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RESPONSES 2001-5 (May)

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matt writes...

i'm not asking for numbers or anything, but in 1996 what order, in terms of population, are these clans, most gargs to least:

Ishimura, Japan
London, England
Xanadu, China
Pukhan, Korea

Greg responds...

Don't know. They're all full clans.

Response recorded on May 09, 2001

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Greg Bishansky writes...

I've noticed that aside from her laser cannon or bazooka, Demona's weapon of choice is a mace. Given your comments on a mace being the natural enemy of the gargoyles, was making Demona's weapon a mace (rather than a sword, crossbow or Morning Star) a conscious decision on your part in regard to this?

Greg responds...

It was a conscious choice in "City of Stone" when she was smashing human "statues". When else does she use a mace?

Response recorded on May 09, 2001

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Jade writes...

How did Goliath come to get his name, and when did he get it? Thanks

Greg responds...

During the Dark Ages. A human named him. That's all I want to say right now.

Response recorded on May 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

If the Ishimura clan was inspired by Tengu then why weren't there many beaked gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I can't answer this. Assumes facts not in evidence.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Magnolia/Kkatman writes...

And here is the required stab at one of the last G-2198 numbers.

517 - outdated

(It may not be right, but I can't find anyone who has suggested it before, so at least it's new.)

As for 74, could you give us a slight hint? Specifically, I'm wondering about that enigmatic 'and' just before it. If you were to expand that sentence to be more precise, would it read:

Each was strong in number and strong in 74.


Each was strong in number and each was 74.

Thank you.

Magnolia (of the Seattle Clan)
and Kkatman

Greg responds...

517 is wrong.

As for the hint you wanted, I'm sorta against giving extra hints. But I too am tired of this contest. So, the former.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Magnolia/Kkatman writes...

Hello! Love your work, especially Gargoyles. That series was inspiration to me.

On to the question, this one Gargoyles 2198 related:

We have two unguessed numbers left. However, there are several answers that I could not find with a thurough investigation of the archive: 123, 126 and 323. What were the already given answers for these three?

Also, the Galvatron guessed 436 as Empire and 438 as Technology, and you neither confirmed those answers as correct nor called them wrong/previously answered. Later attempts at 436 and 438 all met with the wrong/previously answered response, so I want to confirm that these were the correct answers.

Thank you.

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, I don't have that info available to me here in Burbank. Though I find it hard to believe it's not in the archive. I know someone (is it Vashkoda?) has a webpage dedicated to this. You might ask in the comment room.

I am fairly confident that we're down to these last two.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How long did the lost race live?

Greg responds...

Not answering that now.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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White Lady writes...

Hi there, Greg. I just want to say I think Roswell Conspiracies, Max Steel and Gargoyles rock this world... If you don't mind, please could you take some time to answer these questions?

1. In "The Partnership", what did Hanek [Vampire Leader] see as perfect in Joanna Wickham - Simon Fitzpatrick's old flame. And why didn't he choose Nema, or some-one connected to the Alliance?

2. Did Hanek ever have a romantic involvement with Valra, the over-ambitious red-head? [Before she turned renegade].

3. How old was Hanek suppposed to be?

By the way, I think the Gargoyles Forum/Questions section is really interesting and intellectual! Thank you, see ya!

Greg responds...

I literally don't know ANYTHING about the version of Roswell Conspiracies that hit the air. I didn't work on it and have never seen it.

I wrote the original pilot. Which the people at Bohbot threw away (or so I'm told). I do know that they were contractually obligated not to use the NAMES I used.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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matt writes...

a couple of weeks ago Jim R. asked about the picture of Brooklyn on the "Latest Responses" page, i recently pulled out my old gargoyle comics and found that that picture was taken from Issue 5 when Brooklyn and Lex were about to go "para-sailing", i guess he found that shirt wherever he found the skis and stuff. oh, and like i told Jim R. i think the thing on his shirt is *in Californian surfer accent* a "monster wave, dude!" hehehe...

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Steven L. writes...

I'm sorry this question has been asked before. I've been going through the archives for a while now (this'll be my first question) and I haven't come across any references to it, but you never know, right?
Anyway, I just saw a repeat of "Sentinel" last night, and it struck me as a very pilot-esque episode, like you'd set up in mind for a spin off (something like "Widget the World Watcher" meets "Transformers", only more grounded in reality). And yet, you seem to have no intention to spin it off. How come? Did you originally intend to, but decided against it as you felt it wasn't strong enough to carry a series, focusing instead on the other possible spin-offs? Or am I just making things up in my head?

Greg responds...

Mostly in your head.

It was never intended to be a spin-off per se, but it was a plot thread I wanted to pick up again later. MUCH LATER. Like in 2198.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Shavri writes...

What is the most annoying question anyone has asked you here?

Greg responds...

(This set up is just too obvious.)

You mean BESIDES this one?

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

When did Lexington and Brooklyn learn how to read? Was it before or after the thousand-year-sleep?

Greg responds...

Lex before. Brooklyn immediately after. At least in my mind.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

I just finished re-watching "Shadows of the Past" (wow, was that one well animated), and a few questions came to mind.

1) Was the rookery located outside the castle walls or within them? I had the impression from "Awakenings" that it was inside, but in "Shadows", Goliath looks forward into the distance and sees the illusion of the castle, and then looks to the right and sees the rookery (plus, if the rookery had been within the castle, I would think Xanatos might have taken it with him). I just wanted to be sure where it was.

2) When Elisa asks Goliath if there are caves nearby to take shelter from the storm, why don't they just go inside the rookery?

3) The group don't seem to go very far to reach the Archmage's cave, but I got the impression from "Long Way" that Hudson had been following the Archmage's tracks for a while, and it was apparently far enough away that the Captain chose to take a horse to get there in "Awakenings". Roughly how far (miles?) is the cave from where Castle Wyvern used to be?

4) You've said you didn't want to talk about the Monolith Dance, but there were several other structures in the cave, including the skull-like formation where the Archmage made his "last" stand, and the maw-like formation that Goliath entered after falling through the fissure. a) Were these structures shaped to represent any specific creatures (or a specific species)? b) If so, were these particular creatures/species important to those who built the structures in the cave?

5) Was the fissure Goliath fell through the same fissure that the Archmage fell into? Goliath had already passed the skull-like formation when he fell, and it didn't seem to be at the same spot the Archmage fell. Or is this a long fissure that runs through the entire cavern?

Greg responds...

1. Beneath.

2. What was the rookery, was just a glorified cave. When the castle was excavated for transport. The cave was basically wiped out.

3. I don't know exactly. It's down the hill, next cliff on your right.

4. Not discussing that at this time.

5. Two separate things.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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matt writes...

in "Monsters":

did the Xanatos goon squad die when the sub sank at the end? we never saw them after that...

how did Sevarius survive? escape pod?

Greg responds...

Bruno lived. But I figure the others went down.

Sevarius had a pod or something.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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José Mº writes...

I have seen that the gargoyles when the sun go down are lives, and a little stone skin fall from their skin, are they more small??

Greg responds...

No, they're shedding a thin layer of dead epidermus. Each day they regenerate while in stone.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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matt writes...

warrioress's question reminded me of one i've been meaning to ask, i read somewhere that because of his smaller profile Lex and other gargoyles with similar wings can actually glide faster... any truth to this? i guess they should get an advantage cuz they can't really use their hands when gliding...

Greg responds...

Don't know.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Oh, one other statement on "Metamorphosis":
The course of events leading up to Derek being accidently injected with the mutagenic formula seemed awkward. Was it Xanatos' plan to have Derek mutated? In a way it seems it was Derek's fate to be transformed since he asked to go with Xanatos, even though Xanatos said "That won't be necessary." But Derek insisted and ended up going for the ride.

What if Derek didn't go along or had never made an attempt to take the shot for Xanatos when Sevarius was going to shoot the mutagenic formula at him initially? Xanatos would have been hit with it and he would have mutated. That must have been one hell of a risk he took, not knowing that Derek might not come to his rescue. Seeing how the whole time Xanatos and Sevarius were allied and the whole thing seemed like a setup for Derek. But it still gets me as to why the things happened the way they did? For the story's sake in suppose. I at least would have expected Xanatos to scold Sevarius for almost shooting at him. Or is there something that I am missing?

Greg responds...

You're missing Xanatos' basic rule for operation. Contingency plans for everything. Owen said what he said to GET Derek interested. If Derek hadn't volunteered, Xanatos would have asked him to come.

If Derek hadn't been heading for Xanatos, Sevarius would not have shot at that point. Sevarius was aiming for Derek, not Xanatos.

But every aspect of the plan was backed by contingencies.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Some questions about "Metamorphosis" since I watched it yesterday:
1. What did Maggie do or was going to do before she got coaxed by Dr. Sevarius into becoming an experiment?
2. I noticed in this episode that once Derek was mutated and could fly, he looked almost exactly like Fang (which I guess is sort of a cross between a bobcat and a cougar maybe), but then in the later episodes which Derek was featured, his looks were completely different and he looked more like a panther and had black fur. Did you decide to make him look different later or was he essentially still mutating?
3. I also noticed that Fang's initial appearence with the quick shot of the cage they were in when Sevarius was showing Xanatos his work. Fang looked nothing like he does now, well, in a sense. Did you also change his look just for the better or was he still mutating?

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this before. I think she came to NYC to be famous. Brought what seemed like a lot of money to her, but then wound up on the streets.

2. Answered this too. Did you even look in the Mutate ARCHIVE? The "in-show" answer is that the mutates were still mutating. The 'behind the scenes' answer is that Frank wasn't satisfied with the original design on the mutates. But we ran out of time. He kept tinkering with them however to get the final version you saw and "The Cage" and forward.

3. All four mutates, including Talon, Fang, Claw and Maggie the Cat went through revisions between "Metamorphosis" and "The Cage".

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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warrioress writes...

How fast can Coldstone fly? Presumably with that built-in rocket he can fly faster than a "live" Gargoyle....

For that matter, how fast can an average Gargoyle glide?

Greg responds...

I'm not good with numbers, but yes, Coldstone can fly faster than an average garg.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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matt writes...

since "Reawakening", "Legion", "High Noon", and "Possesions" all ended with Coldstone getting screwed in one way or another, would the unmade World Tour Coldstone/Himalayas episode have ended as sadly for poor Coldstone?

Greg responds...

Bittersweet. As our Frankenstein stand-in he was a bit of a bittersweet character in design. But eventually he would have rejoined the Manhattan Clan with Coldfire and gotten a measure of peace.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Was the resemblance between Nought and Ghede of voodoo mythology intentional? I mean both of these guys have virtually the same costume top hat and all.

Greg responds...

Most likely it was a conincidence.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who were Raven's parents?
Who were Coyote's parents?
Who were Anasi's parents?

Greg responds...

Who are your parents?

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Have we seem Queen Mab's prison?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Oberon writes...

1)You saud that Queen Mab was insane but was she when she ruled over the third race?
2)Did Mab have a husband?
3) If so, was he king, or beneith Mab
4) Was Oberon's fathre Mab's husband?

Greg responds...

1. Oh, yeah.

2. What only one?

3. Nothing's that simple.

4. See above.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Josh Goldberg writes...

Can Demona get pregnant by a human at anytime? That is, is she fertile as a human at the same times as she is fertile as a gargoyle, or is she fertile like a regular human? What's Demona's fertility cycle as human and garg? (Garg's are only fertile every ten garg years, right?)

Greg responds...

Garg's are only fertile every TWENTY years.

Human females, or so I understand it, are generally VERY fertile one week a month. Potentially fertile the week to either side. And even possibly fertile at all times. At any rate, it's sure as hell safer to think that way.

Demona is a human when she's human. A garg when she's a garg. But she's extremely unlikely to get pregnant at any time. Cuz she's Demona.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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