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csg writes...

Thanks for the amazing show, Greg! You and your team are awesome!

- Why didn't Jay Garrick show up in the end to help Barry and Bart?

Let's imagine that even the kinetic energy from Jay, Barry and Bart wasn't enough, so Wally would have to help anyway. So, for only Wally to get hit by the beams, Wally would have to be slower than Jay too, and the audience would be like "Come on, even the 90-year-old guy can dodge the beams, and Wally can't?" (I personally wouldn't have a problem with Jay being faster, because he is my favorite Flash) That's the sole reason why you didn't include Jay in that scene? I personally think you should have done it anyway, if only for the sake of reuniting the Flash Family one last time. But it's your show, so it's your decision.

Greg responds...

Wally's faster than Jay. By a little, at least.

But Jay didn't get there because there wasn't time. Wally was in the Watchtower, so his journey was Zeta-Tube to nearest Zeta-Tube and then a sprint to the Magnetic North Pole.

Jay's journey - assuming he thought to attempt it (and I'm not sure he even knew what was going on) - would have been a sprint from wherever he was deployed to the nearest Zeta-Tube, a Zeta-Tube ride to the nearest Zeta-Tube to Magnetic North and then another sprint. It was all probably over by then.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hello! I've been a big fan of Young Justice for awhile now. I love how well you manage to tie a bunch of aspects from the comics together in a way that makes sense; not only in this show, but in Spectacular Spider-Man as well! I was personally very happy to see Tim and Cassie get together in the end. I was a big fan of them together in the comics and it was nice to see them get together on one of my favorite shows. I'm still hoping for a Season 3!

How did Batman and Wonder Woman react to the news of Tim and Cassie dating?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination for now.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Cowboy_Garlicbreath writes...


I loved the show; thanks to all of you for doing a great job- I'm going to miss it(and GL)allot.

1. Do you have any irons in the fire for any more older-audience DC superhero animated shows,like GL and/or YJ?

2.How do you deal with the fan-crazy and headcanonry without popping a blood vessel in your brain? I admire your tolerance, sir!

To the next project(raises glass)!

Greg responds...

1. Not me. (Though I did write one episode of Beware the Batman.) Not that I wouldn't love to, but it's not my sandbox and no one at DC or WB seems too interested in having me work on these characters right now.

2. I do pop the occasional vessel, but mostly it's rewarding and worth the time.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Haley writes...

Dear Greg,

I held off on posting this until I was feeling a little more rational post-Endgame. Didn't want to risk posting some kind of knee-jerk reaction and coming across as a crazy person ;o)

You've said that Young Justice was all about secrets and lies and about young heroes growing up. Well, to me Young Justice was about friendship and family. Season 1 especially was amazing in that respect, because there were only six team members to focus on and that left enough room for character development. You really made us care about these characters and I loved watching them grow from a rather disorganized, squabbling group of sidekicks to a well-oiled machine that could be considered a family.

The time skip in season 2 was a shock to me (and boy, did I lament the loss of my perfect season 1 team!), but I stuck with it in hopes of Wally eventually returning to the team and of getting some nice Dick/Wally friendship moments, as their friendship has always been my primary reason for watching the show. It's why I bought all the companion comics and am still planning on buying Legacy when it comes out; anything to get another glimpse of the Dick/Wally friendship. I was extremely happy with Summit because Wally was back! And he was fighting alongside Dick! Oh, how I'd missed seeing that! Seriously, I would've been perfectly happy if the season had ended there.

But then Endgame happened. And I was just so terribly shocked and disappointed with the events of that episode. To me it felt rushed, but I know you did the best you could wrapping up such an epic story in only a few episodes. Also, why were there 21 of those Reach thingies if just one would've apparently been enough to destroy the world? But what got to me most of all was, of course, Wally's death. It was so shocking that it's…kind of ruined the entire show for me :o(

I understand that you can't make everyone happy (though I'm convinced everyone would've been happy if you hadn't killed off Wally) and you and Brandon probably felt you had good reasons for ending Wally, but with one of my favorite characters presumed dead and the other taking a leave of absence (which I'm taking to mean that we would have scarcely seen him in future episodes), my reasons for watching Young Justice are gone. I'm loyal to the characters of a show, not to the show itself; taking away my favorite characters means losing me as a viewer.

I hope I'm not coming across as someone going, "Bring back Wally in season 3 or I'll stop watching!", because that's not what I'm trying to say at all. It's your show, you've built this world and these amazing characters and you're free to do with them as you see fit (well, for the most part) and I'm sure a lot of people would still enjoy the continuing adventures of the Team if there ever is a season 3. But with the characters I was most invested in gone, the show's just not for me anymore.

It's okay though, I know it's "just" a cartoon (even if it was one I was incredibly invested in) and I'll no doubt find something else that'll catch my interest; I'm just sad that Wally's death left such a bad taste in my mouth that it's kind of tainted the entire series for me.

Anyway, regardless of whether or not you'd planned on bringing Wally back (did you?), I'm just going to stubbornly believe that he's still alive and that Dick's going to use his leave of absence to find him and figure out how to get him back. Yep, that'll be my head canon.

Best of luck with future endeavors! I hope you'll get another chance to play in the DC sandbox :o)

Greg responds...

Well, I would hope Wally's death wouldn't leave a "bad" taste in your mouth. Not that I expect you to be happy about it, but I hope you felt that Wally went out heroically and nobly.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In an earlier Ask Greg post, you mentioned you had no plans of letting the friendship between Dick Grayson and Wally West die. How can the friendship survive if one of them is dead?

Greg responds...

How can it ever end if one of them is dead?

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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J writes...

With the (very sad) ending of Young Justice, I'd like to give some (hopefully constructive!) criticism.

I dropped out of the show in the beginning ("Beneath" was the last episode I watched) of season two for various reasons, the first being the way Megan and Raquel were handled in the show.

Megan's plotline this season would have been much better if you hadn't shown it through flashbacks. This is one of the reasons I so disliked the time skip. I don't want to be told things happened (via flashback, in my opinion, still counts). I would have preferred it if we were shown her change over the course of a season, and THEN this plotline happened.

Also, Raquel. We had her introduced in the finale of the last season, and I was looking forward to seeing her integrate with the team...cut to her with the League. What? I wanted to see her working in and with the Team, making friendships! Even Billy got more focus than her, and that bugged me.

The time skip is also something that I don't think worked. I would have preferred seeing the characters make these choices, rather than finding out after the fact. The main six stopped feeling like the people I originally tuned in to watch, and I didn't like that feeling.

On a final note, the reason "Beneath" finally had me turning off the show is that I never felt like our heroes ACTUALLY WON. They'd have minor victories, sure, but they'd always have been *distracted* or *on the wrong track* for the Light's *real* plot- it drove me nuts.

Now, this is your show! And you can totally roll your eyes at me for missing the point, especially since I didn't see the season through (also, I did hear that a bunch of really nifty things happened throughout the season, so, y'know, joke's on me). But this is just meant to be used for future reference or, hopeffully, if the fan petitions actually go through and CN greenlights a third season.

Greg responds...

I don't know what flashbacks you're referring to. In fact, I can't think of one. (Am I spacing here?)

And, of course, you're entitled to your opinion, but I don't suppose it will surprise you to read that I disagree.

I like Raquel too, and I wish we had had more screen time for her. But she was never a lead, and we never promised she'd be one. And I think we respected her journey by having her join the League.

The time skip was never going to thrill everyone, I know. But it was important thematically to the kind of story that we were telling. And I think the fan response overall - once the first few episodes played out, pretty much justifies our decision - assuming we needed justification.

As to the notion that they never "WON". Well, I'll say they won as often in Season Two as they did in Season One. And they certainly "won" in the end. At a great cost and with loose ends, but there's no way that doesn't count as a win.

A little patience might have helped, but if you're just not enjoying the show, then I understand why you stopped watching.

So, I appreciate the constructive criticism, honestly. Particularly, the respectful way that you presented it. But, it wouldn't change our plans any. We have to tell the stories that fire our imaginations and work with what we want to accomplish.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Reggie writes...

Hi, Greg.

I was just wondering if Dick and Zatanna were still dating/gotten back together up until the conclusion of Young Justice:Invasion or had he moved onto Barbara? Also which couple did you prefer? Dick and Zatanna or Dick and Barbara?

Greg responds...

I'd take a look at our companion comic books for an answer to this question.

And "prefer" isn't a word that applies.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Quick Question writes...

Greg, I notice on your roster that Donna Troy (Troia) was part of the team at one point. Is there any particular reason she wasn't in this season storywise (you don't have to explain) or was there a production reason? And if you can get into it, can you give any details about her membership?

Greg responds...

This is mostly ASKED AND ANSWERED.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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A Random Fan writes...

Let me start by saying that the Young Justice season finale just about broke my heart. Don't get me wrong, that's just a testament to how wonderful the storytelling is for this entire series. Doesn't stop the pain, but at least it came from something good.
Anyway my question could be said to apply to all your awesome work.
Have you ever heard of a site called T.V Tropes and Idioms, and have you ever cheeked out your shows entries on it?

Greg responds...

I have, yes.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Roop writes...

Hello there, first off: congrats on Young Justice! A splendid finale for a splendid show! I'll be very interested in seeing what YJ: Legacy offers in terms of the missing narrative between season one and two.

Now on to the question! Out of curiosity, is there any new on that project you and Vic Cook were lanning called Progeny? It sounded like an interesting story, and Galloway's designs certainly helped the interest. Just a slight bit of curiosity on if there's any development on that.

Have a nice day!

Greg responds...

Nothing I can report right now, but I haven't given up on Progeny either.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Jessie writes...

Dear Greg,

I have just finished watching the season 2 final for young justice and in my opinion it was truly bittersweet. I want to congratulate you on creating such an amazing show. I was honestly in love with the characters, their personalities, thoughts, feelings, and dialog were so realistic. I am a fan of DC comics and love all those heroes and enjoyed seeing them all on young justice :) I think that "endgame" was a great way to end the season but i was left heartbroken when i had to watch my all time favorite hero, Kid Flash, do something impulsive and selfless for the last time. To say i'm not upset would be lying so i wont say that but my heart honestly broke when Wally told Barry to make sure he tells Artemis and his parents that he loved them. :,( i wish i didn't get so attached to fictional characters because their fate is always in the hands of their creators, which makes them fair game and anything/everything could happen. I know there is a chance you probably wont read this but i just wanted to take this chance and ask you, is there hope for Young Justice and Wally West or will i have to just re-watch episode and just have Wally remain in my memories? I also wanted to let you know that the scene between Kid and Impulse was just.. no words can describe it. Wally and Bart's relationship is just precious and in that scene i saw an older brother passing down his legacy to his younger brother and that just made Wally's tragic fate all the more difficult to accept.

but no matter what my feelings are toward's Wally, i still want to THANK YOU for an amazing superhero show that this closet geek went crazy for ;P

Greg responds...

Thanks for the kind words.

There's always hope for the series. Right now most of those hopes revolve around Legacy.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Mira writes...

1. How old were Tye and Jaime when they met and where were they?
2. Why did they initially become friends?
3. Did they reconcile eventually after the fall of the Reach and did Tye go back home to El Paso?
4. Do Jaime's friends Paco and Brenda from the comics exist in this universe and are they friends with Tye too?
5. Where did Asami go to live after the fall of the Reach?

Greg responds...


2. Why does anyone?

3. There wasn't much reconciling to do once Tye found out that Jaime had been - in essence - possessed.

3a. SPOILER REQUEST. But I've already revealed this, so, yes, Tye and Asami went back to live with Shelly Longshadow in El Paso.


5. See answer number 3.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Anon writes...

I know your probably sick of all the Wally questions but..

Was it hard for you to kill off Wally? And when making/recording the episode did any of the cast end up crying? Cuz I know the fandom did plenty of that...

Greg responds...

It wasn't an easy decision. And we all got quite emotional about it.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Kayla writes...

Hi Greg,
After finally watching the season 2 finale, I must congratulate you and thank you. Thank you so much. At the end of an emotionally draining week I could always look forward to Young Justice. It's absolutely heart-breaking to know that the show that has kept me going for so long has ended. And what a note it ended on.
Wally was always my favourite character. Every episode in season 2 I hoped that Wally would re appear. And you should have seen my face when he did. So I must thank you for adding him as he has become one of my greatest inspirations. Thank you, Greg, for all the amazing characters you have brought to life. Thank you for the amazing story-telling and the incredible times in Young Justice.
I must say, you know how to make a 13 year old fangirl break down into tears for about two hours. Hands down to you and the crew for that feat.
Greg, I know the answer will probably be met with a SPOILER REQUEST, NO COMMENT or whatever you decide to write down, but I must ask. I hope that my questions will be answered.

1. Was Wally actually ever in Bart Allen's timeline? I mean, was he alive?
2. Do you think that Artemis would move out of Palo Alto? And what about her college life?
3. This is hard for me, but what exactly happened to Wally? Was it a proper death?... I mean, he just sort of... dissolved.

I'm very sorry if I breach the question thingie of SPOILER REQUEST, NO COMMENT. I know you are probably aware, but many fans are working hard to try and bring back the show. It's a big part of our lives and I know I'm not ready to let it go. Not yet. Especially not on this note.
Kudos to you, the crew and everyone who has worked so hard on this show. Major kudos for the voice actors who have voiced so well. I don't believe you get as much love as you deserve, so here I am, saying thank you. Thank you Mr Weisman. You and your show got me through some tough times. (Yikes, that sounded more corny than some of Wally's pick up lines.)

Greg responds...

1. If you mean had he existed, than yes. If you're asking whether or not he was still alive by the time Bart was born, then that's a SPOILER REQUEST.



Thank you. I'll take corny anytime.

Response recorded on October 08, 2013

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Mikey writes...

Hey, Greg! A while ago, I think it was Brandon Vietti who said not all the characters on the YJ:I poster was used- looking at it, I can only presume it's the girl standing next to Tim. Because the series is over, is it okay for you to reveal who it would be?

Greg responds...

What poster are we talking about?

Response recorded on October 08, 2013

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EXALT writes...

Some questions about the designations you revealed during the Worldsfinest's interview...
1)There were two designations of the JL whice were labeled as SPOILER REQUEST: did the two unknown Leaguers appear anywhere (a yes or a no will be sufficient, I'm not asking their names)?
2)This is more of a formality: is Static B26?
3)The designations B14 and B15 were given to Liutenant Marvel and Sergeant Marvel, which I guess were the Mary Bromfield and the Freddy Freeman of Earth-16. But none of the two has had (for what I recall) those names in the comics, so: which one of the two is Sergeant and which one is Liutenant?

Greg responds...


2. Yes.

3. Freddy is Lieutenant. Mary is Sergeant. (That's a spoiler, of course. But I feel like I've already revealed it. If I haven't, well... BONUS FOR YOU!)

Response recorded on October 08, 2013

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Alexia writes...

1) How long is the tenure of leadership in the Justice League? A year or it's up to the current leader to see how long he wants to be leader?

2) You mentioned before that leaders of the league were elected. We saw Captain Atom pass on leadership to the next designation in the JL roster which was Black Canary. Did the format of selecting leaders change?

Greg responds...

1. It's a year, unless the Leader wants to step down for some reason.

2. No. Black Canary was elected (off-screen) to replace him.

Response recorded on October 08, 2013

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Greg responds...

THANK YOU! (Why are we shouting?) ;)

Response recorded on October 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Mr Greg,
I know this is a wired question but I'm so curious. You voice cast Lucas Carr in Young Justice. Do you get pay for this character or you cast it for free? Is this only your interest or consider of saving cost?

Greg responds...

I was paid. It's a SAG (i.e. a union) show. No one works for free.

Response recorded on October 08, 2013

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S.A.M writes...

are Red Arrow, Cheshire and Lian living together as a family or are they still separated?

Greg responds...

They're trying it out.

Response recorded on October 08, 2013

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Janey writes...

You Briliant Man!!! The ending of Season 2 was just brilliant!!!! It was so gut wretching I never cried in a cartoon until today well yesterday. I have been so caught up with these characters lives and I love how you put realism into it and not just some random quirky episode that doesn't deal with the heavy hitters of being a superhero. I always figured they would feel I guess how you would say "haunted and alone". I have fell in love with this series and today's episode just takes the cake. I mean Wally was my favorite character and it was done with such justice I can't even be mad that you guys killed him!! I really hope you guys get a season 3 I mean I know its not renewed for the 2013/2014 episode, but there is always hope right!!! GLTAS and Young Justice have by far been my favorite DC shows to have aired. Please keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to your novel series in the future!!!! Sorry for my ranting but I just love your work!!! I hate that Wally is gone, but I really like the series, and I feel like I'm missing out on so much since you and Brandon have tons of stories to tell!! So maybe one day we will get more :)

Greg responds...

I hope so. Thanks for the support!

Response recorded on October 08, 2013

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Kungpow Ginger writes...

First I just want to say that Young Justice was a great series, and I - along with many fans - will miss it dearly. I have a few quick questions about Blue Beetle that were never touched upon in the series.
1. Does Blue Beetle live with his parents? They were (almost awkwardly) absent.
2. Did his parents - or anyone else he knew - recognize him when he revealed his face to the media while under Reach control?

Greg responds...

1. Yes. We didn't have the screentime to show them, but he did mention them.

2. His parents know his secret i.d. already, so, of course. The rest is a SPOILER REQUEST.

Response recorded on October 08, 2013

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Brian D writes...

I have two questions about Rocket.

1) who is she marrying?
2)did she take time off from the team when she had Amistad, if so how long?

thank you for everything, this was my absolute favorite show and I am sorry to see it go so soon!

Greg responds...


2. Technically, this is a Spoiler Request, too. Or at least, you're asking a question based on a non-established premise. But... yes.

2a. I haven't broken it down with that much specificity.

Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

With Season Two finally at an end, I wanted to ask a question. When Impulse went back in time from the year 2056, everything gradually started changing from the moment he arrived in 2016. Even though we know at least a few things about what happened, can please tell us how events occured in the unaltered timeline that led to 2056? I realize that you don't like to explain stories, but can you tell us the list of the events in condensed, bullet-point form? This particular topic was something that's bugging me for some time, so I'm interested to know the Reach Apocalypse was successful in the original timeline.


Greg responds...

I'm not doing this. Sorry.

Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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Kelso writes...

Wally West is my all-time favorite DC character. I just want you to know that you having him on your show meant a great deal to me <3 I don't think a question about him has been worded or asked this way so I will.
Was it your plan to kill Wally from the beginning? Or at what point was the decision to kill him made?
(My personal head-canon in order to cope with this is that he isn't actually dead, he's in the Speedforce. No body = no proof of death in my mind.)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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