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COMEBACKS 2007-12 (Dec)

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Balrog writes...

Mr Greg. When did you consider Wolf a descent of a viking. Because i notice some Similarity in his personality that can be found in some vikings but not in Hakon. These are:

1.His thirst for battle.
2.His desire to fight the strongest of oppnent.
3.Ruthless nature.
4.His somewhat mercenery background.
5.His rage.
6.Mutant form that makes somewhat homage to the stories of the viking berserkers.

I live in Iceland where most people are descented of vikings so i have little trouble finding viking stories there.

Greg responds...

Seems like traits 1-5 all fit Wolf AND Hakon. As for the when, it was at some recording session or other. Clancy Brown's performance as Wolf gave me the idea.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Mosaklus writes...

Is there a way to download all original soundtracks and songs of W.I.T.C.H second season or is there album that can be bought from somewhere? If there isn't at the moment will there come anyways for that?

Greg responds...

Not that I know of.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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TiniTinyTony writes...

Questions concerning Avalon Parts 1 - 3:

1) Will we see the adventures of Tom in any of the Gargoyles Spinoffs or main comic?
2) Will there be any repercussions for waking up King Arthur "early" and will we see those repercussions in the comics? If so, which comic?
3) Who's face is represented on the front of the Avalon boats?
4) Who's face is represented at the watery gateway to Avalon, where Magus turned the Weird Sisters into owls?
5) Do all 36 Avalon Gargoyles survive the Archmage's assault?
6) Any chance the magic in the sleeping hill will one day revive Magus or is he dead and gone forever?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, eventually.

2. Yes. Pendragon, among others.

3. Not revealing that at this time.

4. Ditto.

5. Yes.

6. Who am I to kill hope? Hope lives eternal. The Magus, on the other hand, is dead.

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Greetings, Greg.
I've been waiting a while to post this.

This summer at my Grandma's house I watched a National Geographic Channel special called "The Science of Dogs." Do you get that channel? The scientists wanted to find out how dogs can be bred to look so different from one another, so they started sequencing DNA. They found out that all canids have certain sections of their genomes that mutate easily and rapidly, and can create large physical differences with only small mutations. Apparently other mammals don't have these genes. Because of this, dogs can be bred to look very different from wolves, while other domestic animals like cats and cows all look pretty much the same.
So it seems that "chameleon genes" (or "dog genes"?) already exist in real life! Though gargoyle variation is rather more dramatic than the differences between dog breeds. I think wolves and other wild canids all look the same as their siblings, despite their "chamelon genes," because each species is optimally adapted to a particular habitat and niche, and each individual needs to be as well-adapted as possible. I wonder why it is that gargoyles (and beasts), instead of all having the same adaptations to where and how they live, look so different from one another.
So I don't find the "chameleon gene" idea implausible. I think it is highly unusual but still biologically plausible. I also watched a nature show (long time ago) that included a segment about a plant in Hawaii which basically has exactly that. No two plants look alike, they can be anything from a tree to a tiny herb or weed, or a long vine. Though I don't remember what that plant is called.

Greg responds...

I got beat down pretty bad over my chameleon gene theory, so I'm gratified to learn I might not have been TOO wrong. The thing that strikes me is that extreme environmental factors and/or isolation that might have caused hugely divergent visual changes in early gargoyles after they spread out across the world... may have been tempered as what was for a time the world's dominent and most intelligent species proliferated and interbred with each other as once isolated clans came into contact again. Does that make sense?

Response recorded on December 20, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 20th...

Goliath kidnaps Anton Sevarius out from under the nose of Gen-U-Tech security guard Vinnie Grigori. Goliath takes Sevarius down to the abandoned Cyberbiotics underground lab and tries to force him to create a cure for the Mutates. Meanwhile, the Mutates attack the other gargoyles at the Clock Tower. The gargoyles ultimately win the battle, but Brooklyn lets them go in order to prove to Maggie the Cat that he can be trusted. Having discovered that Goliath was the kidnapper, Elisa Maza, Talon, the Mutates, David Xanatos and his Steel Clan robots all converge on the old lab. Xanatos rescues Sevarius, and Talon finally realizes his employer was responsible for his metamorphosis. Talon and the other Mutates take up residence in the abandoned Cyberbiotics underground base, which they redub "The Labyrinth". The next morning, Vinnie is fired from Gen-U-Tech. And that evening, Elisa brings her parents and sister to the Labyrinth for a reunion with Derek and an introduction to the other Mutates. In Scotland, Xanatos' security team successfully captures "Nessie", a Loch Ness Monster. Sevarius leaves for Scotland, to begin running tests on the creature.

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Matt writes...


1. At the end of "Walkabout", Matrix combines with Dingo and his armor. In "Strangers" we continue to see the Matrix armor on Dingo however when Matrix morphs back into his own humanoid form, Dingo is no longer wearing his "Pack" armor. Did Matrix "assimilate" Dingo's Pack-armor when he combined with it in "Walkabout" or did Dingo just stop using it when he and Matrix teamed up?

2. If the armor was assimliated by Matrix, can Matrix recreate the armor for Dingo without needing to be a part of it himself?

3. If the armor was not assimilated by Matrix, what did Dingo do with the armor, does he still have it?

Greg responds...

1. The former.

2. Uh... technically, he can rebuild it, but I'm not sure he'd understand the need to SEPARATE it from himself.

3. See above.

Response recorded on December 19, 2007

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Matt Foster writes...

I come in peace :P

Over here in Australia I was so surpised to find such a show existed - Thankyou!!

Need to know where is the best place to order the complete series on DVD!

I need them!! Because of you I went out and bought 5 Gargoyle statues...do you know hard they are to find over here. Nothong comes close to Goliath tho.


Greg responds...


I'm thrilled your psyched. But I'm afraid I don't know where to tell you to order materials in Australia. Does Amazon deliver down there?

Response recorded on December 19, 2007

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Matt writes...

Camelot Clan

1. Was the Camelot Clan founded before or after the Gargoyle Nation was established?

2. Was the Camelot Clan founded before or after the new Wyvern Clan?

Greg responds...

1. Not saying now.

2. Not saying now.

(I'm sensing a theme. Are you?)

Response recorded on December 19, 2007

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Matt writes...

New Wyvern Clan

1. Would the new Wyvern Clan be founded before or after the Gargoyle Nation was established?

2. Have we seen any characters in canon material that will become members of the new Wyvern Clan?

3. Was the new Wyvern Clan founded before or after the Camelot Clan?

Greg responds...

1. Not saying now.

2. Not saying now.

3. Not saying now.

Response recorded on December 19, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 19th...

Goliath and Broadway, who aren't in on Elisa Maza's undercover charade, follow her and come close to blowing her cover. She covers, however, and manages to get a meeting with Tony Dracon, where the two of them agree to go into business together with the gargoyles. The gargoyles and cops wind up foiling Dracon's operation and getting him to confess his transgressions on videotape. He's arrested and sent away. Goliath tastes jalapeñas for the first time. Later that morning, Elisa's sister Beth Maza comes into town from Arizona. That evening, while the Trio attend a rock concert in the park, Beth spots Talon watching the Maza family from outside Elisa's window. Later, Goliath admits that he has seen the Mutates back with David Xanatos. Elisa and Goliath confront Talon. Elisa reveals to her brother that Anton Sevarius isn't dead. Talon's extreme stance convinces Goliath to take drastic action.

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Jonny Modlin writes...

Hi Greg,
I am waiting very patiently for Disney to release Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD, so that I can complete the entire series of Gargoyles on DVD with Season 1, Season 2, Volume 1, and Season 2, Volume 2. I hope I will be very happy if/when Disney releases Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD to complete the entire series? When will Disney release Gargoyles: The Complete Series on DVD? How are DVD sales doing for Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1 to see if Disney will release Season 2, Volume 2 of Gargoyles on DVD containing the final 26 episodes and I have been emailing Disney to get their attention all over again to release Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD. Have you had any luck to get in touch with the new contact/point person at BVHE about releasing Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD? What did the person from Buena Vista Home Entertainment say about releasing Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD to complete the entire series? Thank you.

Greg responds...

Jonny, Jonny, Jonny, Jonny, whoops, Jonny, whoops, Jonny, Jonny, Jonny, Jonny, Jonny...

Am I the only one with deja vu here?

Response recorded on December 18, 2007

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Piano student writes...

Hi, I really like the songs called "the will to love" and "the demon in me". I will not ask if you could put the song online. I'm just wondering if you have the chords or the sheets on them, I would be really thankful if you somehow could put them on line.
It would be really fun to play it.

Greg responds...

Sorry, I don't.

Response recorded on December 18, 2007

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Shadow Wing writes...

In "City of Stone, Part 3," when young Canmore attacked Demona after the battle, was that just a disguised attempt to get the Hunter's mask, or was he actually trying to hurt her?

Greg responds...

A little from column A and a little from column B. -- Abe Simpson.

Response recorded on December 18, 2007

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Lucy_Lopez writes...

How old is Owen? Also as he ages does Puck age?

Greg responds...

1. A few years...

2. He doesn't age much... see the archives for a more detailed response.

Response recorded on December 18, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 18th...

Tony Dracon's men blow up Art & Lois' Restaurant. Maria Chavez, Matt Bluestone and Elisa Maza continue to pretend that a bitter Elisa has gone bad, this time for the benefit of Pal Joey, one of Dracon's men. Meanwhile, Thailog arrives in Paris and begins sleeping days atop Notre Dame Cathedral.

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Shadow Wing writes...

After watching my Gargoyles DVDs again, some thoughts have started knocking around in my head. One of those thoughts is for a prose adaptation/novelization (not to be officially published, of course) of Awakenings, or even the full first season. I hope to be able to present it at the Gathering 2008.

Anyhow, I write to ask: are there any moments that were cut from the aired episodes which you would like me to stick back in? (I already intend to re-insert Lex examining one of the catapults)

Greg responds...

Uh... I really can't participate in this. But have fun.

Response recorded on December 17, 2007

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zach writes...

do i have power if not how ca i get them

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 17, 2007

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Nathan Dennis writes...

Hi Greg,
Thank you for all of your work in this series. I have been watching gargoyles since it first came out and they are my favorite cartoon of all time. You really are a genious. I wanted to know if there is anyone I can write and beg to bring the show back to life. I know one person won't matter but if seeral do maybe Disney would realize what they are missing.
Thank you, by the way I just ordered 6 of the new comics, I cant wait to read them. I had no idea you started making a comic. I am very excited, thank you.

Greg responds...

The comic is -- for now at least -- our way of bringing the show back. Supporting the comics, the DVDs and the Gathering with your wallets is the best way to get Disney's attention.

Response recorded on December 17, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 16th...

On instructions from Captain Maria Chavez, Elisa Maza pretends to be a crooked cop trying to muscle in on Tony Dracon's protection racket. Meanwhile, Goliath spots the Mutates hanging around the Eyrie Building. He elects not to tell Elisa.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 15th...

The trio realize that the rest of the clan is missing and -- utilizing a tip from Fox and a plan from Brooklyn -- manage to find the Pack and rescue their friends. Coyote-II is destroyed, and Dingo, Jackal, Hyena and Wolf are left for the police. (And thus Fox wins the little game she was playing against David Xanatos.) Goliath chooses Brooklyn as his Second-in-Command.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 14th...

The trio have grown steadily more at odds over Goliath's inability to choose one of them as a Second. They have begun competing to see who can stop the most street crime. Elisa, Goliath, Hudson and Bronx are captured by a newly upgraded Pack. Coyote has a new robot body. Hyena & Jackal are now cyborgs. Wolf is a mutate. And Dingo has new battle armor. Meanwhile, Halcyon Renard, who had been searching for some means to fight the disease that is killing him, discovers an incantation that will transfer his soul into the Golem of Prague.

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corrin writes...

will there be a gargoyles season 3 dvd set coming soon to go with my season 1 and 2?

Greg responds...

No idea. Right now, we're still hoping to complete season two.

Response recorded on December 14, 2007

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E360 writes...

What nationalities are Wolf, Hyena and Jackal?

Greg responds...

Wolf is American of Norwegian descent.

Hyena and Jackal are Canadian.

Response recorded on December 14, 2007

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Nelio writes...

Greetings, I was watching Vol 2 these last couple days, and an amusing question came to mind.

When Angela join Goliath, he is affectively taking care of her as a "single" parent. Likewise, the Avalon Clan were on the island under Kathrine's foster care. Couldn't it be argued that Demona and Goliath owe some serious back pay for child care?

Of course this is a light humor question, but I'm still curious as to your thoughts on the matter.

Greg responds...

I think Goliath expressed his gratitude to Katharine, Tom and the Magus. I don't think anyone's expecing monetary renumeration.

Response recorded on December 14, 2007

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Antiyonder writes...

I have been picking up issues of Captain Atom recently. Nice writing from you and Cary. Just had two questions.

1. I do plan to pick up any available issues as I get the money to afford them. That said, are there any stories you'd recommend? So far for reference I have #1-32, 42-47 and Annual #1.

2. I read in your Captain Atom section that one of the stories you wrote for Captain Atom featured an appearance by Batman and Scarecrow. Which issue(s) did they appear in?

Greg responds...

1. Well, I kinda like them all, so I'd recommend you pick up 33-41 and 48-50. As with Gargoyles, you get more out of the stories by reading them in order.

2. I'm afraid it's been so long that I can't remember. And I don't have the info here at the office. Sorry.

But know that I'm thrilled that Captain Atom's getting some attention. I'm very proud of Cary & my run on the book.

Response recorded on December 14, 2007

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Antiyonder writes...

Finally got a hold of the issue today. My brother is passing on the spinoffs, but I'm still purchasing an additional copy for my friend. On to the comments.

It was certainly worth waiting for. It shows that the other characters can carry a series without Goliath and Company. My favorite moments include:

- Fang's "sensitivity" towards Dingo and Robyn's "spat" (who said he isn't observant).
- Dingo and Matrix's fight with Tasmanian Tiger. Reads a bit like an old super hero comic, and in a good way. Even though I started collecting in the late 90s, I tend to prefer the older comics with some exceptions.
- Dingo's reaction to learning of Matrix's insertion.
- What's the worst that can happen indeed.

As with Gargoyles #5, Karine did topnotch work on the art. Some questions.

1. I know that The Redemption Squad is based off the Dirty Dozen, but did DC Comic's Suicide Squad serve as any inspiration?

2. Is Tasmanian Tiger based off any particular super villain?

Keep up the great work.

Greg responds...

1. It's not like I'm unaware of DC's Suicide Squad, but frankly I think both series were inspired by Dirty Dozen.

2. Not any one in particular.

Response recorded on December 13, 2007

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Matt writes...

Hey Greg. Way back in mid-November, 2003 you came into the Comment Room and asked everyone to list the top five reasons they were (are) drawn to Gargoyles. You received replies from nearly 500 people. You gave us a great summary of our votes, but you never told us exactly why you needed this information. I know I wasn't the only one who thought you asked us pretty urgently. So my question is, why exactly did you want/need all that information? What did you use it for and/or what are you planning on using it for?
Yes, I'm still curious after four years... Thanks Greg.

Greg responds...

It was a request from Buena Vista Home Entertainment. I'm not entirely sure WHY they needed it, honestly, but any request from them seemed (seems still) worth fulfilling as rapidly as possible. Normally, I'd guess they used it to evaluate a marketing plan, except.... WHAT MARKETING PLAN, right? I mean, WHAT MARKETING?

So who knows?

Response recorded on December 13, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

Hiya Greg. Just curious - what are your thoughts, if any, on Puck's sexual orientation? Not that I expect a straight answer...so to speak! ;) Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

Not answering this at this time.

Response recorded on December 12, 2007

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dph writes...

What is your opinion on the current strike going on between the writer's guild and the studios?

Greg responds...

I'm completely pro-WGA. And I'm NOT a member of either organization.

Response recorded on December 12, 2007

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Todd Jensen writes...

Approximately ten years passed between your resignation from "Gargoyles" and your return to it for the comic book. You've indicated that during those ten years, your ideas about the Gargoyles Universe have undergone some alterations, and new ideas have come along.

The three new stories that have come out in the comic book series so far are the Double Date with Goliath and Elisa (Gargoyles #3-5), the encounter with Coldstone in Tibet (Gargoyles #6) and the formation of the Redemption Squad (begun in Bad Guys #1). We know that you'd planned all three of those (in their basic forms) by the time that you resigned from "Gargoyles". What I'm curious about is: which of the following characters or elements had you come up by the time you left the television series, and which did you come up with afterwards?

1. Quincy Hemings

2. Shari

3. Brentwood deciding to team up with Thailog

4. The reason for Duval's phone call to Xanatos in "The Journey" being the mission that Quincy gives Xanatos in #5

5. The Tazmanian Tiger and his thylacines.

Greg responds...

You're really determined to peek behind the curtain, aren't you?

1. I had the character, not the name.

2. Since.

3. Since.

4. Not all the details, but the basics, yeah.

5. The Tiger then. The thylacines since.

Response recorded on December 12, 2007

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Chelle writes...

I scoured the appropriate archives and couldn't find the answer, so here goes nothing: feel free to snark me if you already answered it, and I'll go a-hunting some more.

So Oberon's Law works both as an actual restriction on ability (as in it can't be broken) but also as a rule (as in it can be bent), but I'm curious as to how halflings like Alex and Fox might be affected by Oberon's Laws. How tightly are halflings expected to adhere to Oberon's edicts and does it change depending on whether Oberon knows they exist?

Oberon seems to make some distinction depending on situation, as in the line: "As I see it, Fox has turned out to be regrettably human, and so we cannot interfere in her life. But the boy is of our blood..." He stands as the interpreter of his own laws, but now that Fox has proven that she is less "regrettably human" than he originally thought, does this change what laws Fox might have to obey? The non-interference rule is tricky for full blood children, and I can only imagine the loopholes are even easier to find when you're half mortal, but would there still be some applicable scenarios for Fox and Alex where this rule that can't be broken might apply? Like perhaps with the Phoenix gate-- would Alex be able to take the gate, or would someone have to give it to him? I'm especially curious about Alex, seeing as Oberon considers him "of our blood" and that Alex will be trained to use his powers.

I am likewise curious about Merlin. In order to guide the boy Arthur to become King Arthur, did Merlin have to "bend" the rules at all? Or did the No Interference rule not apply to him? What about the halfling New Olympians?

I wonder perhaps if there is some natural loophole in not knowing the law exists or not knowing the law applies to you. Or in Oberon not knowing you exist or that the law applies to you. With neither Fox nor Oberon knowing Fox was a halfling, that in itself might have been enough of a loophole for her. Now that they both know, I suppose it's all up for interpretation: whether or not Fox thinks the rule applies to her and (probably more importantly) whether or not Oberon think the rule applies to her. Ditto for Alex, and I can see how the "rules" that might not apply to Fox might still apply to him.

I imagine this is a matter of degrees and semantics. But maybe not, so I thought I'd ask.

Greg responds...

The rule is magically enforced. Oberon doesn't need to know about you to enforce it. You don't need to know about Oberon to have it enforced. But -- as we've seen -- loopholes abound. The trickier you are the easier it is to find loopholes. Bloodline -- or blood purity, so to speak -- has nothing to do with it.

Response recorded on December 12, 2007

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Sebastian writes...

Hi Greg,

After 6 months of lurking here in the comment room I thought I would put in my two cents about the comics. This is my first comic, so the one criticism I have might simply be something I need to get used to when changing from TV to comic book form.

You have mentioned that you would roughly compare three comics to one episode, but I still thought that the story of an individual issue felt ever so slightly rushed. There didn't seem to be any small stories that finished after an issue, everything was left to be finished by the end of the arc. Reading all three issues together works perfectly though. I wasn't sure if this should bother me, but I didn't feel that at all in Bad Guys #1 so I thought I would bring it up.

Though I prefer the Gargoyles story better than the Redemption squad, I think this was my favorite comic so far. The conversation was great, art beautiful, and story intriguing. But the best part for me was that story of recruiting Dingo felt complete by the end, though he obviously still unhappy about his forced employment.

It felt somewhat like the episode "A Long Way Till Morning," in that there were two stories to tell in one time slot, but they fit together very well. I hope to see that continue with Bad Guys, and maybe even Gargoyles.

My favorite episodes always seemed to include flashbacks, and the next Gargoyles story arc seems like it could have one - I'm very excited.

Thank you so much for Gargoyles. It was great as a child, and it still great now.

Greg responds...

Thanks. Comic books as a medium, offers way more flexibility in terms of flashbacks, so I'm planning to make use of that.

Response recorded on December 12, 2007

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Gargoyles #7

I'm informed that we have confirmation that Gargoyles #7 has hit the stands. I'll cop to being extremely excited/anxious/nervous about this one. Garg #5 was fun for me of course, but Garg #7 represents the first issue of the book where I really felt like a comic book writer again, and not just a tv writer moonlighting. This is a story I could NOT have told -- certainly not in this way -- on television. It's chock full of stuff too. I really hope you guys like it.

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Blaise writes...



I picked up my copy the day it came out, have only now gotten around to writing about it. I felt a quiet sort of excitement in regards to it--but a different kind of excitement than I get with the regular series. This is the first spin-off. This is the first story that WON'T focus on any of our usual main characters. As such, it will prove just how compelling the rest of the "Gargoyles Universe" can be.

So far, it's looking good.

I recognized the opening pages from the leica reel shown at the Gathering (I wonder if anyone else noticed Fang accidentally losing a bullet from his ammo clip). I also recognized the song Matrix is listening to (and which shows up throughout Dingo's battle with T.T.) as "The Will to Love" from W.I.T.C.H.. I love that little shout-out, but it also works as more than just a reference/in-joke. Sometimes the lyrics echo the action on screen (albeit in subtle ways): the most obvious for me being the line "to find a girl on my wavelength" while we see Hunter spying on Dingo. All-in-all, it's a pretty cool bit.

Anyway, rewind two months from the good ship "Redemption's" demise, and we are introduced to the Tazmanian Tiger: a guy who looks like he could have stepped out of any "Golden Age" comic book. When I first saw this guy, I had to pause for a minute to laugh out loud. I mean, have we EVER had a guy in the "Gargoyles Universe" like this before? By all rights, he should be a joke, and he is...right up until he slashes Dingo through the Matrix-armor. He still gets taken out pretty easy, but it kind of shows that, as silly as his name and costume may be, he's still dangerous. And I find myself wondering right along with Dingo just where the heck this weirdo managed to find not just one, but TWO extinct Tasmanian Tigers. Story for another day, I guess.

Dingo is playing the part of super-hero for real, just as he wanted. He's got the silly insults for his enemies ("tasmaniac"), he's got the concern for the poor thylacines, he's even got his own Australian version of Superman's "Look, up in the sky..." entrance bit. And, lastly, he's got something our old gargoyle friends have a hard time with: the hearts of the people. Go Dingo.

I'm happy to see the Shaman again, and I hope we manage to find out more about him.

I loved the tableau of the Pack--it looks cool. I just had to say that.

Yikes! I can see the hole in Dingo's back! I can completely understand Dingo's unease at the idea of the Matrix...well, "hacking" into his nervous system like that. Of course, once he's ordered the Matrix not to interface again, that is when the Hunter strikes.

It's nice to FINALLY have Dingo's real name stated in the canon material. And I love this exchange:
DINGO: "Bounty hunter?"
HUNTER: "Just a Hunter."
I also love Dingo's "Really NOT the time for I told you sos..." when the Matrix follows Dingo's earlier order not to interface. I hereby add my voice to the others who like how the Matrix moved back only the part of its body that it had to.

The fight between Dingo and the Hunter is well done. I have to say, I feel kind of sorry for poor Dingo here--no matter what he does Hunter is able to counter it. She looked especially cool when she caught the boomerang without looking. The most I can say for Dingo is that he knows how to roll with the punches.

I was very surprised that Hunter had a method of neutralizing Matrix--I wonder what her briefing for this mission was like. It's interesting that we pick up with her AFTER she has already been sprung from prison and all that, and I look forward to having the gaps filled in.

Strange how Hunter responds to Dingo's bit about going the "super-villain route" with "Who hasn't?" She was raised to believe that what she was doing (hunting gargoyles) was right, good, and justified. I find myself wondering how her world-view has changed since "Hunter's Moon."

I love Hunter's face when she asks if "the helicopter was too big a tip-off" that the EMP had worn off. It's also pretty cool that the Matix is the one who jumps at the chance of joining Hunter. Dingo just sort of resigns himself to it.

Tengu hunting...and Hunter gets a wicked smile on her face when Dingo asks "What's a Tengu?". The most interesting thing is that they BOTH have hunted gargoyles before. Of course, for Hunter it was a lifelong mission; Dingo did it as a kind of team sport. Either way, I look forward to seeing how both of them will react to Yama.

Kudos Greg. You have successfully started a spin-off and whetted my appetite for the next installment of "Bad Guys." Not that I'll complain about the wait too loudly...after all, we still have another issue of the main series waiting in the wings.

Long live the comics!

Greg responds...

Thanks, Blaise. Glad you liked it.

Response recorded on December 11, 2007

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Kristen Brown writes...

I Wanted To Know Is There Going To Be A Season 4,5,6.... Of Winx Club Because I really Like That Show And I want To See Season 4,5,6...? Please Answer This Question As Soon As Possible.

Greg responds...

I have no knowledge of Winx Club at all.

Response recorded on December 11, 2007

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Georry writes...

I am looking forward to seeing the new Spider-Man series you are working on.

I read somewhere that the series first season order has been extended from 13 to 26 episodes, is this true?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 11, 2007

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Anon writes...

Dear Greg -- I would first like to just say what a wonderful series you created and that I'm happy new stories are being made after all these years!

My question relates to the concept of monogamy in Gargoyle culture --

You had stated that Gargoyles are both biologically and culturally inclined towards monogamy, including, for the most part, remaining alone after a mate dies, etc. You also said at one point that affairs, cheating, divorce, etc. are quite rare, though wires do on occasion get crossed and such things do happen, so...

1. Obviously every clan and every individual within a clan is different, but if two gargoyles were cheating on their mates with one another, how would the other clan members, in general, react? Would they consider it clan business or personal business? Would the two 'cheaters' be treated any differently either socially or 'officially' by the clan leader? Would cheating on one's mate be considered a banish-able offense? I'm speaking of an affair where both cheaters consent to the relationship and not an Othello-Desdemona-Iago situation.

2. Similarly, how would a clan typically react to two mates 'divorcing' one another? Would one have to leave the clan -- would both? Likewise, would it be considered the entire clan's business or personal business?

I apologize that I'm asking for generalizations (I know after years of reading Ask Greg that you don't much care for those!) but hopefully you can answer anyway because I'm very curious about this.

Thank you and all the best!

Greg responds...

1. I think officially it would NOT be considered "clan-business"... but that's not to say the clan or clan leader might not still attempt to deal with the situation.

2. Same answer.

Response recorded on December 11, 2007

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James writes...

Hello Greg! Congrats on getting the Gargoyles comic up and running!

I anticipated there would be a few mishaps in the monthly book (as is always the case), so I intentionally waited for the trade paperback in the hopes someone might get it for me for Christmas. As I prepare to drop subtle hints to a loved one, I must ask a few questions with regards to the trade...

-You posted on November 17th (I think) that space was slightly cramped in the trade, so what exactly was cut? I'm hoping we get all the pages of the first six issues (since I think those are all one arc), but from what you posted, it seems as though the premiere issue's 30 pages got whittled down. Could you clarify what that means? What, if anything, is missing? Is picking up the individual issues the only way to get all the story?

-Also, you posted corrections here in regards to errors from specific monthly issues. Does the trade contain the corrected versions, or are there a few typos or whatnot to look out for? What are they?

-Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I can't seem to find cover art or a release date for the trade. It's hard to suggest it as a gift without that info, so when do you anticipate the trade will be available in Canada for online or retail purchase, and what will it look like?

-Oops...one last question: Will the covers for the issues included in the trade be present in the trade? DC books usually reprint the covers in the last few pages of their trades, and since the Gargoyles covers look so nice, I assumed you might do the same.

Keep up the hard work - I look forward to reading it!

James (...who loves the "Avalon" arc, and wonders why you found it "rocky")

Greg responds...

Space was ONLY cramped vis-a-vis EXTRAS. ALL THE ORIGNAL MATERIAL FROM THE ISSUES INCLUDING THE COVERS (though not the letter columns) will be there. ALL OF IT! I apologize if that wasn't clear. All of it has been corrected for the Trade Paperback. At least all mistakes that I've caught or that have been pointed out to me.

I don't have a definitive date yet, but it should be either the last week of December or the first week in January. Watch this space.

Response recorded on December 10, 2007

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

I have a quick Pendragon question, here's hoping you're in the mood to reveal something...

1. a. In Pendragon, what was the thing that the Lady of the Lake brought out of the lake to attack Arthur? Was it water from the lake that she animated and controlled that only appeared alive, or was it actually a living being (unlike the animated stone dragon), or was it something else? It looked like a living creature, but it's hard to tell what it really was.
b. If it was a living being, what was it?

Greg responds...

1a. Isn't it though.

1b. No comment.

Response recorded on December 10, 2007

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Dawna writes...

Sir, this has been bothering me for a while. Please answer, as I am getting desparate.

1.I live in canada, and I realy want to get the Gargoyles Comics, starting from #1. Where can i find them?
2.Where can I find the second half of season 2? I really want to see that happy moment when Elisa and Goliath get together.

Thank you for listening, although I'm sure you get millions of these each day.

Greg responds...

1. I don't have any brilliant answers for you, beyond the obvious. Try Amazon, try SLG.

2. You can't. Not right now, but I'm working on it, and I promise to keep you posted.

Response recorded on December 10, 2007

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Jonny Modlin writes...

I enjoyed reading Gargoyles Bad Guys#1 and I like the show of Gargoyles on DVD and the comic books along with spin offs!

Greg responds...

Thanks, Jonny.

Response recorded on December 10, 2007

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KingCobra_582 writes...

Picked up Bad Guys #1 (along with Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash #2) yesterday.

I really loved the artwork here. Props to Karine for her talents, and she really captured the characters (I really loved that panel with The Pack!) beautifully. It was a little tough seeing it in black and white, but I'd already known that the comic would be, so I got used to it by page #2.

The story was great. Loved Dingo's interaction with Hunter. Nice dialogue between those two. Really loved Hunter barely dodging Dingo's boomerang.

Matrix was/still is a really cool character, particularly in this issue. I liked that he tried not to merge with Dingo after learning of his past. lol. I really liked his design style. Once again, kudos to Karine.

Honestly, I expected the story to begin with the Team meeting and hooking up into a group, but I somehow wasn't picturing it done in a flashback sequence. Nice.

Fang, another of my favorite characters, had some sharp lines here too. No real one-liners that I can recall (are some of his best friends STILL half-human, half-gargoyle babes? :-P), but I still had fun in that department. Can't wait to see his bickering with the silent, sullen Yama.

Can't wait to see where this is going next, story-wise, in issue #2.

A perfect 10 out of 10, this one. What a great start to an already appealing mini-series.

And, by the time you probably get to this, Merry Christmas, Greg.

And my condolences about Abraham.

Greg responds...

Thanks on all fronts.

Response recorded on December 10, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 10th...

Talon, Maggie the Cat, Fang and Claw return to David Xanatos and take up residence at the Eyrie Building.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 7th...

Columba is born in County Donegal, Ireland.

The Empire of Japan attacks Pearl Harbor.

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JanAlexandra writes...

Hi again Mr.Weisman
according to the provided timeline, Fox is 29 by the end of 1995.
is she already at the age of 29 when she got married?

Greg responds...

I don't know. I don't have an exact birthdate for Fox. But they got married on November 6, which is late enough in the year to make her being 29 likely.

Response recorded on December 06, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

December 5th...

The two Archmages reunite outside Avalon with the Weird Sisters, who have brought Demona, Macbeth, the Eye of Odin, the Phoenix Gate and The Grimorum Arcanorum. The three talismans are given to the "younger" of the two Archmages, and he is transformed into a double of his future self. They enter Avalon and prepare to attack its inhabitants.

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Matt writes...

My Review For Bad Guys #1, "Strangers"...

- Alright, first lets talk about the cover. I like the improvements we saw over the preview of this cover from a couple months ago. The title is good, with a mention of Gargoyles to ensure this is the same universe, but the "Bad Guys" is larger and the lettering is unique, I'm glad. I also like the art itself. Matrix is well drawn and I can only imagine the difficulties of drawing this silvery solid shiny dude and making it look good in 2D, but both in the cover and in the book he looks great. Now as for the concept of the cover itself... well, the idea of the wanted poster is cool, but I'm not sure it was a great choice for the first book especially. You've got a Gargoyles-related media that is going to be in black & white for the first time, but you at least get colored covers and... you go for almost an entirely brown and gray cover? I'm generally a fan of more dynamic covers anyway, but this is particularly frustrating. Having Matrix as the first cover featured Squad member wouldn't have been my first choice either. He's a very cool character, but he is kinda bland to just look at him in mug shots. And the fact that the shots are black in white isn't great either. For all new readers know, Matrix is bright pink. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on the cover, the art is good, and although not particularly dynamic it does grab your attention, I suppose. And it isn't entirely colorless, as my friend Ryan pointed out. Thank goodness for those pushpins.

- Moving on to the art in the book itself, well it is really, really great. I know a lot of people wished that Karine was doing the art on the main Gargoyles book, but honestly, I think Bad Guys is better for her. I think her skills are outstanding, but I tend to think she draws animals and humans better than gargoyles. I didn't love how Yama looked, but he was only in three frames, so I'll keep an open mind for Issue #2. On the other hand, the humans look great. Matrix, as I said, is extremely well done, and Fang looks way better than he did at any time in the series. The Thylacines look anatomically perfect, right down to their impressively expansive jaws. The biologist in me was thrilled to see them at all, and even more thrilled to see them so perfectly depicted. And kudos to Greg for thinking to include them. I'm glad everyone is doing their research.

- So we start out in medias res. It appears to be the adaption of a scene from the famous Bad Guys Leica Reel. I like how the Squad has their own uniforms, and I'm particularly fond of Fang's little shorts (like I said, I love how he was drawn). Matrix's morphing throughout the issue is very well shown, as are the fight scenes. It takes a lot of skill to show such dynamic movements in a comic book, and I had no trouble following the action. The little scene between Dingo and Hunter at the beginning is a lot of fun, though I think it plays better in the leica reel. As for the explosive cliffhanger, I think many Gathering attendees know how that one is gonna play out, still really fun though.

- Back two months and down under we get our first new villain. Tazmanian Tiger comes off as a very fun traditional comic book bad guy here, which is great cuz that is just what Dingo and Matrix need to show us what they've been up to since "Walkabout". One thing confuses me though. T. Tiger says, "Congratulations. You're the first to behold [me]." Implying this villain is making his first appearance, but he also seems to know exactly who Dingo is when Dingo and Matrix show up, even with the concealing armor. Has Taz seen this pair before? Doesn't seem like it, and yet it's implied. Guess we'll see what happens. I have no doubt we'll see Tazmanian Tiger again, and I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking up some possible storylines in his future. Anyway, I like him. Plus, I get a vibe from him... if you know what I mean.

- We get much more of the Dingo-Matrix partnership and how it works. Matrix is great. He is so driven (or obsessed) with this whole Law and Order thing. That goes right along with his character development. He is sentient, sure, and he's obviously intelligent, but he is also a very simple thinker. He can't help it, he was programmed that way. He had an objective, he has modified it slightly, but it is still his main objective. It'll be a lot of fun to watch his development. I was also pleased for the Shaman's return cameo. I like that Dingo and him have an ongoing relationship.

- We don't get to know how or why Hunter is here exactly (though the hardcore fans more or less know), and it'll be fun to go back and fill in that blank eventually. I think a great point made in this story is that all actions have consequences. Even though Dingo has become a "super"hero in Australia, he is still a wanted man back in the States. He can't pretend that part of his life never happened. So while he may be the most heroic of the Bad Guys (maybe), he still has his skeletons...

- Fantastic writing, as usual. Some of my favorite lines:

Tazmanian Tiger: "They've been extinct for sixty years so you can imagine how hungry they are!"

Dingo: "Look I've gone the super-villain route..."
Hunter: "Who hasn't?"

Oh, and I thought the last "letters" page being titled "Wanted, Posters!" was brilliant wit. Got a laugh out of me.

- Anyway, to sum it up here: A fantastic first step on what looks to be a fun series. I especially look forward to seeing the Ishimura Clan again on the Great Tengu Hunt. Always looked forward to seeing more of Sora in particular, and her interesting relationship with Yama. More of that next time. Great job everybody and thanks!

Greg responds...

Just because it was TT's first appearance, doesn't mean it was Dingo's. He's famous.

Response recorded on December 04, 2007

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David writes...

Hey Greg,
I bought Bad Guys #1 today. Great story. And the artwork was far batter the I thought it would be. The black and white thing really worried me, but after the first page or two I hardly noticed. Seriously, if anyone reading this is holding off on buying the book for that reason trust me and give it a chance. Just one question, though. Robyn allludes to destroying Matrix and she disables him pretty efficiently. Is Matrix really that vunerable, or are we to infer that Robyn knows someone who has even better weaponry then Xanatos and Fox? If it's the latter, I can't wait to see what else she has up her sleeve. Great fight scene between she and Dingo in Australia, by the way.

Thanks for giving us all a chance to finally see these stories,


Greg responds...

You're welcome. Matrix isn't invulnerable, which doesn't mean he's easy pickings, either.

Response recorded on December 04, 2007

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dph writes...

My review of Bad Guys Issue #1

I recognized the opening from the Leica Reel that I saw at the 2006 Gathering. That's a good place to start, in the middle of things. Page 2, in the middle frame in the confrontation between Dingo and Hunter, Dingo's head seems to grow a bit bigger than in the frame before or after. After the confrontation with the missiles, we flash back to the recruitment of Dingo. I was kinda hoping to see Hunter's recruitment first, but oh well. Then we see the Tazmanian Tiger, with his own super-villain costume. I like it how Matrix . . umm . . 'tames' the tigers. That's a nice reminder of Matrix's abilities. Dingo flying away superman style sounds right, because he still doesn't want to get caught. Dingo complaining of feeling pain from Matrix sounds right. No pain, no gain and that is a partnership. I'm guessing Robyn had her helicopter ready and was ready to follow Dingo as soon as he left so they could have a conversation. Dingo being beat by Hunter reminds me of a line from "The Pack" that Dingo said: "This job is cushy, but flabby as I am now, I probably couldn't last a week in a South American war". Dingo, indeed, was gone soft, from his day's past. Hunter pulling out an EM pulse grenade makes it clear that she's well informed. Not many people know about Matrix. Also, it's nice for somebody prepared to expose one of Matrix's weaknesses. I guess it really isn't surprise for Matrix to join, when you consider that he's still naive in the ways of the world. Dingo, understandablly, is relunctant to join.

Overall, I enjoyed the story. Looking forward to seeing how the rest of the team is recruited.

Greg responds...

We'll try to keep it interesting...

Response recorded on December 04, 2007

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kaji writes...

For me gargoyes was the biggest thing ever created; but i'm a bit disapointed that the series didn't move on. in addition, season 2 vol. 2 is not of dvd. So i ask you, when is the season 2vol 2 is coming on dvd?

Greg responds...

Well, we're moving on now. Check out the comics.

As for the DVD -- I promise I'll let you know as soon as I know.

Response recorded on December 04, 2007

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