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Anonymous writes...

Do Green and Red Martians 'true/natural' form look like Miss Martians?

Greg responds...

Pretty much. I don't want to say all Martians look alike, but frankly to a human they probably would. Even distinguishing males from females would be tough to the untrained human eye. (Then again to the untrained Martian eye, I'm sure all humans tend to look alike too.) If you saw J'onn's true form, the obvious main differences between him and M'gann are that J'onn's green and bigger.

The only real difference between Green, White and Red Martians is skin color - which is a pretty superficial difference, of course, genetically, but a significant difference historically and culturally on Mars.

Of course, on Mars-16, the White Martians aren't a separate species - and they're only a different "race" if you are using the word "race" the way we Earthlings do to distinguish Caucasians from Africans from Asians. And certainly, the White Martians are not monolithically evil.

Oh, and for the record: M'gann IS J'onn's niece. She didn't lie about that. M'gann's mom (i.e. J'onn's sister) is green. Her dad is white. Most of M'gann's siblings are also green, though she has one white brother.

Wow, why did I suddenly give all that away?

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Hi Greg, so I watched Image today, man that was amazing. First off, thank you for the cameo by Garfield. I'd ask if the transfusion could have 'unexpected side effects', but I know you won't answer. As for the use of Queen Bee and Psimon, very nicely done. I thought Robin did great for his first time as team leader. And I like the design for Megan's true form (no offense, but not much of a reveal there). Honestly, my favorite part of the whole thing was the opening to "Hello Megan!" I know it's purposely corny but I enjoyed all the name drops and especially Greg Vietti and Brandon Weisman, very cute.

Please keep up the good work and I can't wait for next week!

Greg responds...

Thanks. We were all very proud of that opening title.

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

YJ question:

"Created by Greg Vietti and Brandon Weisman" Clever, Greg. You always outdo yourself.

Here's the question: In the opening credits for the "Hello Megan" show in "Image", are some of the names references to other staff members of YJ? Or are they existing characters in the DC Universe? If they're YJ staff members, who are they?

Greg responds...

They're all pre-existing DC characters.

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Cameron writes...

What nationality are Gar and Marie? Are they from Qurac?

Greg responds...

No; they're Americans.

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Chaz! writes...

First of all, I'd like to say that the last two episodes "Coldhearted" and "Image" have been fantastic. They just blew me away. Please keep up the good work and pass my complements on to the writers & directors. as for questions
1) How have the ratings been since the six month hiatus? Enough to keep yj healthily on the air I hope.
2) Can we get any episode titles for season 2 yet?
3) Has the justice league or any of it's members encountered any of the New Gods yet (aside from the incident in “Disordered”?
I thought this had been asked but I searched the unanswered questions file and the archive to no avail. maybe I used the wrong wording. If that's the case, I'd like to apologize.

Greg responds...

1. Ratings have been good since we came back this year as part of DC Nation. And even better since "Invasion" launched. I don't think there's any fear we won't finish our season.

2. Sure. Here's the first half-dozen:

201. "Happy New Year"
202. "Earthlings"
203. "Alienated"
204. "Salvage"
205. "Beneath"
206. "Bloodlines"

3. No.

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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Ray writes...

Hi Greg,
I really applaud you for your series. The plot is so smooth and cryptic, the prefect tone for this type of series!
1. What were the incantations of The two-dimensions-merging spell and the the ice-tower-explosion spell?
2. Why does everyone refer Zatarra by his last name Zatarra? Even Zatanna does it. It's like calling your father by his last name (which is also your last name).
3. Do Zatanna and Giovanni know that their spells are reversed? Do they make it up on the spot? Or are they already existing spells, and that having it backwards was jus for fun?

Greg responds...


1b. Erif nrub; nordluac elbbub!

2. Zatara is his stage name as well as his nom-de-guerre as a hero.

3. The backwards speak is a requirement of their particular brand of magic. Otherwise, Zatanna explained it best herself in "Humanity" and again in "Misplaced".

Response recorded on May 22, 2012

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LupusLover writes...

Hey Greg, loved the Image! One question for you about it though. At the beginning of the episode Garfield had blue eyes but after the blood transfusion he had green eyes. I'm not going to directly ask you about it being explained in the future of Young Justice (Though I would love to know) of course I'll probably be met with "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT" But if it will be mentioned in the future will it be in the show or the tie in comics?

Greg responds...

By now you know the answer.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Merry writes...

What made you decide to put blood in Young Justice? I'd always thought that blood in a children's cartoon was sort of taboo, but first in "Terrors" and now in "Image" (Great episode, by the way!)... I honestly can't remember blood in a cartoon since Batman: The Animated Series.

Greg responds...

We've had blood in most of the cartoons I've done - always within reason, for good purpose and to demonstrate something important.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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FallenSuperSaiyan writes...

Hey greg I am studyig international law so I have a question regarding Count Vertigo.

Even with his diplomaic immunity, why wasn't he declared persona non grata? and explled from USA?.

Sure after leading the injustice league, he wouldn't have been allowed to remain, would he?

Greg responds...

You may know more on this subject than I do.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Kit Walker writes...

First I want to say that I loved your work since I was a kid. I'm 22 now and I liked Gargoyles when it was in first, only to positively love it when I caught it in reruns during my teen years. Spectacular Spider-Man is probably my second favorite super-hero cartoon of all times (and I've sought out most of them), second only to Young Justice. Icon is one of my favorite characters/series of all times and it just blows my mind that you've included him and Rocket on the show. On to the questions (I apologize if they stray into spoiler territory, I'm trying to "ask the right questions" as it were):

1) Connor seemed to take the revelation that he was named for an old sitcom character in stride. Have he and M'gann discussed how long she'd been "crushing" on him before they started dating, meaning he's unsurprised by the revelation? Like, since he's now found out that she modeled herself on the show's main character, he's not surprised that she suggested her crush take the name of Megan's crush from the show. Or did he just not particularly care there the name came from?

2) This one probably strays into spoiler territory but you say there weren't really super-heroes between the disbanding of the JSA and the debut of Superman in the relative present. However, you've also made reference to there being an Original Black Canary and there are several super-villains who are middle aged or older (Icicle, Tigress, and Sportsmaster in particular). Does that mean there simply weren't publicly known (or well known) super heroes and villains during the interim?

3) Is there any chance of seeing some of the background information for the show (like from the timeline and series bible, which seriously seem far more carefully planned than the DCnU) published somewhere? Something like the Allspark Almanacs for Transformers Animated.

And those are the only two questions I have that I think have a chance of not being spoilers. I have so many I'd like to ask about Icon and Rocket, but considering their comic book origins there are a load of implicit spoilers in even asking "how long have they been active?"

Please keep up the amazing work sir!

Greg responds...

1. He was mostly unsurprised. And I don't think he cared too much.

2. Didn't make the same caveat for villains as I made for heroes, but there were a handful of heroes operating in secret during the interim.

3. Anything's possible, but not while that info would give away spoilers.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Zarif Shaikh writes...

Hello Mr. Greg I'm a huge fan of Syoung justice and i'd like to ask a few questions
1. Did Zatara depart from the League once he became doctor fate?
2. If Superboy was found later by the team would his powers have further developed?
3. Does Black Manta even love his son?

Greg responds...

1. "Depart" is not the word I'd use, but officially he has been listed on leave, and Doctor Fate took his place.

2. No.

3. Watch and decide for yourself.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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tripqm writes...

If, theoretically, you wanted a character in Young Justice to be gay and it made perfect sense in the context of the show, do you think you'd be able/allowed to actually put anything reflecting that in the show? Comics?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Slavariel writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to what you do. I have to express extra gratitude for the "Dangerous Wounds" Gargoyle episode. That lesson stuck by me through my childhood and now as an adult. I'm glad I got to learn gun control from a cartoon and not from a real life experience. Unfortuneately a neighbor of mine was not so fortune. This happened years ago but I to this very day I wonder if every child/teen saw that episode maybe there would be less gun related accidents. Just want to say your message came across strong to at least some people.

I also got into Young Justice and I know there are messages of teamwork, responsibility, honesty, and bravery in the storyline. All are great values to instil to children and adults alike.

Besides these basic morals and values, is there an underlying message you want to get across to today's audience?

I wish you the best success hope Young Justice will be signed for many more seasons.


Greg responds...

"Dangerous Wounds"? Did you mean "Deadly Force"?

As for underlying messages, I believe it's best to let the viewer take from the show what they take.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Alexi writes...

Was Aquaman raised by humans or Atlanteans on Earth 16? Why is he stronger than other Atlanteans?

Greg responds...

1. Mostly Atlanteans.

2. Good genes.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Sorry to ask another question, but I just wanted to say Artemis has come to be the breakout character of the show for me, and I guess I just had a question.

Obviously the writers took a lot of liberties with the character for the sake of fitting your adaptation (which I'm always a fan of seeing BTW!) and I've noticed that to a certain degree, bits of Artemis' backstory in the show resemble that of Cassandra Cain, who was the third Batgirl. Particularly making her parents members of the League of Shadows and having a white, blonde father and an Asian mother, and of course becoming a superhero to move away from her parents' lifestyle.

So I was just wondering, were some of these similarities intentional, or just a coincidence?

Either way, keep up the good work!

Greg responds...

Not intentional, as I'm just not that familiar with Cassandra Cain. But the similarities may be natural as opposed to coincidental.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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J writes...

If you had to put any of your young justice people in a Lantern corp......who would you put where?

Red; Rage
Orange; greed
Yellow; make fear
Green; Will
Blue; Hope
Indigo; Compassion
Violet; Love

Greg responds...

I'm not up on all this, I'm afraid. Sounds like an exercise that you can do to amuse yourself.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Roy writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,
Just one question, would you want to adapt your version of the Justice League into its own show?

Greg responds...

Love to. And why stop there? Let's do 16 solo shows for every one of our lead characters.

Plus the Lucas Carr solo show.

Basically, yes, I am a megalomaniac, but I truly to love this world and would love to explore it more.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Freshness writes...

I don't see anything about this in the asks today, so here it goes!

I noticed that Wally West's birthday was 11/11, which also happens to be Dick Grayson's original pre-crisis birthday in DC comics canon, before it was retconned during Infinite Crisis.

Was this on purpose or just a cute coincidence?

Thanks for a really, really fantastic and engaging show.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Alan writes...

1. Who or what was the first menace the Justice League fought in Earth 16 when they first formed or caused them to form the group?
2. What were the circumstances that led to the Justice Society of America being brought into existence in Earth 16?
3. What city does Martian Manhunter live and fight crime in when he is on Earth?
4. Where did Monsieur Mallah get another red beret?

Greg responds...

1. This was described in episode 203.

2. I'd have to do some research and make some creative decisions before answering this.

3. Chicago.

4. Online.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Mason576y writes...

1. What part of Italy is Zatara from?

2. Do Atlanteans conceive the same way humans do?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.

2. Yes, generally.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Kyle writes...

1. Aside from Batman who else has lead the Justice League in Earth 16?
2. What is your opinion on the JSA and the golden age of comics?
3. Not to sound like a suck up but the ideas of having telepathic communication, the team going on missions instead of reacting to threats, and using old school villains like Sportsmaster, Icicle Sr. and Wotan are just incredible and using these in a modern setting makes the show in my humble opinion one of the best animated shows in the last 20 years.

Greg responds...

1. I don't really care to nail this down at this point.

2. Positive.

3. Thanks!

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Seven writes...


1. Are any of the team members (or even characters) in Young Justice vegetarian?
2. There's a rumor going around, at some point you mentioned out of the entire team, Artemis was supposed to be close with both Kaldur and Robin. Is this true or just made up?
3. We know Wally's birthday, can you give us the birthdays for the other team members if you have them?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't thought about it.

2. Sounds made up - or like an incomplete paraphrase.


Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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kyle K. writes...

Hey, since Artemis and Aqualad weren't in "Image", do you think there could something they have been doing in Young Justice #18, while Robin, Kid Flash, Miss Martian and Superboy were on the mission to stop Queen Bee?

Greg responds...

Do you mean in the comic book?

Because issue #18 takes place long before "Images" - in fact it takes place between "Alpha Male" and "Revelation".

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Matt writes...

So, you've been working in writing and producing animated shows for a long time. Since the shows you work on are generally targeted to younger viewers, I was curious about the impact, if any, that your kids and being a parent to them has had on your work. How much an influence has your being a parent been to these shows? And have your kids in particular had any general or specific influences on anything you've worked on?

Just curious. Thanks.

Greg responds...

Well, I often throw in little things to amuse my kids. Like making them genomorphs in YJ. Or using their birthdays on timestamps. And I'm sure they influence me in a hundred small ways I'm not even conscious of.

But mostly, I still write for myself.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Kal Spiro writes...

Ok, this isn't about Gargoyles, though I loved the show. This is about Young Justice. I tried finding another way to contact you, but ultimately this will have to do. The point of this question is about Robin's preocupation with the word Whelm. My question is, has anyone actually looked into this word? I did, and as such have the answer that he so desperately grasps for. The reason no one is ever simply Whelmed is because Overwhelm and Whelm have the same meaning. To cover over completely as with water, to overpower. Whelm simply fell into disuse because overwhelm sounds better. Therefore his desire to simply stay whelmed actually accomplishes nothing.

Personally I'd like to see someone explain it to him at a properly dramatic moment, just to make his life that much harder just then.

Greg responds...

I think he probably looked it up within a few days of his first use of it. Didn't change his approach.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

Were the Terror Twins original creations for the show or are they from the comics?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Zatanna Zatara fan writes...

1. Zatanna has skills in hand to hand combat?. I wrote this question because she don't have fear to attack Harm or intent stop him meanwhile Artemis trying to repair she's bow (in the episode Secrets).
2. The designation number of Zatanna will change?, she now is a official member of the team :), the number change to B08 or not.

From Latin America, thanks for creating the best characters for the series (Miss Martian, Artemis and mi favorite 4ever Zatanna, i love she). Sorry for my mistakes in English

Greg responds...

1. Zatanna has very minimal hand-to-hand skills at the time of "Secrets".

2. Her designation changed when she joined the Team. And changed again when she joined the League just before Season Two.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Rob writes...

I have two questions about "Coldhearted", and they're sort of nitpicky.

1) When the thug tricks KF into giving him the heart, why did he not destroy it while he was in the elevator? He made it from the elevator to the car, so he must have had time...
2) How did the Queen recover so quickly after open-heart surgery?

Greg responds...

You admit up front that the questions are nitpicky, so what kind of answers are you expecting here?

<sigh> Fine.

1. He was told to deliver it to his boss.

2. She was putting up a good front.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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jtjt writes...

How do you think Maggie Q did as Wonder Women?

Greg responds...

Great! Really, really great, actually!

(Why would you ask me this?)

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Pinja writes...

1) Was Wonder Woman in the JSA? She'd have been 15 in 1940 and 20 at the end of WW2 but that's no younger than the team

2) Was she born/made as a baby or as a fully grown adult?

Greg responds...

1. Eventually, but not in 1940.

1a. She was sixteen in 1941 when she joined the All-Star Squadron.

2. Sculpted as a baby.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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justsomeone writes...

i just have one question. was artemis angry or jealous on wally for hitting on megan in coldhearted.

Greg responds...

A little jealous, a little annoyed.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Nony writes...

Hi Greg! I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE Young Justice, and I can't wait for more!

One quick question regarding "Coldhearted";

1) When Artemis told Wally that M'gann and Superboy were dating, was what she whispered ever scripted, if so, what did she say?

Thanks again, love the show, and keep up the excellent work!

Greg responds...

1. It wasn't scripted. I'll leave her exact words to your imagination. (The last thing I need is another Titania/Fox conundrum.)

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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jordan writes...

How did Cameron's dad got his Ice making tech back in the 40's?

Greg responds...

He's a genius in his field.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

Do you have Zatanna and Zatara's voice actors say their spells forward and then rewind them in post or are they actually saying the spells backwards without help?

Greg responds...

They speak 'em backwards. It's fun to watch. We laugh a lot.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Jake the Fearless Leader writes...

Greetings, Mr. Weisman. Allow me to compliment this wonderful series known as Young Justice you and your team have created. Every episode seems to leave me on the edge of my seat. I only have three questions to ask.

1. The design of the Wayne Manor exterior is amazing. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it, both in Issue #0 and onscreen in "Downtime." I'm curious, though. Was your design influence by other incarnations of the manor (such as the live action movies and tv shows and the various animated series) or is this an original design?

2. In "Infiltrated," the League of Shadows attempted to steal knowledge from Wayne Tech. And in Issue #12, Clayface was delivered to the Wayne Foundation. a) Is Wayne Tech a single company, or is it part of the much larger Wayne Enterprises? b) The Wayne Foundation is a charity building and therefore separate from Wayne Tech, correct?

3. Also in reference to Issue #12, I'm not sure if I'm just slow or if it wasn't supposed to be obvious, or perhaps I'm just way off my mark here, but would I be right in assuming that Lucius Fox does not know the true identities of Batman and Robin?

Greg responds...

1. This is really more of a question for Brandon Vietti. I was shown the design and said "Cool!"

2. WayneTech is a division of Wayne Enterprises. The Wayne Foundation charity is a separate entity.

3. He does not.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Kwesi Brako writes...

I have to say, Young Justice is one of the best television shows I've seen in a while... The writing, character development and overall tone of the show are both refreshing and very engaging.

1. How exactly did Billy convince Amber to fly him to Happy Harbour?
2. How far is Fawcett City from Happy Harbour?
3. In Misplaced we see a framed photograph of Billy and his uncle Dudley at the park, and uncle Dudley is still wearing that vest... Why is uncle Dudley always in that vest?
4. Did becoming Captain Marvel make Billy lose friends?

Keep making amazing episodes; your work on this property and gargoyles inspire me!

Greg responds...

1. Pure earnestness.

2. Check out the timezones.

3. Do you mean his t-shirt?

4. I don't understand this question.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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MAtch writes...

How many "Authorized Guests" are there?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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samm writes...

Did Adrian Pasdar and Khary Payton really only have one line in Misplaced, or did they provide grunts too?

Greg responds...

In "Misplaced"? Khary had 19 lines. And Adrian wasn't in it at all.

If you mean "Coldhearted", Khary had two lines as Aqualad, one as Brick and three as State Trooper #1. Adrian had two lines as Hugo Strange, two as National Guardsman #1 and 2 as Chicago Cop #1.

And for the record, Miguel Ferrer had 2 lines as National Guardsman #2. Cree Summer had one line as Highway Patrolman #1, which we had to pitch WAY down, because the animation came back with the speaker being a male patrolman instead of the female patrolwoman we had called for.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

This is my second attempt at posting #12; this will be part A of the posting. Honestly, I don't know what I did wrong to get my posting deleted. I looked it up just to be safe to see if it was approved and it wasn't there... I'll give you the first five questions, which were in regards to the highly anticipated Young Justice: Invasion. PLEASE understand that NONE of these questions are asking for sensitive information (ie. the overall plot, episode summaries, etc.). All these questions that I give you are asked in a careful manner so that there would be no risk of leaking any sensitive information whatsoever. If any of them do, just ignore that specific question. Besides, I'm guessing by the time you respond to this, Season One will be officially over, and we'll be waiting for months with anticipation for Season Two, so hopefully no harm should be done in this posting. So here we go, again!

1. By the time Season One of Young Justice is over, what is moral of the entire season that we will have learned? For Season Two, what is the moral we are expected to learn? There's always something important to learn; that's the fact of life.

2. If the theme of Season One is all about secrets and lies, then what is the theme that we should expect from Season Two? I'm guessing that while it's different from that of Season One, it's just as equally important.

3. From a list of adjectives, which are the best examples to describe the upcoming Season Two? (ie. heart-pounding? exciting?)

4. From a list of adjectives, which are the best examples to describe the positions of each of the members of The Team (where they stand) as they transition from the events of Season One to the events of the upcoming Season Two? (ie. depressing? heart-breaking?)

5. From a list of adjectives, which are the best examples to describe what the fans’ expectations for the upcoming Season Two should be? The nature of this question should not be confused with that of question #3; they are NOT the same. (ie. thrilled?)

Hope it all works out this time. Keep up the good work, and keep making Young Justice the best DC animated cartoon it can be! I have absolute confidence in your abilities and those of your co-workers! Believe it!

Greg responds...

1a. I think the assumption within the question is overly simplistic. There are some basic themes to the series as a whole, and some obvious morals one could draw from events, but that's not the type of show we're writing here.

1b. There IS always something important to learn, but I'm going to let you take from the series what you take from it. I'm not going to dictate a moral. And OBVIOUSLY, if I did have a moral for Season Two, I sure wouldn't tell it to you now: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

2. It's still secrets and lies: that's the major theme for the SERIES, not just a single season. Other themes include (but are not limited to) "Growing Up" and "Coming of Age".

3. I'll let you pick your own.

4. CGYJ, you MUST see that this single question 4 is at least eight questions at once. And in any case, I'm not answering it. This forum is NOT designed for me to interpret your viewing experience. You can do that without me.

5. I get that it's a different question, I just don't get why GREG WEISMAN should be answering it. How can I dictate fan expectations?

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Geodude writes...

Are Flash and/or Kid Flash capable of doing relatively complicated things at super-speed? Could they use their speed, for example, to assemble a store-bought bookcase or put together a jigsaw puzzle?

One more question, can you provide or link to some sort of map or floor plan of the cave?

Greg responds...

1. Flash MIGHT be able to. But Kid Flash's speed is all about acceleration and deceleration. I'm not saying he couldn't do it faster than, say, Artemis. But he's not going to do it in a split-second.

2. Nope. That's proprietary.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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NoOneSpecial writes...

Batman said that it took eight leaguers four hours to beat amazo, but superboy, robin and kid flash were able to beat him on their own and im assumming based on the time of day that they did it in alot less than four hours, so whats up with that?

Greg responds...

What's up with that is Ivo's presence, obviously. With the Team, Amazo was hampered by having to protect Ivo. With the League, Ivo wasn't there.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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JSA Fan writes...

Hi Greg.
A couple of Coldhearted questions:
I noticed Aquaman and Aqualad seemed to have little protection from the cold compared to the members of the Team. Was this a deliberate choice to show that they and other Atlanteans have a resilience to cold temperatures?

It was implied that the Zeta tube system could reach Seattle if it was active. Just how widespread is the system? Does it focus on the home cities of League and Team members, and other large American cities? Can it reach large foreign cities?

So far we have seen stealth outfits and arctic outfits. Will we see other alternate
uniforms as the series progresses?

Compliments on another great episode.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. The network includes most major cities in the U.S. and scattered cities throughout the world.


Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Anonymosly Writes writes...

Hey Greg why your not consulted on Scheduling

Greg responds...

I'm not important enough in the grand scheme, I guess.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Todd Jensen writes...

Though I haven't seen "Coldhearted" yet, I've read a bit about it, and learned that Perdita originated in a Green Arrow story that you wrote a couple of years ago, meaning that you created the character. Did you name her after the Perdita of "The Winter's Tale"? (I thought it likely, given your fondness for Shakespeare, but wanted to make certain.)

Greg responds...

Yes. The Lost Girl.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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warrior93 writes...

How did Ra's Al Ghul find the lazarus pit or pits?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Ceylan writes...

Are you aware of blogs like this: http://goonasktheteam.tumblr.com ?

Do you think they're a nuisance? If not do you think they stay true to the characters?

Greg responds...

I guess I'm not aware. So, clearly it's not a nuisance - but I have no idea if they're true to the characters or not.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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samm writes...

now that Zatanna lives in the cave, does she go to Happy Harbor High?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Ishmael writes...

First off, I'd like to thank you for a great run on shows. I've been a fan since I was watching Gargoyles as a kid.

Second, I have just one question for you. In some versions of the character, Captain Marvel is shown to have the six figures that empower him communicating him after he transforms into the Big Red Cheese. Whether it's actual conversations, general feelings, talking to him in Billy's dreams, or just whispering advice and commands into his head, it's there. Then again, in some versions there isn't any kind of communication and they just give him their powers.

Does this occur in this version of the good Captain?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Zergrinch writes...

Hi Greg.

I have three questions concerning Revelation.

1. It was only after Ivy's plant was blown up by Robin, that Count Vertigo gave orders to kill the team. Obvious reason aside (we won't have a show if he killed them at the start), why did he bother to take them prisoner? Assuming he planned to use them as superhuman shields against the JLA, why did the calculus change once the plant was gone? Wouldn't the team be more valuable as hostages to use as a bargaining chip for safe passage?

2. You have provided a list of incantations in a previous post (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=13947), but it does not include the spell Wotan used to strengthen Ivy's baby. I am hearing "Ra letu do, ut seo!" which Google Translate renders as "Bestow death's role as a sphere", but I would love some official confirmation.

3. "Coldhearted" shows Count Vertigo calling in favors from the Light, presumably in exchange for services rendered in Revelation. Vandal Savage's personal involvement implies that Vertigo was fully aware of his acting as a proxy for the Light. Events in "Misplaced" indicate Wotan was aware of this as well, since he was aiding Klarion. Were the other conspirators (Black Adam, Poison Ivy, Atomic Skull, Ultra-Humanite, and especially Joker) aware of this as well?


Greg responds...

1. I'll chose to leave this to your interpretation.

2. The spell was "Valetudo ut sero!" I can't seem to find the translation at the moment.


Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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smartaxe writes...

Hi Greg!

I just finished watching Coldhearted, and thought it was great (as was Misplaced, BTW... loved Billy). I was expecting Wally to have a bigger reaction to the reveal of Miss M and Superboy's relationship, but this made perfect sense, demonstrating the superficiality of his feelings. The episode's final act was especially well-written, I thought... I was suckered into believed that the queen was dead BOTH times! My only small complaint is Wally's final line... bit of a groaner. But he is kind of a cheeseball, so I guess it fits.

A couple questions:

1. Do Conner Kent and Megan Morse have legal guardians? If so, can you tell us who they are?
2. I assume you get first dibs on which episodes you get to write. Were there any you were especially excited about? Were there any you wanted to write but couldn't, for whatever reason?

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...



Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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