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Anonymous writes...

big time fan, love so much about the show. its like the next generation of cartoons. except for one gripe.

the dialogue, after watching spectacular spider-man, where one could actually envision a real person speaking those lines, i saw how a correct balance of realism and fantasy could be blended. Peter Parker would be going through spider-man situations with banter and conversations that outdid the Motion Pictures.

while young justice on the other hand, loses this major component that drew so many to spectacular spider-man, i know its unfair to compare that to anything considering how stand alone it was in the quality department but, i wouldn't if the dialogue in young justice, by consensus, wasn't so noticeable off than your previous efforts.

aqualad, and superboy MIGHT get away with a few natural sounding lines, but everyone recording voices in the main cast BLEW it when establishing their character's voice tone and delivery.

kid flash sounds like a father trying to imitate his son.

miss martian really does sound like an alien, in the sense that the voice actor speaks like she has never heard the English language. that's not a good thing.

robin... i can deal with the pre-puberty angle but for his actor being one of the most high profile on the show... what material are you guys giving him for real. when it comes to robins dialogue, the people who test and feedback on these lines obviously have too much respect for this writing team to break the bad news to them,

The grand scope of this storyline is incredible, the animation is bar none, again, huge fan. But with all of the blood, sweat, and tears that i know have been put into this work of art, how on earth did anyone approve "hello megan?", or robin's 13 year old S.A.T. word of the day (terbed? yall set your self up for all the backlash/insults from that gimic.)

I wish it was just my opinion but you know, the internet these days Greg, if everyone's saying it its fact. I'll watch regardless, please believe that, but just know i'm a die hard, your losing others fast.

Greg responds...

Well, obviously it's not "fact". That's just silly.

I get that a percentage of people share your opinion.

But guess what? I do NOT. Not even a little bit. Not even slightly. And this OBNOXIOUS and completely hyperbolic tirade just makes me want to ignore whatever legit concerns you might have.

So congrats. You've insulted a ton of hard-working people and pissed me off AND accomplished NOTHING beyond (maybe) making yourself feel superior at the expense of a show you profess to love and be a big fan of.

Good work.

Response recorded on April 06, 2011

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Grant writes...


Was it your intention or that of the episode writer to put in so many obscure 80s Batman or Denny O Neil references? You have got Infinity Island, Ojo, Sensei, Hook from the Deadman stories and Black Spider, someone has to be a big fan of this material to remember all of this stuff from 30 years ago.

Greg responds...

I'm the fan, but I'm not sure it was an "intention" so much as that all that stuff just swirls around my head to pull out as needed. When you start dealing with the League of Shadows (i.e. Assassins), who ELSE would you trot out?

Response recorded on April 06, 2011

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Mike P. writes...

Really enjoying Young Justice so far!
1. One of the things I like most about the show is the attention to detail you've given to the characters and the world. How exactly did you plan out which characters/locations(even peripheral ones) you were going to use for the show? Was it something where you made a list of people/places you wanted to use and how they relate to one another prior to the beginning of production in a "series bible" or does it grow and change from episode to episode?
2. Seeing as how Superman is apparently the first superhero in this universe and has only been active for about 10 years at the start of the series where does that put groups like the JSA or heroes such as Spy Smasher or the Crimson Avenger?

Greg responds...

1. Both, really.

2. Supreman's first in the modern era. As you've seen, the JSA pre-dates him and included (at minimum) Jay Garrick/Flash and Kent Nelson/Nabu/Doctor Fate.


Response recorded on April 06, 2011

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jj writes...

Dear Greg,

I am wondering how many seasons you have planned for "Young Justice"?

Greg responds...

Well, we see it as pretty open-ended. We're currently breaking down Season Two, but part of that is wading through the TONS of ideas we have and eliminating those that don't fit the mini-series format of the 10-episode order.

We plan to do a number of these ideas in the companion comic. Others we're saving for an expanded Season Two and/or Season Three. But frankly, I can't see running out of stories to tell for this series, so we'll keep going as long as WB, DC & CN allow us... in whatever medium they allow us.

Response recorded on April 05, 2011

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DC Hero writes...

In episode 7, Denial, I noticed at the beginning Artemis and Miss M were talking about who should go with who. It seemed like they were trying to dump each other with their other teammates. Do they both haave a flair for Superboy ?

Greg responds...

A "flair"?

Uh... they both have crushes on Superboy, so in a winking way, Artemis was encouraging Miss Martian to date Aqualad instead, so Miss Martian countered (also with a wink) that Artemis date Kid Flash.

Response recorded on April 05, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

where is kid flash going to keep all the souvenirs he finds at the end of each episode?

If he gets one each episode are we going to see them again?

Greg responds...

By now, you've hopefully seen he's got a trophy room of sorts. Or, in any case, a bookcase in the Cave where he keeps them.

Response recorded on April 05, 2011

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DC Hero writes...

hey Greg, loving Young justice right now. All the twist and turns are really confusing me.
I got to ask you from watching episode 6 does Artemis have some kind of crush on superboy and Miss Martian is getting jealous or was it a one time thing.

Greg responds...

I think Artemis clearly has a crush on Superboy. Initially, Miss Martian was jealous - but made a conscious decision NOT to be that girl.

Response recorded on April 05, 2011

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Gonman writes...

Will Artemis's Backstory Be On The Show? After Seeing Episode 6 I Think Artemis Has Some Connections To Cheshire And The Light.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 05, 2011

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Algernon writes...

“Schooled” Review



Yo Greg, sorry I’ve kinda fallen behind with these reviews but life sometimes gets in the way. Anyway, I enjoyed this ep a lot. I have to admit I did find Superboy’s anger issues a bit one not in “Welcome to Happy Harbor” even though I did understand why it was so. Lets face it, being raised in a tube by psychic goblins is probably going to leave you a little lacking in social skills. But this ep, (and to a certain extent “Drop-Zone”) has done a great job of letting us see other sides of his character, as well as exploring the underlying reasons for all that anger.

I particularly liked his exchange with Clark, poor kids practically giving Big Blue puppy dog eyes. Not that I don’t sympathise with Clark. Even with the best will in the world, dealing with your own clone/son has got to be a pretty daunting prospect. If I were brutally honest, I’d have to admit Clark is handling this way better then I would be. I know if I met a clone of myself, my first instinct would probably be to reach for a torch and pitch fork. Hardly the rational or ethical response I’ll readily admit, but luckily the Man of Steel is a lot more level headed then me.

Loved Peter MacNicol as Professor Ivo, he brought a great sense of humour and menace to the character without making him sound like a clone of Doc Ock. I just dig the idea tha this short skinny middle-aged nerd is able to strike terror into the hearts of the Justice League. I also noticed that his character design has a very similar colour scheme to AMAZO, red hair and green clothes. I loved this because it neatly explains AMAZO’s goofy silver design, Ivo designed the android to basically look like and idealised version of himself, brilliant! Hope we see the M.O.N.Q.I.s again. J

Black Canary was pretty cool, it’s good to hear Vanessa Marshall again. I’ve heard she’s your favourite DC character so I’m interested to see how you handle her.

All and all another great ep, I’ll try and get my “Infiltrator” review up sometime tomorrow.

Greg responds...

Vanessa Marshall is indeed my favorite DC character, so she'll be joining the Justice League in Season Two. Since Vanessa will be voicing/playing herself, we'll be recasting Black Canary to avoid confusion. Our leading candidates are all single-named celebrities: Roseanne, Cher, Lindsay, Madonna or Prince.

Oh, and in case it hasn't been clear for this and the last four questions as well: APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!

Response recorded on April 01, 2011

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Ceylan writes...

Hey Greg
loving what you're doing with the show and obviously I have some questions

1. Is there any relation between Artemis and Onyx Adams in any way cause I believe that they may have some common past.

2. Is the Superboy/Miss Martian/Kid Flash love triangle last just the first season?

3. I there going to be some sort of love/hate relationship between Artemis and Kid Flash like Miss Martian says in Denial??

It'd be great if you'd answer atleast one without saying no comment.

Greg responds...

1. Artemis and Onyx are deeply in love.

2. What love triangle? Miss Martian and Kid Flash have been sleeping together since episode four.

3. Again, I don't know what you're referring to. Artemis and Kid Flash will be revealed to be second cousins. They get along fine.

Response recorded on April 01, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

First of all, I am huge fan of your work, My question is, what DC comic characters are you not allowed to use In Young Justice?

Greg responds...

There was a short list of characters that formerly we were not allowed to use, but now they've all been okayed, so watch for Swamp Thing, Death of the Endless and Jonah Hex all in episode 25.

Response recorded on April 01, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Are you thinking of featuring the Flaming C in the series? Please :D Just a cameo would be good.

Greg responds...

Flaming C will be joining the Justice League officially in episode 11. But the Leaguers won't find out he's really Conan O'Brien until episode 24.

Response recorded on April 01, 2011

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Trevor Doyle writes...

Hello Greg. Congrats on the success of Young Justice so far. I just have one question, but I've noticed it takes about a month to reply to a post. So my question might be answered simply by watching each week. None the less. I just wanted to know if in this Young Justice time line if Jonathan and Martha Kent are both dead, or is Martha still alive? Thank for taking the time to answer our questions.

Greg responds...

They never existed in Earth-16 continuity. Instead, Jor-El and Lara came to Earth with Kal-El, were found by the U.S. Government and given witness relocation identities in Smallville as the Kents.

Response recorded on April 01, 2011

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Orange writes...

Hey Greg, I'd just like to say I've been completely blown away by Young Justice. Just watched "Infiltrator" today; this series just keeps getting better and better!

The question: Considering how well it's been received so far, how long do you expect YJ to run? Wiki has the current list of planned episode airing dates up to the 8th in early March, but I'd like to think the story's going to be longer than that.

Also, I'm convinced Artemis is Mia Dearden. I guess I'll have to wait to see if I'm right! ;)

Greg responds...

Artemis is .... Artemis Crock.

Anyway, as previously announced, we have a total of 26 episodes this season (nine have aired, 17 remain to be aired) and we've been picked up for AT LEAST ten more for Season Two.

Response recorded on March 31, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

1. Is Zeta-tubing how Artemis got to Gotham in the end of episode 6?
What was she doing there, why was Red Arrow(love the new costume by the way) there, and how did he know to find here there?

2. Is Red Arrow unofficialy part of the Young Justice roster? Because in Infiltrator the computer was like B-06 when he entered Mount Justice.

3.Why didn't we find out Artemis' real name in Infiltrator?

4. Oh last question when Robin was flipping out about them getting the Waynetech data where was he worried they would get into? And why didnt he tell Superboy where he was worried they would get into.

By the way my mind was blown when Cheshire knew Artemis.

Greg responds...

1. Yes, she used a Zeta-Tube to get to Gotham, which is where she lives with her mother. As for Red Arrow: "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT."

2. He's officially allowed into the Cave, which is what the computer recognizes.

3. Cuz we wanted to save the revelation for "Downtime".

4. Come on... what do you THINK he was worried about? Yep, that's right.

Response recorded on March 31, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I'm a bit curious about Artemis. No I'm not asking who she is. I was wondering about her sixth ranger status on the show. She is literally the sixth member of the team and and archer, commonly known as a 'ranger' in roleplaying classes. Was that done intentionally or is it just a really weird coincidence?

And why not; just because I've missed reading your snarky responses: What's Artemis' secret identity?

Greg responds...

I'm not a gamer, and this is the first time I've heard the "ranger" term used in this context. I'm not even clear what "sixth ranger status" means.

Response recorded on March 30, 2011

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Cal writes...

Will any Kim Possible voice actors be working on YJ? I only asked because you and Nicole Dubuc have written episodes for both shows.

Greg responds...

I'm sure there will be some overlap, but I don't have a good enough handle on who all did what voices on Kim to be certain.

Response recorded on March 30, 2011

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Paul writes...

1) In Young Justice, what is the codename of Hawkman's partner in the Justice League: Hawkgirl or Hawkwoman?
2) Is her real name Shayera Hol or is it something else?
3) Is she romantically linked to Green Lantern (John Stewart) or Hawkman in Young Justice?
4) I asked you before about how much of Justice League/Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans you had seen and was just wondering if you're thinking of resuming watching either of them? I ask this because they're both great shows and seeing them in their entirety would prevent you from accidentally using an idea that was done on one of those shows.
5) Did/would you ever consider recasting some of the voice actors from other DC cartoons in the same role on Young Justice? (To give an example, Tara Strong as Raven on Teen Titans.)

Greg responds...

1. Hawkwoman.



4. I haven't had time. There's bound to be some overlap here and there, but we'll just have to live with that.

5. It doesn't play into our decisions. Using your example, I wouldn't REJECT Tara as Raven, but her having played the part in the past isn't a consideration. We'd look at our interpretation of the character and try to find the best choice for our version of the character. If the best choice was still Tara, great. If not, we'd go with someone else. (NOTE: if this was actually a backdoor attempt to discover if Raven will be appearing: "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.")

Response recorded on March 30, 2011

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Con writes...

1. Is it true not every Police Officer or FBI Agent is trustworthy in "your" DC Universe?

2. In YJ is Professor Ivo a campy villian? He doesn't look threatening at all.

3. So far, are any the DC villians you've used, are involved in any "counterespionage" activities, or is this still confidential?

Greg responds...


2. The threat is his genius. If Amazo or the MONQIs are threatening, then that threat comes from Ivo's genius. We definitely think Ivo's eccentric but never intended him to be camp, but I guess it's up to the viewer to decide on the final result.


Response recorded on March 30, 2011

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Rud writes...

Young Justice, In the beginning of episode 5 when that bridge was collapsing and Bruce Wayne saw it. Instead of calling the police or the firemen or whatever he went strait for his Batman costume... that was just so funny to me, cause like, what can the Batman possibly do about a broken bridge?

its a good Superman showed up.

Greg responds...

It is good that Superman showed up. Superboy too.

But I wouldn't underestimate the Batman.

Response recorded on March 30, 2011

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Michael writes...

Dear Mr. Greg "greatestanimatedshowrunnerofalltime" Weisman,
While of course Lex is a member of the Light, as well as other villains I'm sure many comic book readers are aware of, like the Brain, possibly, but while their inevitable reveal will be a shock to the characters and possibly the viewers, most of them, who presumably don't read comics and have little to no comic book knowledge will have no clue who these villains are, as they haven't appeared in the show yet. Revealing a shadowy villain to be a villain no one's seen before will feel cheap to most viewers.
All the best and keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

Is this... advice?

Or an attempt to get confirmation of your theories? Or a subtle request for spoilers?


You have no idea what we have planned, but WHATEVER we have planned is done. No turning back now. And I'm not confirming or denying any of your suppositions, implicit or explicit, so:


Response recorded on March 30, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Tell us more about this Earth 16.5...please?

Greg responds...

Well, for starters: It's just Earth-16. Not sure where you got the ".5".

Response recorded on March 29, 2011

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DC Hero writes...

Hey Greg,Here are some questions that I hope you are allowed to answer.
1.Can you post on a blog the reason why you chose specific costumes for each character.
2.Is Aqualad's electric ell tatoo natural or Atlantean made.
3.How was Artemis able to be at school when Amazo was giving Superboy a beat down.
4.Is it because of your love for Black Canary that you made her the combat trainer instead of Wonder Woman or was there a specific reason.
4.Will we see Themyscira in Young justice.
5.How much liter's can Aqualad's water bearers hold.
6.Which is your favorite comic:DC or Marvel.
7.Will any issue of your comics for Young Justice focus on specific realations within the group.
8.If yes to number 7, which issue will focus on the Superboy and Miss Martian relationship.
Thanks for all your time making a great tv series like Young Justice.Side note hope Superboy and Miss Martian get together soon.

Greg responds...

1. No. I'm not going to go down a laundry list of everyone. If you have a specific question about an individual character or two, I'll give it a shot. In the meantime, check out my partner Brandon Vietti's blog on the subject: http://brandonvietti.blogspot.com/2010/11/costumes.html

2. It's mystic, but he wasn't born with it.


4. I'm sure my preferences played in, but it just made sense to us. Canary was trained by past heroes. It made sense that she'd want to pass on the knowledge she's gained. Plus her experience lends itself to all power sets. I'm not sure Wonder Woman's does. (Btw, this came VERY close to getting a stock "WE LIKE OUR SHOW." response, but I elected to give you the benefit of the doubt.)


5. I'm personally not interested in being that specific.


7. Well, sure...


Response recorded on March 29, 2011

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Finally, a word about Ask Greg.

I've asked Gorebash to shut down the question asking function until either (a) I catch up with the huge backlog of questions currently in the queue or (b) we have a new episode airing (whichever comes FIRST).

In the meantime, I'm going to try as usual to wade through the backlog. I'll admit, the questions lately have made me a bit cranky, and I want to avoid that, so I'm breaking down three categories of questions that get on my nerves and will from now on ONLY receive stock answers, both to keep me sane and to speed up the process.

1. Questions that have been asked before are really bogging down the queue. It would be MUCH appreciated if folks would follow the guidelines before posting and try (1) checking the Ask Greg Archives to see if their question has already been answered, (2) check the unanswered questions already in the queue to see if the question has been asked already and will get answered before I get to theirs and (3) try asking the question in the Station 8 Comment Room (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/). The fans there are VERY knowledgeable and may be able to get you an answer LONG before I reach your question. Any question that falls into this category will simply be answered with the following: "ASKED AND ANSWERED."

2. Questions that ask me to SPOIL my own show are exasperating. As I've said over and over, I'm just NOT going to do that. Why would I? Even obvious stuff can't be addressed, because if I acknowledge anything, the stuff I don't comment on is spoiled by default. So please, please, please refrain. Any question that falls into this category will simply be answered: "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT."

3. Finally, I have NO problem with people commenting on the series. And I get that not everyone is going to like everything (or even anything) that they see. But for some posters, commenting doesn't seem to satisfy. Instead, they phrase their comments in the form of a question, and in essence CHALLENGE me to acknowledge how right they are about their criticisms of the program. But here's the thing... you do NOT have to agree with me, but aside from a few objective mistakes that I'm ALWAYS willing to acknowledge (e.g.. the incorrect timestamps), you have to understand that if Brandon and I put something in the series, the odds are WE LIKE IT. YOU are NOT going to convince ME that, for example, "Hello, Megan!" or Robin's laugh or Superman's response to Superboy or Wally's flirting is bad for the show. Feel free to tell me you don't care for these (or other) things, but stop phrasing these COMMENTS as questions or challenges. It grates. Any question that falls into this category will simply be answered: "WE LIKE OUR SHOW."

Now, I realize that all of the above sounds fairly negative, but that's not the intent. In fact, the intent is to get any and all negativity out of the way HERE, so that the rest of Ask Greg becomes more manageable and pleasant for myself and all of you. I hope that makes sense.

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Young Justice Update

Good news and bad news today...

Here's the good news.

Coming out of Cartoon Network's upfronts last week (and Geoff John's comments on it since) there's been some confusion about what's happening on the Young Justice front.

What amuses me a bit is how CONFIDENT some posters on various message boards are about their interpretation of the reports. CONFIDENT and generally wrong.

So here's what's going on:

Young Justice has aired nine episodes of our 26-episode first season. The rest will begin airing after some weeks of reruns. The schedule is Cartoon Network's, and I'm not yet 100% clear on when we're back up and running. Though to be fair to CN, we don't have ANY other episodes in the can as of this moment. We're posting episodes 10 and 11 now.

(I saw some folks protesting why we didn't wait until ALL episodes were in the can before we began airing. All I can do is shrug. It's not up to me, but I do wonder how the fans who were furious that they had to wait until January 2011 for Season One would feel about THAT strategy.)

So the good news: We HAVE INDEED been picked up for a second season. As of now, all CN & WB have ordered is a ten episode mini-series, "YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION". We're HOPING for more than just ten eps, and I honestly think the odds are fairly good that the order will expand, but as of NOW, all we have is this ten episode order.

We immediately began work on this new season last week, and are breaking approximately (but not quite) one episode per day. The creative team is fundamentally the same as for Season One.

And though, of course, we will be introducing many new characters episodically in Season Two (just as we do episodically in Season One), I don't want to give the impression that this is some spin-off featuring, I dunno, the League or something, in the same Earth-16 setting. Invasion IS the second season of Young Justice and absolutely features our "Team". Episode 26 of Season One is time-stamped "December 31". Episode 1 of Season Two will be time-stamped "January 1", in essence picking up right where we left off.

We anticipate YJ:Invasion premiering in 2012... late first quarter, if I had to guess. Reports suggesting late 2011 are... beyond wishful thinking.

Hmmm... anything else? I feel like I'm forgetting something. But I can't think of any other misconceptions that need correcting right now.

Oh, well...

Still - Season Two. Not too shabby, huh?

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Jim V writes...

Loving Young Justice... but why oh why is Superman acting like such a jerk with regards to Superboy? I can understand why he'd be uncomfortable meeting his clone, but still... seems way out of character. And him storming out of his meeting with Batman... who IS this guy?

Greg responds...

Asked and answered ad nauseum. See the ASK GREG "Young Justice" archives.

Response recorded on March 18, 2011

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Now that I am finally caught up on YJ episodes...{I'm the only person I've ever heard of to have any problems with TiVO, let alone have one box go from working poorly to actually dying, and now the new one is working no better!?} A few reactions and questions...

1- Aqualad's water manipulation power reminds me of 'water bending' in Avatar. Was that a visual inspiration, or just a happenstance?

2- I had a surprising realization. Robin is a bit annoying- That's not the surprise; he is annoying as a 13 year old trying a smidge too hard to run with the big kids most probably would be. (I started reading comics with the preternaturally mature Tim Drake as Robin so it does stick out to me.) The realization that surprised me was that I have no idea if that is consistent with or devient from Dick's personality when he first appeared back in the Golden Age.

3- I'm not sure if this is something you would care to answer or if it is a 'wait and see' thing but... If YJ has the "Don't call them sidekicks" vibe, will we be seeing plain old 'call them sidekicks'? (I'm thinking more world building background than full show characters. This is a young universe, there aren't that many sidekicks yet so the example of these sidekicks should first be leading to more, and to reactions to kids in the field in general. Foreground I'm fairly certain is a 'wait and see' answer.)
3a- Will we be seeing any of the YJ crew in their sidekick capacity like we did in the series opening sequence?

4- The animated YJ members assumption Speedy's presence whenever clues of Artimas shows up mirrors the printed members' assumption of Arrowette's return when Empress first showed up.

5- I like Black Canary's design, also her characterization and acting- the leggings could be simplified visually from her famous fishnets, or they could equally be a more practical protective material. Her body actually looks capable of the fighting she does. And the arm wound was subtle enough to just be there like working past a battle wound would be for her in, uh..real life. It was used wonderfully to show her personality, similarly her reliance on her fighting skills over her meta ability. (Superboy picked up on that nicely when Amazo called on her skills twice- first for her scream and second, when the fighting heated up, for her brawling skills.)

6- Speaking of Black Canary- in the comics, despite their closeness in age, Dinah is often considered Roy's mother. (Making her a rediculously young grandmother.) I'm not a big Green Arrow reader, but I can think of several times Roy and Ollie saying that Dinah was a better mother to him than Ollie ever was a father. And IIRC correctly there was a strong 'proud mama' vibe over Red Arrow's membership in Dinah's JLA. Assuming at least part of that relationship is in the animated continuity it adds an additional level of depth to her mentoring the angry young Kon-el when her own angry young Roy is on her mind.

7- One last note on some of the Superman complaints I've been reading in the que- I'm foundinng the animation so expressive (as with my two previous Black Canary comments) that what some complain is missing in Superman's failure to be fatherly, (or at least big brotherly- a clone seems more brother than son to me), to Superboy to be clearly on screen in facial expressions and body langauge. I don't think Clark is being short changed at all.

8- And a request...can the "Come on Megan!"s be limited to one per ep? I get her Earth name is new and she is still enjoying the sound and play of it, but it is a bit much.

Greg responds...

1. Probably neither.

2. Robin/Dick Grayson - particularly in the early days - had a real sense of humor about his work with Batman. I think we've characterized him (taking modernization into account) fairly accurately. (BTW, I do not find him annoying.)

3. To the extent I understand the question: no comment.

3a. No comment.

4 & 5. No questions.

6. I've never considered Dinah as Roy's mom. More like a caring older sister. I mean I get it. Ollie is a father figure to Roy (though not necessarily much of a father), so Dinah -- being Ollie's most consistent girlfriend -- must be a mother figure. But I just don't see it and never have.

7. Thank you.

8. <sigh> You do understand that it's too late, right? The scripting and recording and nearly all of the boarding plus a good chunk of the animation is all done. Even assuming I agreed with you, how could I honor such a request? And, for the record, I DISAGREE WITH YOU STRONGLY!!! And did you really think I wouldn't? Does it make sense that we'd put stuff in the series that WE don't like? And it's: "Hello, Megan!"

Response recorded on March 18, 2011

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Liam writes...

Gargoyles obviously had a lot of influence from Shakespeare, and so did Spectacular Spider-Man, towards the end of the series. Will we be seeing at least a little bit of that theme in Young Justice?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on March 18, 2011

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David writes...

1).The season 1 of Young justice just began but how long will the gap be between se;1 and se;2 ( if the show gets a season two).

2).are there episodes for the next season already in development or is it a {wait it out and see what happens with se;1 before going anymore forward}

Greg responds...

1. I have no idea.

2. We don't yet have a green light for Season Two, but of course we have ideas.

Response recorded on March 18, 2011

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Grant writes...

Where is Metropolis located?

In the most recent episode, Schooled, was the map correct in that Gotham was located in Conneticut?

Are both of these cities the size of NYC?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on March 18, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

Just wanted to give thanks for another excellent episode of Young Justice this past Friday. I liked how you handled Amazo, very cool. But I was surprised by Prof. Ivo, I wouldv'e sworn that was Toyman based on his design. But you've done enough good to earn my full trust. Oh, I also liked the interaction between Clark & Bruce at the diner, very nicely done. Again, kudos to you and the crew, and I am looking forward to the next episode!

Greg responds...

Toyman looks like Peter MacNicol?

Response recorded on March 17, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I really like Robin's jokes, I've always been a fan of wordplay.

Oh Young Justice is the first of your show's that I've watched, but it was so good that it made me want to look into Spectacular Spiderman, and WoW it's really good I'm only a couple episode in but I love the way you have all the villains kinda developing into villains instead of just villain of the week type of set up.
Haha and the theme song is pretty entertaining.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 17, 2011

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tomi writes...

I really enjoyed these first preview episodes of Young Justice. And perhaps even moreso than that i enjoyed to hear Crispin Freeman to return back to your services: i think he made fantastic work as both Speedy and Guardian, and eventhough you can still hear a bit that it is the same actor, he made it possible for those two characters to be divided and personified from one and another.

He was excellent as Electro, and i was fan of him before that(i came hooked sometimes around i first saw first few episodes of Wolf,s Rain).

From what i,ve been able to gather, he seems to be not only true professional, but also smart, intelligent guy with great thoughts, coupled with sharp and delightful sense of humor. I have seem him to appear in many of Gatherings(often paired with good old Thom Lexington Adcox), and i,ve heard that he was fan long before your paths crossed, often discussing with his fans about serie,s themes.

If it isnt too much trouble, could you give little bit of greenlight how you two met, and how your cooperation began?

Hopes for better to your work from fan from far-off-land Finland: maybe there arent too many Finnish Gargfans, but i am one of them.

Pidä lippu korkealla!/Keep your spirits high!

Greg responds...

I met him through the Gathering, actually. 2001 in Los Angeles, I believe. He was a guest of the convention, giving his mythology seminar. We first worked together on a pitch for Mecha-Nation, i.e. he did us a favor and recorded a bit of dialogue for us. The first paying job I could offer him was on the very last episode of W.I.T.C.H.

Response recorded on March 17, 2011

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April writes...

Hi Greg,

I've never asked a question here before and I searched the site for a while to see if the question I have has already been asked (apparently it hasn't?) Anyway, I was just wondering, does Kid Flash actually know Robin's secret identity? I've seen a lot of fan speculation on it and it got me really curious.

Hope you can answer and thanks for such a great series so far. It's fantastic. :)

Greg responds...

He does, but it's a secret that he knows.

Response recorded on March 16, 2011

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H13 writes...

Just want to make some comments on what seems to be one of the major things in the last few episodes. Superman/Superboy dynamic.
I think it's good to see Superman is not Mr Perfect/Infallible and can't handle a situation that for once does not call for super speed or heat vision. But it's clear his side is not being shown and maybe that is unfortunate. I expect fear is a major factor here and imagine being last of your race and knowing you can't have kids with humans and suddenly you're faced with Batman telling you have be a father to a clone who could very well be someone bred to take you down. Fear that you can't or will fail Conner. Must bring up so much emotion regarding his own biological father and dead planet. It's a bit much for anyone. Shame you couldn't show some of his reasons.Might have made it more balanced. Batman is not the one to convince Clark in my mind anyway. I think this is where Pa Kent comes in big time. Maybe to some extent Diana and J'onn who seem from the start Clark's sounding boards/close friends. But kudos to you for bringing up an issue that I am sure many youngsters do have to face and we feel empathy for Conner.

My other thing is I hope we see Artemis very soon. Miss Martian is getting on my nerves. There needs to be some more girls to balance off her and soon.

Greg responds...

Well, I wish we had hour long episodes that would give me the flexibility to show more for ALL our characters. But ultimately, the series is about the teens, not the adults. So we aren't going to see too much of Superman's struggle from Superman's point of view. And the fact that Superboy can't SEE the struggle from HIS pov is part of the point.

By now, hopefully, you've seen Artemis. As ALWAYS planned, she premiered on schedule in episode 6.

Response recorded on March 16, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

I've written a lot in the past about why Demona is my favorite character, what it is about her that speaks to me and fascinates me. I've always been interested in why some characters are favorites for other people.

I've read a while back that you said that Black Canary is probably your all time favorite comic book character. So, I'm curious, what is it about Black Canary that interested and fascinated you to put her at the top of a list like that, with so many other characters potentially fighting for a top spot like that?

Greg responds...

The short answer is that I just think she kicks ass. Strong, in all sense of the word, without being a "Man-in-Drag" superhero. And I like that her power level isn't through the roof. I can take or leave her Canary Cry, though I don't shy away from using it when it makes sense for her to do so, but it's the way she's trained herself. I also always really liked her relationship to Green Arrow, who's another favorite of mine. I like her ties to the old Justice Society (even if nowadays, those original connections were really her mother's) and I even like the retconning that makes her her own daughter and establishes that she trained with guys like Wildcat. I like the legacy hero idea. Plus - I'll admit - she's hot.

I guess the SHORTER answer is: "What's NOT to like?"

Response recorded on March 16, 2011

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Young Justice Happy Meal Toys!

Young Justice Happy Meal Toys!

So I got my complete set of YJ Happy Meal toys today, and I have three things to say:

1. Yes, I'm bummed that McDonalds chose to go with Littlest Pet Shop for girls, instead of creating a couple of kick-ass toys for Miss Martian and Artemis.

2. Nevertheless, the eight toys they did make are very cool!

3. But the choices made me stop and think: Black Manta is Aqualad's biological father. Batman is Robin's foster-father. Superman is Superboy's genetic father. So... is McDonalds trying to imply that Captain Cold is Kid Flash's father?!! OMG!!!

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John writes...

I know Black Canary and Batman are two of the best at hand to hand combat in the field and Superboy and Flash are inexperienced I get that but how come not one of the stronger heroes are not even involved in 'schooling' the kids? It makes no sense it is only Canary. In my mind she cannot truly teach that very mixed group which includes Flash and Superboy what they really need to know. So are we going to see a meta take them on the mats?

Greg responds...

I think you're underestimating Canary and/or missing the entire point of the training. Perhaps when their training gets more advanced, she'll bring in some help. But Kid Flash is already mentored by Flash. He doesn't need Mount Justice to train him in his speedcraft.

In any case, you'll eventually see that she's not the only Leaguer giving them tips.

Response recorded on March 15, 2011

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Albert writes...

Hello, Greg!

Alas, another inquiry about Young Justice...

You revealed on an earlier question-and-answer that the mysterious Artemis character, which I think have a vague idea on her identity, is half-Caucasian and half-Vietnamese. Since that the show (by proxy, Earth-16) is all about realism, it got me concerned about biological genetics. It would seem that if Artemis were to be Eurasian, her Asian traits would be more accented given the fact that generally Asians have darker hair and eye color, thus becoming more dominant than her European traits. Artemis having blonde hair and blue eyes would be implausible unless she was three-fourths Caucasian and one-fourth Vietnamese. Will there be an adequate explanation for said incoherence? Either way, I don't care. It's fiction and can do away without one.

Keep up with the good work on the show!

Greg responds...

I think you may be right about the genetics, and I'm not going to argue the point. Victor Cook's daughter is naturally blonde, though she's one-half Korean on BOTH parents' side, making her one-half Asian total. She, in part, served as one of our inspirations for Artemis. By now, you've seen Artemis' mother and probably have a solid idea as to who her father might be. But I'm just not going to get into who Artemis' grandparents might have been. At least not in the forseeable future.

Response recorded on March 15, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

The fifth episode of "Young Justice" airs, and the series continues its upward climb in quality. This week's episode was penned by Nicole Dubuc, who previously worked with Greg Weisman on "W.I.T.C.H." and "The Spectacular Spider-Man."

Also making a return from "The Spectacular Spider-Man" are Vanessa Marshall as Black Canary, and Peter MacNicol as Professor Ivo. Marshall brings a cool, confident, and collected sexiness to Black Canary that perfectly fits the character. Honestly, I think she's my favorite actress to voice the character, and this is following the incredibly talented Morena Baccarin ("Firefly") and Grey DeLisle ("Avatar the Last Airbender"). I'll admit, I know very little about the character, but I have read that she is Weisman's favorite comic book character of all time, and as such, I am eager to learn more about her. Her character model is great, very sexy (even if I normally don't go for blondes), but it looks like her famous fishnet stockings have been stolen by the Flaming C.

Then there is Professor Ivo, a character I know nothing about except that dead guy in "Justice League" who constructed the android that was occasionally called AMAZO... but almost under protest from the writing team on that show. I liked Peter MacNicol's performance, but listening to him made me wish I was watching more of Dr. Octopus. I'll admit, I am still not quite over the cancellation of "The Spectacular Spider-Man." At this point, I'm willing to bet he's working for the Light.

And finally, rounding out the introductions, we have AMAZO. I mostly know AMAZO from "Justice League" and "Justice League Unlimited" and while he was an intriguing character in those shows, they kind of wrote themselves into a corner with him by turning him into a veritable god. The last time we saw him, he teleported himself to the other end of the universe to figure out a way to defeat Solomon Grundy... and they left him there. Probably Forever. Obviously, I don't think we want someone THAT powerful in "Young Justice." But I enjoyed what we got here.

Now, the emotional core of the episode: Superboy. The hotheaded, Kryptonian clone is beginning to grow on me. I understand him, I understand where he's coming from and why he is the way he is. But he's growing and learning. He's got a long way to go, but he's definitely getting better. I enjoyed seeing him use his head, and turn his anger into a strength when he outwitted AMAZO.

Robin continues to butcher the English language, and even I have to admit it's getting a little old. I understand that this is his quirk. But if I were doing that, most of my friends would have told me to shut up by now. Still, I like him.

I am continuing to really like Kid Flash. My favorite moment had to be him hitting on Black Canary before being royally schooled. On that note, I loved it when she royally schooled Superboy.

Now, as for Superman, I'll admit this upfront, I have never been a fan of Superman and I doubt I will ever be a fan of Superman. The character has always been presented as way too perfect for me. Yes, he is "super" but he is also a man, first and foremost. Men aren't perfect and never will be. Which is why I am one of the few I have conversed with who isn't annoyed about his treatment of Superboy. Well, I am annoyed in the sense that Clark is being a jerk, but I like seeing Clark being portrayed with an understandable character flaw. There is a tendency among many Superman fans, that I've noticed, where if Clark isn't portrayed as being better than Jesus Christ, they go ballistic. I think this is a far more realistic take on the character in this situtation, and it works for me. But then, I'm not a Superman fan, so what do I know?

Overall, a pretty great episode. I look forward to next week's, and the introduction of whomever it was that fired that arrow.

Oh yeah, and my favorite moment in the entire episode, when Clark ordered an Apple Pie and Bruce Wayne ordered a Devil's Food.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 15, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

What are those three dots on Kid flash's arms?

Greg responds...

Vents, I think.

Response recorded on March 15, 2011

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YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #9 ("Bereft") Credits

YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #9 ("Bereft") Credits


Brandon Vietti
Greg Weisman
Written By
Nicole Dubuc
Directed By
Michael Chang
Line Producer
David Wilcox
Young Justice Theme and Music Written And Performed By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis
Casting & Voice Direction
Jamie Thomason
Starring The Voices Of
Stephanie Lemelin - Artemis
Jesse McCartney - Robin
Danica McKellar - Miss Martian
Nolan North - Superboy
Khary Payton - Aqualad
Jason Spisak - Kid Flash

Bruce Greenwood - Batman
Marina Sirtis - L4
Alan Tudyk - Psimon
Based On DC Comics Characters
Batman Created By Bob Kane
Miss Martian Created By Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel
Psimon Created By Marv Wolfman and George Perez
Production Manager
John Diaz

Assistant Production Manager
Casey Sandin

Animation Coordinator
Matthew Benzinger
Lead Character Design
Phil Bourassa

Character Design
Dusty Abell
Jerome Moore

Prop Design
Hakjoon Kang
Eugene Mattos

BG Key Design
Hakjoon Kang
Gary Mantalbano

Charles E. Drost, III
Jeff Johnson
Paul Harmon
Olga Ulanova

Storyboard Clean-up
Owen Sullivan

Animation Timing Director
James Tim Walker

Jeff Hall
Richard Collado
Gordon Kent
R. Michel Lyman
Bob Shellhorn

Animation Checking
Jan Browning
Annamarie Costa
Chuck Gefre
Justin Schultz

Color Stylist
James Peters

Ink & Paint
Kim Bowen

Background Paint
Mike Inman
David McBride
Craig Robertson
Chun Liu
Wei Zhao

Effects Animation
Matthew Girardi

Main Title Animation
MOI Animation, Inc.
Wut It Is
Jhoanne Reyes

Supervising Dialogue/ADR Editor
Mark A. Keatts

Sound Reading
Fred Salinas
Wilson Martinez

Dialogue/ADR Editors
Patrick Foley
Mike Garcia

Post Production Manager
Scott Shinick

Dialogue Recording
Studio Studiopolis, Inc.

Recording Machine Operator
Jeff O. Collins
Sarah Baluch

Post Production Sound Services
Audio Circus, Inc.

Online Editor
Christopher D. Lozinski
Animation Services
Lotto Animation, Inc.

Supervising Animation Director
Heechul Kang

Background Director
Yunhee Kim
EunHee No
Eunjung Choi

Production Staff
Hyoungmin Doh
Miok Kwon
Eonho Lee
Jinhwa Heo (Jun-E)

Animation Directors
Sangjoon Lee
Myeonghwan Park
Layout Artists
Soohyeon Gwak
Gapchan Jung
Jungmo Kim

Final Checker
Hosoon Shin

Color Stylist
Mihyun Ji

Model Checkers
Junghee Kim
Jisoo Kang

Sangbong Oh
Hoyeon Joo
Yuri Choi
Daehee Rim
Sunghun Lee

Key Animation
Seokjin Jang
Eunhwa Jung
Howon Jung
Kwonil Kim
SinKwon Kim
Sebo Lee
Gyeonghwa Seo
Joonho Song

Final Checker
Seokki Um
Misook Choi
Production Administrator
Nicole Martin

Production Accounting
Athena Wingate
Luisa Guzman

Production Support
Audrey Kim
Kira Tirimacco
Renee Toporzysek

Casting Administrator
Liz Carroll

Executive In Charge Of Music
Niki Sherrod

Business And Legal Affairs
Lori Blackstone
Bonnie Negrete
Joulene St. Catherine
Production Supervision
Bobbie Page

Production Management
Ed Adams

Executive in Charge of Production
Jay Bastian

Executives In Charge Of Production For Cartoon Network
Tramm Wigzell
Brian E. S. Jones

Executive Producer
Sam Register
"This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.

© 2011 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Country of first publication United States Of America

YOUNG JUSTICE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.

Warner Bros Animation Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purposes of Article 15 (2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.
There are, as always, a bunch of people who ALSO helped out but don't receive credits on screen for various (legal and precedent) reasons.
A handful (in no particular order) include...
Dan Soulsby - Talent Coordinator
Eric Lewis, CAS - Dialogue Sound Mixer
Chris Eaton - Assistant Engineer
Otis Van Osten - Sound Supervisor
Ron Salaises - Sound Effects editor
Carlos Sanches - Re-Recording Mixer
Stacy Michaels - Foley Mixer
Alex Ulrich - Foley Walker
Aris Katsaris - Atlantean Translator
Sindy Tadros - Arabic Translator
Nicole Dubuc & Greg Weisman - Martian Translator
I know I'm probably forgetting some folks, and I REALLY apologize! If you send me a reminder, I'll pimp you in another post!

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Anonymous writes...

I know character development is important here and at times we all seem impatient but why is Superman ...SUPERMAN...of all people being unable to extend even a few words to Superboy? While I expect it to be awkward and a little creepy for him, we are only subjected to seeing Clark come off like a bit of a jerk. And it is so unfair to the character when he is not like that at all! You have people going on that Superman is a d**k and I am like, he's not! You didn't even put a scene showing Clark's internal struggle as if to show well yes we can see ambivalence but show there is something more. That he can show some innate compassion even for a clone. And of course Batman as usual is the best at everything...best leader, best mentor, best father, has the best protege who will leader...the Batworship in Timmverse was so blatant it got pretty aggravating for me as a fan of Superman, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, even Wonder Woman,...as if these heroes were just stupid and usually OOC. I mean I like Batman too but not at the expense of the rest of the League.

I am hoping this show would try to be more balanced and treat every hero with respect and be true to their character. I am hoping the Superman/Superboy thing is resolved with some dignity and not dragged on and on cause we must have someone act like a jerk and let it be Superman. sigh

Greg responds...

Random responses to your post:

*Yes, you do seem impatient to me. But maybe that's just me.

*Actually, Superman DOES extend exactly a few words to Superboy.

*I don't think Superman's a d**k, and I don't think the series presents him as one... unless a viewer absolutely insists on looking at everything in the starkest black and white terms - which I don't.

*I think we've twice shown Clark's internal struggle, but we intentionally tried to do it with subtlety.

*I'm a big fan of Batman, but I can guarantee you that I'm just as big a fan of Superman. Humanizing the Man of Steel doesn't count as an attack on his character. Quite the reverse.

*It's not like we needed a token jerk and said, "Hey, let's use Superman as the jerk!" We didn't, and we didn't. We're just trying to be TRUE to his character and how we feel he would react to the situation. I get that you disagree, but as I've said earlier today: perhaps if you wait and see how this all plays out, you'll appreciate our approach. Perhaps not.

And finally, you didn't see that someone had already asked this question? Already addressed this on ASK GREG? You couldn't wait until you got my response to the first query on the topic before basically repeating the complaint? I've got no problem with a second post on a subject if my answer seems incomplete or doesn't satisfy, but you didn't even wait to see if that would be the case. So instead, what you get is more or less a repeat of what I typed up earlier today. Your time is wasted. My time is wasted. Ask Greg's readers' time is wasted. And the queue just gets longer and longer.

I should really stop answering questions for a bit. I can tell I'm getting cranky.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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kalara75 writes...

Mr. Weisman I've been a fan of Gargoyles for years now and just recently came back to check up on things here at S8. I heard about your latest YJ project and have started watching. just wondered if you can devulge if Catwoman might appear in the series somewhere down the road. I've always been a fan of Catwoman and Batman.

Greg responds...

<sigh> No comment.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Is their any way you could give us the issue number Artemis was in?

Greg responds...

The issue number of what?

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Andy.C writes...

Big fan... you heard it all before yada yada moving on

I noticed something in the video where you and Brandon Vietti discuss what to expect from Young Justice (the one where you said in the end not everyone will survive), one of the clips shows Aquaman with longer hair than he has on the show right now, am I right to assume that as time passes some characters appearances might change, or was the design changed or something?

Greg responds...

Some characters' appearances may indeed change, but that's not an example. The Aquaman with longer hair was development artwork, not final production artwork.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Do the titles of the YJ episodes have any hidden/double meaning like they did in Spider-Man? Or are they chosen merely to reference subtle plot points.

I get the references of the titles "Independence Day" and "Fireworks," as they literally allude to the American holiday in which the episodes take place and also the fact that the sidekicks become "independent" from their mentors. However, I'm missing the possible references of the other episodes, as they seem to be too literal.

Greg responds...

Well, I invite you to look deeper.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Will the incorrect timestamps from "Drop-Zone" be fixed for a probable DVD release? I'm assuming there will be one, seeing as most (if not all) DC Comics animated shows are out on DVD.

Greg responds...

The timestamps have all been fixed.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Collegeboy writes...

How old is Batman? and Will we see the Joker make an appearance on Young Justice?

Greg responds...

1. Asked and answered.

2. You can see Joker now in issues #1 and #2 of our companion - and in continuity - Young Justice comic book.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Lionel writes...

In the pilot, Superboy stated that he had learned to read and write from the other Genomorphs. He also said "there are images implanted in my mind." But in "Drop Zone", he warns the team of both smoke and an approaching helicopter by smell and sound alone. How did he recognize them?

Greg responds...

Smell and sound can also be implanted in his mind. Don't get the idea that Superboy was being comprehensive about his G-Gnome education in a three sentence piece of dialogue.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Mike writes...

Now that Batman Beyond is officially part of the DC comics universe, are you allowed to use him in YJ (assuming there was a time-travel episode)? Do you have any interest in including Terry or other characters who exist in the future, like the Legion, at some point?

Greg responds...


Gang, please, do us ALL A FAVOR and get the message. I will not be spoiling. NOT. BE. SPOILING.

And that means that even something that I know I'm never going to do is going to get a no comment, because if I only said no to some things and no comment to the rest, you'd deduce that no comment means yes.

So instead I'm saying no comment for yes, for no, for no way in hell, for yes absolutely, for any and all questions about what may or may not be coming down the pike.

So stop asking. Seriously. It's just not a good use of ANYONE'S time.


Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Leyla writes...

Hello. Just one question. In Young Justice, if we see Wonder Girl, based upon the timeline you have now (so this could, concievably, change), are we more likely to see Donna Troy (Wonder Woman's sister and the original Wonder Girl) or Cassie Sandsmark (Superboy's girlfriend and daughter of Zeus)? This is just asking for an estimation, not a guarantee, and I recognize that we could, concievably, not have Wonder Girl at all, but I'm curious.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
I wanted to wait for the credits list before I posted on the past 2 episodes (to make sure I get my facts and names straight). Kudos to you and the crew on two more great episodes. I love how so far the primary villains have all been relatively obscure to non-comic readers (most people know Bane, but not Mr. Twister or Sportsmaster) and have been done spectacularly. I also enjoyed Bane, very nice casting on him, and I love how you write him as a competent leader and not just dumb muscle. And I am becoming more interested in "The Light". I believe I know one of the members now, and I cant wait to see what else you do.
On to a question I had; I was going through my old issues of Young Justice and realized I really like how they used Red Tornado's daughter Traya in there and how YJ was essentially her crazy babysitters. Will we get to see Traya at some point on the show?
Anyway, once again, great job, and pass my kudos to the cast and crew.


Greg responds...

No comment.

Though I thank you for the kind words.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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charlie writes...

dear greg,

enough with the "whelmed", "turbed", and "concerted" running gag. once is happenstance. twice is coincidence. three times is just plain annoying.

Greg responds...

That's your opinion. Personally, I find it highly amusing and my two resident teenagers agree. Plus it feels VERY true to Robin's character.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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AJC writes...

I just remmebered who you guys got to voice the boy wonder...So will robin sing in YJ? That'd be hilarious! Thoughts?

Greg responds...

By now, I'm sure you've seen the musical episode where ALL the characters break into song. What did you think?

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Marge writes...

I'm really enjoying Young Justice so far, and being a long-time fan of your work since Gargoyles, I'm anticipating even more good things from the show in the future.

That said, I have just one point to ask about. (Two questions though.)
Miss Martian seems to have acquired a bit of a catch phrase in the form of "Hello Megan!". In all honesty, it's a bit of turn off that the only significant female presence if being presented in a way that makes her seem, well a bit air-headed. Is that impression intentional? And can we expect that to change in the future?

Thank you for your time. I'm loving absolutely everything else.

Greg responds...

I don't think it makes her seem air-headed, so we just disagree there. And her catchphrase has nothing to do with her being female and has everything to do with who she is as an individual and how she got to where she is today.

Robin has his signature laugh and his signature wordplay - does that make him seem like a flibbertigibbet? And even if it does, it's character revealing. They've all got their quirks.

As for what's coming: NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Niedzwiedz writes...

First I should thank you, as your work brought me a lot of enjoyment. I love how each of your show has really different feel, yet I can recognize easily your hand (mostly by your great attention to detail) will soon have some questions/comments on Young Justice but I made a rule, to first watch 5 episodes of show before I form my judgment. Nevertheless I have a few general questions. They mostly centre on art of writing, and I’m well aware that there is no easy, universal solution, and it’s not possible to describe process of creating story and pinpoint exact methods. . I write only as a hobby (mostly short stories and RPG scenarios) and understand that the same way I could not easily give you pointers within my area of expertise you cannot give them to me. Still, I can hope for example of thinking and designing steps in specific problems.
1.When you design a character that is clearly smarter and more cunning than other characters and more importantly than you, how do you show his intellect. When I just assume that he is so capable that he just predicts every action of other characters and wins every intellectual struggle he seems fake. Yet I cannot explain his way of thinking because I’m not capable of being so smart myself. Currently I use assume that character is able to think the same way I do but much faster (something took me a day to solve it and he/she will be able to do it in a few minutes). What would you say about it?
2.When you create a series do you prepare basic “spine” from begging to end or do you create few scripts and wait for reaction of audience or just simply have new ideas. Basically the question here is, how much do think about main plot in advance and how much author should be attached to his original ideas
3.Does that that kind of question bothers you? Do you have anything about similar questions in the future?
Thank you for your time. I know I can't write a short letter to save my life.

Greg responds...

1. Well... it kinda depends on what kind of intelligence we're talking about. I'm no scientist, but I can right a decent scientist (particularly in a comic book type universe) with a combination of research, bologna and the voice of authority. But I think you're talking about strategic ability. (Should I be offended that you don't think me strategically more brilliant than my characters? No, I guess not.) Here, the characters are rather limited to how clever I can be. But as you said, they execute their plans without showing you all the colored notecards that I have to spread out to keep everything straight.

2. There's no way I can wait for reaction from the audience. Think about it. If we waited for that, you'd have a year between episodes. So, yes, I come up with a spine from "begging to end" (I LOVE that typo) at the start of the entire process. I try to allow for serendipity and other good ideas that come as we go along, but the arc is very well thought out in advance.

3. I'm fine with these questions.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Brandon writes...

Kudos to whomever came up with the idea for Miss Martian's ship. I was just wondering, did the idea for her Martian ship come from Wonder Woman's infamous(ly mocked) Invisible Plane, or the old Martian fighter jet that Martian Manhunter briefly had in the 90's?

Greg responds...

Neither. The inspiration actually came from her clothes. If she has organic clothes that respond to her mental commands and change as she requires, then that Martian technology should be applicable to her Bio-Ship as well.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Superman shun Superboy? Superman's greatest power is supposed to be his empathy. Why didn't he embrace Superboy?

That scene was severely out of character for Superman and contradicts over seventy years of Superman stories.

Greg responds...

"Shun" is not the word I'd use. It's too active a verb to describe what happened. But as I've said to others who already asked the same basic question, I think you're viewing what happened in terms too black and white. I do NOT think that Superman is behaving out of character. He's been violated and is having problems dealing with it, getting his head around it. He's found a rationale in his head to justify his behavior toward Superboy, that for now at least, is working for him. I'm not going to defend his actions, nor will I be unsympathetic to them. It is, by design, a complex problem.

And no real human being has perfect empathy. And Superman is nothing if he's not thoroughly human.

In any case, I doubt I'm going to convince you, so we'll just have to agree to disagree for now. Perhaps, if you stay tuned and see how this thread plays out, you'll appreciate it more. Or perhaps not.

Response recorded on March 11, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, where is Wonder Woman in all this? I love her.I have been reading comics for a few years now and loved her and Superman and the interesting interactions through their proteges Con and Cassie. I don't get the Lois thing over and over. Never did and for once it would be nice to see a different Earth play off what the fans hoping to see but people keep telling us we can't or it wouldn't work but they never never even try. I think it would be nice and very in character for Wonder Woman to help/encourage Clark with Superboy seeing she doesn't have a side kick as yet and now you've brought Miss Martian in as a love interest for Conner, well that's Cassie sidelined. It's not fair. We always get screwed in terms of our ships. Sorry for the whining. :) I recall Superboy even had a crush on Diana in comics lol...but then he is a lot more fun in comics.Boy, he is angry and why is his IQ so low? I hope to see progression with him and Superman.

Greg responds...


Well, starting at the end of your post, Superboy's IQ isn't low.

But I'm not exactly sure what you're upset about. We haven't even shown Lois, so you can hardly say that she's taken precedence over Diana.

As to why there's no Cassie in the series, I've answered this over and over, so check the archives.

And Wonder Woman's role will expand a bit as the series continues. But keep in mind, our focus is on the teens -- and how they interact with the adults. Not on the adults and how they interact with each other.

Response recorded on March 10, 2011

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Ozaline writes...

Is it just me or did the characters who used the suped up venom look like Jackle and the woman with him like Hyena?

Greg responds...

I think it's just you.

Response recorded on March 10, 2011

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conner writes...

1.Can you talk about the relationship beween Superboy and Miss Martian?
2.Does Superboy sleep in a bed?
3.Are we going to see the Watchtower in Young Justice?

Greg responds...

1. I can.

2. Most of the time.

3. No comment.

Response recorded on March 10, 2011

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Julia writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman! Another Young Justice fan here. I happen to love the show and like the darker Superboy (it makes total sense...brought up with people who called him 'it,' very very little social interaction, rejected by the man he aspires to be) and I have some questions to clarify some points or just to see if any of my insane fan theories regarding future episodes hit anywhere near the mark. Yes, I know that last one's not likely, but a girl can dream, right?
So. Why did the Justice League choose to only allow their sidekicks into the gym and library? Obviously this had been built up to for some time, and I can hardly imagine that the League has forgotten their youth enough to think that they would just want that (unless they have?). I don't think it was outright condecencsion (did I spell that right?) either, because frankly, if they're facing bullets with you, one would think they'd earned your respect. So why?
And to entertain you with the various wild theories about Artemis, rumor has it that she's Jade Ngyuen or Artemis Crock and most likely impersonating Cissie King. I'm not asking who she is, because I'll find out next week, but that's what I've heard.
Isn't the timeframe for Artemis joining Green Arrow a little odd? It's been, what, a month or two since Roy left; isn't he switching sidekicks a little fast? If it's a plot point later on, you don't have to tell me.
I like Kaldur. I really do. I want a guy like him as my older brother. We already know his sperm donor (I refuse to call him a father, because fathers love and care for you, and unless there are extenuating circumstances revealed later on, I do not count Black Manta as Kaldur's father). Is his mother a possible plot point?
And that's all I've got. Thank you for taking the time to read and answer this!

Greg responds...

1. I think the League thought it was a cool first step. And I think if it weren't for the older Speedy (who had more information), it in fact WOULD have been satisfactory for the other three.

2. As revealed in episode 8, she's Artemis Crock.

3. Stay on the alert for issue #7 of the Young Justice companion comic book.

4. His mother's more than "a possible plot point". We'll meet her eventually.

Response recorded on March 10, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I actually meant to make this post a while ago after the premier of Independence day, but I just haven't gotten around to it 'til now so most of these are questions I made a note to ask regarding the pilot.

1. How old is Barry Allen?

2. Why didn't that scientist have a g-gnome on her shoulder? I think her name was dr. Spence and I remember in two of the shots with her, she wasn't wearing a G-Gnome. Guardian seemed to need his on him at all time so does that mean that she was aware of everything she was doing in the way Desmond was?

3. How come Superboy could open the gate leading into projekt Kr but not the one on SL-1? Wouldn't it make sense for the deepest parts of Cadmus to be protected by the strongest gates? Also he seemed to rip it open so effortlessly while he and Aqualad wasn't able to put a dent in the other gate.

4. This is kind of random, but I noticed that after he transformed, Desmond still had his ponytale, at least in the beginning. Then, at one point during the battle, it just seemed to vanish. What was up with that?

5. I presume that Superboy will age normally from now on (at least as what's normal for a cryptonian) and I was just wondering why. Is it simply because the accelerated aging had to be constantly maintained to continue or is it something else? (If it's not a wait and see thing then I would love to know how it works).

6. I hope this doesn't come of as racist but Wally seemed very quick to infatuated by Megan. I'm not saying a martian and a human can't be together, but it would be expected for any 15 year old boy to be a little bit hesitant about hitting on a girl with green skin. Has Wally had experience with aliens before or is he just that open-minded by nature?

7. Did Mr. Friese kill those people in the beginning? People seem to have interpreted that scene very differently, but I haven't been able to come to any kind of conclusion. Of course it's not really my call, but I think it's an extremely important detail to be clear on. If you agree with that, I would really appreciate if you could answer this.

8. I get that Wally isn't keeping his identity secret from the team, but he's still trying to keep it secret to both villains and the genereral public right? Why then does he run around fighting mister twister without his mask? And for that matter why doesn't he get mad when Megan says "I got you Wally" right in front of the bad guy? Just from that little encounter it shouldn't be hard for those scientists to deduce his secret identity.

9. Continueing the secret identity thing, does those dark glasses really make it impossible to see Dick's face? Couldn't any villain of the slightest intelligence just check up on all 12-14 year old boys with dark hair who lives in Gotham and figure out his identity, based on said encounter with mister twister. (This would propably give up Batmans Identity aswell, presuming Bruce has adopted Dick in the show like he originally did)

10. When Megan turns into Red Tornado and fights twister, where is the real tornados comming from? The scientist said Tornado was in the vicinity. Did he create them from a distance or was it Wally spinning and making small Tornados like Flash has been seen doing in severel other versions of his character?

11. You've previously said that Robin has been fighting crime for 4 years. Can you tell us how long some of the others have been 'at it'? Superboy is obviously new to the whole thing. Wally said Megan was "pretty inexperienced" so that oculd mean she is new too, but not necessarily (I'm completely unfamiliar with her character so I'm completely lost here). I don't expect you to give up Artemis because it's propably in the show, but maybe you could tell us regarding Wally, Aqualad and Speedy?

While I'm posting I wanted to ask you something a little different. I know you're propably not the one to decide for or against it, but have you considered maybe accepting donations via internet payment? Shamefully, I must admit I haven't been completely legit about watching the show, because it is simply not available in my country (It won't be for at least a year and when it does it'll suck because we only have like 10 talentless voice-actors doing all voices on cartoons in Denmark). Still I'm a huge fan and really wanna support the possibility of future seasons. Since I can't do that by watching the show on TV, I could make a small donation to make up for watching it illegally. (I'm sure plenty of other non-americans feel that way so it might help out a lot in proving to the buseness guys in charge that it's worth it to give the show a pick-up).

Thanks for any answers you might give me and for all the awesome shows you're behind!

(PS: Sorry if this is a repost, having trouble with my computer)

Greg responds...

1. Asked and answered. Check the archives.

2. No comment.

3. Heavier gate. And no, it doesn't make sense. Security to the outside is more important than security within the complex.

4. His skin got pulled off. Maybe the ponytail fell off. (I honestly don't remember.)

5. No comment.

6. How open-minded do you need to be with someone that attractive?

7. It's an important detail - that's subject to the viewer's interpretation.

8. Well, I think there's more than one Wally in the world. But, yeah, he's trying to keeping his identity a secret from everyone but his fellow heroes. But the entire Team was caught without their costumes when the Twister thing began.

9. First, there must be a TON of dark haired boys in Gotham in that age range, and even if they're aren't what good would it do? How would you then identify Robin? Second, this is a world where Clark Kent's glasses hides his identity, so sunglasses have to work even better.

10. Wally. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

11. Asked and answered. Check the archives.

As for donations... I don't know how that would work. I don't own the stuff, so as much as I'd like free money, it makes no sense to donate to me. And I don't have a clue how you could donate to Warner Bros., Cartoon Network and/or DC Comics.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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TheLegendarySupersaiyanGoku writes...

Hey Greg!

I am a mexican fan of the show seeing the show (before it airs here in Mexico).And I must day that unfortunately the part in spanish had some mistakes.For instance nobody says "combate singular" it would be more common a "combate uno a uno".But otherwise amazing episode !

Greg responds...

All I can say (again) is that the Spanish-speaking folks who translated the writer's English into Spanish chose "singular". (Us English-only speakers didn't do the translating obviously. And we didn't use google-translations or anything like that.) And neither of our Spanish-speaking actors seemed to have a problem with it. They did correct other lines that didn't seem right to them, but not that one.

I'm not saying we got it right, only that we did everything we could think of to get it right. And clearly at least one Spanish-speaker disagrees with you.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I just wanted to say that, that was the best version of Bane I've ever seen in animation, and that it's hard to explain how happy I was to see Santa Prisca as one of the locations the team visited.
I mean being a hispanic guy who wants to go into acting (not voice acting) it always made me sad that there aren't many Superheroes, or Villains that I would ever be in the running for.
I dont know if it's confirmed or still a rumor that they're using Bane in the third Batman movie, but his rumored actor isn't hispanic, and that made me a bit upset lol.
Yeah so I just wanted to say thanks, for giving Bane not just a good tan, but making him really hispanic.

Greg responds...

You're welcome. But it's totally selfish. Diversity and authenticity makes for better entertainment.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Ryan Eden writes...

who is your favorite character on Gargoyles mine is a tie between Goliath and Hudson and i didn't know you was working on Young Justice no wonder why it's already awesome and it only has 4 episodes so far

Greg responds...


I don't have a single favorite Gargoyles character, though of course Goliath is the prism through which we view all the others, making him the most essential.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Ed Rabka writes...

There have been many forums who have been comparing Young Justice to Chris Yost's Avengers series that's coming on Disney XD. Personally, I think they're both great shows that comic book fans and the general audience can enjoy at the same time. I mean this is the first time in animation where there's a cartoon featuring the Earth's Mightiest Heroes and another one with the Justice League. Anyway, what do you think of this debate from maybe both a perspective of a comic book reader and a professional writer? Also, what do you think of Mr. Yost's Avengers series?

Greg responds...

I haven't seen Avengers, but there are a bunch of great people working on it, so I'd hardly be surprised if it was kick-ass.

I don't see much to be gained even by comparing the shows, let alone putting them in some kind of hypothetical competition. They're not even on opposite each other. And in this DVR age, what difference would it make to most people even if they were?

Anyway, if you like one of the two series but not both, watch the one you like. If you like both, watch both and enjoy each for its merits - which may have a few things in common, but are likely very different.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Bob Rakba writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman

I like your new show Young Justice and I have a few questions

1. Are The Light the Big Bad for the first season or the whole series? If the latter, then will we find out who's who by the end of this season or the one after?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Again -- gang -- I'm NOT going to spoil my own show. I'm just not. So asking these kind of questions is just wasting everyone's time.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Miriam writes...

Hi Greg,
Short question: Are there any episodes planned which mostly take place in one of the "big" hometowns (Gotham, Star city, Metropolis, Central City)?
Thank you for taking time to answer.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

A while back one of the concept artists on the show posted some concept art of catherine Cobert (from the old Justice League Europe series, I believe), and mentioned that at some point she was meant to have been in the pilot episode as some sort of tour guide or liason at the Hall of Justice.

So do you know if she made it into the script only to be cut out due to budget stuff, or was the character dropped at an earlier point in the production cycle?

Either way, hope you and the rest of your team keep up the good work.

Greg responds...

She was in the script I wrote and we recorded her (with Stephanie Lemalin playing Catherine) but her part/scene was cut for time at the storyboard stage. Catherine survives in the show in a way, as she is still the voice of the League's computer. In my mind, she's still the League's public affairs officer, but we just haven't had the opportunity to show her yet. (It's a dense, crowded show.)

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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SmokedToast writes...

I couldn't help but notice the choice of villians in this week's episode. Considering the name of the episode that Artemis appears, might this have been a hint to her identity? It's something i've considered for a while after you explained in interviews who she isn't...
Also, apologies about being so vague. But I figured it was the best way to put it in case I cracked the clues and you didn't want to spoil anything directly.

Greg responds...

You're so vague, I don't even know what you're asking.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Sree writes...

I have a question on the western animation process in general (with special regard to YJ), if this is too complex to explain here or not the appropriate place for the question please ignore.

1. I think you mentioned that the inbetweens are done in South Korea. So is it fair to assume the key frames are done in house?

2. Using episode 2 "Fireworks" as an example how does an episode get made?
Does it start with you writing and onto the storyboard and to the animation team? (Sorry this part of the question was a bit vague)

3. At what point of the process does the Director of the episode come into play and what are his contributions?

4. What are the producers contribution to the process and how much weight does their word carry as opposed to the directors if a disagreement should arise?

Thanks. Also I did catch Scooby-Doo after hearing Victor Cook had a hand in it and it was a nice nostalgia trip, a bit weird like how real nostalgia is but nice nonetheless. Ermm thanks again I guess.

Greg responds...

1. No. Key frames are done in Korea too. Boarding is done here in the states for the most part.

2. Writing, recording, boards and design, color, shipping, animation, post-production.

3. At all points. And his or her contributions are omniverous.

4. Producers trump directors, and Brandon and I are very involved at every stage.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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Algernon writes...

Hey again Greg

Just had a couple of questions about "Drop-Zone" that I wanted to post seperatly from my review. At the end of the episode we see Sportsmaster being debriefed by the Light. Two of the Light members had speaking roles, L-1 played by Miguel Ferrer and another member who seems to have a very thick French accent. At least it sounded Freanch, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong

1) Who played the seemingly French Light memeber?

2) What was his number designation? We know Ferrer is L-1, Mark Ralston plays L-3

3) How many members of the Light are there in total?

Greg responds...

1. Nolan North did to save some money.

2. L-6

3. Seven.

Response recorded on March 09, 2011

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YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #8 ("Downtime") Credits

YOUNG JUSTICE Episode #8 ("Downtime") Credits


Brandon Vietti
Greg Weisman
Written By
Kevin Hopps
Directed By
Jay Oliva
Line Producer
David Wilcox
Young Justice Theme Written And Performed By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis
Music By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis
Casting & Voice Direction
Jamie Thomason
Starring The Voices Of
Stephanie Lemelin as Artemis Crock
Jesse McCartney as Dick Grayson
Danica McKellar as M’gann M’orzz
Nolan North as Superboy, Superman
Khary Payton as Kaldur’ahm, Black Manta
Jason Spisak as Wally West
Starring The Voices Of
Jeff Glenn Bennett as Vulko, Alfred Pennyworth
George Eads as Barry Allen
Bruce Greenwood as Bruce Wayne
Kelly Hu as Paula Crock
Phil LaMarr as King Orin
Yuri Lowenthal as Garth
Roger Craig Smith as Prince Orm
Kath Soucie as Queen Mera, Joan Garrick
Cree Summer as Tula, Mary West
James Arnold Taylor as Topo

NOTE: Though uncredited, Kath Soucie also was the voice of Lori Lemaris; Yuri Lowenthal performed Lagoon Boy, and Roger Craig Smith was L-5.
Based On DC Comics Characters

Batman Created By
Bob Kane

Superman Created By
Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster

Miss Martian Created By
Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel

Aquaman Created By
Paul Norris
Production Manager
John Diaz

Assistant Production Manager
Mark Wilson

Animation Coordinator
Matthew Benzinger
Lead Character Design
Phil Bourassa

Character Design
Dusty Abell
Jerome Moore

BG Key Design
Enzo Baldi
Hahk-Jin Kim
In-Soo Kim

Prop Design
Andy Chiang
Alexander Kubalsky
Eugene Mattos
Jay Baker
Tim Divar
Phil Langone
Lauren Montgomery

Storyboard Clean-up
Brendon Clogher
Owen Sullivan
Olga Ulanova

Animation Timing Director
James Tim Walker

Richard Collado
Jeff Hall
Gordon Kent
R. Michel Lyman

Animation Checking
Jan Browning
Annamarie Costa
Chuck Gefre
Chuck Martin
Justin Schultz
Color Stylist
James Peters

Ink & Paint
Kim Bowen

Background Paint
Mike Inman
David McBride
Craig Robertson

Effects Animation
Matthew Girardi
Main Title Animation
MOI Animation, Inc.
Wut It Is
Jhoanne Reyes
Supervising Dialogue/ADR Editor
Mark A. Keatts

Sound Reading
Fred Salinas
Wilson Martinez

Dialogue/ADR Editors
Patrick Foley
Mike Garcia

Post Production Manager
Scott Shinick

Dialogue Recording Studio
Studiopolis, Inc.
Recording Machine Operator
Jeff O. Collins
Sarah Baluch

Post Production Sound Services
Audio Circus, Inc.

Online Editor
Christopher D. Lozinski
Animation Services
MOI Animation, Inc.

Animation Director
Doo-Hyung Lee

Background Director
Jung-Ho Park

Production Managers
Young-Soo Yoo (Director)
Min-Sung Park
Pan-Seob Kim
Su-Mi Beck

Production Coordinator
Hyosun Ryu
Layout Artists
Hahk-Jin Kim
In-Soo Kim

Color Stylist
Min-Yi Kim

Byoung-Ryul Kim (Director)
Hyo-Yoon Beck
Kyoung-Hee Kang
Sung-Ho Jo
Soo-Jin Yu
Jeong-Mi Lee

Model Checkers
Yang-Sook Kim

Key Animation
Byong-Eui Gwack
Kyong-Ho Lee
Bum-Seok Lee
Kyong-Ah Jang
Eun-Hee Ba
Chang-Ho Park

Gyu-Han Yoo (Director)
Gyu-Sung Oh

Final Checker
Nam-Gyu Lee
Production Administrator
Nicole Martin

Production Accounting
Athena Wingate
Luisa Guzman

Production Support
Audrey Kim
Kira Tirimacco
Renee Toporzysek

Casting Administrator
Liz Carroll

Business And Legal Affairs
Lori Blackstone
Bonnie Negrete
Joulene St. Catherine

Executive In Charge Of Music
Niki Sherrod
Production Supervision
Bobbie Page

Production Management
Ed Adams
Executive in Charge of Production
Jay Bastian
Executives In Charge Of Production For Cartoon Network
Tramm Wigzell
Brian E. S. Jones
Executive Producer
Sam Register
This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.

© 2011 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Country of first publication United States Of America

YOUNG JUSTICE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.

Warner Bros Animation Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purposes of Article 15 (2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.
There are, as always, a bunch of people who ALSO helped out but don't receive credits on screen for various (legal and precedent) reasons.
A handful (in no particular order) include...
Dan Soulsby - Talent Coordinator
Eric Lewis, CAS - Dialogue Sound Mixer
Chris Eaton - Assistant Engineer
Otis Van Osten - Sound Supervisor
Ron Salaises - Sound Effects editor
Carlos Sanches - Re-Recording Mixer
Stacy Michaels - Foley Mixer
Alex Ulrich - Foley Walker
Aris Katsaris - Atlantean Translator

I know I'm probably forgetting some folks, and I REALLY apologize! If you send me a reminder, I'll pimp you in another post!

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Algernon writes...

“Young Justice: Drop-Zone” review



Really great episode all round, I think this is what most of us have been waiting for since “Independence Day” first aired back in November.

First off, I know a lot of folks thought Desmond’s transformation into Blockbuster was pretty disturbing but damn, Mammoth just took it to a whole new level of nightmare fuel. Not only do we get his skin ripping of but exposed muscle tissue and everything. You guys must have the most laid back S&P exec in history.

Back to the actual plot, this episode really sells the idea of Young Justice as the League’s covert-ops team. I especially liked how the team still hasn’t completely gelled yet, as befits their first official mission. Everyone’s unsure of their roles and they don’t even have a leader yet. Robin’s got a lot of natural talent and he’s probably the best suited for covert work, but he lacks the necessary maturity. I like the idea of Kaldur taking on the “burden of leadership” until Robin’s ready. I got to say Kaldur’s my favourite character so far and I’m looking forward to seeing how he grows as a leader in the future.

I’m a big supervillain geek, so this episode had a lot for me to like. Bane was very cool, a lot of writers forget Bane’s supposed to be a strategist as well as a brawler, so it was refreshing to see him playing the YJers and the Kubra Cult against each other. I also enjoyed Lord Kobra, any dude created by Jack Kirby is automatically worth looking into for me but I loved what Arnold Vosloo did with the character, supremely arrogant yet very cold and understated. It’s easy to see how a cult of personality formed around this guy.

Sportsmaster seemed pretty left field but interesting. I’m familiar with the character from “Batman: The Brave & The Bold” but never expected to see him in a show like this. Still, I liked the way you guys re-imagined him as more of a mercenary then weirdo with a gimmick.

It was also very cool to see the Light again, I’ve been looking forward to seeing these guys again and it looks like their conspiracy seems to stretch across the super-criminal community. Project Cadmus, the Kobra Cult and even Professor Morrow and Mr. Twister, they seem to have their fingers in many dubious pies.

Like I said great episode that just makes my hungry for more, can’t wait to see where you guys are going with this.

Greg responds...

We're going somewhere GREAT!!

In my opinion, anyway.

Response recorded on March 04, 2011

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Mike writes...

Almost every show seems to do a Christmas themed episode at some point down the line. Any chance there can ever be a Chanukka themed episode in YJ at some point. (Though I don't know how you'd make it work considering none of the main characters are Jewish, but it's just a thought. The last cartoon to have a chanukka themed episode was Rugrats, I think.)
Anywho, Love the show, keep up the good work!

All the best,

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on March 04, 2011

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Brian L writes...

Hi, Greg! I did a search but I couldn't find where it was answered in full, so about how old are the Justice League in Young Justice? The ki -- young adults are well known, but the adults seem considerably vaguer. Thank you for your time and the answer (hopefully).

Greg responds...

I've listed some of them already. Check the Young Justice archives here at ASK GREG.

Response recorded on March 04, 2011

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Grant writes...

Is the French member of the Light suppose to be the Brain?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Grant writes...

1) Were the twins from Drop Zone, the Terror Twins from your YJ comic?

2) Since you have Shimmer and what is presumably Mammoth, will the rest of the Fearsome Five soon appear?

Greg responds...

1. Nope. Drop-Zone featured Mammoth and Shimmer.

2. No comment.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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conner writes...

Does Superboy speak Spanish? It seemed like he could understand what Bane was saying when he was listening with his super hearing?

Greg responds...

Yes, Superboy speaks Spanish.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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FightingDreamer writes...

Hi, just wanted to ask some questions about Young Justice (which I'm LOVING so far):
1. Do you have an actor doing the noises/grunts/screams for characters like Mammoth or Blockbuster, or is your sound design team just that awesome?
2. What inspired the decision to have Spanish dialogue in "Drop Zone"? Was it out of a desire to be more realistic, or did it just tickle you to have Danny Trejo give a bilingual performance?
3. Did Superboy's smirk at the end of Bane's Spanish dialogue while he was tied up indicate that Superboy knew Bane planned to betray them? If so, why did he decide not to say anything to the others? I loved that moment, mind you, but it's an extremely curious touch.

Greg responds...

1. Both.

2. The former.

3. Yes.

3a. That was his choice. It felt right to us.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Maki P writes...

After watching "Drop Zone" I have only one question:
Why! Greg why! Why did you let them butcher la Lengua de Cervantes like that? Trying to listen to those lines was just painful, the accents alone were impossible to understand and what I could gather from the grammar was... not right.
You seem like a respectful, careful sort, so I need to know, Why?

Greg responds...

We tried our VERY best to get the Spanish correct.

Prior to the recording, we got translations from multiple Spanish speakers.

At the recording, we gave nearly all the Spanish lines to two actors who speak Spanish fluently, i.e. Danny Trejo and Nolan North. Khary Payton, who speaks a little Spanish, had one line, but Danny and Nolan were there to make sure he got it right.

So... Maki... are you sure we got it SO wrong? (I'm not saying we didn't. I just know we tried our best to get it right...)

Of course, part of the problem may be that Spanish is spoken differently in different areas of the world. What sounded wrong to a Spanish speaker from Spain might sound right to a Spanish speaker from El Salvador, etc.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Logan writes...

Drop Zone was a fantastic episode, keep up the good work.
i just read an episode description for Feb. 11's episode "Infiltrator"
Who are the league of shadow's? are you taking about the league of Assassins? i remember in batman begins, the league of assassins was watered down for audiences.

Who had to drop the ax on the assassins for this instance? Comics fans know that they've always been the league of assassins and when they hear the league of shadow's it will most likely take them out of the moment.

I had assumed that with a pg v rating that your target demographic was young teens, do you have to fight censorship in order to actually take advantage of this rating.

to be real Greg, you and i both know EXACTLY what the kids want to see, blood, excessive violence and sexual innuendo. its just the facts. i have seen tv pg v ratings get way with some of the gritiest, realistic, and schoking material.

How are they gonna screw you on the sensorship? i am a huge fan of the show and your work but im still waiting to see a pg v fight. listen to the devil of your conscious and let the angel take a vacation.

Greg responds...

The show is the show. It's set on Earth-16. If comics fans get too fixated on what they assume the series is going to be instead of what it is, there's literally nothing I can do about that -- except shrug.

Personally, I think "League of Shadows" is a BETTER name than "League of Assassins". NO ONE mandated that change. It's an alternate name that I preferred. It makes more sense to me in this world.

And by the way, Logan, I don't agree at all with your assessment of "EXACTLY what the kids want to see". I think they want good stories, well told with interesting characters... but maybe that's just me.

Censorship has honestly not been an issue on this series to date at all. Your assumptions are just wrong -- and I just love that you made them BEFORE seeing the episode. That just makes them even more fun.

And if you assume that censorship was in play, how would my devils or angels have anything to do with anything?

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Ann writes...

I'm really liking the take on Batman in Young Justice. It's pretty refreshing to see a Batman that isn't completely cold and cruel, and who can actually give out praise when it's warranted. Was this a concious decision?

Greg responds...

Yes. But it's based on mine and Brandon's interpretation of the character.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Clark Cradic writes...

How was Sportsmaster able to detect Miss Martian? Was she not really invisible (just really translucent) or are his senses really good?

Greg responds...

She's NOT invisible or translucent, just camouflaged. (Think Predator.) YOU could see her, right?

But, yes, Sportsmaster's trained his senses well.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Grant writes...

Related to Bane, did you know that he was going to be in the next Batman movie when you put him in YJ?

Greg responds...

Obviously, no.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Ok greg I got a question about an observation I had.
I noticed in independence day pt 2 that when superboy was walking away from the cloning chamber it seemed that aqualad had telepathy and he was talking to superboy but then I thought it was just dubbilex and then I noticed in drop zone that aqualad told speedy to get a running head start on bane to get the trigger in his mind. Ok so I guess my question is does aqualad have telepathy and if he doesn't what was he doing in those examples I mentioned

Greg responds...

Aqualad has no telepathy. But Superboy does have super-hearing. And Miss Martian did link everyone up telepathically in Santa Prisca.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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ny writes...

Hi Greg

I've just watched "Drop Zone", and I have to say it's much better than the last three episodes. I really thought this episode felt a lot like "Human Target" which is another good TV show based on DC Comics, which airs on Fox. and it's a good thing BTW.

Anyway excellent portrayal of the Kobra organisation, and I hope you'll be able to portray crime families and other terrorist organsations as good as Kobra in future episodes.

Greg responds...

Me too.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Anonymous... writes...

Well, I just watched "Drop Zone" and I'll give some feedback.

I like how the Young Justice members fought Kobra, the Sportsman and Bane in one episode. Just an odd combo and I love it. I'm glad they're fighting adult super villains.

Charterizations for Robin and Superboy were good. I like how Superboy seems to be portrayed as kind of arrogant and careless with his power.

The color schemes were kind interesting for the villains. Kobras were red and I'm used to them being green from Batman Beyond and Batman: The Brave and the Bold, specifically the prologue to "Requiem for a Scarlet Speedster", an episode you wrote. I thought Kobra was the Crimson Avenger. And I thought Bane was Gene Simmons.

Actually, Bane does look good in this episode. In the comics and his first appearance on Batman:TAS, he looked like a pro wrestler. Then on the Batman revamp on WB (97-99), he wore black leather and had a spiked collar, resembling an S&M character. So, I like the sleek Young Justice version, even though his face is Kiss-like.

Finally, one real complaint. The speech Batman gives at the end where he chews out the kids. He tells them all the things they did wrong, but ends it with a "good job." I've seen that whole "you really messed up...good job!" speech in hundreds of movies and TV shows, to a name a few: Mulan, Patch Adams, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, every episode of "McCloud" and the episode "Initiation" of Justice League.

But overall, it was a good episode.

Greg responds...

Uh... thanks.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Are we going to keep seeing the "Hello Megan!" catchphrase in Young Justice? I mean it's a nice catchphrase but if we're going to see it in each episode... Hahah. Well.

Thank you.

Greg responds...

Tune in and find out for yourself.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Matthew writes...

Not a question. I just saw "Drop Zone" and it was great. I especially liked the fact you showed Bane using his wits. Too often he's portrayed as dumb muscle. This was closer to what Chuck Dixon was probably thinking of.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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becky writes...

just watched "Drop Zone" wich was epic, btw. i was just wondering about the timestamps- i noticed that the first two were dated in June, although the team wasn't even formed till July, 4th. Was this just an animation error, or some time-travel thing? I just got really confused...

Greg responds...

By now, you've hopefully seen the corrections posted here at ASK GREG. (If not, check the Young Justice archives.) I'm happy to say that the timestamps were all corrected for the next time the episode airs.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

After last week's somewhat lackluster episode of "Young Justice," I'm happy to be able to say... NOW THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!

The team seems to have come together, and it was cool to see them handle their first mission. I also loved how they determined who should lead. Usually once the leader is selected, he remains the leader for the duration of the series. But Aqualad as a placeholder until Robin is ready to lead is a pretty inspired take.

The character dynamics were fun. Seeing Miss Martian swoon over Superboy, who was being a jerk to her last episode was sadly quite true to life (seriously, do women like being mistreated?), but it was nice to see that Superboy has lightened up quite a bit, and is treating her much better now. He also seems to be developing a sense of humor. Looks like there is hope for him.

Now, to discuss the villains. I thought the timing of this episode was great, since it was only a few days ago that Bane (played by Tom Hardy) was announced as a villain in "The Dark Knight Rises." I also enjoyed this take on him. Smart, cunning, and utterly ruthless. This is a guy who I can see being as smart as Batman, and it was nice to see that take on him since, outside the comics, Bane has never been depicted as all that bright. I also loved Danny Trejo as his voice, perfect casting there.

I've never heard of Sportsmaster before tonight. His name is beyond hokey, but I liked him as an emissary of the Light. I'm sure we'll see more of him. Speaking of the Light, it was nice to get confirmation that Mr. Twister was working for them last week.

And finally, the Cult of the Kobra, who I have heard of. I liked them in this episode, they were fun. Although they felt like an imitation of Marvel's Hydra, but to be fair, they always felt like that. I suppose I could make a joke about GI Joe's nemesis, Cobra, but I won't. Still, as far as comics go, Hydra was always the original ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world. Oops, guess I did make that joke.

All joking aside, I enjoyed Kobra, and his scheme. Mixing the Venom with the Blockbuster serum produced some pretty creepy results. I was surprised to see that much muscle and tissue ripping through torn skin on a cartoon. But I also enjoyed how understated, and calm Kobra himself was (and that was always how I thought Cobra's Emperor, Serpentor, should have been played, but that's another series and era).

The animation remains gorgeous, and I hope it stays that way.

I give this one a solid A. Loved it.

Greg responds...

Well, I'm glad we weren't "lackluster" two episodes in a row.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

Not that you probably have the time to do it even if you wanted to but... I heard the Peter David will be writing some episodes of Young Justice. Should the opportunity present itself, would you like to write a story in his version of YJ like he is writing in yours?

Greg responds...

Uh... just to be clear... you're asking if -- in some strange hypothetical universe -- Peter were to begin writing issues of his old YJ comic again, would I like to write an issue if I had time?

Comics don't really work that way, but sure! Why not?!

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

how old are flash, batman and superman?

Greg responds...

Barry is 35. Clark is 33. Bruce is 32.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Bazell writes...

I am under the impression that you guys created your aqualad for the show and DC followed suit by introducing a version of the character into it's main Universe. This is correct?
I'm curious about the level of communication between the major parties in the seperate character developments. Did you clearly delineate your origin and characterization to the comics team so that they could purposfully create a different character will only intentional overlap, or was there no sharing (beyond the basic look and powers) so that each team could create their own character without undue influence of the other (kind of like the way you have described avoiding much of the 90s Spider-Man show to avoid influence upon creation of Spectacular Spider-Man)

Greg responds...

Yes, that's basically correct, though there was input from both divisions going both directions. There was plenty of communication. No plan on our part for them to take it in a different direction. They picked and chose from among what we created to create their version. And they gave us some good suggestions as well.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg one of the stronger internet rumors going around about Young Justice is that one of the main characters is gonna die. This speculation comes from that comic-con video about young justice. Now I seem to be the only person in the world who seems to think that this meant that your show wasnt afraid of killing off characters when necessary. (already in the first episode Mr. Freeze kills a ton of civilians(well I'm assuming they died because you said that your trying to anchor some of the science in the real world))

So I was wondering are we free to keep on speculating about the death of a team member or was this a misinterpretation of informaton given?

Greg responds...

You're always free to speculate. How could I stop you if I wanted to?

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg,
I was watching YJ on Sunday and I was curious as to what brought Mr. Twister (a robot version)to be the villain of the week? Considering the original human only faced Robin Aqualad and Kid Flash once and decades ago.

Greg responds...

There are a LOT of reasons, but one was that we thought it would be interesting for our Team to face an updated version of the original Teen Titan's very first opponent. A shout-out, if you will.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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Ozaline writes...

How could the bioship have blocked the YJers from Twister's line of site, in episode 3? It's invisible and we see the ground underneath the ship from Twister's perspective and we see Twister through the ship from the YJers perspective. It seems to me that it could have acted as a shield but it shouldn't have cloaked the children who were not inside it.

Greg responds...

It's NOT invisible. It's camouflaged. There's a difference.

Response recorded on February 25, 2011

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