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VELATIONS 2013-12 (Dec)

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,
Well , sad to see the end of what was an overall great series. I do wish it could have gotten another season. So many dangling threads/plots. But you guys know that.

I saw the finale and gotta say this was the weakest episode of the entire series. I know there was rush to try to give some resolution but it felt meh. It was rushed and many things shoe horned. It fell flat for a finale. You seemed to want to do fan service too but again some things fell short and were baffling.

The killing of Wally...okay he might not be dead knowing you...but still the best couple in the show end up torn asunder.

The worse couple took up precious time that could have been used to do something else and that is Superboy and Miss Martian. Them being lawyers to get the JL off was really lame. So Icon could not have done that? Superboy suffered in season two. What great development we could have had with him was stunted and he simply became the sad whipped pining boyfriend of a girl who frankly did not deserve to get him back. I don't think that relationship did much for Superboy.

The Tim/Cassie reveal was the most baffling move. This show seems to do a lot of shipping but at least I would understand if there was some hint or chemisty. Cassie and Jaime were the most obvious pair up. Diverse guys can't get the cute alpha girl no more than 'ugly' ones like Lagaan is the unfortunate message I see here. For a show aimed at kids I would have preferred if we could have pushed some forward thinking ground.

The Lex virus was way too convenient and the JL just being off world seemed such a waste of time. Why have a JL though if these kids can do everything? The show did pander at times to the young team.

Kaldur I must say was one of the best characters and you did his arc well. His tie up could have been the finale...how better it was done than End Game. Artemis was another character as Jaime who were well developed. I liked the younger kids but they seemed to just take a lot of time away from the team. It just at times seem too packed and too expansive for such a short time. I know it is a chance to let others shine but the pacing suffered. Your villains were all great but best villain has to be Black Beetle. Seriously sir. Well done. I dread when this guy is around. I hope DC does more with him.

Anyway overall a big A. But C for the finale.

Greg responds...

Sorry the finale didn't work for you.

Response recorded on December 18, 2013

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Jasser writes...

1.Are Lords of Chaos/Order an earth phenomenon (explaining why Klarion is humanoid if it needs explaining). I know they are timeless, but are they also all permeating?

2.Does wearing the helmet prevent death? If his human body had a heart attack or aneurysm would he be able to negate it, would the helmet remove itself, etc.

Greg responds...

1. They're not restricted to Earth.

2. Not ultimately, no.

Response recorded on December 18, 2013

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Hel writes...

Hi there I was wondering
1a. Are Artemis and Zatanna still close, 5 years later? I know they were somewhat best friends in the first season of Young Justice.
1b. Do they still hang out and have their 'girls night outs'?
2. If they aren't close, how come they drifted apart if they did drift apart?

Greg responds...

1a. Yes.

1b. I'd think so.

2. See above.

Response recorded on December 18, 2013

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Marvelman writes...

1) What was the reason the Light needed the league alive for the next phase of their plan (as stated in Auld Acquaintance)? Was it so the League would be there to drive the Reach off Earth when the time was right?

2) Why did Savage want the Rimbor 6 convicted? Didn't he need those particular leaguers available as well? How could they have contributed to the Light's plans from prison?

Greg responds...

1. In part. And for them to be the villains of Rimbor.

2. He had all sorts of contingencies, but as you saw, they weren't necessary to save the Earth that time. And it's nice knowing where to find them. Plus if they were convicted and decided not to serve their time, that would work in his favor too.

Response recorded on December 18, 2013

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Nightwing fan writes...

Hi Greg,

I was just re-reading some of the JLA and Teen Titans comics and was once again impressed by Nightwing's leadership skills. In most comics he's portrayed as being the ultimate leader, surpassing even Batman because of his excellent interpersonal skills.

My question is:
What was the reasoning behind making Nightwing only temporary team leader in YJ season 2? In season 1 Kaldur said Dick was born to lead the team, but to be perfectly honest, I haven't seen much evidence of that. It seemed to me he still had a lot to learn about what it means to be a leader. Was this your goal? To show that the road to becoming a good leader is a rocky one?


Greg responds...

I'm a bit confused by elements of your question, frankly. Nightwing wasn't temporary Team leader in Season Two. He WAS Team Leader. Then he stepped down at the end of the season for reasons that I think are quite understandable. I think he did a great job as a leader. If you didn't see evidence of that, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

But yes, the road to becoming a good leader is rocky.

Response recorded on December 18, 2013

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Eagle-Owl writes...

The fans have spoken!


Greg responds...

This crowdfunding in opposition to TimeWarner was never going to happen.

Response recorded on December 18, 2013

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Janey writes...

I was on wikipedia(yeah I ), but anyways I was reading about the actor/actresses of Gargoyles, and I found that a lot of them worked with you on Young Justice too, such as Thom Adcox-Hernandez as Lexington and Klarion the witchboy, and Ed Asner as Hudson, and Dr. Kent!! I love that some of these people worked with you again!! So I have a question
1. Ed Asner's filmography on wikipedia, stats on that on Young Justice he voices Doctor Fate, and Granny Goodness, so my question is did I miss Granny Goodness being in young justice or was that a mistake?
2. What was like working with the old cast members of Gargoyles?
I really enjoyed both shows and since you had Josh Keith voice Black Spider as a nod to your series Spiderman, it was refreshing to hear that you also had a nod to Gargoyles with them voicing some of the characters of Young Justice, oh and I have one more question containing endgame
3. Was Wally's death a nod to Barry Allen's death in infinite crises?
This is all, I love your work and I look forward to your book series!!!

Greg responds...

1. A mistake. I believe Ed voiced Granny Goodness in Justice League and/or Justice League Unlimited.

2. It's always fun. Like old home week.

3. Not particularly.

Response recorded on December 18, 2013

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Marvelman writes...

I have two unrelated questions.

1) Had Kaldur anticipated his and Artemis's cover being blown during Summit? Because it seems as though he had. Did he anticipate someone recognizing the glamor charm?

2) Did Klarion help Savage take out the three leaguers on Warworld? I ask because the three of them seem to be a bit much for Savage to handle on his own.

Greg responds...

1. He recognized the potential that something could go wrong.

2. Maybe you underestimate Savage.

Response recorded on December 13, 2013

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Jenna writes...

hey Greg, long time fan of the show, i started watching it when i was 11 yrs old, i'm 27 now. here's my question: in the episode High Noon just before the sun rises, what was Goliath looking at before he took his position since he shifts his head to the left (our right, his left)

Greg responds...

I'm sorry. I can't remember. I'd have to rewatch that specific scene.

Response recorded on December 13, 2013

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guy writes...

is black lightning is now the mentor of static?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 13, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Now that Bart is Kid Flash. Is his designation still B23? Or he now uses Wally's B03?

Greg responds...

Designations don't change in that way. They remain attached to the individual. Tim Drake didn't take over Dick Grayson's old designation when he became Robin. Nightwing kept it.

Response recorded on December 13, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

On TSSM Doc Ock represented the top of the super villain chain, Tombstone the mobsters and Venom was the personal nemesis. Naturally Green Gosborn combined all these elements and worked within them, is that he was the Biggest Bad?

Greg responds...

I'm not exactly sure what you're asking here. But I don't feel the need to rank things arbitrarily. GG is certainly Big Bad enough.

Response recorded on December 13, 2013

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Brent Wolgamott writes...

Hey Greg: I just wanted to say "thanks", for such a wonderful TV series in both "Young Justice" and "YJ: Invasion". I watched everything YJ-related for 2+ years now, and it was my first introduction into anything related to you (I watched Gargoyles rarely back in the day). YJ was (is) an amazing drama, albeit animation. I loved the character development of M'gann this year, and I loved the evolution of the series. I am sorry to hear it is likely over now, but I appreciate it (and you) for what it is -- a kickass TV show, juggling multiple characters with a complex but mostly resolved storyline. Thanks for the memories, and I hope to see you again soon. -Brent

Greg responds...

Thanks for the kind words. If you want more YJ, check out our comics and the YJ Legacy video game. All are CANON.

Response recorded on December 13, 2013

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Emily writes...

Hi Greg! In season 1 of Young Justice Aquaman and Mera announce they're going to have a child but there is no mention of that ever again. Did Manta kill Aquababy like in the comics or is he still alive during season 2?

Greg responds...

Check out Young Justice Legacy for more information on this.


Response recorded on December 13, 2013

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Ma'alefa'ak writes...

How did you come up with the designs of Hawkman and Hawkgirl? They are badass.

Greg responds...

Me, personally? I walked into Phil Bourassa's room, and he showed 'em to me, and I said something like, "They are badass."

Response recorded on December 13, 2013

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FOONTS writes...

Did you have trouble coming up with storylines for Wally? All the other major characters at least had one major story arc over the two seasons. Superboy had the clone of Superman and Lex storyline in season 1, Miss Martian had the story of her insecurity about her Martian appearance in season 1 and her misuse of her martian abilities in season 2, Artemis had her family background story in season 1 and her undercover identity storyline in season 2, Kaldur had his undercover storyline in season 2, and Dick had the whole leading the team and keeping a secret from the team storyline in season 2. Wally is legitimately the only one who didn't have an ongoing story in either of the two seasons. He seemed like an accessory to other people's story. And then you killed him off. It didn't make much sense and seemed like a tragic misuse of a popular character who has such a rich comic book history.

Greg responds...

No, we had no trouble. We just had priorities. I'm sorry you viewed our (mis)use of Wally as 'tragic'. Obviously, we don't agree. (And his popularity - or any character's popularity - had nothing to do with our decision-making process.)

Response recorded on December 13, 2013

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Megan writes...

Who was the first team member to find out Artemis's first name was ACTUALLY Artemis. (after Dick since obviously he probably knew from day one)

Greg responds...

I'm not sure she kept that a secret. Zatanna didn't.

Response recorded on December 13, 2013

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nygma619 writes...

Hey Greg, questions about Young Justice:

I know your probably sick about being asked about Wally's fate, and I can understand that.
Anyways I'd be lying if I said that my favorite characters death in Endgame was a storytelling choice that sat well with me. It's not so much the concept behind it, everyone dies eventually. What bothered me the most is the fact that I felt Wally as a character, still had plenty of mileage you could've gotten out of him in many ways. Whether it's his relationship with Artemis, being the science guy the league goes to, his dynamics with other characters, a guy you can always count on to get a laugh from. But a HUGE one that disappoints me is him not taking up the Flash mantle. And considering you've said that this show is about growing up (along with secrets and lies), I found it baffling that you guys never tackled what is probably considered the most iconic sidekick to main hero mantle evolution ever in DC Comics (Wally going from Kid Flash to Flash); I would've thought THAT would've been something that would've fit like a duck in water on this show, not to mention it never being done in animation. Heck, Impulse being faster than Wally wouldn't have bothered me that much if that was used as an insecurity for Wally to overcome WHILE as Flash.
But it was not to be for some reason. :( Which brings me to my questions:
I'm not sure IF you'll be able to answer these qestions but nothing ventured, nothing gained right?
1.) Was Wally's evolution to becoming the Flash ever considered at all when producing the show?
2.) If not, was DC ever willing to let you kill off Barry Allen and put Wally in his role or not?

It just seems like a waste to kill off a character who had plenty left to give, and one that probably has the widest range of emotions at that. Especially given that his time as the Flash is as much a core truth to Wally's character, as Nightwing was to Dick Grayson's character. But even IF becoming Flash was never in the cards, I still feel he could've taken up another persona.

You guys closing the door on him felt like you guys saying that he had no stories left to tell for the future beyond season 2. Which is a REALLY BITTER PILL to swallow given Wally West's rich 51 year history to draw from.

I'm not saying the death was illogical or made no sense, just that it feels like him being alive could've proven more useful in the near future than him as dead. But obviously that didn't happen. :(

Greg responds...

By the time Impulse shows up, I don't think Wally is still all that insecure about not being as fast as Barry.

1. Lots of things were considered, at least briefly.

2. DC was willing to do this. The choice was mine and Brandon's.

Generally, ANY character is more useful dead than alive. If that were the criteria, no character would ever die.

Response recorded on December 09, 2013

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Riker+Troi writes...

I love Xanatos and Demona as much as I love Riker and Troi. I know they'll never get together or anything but does Xanatos at least think Demona is attractive?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 09, 2013

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Vincent writes...

Bioshock infinite you playing it?/out tonight

Greg responds...

I don't know what those words mean...

Response recorded on December 09, 2013

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JJ writes...

1. What does sportsmaster think of wally, specifically him dating his daughter? Or does he just not care?

2. Over the time skip do wolf and sphere still have a special fondness for superboy over the rest of the team?

3. I thought there had to be a whole democratic assembly to choose the next leader of the justice league. Captain atom kind of just dumped it on black canary. What's up with that?

Thank you and everyone else who worked on this universe.

Greg responds...

1. Probably doesn't care for the kid. And probably thinks Artemis is kidding herself being with a "hero".

2. Yes.

3. There had already been a vote off screen.

Response recorded on December 09, 2013

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No one important writes...

1. Do the boys of the Team wear underwear under their costumes?
2. Does Dick wear boxers or briefs?
3. Does Superboy wear boxers or briefs?
4. Does Tim wear boxers or briefs?
5. Is Bart Allen gay?

Greg responds...

1-4. Let's afford them a bit of privacy, okay? (Or whatever floats your boat.)


Response recorded on December 09, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

greetings Mr Wiseman I love the show but I have to ask when it comes to the names of the Squads for the final. I have noticed that Xi, Upsilon, Chi and Phi were skipped. Is there any reason for this

Greg responds...

It seemed to me their pronunciations would too easily be confused with other squad names.

Response recorded on December 09, 2013

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I SAW THE LIGHT writes...

He wants to protect the Earth from invaders. He uses a death machine to scare the inhabitants other planets. He wants humans to be the strongest species in the universe. He wants to give humans superpowers.

Vandal Savage is more of a hero than all the characters in Young Justice.

Greg responds...

Saw the light and drank the kool-aid, I see. ;)

Response recorded on December 09, 2013

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Ashley writes...

First off, thanks for reaching out to the fans! I cannot believe I didn't realize before that you were behind Roughneck Chronicles, my all time favorite show as a kid. (I know this show is getting old now, so my questions may be out of date, but I appreciate you taking the time anyways.)

1. Are you a fan of Heinlein?
2. Was the ending of the series already scripted before production issues caused the premature cut off, or was it just conceptualized?
3. Were there any characters in that ensemble that were easier or, conversely, harder to write for?

Greg responds...

1. I'm a fan of a lot of Heinlein, but I won't pretend I've read even close to all his stuff. But "All You Zombies" is a great short story, and I love STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND, THE PAST THROUGH TOMORROW and TIME ENOUGH FOR LOVE, all of which I first read as a teenager. "Requiem" is one of the most beautiful, heart-breaking short stories I've ever read.

2. It was scripted AND recorded.

3. Not that I recall. But it was a long time ago.

Response recorded on December 09, 2013

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Someone writes...

In Endgame. Why Captain Atom returned his leadership to Black Canary instead of Batman?

Greg responds...

Why would it go to Batman?

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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Kris W writes...

Hello Mr Weisman,

I just wanted to thank you for your amazing work. I really hate to see Young Justice over so soon but loved every minute of it as a huge comic fan.
I also loved Gargoyles. My mom and I used to watch it together all the time. We loved the series from start to finish. My mom died a few years back and when I really miss her, I watch Gargoyles. Even after all this time I can still remember her comments on her favorite episodes and it's very comforting to have that to fall back on. I don't think I'm explaining myself well, but thank you for giving us something we could enjoy so much together, and something to help me remember her with. I look forward to your next projects.
Kris W

Greg responds...

Kris, my condolences for the loss of your mother. And thank you for such kind words. You could hardly have paid me a nicer compliment, and I truly appreciate it.

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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pandas are awesome writes...

Has Gar spoken to his dad since Marie passing?
Does Mark know his son is green?

Greg responds...

Any discussion of Gar's biological father falls under the category of SPOILERS.

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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Jarrod writes...

Hi Greg!

I was rewatching YJ Revelations, and I noticed that Count Vertigo was wearing some sort of device in his ears, wrapped around his head. He seemed to be the only member of the Injustice League to be wearing one, so I don't think it was a communications device. I humbly ask the following questions:

1) What was this device?
2) If the above is a spoiler request, I ask how long he has used/needed the device as of his appearance in Revelations?
3) Does said device serve a protective, or a augmentative purpose?

Thank you! Loved the show!

Greg responds...

1. It was the device that gives him his powers - or at least allows him to control them.

2. Uh, the latter or neither.

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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jrhcl2 writes...

Sorry CN cancelled Young Justice!! I will truly miss the show! Miss Martian and Superboy are my two favorite members of the team and were my favorite couple of the series, too say I was disappointed when they broke up would be a under statement!! I was happy to see in endgame,it seemed like they could be getting back together in the future. Here my question? This is something that has been bugging me the whole second season!! Why did she do it?? Why did Miss Martian try to make Superboy forget he was mad at her for abusing her powers!! Why did she do it???

Greg responds...

She was careless with her powers and careless of their relationship. I won't try to defend it, but I also see how she could have gotten there by taking things for granted that she shouldn't have and by letting her growing agility with her powers go to her head.

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,

Was Young Justice mixed in 5.1, or just stereo? The DVDs and iTunes/Amazon downloads all have stereo audio.


Greg responds...

I don't know for sure, but I think stereo.

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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Todd Jensen writes...

This question was inspired by your mention of recently visiting a "Doctor Who" convention.

One of the episodes of the revived series (written by Neil Gaiman), had the Doctor getting to speak to the TARDIS when its essence is temporarily transferred into a human body, and saying "You never got me where I wanted to go". To which the TARDIS replies, "But I always took you where I needed to be". I wondered, if you'd seen that episode, what you thought of that exchange, which echoes Avalon's properties in "Gargoyles" down to the wording.

Greg responds...

I've seen it. It was cool. But I'm not feeling like we were copied or anything.

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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NoOneSpecial writes...

1. So its clear that impulse tried to get close to jamie to ensure he didnt turn evil. We saw him be protective of jamie when green beetle was altering his scarab and we saw him be only foucsed on saving jamie after he turned. Obviously he was doing all this to change the future, but to me this makes his friendship with jamie seem artifcial. Does impulse really consider him a close friend? Did impulse care more about the future than he did about about jamie?

2. In regards to the Reach's chain of command, the Ambassidor is the one is charge, while black beetle can take command if deemed nescessary. Where does the Scientist fit into it. What actual authority does she have, when no one actually listens to her?

3. Now i'm a little confused about the treaty between the guardians and the reach. John said that the reach may only lay claim to a world if invited and if that invitation has been revoked, they must leave. The scientist also mentioned that their tempering with the planet would violate the treay, but why? They were offically inviated to the earth and according to this treay are allowed to do whatever they want without interfercne from the green lanterns, so why exactly are they violating the treay if the only tempering they did was WHIlE they were invited? Granted they were tempering with the planet before that, but if the GLs cant prove that this was done before they got their inviation or lost it, why then is it a violation?

Greg responds...

1. How something begins and how it evolves are two separate things.

2. She has authority over the other scientists on that particular Reach Mission. She has no operational authority.

3. They tampered PRIOR to being invited, which is a clear violation. And there was plenty of proof by the end of the season. For example: Blue Beetle.

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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Riyan writes...

Hi, Greg,
A wired question, it's inspired by a question about Beast Boy I just saw here.
It ask if BB can transform into a panda. Of course he can.
but then I can't help thinking:
You know all animals beast boy transformed into are GREEN. So when he transforms into a panda, what is the color exactly? Green and Black? White and Green? Light Green as the white part and dark green as the black part?
That's a bit funny when a panda is not black and white. It would looks like a green bear if so.
Sorry really wired question but I find it's funny to think about it (Or my humor sense is really twisted.)

Greg responds...

I'd think light green and very dark green bordering on black.

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Can you tell me who is the interpreter of ''Ella Mi Fu Rapita'' in Gangland? I loved much that voice

Greg responds...

I don't know. I'm sorry.

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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Voice Acting Fan writes...

Dear Greg:

Thank you for answering my previous questions!

You have made reference to SAG before, so presumably Young Justice has to abide by SAG rules or get boycotted. I have a few questions related to this and the voice acting part of the production process:

1. How do the voice talent get paid? A flat rate? Are they paid by the hour? By the line? By the episode? Or some variable rate?

2. When you voiced Lucas Carr, did you have to join the SAG union? Or is production allowed to hire non-SAG personnel as long as they pay them differently?

3. You have stated that getting a second character out of an actor entails no added costs. Since it is free, I am wondering why a few actors (Jesse McCartney comes to mind) doesn't get to voice a character other than Dick Grayson. Was it a matter of actor preference, producer preference, or a mix of the two?

4. How long does a typical recording session last? Do you sit in throughout the whole session, or leave it up to the voice director? How many episode(s) are typically recorded in a sitting?

5. When one of the voice actors sing a song (Reach for a Reach, Hello Megan), they get separately credited. Is this subject to a different rate, or is the singing part simply added as a "character" in determining pay?

Thank you, and I hope by the time you are reading this, you've already got several gigs lined up!

Greg responds...

0. I'm not sure "boycot" is the correct word. The major studios sign contracts with SAG, that prohibits them from contracting non-SAG labor for their acting needs. They can get around this by SUB-contracting, but most don't on major projects.

1. I don't want to speak for EVERY show. In my experience, a voice actor gets paid a flat fee for four hours of work and up to two character voices. For a tiny additional fee, you can get a third voice. But this holds per episode. So for example, even if you could record one guy playing four roles over two episodes in a single four hour session, you'd still owe him two payments. The fee is negotiable, as long as it's above union minimum. But most series pay the union minimum plus 10% and have favored nation clauses in their contracts, which prohibits them from giving any individual actor a raise without simultaneously giving raises to EVERY actor on the series.

2. I first joined SAG to play Donald Menken on Spectacular Spider-Man, and am still a member in good-standing. No union shop can hire non-union actors.

3. Well, Jesse often DID voice additional characters, like Thug #2 or whatever. But generally, there are some actors who have the ability to change their voice enough that they can convincingly play multiple characters without the audience balking. Others really - as talented as they are as performers - only have their own voice.

4. Sessions typically go three to four hours. But often we'll be there all day. We can only keep each individual actor for four hours without incurring overtime, but we could start one actor at 10am and have him until 2pm. And we could start another actor at noon, and have her until 4pm. And a third at 1pm and keep him until 5pm. That way, we have overlap to record their scenes together, but we also have more time to get everything done.

5. Singing is a separate rate. And it's also an additional character, unless they are singing IN CHARACTER. That is, if Nightwing suddenly burst into song, we'd have to pay an additional fee to Jesse for his singing. But we wouldn't have to count that as a second character (or third, since he's also doing Thug #2).

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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Christine writes...

Hi! I was wondering if ya'll ever made any sort of 'blue print' for the cave? and if you'd ever be willing to share it if you did. Because I'm just really nerdy about those sorts of things and I know a lot of other fans are really curious as well.... :D

Greg responds...

I don't know if we have all of it nailed down. I definitely had a general sense of the layout of the place. Brandon might have something. You could try tweeting him.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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Anon the great writes...

Hey Greg! Appreciate all the work you did in the series and hope one day, someone will pick it up for continuation.
Just a few questions:

1. It's obvious Red Arrow and Artemis move around quite a bit when fighting the enemy, my question is how do their arrows stay in their quivers? Magnets maybe?
2. Does Rocket eventually evolve her powers like she did in the comics? In a few issues, she was able to shoot out kinetic energy from her hands.

Greg responds...

1. More of a question for Brandon and/or Phil. I'm not sure. But I believe.

2. Without addressing Rocket specifically, I will say that my general goal was NOT to allow power-bleed. I think many super-heroes have suffered over the years with various writers, artists and editors constantly adding to their power sets, making it almost impossible to challenge them.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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A Fan from Maryland writes...

Hey Greg, big fan. Sorry to hear about your job issues and I hope by the time you answer this you will have found work, I'd hire you myself if I was rich enough or I knew how. <3

1. You say that M'gann's parents are Green and White and that she and her brother the only "White" looking Martians among her siblings. So does whether you become Green/White Martian work on a sort of "one drop" rule or is more random?

For example (and I phrase it this way so you would only have to give one answer)

Under One drop, if a Green mated with a White Martian the offspring would always be white. If its Random, a child could be green or white at various odds.

Or is it something way more complex like hair or eye color. I say this because its use analogous to the human concept of "ethnicity" and I wanted to know if it was like that on Mars or if was a different type of phenotype such as hair or eye color. Basically i just wanted to know how the "rules" of the colors worked and if stuff like a Red child being more to two Greens or like a "light green" martian was possible.

2. What comic book issue/story arc did the Red Martians first appear in in the DC Comics? Or are they an Original Creation named for the Barsoom concept.

3. You have been noted to be very devoted to comics continuity; going so far as to construct the Martian Language around names seen in the comics. So why is Mars' Martian name " M'arzz" rather than "Ma'aleca'andra" as seen in the 1988 Martian Manhunter series?

4. Speaking of, is "M'arzz" a cognate with the English word "Mars" or is that just an amazing coincidence ?

5. Finally I more avant garde question . Do you think you could be so kind to post the translation dictionaries for some of the conlangs you ,Nicole Dubuc and your other colleagues created such as Interlac, Martian, New Genisian etc? Since it's not a story or a plot I assume its okay through your guidelines. I just thought it'd be a nice treat for the fandoms of those shows.

Thank you Greg, Mad love from MD! :)

Greg responds...

1. Martians - even Martians of mixed parentage - are still born either Red, Green or White. Doesn't mean a White Martian like M'gann doesn't have, well, green genes in her. But she still is white in appearance unless shape-shifting her color. The stigma attaches to the skin color, less so to the parentage/heritage. So most of M'gann's siblings faced relatively little prejudice. But she and one of her brothers, who by luck of the genetic draw came out white, weren't so fortunate.

1a. There are various shades of green. And of red. And of white. But a light Green Martian is not necessarily the child of a White and Green Martian. It doesn't work that way.

1b. There is no way a Red Martian could be born to two white parents or two green parents or a white and a green parent. At least one (but not both) of the Red Martian's parents must also be Red. Same with Green or White Martians. At least one of your parents is going to be the same basic color as you are.

2. They come from DC Comics, but if I revealed where it would act as a SPOILER.

3. I'm an imperfect human being. My research was imperfect too. Though at the time, there was a reason why I chose that name. See the answer to question 4.

4. Heh, heh, heh...

5. I think I've posted most everything we have at this point of the Interlac, Martian and Atlantean languages. Nicole may have more on Rannian, since she cribbed that by studying what Alan Moore did in Swamp Thing. And I used my own fictional language from one of my original (but unsold) properties for New Genisian. I have more on that one, but because I still have hopes of doing something with that someday, I won't be posting more of it at this time.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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Wanda-San writes...

This will sound stupid but, What is Puck's eye color? Because of the animation style you can't really tell.

Greg responds...

I don't recall. Sorry.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hello Greg,

Thank you for responding to my question about Barry Allen's persona. When I think about it, it may also be that the Flash in the Silver Age is in a quite different time period than in Earth-16. And it made a lot of sense when you said you were trying to vary character persona so that they all wouldn't be strict boyscouts. I am still not entirely convinced but your explanation helped put me more at ease.

PS Cary Bates is among one of my favorite Flash writers! Could please tell him if you are able to? Thanks!

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I've forgotten the specifics of our exchange. But I'm glad you're more at ease.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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Martianologist writes...

Hi Greg,

First of all, thanks for rounding off a great second season of Young Justice. I know nothing's slated, but I really hope there'll be more to come.
I have one quick question about B'arzz O'oomm (hope I spelled that correctly), also - formerly? - known as Green Beetle.
When he is shown in his natural form, he seems to have both green martian and white martian characteristics (his skin hue seems green, though lighter than J'onn's, and he has the red "x" on his chest which M'gann also sports in her natural form, to name two). Is he a hybrid (I hesitate to say "inter-racial") green/white martian?


~ Martianologist

P.S.: I hope it's not too presumptive of me, but I'd like to wish you and your family a very happy Passover.

Greg responds...

He's green.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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jacky writes...

How involved were you in the Young Justice Legacy videogame? I'm sure the next question have been asked many times before but are there currently any plans to continue the young justice universe in any way or form? I read that Little Orbit, the legacy developer, has the young justice license for quite a bit. How likely is it that they will make more Young Justice Video games?

Greg responds...

This has mostly been ASKED and ANSWERED. Brandon and I were very involved in the story. I story edited all the dialogue and supervised the voice recordings.

Little Orbit would love to make more YJ games - and they do still have the license. Whether they do or not depends almost entirely on the sales for Legacy.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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Schweitzer-Man writes...

Why didn't Queen Perdita revoke Count Vertigo's diplomatic immunity after the events in "Revelation". Yeah, I know, he wasn't committing acts of treason against her country but...wouldn't she have thought, "This REALLY isn't the kind of company I want to keep. Family or otherwise."

Greg responds...

She didn't have the authority.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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IF writes...

1. How old is Plastic Man?
2. What is the Plastic Man's real name?

Greg responds...

Patrick "Eel" O'Brien was 38 by the end of Team Year One.

Response recorded on December 04, 2013

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Nope, this isn't a reference to Young Justice.

This is another shameless plug for RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, which was released today as a paperback and e-book.

I'm hopeful all of you have or will buy a copy. But PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, help me spread the word about the book! I'd hate for it to do badly simply because people hadn't heard about it.

It can be purchased here:


Also, please think about pre-ordering the second book in the RAIN series, SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM:

And finally, check out:



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Everything Geek Podcast INTERVIEW

I was interviewed on the Everything Geek Podcast here:


I discuss my "secret origins", The Spectacular Spider-Man, Gargoyles, Star Wars Rebels, Young Justice and more.

Check it out!

(But of course I totally forgot to mention Rain of the Ghosts at all, darnit!)

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Some of you have already received word that your copy of my first novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, has shipped. I'm even informed that the book is on the shelves of some bookstores (like Barnes and Noble) now.

For those of you who haven't pre-ordered or purchased, this is just a reminder that the book officially becomes available tomorrow, December 3rd, 2013. You can order on sites like Amazon:


Or you can go into any brick and mortar bookstore and either buy it there - or if they don't have a copy - order it from them.

I hope all regular and casual readers of this website will consider purchasing either a hard copy or an e-copy. (Or more than one. They make great stocking stuffers. Plus they're arriving just in time for the end of Chanukah!) If you've liked my work on GARGOYLES, W.I.T.C.H., THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN and/or YOUNG JUSTICE, I truly believe you'll like RAIN, as well. I've done my best to stuff it with world-building, mythology, action, comedy, drama, MYSTERY and just a little bit of horror.

[SPOILER WARNING: Speaking of mystery, I've been privy to a few advanced reviews. Most are positive. Some are more lukewarm. One was scathing. (The phrase "graceless grammar" will stick with me for awhile.) But nearly every single one reveals/spoils some or all of the story's mysteries. (The scathing review seemed to have so much contempt for the book that the reviewer had no compuction about revealing EVERY mystery possible.) This is not to say you shouldn't read reviews, but I thought I should offer fair warning. The tradition of not spoiling in a review seems to have fallen by the wayside.]

In any case, my fervent hope is that you will all help me out by using every means necessary - but particularly social media like Twitter, Facebook, etc. - to SPREAD THE WORD about the book. The second book in the RAIN series, SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM, is written and will come out on May 13th, 2014. But it's a nine book series, and there's currently no commitment to publish the other seven. That will depend on sales. And sales, of course, depends on folks KNOWING ABOUT THE BOOK IN THE FIRST PLACE. So, please, please, please, help me by letting every one you know in on our little secret. Because really, I don't want it to be a secret, but it still feels mostly like it is one.



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