to abduct all the young heroes. But both looks like accidents, not like a plan.
And League and Team surely would do a thoroughly check on Arsenal before he join the Team, so the Lights couldn't plant any program in his brain.
I guess the question "what exactly did Ra's want" would get an "Spoiler" answer.
So I just want to know, is his plan worked in S2 or not because Red Arrow and Cheshire's rescue.
Or... did Ra's totally forgot he had frozen a young hero in one of his base?
3. This question is for YJ: Legacy.
I looking forward to this game so much before it came. But as a game player and also a YJ fans, honestly, the game is terrible.
Not criticize the plot. I think the plot is good.
But the game system and cut scenes performance is far away from good. No need to mention so many bugs.
It's like some half developed project. Many improvement can be made and it would be a better game. We all know it's been delayed once, and now still lot's of problem remain in the game.
Do you know if there are some issues in the developing period?
Is it because the budget is limited or Little Orbit hasn't developed this kind of game before?
If the budget is not enough to make a good performance game, would it be enough to make an one episode or 2 to tell the same story? I think the plot of this game could be tell in one or two episode.
I would rather see a short animation of YJ rather than a terrible game. I don't know if you played this game or not, but as a normal gamer, it's not a game I'd willing to play. Not like LEGO Batman or Batman Arkham, even my friend who don't know batman, she also enjoyed the game itself.
4. Still for YJ: Legacy. No more criticism. Let's talk about some other things.
It's great for the idea of Red Arrow Journal. I think this is one great motive to play the game.
I haven't collect all the Red Arrow Journals yet but I've saw other's collection. so I read them all.
That's the 2nd heartbreaking things in this game other than Kaldur's suffering.
And then I got a question, when Jade leave Roy, she's already pregnant. And later in the mission, we met her and fight with her.
Is that okay to fight a pregnant woman? I mean, wouldn't we accidentally kill Lian? I think I would never go play this fight again.ad
And also, did Jade know she's pregnant when she left Roy?
5. Have you watch the "Justice League Flash Point Paradox"? Did you see Kaldur's cameo in it? Though no one said it's Kaldur but we all know it's Kaldur and Tula and Garth. Cheers for them!
Do you know the team of Paradox would use Kaldur as a cameo?
What do you think of it?
I mean, Kaldur is an original character you created in Young Justice, right? It's like your own child.
When he is used in other DC works, would it make you proud or a bit complicated?
I think I'd be most happy to see him in YJ season3, but if not, it's also happy to see him in some other animation works. But I'm not sure if I would be happy to see him became not Kaldur in other works. I love what he is in YJ, but in other works without your writing? I'm not sure.
okay. I think that's all I got now.
I'm looking forward to your novels and Star Wars Rebels.

Greg responds...

1. D. All of the above.

2. I'd say he was useful, yes. But I'm not going into any details of plans or no plans.

3. I really don't know anything about game production in general. And in terms of YJL, my involvement was limited to story and voice.

4. Yes, Jade knew she was pregnant when she left Roy. It was one of the main reasons she left.

5. I have not seen it, though I heard about Kaldur's cameo and saw a screencap. And I was thrilled when Phil Bourassa told me that he and Garth and Tula were appearing.

Response recorded on January 21, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

I've a question about some of the Legacy mooks - don't know how much you were involved in their desigm and stuff.

1 Do they have names/ranks? There's regular Shadows, white Shadows, red Shadows... were they meant to have a name?
2 Some of the League of Shadows minions (that appear in the museum level and higher) have red hair. Are they more Roy Harper Clones?

Greg responds...

1. They're all just shadows. The gear they wear is mission dependent, largely. Or it is in my mind, anyway.

2. No.

Response recorded on January 17, 2014

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Tom writes...

Have you played Young Justice: Legacy? If so, what did you think of the gameplay? I'm sad to see that fans are saying the game is glitchy on many review sites. I would have still bought the game myself, but it was cancelled for all of the systems that I owned a few weeks before the release date. Even so, I hope that they can make more games to continue the story somehow.

Greg responds...

I've watched it but haven't played it, I must confess, because I personally am not a gamer. Frankly, my hand/eye coordination sucks for this kind of thing. I doubt I'd survive the first mission. (Tetris is more my speed. And I'm not all that good at that.)

I haven't heard any glitching complaints. And it seems to be getting high marks for story.

Response recorded on January 17, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Mal isn't in Legacy. Does that mean he became the mission control later? If so, around which month?

It's a pity you didn't get to tell the story of his first time in the Cave.

Greg responds...


And it's a pity that we didn't get to tell a LOT of stories.

Response recorded on January 13, 2014

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Just a Nerd writes...

Hey, Greg.

Considering you can choose your own team for YJ Legacy, I was wondering if there were certain teams that you, Brandon Vietti or Little Orbit consider canon for each mission? Like, for example, Nightwing, Superboy and KF are the canon team for mission 1; Miss M, Artemis, Aqualad for mission 2, etc.?

I haven't played the game yet, as I ordered it from Amazon, but I should have it by Thanksgiving. And trust me, I'm going to play that game like it's my job.

Thanks in advance.

Greg responds...

I haven't thought about it that way. Obviously, if I ever did a comic book adaptation of the game, I'd have to nail it down. But so far, it hasn't come up.

Response recorded on January 10, 2014

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Reiena writes...

I am curious about something with young Justice Legacy.

I was wondering how the Team Years went, is it from July 4th to July 4th each year, or is it from january 1st to january 1st each year.

Got young Justice Legacy for the 3DS and I have to say, was not seeing this storyline coming. The trailers did not give anything away, and I'm happy with the story so far.

Greg responds...

January 1st to December 31st, just to preserve my sanity.

Glad you like it!

Response recorded on January 08, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

the cast list for legacy was just actors, no roles, and was missing some names associated with characters that did appear like Killer Frost and Riddler. And you did a part as well.

Can you put up a ramble with the precise cast list?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure if I have a document for that or not. I know I don't have it here at my TeamDisney office. I'll have to check my files, the next time I'm in Beverly Hills.

Response recorded on January 08, 2014

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Jasser writes...

1.Are Lords of Chaos/Order an earth phenomenon (explaining why Klarion is humanoid if it needs explaining). I know they are timeless, but are they also all permeating?

2.Does wearing the helmet prevent death? If his human body had a heart attack or aneurysm would he be able to negate it, would the helmet remove itself, etc.

Greg responds...

1. They're not restricted to Earth.

2. Not ultimately, no.

Response recorded on December 18, 2013

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Brent Wolgamott writes...

Hey Greg: I just wanted to say "thanks", for such a wonderful TV series in both "Young Justice" and "YJ: Invasion". I watched everything YJ-related for 2+ years now, and it was my first introduction into anything related to you (I watched Gargoyles rarely back in the day). YJ was (is) an amazing drama, albeit animation. I loved the character development of M'gann this year, and I loved the evolution of the series. I am sorry to hear it is likely over now, but I appreciate it (and you) for what it is -- a kickass TV show, juggling multiple characters with a complex but mostly resolved storyline. Thanks for the memories, and I hope to see you again soon. -Brent

Greg responds...

Thanks for the kind words. If you want more YJ, check out our comics and the YJ Legacy video game. All are CANON.

Response recorded on December 13, 2013

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Emily writes...

Hi Greg! In season 1 of Young Justice Aquaman and Mera announce they're going to have a child but there is no mention of that ever again. Did Manta kill Aquababy like in the comics or is he still alive during season 2?

Greg responds...

Check out Young Justice Legacy for more information on this.


Response recorded on December 13, 2013

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jacky writes...

How involved were you in the Young Justice Legacy videogame? I'm sure the next question have been asked many times before but are there currently any plans to continue the young justice universe in any way or form? I read that Little Orbit, the legacy developer, has the young justice license for quite a bit. How likely is it that they will make more Young Justice Video games?

Greg responds...

This has mostly been ASKED and ANSWERED. Brandon and I were very involved in the story. I story edited all the dialogue and supervised the voice recordings.

Little Orbit would love to make more YJ games - and they do still have the license. Whether they do or not depends almost entirely on the sales for Legacy.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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Matthew writes...

Not a question, but I thought you'd like to read this:


Greg responds...

Thanks. I'd seen it, but it was nice to reread all these months later. It's very gratifying. Wish we could have made more. Haven't given up hope for more stories either. Of course, our best bet right now is to support Young Justice Legacy, so that Little Orbit decides to make a second game.

Response recorded on November 26, 2013

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Young Justice Legacy

Want more stories set in the EARTH-16 Universe of Young Justice and Young Justice: Invasion?

Then vote with your wallet! Go out and buy a copy or six of YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY!!! This new video game from Little Orbit is canon material set during the five-year gap, between Seasons One and Two.

In addition, if it sells well, Little Orbit is very interested in using their existing license to make a sequel game set during "Season Three".

Here's what Little Orbit's own Matthew Scott had to say in an e-mail to myself and fellow YJ Producer Brandon Vietti:

Hi guys,

I just want to send a big thank you for all your support helping us launch Young Justice: Legacy.

Not sure if you saw the World Finest review:

The review certainly seems to have picked up on the main aspects of the project that we were trying to achieve.

My favorite quote:
"This game is so full of revelations and bombshell moments. Between that and all the new information you're getting, it's like we got an epic mini-series event, and not just a cheap cash grab video game. One nuance that I loved from the show was how actual mythology was incorporated in the ongoing story plots, and that carries over here."

BTW - In your interview on Nerdy Show [ http://nerdyshow.com/2013/11/episode-160-the-legacy-of-young-justice/ ], you mentioned that you couldn't speak for us. But I will go on record saying we would absolutely do a Young Justice: Legacy sequel set in the season 3 period. Just need to see how sales are for this title.

Matthew Scott

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Brandon & Greg talk YJ Legacy on Nerdy Show!

Brandon Vietti & Greg Weisman talk about YJ, YJ Legacy, Rain of the Ghosts, Scooby-Doo, WWE and more on Nerdy Show!

Here's the link: http://nerdyshow.com/2013/11/episode-160-the-legacy-of-young-justice/

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg! Hope you are well, super excited to have you back answering questions for us! (thank you!)

I was brushing up on the guidelines and such, and I read along the way that the new game covers the 5 year time skip, does It also continue on through the season 2 content and beyond or strictly the time skip? (I completely understand if you are not at liberty to say)

Greg responds...

It doesn't "cover" the five year time skip. Young Justice Legacy tells ONE SIGNIFICANT STORY from during the five year skip. It was never designed to be comprehensive in any way.

Response recorded on November 13, 2013

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I will be attending LONG BEACH COMIC CON on Saturday, November 23rd.


Specifically, I'll be on two panels.

The first panel is at 2pm in Room 104A:

Learn all about the voice acting process on DC/WB/CN's Young Justice animated television series from the folks who were there:

*Thom Adcox ("Klarion")
*Cameron Bowen ("Robin/Tim Drake" & "Toyman")
*Nick Chinlund ("Sportsmaster/Crusher Crock")
*Nicole Dubuc ("Iris West-Allen" and series writer)
*Crispin Freeman ("Speedy/Red Arrow/Roy Harper Clone," "Speedy/Arsenal/Original Roy Harper," "Guardian/Jim Harper" & "Galet Dasim")
*Kevin Grevious ("Black Beetle")
*Josh Keaton ("Black Spider")
*Curtis Koller (Talent Coordinator)
*Phil LaMarr ("Aquaman," "Dubbliex," "Green Beetle/B'arzz O'oomm," "L-Ron" & "Reach Ambassador")
*Stephanie Lemelin ("Artemis/Tigress/Artemis Crock" & "Catherine Cobert/Justice League Computer")
*Yuri Lowenthal ("Lagoon Boy/La'gaan," "Tempest/Garth," "Icicle Jr." & "Tommy Terror")
*Jason Marsden ("Impulse/Bart Allen/Kid Flash" & "Atom/Ray Palmer")
*Vanessa Marshall ("Black Canary/Dinah Lance," "Amanda Spence," "Ida Berkowitz," "Noor Harjavti" & "Red Inferno/Firebrand")
*Jason Spisak ("Kid Flash/Wally West")
*Jamie Thomason (Voice & Casting Director)
*Producers Brandon Vietti (Producer, Writer)
*Greg Weisman (Producer, Writer, "Lucas Carr" & Panel Moderator)

That's right, we have FOURTEEN members of the cast, plus our talent coordinator, voice & casting director, both producers and three of the writers! This YJ Panel is really a "don't miss" endeavor.

The second panel is at 3pm in Room 102B:

Life is like a hurricane at Long Beach Comic-Con! It's been almost 25 years since Disney Afternoon debuted on television screens, and the impact of "the golden age" of Disney TV Animation is still felt today. Get ready to "spin it" with Greg Weisman (producer, creator of Gargoyles) Jymn Magon (co-creator Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers, creator of Talespin), Bob Schooley (co-creator, Kim Possible, co-ex producer Penguins of Madagascar), Mark McCorkle (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, co-creator of Kim Possible) and Rob Paulsen (voice actor, Darkwing Duck, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Animaniacs) for raucous recollections and never-before-heard stories! Moderated by Aaron Sparrow (Darkwing Duck: The Duck Knight Returns)

Both panels are gonna be a lot of fun! Come and see!!

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VoicesOfChaos writes...

Lots of fans are sad that YJ is over even though we still have Legacy that has canon storyline. I am super excited for it so my questions will strictly relate to that.

1: How much input did you and your team have on the game? Heard it was more then most games get.

2: If the game sells really well will that help to continue YJ ether through a squeal game, direct-to-video movie, etc.?

3: Without giving spoilers of course, is there anything special you want to tell us about the game to hype it more?

Thank you for your time. I think it is super cool that you take your personal free time to interact with the fans like this and it really upsets me whenever I see a question from someone being rude or ungrateful.

Young Justice is my favorite TV show ever! I think you and everybody that worked to make it perfect is a genius! I could probably rant for days about everything I love about the series but I don't want to waste your time and it is better to keep this message short.

Greg responds...

1. I can't speak for other games, but Brandon and I broke the story with them, and I edited all the dialogue. I also attended all the voice sessions.

2. Good sales are our best bet to get any further material.

3. Not at the moment.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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Young Justice forever writes...

Is there anything us fans can do to help Young Justice come back for another season?

Greg responds...

Vote with your wallet. Buy the DVDs. Buy the soundtrack. Buy the comic book trade paperbacks. And most important of all, buy YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Jessie writes...

Dear Greg,

I have just finished watching the season 2 final for young justice and in my opinion it was truly bittersweet. I want to congratulate you on creating such an amazing show. I was honestly in love with the characters, their personalities, thoughts, feelings, and dialog were so realistic. I am a fan of DC comics and love all those heroes and enjoyed seeing them all on young justice :) I think that "endgame" was a great way to end the season but i was left heartbroken when i had to watch my all time favorite hero, Kid Flash, do something impulsive and selfless for the last time. To say i'm not upset would be lying so i wont say that but my heart honestly broke when Wally told Barry to make sure he tells Artemis and his parents that he loved them. :,( i wish i didn't get so attached to fictional characters because their fate is always in the hands of their creators, which makes them fair game and anything/everything could happen. I know there is a chance you probably wont read this but i just wanted to take this chance and ask you, is there hope for Young Justice and Wally West or will i have to just re-watch episode and just have Wally remain in my memories? I also wanted to let you know that the scene between Kid and Impulse was just.. no words can describe it. Wally and Bart's relationship is just precious and in that scene i saw an older brother passing down his legacy to his younger brother and that just made Wally's tragic fate all the more difficult to accept.

but no matter what my feelings are toward's Wally, i still want to THANK YOU for an amazing superhero show that this closet geek went crazy for ;P

Greg responds...

Thanks for the kind words.

There's always hope for the series. Right now most of those hopes revolve around Legacy.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Bianca Ruhland writes...

Hi Greg :)
My name is Bianca Ruhland and currently i have just started my final year getting my double major in Creative Writing and Animation. It's a big wish of mine to one day go on to write for or create a cartoon series of my own (especially of the superhero variety, haha.)
After the series final of Young Justice i just want to say, well done. It's shows like Young Justice i want to show to my own kids one day. It inspires me and i want to work with shows like it one day.
Visually, it's stunning, story wise it's even better. You've managed to find a way to introduce characters to keep existing comic book fans happy, but write it in such a way it introduces new fans as well. That's a very hard to do (from what i've heard). Not to mention, your show is built in such a way that it doesn't patronize children's intelligence. You have connecting story lines about big issues. You show them the power of love and friendship, but also show the realistic side that sometimes, friends fight and relationships end. People grow up on the outside, but not always on the inside. Also, the fact you broke the 'Rule of 3' and had such a large female cast was so awesome!
I'm writing to you as one of many voices of support for this show. It breaks my heart to see it go, especially in favor of other new shows that...well, that just kind of look like the same old stuff personally. It's really upsetting. After watching the final episode, there are so many cliff hangers! And Wally! Also, i've heard rumours that there were plans to bring in Cyborg, Starfire, Raven, Jason Todd and Damian Wayne into the next season. That would have just blown my mind.
I was wondering, Greg, exactly where the show stands right now. Is there a possibility at a Season 3 if Beware the Batman and Teen Titans Go don't fare too well? Can we get it outside of DC Nation or on another channel? Do you have plans for a Kickstarter (ala Veronica Mars?)Is there anything at all being done that you can mention? Like plans for a mini-series or an online follow up comic? (ala Smallville?)
If you can't tell me anything that's fine, but i just wanted to let you know Greg that you did a really great job on this show. You and Bruce Timm are my idols and i hope to be like you one day. If it's possible, please don't give up on the show just yet, not because I and other fans want it, but because i honestly feel that children everywhere NEED it, for what it is and what it teaches.
Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Okay, first of all, thank you so much for all the kind words. It's much appreciated.

In that spirit, and since you have stated a sincere interest in being a professional writer, I'd like to offer some advice, which I hope you'll take in the spirit in which it is given: you need to do a better job proofreading, especially when you're expressing your desire to be a pro to a pro. When I look at a potential writer, once I get to the second or third typo, I've generally written that person off. I know this wasn't a formal communication, but you took the time to give me your full name and to list your goals. You never know, and you don't want to poison the water by not ALWAYS putting your best foot forward.

As for the episode, I'm going to state again that there were no cliffhangers in it. Loose ends, yes. Cliffhangers, no.

As for the series' future, there isn't much to tell, but I'll try to answer your questions.

Our pick-up has absolutely NOTHING to do with the success or failure of either Beware the Batman or Teen Titans Go!

I don't know about the health of DC Nation, as I'm no longer at Warner Bros. But it is extremely unlikely that we'd ever get YJ on any channel other than Cartoon Network. Keep in mind that CN, Warner Brothers and DC Comics are all part of the same company, Time-Warner.

I have no plans for a Kickstarter and such plans are beyond my ability without the interest and cooperation of the folks who own YJ, i.e. Time-Warner. I've asked about this option and gotten no encouragement.

There are no current plans for more episodes, spin-offs, mini-series or movies, despite Brandon and I pitching multiple options for all of the above. I have asked DC Comics if they're interested in publishing more YJ or Earth-16 comics, and they have declined.

What there is, is YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY, a video-game coming out next month with original cannon content, telling an important story from the five-year gap between Season One of Young Justice and Season Two. If this sells well - really well - then it represents our best chance of telling additional stories down the line. There's also the soundtrack album, the various DVDs and Trade Paperbacks collecting the comics. Again, the best way to get more YJ is to vote with your wallet or purse!!

And I'll NEVER give up on the show. It's important to insert reality into any conversation about bringing it back, but that doesn't mean I don't still have hope.

Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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RC writes...

GREG!!! YOU OUT DID YOURSELF WITH YOUR SEASON FINALE FOR INVASION!!! But Seriously, WALLY? Why him? And the way you ended things off this season, Apokolips, Darkseid, I mean, there's no way that you guys can pull the plug on this show now you realize that right? Fans will petition and write and demand for more YJ, especially now that Darkseid has been shown to be in the picture. Cause if Vandal is looking for payback then bringing down Darkseid on the Earth is sure as heck the best way I can think of.

Please tell us there will be more!!! I don't care if I have to wait till next year to watch more, please tell me that there's still more to come!!!!

Greg responds...

Well, there's Young Justice Legacy still to come. And the best way to get more YJ is to support that.

But I'm glad that the first post here at ASK GREG about "Endgame" was a positive one. That's a relief. (Or perhaps, merely a small mercy. Either way, I'll take it.)

Response recorded on September 24, 2013

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Melissa writes...

Hi Greg! I hope you know how much we appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to answer our questions. Anyway, I love Young Justice and will be devastated to see it going off the air as of tomorrow. I was wondering however, if you or Brandon or any of the other writers have given a thought to continuing the story of our favorite characters in Earth-16 through novel format? I know you would probably have to go through the proper channels to even get approval for something like that, but I know myself and most of the fandom would love to get our hands on anything YJ once the show ends, especially in a written format. Would you be even interested in doing something like this or are you more intent on saving any and all material for possible future projects? It's just a thought. Thanks for giving us this great show!

Greg responds...

I'd love to, especially now that I'm a novelist. <cough cough> Rain of the Ghosts available for pre-order now <cough cough> But it's not up to me and neither DC nor WB seems all that interested in pursuing the property right now.

The best bet for getting more new material - assuming you already have the DVDs, Comics or Trades and Soundtrack - is to purchase Young Justice Legacy when it comes out.

Response recorded on September 19, 2013

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Darksuperboy writes...

you said i one of your previous answers ''who said any thing about being cancelled'' can you elaberate? also
1) do you have any plans to sell the show to another channel so it may continue?
1a)if not then why not?
2)currently the rateing for the show averaged at 1.9 million+ what numbers did you need for season 3 to get a green light?
3)is the online petitions (one numbering over 31000+ votes)and tweet trends akeing a difference in picking up the show for season 3 by cn or any other channel or helping in any way for the show continueing?
4)if season 3 isnt an option will we at least exspect a dvd film like TEEN TITANS TROUBLE IN TOKYO to round out the shows ending

thank you for your time, youve made great shows now and in the past and look forward to your next

Greg responds...

1. That's not up to me, but it seems unlikely, as that would mean that they'd be selling to a competitor.

1a. Keep in mind that Young Justice is the product of three divisions (DC, CN, WB) of one company: Time-Warner.

2. I don't know that it was that simple, ever. The biggest problem we had was not our ratings, which were inconsistent and influenced by a number of factors, but the lack of the success of the toy line, which paid for the series.

3. Doesn't hurt. But the best way to vote is with your wallet. A good showing on Young Justice Legacy would definitely help.

4. I don't think you can 'expect' it. Brandon and I would love to do it, but there seems to be no interest at this time.

Response recorded on September 18, 2013

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Adam writes...

What are some effective things we viewers could do to persuade Cartoon Network to pick up "Young Justice" for another season?

I'd love to see what you'd come up with next.

Greg responds...

I really don't know. Right now, the best thing you can do is buy the DVDs, the Trade Paperbacks of the comics, the Soundtrack CD and Young Justice Legacy.

Response recorded on August 15, 2013

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Athena Keene writes...

Okay so first off- I LOVE YJ! I won't go into details but the past year I spent as an invalid in bed- the first time I smiled after that was because of YJ. It's the best thing that's happened to me in the longest time. Secondly, (as random as this may sound) Tula is my favorite YJ character. In fact, I love her so much that in [the] Instagram [app] I RP as her in a DCRP group. Okay here are my 3 questions:
1.) If you were to pick a word to describe Tula's personality- what word would it be. (Ex. bubbly, smart, wise, ect.)
2.) After Tula joined the Team, did she have any best friends, (besides Kaldur and Garth). Perhaps she and Artemis were close? [In my head, they are, but- being a hopeless rabid fangirl my mind is not (if ever) close to canon… So, would you consider them close? If so, how close? (Sisters, BFFs?)
3.) Will the details of Tula's death be revealed; if the series ends before the details are- will you tell us anyway because we (the YJ fandom) are just that obsessed? Or will you not specify and make us wait…. (Why??? *starts to sink with her fangirl feels*)

Greg responds...

1. Um, my mind doesn't really work that way. It feels very reductive. Competent, maybe? (Competence to me is very sexy.)



I will say that Tula does have an important role in YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY, so you're definitely going to want to pick that up in September.

Response recorded on July 30, 2013

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Paul writes...

Will Dynamic Music Partners be doing the music/soundtrack for the Young Justice: Legacy game? I really hope so - I love their work.

Greg responds...

I don't know. But I love their work too.

Response recorded on June 06, 2013

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Earth-16 Timeline FYI

So I JUST NOW finished updating the EARTH-16 Timeline. It is exactly 250 pages long.

I hadn't had time to update it much during the production of Season Two - or rather, I was pretty inconsistent about updating it. So since we finished, back in October, I tackled a little bit at a time. And I finally finished. It's the final version of the Earth-16 timeline, until or unless we ever get to make more stuff set in that universe.

It includes (as far as I can tell) everything from both television seasons, everything from the 20+ issues of the comic and everything from YJ Legacy. There's a bit of extra backstory in there too, (particularly Golden Age stuff) that I mostly figured out way back before Season One. And I tossed in some of the characters from the five year gap that were basically defined by what we DIDN'T do with them. But mostly I intentionally left out characters we didn't cover yet. We can always add guys like the Question or Gleek later, assuming we ever get a later. But Brandon and I will figure out where they fit on the timeline if and when.

And, no, before anyone asks, I will NOT be posting it. Even Warner Bros, Cartoon Network and DC don't have it. It's just for Brandon and I. But I can refer to it to answer specific questions, as long as I don't deem those questions to be spoilers.

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Anonymous writes...

Oh, no I just heard that Legacy may be pushed back until October. I hope that everything's okay, since the last interview I saw said it was basically done. Not really a question, but just a note saying I am really, really looking forward to it, and I hope it's going really well!

Greg responds...

Last I heard it was September.

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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Galena writes...

Dear Greg,

I have a few simple questions about Players, Chapter One: Wheelbarrow, Shoe, Thimble.

1) Why was Bette at Nightwing's house? I mean, one could infer many different things, but I'd like the answer of a professional... no, THE professional.

a) Why did Barbra has such a knowing/amused smile when Zatanna and Nightwing share a passionate kiss?

b)How did Nightwing and Zatanna/Rocket break up, and in which order did they date?

c)And (with such an intense kiss and Nightwing's fond remembrance of his birthday during Team Year 0)is there a possibility of a future Zatanna/ Nightwing relationship?

a) Is Young Justice really ending?

b)If so, is there a way to help save it, maybe by writing letters or something?

Young Justice has been such an inspiration to me, I really appreciate all your dedication to this amazing show. The characters, plot, and everything is so deep and intricate and magnificent!

Sincerely and Humbly,

Greg responds...

1. I'll just leave that to your imagination.

2a. I think that's fairly clear now in light of issue 25.

2b. Robin dated Zatanna first. Rocket sometime later. And I only say that because it seems quite obvious to me. Otherwise, it's all a lot of SPOILER REQUESTS. NO COMMENT.

2c. Past, present, future. Anything's possible.

3a. No. Young Justice Legacy will be out in September.

3b. I don't know.

Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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