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ClarkeC writes...

Hey Mr.Weisman, managed to check out Starbrand and Nightmask and it was pretty good to no one's surprise. Also congrats on a season 3 of Young Justice. I just have two questions regarding that show.
1. You mentioned that there was both a timeline(that only you and Brandon are privy to) and a series bible(with details like Vandal Savage being Attila
the Hun supposedly). In the context of Young Justice, is their a difference or are they more or less the same.
2. You mentioned on this site that you used post cards and a giant billboards with different cards with different colors to establish certain dialogue or plot points. Do you also use them for events off screen such during the time skip or prior to the series?
Thanks in advance for time.

Greg responds...

1. They are two different documents. I'm constantly updating the timeline. The bible, I haven't looked at in five years.

2. Index cards, not post cards. And, yes, sometimes.

Response recorded on February 28, 2017

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Megan writes...

Would it be fair to describe Wally's relationship with Artemis on Young Justice as being an unhealthy one for him? Because as much as I loved Artemis as a character, I failed to see what Wally got out of their relationship that could have been considered beneficial for him over the course of the series. It appeared the entire basis of their relationship as it was portrayed on the show was Wally doing all the work and making all the concessions because only Artemis' wants and needs really mattered within it.

Wally was shown to take the initiative to tell her she was beautiful, tell her she was brilliant, tell her she had nothing to prove, take her hand in support, stand up for her, and show complete trust & faith in her at various points in the episodes "Bereft" & "Insecurity" during the first season to combat her insecurities and their rough beginnings while Artemis was only really shown to think he was a joke and treated him as such unless he was propping her up. Even when the show was having Kent Nelson nudge Wally in her direction in "Denial" she was only shown to think and expect the worst of him in the episode.

So where Wally was shown to like and accept Artemis for who she was by the end of the season, I thought Artemis was just going to reinforce whatever doubts and insecurities he had about himself based on her never being shown to like anything about him on a personal level and their interactions. I just didn't see how her constantly belittling, criticizing, and expecting the worst of him like she was shown to do was a solid foundation for a healthy relationship given his own apparent insecurities. The only thing Artemis was shown to accept was that he thought she was great.

The second season appeared to follow a similar strategy. Wally was once again doing the heavy lifting and making sacrifices for Artemis because she was important to him while she was off "having fun" doing the hero thing like she wanted to do. It wasn't until she began feeling sorry for herself after things had taken a turn for the worse on the mission that she started to doubt her choice if what she said was to be believed. It would have been one thing if she was shown to care about what she was putting Wally through or about what he wanted, but it appeared she only cared about what was best for her in the grand scheme of things.

That was why I thought Wally came across as being more of a tool Artemis could use or toss away depending on what was convenient for her at the time than he did as her partner since there never appeared to be anything equal about their relationship on the show. Wally ended up being an ineffective plot device since Artemis was never really shown to have any real attachment to him or their relationship beyond what he/it could do for her. I know you have said Artemis supposedly loved him, but her actions and the choices she was shown to make over the course of the series made it feel like the show forced her into a relationship her character wanted absolutely nothing to be with. I couldn't help but think Wally deserved better than that.

Greg responds...

Well, I mean I obviously disagree strenuously with nearly everything you've written above. I'm not even sure how to respond to this.

But here are a few examples to refute your arguments:
*Artemis clearly knew she liked Wally long before he realized he liked her.
*She shows her love and care for him the night he comes back from trying to talk to the clone Roy Harper.
*She feels horribly guilty for leaving Wally and risking what they had.

She's not perfect. Neither is he. But they seemed like a great couple to me. And I certainly don't see him as a "plot device" for her. He's a character in his own right. So is she. At least that's my opinion. And it seems to be the opinion of the majority of the fans, who worship at the Spitfire altar. And while that proves nothing, it does suggest that we were more successful demonstrating my take on things than you indicate.

But your mileage may vary. I can't make you change your mind if you're not feeling it. But you're hardly going to make me change my mind either.

It might have helped if we hadn't cut the dialogue in "Endgame" where he says he wants to come out of retirement and go back to the hero life. Have it all with her. We cut it because we thought it telegraphed his death too much. But maybe that was a mistake. It might have changed things a touch for you. Or not. Probably not. But <shrug>, that's all I can think of that we might have done differently. I'm pretty happy with what got on screen.

Response recorded on February 27, 2017

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Thomas writes...

Because the Y.J universe is so interesting

1: Why did Dan Garrett never join the JSA?

2: Just to confirm, the Joker fights Batman primarily right? As this universe is unique, he might be Green Arrow's problem.

3: How many superheroes are based in areas outside of the United States?

4: Did Lex and Clark know each other prior to Clark taking up the cape?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. He might be. (He's not, but he might be.) No spoilers.

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on February 22, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

First off I would like to say how much I enjoy the tv show Young Justice. I love DC Universe in general and the tv show Young Justice is one of my favorites out of all of them. I was very excited to hear the announcement for the third season. I can't wait to see what your team will come up with! Don't worry I wont ask for spoilers. I read the other comments. I know how you feel about them. But I do have a question. The show doesn't give much on the life of Batman and Robin but there are hints that Bruce is more of a father to Dick at least in his own way. This isn't the case in a lot of other tv shows. In most versions Robin ends up growing apart from Batman. Granted, we don't know what happened in the 5 year skip and I wont ask. But Batman does treat Nightwing as more of a partner. Is there a specific reason for this? Or and I'm going to go on a limb here and may or may not answer my own question, is it because you wanted to focus on the team?

Greg responds...

Well, of course we want to focus on the Team. But we also interpreted the Batman/Robin/Nightwing relationship as a solid one. In my opinion, Dick doesn't have to be estranged from Batman to grow up.

Response recorded on February 21, 2017

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Kolty writes...

So in Young Justice, you cast Bruce Greenwood as Batman, but not John DiMaggio as the Joker. Any reason on ditching that match-up? I find it amusing.

Greg responds...

I don't know why it's amusing. We weren't/aren't in continuity with the Red Hood movie. But we felt Bruce was right for our Batman, and that John's interpretation of Joker wasn't right for our version of the character. Love John's work, however, as any fan of The Spectacular Spider-Man must know.

Response recorded on February 21, 2017

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ShadowKiller2000 writes...

Hi Greg,
I recently finished watching Young Justice and loved it and I have some questions.
1) What was your favorite episode?
2)When did you start reading DC comics? Did you grow up reading them or is it just something you read before the production of the show?

Greg responds...

1. I kinda love them all. But if I had to pick just one, it would probably be "Misplaced."

2. I grew up reading DC and Marvel comics since I was a little kid.

Response recorded on February 21, 2017

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Kevin writes...

1. Did Vandal Savage have multiple children over the years to improve the human race? I am aware he had named children in the comics and I am not asking if they will appear just in general did he decide to improve the human race with his bloodline over the years?
2. Does Vandal Savage have the potential to know every single language since he was born before civilization
3. His incarnation in Young Justice is much more cerebral and more restrained then his previous portrayals what made you decide to go in this direction with the character? In my opinion it should be the standard how you portray lead antagonists.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. Potentially, all Earth languages, yes.

3. It felt right and true to the character.

Response recorded on February 16, 2017

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Kevin writes...

1. When Klarion called Zatanna spells' baby magic was he referring to her way of using magic speaking backwards or spoken magic in general?
2. Why would some magic users call themselves wizards or witches as opposed to sorcerers or sorceresses for example Wizard as a wizard and Wotan as a sorcerer?
3. How did Kent Nelson get away from Doctor Fate's control since the good doctor seems to be very strict with free will when it comes to fighting Chaos?

Greg responds...

1. Mostly neither, but maybe a little of the former.

2. I'm gonna say that you need to ask them. These may all be synonyms of a sort in the Earth-16 universe.

3. In those days, he took off the helmet after a mission. One day, he just never put it back on.

Response recorded on February 16, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

I have a question about superboy, and I'm sorry if my english is messed up, english is not my native language. I watched and readed all young justice data, and after that I couldn't help but think that superboy is too weak if we compare with the others. I mean, not in terms of power and all, but all the ex-sidekicks had their evolution in some aspects, but superboy was not that good in aspect of evolution, after all, his condition kind of prevents him to get stronger, and I think anyone who watched yj may think that way. On top of that, even wonder girl seems to be as strong as him (or almost), and has her bracelets, lasso and flight. My question is not if he will get stronger (or not) because it would be a spoiler question, but I want to know your opinion about the last superboy that was shown. Do you agree that Superboy was shown a little weak? If not, why do you think that way? i'm not asking you as a creator, but as a viewer, so please, give your opinion about it.

Greg responds...

If by "evolution" you're ONLY talking about his super-powers, than I'll just say he is what he is. He's stronger and more invulnerable than Wonder Girl. But she does have other abilities. He's had extensive martial arts training and can still leap tall buildings in a single bound (more or less). But we're not looking to power him up or over-power him.

As to him being weak: no. I don't think he's weak at all. I don't know why you'd think that.

And, of course, I do think he's evolved a TON as a character. Probably more than anyone else.

Response recorded on February 15, 2017

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Bat-Mite writes...

How smart is Batman? What college degrees does he have? Which subjects does he have degrees in?

Greg responds...

He's smart.

I'm guessing, Bruce Wayne has a B.A. of some kind. And I'm guessing that's all he has, officially. But that doesn't mean he hasn't studied up on a number of subjects that he has no college degree for.

And, by the way, I assume we're talking about YJ's version of Batman. Because otherwise, I'm no more qualified to make pronouncements about him than you or anyone is.

Response recorded on February 14, 2017

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg,
I've heard somewhere (I don't remember where) that Sportsmaster was supposed to have the ability to copy people's fighting styles after watching them (or something along those lines), but I haven't been able to find any source about that. Can you confirm or deny this?

Greg responds...

Nope. Can't confirm or deny. Which doesn't mean it didn't appear in some comic or other. Doesn't mean it did, either.

Response recorded on February 14, 2017

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KOBreezy521 writes...

Hello Greg!

Thank you for all the great work you have supplied to my childhood and young adult life! YJ was a Saturday tradition with my cousins at my great-grandmother's house (even after some of us graduated high school).

Ok I apologize in advance if this has been asked and answered, but..during their encounter in "Infiltrators" was this the first time Artemis has seen Jade since Jade left?

I love their dynamic throughout the series, and look forward to seeing their developments going into Season 3.

And with that: Congratulations on Season 3! Thank you to you and your team for working with the Fandom to be able to see these guys back in action!!!
(Keeping my fingers crossed for more Spitfire, but no Spoiler request here)

Greg responds...

I'm not going to reveal whether or not it was the first time they had laid eyes on each other, but clearly Artemis didn't know about Jade's Cheshire identity.

Response recorded on February 14, 2017

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Paul writes...

1) Hi Greg, now that season 3 is a go, can I just ask: is Troia off-limits again (like she was when you started work on Young Justice), or is she still a character that you can use (should you choose to)?

2) In theory, would DC's insistence on calling Captain Marvel Shazam impact on your use of him or the Marvel Family in future episodes? To put it another way, would the Marvel Family still be called the Marvel Family?

Greg responds...

1. I'll reiterate what I've already revealed. Troia was off limits only at the very beginning of Season One. So we never considered using her in that season. Partway through the season, we were told she was now available, but by that time all our plans for Season One had solidified and it was too late to include her. We had planned on including her in Season Two, at both Raquel's wedding shower and in the final mission against the Reach MFDs. But production concerns - not enough hours in the day - made that impossible. I won't address whether we plan to use her in Season Three, but I will say that as far as I know, there are no off limits characters. At any rate, no one we've asked to use has been vetoed.

2. Have we EVER called them the Marvel Family?

Response recorded on February 14, 2017

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Thomas the Liberal writes...

So thrilled that the show is back. Between the Pokemon spoilers and the election results this is a nice glimmer of hope.

Okay, let's see if I can set up non-spoiler ridden questions.

1: Does the Flash Museum exist in Earth 16? Do any other heroes have museums other than perhaps the justice league's public base?

2: So how did Jay's semi retirement work? Did he not actively patrol the city like a active hero, but would react if he hears about a fire or something?

3: Did any other Society members semi-retire like Jay did?

4: Have the Kent parents ever met other Justice League members?

5: Whose the best dancer in the Justice League?

Greg responds...

1. I'm thinking no.

2. More or less. Or come out when he felt needed.

3. No spoilers.

4. Ever? Probably.

5. Snapper Carr, of course.

Response recorded on February 13, 2017

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Paul writes...

First, I'm very excited that Young Justice is getting a third season!
Second, I've been wondering about this for a while, but the third season prompted me to ask. As Tigress, Artemis uses different weapons (like a sword) and more close quarters combat than she did before-she's more like Cheshire in that sense. Was Artemis trained the same way as Cheshire, or did they have different specialties from the beginning

And this might be a spoiler, but is it safe to say that Artemis is on Cheshire's level now? She wasn't in Season 1, but with age and more experience, are they pretty comparable?


Greg responds...

1. So are we.

2. Artemis and Jade were both trained similarly by their father, at least initially, but they had different specialties. Artemis (relative) lack of physical strength as a pre-teen and teenager, made archery a good choice for her.

3. We'll have to see if they ever have reason to test your theory...

Response recorded on February 13, 2017

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Steven writes...

1. Hey Greg, I've heard you ask what makes the Speed Force a special case, and why is there a speed force but not a strength force, etc. This is because the Speed Force isn't the force behind all speed and momentum in the universe. It is an extra-dimensional energy field that grants some people a connection to it's energy, giving them speed based powers. This is why people like superman are not connected to the speed force even though they have super speed. The Speed Force selects certain individuals. Not sure if this will help you understand the concept of the Speed Force any more than you already do, but I hope it did.

2. Does Deathstroke have any form of enhanced strength, speed, durability, agility, etc, like he does in the comics?

Greg responds...

1. It STILL seems arbitrary. Why not a STRENGTH FORCE that chooses specific folks to have strength? An ACCURACY FORCE that chooses specific people to be great archers? It doesn't change any of my arguments against. But, hell, what do I know? When the concept of the meta-gene was first introduced to DC Comics, I had a similar negative reaction to the creation of something that explained something that required no explanation. And now the meta-gene is ALL OVER YJ. Does that make me a hyprocrite or someone who's opinion is constantly evolving... if slowly?

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 30, 2017

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Kira writes...

Why did JUSTICE League let BILLY stay a member after they found out he was ten years old?

Greg responds...

Presumably, because enough of the members were sympathetic enough to his desire to stay in the League that their votes won out over them being responsible.

Response recorded on January 30, 2017

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Todd Jensen writes...

I thought I'd tell you that I enjoyed your recent response to the question about how the Martians in "Young Justice" feel about depictions of Martians in human pop culture as invaders (whether H. G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds" and its movie adaptations or Marvin the Martian in "Looney Tunes") - especially the bit about Martian Manhunter being bewildered by the title of "Life on Mars". It reminded me of my occasional musings over how Goliath and his clan must have responded to the way that gargoyles are depicted in pop culture - generally the bad guys (particularly in "Dungeons and Dragons"-type fantasy role-playing games) - with more sympathetic portrayals being much rarer (though I've seen a few outside the series, such as the Ultima computer games or the children's picture book "God Bless the Gargoyles"). (Though I won't ask you about the details of the Manhattan clan's response, since those probably fall in the "no spoilers" category.)

Greg responds...

Yeah, it's always interesting (if somewhat dicey) to start playing those meta-fictional games. How does Dr. Watson's published accounts of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes effect his life and methods, etc.

Response recorded on January 30, 2017

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Bat-Mite writes...

Did the Joker kill Jason Todd?

Greg responds...

I assume you're asking about YJ. In which case... No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 25, 2017

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Phil Anderson writes...

Grand Rapids Comic-Con Journal
October 21-23, 2016

This past weekend I spent three days at the Grand Rapids Comic Con where I finally got my chance to meet Greg Weisman. I've been following him at Station 8 for almost twenty years, but I never made it to any of the Gatherings so I had never met him in person before.

After weeks of anticipation Friday came. I took the afternoon off work and set out for the convention center, ten minutes from my house. Comic Con is a different world; there were a lot of people wearing costumes, some quite impressive and others not so much. Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad version) is the most popular this year.

I grabbed a program, checked the map, and made a beeline for Greg's table. I arrived to find him talking to a Penguin. (Not the flightless Antarctic bird, but a man in a tuxedo wearing a pointy rubber nose and carrying an umbrella.) I circled around a few times, watching for my opportunity while trying to remain inconspicuous. The Penguin and his friend finally walked away and I stepped up to the table.

"Hi, I'm Phil," I said.

"Hi Phil," he replied. He pointed out the scripts, books, and posters he had for sale. "Let me know if you have any questions." (Do I have questions?!)

He was responding to an important text on his phone, so I hesitated for a moment. "I'm a big fan. I've been following you on Ask Greg at Station 8 for almost twenty years."

He looked up at me. "Oh, you're *that* Phil." He shook my hand.

I don't remember what I said next. Something fanboy-ish, I'm sure. He smiled. I didn't know what to say next. He didn't seem to know what to say. It was awkward. Very awkward.

I told him I would see him again soon, since I had a lot of stuff for him to sign, and walked away. Then I remembered that I wanted a picture to send my daughters (who were driving home from college to meet Greg on Saturday) so I went back. He came out from behind his table and we took a selfie. He looks a little uncertain in the picture.

After walking around a little more, I left to pick up my teenage son, Henry, from school and bring him back to the Con with me. We explored together, commenting on the interesting and the weird. He seemed a little overwhelmed.

We passed by Greg's table again and met Mara, who was there with Greg. She was easier to talk to than Greg. I introduced Henry, and mentioned that he was a fan of Young Justice. Greg told us about the Young Justice presentation he was doing that evening. Henry looked over the scripts and art prints Greg was selling and determined how much money he would need to bring the next day. Then we continued on our way. It was less awkward this time.

Henry and I went to the Young Justice presentation. To be honest, Young Justice never grabbed me, despite Greg's involvement. (I'm more of a Marvel fan.) But it was enjoyable nonetheless. Greg is much more personable and engaging in front of a group. He talked about the strategy for getting Season 3: binge watch Netflix and buy the comics online (so WB sees the money).

After that, the Con was winding down for the night, so we drove home. Henry asked to watch Young Justice again on Netflix that night, but there was homework and housework to do. He also asked how he could get the Young Justice comics in time for Greg to autograph them.

Late that night my two oldest daughters arrived home from college with five friends. Saturday morning eleven of us were ready for Comic Con (my wife and I, our four kids [three daughters and a son], and five college friends). My girls all wanted to dress up, but there was a bit of conflict over who would be what character. The older and younger ended up both going as Elisa Maza, while the middle one painted a blue fox tattoo around her eye. Henry was planning to wear a Star Wars T-shirt and carry a lightsaber, but his sisters pressured him into painting three red stripes on his face and going as Young Gillecomgain. My oldest daughter's boyfriend wore a Gargoyles T-shirt that we later realized was not official merchandise. We were ready to go.

Upon entering Comic Con on Saturday we headed straight for Greg's table. I introduced my family and Greg seemed a little overwhelmed. My daughters were all speechless and my oldest gave a fangirl squeal. My wife (who only came along so she wouldn't have to spend the day at home alone) asked Greg about his convention schedule and how many he goes to each year. They had a normal conversation, no awkwardness at all.

During the course of the day we stopped back at Greg's table several times. We bought books and scripts and art prints. We had him sign stuff we brought from home: DVDs, comics, a Gargoyles picture book, and printouts of "Three Brothers" and "Hyppolyta" (which Greg said he had never signed before). I tried to get some clarification on the Percival/Duval/Peredur relationship, but all Greg would say is "All things are true."

We went to a panel that afternoon led by Comfort Love and Adam Withers. Greg was participating and when we trooped in a few minutes before it started he pointed us out to his fellow panelists. Later in the day when we walked by Comfort and Adam's table she recognized us as "Greg's posse" which my daughter thought was the best moment of the day.

We couldn't make it Sunday morning, so I missed Greg's presentation on "TV Production from Beginning to End" but I was there in the afternoon in time for another panel with Comfort and Adam. After the panel Greg had to leave soon to catch his flight, so I hurried to his table to buy a couple more things and shake his hand one more time.

Overall it was a fun weekend. Greg Weisman is a celebrity at my house and it was great to meet him. Each time I stopped at his table it was a little less awkward, and I enjoyed talking to him. I still have a lot of questions, but none that I actually wanted him to answer in person. I don't just want to know what happens next, I want to see/read/experience it. So here's hoping for more Greg and more Gargoyles in some form, someday.

Greg responds...

From your lips...

It was great meeting you in person. I hope I wasn't QUITE so awkward or unapproachable. I am better in front of an audience than I am at making small talk. But I get by. :)

Response recorded on January 25, 2017

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Algernon writes...

I don't usually ask YJ questions but I just gotta know something...

What exactly is a Ma'alefa'ak?

Greg responds...

A rabid beast on Mars.

Response recorded on January 25, 2017

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RobinFan writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman. I've got some questions about YJ.

1) How can Commissioner Gordon afford to have Barbara in a private academy?
2) Does Barbara have any siblings?
3) Are any of the 2 Roy Harpers the chick magnet he is in the comics?
4) Does Conner Kent have a second name?
5) Did Wally and Artemis stay together during the 5 year time jump, or did they ever "take a break"?

Greg responds...

1. Scholarship.

2. Nope.

3. Well, clone Roy seemed pretty magnetic to Cheshire.

4. You mean, like, Superboy?

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 23, 2017

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R.I.P. Miguel Ferrer

Just a few words about Miguel Ferrer, who passed away yesterday. I won't pretend I knew him very well, but he was always a pleasure to have in the booth. He was the voice of Silvio "Silvermane" Manfredi on The Spectacular Spider-Man, and Bo "Bibbo" Bibbowski and Tribune #1 on Young Justice.

Did I forget anything? Oh, yes. His brilliant portrayal of Vandal Savage in Young Justice, making him one of the most interesting and complex hero/villains I've ever had the pleasure of working on.

His talent - both in material I was involved in and in the many, many things I simply watched as a fan - was immense.

He will be missed.

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Jon Winsil writes...

Dear Mr Weisman,
I would like to thank you for all the great work you have done in past, and I look foward, as I'm sure many of us do, to seeing it being continued. I would like to, in my question, both ask, as well as show my support and desire for a continuation of the Young Justice series. I really hope that the series will be continued, as many of us do - the statistics around the reception of the show speak for themselves. My question, is as follows:
Why (and I personally belive that this is one of the many reasons why it was so good) did the team behind The Team choose to introduce a heavy emphasis on the interpersonal relationships and the back story's of each character?
Thank you for considering my question,
Kind regards, a loyal fan of Young Justice

Greg responds...

Well, as you probably know by now, we're at work on Season Three.

But I'll admit to being a bit mystified by your question. What else would we deal with INSTEAD of "the interpersonal relationships and the back story's of each character"?

Response recorded on January 17, 2017

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Dane writes...

Hey, got some more questions for this awesome show.
1. What is Icicle Jr.'s ethnicity?
2. Did it annoy Tommy when Junior hit on Tuppence?
3. Every time he hit on Tuppence (in Darkest) or Miss Martian (in Terrors) did he not realize that they weren't interested in him at all or did he just pretend not to notice? Sometimes it seemed like he was absolutely oblivious, even when Miss Martian clearly pulled a face at him in the prison bus or when Tuppence crushed his hand he didn't seem to be discouraged by that.
4. Does the Manta Flyer require at least five people to operate it, or could Kaldur and Tigress have controlled it even with fewer crew members?
5. Cameron seemed to know his way around technology. Did Senior teach him a thing or two growing up, because in the video game Cam was able to operate the machine to retrieve the artifact from the ice?

Greg responds...

1. Um... he's a white dude.

2. Not as much as it annoyed Tuppence.

3. Oblivious sounds about right.

4. It only requires one.

5. He's learned what he needs to know. I doubt Icicle Sr. taught him much about tech. My son teaches me, not the other way around.

Response recorded on January 16, 2017

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Jack writes...

Hey Greg!
1) What was Mister Twister's connection to the Light? Had the Brain not mentioned him I would have assumed T.O. Morrow was operating independently.

2) In a few of the Light's earlier appearances (where their faces are obscured) there are more screens on the wall than there are members. Was this an animation error or a deliberate choice in order to make their identities more cryptic (to both the audience and other characters)?

3) In issue 11 of the YJ comic, Ra's al Ghul's plan is to use a rocket to pretty much wipe out civilization. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Light's plan to put the human race in a high position on a galactic level, and allow humanity to evolve to its highest level? Doesn't Ra's and Talia's plan seem counterproductive, then?

Thanks for continuing to make quality cartoons! I'm always looking forward to your next projects.

Greg responds...

1. Stikk worked for Morrow. Morrow was an associate of the Light's. As you may recall, Klarion was expecting to work with Morrow on the Starro Tech, but got Ivo instead.

2. Neither.

3. Well, first off, it was never Talia's plan. Second off, Vandal's mandate is survival of the fittest. If Ra's successfully killed off much of the population, all the fittest of who remained would survive and be stronger for it, right? (Keep in mind, I'm not actually advocating this approach, but...)

Response recorded on January 13, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Could the characters in Young Justice swear in a foreign language? i.e. Could Dorado have said "boludo"?

Greg responds...

You mean for foreign television? I doubt it.

Response recorded on January 13, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

In Young Justice, Atlantis is the size of a small continent that consists of a capital city and a number of city-states (6 were named, but are there more?).

A. Please show us what an underwater map of Atlantis would look like and where the capital city and the city-states would exactly be located on such a map...?

B. Also, what specific types of Atlanteans live in each city-state (considering the comics only mentioned they were divided between pure and impure; with no other specific details)...?

Greg responds...

1. I've got seven city states that I know of. Whether or not there are any more is a spoiler.

A. Assuming I had a map, which I don't, HOW am I supposed to post one here? This is a text only site.

B. If you have our YJ companion comics, you have hints of that already. (More hints in the comics than in the series.) Otherwise, I'm not going to offer up spoilers.

Response recorded on January 13, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

hi Greg i love young justice and i love what you did with certain characters and i wanted to ask you about beast boy

1) did he get his powers from miss martian? if so who does he only have the power of transforming into animals and not anything else and why doesn't he have any other powers?
2) if he did get his powers from miss martian why is he green? since she is actually a white martian?

3) and basically overall where does he get his powers from?

Greg responds...

1. What you saw is what you saw. Anything beyond that would be a spoiler.

1a. No spoilers.

1b. No spoilers.

2. She was posing as green at the time, and her shape-shifting takes place at the cellular level.

3. You saw what you saw. Beyond that, no spoilers.

Response recorded on January 10, 2017

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Hello mr Weiseman. first of all i just wanted to say that i loved young justice and i watch it all the time on netflix, gotta keep binging am i right? anyway i wanted to ask you a few things, is superboy as strong as superman? if not how strong is superboy?

if you answer this thank you for answering

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Very strong.

Response recorded on January 04, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

What was the policy regarding drugs, guns and alcohol when making Young Justice? I remember Luthor and Ra's al Ghul making a toast with some liquor, but could you show an adult hero drinking beer? Could you show one of the kids in the Team using a gun?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

I don't know. Neither of those examples (or anything remotely like them) were things we asked to do or tried to do. Basically, however, we just did what we wanted and were offered no resistance. The glaring exception was that we were told we couldn't depict an openly homosexual relationship back then, which was extremely frustrating. This was a question I asked in a vacuum, by the way. We didn't attach the question to any two specific characters.

Response recorded on January 04, 2017

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RobinFan writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman. Fan of YJ. Hope we get a 3th season one day.

1. Has Batman ever hit any of his protégés?
2. Who trained Sportsmaster?
3. Was Jason Todd a natural redhead?

Greg responds...

1. He's trained with them. So if you're counting them sparring together, than I guess so. But he's never hit one in anger or been abusive.

2. RecreationMaster!*

3. I'm not giving out any info on Jason or anyone that isn't obvious from what's already aired or been in the comics.

*I don't know who trained Sportsmaster. But if I knew, I wouldn't tell you. Cuz that would be a spoiler.

Response recorded on December 22, 2016

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Andres Escobar writes...

Simple question what are you currently working on as it is hard to follow sometimes and if you can talk or more specifically write about it what will you be working on that you know? Ohh and where can we watch it , or if read it when is it coming out or where can we find it I know you were writing a comic for Marvel I could never find it in several comic book stores.

Greg responds...

Right now, I am working on two things. The third season of YOUNG JUSTICE and the second novel in the WORLD OF WARCRAFT: TRAVELER series.

We don't yet know where Season Three of YJ will air, but you can view Seasons One and Two on Netflix, on iTunes or on DVD or BluRay.

The second WARCRAFT book should come out in bookstores (including online bookstores) next November.

Prior to that, I was working on the second and third seasons of SHIMMER AND SHINE. Season Two is currently airing on Nick Jr.

I also wrote the first book in the WORLD OF WARCRAFT: TRAVELER series, which is currently available at bookstores (and online bookstores).

There's also my two novels RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM, both of which are currently available at bookstores and online bookstores.

Then there's the AudioPlay version of RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, which is currently available for download at Gumroad.com/RainoftheGhosts.

I recently co-plotted a CAPTAIN ATOM miniseries with Cary Bates, illustrated by Will Conrad. It will be available this January, 2017 from anyplace that sells comic books, including the DC Comics App, Comixology and iTunes.

Last year, I wrote the twelve issue STAR WARS KANAN series for Lucasfilm and Marvel. Those are available either as single issues, as two trades (STAR WARS KANAN: THE LAST PADAWAN and STAR WARS KANAN: FIRST BLOOD) or as an omnibus, again at Bookstores, online Bookstores, comic book stores and from the Marvel Comics App, Comixology or iTunes.

Finally, I also wrote the six issue STARBRAND AND NIGHTMASK for Marvel Comics, available as single issues or as one trade (STARBRAND AND NIGHTMASK: ETERNITY'S CHILDREN [Attend University]), which AGAIN is available at bookstores, online bookstores, comic book stores, the Marvel Comics App, Comixology or iTunes.

Whew! I think that's it! Thanks for asking!

Response recorded on December 21, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

What spell did Zatara use in Failsafe?

Greg responds...

I've posted all these already. Check the archives. Or check the YJ Wiki: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/Failsafe

Response recorded on December 20, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

How do the members of The Light contact each other, aside from the conference calls? Cell phones, comlinks?

Greg responds...

Carrier pigeon. You name it.

Response recorded on December 19, 2016

Bookmark Link

SuperMartian89 writes...

I've noticed that there seemed to be an underlying theme of issues with fathers/paternal figures: Superboy with Superman, Artemis with Sportscaster in S1. Aqualad with Black Manta and Artemis again. Is that deliberate?

Greg responds...

It comes out of character, but we don't avoid it.

Response recorded on December 19, 2016

Bookmark Link

writes... writes... writes... writes... writes...

Why didn't SpecSpidey or YJ have "Previously On" segments? Was it a network or production decision?

Greg responds...

I'm vehemently against using them. I learned painfully from Gargoyles that they actually have the opposite effect then one would think.

Instead of acting as small reminders or hints, they convince people that they've missed too much to join the series now. They were never necessary. Everything you truly NEED to know to enjoy a given episode is spelled out in one way or another within the episode itself.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

Bookmark Link

Doesn't writes is incorrect. The correct form is don't write or writes...

(Nailed it!)

How many pouches can Batman and Robin's utility belts carry?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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The Other GW writes...

1- You've said that Wotan's blotting out of the sun was a distraction to lure the League AWAY from Cadmus, at the Light's behest. But what was his "cover story"? That is, what was the reason he gave the League to do so, if he gave one at all.
2- Was Robin, Aqualad and KF's dna REALLY destroyed in "Fireworks"?
3- What do the Forever People shout to transform into Infinity Man and what does it mean?

Greg responds...

1. Does he really need to cooperate?

2. Why would you think otherwise?

3. "Tarru!" It's a New Genesian word that means, "It's time to change into Infinity-Man." ;) Seriously, that's from the comics. I never thought to ask what it means, so I guess I don't know.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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Fiddled writes...

1. Billy Batson's Zeta-Tube override code is H-O-J. What does it stand for?
2. Can Queen Be enthral Devastation?
3. How far can the batrope extend?
4. Can you tell us what would be Icon's role in the YJ Invasion comic arc if he hadn't been pulled?

Greg responds...

1. Hall Of Justice.

2. No spoilers.

3. Not all the way to Mars.

4. He was one of Kylstar's abductees.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

On Earth 16 who founded S.T.A.R. Labs?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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Marion writes...

In "Welcome to Happy Harbor", Superboy asks why the JL left the Cave for the Hall, even though he "witnessed" the incident that Aqualad mentions as the reason for the change in issues 1 and 2. Didn't he simply "make the connection", like when he didn't recognize Snapper Carr, or is this one of those "what-happens-in-the-comics-is-"cannon"-but-none-of-it-is-ever-mentioned-or-acknowledged-in-the-show-because-the-comics-were-retroactively-written-AFTER-the-episodes" cases?

Greg responds...

He didn't make the connection. There was nothing in his vision that indicated the League was going to leave the cave.

The comics are fully integrated into the series and vice versa.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. How old was Henry Yarrow when he died?
2. How old is Major Force?
3. How old is Henchy, Vertigo's henchman?
4. How old is Sharon Vance?
5. How old is Sackett?

Greg responds...

1. Henry Yarrow was born in in 1941.

2. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

3. Henchy was born in 1974.

4. Sharon Vance was born in 1978.

5. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

Response recorded on December 15, 2016

Bookmark Link

Greg writes...

1. Is it safe to assume the Brain is twice immune to Queen Bee's powers? Since he is gay and had no hair...
2. How can she enthrall Lex Luthor if he has no hair?

Greg responds...

I don't understand what hair has to do with anything.

Nor am I confirming or denying that Brain is gay in YJ.

1. I think it's safe to assume Brain is immune because he has only electrical sensory receptors. He can register her pheromones, but they can't effect what remains of his biology.

2. I'd think, knowing her power, Lex would take some precautions.

Response recorded on December 14, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Clement Lemar?
2. How old is Burton Thompson, the guard at Taos's STAR Labs?
3. How old is Bernell Jones?
4. How old is Carlo, the Haly's Circus performer?
5. How old is Maurice Bodaway?

Greg responds...

1. Clemant Lemar is dead. But he was born in 1911.

2. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

3. Bernell Jones was born in 1962.

4. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

5. Maurice Bodaway was born in 1966.

Response recorded on December 14, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. How old is King Sha'ark?
2. How old is Madame Xanadu?
3. How old is Erin, the G-Elf?
4. How old is Benny, the G-Dwarf?
5. When was Enos Polk born?

Greg responds...

1. Nanaue Sha'ark was born in 1994.

2. Madame Xanadu was born in 1991.

3. Erin was, uh, hatched in 2004.

4. Benny was hatched in 2007.

5. Enos Polk was born in 1947.

Response recorded on December 14, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Dragon's Breath?
2. How old is the Scientist?
3. How old is Black Beetle?
4. How old is Richard Dragon?
5. How old is Starro?

Greg responds...

1. I seem not to have made that calculation.

2. I seem not to have made that calculation.

3. During Season Two, he's about the human biological equivalent of 40. But I haven't worked out the relative length of a Reach Warrior's life, so I don't know how old he is.

4. I seem not to have made that calculation.

5. I seem not to have made that calculation.

Response recorded on December 14, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Congorilla?
2. How old is Djuba?
3. How old is Monsieur Mallah?
4. How old is Primat?
5. How old was Kevin Blankly when he died?

Greg responds...

1. How does one measure the age of a god?

2. Djuba was born in 2002.

3. Mallah was born in 2002.

4. Primat was born in 1998.

5. Kevin Blankly was born in 1930. I'll let you do the math.

Response recorded on December 14, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

In alpha male, how did the Brain escape so stealthily in the end? Did he use a trapdoor or a boom tube? Or Klarion teleported him out?

Also, why did he eject all those compartment and appendages? It seemed like he was about to fire a mega blast or something but all that happened was the lights going out.

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that to your imagination.

2. Maybe he needed those things to turn out the lights.

Response recorded on December 14, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Tolifhar?
2. How old is Solovar?
3. How old is Ultra-Humanite, the ape?
4. How old is Malavar?
5. How old is Boka?

Greg responds...

1. Tolifhar was born in 1994.

2. Solovar was born in 1990.

3. Tolifhar was born in 1994.

4. Malavar was born in 1994.

5. Boka was born in 1998.

Response recorded on December 13, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Jack Haly?
2. How old is Jason Bard?
3. How old is Norman?
4. How old is Rako?
5. How old is Toyman?

Greg responds...

1. Jack Haly was born in 1944.

2. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

3. Norman was born in 1982.

4. Rako was born in 1958.

5. Winslow Schott was born in 1993.

Response recorded on December 13, 2016

Bookmark Link

Sandy writes...

Did Vandal Savage invite someone to join the Light that turned him down, or are the other six the only ones he asked?

Greg responds...

Either way, that's at best a spoiler request, and at worst an idea masquerading as a question.

Response recorded on December 13, 2016

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Want more YJ sooner?

Brandon Vietti and I are hard at work on Season Three of the Young Justice television series. But (a) we just got started and (2) making animated episodes takes a LONG time. (Ten months minimum. MINIMUM.)

So, if you want more new YJ stories sooner, the answer is pretty simple. Artist Christopher Jones and I are chomping at the bit to make more YOUNG JUSTICE stories in comic book form. Producing a comic book takes considerably less time than producing television episodes,so if we got a green light on a comic book series now, you could theoretically have new stories in a matter of months.

So the question is how do we get the green light for more YJ comic?. And the answer to that is pretty simple too. We just need to convince DC Comics that there's a market for YJ comics even before the third season premieres.

Which begs the next question: How do we convince DC of that?

And the answer is again simple. BUY THE COMICS THAT ALREADY EXIST!

Issues #0 - #25 of our companion YJ comic have been collected into four trade paperbacks. (And ALL of these stories are canon to the series, with time stamps and everything. In fact, stuff in Season Three will play off of stuff from Seasons One and Two AND from the comics.) The best way to show DC that you want more comics is to purchase these stories electronically on the DC APP, on COMIXOLOGY, or on iTUNES.

Now, I'm an old school guy, and I love having actual hard copies to hold in my hand. Unfortunately, the books are all out of print. So if you do find hard copies online or in a store, those are secondary sales, and DC won't know about them. So you need to buy them electronically. Put money in DC's pocket and they'll want more of that green. Buy a lot of YJ comics and it just follows that they'll order up more YJ comics.

If you already have those issues, give them as holiday gifts. And in any case, help us SPREAD THE WORD!

It's just logic. The more the existing comics sell, the more DC will want to make more. And if more sell fast enough, you'll be getting more YJ stories sooner!

Bookmark Link

Marvelwoman writes...

1. How old is Jonathan Kent?
2. How old is Lobo?
3. How old is Wotan?
4. How old is Psycho-Pirate?
5. How old is Helena Sandsmark?

Greg responds...

1. Jonathan was born in 1938.

2. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

3. Wotan was born sometime around 1100 C.E., give or take a century.

4. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

5. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

Response recorded on December 08, 2016

Bookmark Link

Marvelwoman writes...

1. How old is Dr. David Wilcox?
2. How old is M'Chiste?
3. How old is Ida Berkowitz?
4. How old is Duk Trang?
5. How old is Gorilla Grodd?

Greg responds...

1. David Wilcox was born in 1967.

2. M'chiste was born in 1991.

3. Ida was born in 1953.

4. Trang was born in 1940.

5. Grodd was born in 1998.

Response recorded on December 08, 2016

Bookmark Link

Marvelman writes...

Are you sick of answering all these questions about characters ages yet?

Greg responds...

Eh. There are worse things.

Response recorded on December 08, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Ronal?
2. How old is Coral?
3. How old is Danuuth?
4. How old is Chian?
5. How old is Blubber?

Greg responds...

1. Ronal was born in 1993.

2. Coral was born in 1998.

3. Daanuth was born in 1985.

4. Chian was born in 1992.

5. Blubber was born in 1996.

Response recorded on December 08, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. How old is G. Gordon Godfrey?
2. How old is Wyynde?
3. How old is Two-Face?
4. How old is Blackbriar Thorn?
5. How old is Wizard?

Greg responds...

1. I seem not to have made that calculation.

2. Wyynde was born in 1994.

3. What makes you think Two-Face exists?

4. . I seem not to have made that calculation.

5. I seem not to have made that calculation.

Response recorded on December 08, 2016

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Billy writes...

1. What kind of research went into making Young Justice?

Greg responds...

Lots of research of all kinds. Lots of comic books read and reread. The occasional scene or entire movie rewatched. Information on tech, on time zones, on languages and linguistics. On countries, real and imagined. And more, I'm sure.

Response recorded on December 05, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Icon?
2. How old is Felix Faust?
3. How old is Parasite?
4. How old is Perry White?
5. How old is Stephanie Brown?

Greg responds...

1. Arnus emerged on Earth as an infant in 1810. How old he was before arrival, I won't comment on at this time.

2. It seems I haven't calculated that.

3. Ray Jensen was born in 1977.

4. Perry White was born in 1967.

5. Stephanie Brown was born in 2003.

Response recorded on December 05, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Ali?
2. How old is the Ambassador?
3. How old is Black Adam?
4. How old is Deadshot?
5. How old is Otis?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't calculated that, it seems.

2. I haven't set chronological ages for any of the Reach.

3. Well, Teth-Adam was born @1,300 BCE. I'll leave you to do the math, give or take a century.

4. I haven't calculated that, it seems.

5. He was born in 1980.

Response recorded on December 05, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Anonymous writes...

Out of universe explanation for

Why was Hal used as one of the original seven members of the Justice League instead of John?

Greg responds...

Because, not counting Alan Scott, he was the first Green Lantern.

1. Is Earth 16 based on pre crisis, post crisis, or a mixture of both?

2. If a mixture of both, is the mixture more than, less than, or equal to a fifty fifty split?

According to DC wiki the first Green Lantern was Jong Li, a monk from 660 AD. He debuted in Green Lantern: Dragon Lord #1-3 in 2001, which is not listed among the Elseworld titles.



3. Out of universe who is considered the first Green Lantern and why?

Greg responds...

1. It's a mixture of 78 years of continuity, plus some original material.

2. I'm not interested in percentages.

3. What are we talking about here when you say "Out of Universe"? Out of Universe, Alan Scott was the first Green Lantern because Alan Scott was the first Green Lantern created at DC Comics.

Response recorded on December 02, 2016

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Louissa writes...

I've asked a couple of questions here over the course of years, well I've lost track of some because I dont't check this site very often so ya know, but I just wanted to chime in and say that I discovered Young Justice when I was 14, so 5 years ago, and going through my first episode of depression. I'd always been a fan of dc comics and shows but watching yj, to me, was something completely different. For the first time i was able to actually connect with characters, to feel what they feel because I mean we were about the same age, and Artemis oh my god she means the world to me. Now, 3 years later, at 17 and a half i went through my worst episode ever, lost 5 kg in 4 days, lost sleep, lost myself and i just thought id give yj a try because maybe what worked once will work again and while it didnt take away the pain instantly it definitely helped me, it was like revisiting old friends in a time when i felt incredibly alone. The reason im writing this is the fact that i just cleared out my old laptop and found old fanfiction of young justice(i know you dont like hearing about it but 14 year old me was very fond of saying "Artemis glared art Wally") and i remembered that this site exists and all.
I guess..I just want to say thank you, because YJ got me through some rough times, really, and it helped me, in many ways, to find an identity and to accept myself, flaws and all, secrets and all. I just, I dont think I would have been the same without it, certainly not as wise. Thank you, I'm incredibly grateful for your work.
Also, thank you for the episode Coldhearted, it's definitely the best in the series and to be completely honest, that episode changed something in me, it really did.

Greg responds...

Wow. I don't know what to say. Thank you so much for telling me this. And take care of yourself!

Response recorded on November 30, 2016

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fallenlegend writes...

Hey Greg I have two questions rearguing sportscaster.

1.- During the show it was ambiguous if he actually cared about Artemis and used the reputation thing as an excuse or he just cared about himself . If it's the later he might be a psychopath.

So my question is: Will we get a definite answer about whether or nor Sportscasters loves Artemis and Chesire or was it meant to be ambiguous?

2.- Before your show I along many people consider him to be very ... lame. How did you manage to make him so badass?

3.- Now that he isn't working with the light and is on the sights of the villains, does he still have any way to keep being a "top dog"?

Congrats on your great work. Hopefully you will get a new season on netflix.

Greg responds...

By "rearguing sportscaster," I assume you mean "regarding Sportsmaster."

PEOPLE, PLEASE PROOFREAD BEFORE YOU HIT SUBMIT!!! I'm guessing the villain in this piece is your spellcheck automatically "correcting" what you wrote. And I know I'm not perfect either. But it would really help me out if you did NOT trust your spellcheck and CHECKED YOURSELF before submitting a question.

1. What you see is what you get. If you want to define all that as love (twisted or not) that's up to you. If you don't, that's fine too.

2. Mostly, I'd credit Phil Bourassa's design. But we also treated the character with respect.

3. No spoilers.

Response recorded on November 21, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Greg I love youngo justice

Greg responds...

I'm glado!

Response recorded on November 18, 2016

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

So are the Illuminati to blame for Donald Trump being the presidential nominee for a major political party? Or, like the media and the other politicians, did they not take him seriously when he started running?

Greg responds...

We're not going there. When you wrote it, this might have sounded funny, I don't know.

But it is NOT funny now. My line used to be, "Trump is a cut-rate Lex Luthor. Only Luthor has better hair."

I still like the line, but it's no longer amusing.

So before I go on a rant--

Response recorded on November 18, 2016

Bookmark Link

Green Lantern's Nightlight writes...

1). You say to fans a good way of showing they want Young Justice to return, is to buy the comics, DVDs, and the game (and the toys still?), but how much would fans have to buy for this to happen? Is there a goal to reach maybe or perhaps just enough to get noticed by DC/WB that it's still something that people want more of?

I would think they'd be more interested in what was selling when the show was still on the air, because that's obviously what Mattel was looking at for it to pull its funding.

2). If by miracle, YJ does get brought back by Netflix, where would the funding come from? Having Mattel as a backer makes it look like it couldn't be made without it. Not every Warner Bros. Animation show has a backer (unless there's a silent contributer), and most of the Netflix shows have a backer (helped by broadcasters who air it around the world), so what would happen with YJ? Would it just be supported by Warner (and DC), itself? And I guess, Netflix.

Greg responds...

Well, this is all largely moot now, but...

1. I never had a NUMBER or AMOUNT. It takes more to get a company's attention after a show is off the air, then it takes to keep a show on the air. The other thing to keep in mind is that buying toys (or whatever) second-hand does nothing to get a company's attention. So, for example, I was not advocating buying YJ toys this year, because those toys were off the market. Any purchases were second sales and does nothing for Mattel or WB or DC's bottom line.

2. So YJ's coming back, but I don't know where it will air. The term "backer" doesn't really fit, either. It's about MONEY. Money to produce the first two seasons of YJ came from Mattel and Cartoon Network. (Mostly from Mattel.) When Mattel pulled out, the money from CN wasn't enough to produce the series. Period. For season three, Warner Bros itself is paying for it, for now. They have confidence, I guess, that wherever it winds up and whatever merchandise they may or may not eventually release or license, they'll still make a profit. That's based on what the fans proved over the last few years.

Response recorded on November 17, 2016

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Roseeee writes...

How do you feel about fans becoming so passionate to the point of maybe even possessive of your work? The writers of Arrow are introducing the code name Artemis while toting the character as the same Artemis from Young Justice. She;s not, and is actually another character all together, but fans are spitting fire over it.

Greg responds...

I have to shrug to some degree.

I live, so to speak, in a glass house. With Young Justice, Brandon Vietti and I had to (GOT TO) recreate the DC Universe from scratch. We tried to be very true to the core of nearly every character and concept. But who are we kidding? We changed a ton!

The Arrowverse folks have a similar task for themselves.

In some very narrow way, I'd love if their Artemis was closer to ours. But our Artemis wasn't all THAT close to the comic book Artemis, so who am I to complain?

Now, if they adapted the Terror Twins... ;)

As for the fans, the notion that they'd be more upset about something like this than I am is odd to me. But if you do a creative job, you put stuff out into the world, knowing - even hoping - that you'll find fans to adopt it as their own. So whachagonnado?

Response recorded on November 16, 2016

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FallenLegend writes...

Show young justice
character: Superman

Eliot S margins said the following in quora about superman.

"1.-Every attempt to "de-power" him in an effort to make his stories easier to tell has been wrongheaded and ultimately damaging to the character in the short term."
"2.- He's Superman when he wakes up in the morning. Tarantino was right and Byrne was wrong."

a) Given how Superman along with everyone else has been greatly depowered ( A choice i have to applaud you as the danger and takes feel much real). Do you agree on that sentiment?
b) You mentioned in another question that Superman hides a part of himself even though it isn't as radical as him not liking pie in his different identities.

Regarding earth 16's superman, do you agree in Elliot S Maggin's interpretation in that he is superman all the time?

Link to elliot's post so you can see it's legit.


Thank you for reading Greg.

Greg responds...

a. It depends what you mean. If you started taking away his flight or super senses or heat vision or strength or invulnerability, I'd have issues with that. But he doesn't need to be capable of moving planets or flying faster than the speed of light, etc. His powers can be stunning without making him omnipotent. He still needs to be able to be knocked unconscious. He needs to be capable of feeling physical pain. And I hate super-cold-breath and some of the other add-on powers he's acquired over the decades. (Like super-ventriloquism or super-hypnosis.)

b. I don't think he's colloquially "schizo". (I don't think Batman is either.) The Clark Kent he presents to the world is more than an act, and less the whole truth of who he is. The Superman he presents to the world, isn't an act AT ALL, but it also doesn't represent his full truth. I believe - on Earth-16, at least - that the general public does not think Superman has a secret identity. (After all, he doesn't wear a mask.) They assume he's always Superman. And, of course, that's not the case.

I'm consciously NOT going to check out Elliot's statement. I don't know him, but I respect his work tremendously, and it definitely influenced me. But at this point, I have a pretty clear take in my head of who I believe Superman/Clark Kent is. I don't need to muddy it.

Response recorded on November 16, 2016

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FallenLegend writes...

Show: young justice

Question. I love the fact that you have kept the name Captain Marvel. However due to the fact hat Marvel owns the trademark it seems that DC is keen on changing it to "SHAZAM" instead.

1.-How do you feel about this name change?
2.- Do you think the name "captain marvel" will be retired for good in the public's mind? (besides earth16)
3.- Do you prefer "Captain marvel" or Shazam?

Thank you Greg.

Greg responds...

1. To be fair, I haven't read any of the New 52 books where the change is shown. But I don't understand it. How can his name be Shazam if that's still his magic word.

2. No clue.

3. I'm old school. See above. But it's #NotUpToMe.

Response recorded on November 16, 2016

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FallenLegend writes...

Shows:Young Justice+Gargoyles

I recall you mentioned that the villains (the light) and David Xanatos didn't kill the heroes because they considered that would be a waste.

1.-What could they possible gain gain from keeping them alive? I mean in their reasoning.

Thank you Greg.

Greg responds...

It's all right on the screen. Look at all the times that they've USED the heroes. If what you saw in the episodes doesn't convince you, I don't know what I could say here that would.

Response recorded on November 09, 2016

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Sal writes...

Hey Greg, in the Young Justice DC Universe, is there an in-universe explanation as to why the humanoid form is a very prevalent anatomical structure in many known sentient alien races? From the Rannians to Kryptonians, Thanagarians, The Reach, Kroloteans, Kylstar, Maxima, and the New Gods. Even the Tribune of Rimbor and Despero's build suggest humanoid appearance.
I hope I don't come off as critical of the show's character designs. Obviously animators and designers can only do so much in artistic license (it'd be a very tedious process to sort through the plethora of different xenobiology suggestions only to animate them for a few minutes). As well as the fact that these alien species have already been designed from the comic source material.
But I'm mainly asking if there happens to be an in-universe speculation/explanation to this humanoid build being common amongst alien species.

Greg responds...

Convergent Evolution.

Response recorded on November 09, 2016

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So the big news:

YOUNG JUSTICE is coming back for a third season! Yes, that's right! Warner Bros. announced it today! It's official. Here are some links to some articles on the subject:


Not too much more to tell. I start back at Warner Bros. on Monday, 11/14/16. Brandon Vietti and I, of course, had plans for Season Three way back when. Now, we'll get the chance to make those plans a reality!!

It's so crash!

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Paxton writes...

Was there any actors you considered for Young Justice or any actors that auditioned for main roles that didn't get it?

Greg responds...

You want me to embarrass actors who didn't get cast?

No thanks.

Response recorded on November 02, 2016

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JSA Fan writes...

I've always wondered, in Young Justice is Plastic Man able to speak, or do his powers leave him mute like Beast Boy's? I love that you don't have Mr. Tawney, Grodd, Wolf, or the Ultra-Humanite speak, by the way!

Greg responds...

Plastic Man can speak. If you've read our companion (in-continuity) comics, you've seen him speak. Ultra-Humanite speaks too, through an electronic box, much like the Brain. Grodd speaks telepathically in the comics. (And hasn't yet appeared in the series.) Tawney and Wolf cannot speak.

Response recorded on November 02, 2016

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Hayley B writes...

I'm not sure if this interferes with rule 7, but how do you feel about fanmade characters/plots for YJ in general? Do you enjoy the creativity?

Greg responds...

I don't ever look at it. EVER.

I have mixed feelings, which I've expressed here before, about fanfic.

A part of me finds it very gratifying that people love our show so much that they want to create their own stories in that world with those characters. But another part of me is very territorial and resents the idea that other people are playing in my sandbox. (I'm NOT saying that part of me is rational or even fair, but I am trying to be honest about my feelings here.)

A third part of me is pragmatic and would recommend that any writer use their inspiration to create something original that they could own.

NONE OF WHICH is why I don't read or look at fanfiction: I don't look at it to protect myself legally from a potential lawsuit.

Response recorded on October 31, 2016

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Asker writes...

Hello Greg! DC's Rebirth event recently brought back Kaldur'ahm/Jackson Hyde back into the main DC universe. He's also revealed to be attracted to men and he even has a boyfriend.

Considering your previous tweet about not assuming YJ Kaldur to be straight, does the recent DC reveal have any bearing on his animated counterpart's sexual or romantic orientation?

Greg responds...

It has no bearing. Beyond that, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on October 28, 2016

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Jackson writes...

I'm sure you're aware, but Marvel has been churning out plenty of content with the MCU.
1. Have you kept up with the movies and shows? Or do you not go out of your way to do so?
2. Whatever the previous answer is, would you say that it's too much content?
3. What are your thoughts on the franchise as a whole, especially as another interpretation of the Marvel Universe?
4. Do you think doing a direct adaptation of a comic book universe like with Young Justice has its advantages, or is this string of movies (and shows) the way to go?

Greg responds...

1. I've seen all the movies. I'm about a year behind on SHIELD, though I've DVR'd all the episodes and hope to get through a bunch of them when my son comes home from college for winter break. I've seen both seasons of Daredevil, Jessica Jones and am about halfway through Luke Cage. I haven't seen any of the animated content.

2. No.

3. Generally, I love it. I'm not saying it's perfect, but their track record in movies is astounding. Some I think are truly great films. Some I just enjoy. But every single one, starting with the first Iron Man movie entertained. SHIELD has been a mixed bag, but I enjoy watching it with my wife and son. (My daughter's not into it.) I've enjoyed Daredevil, loved Jessica Jones, and I've been enjoying Luke Cage, so far.

4. Young Justice is no more (and no less) a "direct" adaptation than the MCU is. I'm not sure what the contrast is in your mind.

Response recorded on October 28, 2016

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Stiller writes...

Did Garfield Logan get the poster of the Young Justice Team before or after he started living at Mount Justice?

Greg responds...

What poster is this? What episode did you see it in?

Response recorded on October 27, 2016

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Jon writes...

So currently rewatching YJ Season One on Netflix. I'm up to "Secrets," and I can't help but wonder... do Martians consider "War of the Worlds" and similar alien-invasion movies and literature to be derogatory and/or racist? If the Martian population hasn't been sufficiently exposed to human culture at the point where the story left off to have an opinion, *would* they eventually take offense to said works? (I have to wonder if they'd wind up seeing Marvin the Martian -- the form Megan takes in this episode, presumably showing that Looney Tunes exist on Earth-16 -- as a sort of Chief Wahoo sort of figure...)

Greg responds...

I think that when J'onn sent broadcasts to Mars, he would have definitely sent anything that depicted "Martians," (including what must have been a perplexing "Life on Mars"). Because, after all, wouldn't Martians be very curious about "Martians"?

Way back when he started, I'm sure he would have prefaced his transmissions by reminding his Martian audience that Earthlings have no idea that Martians actually exist. That this was fantasy, much like the way Martians tell stories of evil sentient ma'alefa'aks, knowing that they're really just animals (like the way we talk about the Great Apes in Tarzan).

Given that, I think the Martians would be able to regard the "Martians" of Earth as kitsch.

Of course, as time passes on Earth-16 and Mars-16 (and Martians become aware that Earthlings are aware of the truth and nature of Martian existence), if the depiction of "Martians" didn't change, then the Martians would begin to have issues with those depictions.

But specifically, "War of the Worlds" - having been written over a hundred years before Earthlings knew that Martians did in fact exist - would still fall into the category of quaint.

Also, keep in mind, given the fact that at least three alien races - the Appellaxians, the Kroloteans and the Reach -DID, in fact, attempt invasion, the Martians wouldn't be upset about fictional depictions of OTHER races being demonized. Only if the "demons" were labeled as "Martians".

Fun question, by the way.

Response recorded on October 25, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

It seems like Vandal Savage is the leader of the Light, but I would imagine Klarion is significantly more powerful. As a Lord of Chaos, why does Klarion even bother submitting to Savage's plan, rather than wrecking havoc on his own?

Greg responds...

You don't think he's having fun?

Response recorded on October 24, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Did Jay Garrick when was in his prime did most of his solo crime fighting in Central City or Keystone City?

Greg responds...

Are you sure there is a Keystone City?

Response recorded on October 24, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

When did Barry Allen first fought Vandal Savage?

Greg responds...

Sometime previously. I haven't bothered to nail it down.

Response recorded on October 19, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Question about Artemis' outfit:
i noticed in one earlier question how you said the writers wanted to make the costumes for the Teams outfits as realistic as they should be - thus why none if the girls had heels or anything. i was wondering why they chose to give artemis a cropped top, or was it just an aesthetic thing? its something ive noticed with a lot of other female superheros and i dont really get it; i would assume it would be colder and make that region slightly more vulnerable.
side note: i think its cool how the team behind young justice to make artemis half asian; its nice to seem more minority representation in superhero shoes, especially as a half asian myself :)

Greg responds...

1. You'd have to ask Brandon Vietti and Phil Bourassa. Maybe in-universe it's a freedom of movement thing. But most likely it's an aesthetic choice. Artemis' and/or Brandon's and/or Phil's.

2. It's a priority for us, and for me particularly, to get more diversity in there.

Response recorded on October 19, 2016

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Ciera writes...

For the love of all that is mighty please do a season 3 of Young Justice, my 3 year old son and I love that show.

Greg responds...

Ciera, why in the world would you think that decision is at all up to me?

Believe me, if it were up to me, we would never have stopped making it. (After all, why would I want to put myself out of work?) If it were up to me, we'd be premiering season seven this month.

Unfortunately, I don't get to make those calls.

Response recorded on October 18, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Was Ra's Al Ghul intially hostile to the idea of working with lex luthor?

2. How long has Belle Revee existed since season 2?

3. What happened to Amanda Waller after she was fired from Belle Revee?

Greg responds...

1. No. Why?

2. Huh? It was built before Season One.

3. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on October 18, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. What are Black Spider's webs made out of?

2. In universe how did the webs come to be red?

3. In universe who created Black Spider's webs?

Greg responds...

1. Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails.

2. Easter egg food coloring.

3. The Easter Spider.

Okay, sorry for the joke answers. But the truth is I don't know.

Response recorded on October 18, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

On Earth 16 are both of Katar Hol's parents Thanagarians?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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CloudOfKings Ace writes...

HI Greg,

Is it true that is we binje-watch Young justice that it may bring back a season 3 .

Greg responds...

It's possible, yes.

Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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Jenneration writes...

In Young Justice: Invasion, why does the Team use the Greek alphabet (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc.) instead of the NATO alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc.) for squad distribution?

Greg responds...

Think about who the leader of the Team might have been when the system was installed.

Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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Kat writes...

Why is Shayera 11 years old younger than hakwman?
Im just curious behind the decision

Greg responds...

"old younger"? I'm not sure what you're asking here.

Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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YJ fan forevahhhh writes...

Hi! I've finsihed YJ and it was so awesome! (Without that Wally died)
But how can I help to make a third season when Netflix don't have the episodes in my country?
Thanks again for the awesome series and #KeepBingingYJ !

Greg responds...

I don't know for sure. You can always ask Netflix customer service in your country if they would start carrying it.

If the BluRays are available, purchase those. Or you could purchase the episodes individually on iTunes.

You can also purchase our companion Young Justice comic on iTunes or Comixology.

Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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Christopher Chance writes...

Earlier you had said the reason Batman told Nightwing and Robin (Tim Drake) to keep their identities a secret from the Team is so that a plausible deduction of his identity would not be made.

If that's the case, would the original members of the Team (plus Kid Flash/Bart Allen and Beast Boy) outside of the "Bat-Family"-16 be able to make a guess at Batman's identity if they haven't already since they know who Nightwing and Robin (Tim Drake) are?

--Christopher Chance

Greg responds...

Certain individuals have been let in on the identities of Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne. No deductions necessary.

Response recorded on October 17, 2016

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Kshitij writes...

Hey Greg big fan of young justice. in season 1 wally cannot vibrate his molecules did he learn to do so by season 2.

Greg responds...

No. It's not a question of learning. He's just not that fast.

Response recorded on October 12, 2016

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cabes writes...

hi greg!! first i just wanna say, i love young justice and i really hope it can come back one day! i kind of cried when i heard about the netflix thing.
soo, a few questions?!

1. does dick still have romani heritage in earth sixteen canon? I apologize if that's already been asked.
2. how did arsenal stay fifteen (i believe) for eight years? was there some
kind of anti-aging technology in play when he was on ice?
3. i don't actually have a third question. wait, yes i do. is there a chance the yj original trio will make some sort of appearence, since they're all on the team now? that's a spoiler, though isn't it..

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. He was frozen.

3. I honestly don't know what you're asking here. But in any case, it would clearly be a spoiler.

Response recorded on October 12, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did the guardians of universe knew of Alan Scott's power ring?

3. Did Alan Scott ever found out about the guardians of the universe?

4. When did the malfunctioning power ring landed on earth?

5. Did the guardians of the universe ever consider taking away Alan Scott's power ring?

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. There is no question 2.

3. Yes.

4. No Spoilers.

5. No Spoilers. (By the way, this is the DEFINITION of an idea masquerading as a question. Please, EVERYONE, do not post ideas masquerading as questions. In the future, they will be deleted, along with any legit questions on the same post. I only let this one stand to make this point.)

Response recorded on October 12, 2016

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Marvelman writes...

Hi. A little while ago I requested a character oriented slant for a hypothetical third season of Young Justice. I want to rescind my request. As I sit here working on my YA novel, I realized that no writer can work that way. He/she can only tell the story she wants to tell and hope other people like it.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 10, 2016

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Blue diamond writes...

What is joker's real name and when did he became Red hood

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. And in any case, NO SPOILERS.

2. You're assuming facts not in evidence. And in any case, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on October 10, 2016

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Dane writes...

1. In "Misplaced" was Icicle Jr. still seventeen or had he already become an adult?
2. What did Icicle Jr. do during the time that the adults and children were separated into two dimensions?

Greg responds...

1. Is Icicle Jr. in Misplaced? But in any case, throughout season one, he's 16 or 17.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 10, 2016

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Victor writes...

Hello Mr Weissman,

So first of all I would like to congratulate you and thank you for Young Justice. Whilst I am saddened you weren't able to do more with the series, I think what you produced was a great run and a rich, fascinating world which I am sure we would all have loved to see more of. I'll try to avoid ranting against the Powers That Be here, and just say thanks for giving it to us.

Now I have some extremely dorky questions about the background;

1: How much do Kryptonians weigh? You've said their strength and toughness comes from their density, but the fact Superboy can be shot by a tank with no result but to make him angrier seems to suggest he ought to weigh several tons, which would have caused him a few problems. It's possible he's made of some supertough material, but he also pins down an enormous monster in season 2 just by lying on top of its arm, so it looks like it's just his weight that's holding it down, which again would indicate he's REALLY heavy and Flash is presumably tailing him and putting reinforced chairs down whenever he has to sit somewhere :)

2: What kind of working relationship does the League have with mortal law enforcement/intelligence agencies? Have they told Interpol, Europol, the CIA and so forth about the Light (even if they don't want to start accusing Lex Luthor because it might get them sued if they don't have enough proof)?

3: Atlantis isn't part of the UN as per 'Usual Suspects' and even in season 2 little enough is known about it by air-breathers that Godfrey can ask if they're actually aliens. What kind of contact DOES Atlantis have with the surface world besides Aquaman and his sidekicks?

4: Does the Justice League own the rights to its logos and does it get royalties from all the superhero logos people presumably put on t-shirts, lunchboxes and so on on Earth 16?

5: Batman describes Bialya as a 'rogue state', but it seems to have some pretty high end military hardware (predator drones which are far more manouvrable than the real ones) and, frankly, I'd question the decision to let Queen Bee on the Light's board of directors if she ran a pariah state. So what is Bialya's standing in the international community, and specifically its relationship with the USA?

Greg responds...

1. I'd ask them, but it seems indelicate.

2. I'm sure they've got reciprocal intelligence sharing.

3. Little, at this point.

4. There's a lot of pirating, but yes.

5. It's standing varies from state to state. It's standing with the U.S. is not good.

Response recorded on October 10, 2016

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