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Anonim writes...

Artemis was said she is not a car fan in season 1 but in season 2 she became Tigress. Did she changed her mind or it was becose she is Tigers in DC comics?

Greg responds...

I'm assuming "car" is a typo for "cat."

And don't take the banter too seriously. Artemis is clearly a dog person and not a cat person when it comes to actual pets. But mostly she was just talking smack with Cheshire, (as I recall).

But that doesn't mean she wouldn't take the name Tigress.

Response recorded on June 21, 2017

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Jonathan Samuel Kent Son of Superman writes...

Hello good day
I have a question

The animated films Justice League: Doom and Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
Happen in the universe of Young Justice ie are they canon for young justice? That's all greetings and sorry for my english is not my first language

Greg responds...


Here's a list of the complete YJ Canon:

YOUNG JUSTICE (Season One) - 26 episodes (101-126)

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION (Season Two) - 20 episodes (201-220)

YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY video game - including Red Arrow's journal

YOUNG JUSTICE compantion comic book series - 27 issues (0-25 plus a free comic book day story)
--All of those issues (except for the free comic book day issue) have been collected in four trade paperbacks:
--*YOUNG JUSTICE, VOLUME ONE (collects 0-6)

That's it. Period. Nothing else is canon to our series until Season Three (i.e. YOUNG JUSTICE: OUTSIDERS) hits the air (or until we get more comics).

Response recorded on June 20, 2017

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Fallenlegend writes...

Hey Greg I saw you mentioned in to different occasions that how strong Captain Marvel was depended on whether or not we were talking about season 1 or 2. I especulate that he might have shared his powers with Mary Bromfield and/or Freddy Freeman. The fact those two have powers is something you've confirmed.

So my questions are:

1.-What made Captain Marvel stronger or weaker in those two seasons?
2.- Was he stronger/faster in season 1 or season 2.
3.-How strong and fast is he compared to superman during season 2?
4.-Is Captain Marvel more resistant to magic than Superman? I ask because traditionally he has been more resistant while superman has been more vulnerable to magic . I wonder if this applies to earth 16 too.

Thank you Greg and congrats for getting young justice back.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. "See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him."

4. Cap aside, I've never understood this Superman is more vulnerable to magic thing. The point is that Superman isn't INvulnerable to magic. But he's no more vulnerable than you or I.

Response recorded on June 20, 2017

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Somebody writes...

Did Sportsmaster wanted a son (someone who will be next Sportsmaster if he die, retire and etc)? Does he care of gender?

Greg responds...

I doubt he cared. Doubt it would have made much of a difference to him. And that's assuming that he really wanted to have children at all.

Response recorded on June 19, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Just curious, was Garfield Logan born in Qurac on Earth-16, or did he move there sometime after his birth, before "Images"?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on June 19, 2017

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c.r writes...

hi greg! first, i'd like to say that young justice means a lot to me. it's gotten me through some hard times and often when i'm upset my mom will just put young justice on to try to calm me down. it often works!
so i have a few questions. i hope you can answer them, but if you can't, that's alright.
1) how well do you think you handled having such a larger cast in s2 (than in s1)? do you wish you'd had more time to focus on the characters or are you satisfied with how it turned out?
2) did the robins(+batgirls, possibly) go through about as much training as they did in the comics (pre-52, at least)?
3) how much inspiration do you take from each iteration of dc (rebirth, new 52, preboot, etc)?
4) how did you/your team make the changes from comic versions of the YJ characters to your own versions (in personality, backstory, etc)?
thank you! : )

Greg responds...

1. Both.

2. You're making it sound like (pre-New 52) there was a ton of consistency in the comics. There wasn't. Suffice it to say, they all received extensive (and on-going) training.

3. We take inspiration from all over the place, but in the end, we try to get down to the core truths about any given character.

4. I'm not sure what you mean by "how".

Response recorded on June 19, 2017

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Jack Carpenter writes...

1) So aside from Spider-Man and Young Justice, are there any other comic properties you'd love to adapt?

2) Which one would you like to have the chance to do most?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I'm so not picky.

Response recorded on June 16, 2017

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Blanchett writes...

Is Miss Martian's race an older race than the human race ?

Greg responds...

Where are you dating the start of the human race?

Response recorded on June 16, 2017

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Just a girl writes...

1)When Did kaldur learned to speak english?
2)Who taught him?
I'm sorry if this have been asked before

Greg responds...

1. He learned the basics in school. But until you're out of the water, it's difficult to really learn how to speak it.

2. Teachers, and then Aquaman.

Response recorded on June 16, 2017

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Marvelman writes...

I noticed someone else asked a question about doing YJ stories that require a more mature rating. In this case, the poster wanted more brutal fight scenes. I don't have much sympathy with his desire for more violence, but it did make me wonder about something else: are there specific instances in which you would have liked to have told on YJ but couldn't because of the limitations of the target audience?

For example, I thought it was rather clever what you did in "Disordered." Personally, as a 49 year old, I wouldn't have minded an entire episode of them talking to Black Canary in therapy, but the reality is that your target audience wouldn't have much patience for that, and you probably couldn't have sold the idea to Cartoon Network either. You came up with an intelligent compromise of having the team's therapy sessions inter-cut with Superboy's adventures with the Forever People.

1) Are there other instances in which you had to come up with creative solutions to making an otherwise unpalatable story palatable to your intended audience? Can you think of some examples and what the work-arounds might have been?

2) And, are there still other stories that you wanted to tell but couldn't at all because of the network or because they wouldn't have interested your audience? For example, you probably couldn't produce an episode that was entirely a slice-of-life episode without an action element because that's your audience tunes in for. Have you ever wanted to do an episode like that on YJ?

3) Will the third season have the same content restrictions placed upon it as previous seasons? Or, will you have more liberty with your creative choices?

Greg responds...

I wouldn't say the "limitations of the target audience" but I would say the limitations of those who are nervous in seats of power.

But your example doesn't hold water for me. "Disordered" was told the way Brandon and I wanted to tell it. There was no compromise for our audience.

1. Your question is based on a faulty premise. I'm not really sure how to address it.

I suppose we hinted at Red Arrow's heroin addiction, as opposed to depicting it. Added in a metaphorical layer about his addiction to searching for the Original Roy, without negating the possibility that over that time he had also slipped into substance abuse.

On another completely different topic, we were aware that we could not depict LGBTQ relationships either. But that doesn't mean we don't have LGBTQ characters. You strive to write with consistency even toward those elements that you're not allowed to discuss.

2. 100% slice of life? No. I like the mix and the counterpoint.

3. I'm not commenting on the third season at all.

Response recorded on June 16, 2017

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NoOneSpecial writes...

1). How did Cheshire recognise Artemins as her sister in Infiltrator? I realise that must sound like a very redundant question, but technically Artemis was wearing a mask when they met, and you've said before in previous posts that this a universe where a pair of glasses or goggles is enough to hide ones identity, regardless of practicality. So how did Cheshire figure out that it was her sister underneath the mask?

2). Here's another thing, Artemis puts on the Glamour Charm so that no one would recognise her as Tigress, but with regards to the whole mask thing, wouldn't she still be unrecognisable to everyone, even her own team, by simply wearing her Tigress mask? In Summit, when Ra's reveals her, she wasn't wearing her mask. But say that she was to wear the mask and someone removes the charm, they still wouldn't be able to tell who she was. Not nesscessarily a question, just an observation

3). When Artemis went undercover as Tigress, did she take on a fake civilian name as well? If so, what was it? Or did everyone just know her simply by Tigress? Did they cook up a false background for her as well? Seems unlikely that Manta would allow Kaldur to appoint some unknown villain as his right hand without some assurances.

4). Since Black Canary was providing therapy for the Team and the abductees, does mean she actually has some kind of degree in counselling or psychology by the start of Season 1?

5). Do the memorials of fallen heroes include their real names, or does it just list them as their hero name? For example, does the one for Jason simply call him Robin or Jason Todd or both? Technically if Tim were to die and he's gets a memorial, they would have two Robins memorials. Do the memorials also include their date of birth and deaths as well?

Greg responds...

1. Fighting style, if you like, added to build, voice, etc.

2. I see your point. But Tigress was LIVING on Manta's ship. Plenty of people saw her without her mask. And even with Ra's, when her hair changed color, I think it would have raised suspicions that would have led to an unmasking.

3. She had all she needed.

4. She has training.

5. You saw what you saw. There's no text at all. And the two Robins (or three, if you include Dick) don't look that much alike side-by-side, especially since this is a private memorial for the benefit of people who knew the dead well.

Response recorded on June 16, 2017

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Marvelman writes...

You recently responded to another poster who sent you his review of YJ season 1. Your response made me question what the point of doing something like that might be. I mean... I understand the poster probably wants to feel that his opinion matters, but what kind of response could he or she possibly expect from you? Did he think you were going to agree with him? Was there ever a chance that you were going to say, "You have made some excellent points, and I will take them into account as I am writing season 3"?

So, my question is: does audience feedback or reviews ever effect how you YJ in even a general way?

Greg responds...

Nope. Doesn't mean they don't have the right to express them. But Brandon and I have to follow our passions and instincts. Have to. We can't let either praise or criticism effect our plans. For starters, for every person who likes something, there's bound to be someone who hates it and vice versa. All we can do is write the show we want to see - and pray that enough people like our work to make it successful.

Response recorded on June 15, 2017

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Conway writes...

I'm just curious, but would the clone of someone share the same sexuality? Just for pure example, if the Original Roy Harper was purely heterosexual, then would that automatically mean Clone Roy Harper and Clone Jim Harper are purely heterosexual? (I'm not asking for spoilers about anyone's actual sexuality, just trying to understand just how far cloning goes.)

Also, we know Jim and Roy look alike (even Superboy noticed), and since then they've discovered they're actually clones. Does this mean that Roy will eventually look exactly like Jim when he's older? Since Jim is technically just an aged-up Roy Harper.

Greg responds...

I'd think that their orientation would remain the same generally. But I haven't researched such things, and I'd want to before answering definitively. Also, clones can be manipulated in all sorts of ways. For example, Roy may or may not age to look EXACTLY like Jim, depending on things like diet, excercise and whether or not Jim's matrix was manipulated before he hatched.

Response recorded on June 15, 2017

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Just an ordinary YJ fan writes...

Dear Greg Weisman
I just want to say thank you, Young Justice is a very special show for me personally, it means more to me then anyone will ever know. You must get a lot of people asking you to incorporate their ideas into YJS3 but i just want to say, don't listen to them. i know that sounds weird, but it was you and your team that made YJ so special. Please don't give into the fans demands even if you think it might boost YJ popularity or you think it's what the people want. Go with your instincts, that's what makes YJ so unique.
I wish you the best of luck, be well and thank you again.

Greg responds...

Thanks. But I never listen to outside ideas. For starters, I'm not allowed to, legally. And Brandon and I have to always go with our gut, anyway.

Response recorded on June 14, 2017

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Risu writes...

Congratulations and big relief on Season 3 of Young Justice, Greg!
It's not really a question, but it's still important to me so I'm sending this anyway...
I'm a fresh new fan and wouldn't even know about the series if it wasn't for so many favorable opinions on the internet. When approaching the series, I must admit I was VERY sceptical since I wasn't really fond of DC as a child. And really quickly I got proven wrong, and got hooked on. The characters (and God I cherish all their designs and diversity! Plus you rarely get to see so many freckled characters in cartoons, kudos) are so lovable and charming I got legit pissed that sometimes 'threat of the day' got in the way of 'regular life' struggles.
There's just to wish for more of slice of life moments and heroes just casually hanging out, that'd be cool. Looking forward to seeing what else you got in store, good luck

Greg responds...

We'll do our best. Thanks!

Response recorded on June 14, 2017

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Kalev Tait writes...

I discovered you weren't on Twitter any more, which led me to ask a few questions on here, which led me to thinking about YJ, which led me to rewatching it all, again.

I'm on Revelation, and near the beginning of the episode Aqualad and Robin are talking about how they know the Superboy and Miss Martian are a couple. Wally and Artemis walk in, and Robin asks "Do we tell them?"

First time through I assumed he was asking 'Do we tell them that Superboy and Miss Martian are a couple', but now I'm wondering if it might have been 'Do well tell them that THEY are a couple'. Was this ambiguity intentional?

Greg responds...

I'll never tell.

Response recorded on June 12, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Are you able to give any type of production update on YJ season 3 like you did back in the day? I saw that Phil has been doing designs for the season on IG.

Greg responds...

I don't know what "IG" is...

And, no. WB has imposed an info-embargo for the time being. All I can say is that we are all happily plugging along. We've assembled a stellar team of folks from Seasons One and Two and folks who are new to the series. I'm tremendously excited about the stories we're breaking, etc. Really, it's all good. I'm so thrilled to be back working on YJ again.

Response recorded on June 02, 2017

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Anonim writes...

Hi Greg!I really love Young Justice. My favorite character is Artemis and her family is really cool. She and Wally are the best couple XD! Actually he is my favorite too. I ship them. Now the question:

1 When her family find out she and Wally are/were dating? I mean a few days or weeks after new years kiss? How they react?

2 Did Cheshire crack whit her little sister about it?

Thanks for take tame on my questions. Congrats about season 3! I can't wait to see it! 😁

Greg responds...

1. By "her family," do you mean Paula? If so, not long after. And I imagine she reacted positively. Wally and Paula got along well, generally.

2. I'll leave that to your imagination for now. I doubt Cheshire was surprised.

Response recorded on June 02, 2017

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Michael writes...

So thrilled Young Justice is finally being revived. Hopefully, this season will be a bigger success than Season One and Two combined and be renewed for a fourth season.

1. When Young Justice was still airing on Cartoon Network, you said that you got along with the people there. But why on earth did they give the show random hiatuses in both seasons with no explanation given? Were they purposely trying to kill the show? Did Warner Bros. play a role in this?

2. Khary Payton stated in an interview that the box-office bombing of the Green Lantern movie eventually led to the cancellation of Young Justice. Can you confirm this?

3. Is there going to be a trailer for Season 3 this year?

Greg responds...

1. I honestly don't know. Those were all decisions made far above my pay grade.

2. Well. No. I can't. I think it caused some problems. Green Lantern toys languished on the shelf. That effected Mattel's decisions about toys for their entire DC license. And that hurt us, certainly. But I don't want to simplify to the extent you're implying.

3. I dunno.

Response recorded on June 02, 2017

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Kalev Tait writes...

Whew, finally finished an archive crawl regarding Lex Luthor to make sure this hasn't been asked before...

Anyhow, I know this is toeing the line as far as NO SPOILERS goes, but you answered a similar question regarding Aunt May.

What is the 'core truth' of Lex Luthor, and how did you interpret this in YJ?

Greg responds...

I don't know about SPOILERS, but this definitely falls into the category of what's on screen is what you get. But I'll give it a bit of a shot.

This isn't, of course, the Lex Luthor I grew up with. I grew up with something closer to Mad Scientist Lex. But the character has undergone a real sea-change since those days. The newer version (which is at least thirty years old at this point) is a sophisticated and smooth wheeler-dealer. Our version is ALSO a brilliant scientist, but you'd never know it given what we've put on screen. He's also a captain of industry. Very unflappable. He is Man and his resources at a pinnacle as an opposite number to Superman and his powers. He's someone that Superman can't punch, which makes him more dangerous than all of Superman's other opponents put together.

Response recorded on June 02, 2017

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Honor writes...

What inspired you to create Young Justice?

Greg responds...

Okay, for starters, I didn't 'create' Young Justice.

BRANDON VIETTI and I adapted Young Justice, based on the DC UNIVERSE. The "inspiration" was our boss at Warner Bros Animation, Sam Register, telling us to do it.

Response recorded on May 25, 2017

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Connor writes...

Hey Greg, How's life?

Anyway, I'm curious to know if any of the team (from YJ) can play any musical instruments? (Any generation of the team).

Thanks for being awesome.

Greg responds...

I'm sure a few can. I haven't thought about it.

Response recorded on May 25, 2017

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M writes...

You once said that M'gann Is not close to any of her siblings.
1)not even with her white brother?
2)that means that she doesn't love them or miss them At all? Does she miss her parents?
3)Did her siblings (or her mother) ever rejected her or they respect each other because they are family?
4)Does her family knows about her status of hero on earth? Are they proud of Her?

Greg responds...

Did I say that? I mean, did I say that exactly? Or are you paraphrasing? In any case, everything's relative (pun intended).

1. She is relatively close to him.

2. It doesn't mean that. She loves her siblings - all of them, and her parents. She misses them (or most of them) too. But she feels her life is on Earth. Also, don't assume she hasn't been back to Mars.

3. No spoilers.

4. Yes.

4a. Responses vary, but most are proud of her.

Response recorded on May 25, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

I felt sorry for Billy/Captain Marvel in "Secrets." I imagine that being a superhero doesn't leave him a lot of time to have friends his own age. I'd like to know... After the team learned Captain Marvel's true identity, were they more accepting and understanding of Captain Marvel/Billy desire to "hang" with them?

Greg responds...

I'd like to think so.

But Billy does have friends of his own, too.

Response recorded on May 23, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

When the Injustice League attacked, what happened to the victims of Joker toxin? Did they die or were they cured? Does an antidote to Joker toxin exist? Who made it?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on May 22, 2017

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Jack Carpenter writes...

In YJ, Lex referred to Mercy as his attourney, while in previous adaptations she has always been portrayed as his driver/bodyguard (and she seems to be those here as well.)

So what all does Mercy do for Lex aside from those?

Greg responds...

Lex did NOT refer to Mercy as his attorney. Look again.

I'm not saying she's not his attorney, but there is zero evidence to support that notion.

Response recorded on May 22, 2017

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Zach writes...

First, I'm beyond excited about Season Three! Congrats!

Second, while reading the comics, something very much didn't sit right with me -- Red Torpedo/Jim Lockhart. Robots don't eat, sleep (theoretically), or need to use the bathroom. So, did Jim just not do any of that? Also, whenever he changed clothes, wouldn't he have noticed something missing down there? (Unless, T.O. Morrow added that in, I guess...) It just confused me greatly and I'd really appreciate you clearing the subject up. :)

Greg responds...

He's anatomically correct. He can eat and that product goes through him. It doesn't provide anything, but it allows him to mimic being human. He's also programmed to ignore any discrepancies.

Response recorded on May 22, 2017

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Jason writes...

How old is Jason Bard? Thanks! :)

Greg responds...

I haven't calculated that.

Response recorded on May 15, 2017

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M writes...

Hi Greg!
After I watched "targets" I had some questions about Cheshire:
1)When did she started her assassin "career"?

1a)Was immediately after she ran away from her home?

And then I Was wondering
2)Isn't she afraid that the shadows will find her someday and kill her or her daughter? (After she betrayed them)

Sorry if I wrote something wrong,english is not my first language.
Anyway thank you for take the time for answer our questions.
P.D: can't wait for season 3.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

1a. No spoilers.

2. I'd think that would be a concern. At least for her life.

Response recorded on May 08, 2017

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Gray Walker writes...

Hello! Just a few questions regarding the Block Buster and it's successor Kobra-Venom in Young Justice
The Kobra-Venom was interesting in the fact that they used it on several species. Various animals, plants and humans. Are there organic species that it can't be used on, and are there different events dependent on species?
Does Block Buster still retain any of his previous intellect or has his transformation rendered him less intelligent?
Are Mammoth and Blockbuster capable of speech?
and finally
Are the areas exposed muscle on the Kobra-Venom subjects more vulnerable than the rest of their bodies?

Greg responds...

1. What you saw is all we know.

2. He seems less intelligent to me.

3. Blockbuster doesn't seem to be. But maybe he doesn't have much to say. Mammoth never spoke BEFORE the transformation, so it's unclear.

4. They don't seem to be.

Response recorded on May 08, 2017

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Marvelman writes...

I have what I think are some interesting questions about Dr. Fate/Nabu.

1) What does Dr. Fate think about a gulag state like North Korea? It is very ORDERED. Does he think a state like that is a good thing or a bad thing, or does he just not care?

2) Likewise, what does he think about chaos within the human realm. For example, wars are very chaotic, so they can't be something a lord of order would approve of. What does Nabu think about human wars? Would he see it as his role to intervene in one?

3) Does Nabu actually care about human life or just maintaining order?

4) Finally, does Nabu care about order and disorder among humans at all? Or, does he just care about supernatural threats to the natural order of the universe - like Klarion?

Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.

Greg responds...

1. He has a more sophisticated view of order than that.

2. Humans are messy. He knows that, which is why he's not impressed with them. But policing them is not his gig. His job is to hold the line magically against the forces of Chaos, like Klarion.

3. Those aren't mutually exclusive. And keep in mind, there's a human host in the mix.

4. See above. Caring about them and seeing it as his responsibility to fix are two different things.

Response recorded on May 05, 2017

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Mcclendon writes...

Has Miss Martian celebrated her birthday since living on earth with her Uncle John in Young Justice Universe?

Greg responds...

I would think so.

Response recorded on May 04, 2017

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Marvelman writes...

Are all of the premises for individual scripts generated by you and Brandon? Or, does your team of writers pitch some story ideas to you? Can you give a specific examples in regards to Young Justice how this collaboration works?

Greg responds...

On seasons one and two, all the springboards were generated by Brandon, myself and Kevin Hopps, working together to break the stories. That is, we didn't go off separately and come up with premises and then pitch them to each other. We sat in a room and worked it all out together. I then wrote all the premises, and those were handed to the writers, who wrote the outlines and the scripts.

Season three has been similar, except it's just been Brandon and myself generating the springboards and breaking the stories. I then go off and write all the beat outlines. And those are handed off to the writers to go straight to script.

Response recorded on May 04, 2017

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M writes...

Hi Greg.
I wanted to know, Who is the best singer on the team and the justice league? I know is a dumb question.
Thank you for take the time to answer our questions.

Greg responds...

I don't know. We have many actors on the series with great voices. But in any case, it's not a contest.

Response recorded on May 04, 2017

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Billy writes...

When can we expect updates with Young Justice in terms of release or which platform it will be released on?

Greg responds...

EXPECTING things is problematic. Smacks of entitlement. ;)

But you can sign up for updates at www.DCFanUpdates.com.

Meanwhile, this was announced on April 25th:


Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment Announce All-New Live-Action Series "Titans," from Executive Producers Akiva Goldsman, Geoff Johns, Greg Berlanti and Sarah Schechter, To Debut In 2018

"Young Justice: Outsiders," The Highly Anticipated Third Season Of Warner Bros. Animation's "Young Justice," Also To Bow Next Year

Series Will Air Exclusively on Upcoming DC-Branded Direct-to-Consumer Digital Service

Warner Bros. Television and DC Entertainment today announced that executive producers Akiva Goldsman, Geoff Johns, Greg Berlanti and Sarah Schechter are teaming up for the all-new live-action drama series "Titans," which will debut in 2018. Additionally, Warner Bros. Animation's "Young Justice: Outsiders," the highly anticipated third season of the popular "Young Justice" series, is also ramping up for its first mission next year.

Both fan-driven series are in early stages of production and will air exclusively on a DC-branded direct-to-consumer digital service in 2018. Operated by Warner Bros. Digital Networks Group, the new digital service will deliver an immersive experience designed just for DC fans.

"Titans" follows a group of young soon-to-be Super Heroes recruited from every corner of the DC Universe. In this action-packed series, Dick Grayson emerges from the shadows to become the leader of a fearless band of new heroes, including Starfire, Raven and many others. "Titans" is a dramatic, live-action adventure series that will explore and celebrate one of the most popular comic book teams ever.

"Titans" will be written by Akiva Goldsman ("Star Trek: Discovery," "Underground"), Geoff Johns (President & Chief Creative Officer, DC Entertainment; "The Flash," "Arrow") and Greg Berlanti ("Arrow," "DC's Legends of Tomorrow," "The Flash," "Supergirl"). Goldsman, Johns, Berlanti and Sarah Schechter ("Arrow," "DC's Legends of Tomorrow," "The Flash," "Supergirl") are executive producers of the series from Weed Road Pictures and Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television.

In "Young Justice: Outsiders," the teenage Super Heroes of the DC Universe come of age in an animated world of super-powers, Super-Villains and super secrets. In the highly anticipated new season, the team faces its greatest challenge yet as it takes on meta-human trafficking and the terrifying threat it creates for a society caught in the crossfire of a genetic arms race spanning the globe and the galaxy. Equally praised by critics and viewers for its impressive visuals and rich storytelling, "Young Justice" reached more than 25 million unique viewers in each of its two seasons on Cartoon Network. This passionate fan support set the stage for the new third season.

Sam Register ("Teen Titans Go!," "Justice League Action") is executive producer of "Young Justice." Brandon Vietti ("Batman: Under the Red Hood," "Superman Doomsday") and Greg Weisman ("Star Wars Rebels," "Gargoyles") are producers of the series, produced by Warner Bros. Animation. Emmy Award winner Phil Bourassa ("Young Justice," "Justice League Dark," "Teen Titans: The Judas Contract") serves as the series' art director.

For updates on these exciting new series and the upcoming DC digital service, visit www.DCFanUpdates.com.

Response recorded on May 04, 2017

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Ian writes...

First, I adore Young Justice with a passion, and I'm beyond ecstatic about Season 3! I have a few questions I'd like to ask, if you don't mind answering.

1. As of "Image," back in Season 1, how old are Rita Farr and Paul Sloane?
2. Did either Rita and/or Paul keep in contact with Marie after 'Hello, Megan' ended?
3. Did you have a name picked out for Rita's character? If so, what was it?
4. Did either Rita and/or Paul hear about Marie's death? If so, did they attend her funeral (assuming she had one)?
5. After Queen Bee left M'gann at the end of Images, did M'gann clean Garfield's mind of her influence or does it wear off eventually?

Thank you ahead of time!

Greg responds...

1. Rita Farr was born in 1964. Paul Sloane was born in 1959. I'll let you do the math. My brain doesn't want to work this morning.

2. No spoilers.

3. Rita.

4. No spoilers.

5. Both.

Response recorded on May 04, 2017

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Christopher Kent writes...

Hi greg
My question is how is the relationship of Superman and Superboy in the animated series Young Justice? Is it a relationship, Father and Son? Or have Superman ever seen Superboy (Conner Kent) as his son?

Greg responds...

During season one, everyone kept trying to tell them they were father and son, which clearly made Superman uncomfortable. By season two, they'd settled in comfortably as brothers. That worked much better for both of them.

Response recorded on May 01, 2017

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Ben writes...

As a geography nerd, I'm curious about where things are on Earth-16 and why. So:

1. Why did you choose Connecticut as opposed to New Jersey (which is, from what I've noticed, the usual-setting for Gotham City)? Any particular reason?
2. What state is Star City located in?
3. What state is Metropolis located in?
4. What state is Fawcett City located in?
5. What state is Dakota City located in?

Thank you for your time, and I'm SO excited for Season Three! :)

Greg responds...

1. Is that what we chose?

2. California.

3. Well, I would have said New York State for both Metropolis and Gotham, but maybe my memory is foggy.

4. I don't think we got specific, but I'm gonna posit Minnesota.

5. Ditto, but I'll posit Michigan.

Response recorded on May 01, 2017

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ThatBoiZero94 writes...

Hey Greg, huge fan of everything you've done. This question is in regards to just Superman himself. In your opinion, what do you think his favorite food, movie and song would be? Thought of this while writing the other day and thought, "Hey, I wonder?" lol thanks for answering!

Greg responds...

For food, I'd guess Apple Pie. But for the rest, your guess is as good as mine.

Response recorded on May 01, 2017

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Kayden writes...

1. How old is Whisper A'Daire?
2. How old is Psycho-Pirate?

Greg responds...

1. Whisper was 22 at the end of Season One.

2. I don't seem to have this information on my timeline.

Response recorded on April 28, 2017

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Novianti Aliasih writes...

Hello Greg! My name is Novi and I am from Indonesia. I am a co-owner of a DC Comics Fan Community in Indonesia, the name is DC Club Indonesia. I just want to know if I can ask you about Young Justice in DC Animated Universe. Your answers would be put in an article on our website. It's like an interview thing. We, Indonesian DC Comics fans, are very curious about the concept of Young Justice from the beginning until the future. So far, DC Club Indonesia is on Instagram and LINE Messenger only. Our website has been hacked as well, but we are trying to fix it. We hope once our website is fixed, we can publish the article. Thank you.

Greg responds...

All requests for interviews on Young Justice have to go through Warner Bros publicity.

Response recorded on April 24, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Why didn't the showers at the Cave have partitions between them? It seems weird that people who wear masks to hide their identities would share an open shower area. There's no privacy in the League when it comes to personal higiene? What about the Team? Did Robin shower with his sunglasses on?

Greg responds...

Robin kept his eyes closed.

Response recorded on April 19, 2017

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Kory writes...

1. When did Aquaman and Mera get married?
2. When is Iris' due date for the twins?
3. On Earth-16, is Vandal Savage considered the first ever cannibal?
4. How old is Wally and Artemis' dog Brucely?
5. Is Wally's sacrificing of himself to save the world public knowledge, or did the League keep it under wraps?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't nailed that down.

2. The September immediately following Season Two.

3. When did you stop beating your wife?

4. He was two in season two.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on April 18, 2017

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Marvelman writes...

I'd like to offer an apology.

As you may recall, I was the one who asked why you are no longer working on Rebels. I wouldn't ask someone in real-life why they are no longer working at such-and-such a place, so I shouldn't ask questions like that in an online forum either. I hope that you will accept my apology and won't hold my rudeness against me if we ever meet in person. Believe it or not, I am usually considered a very polite person. I will try in the future to remember that there is an actual person responding to our questions and not a machine.

Now, how old is Zatanna? :)

Greg responds...

1. No worries. Honestly.

2. She was 14 during season one.

Response recorded on April 13, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

In "Young Justice," was "Diana Prince" the name that Wonder Woman used only as a "human" secret identity? Was Wonder Woman also ever addressed as "Diana of Themyscira" by herself or other people at any point in time?

Greg responds...

The premise of your question assumes facts not in evidence, and I'm not going to spoil stuff.

Response recorded on April 12, 2017

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Geri Szabo writes...

Hello Greg!
I recently watched the first two season of YJ and purchased the first 2 collections of the YJ comics. I really loved them, good luck on season 3, and if the sales are good enough on the continuation of YJ comic series.
But I have some questions too:
1.) One of my friends told me that he once read an issue called "Face your Fears". But I'm unable to find it anywhere, and it's not part of the collections. Is it still available somewhere? Is that a canon issue too?
2.) We know that both Jay and KF were slower than Barry.. but who is the faster one between Jay and KF? (Jay'speed in his prime, and Wally's speed as of Season 2)

Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

1. That was a giveaway. I think it was written to be canon, but I don't have a copy of it either, which makes it tough for me to include it as canon sometimes... mostly because I keep forgetting that it existed.

2. They were close to even, but I'd tend to give Wally the edge because of modern training methods.

Response recorded on April 12, 2017

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Karends writes...

Hey greg,Just a few questions.
1: What character in Young Justice do you think you're most like?
2: What is your 2 favorite episodes out of the first two seasons of YJ?(one from each)
3: What's your favorite part of being in charge/creator of the show?

Greg responds...

1. Lucas Carr. He sounds like me.

2. Misplaced. Maybe Summit. But I like 'em all.

3. CO-in charge. CO-creator. Couldn't do it without Brandon Vietti, and my favorite part is collaborating with him and the rest of our amazing cast and crew. (My favorite part of the process is the sound mix.)

Response recorded on April 11, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the "Young Justice" why was the name "Justice League" chosen for the team of heroes, as opposed to naming themselves the "Justice League of America"?

Greg responds...

Because not all the heroes were American, and because it was an international organization with a United Nations Charter.

Response recorded on April 10, 2017

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C. writes...

Hey, I have a few questions about the upcoming new episodes of YJ that occurred to me (logistical, not going to ask you what it's about obviously).

1. How far (if at all) did you guys get into the planning/writing of S3 before production ended? Had you gotten as far as writing scripts/breaking episodes or was it just sort of general ideas?
2. Do you still plan to move forward more or less with what you came up with during the first round of production or have things sort of morphed in the intervening years?
3. You've said before that you would sort of ideally never end a series definitively (given that life rarely has complete closure, that makes sense to me on a creative level). That being said, is there a particular number of YJ seasons you have roughly planned out, if not fully plotted/outlined (Joss Whedon for instance has said that he originally planned 5-7 seasons for Firefly)?
4. If yes, what is that number (if you're willing to reveal)?

Greg responds...

1. Just general ideas. We did NOT start season three until November of 2016.

2. Both.

3. We had about five when we started. But we keep coming up with more ideas. So we probably still have about five (over and above what we've already done).

4. See above.

Response recorded on April 10, 2017

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Henry J writes...

i was wondering how do the zeta tubes know where to transport someone because they just walk into it without saying where or entering a destination from what I've read and heard?

Greg responds...

They do enter a destination.

Response recorded on April 10, 2017

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