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Children of Oberon, The

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LSZ writes...

Oberon questions:
1) Was Oberon's overthrowing Mab a simple usurp or skirmish, or a war?
2) Not sure if this counts as a seperate topic, but..who would automatically succeed Oberon if he died? I can understand that naturally they'll be lots of fighting and power struggles, but in theory, who would succeed him?

Greg responds...

1. Very war.

2. Titania.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Death-Gods again:

1) Who is the most powerful of the Death-gods, not in rank, but sheer raw power.
2) I can understand that Anubis has no longing for power, and wouldn't overthrow anybody..but wouldn't it be possible for a death-god with more ambition than he to overthrow Oberon? Having the power of Death seems pretty nasty.
3) Why would Thoth create a scroll to make anyone the avatar of someone as powerful as Anubis?

Greg responds...

1. What is power to death? (That's not a smart-ass response. My point is the question is unanswerable. It's moot.)

2. Don't underestimate the big O. He beat Mab.

3. Why would we create the Atomic Bomb? It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Hi Greg, first I'd like to say I was always pleased greatly with the portrayal of Anubis, but Odin left just a leetle to be desired. However, some questions on the Norse myths in teh Gargoyles Universe:

1) So Thor is most likely dead. What about Loki?
2) If Ragnarok has come and gone, does this mean Jormungandr and Fenrir are dead too?
3) Hel-is this Death-goddess still (haha) alive?
4) When did Ragnarok occur?

Greg responds...

1. Haven't decided. Probably dead though. I've already got four tricksters, how many do I need?

2. Fenrir? Probably, but you never know. Jormungandr I don't recall. Who's that?

3. Probably alive, yes.

4. Ago.

Sorry, you didn't like Odin. How come?

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

This question's also a Norse mythology one. In the cosmology of the Gargoyles Universe, where do you see Asgard fitting in, since the Aesir are part of it? Do you see it as on Avalon, or as a "home away from Avalon" for Odin and the other Norse gods?

Greg responds...

Home away from home.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Kenneth Chisholm writes...

In the beginning of the Gathering Part 1, we see a caped figure just leaving Oberon's throne after paying his respects. I noted he looks a lot like DC Comic's Phantom Stranger I was wondering, is the resemblence was deliberate?

Greg responds...

I doubt it. But I didn't design Nought's look. Actually, the character Frank and I discussed wasn't supposed to have a head. Just a hat -- floating an appropriate distance above Nought's collar.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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The Gatekeeper writes...

Hi Greg,
If you were to compair drivers licence birthdates, who would be older, Xanatos or Owen? I say drivers licence because if you consider Owen's age as being based on Puck, then he would be several thousand years older, but if you consider Owen's age as his creation date, then he would be at least 15 years younger.
A related question, did Puck match Vogels physical age with Owen as well?

Greg responds...

As to your last question, yes, I would think that initially Puck tried to get as close to Preston as possible without going over, i.e. without making it SO freaky that everyone took DISTURBING notice.

I'd say Owen's driver's license probably lists him as a few years younger than David. But their pretty close.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Which of the seven series was Queen Mab supposed to appear in?

Greg responds...

Gargoyles. Maybe TimeDancer, though I had no specific plans for that. Possibly Pendragon too.

But mostly Gargoyles.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Hi, Greg. As you asked I'm posting here some stuff about the triple-goddess Morrigan. Almost all of what I quote comes from Encyclopedia Mythica: http://www.pantheon.org/mythica/

The Morrigan is a celtic war-goddess of revenge, night, magic, prophecy and fertility. Her name translates as either "Great Queen" or "Phantom Queen," and both epithets are entirely appropriate for her. The Morrigan appears as both a single goddess and a trio of goddesses. The other deities who form the trio are Badb ("Crow"), and either Macha (also connotes "Crow") or Nemain ("Frenzy"). The Morrigan frequently appears in the ornithological guise of a hooded crow. She is one of the Tuatha De Danann ("Tribe of the goddess Danu") and she helped defeat the Firbolg at the First Battle of Mag Tuireadh and the Fomorians at the Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh.

She also one of the main enemies of Cuchullain, with whom she had a love-hate relationship:

She appeared to the hero and offered her love to him. When he failed to recognize her and rejected her, she told him hat she would hinder him when he was in battle. When Cu Chulainn was eventually killed, she settled on his shoulder in the form of a crow.

She appeared to him on at least four occasions and each time he failed to recognize her.

1.When she appeared to him and declared her love for him.
2.After he had wounded her, she appeared to him as an old hag and he offered his blessings to her, which caused her to be healed.
3.On his way to his final battle, he saw the Washer at the Ford, who declared that she was washing the clothes and arms of Cu Chulainn, who would soon be dead.
4.When he was forced by three hags (the Morrigan in her triple aspect) to break a taboo of eating dogflesh.

Btw, I had said that I couldn't see any difference between the personalities of the Weird Sister - but I forgot to mention that I haven't heard their *original* voices, only translated ones... So if it was something subtle (as I have been convinced it was), it would have been most probably lost in translation...

Greg responds...

I'm sorry you haven't seen or heard the originals. My guess is a lot is lost in the translation... but even more in the acting nuances that Jamie Thomason got out of our cast. (Could you get a hold of tapes through the comment room? Certainly, your English is good enough to understand. At any rate, your ability to write in English as a second language is very VERY impressive to me.)

As to the Morrigan. Reread the above. Who does that sound like to you?


Why Molly/Banshee of course. Legends merge obviously, but it proved I was on the right track. I had further plans for Cu Chullain & Banshee and for Molly & Rory as a couple. (Think Moonlighting.) I even had a notion of a spin-off featuring them, but it didn't seem viable. I never mentioned it to anyone before this. (It helped that I think Sheena and Scott did such a great job in those roles.)

Response recorded on February 24, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In your opinion, what's Titania's attitude towards Merlin? (I hope for Merlin's sake that it's nothing along the lines of Hera's attitude towards Zeus's illegitimate offspring such as Heracles).

Greg responds...

Her attitude when?

Response recorded on February 24, 2000

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fido writes...

Does Puck wear socks?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 23, 2000

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