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Anonymous writes...

In Secrets three freshman attempt to leave the Halloween party, only to be told to go back inside by Marvin. The freashman are dressed as Captain Atom, Aquaman, and Wonder Girl. As seen here


1. Is the Wonder Girl costume a tribute or shout out to Donna Troy?

2. Is that costume what Donna would have worn at some point?

Greg responds...

1. That's a Wonder WOMAN costume. Not Wonder Girl.

2. No Spoilers. But no. Donna was never Wonder Girl. She was Troia.

Response recorded on March 24, 2016

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Kaitlyn (again!) writes...

Hi again,

I read in the guidelines to submit different posts involving different subjects, so I have another question, one that isn't as, for lack of better terms, serious as the other!

Throughout the Young Justice series, I was always wondering why you had the Kid Flash and Artemis pairing as opposed to the Kid Flash and Linda Park one. I honestly enjoy the 'Spitfire' pairing more (actually, I LOVE this pairing. I'm going down with this ship, Mr. Weisman xD), so I'm definitely not complaining that Linda wasn't added to the cast. I was just curious as to why you chose to add a Wally and Artemis pairing.

Greg responds...

We worked with the group we had. Linda didn't fit our plans.

Response recorded on March 03, 2016

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hmmaster writes...

Hey Greg! I want to thank you gain for your awesome career. Basically every single show that you have ever worked on in some capacity has been awesome, which is a track record that should get you plenty of work in the future.

My question is sort of a roundabout one. You did a Google hangout talk with a few of the popular YouTube reviewers of Young Justice over the summer, and something came up that piqued my interest. One of the topics was going to be what a potential season 3 might look like, what kinds of storylines that we could expect to see (or want to see). You stopped the discussions before it could start because of legal reasons, so I was wondering what that entails.

Is it the same rule that makes you incapable of reading fanfiction if you wanted? Like, if I or someone else were to ask a question regarding a list of what storylines we wanted to see, would you be incapable of even acknowledging said list? Would you just give a usual response of a spoiler request if you did acknowledge it? Would that list then make you incapable of using any of those storylines if you answered the question? Does it all fall under the same legal umbrella?

(I apologize if that isn't very clear)

Greg responds...

Were they asking me what we had planned or TELLING me what they'd like to see? (I can't remember.)

In any case, I always try to discourage folks from telling me their ideas. It does put me at a legal risk, in that if we used an idea - that we came up with on our own - that is in anyway similar to an idea that I was exposed to, that person might decide to sue.

Beyond that... I DON'T TAKE REQUESTS. And I don't give out spoilers.

Response recorded on March 03, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

In Young Justice #15 Ronal creates a fish when battling Ocean Master. During the battle his tattoos, or skin icons are visible. As shown here


Kaldur's tattoos, or skin icons are eels.

What type of tattoos, or skin icons does Ronal have?

Greg responds...

I think it's a barracuda, but my memory is not reliable, and I don't have the materials here to double check.

Response recorded on March 03, 2016

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Food writes...

All these questions are related to food.

1. In comics it said that superman dosent require food as he can live off entirely on solar energy. Is this same case for Earth 16 Superman and to an extent Superboy?

2. Do Maritians need food? I'd imagine that on mars, their diets would probaley be different than humans, but do their shapeshifting powers allow to them compensate for lack of nutrition?

3. In the series, Wally's suit had a pocket where he kept emergency food. Now first I have to say that's a pretty clever way to deal with Wally's speedy metabolism weakness. I also assume that Flash and Impulse have a food rations on them as well in case of emergencies, so what exactly is the food they eat? I can't imagine it being anything gourmet or something that could easily get destroyed or cause a mess. I (personally) would probably think of it as similar to the rations they give in the military.

4. Do other heroes like Batman or Green arrow keep emergency food rations as well? I mean in most versions, Batman tends to keep himself pretty busy with both his hero and wayne industry work, so he dosnet get that much sleep. So I suppose if he's on some long mission, he probaley would need stop and eat something at one point. The thought occurs to me when I think of the Batman Arkham game series, where Batman is trapped inside Arkham Asylum for at least 10 hours and dosnet eat anything. Now obviously that's just a game dynamic so its not a big deal, but considering how well written Young Justice is I would wonder when and how the heros get a chance to eat and basically recover some energy.

5. I lied. This last question isn't about food. After the events of Misplaced, was the Zeta Tube computer updated to recognise Billy Baston?

Greg responds...

1. No. Not for either of them. They could probably go longer without food than a human. But they still have digestive tracks, etc., and if they didn't eat and take in nutrients, those systems would atrophy, and long-term, they'd die.

2. No. Again, I'm not saying they need to eat on the same schedule humans do, but they must eat.

3. Barry and Bart don't have the same metabolism issues that Wally has. Which is not to say they don't eat a lot. But they don't need to keep food on them.

4. I haven't thought about this. But Batman seems like the kind of guy who's prepared for everything. And Green Arrow seems like the kind of guy who isn't prepared for much.

5. Yes.

Response recorded on February 25, 2016

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Raphael writes...

Hi Greg, I wrote many months ago about the correct episode order for Gargoyles. I actually live in Australia so getting Gargoyles Season 2 Vol. 2 is hard and because I know I won't be able to finish it, I haven't watched all of what I have of Gargoyles yet. That information wasn't really needed but I figured I would put it there as a precursor to saying I'm practically obsessive about The Spectacular Spider-Man, (as a Spider-Man fan like yourself, albeit a much narrower breadth of knowledge as I am only a teenager) love Young Justice, particularly the second season, and am enjoying Gargoyles (I think I'm only just past City of Stone, which was epic in the literal sense) and Star Wars Rebels, that twist in 'Rise of the Old Masters' in particular was really well crafted, which as I write this is six episodes or seven episodes in, I'm slightly behind.
Before I get started, I want to make it clear that whatever I say in my first question, I have no intention to argue with you about what you put in the show as others have been about Wally West at the time I write this. I actually have a few different questions on Young Justice, one on The Spectacular Spider-Man and one about you which are split up and these two paragraphs sort of serve as an introduction to all of it.
1. I'm fairly certain there's an undeniable change of pacing and generally a slight tinkering in the type of storytelling from the first season of Young Justice to the second. In the first season the episodes were relatively self contained episodes that contributed to larger character arcs but in the second season almost every episode, if not every episode, contributed to a constant driving narrative. I've noticed something like this in all of your shows, between their first and second seasons before they all were sadly cancelled. Gargoyles felt like its first season set up the character dynamics and world before the second season expanded its universe, probably due to such a large episode order. And The Spectacular Spider-Man felt like it just grew more confident and ambitious. If you don't think these assessments are correct I'd be very different to hear why your shows evolved. I believe Young Justice evolved the most though. Was that planned from the start or was the show readjusted due to what direction you and the rest thought the show could best move in? Or was it some external factor like a change in writing staff, or a smaller amount of episode? In conclusion, why was the show's overall pacing changed? And if you think I've answered my own question can you elaborate?
2. Was there any break in production? I know there wasn't much space between the airing of Young Justice's first season and its second, but did you have any break between seasons?
3. I'm not sure if this has been asked before, and it seems like a fairly obvious question so I apologize if it has been, but how far into production of season 2 of Young Justice, if at all, did you know it was your last season and how sure were you? When I say you I mean everyone who worked on the show.

Greg responds...

1. I think much of what you says feels right. But that's a key distinction. It "feels" right. It isn't objectively correct. I do think that on YJ, the second season was without a doubt more driven by narrative than by character, as the first season was. This was in part intentional. We didn't need to intro concepts. But you may be overstating it a bit as well, since every episode was still designed to stand alone and tell a great story that could hook new viewers. One other factor, as you noted, that definitely contributed to this sense of momentum was the fact that we only got 20 episodes for the second season. That forced us to dedicate more episodes (and storylines within episodes) to the main "novel" we were crafting. With a larger order, we'd have had more plotlines that weren't directly tied to the main throughline, and the feel would have been more like Season One.

2. A short break. Nothing significant.

3. I don't remember exactly, but it was before we completed production. I think maybe even before we had completed the final script.

Response recorded on February 23, 2016

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Cameron02 writes...

1.How physically strong are martians in the earth-16 universe?
2.Can they pick up cars or trucks?
3.Can they reverse their density-shifting to make them stronger and more durable?
-Great show by the way :D

Greg responds...

1. It depends on their density.

2. Trucks, no. A small car, perhaps, depending on his or her density.

3. Yes. But they'd get physically smaller in volume. You see this in our companion comics when Miss Martian visits Atlantis.

Response recorded on February 23, 2016

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Long Beach Comic Expo - 2016

Here's my schedule for this weekend's Long Beach Comic Expo at the Long Beach Convention Center:


11:30am - 12:30pm
Thunderdome (Seaside Pre-Function) w/RuthAnn Thompson (moderator), Dave Crosland, Greg Weisman.
Description: Some come from another time to protect, another from a different planet to conquer- but both hold a special place in our hearts! Gargoyles VS Invader Zim. We will focus on the first 5 episodes of the TV series Gargoyles with writer/creator Greg Weisman and the first 5 issues of the Invader Zim comic books with Dave Crosland. What are the differences and similarities do these creatures out of space and time have? How will they fit in on modern day earth? Casual Fans and Hard Core Nerds alike join host RuthAnn Thompson and be "Down To Nerd"!

01:00pm - 02:00pm
Danger Room (S1) w/Ben Paddon (moderator), Terry Dodson, Craig Miller, Cat Staggs, Greg Weisman.
Description: Cat Staggs has been working for the Star Wars / LUCASFILM family since 2004, for which she has illustrated short fiction for starwars.com, produced sketch and trading cards, exclusive prints for Star Wars Celebrations III, IV, Europe, Celebration V, and Celebration VI. Terry Dodson is an American comic book artist who penciled the Dark Force Rising comic series in 1997. He has also provided art for Mark Waid's Princess Leia limited series. Moreover, Dodson has drawn the Books-A-Million variant cover to the first issue of the Shattered Empire miniseries, and the CBLDF variant to Star Wars: Vader Down, Part I. Greg Weisman is the writer for Star Wars Rebels - "The Machine in the Ghost", "Art Attack", "Droids in Distress", "Breaking Ranks", "Gathering Forces" and Star Wars: Kanan: The Last Padawan. Craig Miller was Director of Fan Relations for Lucasfilm from 1977-1980. He created and oversaw the Official Star Wars Fan Club as well as having edited and written virtually all of the first two years of Bantha Tracks. He was the producer of the Star Wars Sesame Street episodes in addition to operating R2-D2's head in the episodes, as well as being Producer for Lucasfilm on commercials such as the ones for licensee Underoos.. He was also responsible for creating the 800-number telephone hotline for The Empire Strikes Back that allowed fans to call up to receive more information about the movies and characters.

02:30pm - 03:30pm
Creator's Lab (S5)
Description: Long Beach Comic Con is proud to announce the commencement of the Second Annual Dwayne McDuffie Award. This one of a kind award will be granted on February 20, 2016 to an American comics work, published in print or digitally in 2015, deemed by the Selection Committee to promote diversity. In the spirit of Dwayne McDuffie, "promoting diversity" can be judged as either broadening the range of characters portrayed in comics, or adding to the variety of creators contributing to the medium.

04:00pm - 05:00pm
Danger Room (S1) w/Greg Weisman (moderator), Victor Cook, Kevin Hopps, Kelly Hu, Josh Keaton, Pamela Long.
Description: In 2008, a new version of everybody's favorite friendly neighborhood Web-Slinger - dedicated to recreating the feel of the original Stan Lee & Steve Ditko and Stan Lee & John Romita, Sr. comics - hit the air. Come hear the creative talents behind The Spectacular Spider-Man talk about what went in to making this classic take on a classic character. Panelists include Victor Cook (Director-Producer), Kevin Hopps (Writer), Kelly Hu (voice of Sha Shan Nguyen), Josh Keaton (voice of Peter Parker/The Spectacular Spider-Man), Pamela Long (Color Stylist) and Greg Weisman (Writer-Producer)!

06:00pm - 07:00pm
Rumble Room (S4B) w/Ray-Anthony Height (moderator), Chris Copeland, Greg Weisman, Dean Yeagle.
Description: Top animation experts Greg Weisman (Gargoyles, Spectacular Spider-Man), Dean Yeagle (Caged Beagle Productions), and Chris Copeland (Marvel/Disney Animation) discuss how they broke into animation, their work and a Q&A with the audience!

I'll also have a table a on the show floor, specifically table AN-11 in "ANIMATION ISLAND" between Ellen Jin Over and Amy Mebberson, and near Dino Andrade, Michael Bell, Keith Coogan, Chris Copeland, Matt Doherty, Loren Lester, Tiffanie Mang, Joey McCormick, Chuck Patton, Peter Paul, Sara Richards and Aaron Sparrow. I'll be there between panels on Saturday and all Sunday morning until noon. (Not as sure about Sunday afternoon. We'll have to see.)

I'll sign and personalize anything you put in front of me, but I will also be selling copies of my two novels, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM ($10 each), CD sets of the RAIN OF THE GHOSTS AudioPlay ($30 each) and RAIN OF THE GHOSTS prints, drawn by artist Christopher Jones ($10 each, but free with a purchase of the AudioPlay and/or both RAIN and SPIRITS). In addition, I'll be selling animation scripts from series including GARGOYLES, W.I.T.C.H., THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, YOUNG JUSTICE, STAR WARS REBELS and others, ($20 each). Finally, I'll be selling script copies of a couple of the special one-off convention radio plays we did, i.e. THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN MEETS GARGOYLES and GARGOYLES MEETS THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN MEETS YOUNG JUSTICE ($20 each). All purchases are cash only.

I hope to see you there!

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Arden Rose writes...

Hello Greg,big fan of your work. My question is; Robin (Dick Grayson) seemed to me to have a slight stutter sometimes when he spoke in the series. I was wondering if it was because if you were going the comic book route that English was his second language and Romani his first. If it was the intention to have Jesse McCartney sometimes struggle through the lines or if it was a different intention entirely? Thank you so much for an awesome series. I hope you can answer my question.

Greg responds...

I think you're imagining the stutter. It was not intentional, and although I was at literally every record and heard the vocal tracks multiple, multiple times both before and after the episodes were completed, I have never noticed any stutter, slight or otherwise. Nor do I believe that Jesse struggled through anything. Nor do I believe that Dick struggled either.

Response recorded on February 17, 2016

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haters gonna hate. writes...

I think that you'll find that you have been answering SPOILER to many Young Justice questions. I thought the show had finished. technically you cannot spoil that which is over. in saying SPOILERS, you are implying that Young Justice is in fact not over. thank you. also. how much more protesting/ buying of merchandise will it take to bring back Young Justice?

Greg responds...

I think I've made it very clear that Young Justice is not finished in my mind. I still hold out hope that it will come back. Always have.

Protesting accomplishes pretty much nothing. Buying merchandise does help if it's merchandise that pays back to Warner Bros or DC Comics.

That means, at this point, the following:

BUY THE DVDS and/or BLURAYS from a legit source (i.e. don't pirate them or buy them second-hand/used).


VIEW Season One and Season Two OVER AND OVER on NETFLIX.

Response recorded on February 16, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I hate to be the bearer of bad news. In "The Multiversity: The Just #1", your "Young Justice" universe apparently only exists as a video game series on Grant Morrison's Earth-16.

How screwed up is that?! I would have to assume that if you plan to come back to "Young Justice," you'd probably reboot the series on yet another parallel Earth (perhaps one of the seven intentionally unknown parallel Earths in the new 52 DC multiverse)?

Greg responds...

We were given Earth-16. Not sure why DC/Morrison chose to do what they did in Multiversity. I wasn't privy to that decision. It's disappointing, but I'm sure they had their reasons.

If we come back, we're still Earth-16. It's too late for us to change.

If that screws things up, well... c'est la vie.

And if all we are is a video game on someone's world, well - we're a hell of a game!

Response recorded on February 16, 2016

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Cameron02 writes...

Are the earth-16 martian power set telekinesis,telepathy,shape-shifting,camouflage,super-strength, flight,Density-shifting, and durability?

Greg responds...


They really only have two powers: mental and physical.

The mental includes telepathy and telekinesis, and the latter is what allows them to fly. It also allows them to control their organic clothing (and the Bio-Ship).

The physical is all about shape-shifting. Because they are generally shape-shifting into something smaller than their true form, they have a relatively high mass for their volume, i.e. a higher density, which gives them super-strength and durability. They can shift their density to allow them to pass through solid objects, and they can shape-shift their color, allowing them to camouflage their skin. (As for, camouflaging their clothes, see above.)

I think that covers it.

Response recorded on February 16, 2016

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Claude writes...

1) If someone were to use the zeta tube to go out and at the same time someone is trying to go in (let's say that the others are busy ) what happens? Who gets priority?
2) Do atlateans eat sea food ? Or is that like taboo?
3) How do atlateans ummm... "take care of their business"? I mean being under water would be a great medium for bacteria (enteric bacteria) or especially trematodes. Is it done by ~magic~
4)So why did the blue scarab used "cease" and when Jaime asked what it meant by that we get no response? Was that suppose to be a tease?
5) how are you ? :) and thank you!

Greg responds...

1. You mean if LITERALLY they hit the button at the same exact second...? I don't know.

2. Of course they eat seafood? As opposed to what?

3. No. It's biological. But let's offer them their privacy, shall we?


5. Pretty good. Thanks for asking.

Response recorded on February 12, 2016

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Just a Nerd writes...

Not so much a question as something interesting for anyone who feels up to it. Quizzes of EVERY character in YJ and Gargoyles. Go nuts.



Greg responds...

Well, I got 50% on YJ and 86% on Gargoyles. (Though I think I've done the latter before.)

I consider both scores pathetic. My memory sure ain't what it used to be.

Response recorded on February 11, 2016

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Gabriel writes...

Hey, I just wanted to ask if you've seen the first two episodes of The Flash and what you thought of it? I really enjoyed Young Justice and just finished it and it's such a shame it was cancelled I hope you get to continue the story soon because I could see it being just as good or even better than The Justice league.

Greg responds...

I saw all of season one of Flash. And I'm just a couple episodes behind on Season Two.

Generally, I like Flash. It's probably my favorite of the Berlanti DC shows.

Response recorded on February 11, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Have you read "The Multiversity: The Just" yet? If so, then what are your thoughts about this issue, considering it uses the same designation (Earth-16) as the setting of the "Young Justice" TV series? Do you feel this could create any problems for you if you ever decide to go back to "Young Justice" someday?

Greg responds...

I haven't read it and thus have no thoughts about it.

Response recorded on February 10, 2016

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Dale writes...

Did Garfield ever meet Rita Farr before Marie's death by Queen Bee?

Greg responds...

NO SPOILERS. But yes. Rita and Marie were good friends.

Response recorded on February 10, 2016

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Andres writes...

I love YJ awesome work between YJ and Geoff Johns work on Aquaman in new 52 I have renewed interest in the character and has become my favorite of the New 52 comics. Aqualad is the best created tv superhero character ever is my opinion. Watched a few episodes recently and I have just one question. In season is established that Aqualad is one of the more experienced and powerful members of YJ but in season 1 he is defeated soundly by Chester but by season 2 Kaldur is taking on half of YJ and holding his own and taking out Superboy with a couple of blows even after Superboy advancing in fight technique with instruction by Black Canary. Is this simple progression of fighting ability or increase in power?

Greg responds...

Mostly the former, but I also don't agree with the premise of your question. I think you are (a) underestimating CHESHIRE and (b) not taking into account that the first time one fights any new opponent, it's going to be more difficult then fighting someone you know well, and (c) missing the fact that Aqualad intentionally threw the fight with Cheshire at least once.

Plus, you're skipping all the other season one battles he had.

It's just an odd question.

But if what you're asking is whether or not he got more powerful between seasons, the answer is basically no.

Response recorded on February 10, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. I have a question about female heroes in the YJ universe, I hope it doesn't venture into spoiler territory.

The Team had a solid male-female ratio. The League considerably less, with 3/16 and later 5/25. Wonder Woman even mentions this inbalance in "Agendas".

My question is: what was the ratio in the JSA/A-SS? Wonder Woman was a member, as was "Firebrand", but were there any female heroes operating at the time? Obviously, there was no Black Canary yet in this timeline, but were there any other women? Or was it mainly a boys' club?

Greg responds...

There were other women, but both the JSA and the A-SS were primarily boys' clubs.

Progress, I'm afraid, is slow. But as you noted, the Team was considerably better balanced. So progress has been made.

Response recorded on February 09, 2016

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Kane writes...

Why did the rest of the world let count Vertigo escape justice when he threatened them all?

Greg responds...

Diplomatic Immunity.

Response recorded on February 08, 2016

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Cameron02 writes...

How strong are martians in Earth-16

Greg responds...

Depends on what form they take and how dense that form is.

Response recorded on February 08, 2016

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Dave writes...

Couple questions regarding Wonder Woman in Young Justice:
1.) You said previously that you can't age while on Themyscara, but if Diana was sculpted from clay as a baby how did she age to being 16 by the time she left the island in 1941?
2.) Was Hippolyta the only one that was involved in Diana's sculpting from clay or were others involved?
3.) Were all the amazons sculpted from clay or just Diana?
4.) Did the gods bestow Diana with her powers at birth, or did she receive them later in her life?
5.) Why did she decide to return to mans world again in 2001?

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. No Spoilers.

3. For the most part, the other Amazons were other Amazons. Otherwise, I won't confirm or deny whether or not Diana was the only one sculpted.

4. At birth.

5. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on February 05, 2016

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ND writes...


this it to clarify. According to some fans, Tula was a b*** because she betrayed Kaldur for his best friend, and Garth betrayed his best friend because he started dating Tula even though he knew Kaldur was in love with her.

According to some other fans, Tula had never been Kaldur's girlfriend so she didn't cheat, and neither Garth, nor Tula knew Kaldur had feelings for her so no one did anything really horrible.

Please, what really happened?

Greg responds...

Tula was NEVER Kaldur's girlfriend. EVER. He never approached her, never revealed his feelings as being more than platonic until "Downtime". Tula and Garth were not cheating on Kaldur. PERIOD.

However, I'll leave it to each viewer's interpretation as to whether or not either Tula, Garth or both KNEW that Kaldur had feelings for Tula. Maybe one or both did know that, maybe they didn't. But Tula never had romantic feelings for Kaldur. I don't see - even if she was aware of his crush - how she could be expected not to date the boy she did have feelings for when the boy she didn't have feelings for never even expressed those feelings.

Response recorded on February 04, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. As of Season One which Leaguers civilian identities were known to the entire Team?

2. At what point in time did Green Arrow tell Artemis his secret identity?

Greg responds...

1. I feel like I've answered this already. Did you check the archives?

2. Pretty much immediately.

Response recorded on February 04, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Were Aqualad and Rocket still dating when Jason joined the Team?

2. Did they break up sometime after Jason's death?

3. Were Dick and Zatanna still dating when Jason joined the Team?

4. Did they break up sometime after Jason's death?

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. No Spoilers.

3. No Spoilers.

4. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on February 04, 2016

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ND writes...


How long can Atlanteans survive out of water?

Have a great day!

Greg responds...

Depends on a ton of factors.

Response recorded on February 04, 2016

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Yojimbo writes...

1) In "Happy New Year," when was Adam Strange's first trip to Rann relative to when Martian Manhunter introduced him at the Watchtower (i.e. 2 months, 2 weeks, 2 days)?

2) How long was Tseng replaced by a Krolotean or was the switch done at the same time as the events of the "Players" arc in the last issues of the comic?

3) In "War", who was the other tyrant that replaced Mongul from as ruler of his planet or was that in the plans to reveal who he/she was given enough episodes/comics/games?

4) In "Usual Suspects", were Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, and Sportsmaster going to take Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis to the start work on the Atabey's Shrine project on Santa Prisca (later visited in "Legacy")?

5) In "Insecurity", what did Bernell Jones do to be up for assassination by the League of Shadows?

Greg responds...

1. I don't have that nailed down on my timeline, but it was sometime between January of Team Year Five and January 3rd of Team Year Six.

2. More or less the same time.


4. No. There were more immediate concerns.

5. He wrote a story after being warned.

Response recorded on January 22, 2016

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Gillian writes...

When Garfield became totally green did from Miss Martian's blood transfusion did Garfield start to age slower? He looks younger than 13 to 14 year old in season two?

Greg responds...

Not particularly. He looked the right age to us. Maybe on the short side, but some boys have growth spurts at different times, and some are just short.

Response recorded on January 22, 2016

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Nicholas Griel writes...

Where is Belle Rev penitentiary located? Geographically.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 21, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Do the Guardians of Oa approve of romantic relationships between Green Lanterns?

2. Is being romantically involved with another Green Lantern forbidden?

3. Have romantic relationships between two Green Lanterns ever happened in the history of the Green Lantern Corps?

Greg responds...

I assume you're asking about Green Lanterns in the YJ-16 universe.

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers. But no.

3. No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 21, 2016

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Algernon writes...

You've often said that a good villain should serve as a dark reflection/contrast to the hero. Is that one of the reasons you choose Vandal Savage as one of Young Justices's Big Bads? Pitting the young heroes of the DC Universe against a character who is literally the World's Oldest Supervillain?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 19, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Do magic potions exist in the young justice universe?

Greg responds...

Uh... sure.

Response recorded on January 13, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

If Lex was willing to reprogram SB from Queen Bee's comment that they were going to give him a few adjustments why didn't he just kidnap him when he used red sun the first time? Was he that confident that he could convince Superboy to work for him willingly?

Greg responds...

Confidence may have been part of it, but also there was a need on THANKSGIVING for Superboy not to be absent too long, thus arousing the suspicions of his Teammates.

Response recorded on January 13, 2016

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Flynn writes...

If Queen Bee's pheromones only work on humans who are attracted to women, do they work on Superboy because he's half-human, or do they not because he's half-kryptonian?

Greg responds...

As of the end of Season One, Superboy hasn't been tested. In episode 25, no one wanted to take the chance that they MIGHT effect him. So the Team used subterfuge so that Queen Bee wouldn't bother trying to control him, because in theory he was (a) already subject to Lex's keyword and (b) he seemed to have been co-opted along with Artemis and Miss Martian. Before they revealed that neither (a) nor (b) was true, the girls made sure that Queen Bee had been taken out.

I realize that doesn't answer your question, but it does serve to explain why my real answer is NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on January 13, 2016

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Masterdramon writes...




11:00 AM CDT

A few things happened in this hour, all of which I tried to get done as quickly as possible to make it in time for most of Greg's first panel of the day: "Protofeminists in Shakespeare."

The main thing was picking up my one successful acquisition from the charity auction: a coffee cup that Chris Jones had used at CONvergence 2013, with the caption…well, I'll just let the image speak for itself:


I had, naturally, bid on the thing as a lark - more or less solely for the reason of being able to say I did. But apparently nobody else at the con shared my particular sens d'humour, because I was the only one who bid. So while I lost out on all the posters and plushies and whatnot that I actually WANTED…Chris Jones' residual DNA was mine.

Which should make the reason for my hurrying clear, I think. Because Chris was doing his final signing of the weekend right at that moment…and if I was gonna be known as the guy who paid $5 for his coffee cup, then I figured I might as well MILK it.

So in addition to getting my "Recruits" print signed, I asked Chris to go ahead and personalize the cup; perhaps, with something that'd commemorate just how crazy I was to pay ANY amount of money for a used coffee cup.

And that is how the cup signed to "Krazy Kevin" that can be seen in the Flickr photos I linked in my first post came to be.

Anyway, with all that out of the way and my farewells said to Chris, I headed back into the Edina room for the aforementioned panel. I'd caught the first ten minutes or so while I was waiting for Chris' line to shorten, and overall I managed not to miss more than about 5-6 minutes, thankfully.

The conversation itself was really quite fascinating - an intelligent, scintillating discussion on some of my favorite of the Bard's plays and characters. It reminded me of being back in college, actually…y'know, in a good way.

This was also where I first learned, through Greg's discussion of the strong women in Will's life and the influence that might've had in how he wrote female characters, what the premise of "Doc Shakespeare" would've been. I'd heard the name bandied about on Ask Greg for years, but I never knew what it was ABOUT.

But now I do. And I want it to exist so very badly. Damn you, Greg Weisman.

I asked one question myself, though as it was at the tail-end of the panel there wasn't much time to really go into depth with it. My question was whether the backlash that "The Merchant of Venice" receives - rightfully - in the modern day over issues of race diminishes Portia's status as a "protofeminist" character (seriously, she spends pretty much the entirety of the final act making everyone else in the play her bitch). The answer Greg gave was that being a feminist character is not mutually exclusive with being a terrible person…and considering he's written for Demona, Nerissa, and Queen Bee, he certainly can say he knows what he's talking about.

A fun discussion, overall, that gave me a lot to think about - something that's been increasingly rare for me since I graduated last May, unfortunately.


12:30 PM CDT

The last of the numerous, numerous events dedicated to Gargoyles that weekend was this "Gargoyles Fan Panel," composed of a mix of creators, long-time fans, and newer ones.

This one felt a lot more like the Harry Potter "panel" that'd started my weekend than anything else: an intensely, unabashedly geeky outpouring of gushing about how awesome the show was and still is, except with Greg Weisman happening to also be there.

I mean, Jennifer and Karine were up on the panel as well, but it was clearly in more of the capacity of "promoted fans" than as industry professionals. As Karine's epic Hunter cosplay made evident. :)

Favorite moments, episodes, characters; moments that made us laugh, and moments that made us cry; two decades' worth of stories of people discovering, falling in love with, and continuing to enjoy the series, even years after the last piece of canon material was published. All of it was shared, compared, and squeed upon in short order, in a space that felt perfectly safe to fans of all stripes.

Nothing new really came up, but it didn't have to. After a full weekend of bombshells and revelations, it felt good to kick back with the rest of the fandom and just CELEBRATE this show that has meant so much to all of us.

It's been a fantastic 20 years. And this mini-gathering was a great way to welcome many more to come.


2:00 PM CDT

This was the last space open for walking around that was really available before the end of the con, and I took advantage of it for one final walk around Artist's Alley and the Dealer's Room. And for the first time since Thursday, I did indeed find some art I felt was worth spending my money on: a couple of prints based on Vinyl Scratch from "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic," and a collage of various villains from the same.

Heading back upstairs, I wandered over for the final Gargoyles-themed signing to make my last rounds. Ironically, despite getting over a dozen items signed across the course of the con by him, I had nothing left for Greg Weisman (indeed, all I ended up getting at that time were Greg Guler's and Frank Paur's autographs to complete my radio play script).

But I said goodbye to all of them, and wished them well on their flights back home. Though ironically, it actually WOULDN'T end up being my last time speaking with one of them that weekend (but I'll leave that little nugget until the end).

Anyway, most of the rest of this time was spent waiting in line for the next panel, as it was taking place on the Main Stage and we wanted to be sure to grab good seats. Which we definitely did.

I spent most of it chatting with Brainiac, Chip, and Bookwyrm on numerous topics, from Yu-Gi-Oh! to classic video games to various anime.

But eventually, it was time for one last chance to grill the Wise Man for details. And oh, did we take advantage it.


3:30 PM CDT

This was the last actual "panel" of the day, but was certainly a great one to go out on: "Young Justice Q&A," with Greg, Chris, and Marina.

There were lots of details big and small dropped here, though there were just as many spoiler requests denied with the now memetic line. This naturally came full-circle when someone asked if Stephanie Brown would be showing up again; I mean c'mon, dude, what'd you EXPECT in response to that question? ;)

Of course, I got largely the same response when asking about the circumstances of Ocean-Master's disgrace, banking - obviously unsuccessfully - that he might be willing to share more about events that occurred during the timeskip by this point.

Still, he did at least share one little tidbit: that the reason Orm never got an episode to himself to be the Big Bad was because the "Under the Surface…Here There Be Monsters" two-parter from the tie-in comics was originally meant to be the A-plot of "Downtime," but the executives nixed it for some reason.

It worked out well enough, since subbing in Black Manta allowed them to build on that appearance in Season 2. But I still would've loved to hear Roger Craig Smith belting out Ocean-Master's great lines from those issues, which remain my favorite story from the comics run.

Other "SPOILER REQUEST; NO COMMENT" earners included Shining Knight (considering that one version in the original comics was married to Firebrand, AKA Red Inferno) and the aforementioned Steph. After a few of these, Chris was quick to re-term the panel "Young Justice Q, no A."

All kidding aside, though, there were a number of interesting details presented. When asked about the process of selecting the members of the Light, for example, Greg noted that he was tired of villain team-ups that essentially "defeated themselves" through infighting. As such, he wanted the Light's leaders to be characters whose temperaments would allow them to genuinely collude and work together toward a singular vision, without the constant mistrust and backstabbing previous comics/adaptations have taught us to expect.

Well…maybe except Klarion. But he can at least be kept in line with shiny new toys, LOL.

Speaking of Klarion, Greg also mentioned - in response to a very nice cosplayer of the Witch-Boy, stuffed Teekl included - that the reason he chose Klarion as a member of the Light was because he felt the main villains of "Young" Justice really should be composed of at least one kid (in appearance and disposition, if not literally.

Greg also dropped the bomb that he'd slipped a rather major YJ spoiler into the radio play, which he was EXTREMELY surprised nobody had asked him about to that point. Cue us all jumping to our scripts and flipping through without success…proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am selectively blind.

It wasn't until a few days after I'd returned home and reread the script that it became insanely, excruciatingly obvious; the spoiler was clearly in Tigress' line, "I left Roy at home alone watching Lian and J.W." Which I'd noted as a little odd every single time I read it, and then somehow promptly forgot about (several times in a row!) in the midst of all the action.

Not that it would've helped me much, of course, had I figured it out while I was still there. Because if my theory about the identity of "J.W." is accurate, then there is NO WAY IN HELL Greg would ever comment one way or the other on it.

At least, not without some serious pie-making skillz that I, unfortunately, sorely lack. ;)

Marina was (as always) an enormous hoot at this panel, butting into various topics to note that we were "the quietest and best behaved" audience of fans she'd ever seen…as well as that we tended to ask much more intelligent questions than she is used to. As she put it:

"If I get asked 'What's it like to work with Sir Patrick?' one more time…"

She also mentioned, when asked about her thought process in approaching the character of Queen Bee, that when she was initially cast she looked up the wrong reference image and actually thought she'd be playing a…well, a bee-person. So she asked during recording whether they wanted her to add a buzzing sound to her voice. XD

And finally, at one point she ended up going off on a random tangent involving comparing David Xanatos to Donald Trump (context has long since eluded me, though it didn't take much for Marina to go off-topic in the most delightful way). Greg took mock-offense to that, and she quickly noted:

"Of course not. Xanatos is much smarter. And he has better hair."

Since the topic we'd started at was the Light, I then couldn't help but shout from the crowd:


That got a lot of laughs. It was definitely one of my favorite exchanges of the con, and a great way to move toward finally wrapping it up.


5:00 PM CDT

This was it. The final hurrah. One last celebration of everything this weekend had meant to us, with a chance for the "actors" to take their bows before the "curtains" came down.

After we filtered out of the Main Stage, Chip and his brothers elected to return to the hotel room, while Brainiac and I got back in line to await the Closing Ceremonies.

There really wasn't any more reason to walk around - the artists and dealers were packing up, the panels were over and done with, and we'd run all the errands we needed to (such as grabbing a couple items we'd picked up for Station 8's Algernon, who lives in Ireland and as such couldn't be with us that weekend). So we mostly just stood around and continued to chatter on about video games.

Brainiac was the only one of us who'd attended the Opening Ceremonies (I was busy watching Madoka at the time), so he had a bit more of an idea what to expect than I did.

The festivities started with a sort of elaborate skit involving superheroes, hobbits, and Time Lords…little of which I understood, and almost none of which I found particularly interesting. But there were some good lines here and there, and I certainly didn't begrudge the con's organizers the chance to take a victory lap and enjoy the fruits of their hard work.

The guests would each be individually presented and celebrated at a later point, but as Marina had to catch an early flight she came on shortly after the skit to say her goodbyes. And to my surprise, after seeing her in all her frankness and bluntness (meant only in the best possible way, I assure you!) all throughout that weekend, she was…overwhelmed.

With not even the slightest trace of snark, she thanked us from the bottom of her heart for making her feel so welcome. And she made it clear that, while she wouldn't have considered coming to CONvergence without Greg recommending it, she was extremely glad that she did.

Okay…so there was a LITTLE snark. Namely that when saying goodbye to Connie, she actually started to tear up, and blamed our favorite robotic mascot for making her makeup run. But it was all in good humor, and I won't lie - it warmed my own heart to see it unfold.

Speaking of Connie, I really came to fall in love with that cute little gynoid as the Ceremonies unfolded, as she interrupted the ongoing presentation repeatedly to complain about traffic laws and the DMV; it WAS her Sweet Sixteen, after all. Her material was pretty much all pure gold, and it made me kind of regret not attending Opening Ceremonies, if only to see what she might've come up with.

Anyway, while every Guest of Honor got thanked and applauded by name - complete with Chris Jones-created logos for each one - Greg's was a bit more…involved.

One of the con organizers mentioned that Greg had shattered their record for total numbers of panels sat at a single con, with a whopping 26! A clearly exhausted but excited Greg then took the stage to give a great speech about how grateful he was that CONvergence had so graciously opened itself up to the Gargoyles fandom for our little "con within a con"…going so far as to say that, with the Gatherings retired for the foreseeable future, CONvergence was without question his favorite con to attend.

Then, in what can only be described as a grand exercise in good-natured humiliation, said organizer had Greg play a very weird game to guess the total attendance number for the weekend. Various people were holding up signs with various digits, and Greg had to determine which four to use and what order to put them in.

Obviously, the odds were pretty strongly against him getting it with only one shot, and indeed he did not. But it was certainly entertaining - if more than a little bit strange - to watch him make his best attempt.

And for the most part, that was it. There was lots more applause, both for the guests and for the numerous, wonderful volunteers. There were slide shows and videos from the con, including both the rather unfortunate picture of "the role of Lexington will henceforth be played by PILLAR" and the much nicer one of me "on stage" with Marina. There was more Connie, interviewing various congoers in her uniquely cheerful style.

And finally, there was the announcement of CONvergence 2015's theme, which will apparently be run by Connie's totally trustworthy "little sister" Connie Mk. II on account of good behavior. The maniacal laughter and crowd-chanting of "All hail Mk. II!" that followed were only mildly disconcerting.

I haven't yet made up my mind about whether I'm going to try to attend again; I had an unbelievably amazing time, and 2015's "dystopia" theme is right up my alley ("1984" is my favorite book of all time). But scrounging the money for even this year was difficult enough, so I'm not counting anything as a guarantee yet.

Still…I'm thinking about it. And that definitely means they did SOMETHING right.


6:00 PM CDT

We were informed during Closing Ceremonies that free pizza would be coming shortly, so Brainiac elected to stick around and wait for that. I, on the other hand, was absolutely starving after four days of eating basically only one meal of substance each, and so decided to return to TGI Friday's and splurge a bit.

This was a mistake.

I'll spare the gory details and just say that I had a wonderful ribeye steak that just so happened to give me severe food poisoning, which took me nearly two weeks to fully recover from.

Not that I realized it at the time, of course. After my dinner, I returned to the con to meet up with the rest of the gang - Chip and Dragonlord having returned due to the promise of pizza. We had a last round of chatting with other congoers and saying goodbye to the Doubletree as we waited, before finally driving back to spend our final evening together.

With all the action over with, we occupied ourselves with more Yu-Gi-Oh!, a few rounds of "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" (all of which I won handily, suck it Brainiac), and general geeking out about our various hauls.

Those still hungry ended up ordering in calzones for delivery, while I headed to the Crowne Plaza's business center so I could check my e-mail and Skype one time before takeoff.

I got most of my packing done once the games were over with - not that I really had all that much to pack - since I would be the one leaving first in the morning. Then at around 1:00 AM, we finally all turned in.

Not that I could fall asleep, myself, given what was beginning to happen with my stomach. Yeah, I'll leave out the details, but…let's just say I didn't end up getting to sleep until a couple hours later.


6:00 AM CDT

Unfortunately, since my flight was at 8:48 AM, I needed to get up fairly early to be sure the hotel shuttle would get me there in time to board. Skimping on sleep didn't exactly do wonders for my already precarious health, and by the end I was pretty much limping out of there, hoping my stomach would hold for the journey ahead.

The trip held no surprises - good or bad - until I finally made it to the gate, where I was extremely shocked to run into Susan and Karine. Both proceeded to point out the Wise Man himself, whom they were dropping off there and whom I had somehow utterly failed to notice, despite sitting only a few meters away.

For in the strange but happy coincidence to end all strange but happy coincidences, we were going to be heading back on the same flight to Los Angeles; only a couple rows apart, in fact.

Despite feeling utterly like death by that point, this one last chance to speak one-on-one with the man gave me the energy to keep going. It was, to be sure, utterly surreal - only a few years ago, meeting Greg Weisman was this mystical, unattainable thing. And now we were just holding a friendly chat as we awaited our (naturally, delayed) plane.

It was, I suppose, one last opportunity to wrangle answers to the countless questions that I hadn't gotten a chance to ask that weekend…though I didn't really take advantage of it. Mostly because I was WAY too out of it to remember any of the questions I still had burning within me, but also because that really wasn't how the encounter "felt."

Instead, we talked about his kids. About his rather grueling con-schedule that summer. About how Rain was doing, with encouragement that I was excited as all hell for Spirits. About "Young Justice: Legacy," Scooby-Doo, and our impressions of how the radio play had gone.

Not nearly for the first time that weekend, I also reiterated my interest in having him as a guest at Kawaii Kon 2015, and he reiterated his interest in coming. So far, not much has come of my attempts to push the organizers I know on the issue, but it's an ongoing process and I hope to have something more concrete to report soon.

It was an extremely low-key conversation, not the least because we were both pretty exhausted (he, Chris, and co. had made a run on Denny's at 3:00 AM the previous night, which "seemed like a good idea at the time, not so much now"). But it was exactly what I needed at the time.

The entire exchange truly underscored what I loved most about that weekend: that Greg and the rest of the Gathering alums had seen fit to really make me feel like one of their own, rewarding all the effort I've tried to put into Ask Greg with kindness and acknowledgement.

I initially volunteered to help out when Todd reached out in the Comment Room because I so appreciated everything that Greg's work, and Ask Greg itself, had done for me over the years. But no matter how grueling dealing with the umpteenth "Where is Season 3?" or angry rant about Wally can be, I absolutely feel that I've gotten ten times more out of it than I've ever put in.

And that means the world to me.

I said as much to Greg, at least to the degree that I had the energy to articulate it. But all good things must come to an end, and eventually the plane arrived and it was time to board.

We wished each other safe travels, and said our farewells.

And with that…CONvergence 2014 truly came to a close.


9:00 AM CDT

I'll be brief here, just to give an idea of what the aftermath of the con was like.

I flew to LA feeling like hell. I had an hour layover there, in which I felt like hell. I had another, longer flight back to Honolulu, if anything feeling worse than hell (since I hadn't eaten anything I'd kept down for well over 24 hours).

Eventually, though, I made it back home and was able to get the long rest and digestible foods I needed. I managed to make it back to work by Wednesday, though I'd be at least mildly off my game for the next couple weeks.

I called the Friday's in question to let them know about my situation, and calmly requested a full or partial refund; they called back at 6:00 AM two days later to tell me their investigation into the matter showed that they "did everything right that night" and so they wouldn't be able to accommodate my request.

I was too sick to really be willing to argue the point, but rest assured that I won't be visiting that particular restaurant again, should I ever return to CONvergence. And I urge any fellow attendees to do the same.

On a more positive note, Spirits arrived just a couple days after I got back, so once I was sufficiently recovered I got to reading. Once again, I'll be putting together a detailed review for Amazon/Ask Greg as soon as this report is finished and edited….but suffice to say, I dug the hell out of it.

Algernon got his package soon after as well, and was very happy with what we'd managed to find (a figure of Irish deity Brigid, a signed "Recruits" print, and a cuddly pink plushie of Cthulhu). And everyone else managed to get home with their own hauls without too much issue, thankfully.

Overall, despite the rather crappy end, I have little but positive things to say about the whole experience. I'm very proud of what I got to do, who I got to meet, and what I got to bring home…and it's definitely something I'd love the chance to do again.

It was my first "Gathering," such as it was, and it exceeded each and every one of my expectations.

Here's hoping it won't be anywhere close to the last.


Greg responds...

For the record: It was Brandon Vietti who wanted Klarion in the Light. Not that I disagreed, but my initial choice had been Wotan. But Brandon pointed out we needed a "kid" on our villain team, and as usual, Brandon was right.

Md - Thanks for this. And for all the work you do, here, at ASK GREG!

Response recorded on January 13, 2016

Bookmark Link

Sam writes...

Can any of the Justice League members twerk?
I guess that Batman can do it best, or flash because he probably can do it with high speed. The answer to this question means the world to me.


Greg responds...

I'm going to leave this to your imagination, Sam. Cuz the answer means considerably less than the world to me.

Response recorded on January 11, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

In the interests of settling the shipping debates in your fandom, since they already met in the new Radio Play, would Queen Bee's powers work on Demona?

Greg responds...

No. But that's because they're different species. I have no comment on sexual orientation, if that's what you're getting at.

Response recorded on November 11, 2015

Bookmark Link

SM writes...

What was the full roster of the All-Star Squadron?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 27, 2015

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. How rare a sight are Atlanteans that look like Lagoon Boy?

2. Has Lagoon Boy ever met other Atlanteans that look like him?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 27, 2015

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Megan shape shifted into a female version of Lagoon Boy in Chapter 4 of Young Justice Invasion.

1. Is the girl Megan shape shifted into actually (physically) exist on Earth-16?

2. Are Lagoon Boy's parents alive?

3. Do they look like him?

Greg responds...

1. Exactly that girl? No. Is there a similar one out there? No spoilers.

2. No Spoilers.

3. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on October 26, 2015

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Concerning Kaldur's tattoo

1. What is the in universe explanation for why it's an eel?

2. Was Kaldur born with the it?

3. Or did he acquire it after he passed a certain level of skill set at the Conservatory?

Greg responds...

1. Magic.

2. No.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on October 26, 2015

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. When the Joker was the Red Hood did he wear a suit and tie and a dome shaped (covered his head and neck, and had no eye holes) hood like in the comics?

2. When wearing the hood did he use a red tinted two way mirror (inside the hood) to see?

3. Did the hood double as a rebreather and gas mask?

Greg responds...

1. Who said the Joker was Red Hood? If he wasn't, how can I answer this question? And if he was, then no spoilers. So NO SPOILERS.

2. See above.

3. See above.

Response recorded on October 23, 2015

Bookmark Link

John writes...

Does superboy have a longer lifespan than full human?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 23, 2015

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. Are Lieutenant and Sergeant Marvel older in costume then in their civilian identities?

2. Does Kit Freeman know Lieutenant Marvel's secret identity?

3. Are Freddy and Kit's parents still alive?

4. Are Mary's parents still alive?

5. Would Sergeant Marvel's costume have been red, white, or black?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

5. No spoilers.

Sensing a trend?

I mean, seriously, if you've read Ask Greg at all in the last decade, you had to have known I wouldn't answer these.

Response recorded on October 23, 2015

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. Would Lieutenant Marvel's costume have been a blue version of Captain Marvel's?

2. How old is Shazam?

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. I'm not confirming or denying that Shazam exists.

Response recorded on October 23, 2015

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

You have stated that to do Dr. Fate's voice Kevin Michel Richardson (the voice of Nabu) and whomever is playing the host (Jason Spisak/Kid Flash, Khary Payton/Aqualad, Lacey Chabert/Zatanna, or Nolan North/Zatara) are recorded saying the same lines. Then in post production, the voices are double-tracked, so the audience hears two voices.

1. What is the process step by step in order to be able to double-track?

2. Is double-tracking something that requires a studio in order to be able to do or could it be done from a smart phone?

Greg responds...

1. Um, it's pretty much what you listed above. It didn't really matter who we recorded first, so that was based on scheduling. If Kevin was in the recording booth first, we'd record Nabu first. If the host body actor was there first, we'd record him or her first. If they were both there, it was sort of Voice Director's choice. We then played the take from whomever recorded first for the second actor, who attempted to match the basic cadence and tempo. But we consciously chose NOT to have the second actor try to match the first exactly. We like those moments when they aren't perfectly aligned. Then during my attended edit of the dialogue, we'd lay those tracks over each other for storyboarding and animation purposes. (It helps that the Helmet of Fate doesn't reveal any lip movements, that might cause confusion between which track to animate.) Finally, in post-production, specifically at the mix session, we'd mix the tracks so that you can hear at least a taste of both flavors.

2. Uh... I don't know enough about smartphones to answer that question. I wouldn't know how to record one track on my smartphone, let alone two, let alone know whether or not I could double track 'em onto a single track.

Response recorded on October 22, 2015

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

On Feb. 13th 2013 you stated that Dick probably had multiple parties since he had multiple identities.

We know Dick as Dick Grayson, Robin, Dan Danger, and Nightwing.

What other identities does Dick have?

Greg responds...

I can't find anything on that date in the archives. But if Dick does have any identities beyond the three you've listed, then they are spoilers. No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 21, 2015

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

You have stated that Batman and Superman have discussed their mutual origins and the tragedies behind them. You stated that you weren't sure how deep the discussions went for either of them for very different reasons.

What are those reasons?

Greg responds...

I'll leave those to your imagination.

Response recorded on October 21, 2015

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

why aren't zatanna and rocket in the intro?

Greg responds...

I assume you're talking about the season one main titles, in which case those were created long before either Zatanna or Rocket joined the Team. Including either would have been a massive spoiler. I'm not big on spoilers.

Response recorded on October 21, 2015

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. After their kiss on New Years, did Aqualad and Rocket ever date?

2. If so, why did they brake up (call it off)?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers (but yes).

2. No spoilers (for real this time).

Response recorded on October 20, 2015

Bookmark Link

D. R. McLeod writes...

Hello, I'd just like to say that I absolutely love Young Justice, I think it's one of the most mature and thoughtful shows I've ever seen, of any genre, and I hope that you get to come back to it someday. Anyway, I have two questions... well, two with a lot of subquestions, all about Doctor Fate and the events of "Misplaced."

1: In an earlier question, you mentioned that putting on the helmet of fate ages the body of the host. Did that happen to Zatanna when she wore the helmet in Misplaced, and if so, how come she wasn't sent to the adult universe like Captain Marvel was when he transformed?

2: What would have happened if both Zatanna and Zatarra had each put on the Helmet of Fate in their own universe? Would that even be possible? Would there be a separate Nabu entity in each universe with its own host, or would he have awareness of both universes? Would the hosts have awareness of each other? What would happen to Nabu and the hosts when the universes merged?

I apologize for throwing so many metaphysical questions at you at once, this just seems to be one of those scenarios that's full of story hooks. Thank you!

Greg responds...

1. Did I say that? Even if I did, I didn't mean it ages a person instantly. I merely meant it takes a toll.

2. The split Nabu would probably have possessed each, and would probably have been even less effective than he was. Nabu would probably be fine once he merged. But all his is a big hypothetical. It didn't happen, so we'll never know for sure.

Response recorded on October 02, 2015

Bookmark Link

Nate Elias writes...

1. Most of the time Batman Villains in general are shown being incarcerated at Arkham regardless of their mental state. Which Villains do you consider to not be criminally insane?

2. What drove the decision to use the Matt Hagen Clayface or Raymond Maxwell Jensen Parasite as opposed to the more Known & Widely used Basil Karloff and Rudy Jones Versions? This isn't a criticism by the way.

3. You've said that at the time of season 1 Batman & Bane hadn't encountered each other yet. Would you say that the events of Knightfall, or events similar to it, had taken place by The time of Season 2?

Anyways, hope you get around to Answering me. I'm a Lifelong fan of your work, especially Gargoyles! ;)

Greg responds...

1. It pretty much depends on HOW a given set of creators are portraying those villains. But if we're talking YJ, Joker belongs there. But Riddler, Bane and Clayface do not. Have we done any other strictly Batman villains?

2. We used the versions we thought would be the most fun/dangerous, which incidentally were also the versions that I was most familiar with.

3. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on October 02, 2015

Bookmark Link

ND writes...

First of all, I apologize for the mistakes: English is not my mother language.

Then I'd like to tell you that I really like the animated Young Justice for many reasons. I love the variety of genders and ethnicities and the lack of stereotypes. There was a Japanese girl who didn't do Kung Fu or computers, blondes who weren't stupid or shallow, Black characters who didn't die in the first episode, and so on.

Now, there's something I don't like about Young Justice (and many animated shows, by the way): there's a variety of body types among boys yet all girls have the same impossibly tiny waist. It's very guilt-inducing for the girls who watch the show and don't have a "perfect body", that is 99.99% of them.

I know some male characters like Kaldur or Conner have incredibly huge muscles but all male characters were not like that: Billy Batson was skinny throughout the two seasons and the fans LOVED him the way he was. Moreover, Dick's evolution may have been explained by his training while there was not such explanation for the girls: in real life, most high-level female athletes have "ruler" body shapes, not impossible hourglasses. Also, some male characters like La'gaan or Garfield (I apologize for mentioning Garfield) look like "monsters" while all female characters look human (I don't count Miss Martian because she looks human most of the time). Why?

I know you probably didn't mean it but this is quite disturbing. I don't mind hourglass women but every woman cannot have an impossible hourglass figure. Personally, I exercise regularly, I eat healthy food, I'm thinner than average and I don't have an impossible hourglass figure because 1) I have intestines and 2) I inherited my granny's "pear" body shape. I've been heavier on bottom since puberty and I'm ok with it but some teenagers are not THAT ok because they hear all the time that every woman should look like Zatanna!

I apologize if I sound rude. I'd just like to tell you that a female character doesn't need a "perfect" body to be endearing, interesting or a good role model. Just after the episode "Secrets", I read from some fans on forums and some said "Hey, I like Greta, I hope we'll see more of her later". None of them said "I hope we won't see her again unless she grows some huge boobs, flat-chested girls are repulsive". In real life, people shouldn't grant less value to women who are skinny or plus-size so why should they in fiction?

I hope you don't take this badly. This is not an attack against you, I'm just wondering about teenagers' body images. Have a nice day. :)

Greg responds...

I think you raise some very valid points. And I think its an area that comics and cartoons have traditionally been less than great at, though that's no excuse for continuing those traditions blindly.

We did have Devastation and Tuppence Terror (in Season 2) and Shimmer, none of whom have the hour-glass figure - but all of whom are villains.

We were also guilty of that in Gargoyles, and it was something I tried to address (years later) in the comics with the addition of Constance/Coco - a badass, kickass gargoyle of larger proportions. I think she was quite popular with the fans. So it's something I'm working on. But there's often resistance. And, to be honest, some of that resistance is purely internal and unconscious on my part. So it's something I'm working on within myself, as well.

But please don't stop reminding me.

Response recorded on September 30, 2015

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AhhGoodTimes writes...

How involved were you or will you be in the upcoming Young Justice/Teen Titans Go crossover? Which btw I'm very excited for. It sounds fun!

Greg responds...

Not involved at all. Calling it a crossover is pushing it. It was more like a YJ cameo in TTG. I enjoyed it. It was fun.

Response recorded on September 30, 2015

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ND writes...


We all know that Queen Bee's powers work on most men and some women, so would they work on a romantic asexual?

I love your show, by the way.

Greg responds...

I don't know enough about "romantic asexuals" to answer the question, I'm afraid.

Response recorded on September 30, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

I recently watched the first season of Young Justice and I loved nearly everything about it. But there was two things that I didn't quite understand.

1. The first being Red Arrow's logic in determining there was no mole in "Performance". He claimed that since he now saw them in action that there was no way they (Artemis/M'gann/Conner) would betray the team. Yet Artemis did just that on the previous mission (Red Arrow was there) in "Insecurity", and that mission even involved the person that leaked there was a mole in Sporstmaster.

Not to mention it was clear that Superboy and the others knew about Red Arrow's distrust of them. So why would they do something when they knew he was watching them closely? Plus, if him theorizing that his programming was part of the reason he casted suspicion on them is correct, then how did he overcome it with such little evidence?

2. The second thing I didn't understand was Artemis' sudden romantic interest in Wally at the end. I get that he was shown to be crazy about her, but nothing from when she showed up in "Infiltrator" to "Performance" gave me the impression that she reciprocated those feelings. She was only show to care about Wally to the extent that they were teammates and sort of friends. She treated him the same way she did all the others aside from getting annoyed by him occasionally.

The only guy she was shown to have any romantic feelings for was Conner. So her agreeing that Wally should have kissed her "a long time ago" felt really out of place. It's not that I don't think she could have liked Wally, but there was nothing there that made me believe she did before it came out of the blue at the end.

Greg responds...

1. I think, given the fact that he knew that he was already in the League, there was less of a subconscious NEED for him to feel there was a mole. And so, for once, camaraderie won out over suspicion. OR - you could believe he was lulling them into a false sense of security. Pick your poison.

2. If you don't see she was interested in Wally, I doubt I can convince you. But from our point of view, her attraction was there (though intentionally somewhat subtle) from "Denial" at least, and probably from moment one. Certainly, in "Bereft," it's clear that they have a connection - no matter how hard both try to deny it. Many fans agree, so I feel like we succeeded.

3. She was, without a doubt, superficially interested in Conner. But that was a pretty shallow attraction.

Response recorded on August 07, 2015

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Greg Bishansky writes...

This is a question about Bialya and Qurac. These are both Middle Eastern countries (and according to wikipedia, both are located near Saudi Arabia and Iraq), and I am wondering about their conflict.

How long has this been going on? Since before Queen Bee took power in Bialya? After? Is there a Sunni vs Shi'ite element at work here, too?

Queen Bee's powers provide an explanation for how she is able to keep such absolute power in Bialya, given her gender in a Middle Eastern state... but her power only works in close range, so I wonder how much loyalty she has from her military and police force. Either way, it seems like a pretty liberal country by the standards of that region... which makes me think Bialya is, at least on paper, a Shi'ite state... at the very least, it doesn't appear that wahhabism has taken root in either state.

So, I guess what I'm asking is, in your mind, what are the religious politics of these two countries?

Greg responds...

These are all fair questions, but I haven't invested the time to work the answers out.

I think Queen Bee's powers combine with her intelligence to make her military feel pretty good about serving her. It probably helps that the male half of the royal family is non-existent. Some military men may rationalize their service by thinking she's a figurehead - until they're around her. They might on occasion question her decisions except for this - she's keeping them in power too.

As for the Sunni vs. Shi'ite thing, I don't feel comfortable locking down an answer.

Response recorded on August 06, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Has Bruce Wayne ever dated Lois Lane?

2. Does Batman keep files on how to defeat every member of the Justice League?

3. Was Alfred Pennyworth ever a member of M16?

4. Is Alfred's policy on guns, NO GUNS like Batman, or is he not above using a gun for self defense?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. Does he need to keep files? Like how limited is his memory?

3. He was a member of something. But I'd have to research it. (I was about to write OSS, which is how I always think of him, but he's obviously too young for that now.)

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 03, 2015

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Reiena Grayson writes...

I've been trying to ask this for some time, but for some reason the question just would not post. In Young Justice season one episode eight, with Kaldur's visit to Atlantis, did it start out in Atlantean and switch to english, or was the english just so people didn't have to keep reading the translations?

Greg responds...

It was always in Atlantean. But Lori cast a translation spell over the audience.

Response recorded on August 03, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. How did Roy's parents amass their fortune?

2. How did Oliver's parents?

3. Or was Oliver a self made millionaire?

Greg responds...

I assume we're talking Young Justice, here.

1. I'd have to research this.

2. They inherited.

3. He inherited.

Response recorded on August 03, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Can Martian Manhunter read Hawkman or Hawkwoman's mind?

2. Have Hawkman and Hawkwoman been reincarnated previously?

Greg responds...

1. I'd think so, but I haven't thought about it.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 31, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

You've said that you and the production team created a bible of sorts for future story lines and character arcs of Young Justice.

1. Would it be legal to publish it?

2. Would you consider publishing it?

Greg responds...

1. Never been too clear on that. But it would probably require permission from Warner Bros.

2. No. No spoilers, don't you know.

Response recorded on July 31, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I wanted to let you know that I was just looking over the DC Comics solicitations for October 2014 on the Internet on this link here:


Do you see where it says "The Multiversity: The Just #1"?

Unless my eyes were deceiving me, the description about this title is suggesting that this is EARTH-16 in the NEW 52 DC multiverse.

Does that mean the "Young Justice" universe that you set up in 2011 is no longer Earth-16 and is that why the show ended prematurely when it did? Did Grant Morrison NOT know that Earth-16 was already handpicked and used by you as you saw fit or is something else going on here?! If this is fate's way of saying that "Young Justice' is pretty much gone, I can imagine that a lot "Young Justice" fans are probably going to be REALLY angry!

Greg responds...

1. I have no inside info, but reading that release, it does seem like they've wiped out our Earth-16 for this one.

2. This had nothing at all to do with Young Justice not being picked up for a third season. Nothing. Trust me.

3. I have no clue if Grant knew about our Earth-16 or not. You'd have to ask him. (I admire his work, but I've never met the guy.)

4. To be honest, this is just a technicality. If DC and/or WB and/or CN decide to bring YJ back in some form or another, this won't make much of a difference. If not, this still won't make much of a difference. Our stories still exist, are still out there. Whatever they do with their "Earth-16" won't change that.

It's also worth noting that - although we asked for an unused Earth and DC said, "Take Earth-16." - it turned out that Earth-16 was NOT unused prior to us. So we had to ignore prior Earth-16 continuity. For all I know this version of Earth-16 is the original, and we were the usurpers.

Response recorded on July 30, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Does Batman keep trophies inside the Batcave?

Greg responds...

Which series we talking about? I've done at least five with Batman in it.

Response recorded on July 30, 2015

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Algernon writes...

Hey Greg,

I've always been a big fan of Babylonian Mythology so I got a big kick out of all the references in Young Justice Legacy, Marduk, Tiamat, the Tablet of Destiny ect...

1) On Earth-16, is Nabu also the Babylonian God of Wisdom of the same name?

2) If so, what was his relationship to Marduk?

Greg responds...

1. I'd have to do more research to answer that. (You clearly know more about the Babylonian pantheon than I do.)

2. See the answer to Question 1.

Response recorded on July 30, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does Gotham Academy have a football team?

2. What are they called?

3. Does Keystone High School have a football team?

4. What are they called?

5. What are Keystone High School's school colors?

Greg responds...

1. Probably.

2. I feel like we did come up with the mascot name, but I honestly cannot remember.

3. I'm sure they do.

4. I don't think we ever came up with that.

5. No memory of this at all, which may mean we didn't come up with this either.

Response recorded on July 29, 2015

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Just a Nerd writes...

Wow. I was going to preface this with other questions, but upon searching the unanswered queue, all of the other questions had been asked, one by myself. So, I'm just gonna dive in.
2. Would you please, please, oh great and powerful and wise man (sorry for the terrible pun (wise man, Weisman)) tell us one, some or all of the owners of designations 27, 28, A06, A07, A08, and A09?

... Yeah, I didn't think you would. Thanks anyway. Can't wait to read Spirits of Ash and Foam!

Greg responds...

Honestly, I don't remember. And I don't have my YJ files here at Nickelodeon. And, in any case, if I haven't already revealed this, I'm unlikely to now.

But I hope by now, you've read and enjoyed Spirits of Ash and Foam!

Response recorded on July 29, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. How did Hal Jordan get his ring?

2. Why did Martian Manhunter chose to stay on Earth?

3. Before becoming Green Arrow did Oliver Queen ever wash up (shore) on the island?

4. Under what circumstances did Black Canary's mother die?

Greg responds...

1. His origin is basically the same. Details differ into spoilerish territory.

2. At what point? (Different reasons at different times in his life.)

3. "wash up (shore) on the island"??? Not sure what this means. But as with Hal, his basic origin is unchanged. Details differ.

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 27, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Where does Hal Jordan live?

2. Where does John Stewart live?

3. Where does Guy Gardener live?

Greg responds...

1. Coast City.

2. I honestly don't remember. I'd have to do a little research. First into YJ materials to see if we ever made that decision. And if not, I'd have to do some research.

3. Ditto.

Response recorded on July 27, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. On Earth-16 what hero had a sidekick during the 40's?

2. What was the sidekicks name?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 27, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Bruce begin an investigation into Superman's secret ID as soon as Superman first appeared on the scene in 1998?

2. In Independence Day what or who was Robin referring to when he said that the Batcave was already crowded enough?

3. Is any member of the Bat Family trained in judo, ninjutsu, parkour, scuba, or sword fighting?

4. Dick had circular birdarangs, Tim uses a different type of birdarang. Do all Robins have their own type (style) of birdarangs?

5. On Earth-16 is Bruce Wayne a playboy?

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that to your imagination for now.

2. He was just being flip.

3. I'm going to say... yes.

4. I'm going to say... yes. (Although Dick had at least two styles that we used.)

5. In theory.

Response recorded on July 27, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Were false documents made to provide an explanation for the fact that there are two Roy Harpers, and the existence of Bart Allen eventhough Barry Allen does not yet have children?

Greg responds...

I suppose. Though they might not have been false. It's the DC Universe after all. S--t like that must happen all the time. They've probably got a bureaucracy all set up.

Response recorded on July 24, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does Commissioner Gordon know that Nightwing was the first Robin, and that the second is deceased?

2. On Earth 16 do all Robin's go through 6 months of training prior to taking up the mantle of Robin?

3. Do Commissioner Gordon, and the people of Gotham, know that there is a Batgirl?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I'm not going to put a fixed amount of time on the training. But they all go through training. On an ongoing basis, too.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on July 23, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. How does Black Canary protect her secret identity without wearing a mask?
2. Miss Martian addressed Nightwing as Dick in The Hunt, and Aqualad did the same in Endgame. Did Miss Martian learn Nightwing's secret ID during a psychic link on a mission?
3. Do Red Arrow, Artemis, Zatanna, or Rocket know that Dick Grayson is Nightwing?

Greg responds...

1. With a wig, maybe? I never really decided to be perfectly honest.

2. No.

3. Artemis, Zatanna and Rocket do. As for Red Arrow, no spoilers.

Response recorded on July 23, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

What were all of the magic/psyhic superheroes during golden age of superheroes in young justice?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 22, 2015

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Jordan Wade writes...

1. Did Vandal Savage seeked the other members of the light or was it the other way around?

2. How did villains have access to the power shutdown collars?

3. Did superheroes of the 40's have their own radio show?

4. Did world war 2 happened 1939-1945 and were fictional nations like rhelasia involved in world war 2?

5. If the main seven of the justice league and other superheroes were actived by the year 2000 and superheroes were actived in the 40's. How did events like 9/11 and pearl harbor happened on earth 16?

Greg responds...

1. Vandal started the Light with Ra's, if that's what you mean.

2. It helped that the Belle Reve prison warden was their mole.

3. Haven't thought about it.

4a. Yes.

4b. Probably.

5. There's some odd notion that the existence of super-heroes would mean tragedy would cease. But no one - not even Superman and the Flash - can be everywhere at one time. Nor is all evil predictable.

Response recorded on July 22, 2015

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Jordan Wade writes...

1. Were they supervillians in Gotham during the 90's before batman appearance?

2. Is Heaven for real on earth 16?

3. Was Alan Scott the most powerful superheroes of the 40's if not who was?

4. What magical creatures are more powerful than an lord of chaos?

5. Did the U.S government enforce the superhero ban from 50's to 90's?

Greg responds...

1. Not going to give a blanket answer to this.

2. No spoilers.

3. Depends on how you define powerful.

4. <Shrug>.

5. Not exactly a ban.

Response recorded on July 22, 2015

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Peridottie writes...

Hi Greg. I have some questions about Rocket/Raquel if you don't mind me asking. Forgive me if any are "spoiler-ish"

1) Did you ever have plans to explore Rocket and Icon's differing economic/social beliefs in future seasons/comics? I understand that it would've probably been difficult since those are potentially controversial topics for a children's network, but I feel like you're savvy enough to have explored it discretely.
2)What team member would you say Raquel was closest to after joining the team? I always subconsciously imagined Artemis since to me they seem to have similar personalities and economic backgrounds. But then she's also in the "new girl" boat with Zatanna
3)When first joining the team, did Raquel have trouble adjusting? Seeing as she joined at the height of activity with the Light and dynamics within the team were already established, it seems like it would be easy to feel a little like the odd man out if I were her.
4)I try not to assume that everything canon in DC comics is automatically canon in the show, so I was wondering if Virgil and Raquel actually knew each other before his abduction? Did you ever have plans for them to interact in season 2 before the episodes got cut to 20?

Thanks loads for answering our questions and creating Young Justice in the first place. I'm rewatching it on Netflix for the millionth time and buying comics and dvds when I can, just 'cause I like it that much. And good luck with your books!

Greg responds...

1. Given enough issues and/or episodes, sure. But it wasn't a priority. (Though it interests me a lot.)

2. I'll leave that to your imagination, based on the little bits of evidence you have. But I think its clear that she and Zatanna wound up being close. And she was clearly interested in Aqualad.

3. Again, you saw how she was adjusting. She was definitely playing catch-up, but she seemed to fit in pretty well and integrated pretty darn quickly.

4. They're both from Dakota City. I'm not going to reveal whether they knew each other. There were no specific plans to have them interact in season two.

Response recorded on July 21, 2015

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Sal writes...

Hi, Greg
The Justice League seems to have much political association with various global and international organizations in order to operate and abide by the law as they do. Given that much, if not all, of their members hail from or have ties/connections to the United States, has this caused tension between other countries? I understand that perhaps they don't view the American government directly responsible or even maintaining these superheroes, but has it ever raised paranoia or suspicion across other nations? Are there some governments that are not very accepting of the League, such as Biala(Though that nation was operating under Queen Bee)?

Greg responds...

Yes, the Justice League operates under a U.N. charter. Yes, many if not most of the characters are U.S. Citizens. Yes, that makes some nations suspicious of them. Yes, certain nations, including Bialya have declared the League unwelcome.

Response recorded on July 21, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Hi thank you so much for answering questions and I am sorry if these are spoilers

1.What is Blue Devils Civilian name?
2.Is Blue Devil A Member Of The Justice League?

Greg responds...

1. Dan Cassidy.

2. Not during our series. Whether he'd eventually join is a spoiler request.

Response recorded on July 21, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

I just recently watched all of Young Justice on a friend's recommendation and I am so enamoured with the world and the characters you and the rest of the YJ team developed, so thank you for that. I especially loved Artemis and her family, so I wanted to ask you a few questions about them:

1. What kind of mother is Paula? Obviously, after serving her sentence she's retired from crime and is a good parent to Artemis, but before her jail time, was she much the same or more like Sportsmaster? Did she also train Artemis and Jade to fight or do crime, or did she try to leave them out of it?

2. Were Artemis and Jade close before the year their mother was arrested and Jade left?

3. While she was in prison, did Paula keep in contact with Artemis or anyone else (through letters or visits)?

4. Did she already know any of the Leaguers when they approached her about Artemis from her villain days?

5. After season 2, does she see Artemis and Jade (and Roy) regularly? What about Sportsmaster?

Thanks for answering fan questions like this. It's a really cool thing to do.

Greg responds...

1. Mostly, I want to answer this with a NO SPOILERS statement. But I'm in the mood, so I will say that Paula was less emotionally abusive but had no problem with Crusher's desire to train the girls for combat, and in fact participated in that training.

2. Yes and no. Artemis was close to Jade. Jade pretended she wasn't close to Artemis, which meant to a large degree, she wasn't.

3. Yes.

4. Those she had fought, yes.


Response recorded on July 13, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Assuming they were in a place where they were both at full power, were both not holding back, and there was no chance of peace, who do you think would win between Oberon and Earth-16 Dr. Fate?

Greg responds...

See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him.

Response recorded on July 13, 2015

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memi writes...

1) Just to be clear, what is Bart Allen's hair oclor? I keep seeing in fanfiction and youtube comments that he's a red head or a ginger, but his hair looks brown to me? I'd appreciate clarification.
2) I think it's great that there are LGBT characters in YJ. Are there any other LGBT intended characters besides Marie Logan? If this counts as a spoiler, just answering 'yes' or 'no' would mean a lot!

Thanks! P.S. loved your book

Greg responds...

1. Since I'm red-green color deficient, I'm afraid I'm not the person to confirm anything. But I thought it was brown.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on July 10, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Did nightwing have feelings for artemis

Greg responds...

Depends on what you mean by "feelings."

Response recorded on July 09, 2015

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BR writes...

1.Did Bruce Greenwood's casting of Batman have anything to do with Brandon Vietti Working with him on Batman Under the Red Hood?

Greg responds...

Yes, of course.

Response recorded on July 09, 2015

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Insert Cool Name Here writes...

Okay, this isn't a question, but I think it's important so I'm posting it.

I'm apologizing for several of my questions which were repetitive and asking for spoilers (not at the same time usually). It probably doesn't actually matter, but whatever.

I love your Young Justice work. Hopefully they will let you guys make another something.

Thanks for reading!
--Insert Cool Name Here

Greg responds...

You're welcome!

Response recorded on July 09, 2015

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Pattroclos writes...

Hello Greg,

I've recently discovered Young Justice season 1 on Netflix so, of course, I've been binging it. It's been over two years now and I'm still upset YJ got canceled. You created such a in-depth and complex plot with such interesting characters. It is a crime it got cancelled so soon (especially in favour of Teen Titans Go which is just . . . just no). So many great animated shows don't get the attention they deserve simply because of their medium and I think YJ is a prime example. I have so very many questions but most would be spoiler requests so I'l keep it short as I am sure you have much more important things to consider.

1. With the advent of Netflix is there a greater hope for renewal for a third season or should I give up waiting and just be happy with what we got?

2. Would you know when season 2 is expected to come on Netflix?

3. Were there any characters we saw as civilians in the first two seasons that you had plans to introduce as heroes/villains later like you did with Mal and Karen from season one to two? (I know this is a spoiler request, I'm just hoping it's vague enough to get a simple 'yes' or 'no')

Thank you for creating Young Justice for us all to enjoy and thank you doubly for taking the time to answer your fans' questions like this.

Greg responds...

Okay, first off YJ was not cancelled "in favour of Teen Titans Go". One thing had NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH ANOTHER. That's like saying Angel was cancelled in favor of The Vampire Diaries. One show ended. Another show began. The only connection is an imaginary one in your head based on timing and a superficial similarity in subject manner.

1. Netflix is moot unless Warner Bros and DC decide they want to make more YJ and take it there. There are no near-term plans for more YJ, but both Brandon and I hope that someday we might get another shot at it.

2. I have no idea. I'm not at Warners anymore, and even when I was, no one consulted me on those decisions.

3. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 06, 2015

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Chris Adams writes...

I am most familiar with Jim Harper from Roger Stern's novelisation of THE DEATH AND LIFE OF SUPERMAN, which includes some musing from Jim on his original career as the Guardian back in the Forties, his Newsboy Legion buddies who grew up to found Cadmus Laboratories, and their gift of a new cloned body for him so he could be a young, healthy Guardian again.

Given that the modern-day Guardian believed himself to be the original Jim Harper's grandson, and Roy Harper's uncle, that's obviously not his story!

Separately, you have confirmed that the Light founded the Cadmus Project, rather than taking over an existing institution.

Does any remnant of the idea that the Newsboy Legion grew up to work at Cadmus remain in Earth-16, even if they didn't found it?

I would guess not, given that it's unlikely the Light would have been organised long enough ago to have founded Cadmus when a group of men born in the Thirties would have still been active in the sciences.

(Plus, maybe it's a touch unbelievable that all of the Newsboy Legion kids would grow up to pursue the specific scientific interests necessary to be useful in a genetics company!)

Greg responds...

There might be a vestige left. But no spoilers.

Response recorded on July 06, 2015

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Hmmaster writes...

Is Themiscyra public or a member of the UN? There's a mention during Usual Suspects that Atlantis isn't part of the UN at that time, but I was curious how much they generally know about the Amazons. Godfrey mentions the Amazons in Happy New Year as a possible alien species during his xenophobic spiel, so it's clear that the public knows that Wonder Woman (and possibly Troia if she has broken away from the Team to become a public solo hero like Red Arrow was in Season 1) isn't the only one of her kind. I just wanted to know how much interaction Themiscyra has with "Man's World" or if they are as isolated as they are in previous incarnations. Thanks for the fantastic series.

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on July 01, 2015

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Peter writes...

How long does a hero have to be on the team that they are no longer a freshman on the team?

Greg responds...

The "Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior" thing is not an official IN-SHOW notion. It was a convenient way for us OUTSIDE the show to talk about these distinctions. But if you want to push the idea, then I guess that after a year on the Team, you move from being a Freshman to a Sophomore (basically).

Response recorded on July 01, 2015

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LynnL writes...

Hi Greg,
I just rewatched the YJ first season finale , great episode and the New Year kisses and Tornado comment always makes me smile.
Anyway, regarding Zatanna and Nightwing:

1) Did they love each other when they were dating? If yes, did they get to say it?
2) When someone asked if they still have feeling for each other you said "Depends how you're defining 'feelings'". And other tim eyou said the same but you added a "yes" at the end. So, do they still love each other? (I'm not asking in a romantical or platonical way, but if could clarify that you would make me the happiest men in the planet)
3) Did the last part sound like a marriage proposal?
4) I just brought YJ: Legacy, great story (Tula's death almost made me cry) and voice acting, the graphics and the gameplay weren't great but they still satisfy me. And I loved when in the middle of a fight you can hear Dick say "Guys, I'm whelmed"
5) Was Mal in the team by the time Tula died (YJ:L)?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. I stick by my original answer(s).

3. Not to me.

4. :)

5. You saw what you saw.

Response recorded on June 30, 2015

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Thomas writes...

I absolutely loved Young Justice; it was probably my favor take on the DC universe. Your take on the world and the characters was absolutely perfect. My only "criticism" is that their weren't more episodes or comics expand on earth 16. I especially loved Artemis's character and the fact that DC hasn't incorporated her into the New 52 in a significant way leaves me completely bewildered. I loved the buildup to Darkseid, my favorite comic book villain, because based on the effectiveness of the other villain I really felt like he was going to be a huge threat and finally be portrayed as the brilliant strategist, manipulator, and powerhouse that utterly dwarf the Justice League that Jack Kirby wrote. Hopefully we'll see some of the plans you had for Darkseid in the future.

Was it true John DiMaggio was set to voice Darkseid or was that just BS internet rumors?

I'm really looking forward to Star Wars Rebels.

Greg responds...

We had not cast or even thought about casting Darkseid. Love John, by the way, but I've never even heard his name mentioned for the part as a rumor.

Response recorded on June 29, 2015

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Bruce Timm and I (and others) were interviewed for a cool little article on adaptation, here:


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MomoCon 2015

I leave tomorrow for MomoCon 2015. More information on it can be found at their website: http://www.momocon.com/

But here's MY schedule for the weekend:

FRIDAY, MAY 29, 2015
BREAKING INTO ANIM 12:30pm - 01:30pm
Main "Villains" Room Omni-International
w/Floyd County Productions

SIGNING 03:30pm - 05:30pm
Autograph Area

YOUNG JUSTICE 08:00pm - 09:00pm
Main "Villains" Omni-International
w/Crispin Freeman

SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2015
SIGNING 11:00am - 12:30pm
Autograph Area

ANIM CREATORS 02:00pm - 03:00pm
"Underdog" A-313
w/Ben Mangum, Mike Reiss

SIGNING 05:30pm - 07:00pm
Autograph Area

SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2015
SIGNING 11:30am - 01:00pm
Autograph Area

GARGOYLES 02:00pm - 03:00pm
Main "Villains" Omni-International
w/Keith David

That's right! Both Keith "Goliath" David and Crispin "Red Arrow" Freeman will also be at MomoCon!

As usual, at my autograph sessions, I will happily sign anything you bring along with you for free. But I will also be signing and selling copies of my two novels RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM. ($10 per book, cash only.) If you purchase both books (signed and personalized for $20 cash total), you get a FREE art surprise. I will also be signing and selling copies of my animation and radio play scripts (from GARGOYLES, MEN IN BLACK, STARSHIP TROOPERS, TEAM ATLANTIS, W.I.T.C.H., THE BATMAN, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, DC SHOWCASE: GREEN ARROW, BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN MEETS GARGOYLES, YOUNG JUSTICE, BEWARE THE BATMAN, GARGOYLES MEETS THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN MEETS YOUNG JUSTICE and KIM POSSIBLE). Each signed and personalized script is $20 cash. I'll also be giving away #RainoftheGhosts AudioPlay postcards for free!

So please stop by and say hello!

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did you ever worry that you would be approached to start working on shows you've done in the past while you were already working on one? (Ex: Let's say you were working on Young Justice, but Disney approached you to work on Gargoyles again.)
2. What would you do if situations like that ever came up?

Greg responds...

1. No, I should have such problems. I'm usually lucky to find one job. Having two I wanted that badly has literally NEVER come up.

2. I don't really deal in hypotheticals. The realities in front of me are confusifying enough.

Response recorded on May 07, 2015

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Clark Cradic writes...

When Conner and Superman are together in public do they say that they're related (like how Superman said that he was Kara's cousin in the comics) or are their civilian covers not related?

Greg responds...

Which season are you asking about?

Response recorded on May 07, 2015

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ND writes...


Maybe this will sound silly but the episode "Downtime" sometimes made me think of the Andersen story, "the little mermaid" (not the Disney version). OK, I know this sounds silly but here's what I noticed:

- The mermaid lives underwater;
- She's young (15)
- She has her head in the clouds (all the time);
- She has a crush on someone and wants to give up everything to be with him;
- He's nice with her, yet he loves someone else;
- She's heartbroken and she gives up because she wants him to be happy;
- She has sisters who actually try to help her;
- She sacrifices herself (by dying) and evolves into a "creature of the air".

Now look at the episode:

- Kaldur lives underwater;
- He's young (16)
- He has his head in the clouds (just now)
- He has a crush on someone and wants to give up everything to be with her;
- She's nice with him, yet she loves someone else;
- He's heartbroken and he gives up because he wants her to be happy;
- He has friends (the team) who actually care for him;
- He sacrifices herself (by leaving) and evolves into a leader who actually concentrate all the time.

Now, was all this intentional or am I imagining things?

I wish Cartoon Network had let you carried on with more seasons. It was really a great show. I apologise for the mistakes: English is not my mother language. Mes amitiés.

Greg responds...

Well, I certainly wasn't conscious of any of that, but I'm familiar with the tale, so maybe it was part of the background radiation, so to speak.

Response recorded on May 07, 2015

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Darksuperboy writes...

The youtube channel watchmojo has just put up a video for its 3.8 million subscribers of ''Top 10 Best Cartoons That Got Cancelled''. it placed your works of art Gargoyles at #5 and Young Justice #4.

How do you feel about that?

Also how would you respond to their comment that young justice fans felt ''cheated and abandoned'' due to it unresolved plot points?

also since its seems young justice is still in the media scope after a year are the chances of a season on Netflix or any form of story completion still being looked into?

Greg responds...

1. Well, I'd prefer the shows were still going, but I'm happy we got the recognition and that folks still seem to miss those shows. No love for SpecSpidey, huh?

2. I think that's unreasonable, frankly. Believe me, I'd love to have done more episodes, more issues of our companion comic series, etc. But nothing is guaranteed to last forever, and certainly no one was "cheated". The fact is, the series didn't have the ratings or the merchandising support to continue. Our fans are wonderful and intense, but unfortunately not quite as numerous as I think everyone believes. It's still a business. And if we don't have the numbers to pay for the series, then that's a damn shame, but that's all it is. To be clear, I'm not blaming the fans; just pointing out that there weren't enough fans buying toys or sitting in front of their sets to keep us on the air.

As to unresolved plot points, would folks have preferred if, for example, Brandon and I hadn't put in that last scene with Vandal and Darkseid? We certainly could have skipped it, and one less thing would be unresolved, but I believe the show would have been less interesting if we made sure not to introduce any thread that couldn't absolutely be tied up at season's end.

3. Okay, there's no such thing as "story completion" for Young Justice. It wasn't designed to ever end. All of us who worked on the series would love to do more, but if we did do more, there would be still more concepts introduced so that whenever we ran out of "more" there would still be loose ends. And so on, and so on, and so on...

Meanwhile, I don't believe either Warner Bros, DC or Cartoon Network has any current plans to bring YJ back in any form. Netflix would be great, but if Time-Warner isn't interested in pursuing the property, then all other considerations are moot.

And "the media scope" is a relative concept. YJ was something special, but it never did Game of Thrones numbers, for example, not in terms of ratings or in terms of pop culture awareness.

Again, it doesn't give me pleasure to say all of this. But the realities are what they are.

Response recorded on May 07, 2015

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I am fortunate enough to have been invited to be a spotlight guest at WonderCon this year at the Anaheim Convention Center in California from Friday April 03 - Sunday April 05. Here's my schedule for WonderCon 2015:

FRIDAY, APRIL 03, 2015
ARTISTS ALLEY - Table A-31, 11:30am - 12:30pm.

As usual, I will sign anything you bring for free. But I will also be signing and selling copies of my two novels RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM. ($10 per book, cash only.) If you purchase both books (signed and personalized for $20 cash total), you get a FREE copy of Kuni Tomita's original development artwork designs from when we developed RAIN as an animated series back at DreamWorks in the '90s. I will also be signing and selling copies of my animation and radio play scripts (from GARGOYLES, MEN IN BLACK, STARSHIP TROOPERS, TEAM ATLANTIS, W.I.T.C.H., THE BATMAN, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, DC SHOWCASE: GREEN ARROW, BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN MEETS GARGOYLES, YOUNG JUSTICE, BEWARE THE BATMAN, GARGOYLES MEETS THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN MEETS YOUNG JUSTICE and KIM POSSIBLE). Each signed and personalized script is $20 cash. I'll also be giving away #RainoftheGhosts AudioPlay postcards for free!

Room 207 04:00pm - 05:00pm
I'm moderating this panel with panelists: Kevin J. Anderson, Sam de La Rosa, Braden Lamb, Mike Mayhew, Rebecca Moesta & John Ostrander.

ARTISTS ALLEY - Table A-31, 5:30pm - 07:00pm.

Room 213, 11:30am - 12:30pm
Gary Mierianu interviews me about Gargoyles, Young Justice, The Spectacular Spider-Man, Star Wars Rebels, Star Wars Kanan: the Last Padawan, Rain of the Ghosts (novels and AudioPlay) and more. Plus we'll open it up to an audience Q&A at the end.

ARTISTS ALLEY - Table A-31, 1:00pm - 02:30pm.

Mysterious Galaxy Booth 908, 03:00pm - 03:45pm.

Room 300AB 04:00pm - 05:00pm
I'll be talking about Star Wars Kanan: The Last Padawan, but other panelists will include Sam Humphries, Will Moss & Rick Remender, talking about their stuff.

ARTISTS ALLEY - Table A-31, 5:30pm - 07:00pm.

SUNDAY, APRIL 05, 2015
Room 300AB 01:00pm - 02:00pm
I'll be talking Young Justice and other sidekick stuff with J.M. DeMatteis, D.W. Ferranti, Loren Lester, Gary Mierianu & Matthew Patterson.

ARTISTS ALLEY - Table A-31, 2:30pm - 05:00pm.

That's it. If you're in the area, stop by and say hello!!!

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