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akif khan writes...

In this picture. Eddie has a case/prosthetic limb. Why was it like that and what made you change your mind to make him normal/perfect condition.

Greg responds...

Curt Connors has a prosthetic limb, not Eddie. We never intended for Eddie to have a prosthetic anything.

Response recorded on November 04, 2009

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Jim writes...

At what point would you say Stacy deduced Spidey's identity?

I always figured his "I know who you are, Pete" at the end of the Master Planner arc as having a double meaning. I can't decide if he knew during Thanksgiving dinner, it seems like it could go either way. But while he had certainly been studying him prior to "Persona," I didn't get the vibe that he had figured it out at that point.

So is there a definitive moment or time period you can point to that says, "He has figured it out now, we just won't let the viewer know for sure until 'Identity Crisis?'"

Greg responds...

I don't see how I can comment on this one way or the other, as it seems to take for granted the idea that Stacy knows Spidey's secret identity.

Response recorded on November 04, 2009

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friendlyneighborhoodspidey writes...

1. While Kraven was stalking Spidey I noticed his spider-sense didn't go off. Is that an OOPS or what?

2. Is Kraven turning into an animal supposed to be similar to Puma? (look him up if you don't know who I mean)

3. May I suggest asking Robert Englund to play Carnage? He'd do a great job because Freddy Krueger's personality is a lot like Carnage's.

Greg responds...

1. Stalking doesn't activate spider-sense in our show. As I've said before, Pete was bitten by a genetically altered spider, not a genetically altered psychic. We limited spider-sense in our series to incoming blows.

2. I know who Puma is, thank you.

3. Robert is already our Vulture. I'm not ruling out your suggestion, but I wouldn't want the voices to be too similar.

Response recorded on November 04, 2009

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Spidey#1fan writes...

1. If you can't borrow Kingpin what crime boss will you use? Owl?

2. I heard something about Beetle and Boomerang being in SSM is it true?

3. You think you will use Morbius and Manwolf?

4. How heavily "toned down" does Carnage have to be to be in the show?

Greg responds...

1. As of the end of Season Two, I couldn't use Owl either. But I've got plenty of crime bosses already.

2. Seriously, WHERE did you hear that? Or did you just make it up? Anyway, Beetle's currently unavailable: officially he's not a Spidey villain. I'd have to check on Boomerang.

3. No comment.

4. How heavily toned down did you want him to be?

And just curious? Is there one question above that I haven't already answered? Let's check the ASK GREG Archives.

Hmmm... Nope. All been answered before. Some of them multiple times.

Response recorded on November 03, 2009

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Big Boy writes...

I have some questions considering the censorship of Spectacular Spider-Man. I don't think they will reveal any spoilers (I hope not). If they do, then you don't have to answer them.

1) Can you get away with Carnage being a serial killer in the show?
2) Can you get away with Morbius being a vampire that bites people and drinks blood in the show?
3) Can you get away with someone like Morlun in the show?
4) Can you get away with someone dying?
5) Did you keep Norman alive because you weren't allowed to keep him dead or did you keep him alive for the future?

Greg responds...

1-3. Hasn't come up yet.

4. Yes. We already have.

5. Why would I kill off Norman?

Response recorded on November 02, 2009

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Rinso writes...

Hi, Greg.
I must say that “The Spectacular Spider-Man” is the best superhero show I’ve ever seen. I totally love it. But I have two questions about it that has been sort of bugging me lately.

In Season 1 episode “Intervention”, after Peter rejects the symbiote, he returns it to Connors’ laboratory and tries to kill the alien by freezing the camera where it’s held. Eddie Brock sees him doing this and is enraged, because by killing the alien, Spider-Man destroyed his last chance to get back his job and thus his education in college. But less than a minute later, it turns out that the symbiote is unharmed and it’s actually fine. My question is â€" why did Brock had to free the alien and bond with it in order to pursue vengeance against Spider-Man? I mean, since it turned out that it was apparently alive and healthy, why couldn’t he just leave it in the camera? He would have gotten his job back and everything would have been fine with his life.

And my second question. Spoiler alert!

In “Final Curtain”, the final episode of Season 2, the identity of the Green Goblin was revealed for real. He was (of course) none other than Norman Osborn and it turned out that Harry’s unmasking in Season 1 was a red herring meant to throw Spider-Man (and the fans :P) off. Back in Season 1, during his last fight with Spider-Man, Norman faked a leg injury before escaping and later he found Harry unconscious, dressed him up in the Goblin costume and injured his leg, so he would limp in front of Spider-Man. My question is â€" why did he faked the injury in the first place? Did he knew before the fight with Spider-Man that Harry was laying unconscious back at home and planned to frame him as a back-up plan? Or did he found him when he came back after the fight? The latter doesn’t make much sense, because in such case there was no explicit need to fake an injury, but still, I wonder.

Sorry, these are probably annoying questions whose answers are “Just because!”, but still, they’re nagging me.

Fingers crossed for Season 3 happening. And 4, and 5, and…

Greg responds...


1. The "camera"? Anyway, Eddie heard the symbiote calling to him... and released it... pretty much in a semi-trance. At which point, it twisted his already semi-twisted thought processes.

2. He faked an injury with a plan to find a scapegoat later. Harry presented the perfect opportunity.

Response recorded on November 02, 2009

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Arthur Jr. writes...

Mr. Weisman, here are the following questions for you:

* I got your response for the Sinister Syndicate question. While Boomerang, Hydro-Man, Leila Davis (who became the second Beetle), Rhino, Scorpia, and Speed Demon are Spider-Man's enemies, you might be right about the other three. Outside of Beetle first appearing to fight the Fantastic Four and later fighting Spider-Man when getting revenge on Human Torch, Blacklash is an Iron Man villain who Spider-Man helped fight in Marvel Team-Up #72 and #149. Constrictor first appeared in Incredible Hulk #212 and fought Spider-Man and Moon Knight alongside Ringmaster in Marvel Team-Up Vol. 3 #7. Just giving any side info there in case you gain some inspiration for one of the possible future seasons.

* When it comes to other heroes appearing, the closest any series has got is when Peter Parker is a student at Empire University. If your show is successful, what season would have Peter attending attending that university?

* When it comes to your part on the show's characters, it would appear that you've amalgamated some of them to make the show interesting like when you had Montana become Shocker or making Walter Hardy the burglar that shot Uncle Ben (referred to as Dennis Carradine in the Spider-Man films). A similar thing occured in "Wolverine and the X-Men" where Nick Fury was an amalgam of the Earth-616 version and the Ultimate Marvel version (the latter version was also a supporting character in the Ultimate Spider-Man comics). If one of the other Marvel villains in the future season (the one I described in the note above) includes a certain Latverian monarch, would you do the same for Beetle (meaning combining the Earth-616 version and Ultimate Marvel version like you did with Doctor Octopus and Electro) and make him a mercenary to the Latverians? Of course we haven't heard anything in the development of that since the issue before the "Ultimatum" storyline.

Greg responds...

1. Thanks.

2. After Season Five, I suppose. If each season is 13 episodes.

3. Again, I do NOT have access to either Beetle or Doctor Doom, so I certainly haven't made any plans for them. And by the way, this comes VERY close to an idea posing as a question, so please reread the rules here at ASK GREG.

Response recorded on October 29, 2009

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Geoff writes...

I enjoy your work a lot, Greg. But, a few things have been bugging me about Spectacular Spiderman:

Why didn't anyone ask Peter why Spiderman supposedly makes time before fighting lethal supervillains to call a teenager to come take pictures of him like he said in "Identity Crisis"?

Did you ever feel the animation for Spectacular Spiderman was too simple and, for lack of a better term, goofy? I read that the animation style used was to make the fight scenes more fluid, which they were, don't get me wrong. Yet, a couple of moments in the fight scenes began to look very wacky. And, I mean the Donald Duck & Goofy in a boxing match kind of wacky.

Greg responds...

They did. Pete said Spidey was a "gloryhound".

The animation is fantastic. I think you're referring to the design style, which is something entirely different, but nevertheless, to my mind, also fantastic. I think your Donald and Goofy comparison is pure hyperbole -- and yet NOT a bad thing per se.

Response recorded on October 28, 2009

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Paul writes...

1) Did Tinkerer escape after Spidey interrogated him in "Shear Strength"? (Since he appeared again in "Probable Cause", I'm guessing he did.)

2) Is there a voice modulator in the Green Goblin's mask? (Surely there must be, since it's hard to believe that Norman puts on the Goblin's voice himself).

3) Would you say that the Norman Osborn in The Spectacular Spiderman is more influenced by the Norman of the 60s comics or the post-"resurrection" Norman of the 90s comics?

4) Would you say that the Green Goblin in The Spectacular Spiderman is more influenced by the Green Goblin of the 60s comics or the post-"resurrection" Green Goblin of the 90s comics?

Greg responds...

1. Asked and answered.

2. I believe so.

3. Some of each. But mostly the earlier stuff.

4. Mostly the earlier stuff.

Response recorded on October 28, 2009

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Nick writes...

I love this Spidey series, the animation, fight scenes, character and story development, and the theme song is just, well, Spectacular.

Can't wait for a Season 3 and 4, 5, hope it gets as many as possible, and I do have a couple of questions...

1. In the DVD things you have planned after this series is over are they gonna be more mature and maybe show an older peter ya' know him going to college and everything like that?

2. would you still need permission to use kingpin in the dvd's?

3. would you consider your venom more ultimate or amazing.

Greg responds...

1. There's nothing "planned". There's just a bit of wishful thinking on my part. But yes, I'd like the series to cover the high school years. And then do DVDs of the college years.

2. Yes.

3. It's a meld of many canon sources.

Response recorded on October 27, 2009

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MARVEL-FAN writes...

Greg, how come in the Spectacular Spider-Man it doesent use realistic gunshot sounds? But, Batman: The Brave and The Bold it uses realistic gunshot sounds, other Batman cartoon shows.

Greg responds...

Different networks have different rules, I guess.

Response recorded on October 27, 2009

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Pete writes...

forgot a few things...

1.) You said you couldnt think of anything u couldnt do beyond realistic gun shots, so can you say the word die, death, kill, killing, etc. (because the 90's series couldn't) and it seem you have been avoiding like electro saying i'll fry you for that freak, and Walter Hardy saying the night i ended ben parkers life.

2. Are you aloud to kill people, even if it is off screen.

3. Who is your favorite Goblin? (Green Goblin, Green Goblin II, Hobgoblin, Hobgoblin II, Demogoblin, I'll even count Mad Jack, etc.)

4. Who is your favorite symbiote?

5. In The Uncertainty Principle, was that a Man-Wolf cameo, and if it was, whos idea wass it.

6. In Destructiv Testing what did Calypso say to Kraven when he awoke in the car and said this change I...? All i got out of it wa "then I suit you love."

7. I love how these battle scenes are from the comics like Mysterio in the warehouse, Kraven in the park (when he trapped him in the webs in the trees), How he defeated Venom by tricking him, and others. Also love the other battle scenes, so my question is are you for making animated series and movies as close to the comic as possible?

this is all i can think of, hoping for a season 3, 4, 5, 6,....100, lol

Greg responds...

1. "Kill" is still, I'm guessing, verboten. I didn't even try to use it though, because I'm so used to the answer being no. So, who knows?

2. Yes. And we did.

3. No comment.

4. No comment.

5. No comment.

6. Something like "The eyes suit you, my love."

7. When it makes sense for us.

Response recorded on October 27, 2009

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Pete writes...

back again, just want to rephrase some of my questions and ask a few more, hope its not to much...

1.) If you could use any one else in the marvel universe for his or her own show who would it be?

2.) Same as question 1 but DC?

3.) Have you ever read Amazing Spiderman To Die a Hero, when F. Fosswell dies? I just want to know what you think of it, I personally think it's one of the better comics from the Lee/Romita stories right next to Spiderman No More.

4.) Which issue was the Kraven mutation I've read a few Ultimate comics. I just ordered Issues 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8. I already have 1,2 and 6.

Greg responds...

1 & 2. The list is nearly endless for both Marvel and DC. I've been reading those comics since I was a kid. Not every character has as rich a history as Spidey, but even the ones with less canon... leave me free to develop them more.

3. Yes. I like it.

4. I don't remember off the top of my head, and I don't have my Ultimates with me at this moment. Besides, that's research you can do on your own.

Response recorded on October 26, 2009

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Big Boy writes...

Who's idea was to use the flashbacks with Uncle Ben and all that in "Intervention"? THAT EPISODE WAS PURE GENIUS!!!!!! I LOVED IT!!! BEST EPISODE EVER MADE!! That episode alone blows the whole Spider-Man: TAS right out of the water. Congratulations! I can't believe they didn't use that idea in Spider-Man 3 and in TAS.

Greg responds...

Thanks. It was my idea.

Response recorded on October 23, 2009

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Jim writes...

Is your version of Eddie Brock named for his father? Both the movie and Ultimate editions of the character were juniors, and yours obviously borrows a lot from the Ultimate line. I don't think his full name has ever been stated on the show, which of course doesn't confirm it either way.

Greg responds...

I'm thinking he's a junior.

Response recorded on October 23, 2009

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Chris Krause writes...

Hey Greg.

First off, Kudos for finally making a media incarnation of Spider-man that really captures the essence of the character. I haven't enjoyed any of the other cartoons, nor the movies as much as your show.

Moving on, I had a question concerning both the Stacy's. I've really enjoyed the relationship you've set up with Peter and Captain Stacy. It reminds me very much of a Gordon/Batman-esque relationship, with Stacy all but saying he knows who Spidey is (much like Gordon has done throughout the years with Bats.) Now, I think we all know the future of Captain Stacy in the comics, but I was wondering if you were toying around with the idea of sparing this particular Stacy that fate.

Being a comic fan, I naturally shy away from changing big events like that, but I can't imagine Batman without Gordon, and after seeing the relationship you've established between Stacy and Pete, I'm not sure I want to see a Spider-man without a Captain Stacy.

Leading into that, we all also know the fate of Gwen in the comics. I've read that you were toying around with doing this in a direct to dvd format, after you get to do a full run of the series, which I think would be a great idea, because I personally think The Death of Gwen Stacy story could be great material to rival other great animated superhero movies like "Mask Of The Phantasm."

Going off the first question, I was wondering, if you do decide to do a Gwen's Death movie, if you've considered leaving Captain Stacy alive for that as well. Watching how Stacy has (apparently) deduced Spidey's identity, it made me wonder how he would react to Peter since Peter's involvement in his daughter's life lead to her death.

Any who, thanks again! I really hope you get picked up for a third season. Watching Spectacular Spidey makes me wish they had picked up you to write the movies. When they reboot the Spidey series (probably 20 years down the road) you should jump on that!

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on October 23, 2009

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adham writes...

When will the spectacular spider-man season 3 come?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Please check the archives.

Response recorded on October 21, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...

You know, normally I don't do this, but this recent answer about Xanatos and Norman Osborn tickled me on a fanboy level:

"I think he would have been appalled at Norman's parental approach. He'd of course have to admire his business acumen and respect his machiavellian bent. But I find it hard to imagine the two has friends. "

The comparisons between Xanatos and Osborn are obviously easy. But comparing and contrasting Demona and Osborn seems to intrigue me a little more... especially on a parental level.

Now, I don't think it's a stretch to say that both of them love their children... albeit in a twisted, almost possessive way.

This is almost tough since we've gotten really only one episode of Demona and Angela ("The Reckoning") and several episodes of Norman and Harry... not to mention forty three years of comic books delving into them. But, for now, I think I'll stick to "Spectacular" in this topic.

Up front, one key difference is that Demona never got to be a parent. She met Angela for the first time when Angela was already an adult. Contrary to Norman, who raised Harry since birth but was never a good father to him.

Both Norman and Demona are willing to commit unspeakably horrible acts and rationalize them by saying they're in their children's best interests. In Demona's case, she cited protecting Angela in "Hunter's Moon Part Three" and Norman justified framing Harry because if he'd been sent to prison, who'd have made a man out of Harry.

Would Demona risk herself to protect Angela? We know she would. We've seen her do it. Would Norman risk his life to protect Harry? In the current comics, the answer is definitely no. In SSM, I'm... not sure. I'm really not.

I tend to think that both of them see their respective children as property. There are several instances of Norman treating Harry like property. And Demona did use the phrase "she belongs to me" when Thailog threatened Angela.

I definitely think Demona loves Angela more than Norman loves Harry (Hell, Norman doesn't even like his own kid). But even there, Demona was more than willing to risk Angela's life at the end of "Hunter's Moon Part Three" to escape... there was no guarantee Goliath would have been able to catch that vial.

Now, I realize I'm answering a lot of my own questions and I have my own interpretations here, but I'd be curious to read your thoughts here?

Greg responds...

It still feels a bit like Apples and Oranges to me. Let's face it: Demona is really f***'d up. Norman isn't. He knows his options and is doing exactly what he wants, is being exactly who he wants to be.

As for parenting, Norman rationalizes... a little. Demona's entire life is a rationalization, with Angela being only a part. If Angela could meet the Demona that Demona and Goliath met in "Vows", we might see a very different dynamic. But at best now, D's playing catch-up.

Response recorded on October 20, 2009

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Aldrius writes...

Just to clear one thing up before writing my little ramble on Criminology.

You said in response to my ramble on Engineering 101:

"We were absolutely NOT going for the idea that his arms were the Master Planner. What we were going for was the idea that Otto was a big, fat faker in "Reinforcement". And I would think that his conversation with Electro in "Shear Strength" made that pretty clear."

Just to be clear, I was speaking about when the arms show up during Reinforcement. *Prior* to watching Shear Strength, I didn't believe that the arms themselves were responsible for what was going on, which is what other people I spoke to seemed to believe, I wasn't even sure what the show was trying to imply with that scene. It was just to confuse us, wasn't it? All I was saying was that, that didn't particularly confuse me. I mostly just thought it was a big red herring.

Anyway, hope that didn't sound harsh, not my intention. Trying to spread clarity not disparity!

Now, on to what is arguably my favourite arc of this season.

**Spider-man spoilers**


Love Captain George Stacy. Everything he says is cool, everything he does is cool. My only real complaint (and this is barely a complaint, it's certainly not legitimate) is that we're not seeing enough of Norman Osborn to see the contrast between Peter's two father figures, but I guess there just wasn't room.

Speaking of people not appearing, I personally thought Tombstone took a little too long to show up, and his limited role in his grand return, as well as his sudden disappearance an episode later were both a bit disappointing. I know that there's just so much stuff to cram into 13 episodes, but as someone who's only mildly interested in Peter's love life, and who's very interested in the shenanigans of the mob bosses, I didn't particularly appreciate this.

Anyway, now that I've got my very minor complaints out of the way! Time for the praise. I really did enjoy Tombstone's lines and demeanor as usual. And Jeff Bennett's Shocker is as always a real treat. (Josh Keaton's reaction and mockery of "Squash the Bug" had me howling with laughter.)

Also really liked Silvermane. Loved his voice, made me think of an old tough, street thug. Also really liked Silver Sable. Nothing in particular, but the design, voice and personality really added up to a pretty cool character. Also loved the history involved in the gangs. I wonder what Tombstone's story is. Probably something to explore in season 3.

All the fights were good, and I loved the opera music and the Black Cat cameo. Though when I originally watched this I wondered if that was all we were going to get of her this season. I figured we'd see her again, though.

George Stacy and Foswell made nice narrators for this arc. And I liked that we got to see a bit more into Foswell's history here too. Just as it's nice to see Stacy behaving like a real detective, it's nice to see Foswell as a real investigative reporter. And I love Stacy's 'something wrong, Son?' to Peter. Also the muscial theme that plays whenever Stacy implies he knows Spider-man's secret is unintentionally hilarious, but I love it anyway.

Oh, and though it's unlikely, I'd love to see an OST of the series. The Green Goblin's theme, the theme that played through out Accomplices and George Stacy's theme are all awesome.

Overall, by far my favourite arc so far (that I've reviewed) of this season, and nothing but good episodes therein.

Couple of questions this time.

1) Would you say that Venom is something of a bastard? I initially thought of him as more of a trickster (especially when he was posing as Spider-man) but then it struck me that maybe he was more of a failed trickster (i.e. attempting a tactic that somebody else has already tried, and doing a not very good job at it.) so I've come to the conclusion that he's actually just a bastard.

2) Why the fusion between Silvermane's daughter and Silver Sable? As I said I enjoyed the character, so this isn't a complaint. (Though I was a fan of the Silver Sable in the Ultimate Spider-man video game as well)And I'm not actually familiar with the 616 version of the character, so was this a large change for Sable? Was it a large change for for Silvermane's daughter? Was it a case of needing an identity for Silvermane's child, or was it a way to make Silver Sable more relevant to the events of the arc? (Or more likely, was it both?)

3)Was there a specific reason for Tombstone's absence during most of the season? Or was he just occupying his usual role of manipulating things from the shadows?

I had more questions, but I can't remember them right now, so look forward to those in future rambles!

Thanks a lot for taking the time to respond, Greg.

Greg responds...

1. More of a sonnovabitch than a bastard.

2. In a cohesive world, like the one we're trying to create on this show, it just didn't work for us to have Silvermane and Silver Sable not be related. Nearly fifty years of continuity gives the two comic book characters enough breathing room to have no connection, but a mere 26 episodes did not. So we conflated Silvermane's offspring and Sable. Having said that we also extrapolated BACKWARDS for Sable, to show her origins. This is where she starts, folks. Not where she ends up.

3. He's exactly where he needs to be in our opinion.

Response recorded on October 20, 2009

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Paul writes...

1) Will the deal between Tombstone and Venom in "Nature vs. Nurture" be brought up again in future seasons? I was surprised that it wasn't referenced in season 2.

2) When the gang war arc for season 2 was being scripted, was it originally intended for the Fisks to be used as the crime family attempting to reclaim their power, instead of the Manfredis? The way Silvermane was written in season 2 strikes me as though his role was originally intended for Kingpin, just as Tombstone's role was originally intended for Kingpin. So were you hoping to use Kingpin in the gang war arc, only to find that you couldn't? (I guess this is 2 questions, rather than 1.)

Greg responds...

1. Kinda was cancelled when the Symbiote was concreted.

2. No. By this time, we knew that Kingpin was off-limits. And Silvermane was always slotted to be Silvermane.

Response recorded on October 20, 2009

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fred writes...

hey greg, huge spectacular spiderman fan, loved it since day one. although i have some questions...
1. are ratings the only thing this show needs to continue?

2. is it possible that spiderman could be commisioned for a season 4 and 5 at the same time as 3?

3. if someone approached you and asked will you come up with a story for a spectacular spiderman game would you accept?

4. if norman's body was found and everybody knows he's the goblin inside and outside the animated universe than there is really no possibilty he will come back is there?

5. would you like stan lee to have any more cameos?

6. how big of a fan are you of carnage, i know you like him but is he like goblin level or shocker level?

7. last question, the DVD things after this show is over, are they a for sure or just a maybe?


Greg responds...

1. As far as I know, that'll be the main deciding factor.

2. Anything's possible.

3. Sure.

4. No comment.

5. Yes.

6. I'm not big on quantifying subjective things.

7. Just something I'd like to do.

Response recorded on October 19, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

Typo in one of my previous question. Instead of typing "call Blackie" I typed "a simple Blackie". I was at first going to say a simple Bookie, but I just ended up changing the question without editing the line. Didn't want that to be misunderstood by anyone to mean something else.

Greg responds...

Uh... okay...

Response recorded on October 15, 2009

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Big Boy writes...

Hello, your highness (you deserve to be called that because you are AWESOME). I know you plan on continuing Spectacular Spider-Man with DVD movies once the show is over but have you also considered continuing the show with a comic book just like you've continued Gargoyles with a comic book?

Greg responds...

I'd love to. But it's not up to me. Though I have made the suggestion to Marvel.

And to be clear, I don't "plan" on continuing Spec Spidey w/DVDs. I just would like to... AFTER we've done 65 episodes.

Response recorded on October 14, 2009

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Big Boy writes...

Have you watched The Goliath Chronicles (season 3 Gargoyles)? If yes, what did you think of it?

P.S. The Manhattan Clan is the best super hero TEAM ever made. It's better than the Justice League, better than Teen Titans, better than the Avengers, better than the Autobots, better than the ninja turtles, BETTER THAN ANY SUPERHERO TEAM EVER!!!! Also, your version of Spider-Man is the best super hero ever!!!

Greg responds...

Check the archives for the answer to your question.

Thanks for your kind words.

Response recorded on October 13, 2009

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Timothy Fackler writes...

Hello again,

you asked "But -- and this is the key question -- are you public domain?"

I'm not really sure what you mean by that, but I'm definitely not copyrighted.
So, I guess, sure, I'm public domain.
If you feel so inclined you could email me at: fackler.timothy@gmail.com

I'd love to hear from you and see if there is any possibility.
Thank your time again.

Greg responds...

I've forgotten what we're talking about, but if you are an individual then in fact you own you. So you're not public domain and not free for me to put into the series (if that's what this is about).

Response recorded on October 12, 2009

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