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Anonymous writes...

Will Robin and Zatanna become a couple, because their flirting in "Humanity" was awesome.So I'm kinda curious?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:


Response recorded on April 19, 2012

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Gregorio writes...

One more thing I kind of forgot on my previous question (and with this I'll probably stop bothering for quite a while)
I realize you were probably thinking of (even) older comics when you put the magic house in Secrets but it still left me pondering... if it were up to you (I don't even know if you could secure permission!), would we see any cameos from The Endless or other such characters?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:


Response recorded on April 19, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1. Will Supergirl make an appearance in Young Justice?
2. Will Legion of Superheros make an appearance in Young Justice?
3. Why does Superman hate/avoid Superboy so much?
4. Will there be a new and permanent host of Doctor Fate?
5. Are the Justice League aware that Shazam/Captain Marvel's host is a minor?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:


Greg Weisman says:


Greg Weisman says:

"But as I've said to others who already asked the same basic question, I think you're viewing what happened in terms too black and white. I do NOT think that Superman is behaving out of character. He's been violated and is having problems dealing with it, getting his head around it. He's found a rationale in his head to justify his behavior toward Superboy, that for now at least, is working for him. I'm not going to defend his actions, nor will I be unsympathetic to them. It is, by design, a complex problem.

And no real human being has perfect empathy. And Superman is nothing if he's not thoroughly human.

In any case, I doubt I'm going to convince you, so we'll just have to agree to disagree for now. Perhaps, if you stay tuned and see how this thread plays out, you'll appreciate it more. Or perhaps not."

[Response recorded on March 11, 2011.]

Greg Weisman says:


Greg Weisman says:

"Hey gang,

Tomorrow, Saturday, March 24, 2012 - and repeating again on Sunday - is the American premiere of Young Justice episode 122, 'Agendas'. This is a BIG story for Superboy - and for the entire JUSTICE LEAGUE, as well, featuring special guest star MAGGIE Q, who absolutely rocks it as WONDER WOMAN! So tune in!"

[Response recorded March 23, 2012.]

Response recorded on April 19, 2012

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Anonymous Writes writes...

The rumer is true about Zatanna will be came Aqualad new love inster?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:


Response recorded on April 19, 2012

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Anonymous Writes writes...

The Rumers are true Starfire and Beast Boy are going be on the show same Cyborg & Raven?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:


Greg Weisman says:

"Well, he's voicing Garfield Logan. Beyond that, you can do the math."

[Response recorded on April 18, 2012.]

Response recorded on April 19, 2012

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Anonymous Writes writes...

Jinx is going be on the show?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:


Response recorded on April 19, 2012

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Paul writes...

1) Why have Miss Martian and Superboy been trying to keep their relationship a secret? They've kept their displays of affection as private as possible and they switched to private telepathic communication in "Alpha Male" when there were tensions in their relationship that needed to be addressed.

2) Why didn't M'gann tell Wally that she's been seeing Conner? Was it a case of her enjoying the attention he was giving her, or was it because she simply couldn't be bothered to set the record straight? (Either way, she was allowing him to make a fool of himself.)

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Two main reasons: (a) because it's something that belongs to them and they want it to themselves and (b) they don't want their judgement called into question on missions."

[Response recorded on April 18, 2012.]

Greg Weisman says:

"I think the main problem that these two have is that M'gann thinks its so obvious that Wally's not in the running that she hasn't bothered to tell him. She assumes he knows. But he's too dense to see the obvious. I'm not blaming her or him. It's just a disconnect . And disconnects are where drama, conflict and, yes, even comedy comes from."

[Response recorded on May 4, 2011.]

Response recorded on April 19, 2012

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Jayel20 writes...

How many new team members are in season 2

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:


Response recorded on April 19, 2012

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Anonymously Writes writes...

1.Rumer say that Zatanna might became a New Love Instead for Aqualad is that true 2.Jinx is going be on the Show? 3.Star Sapphine will be on the show? 4.Who the Mole(Superboy or Miss Martian or Aremis)?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:


Greg Weisman says:

"...the RECENTLY REVEALED MOLE, Red Arrow..."

[Response recorded April 16, 2012.]

Response recorded on April 19, 2012

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Ice Cream Taco Spaghetti Salad writes...

Hi! I'm a huge fan of all your shows. Now, I have a couple questions regarding Young Justice.

1. Is the Blue Beetle Dan Garret, Ted Kord, or Jaime Reyes?
2. Does Booster Gold exist in this series?
3. Will Huntress ever make an appearance?
4. Will The Question make an appearance?

Thank you for your time and I hope you have a pleasant day!

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:


Response recorded on April 19, 2012

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