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Gargoyfan writes...

Any chance the 2006 run will be on Kindle? I had to hunt mine down on ebay. Definitely a cult classic, the series is marvelous. Show, loved it. Comic, I don't like it ...I love it. Good to see them "live again!"

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If "Young Justice" gets a season 5, I suspect that we might not be able see the Earth-16 version of Jonah Hex. However, do you think that his descendants Stella Hex (great-granddaughter), Virginia "Jinny" Hex (great-great-granddaughter), and Chastity Hex (even though her exact relations to Stella and Jinny is currently unknown in the comics) could somehow make possible appearances in a future season?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. Why does the Earth-16 version of Mercy Graves never say a word on the show? I mean, the only sounds she's ever made thus far is whenever she gets hurt/injured in some way...

#2. When exactly did Mercy Graves receive her cybernetic enhancement for her right arm? Also, was this cybernetic enhancement something that she went through willingly (which I assume is her own way of showing how deep her loyalty is to Lex Luthor) or not?

#3. What is the last name of the Earth-16 version of Otis?

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Jay writes...

1. Just wanted to start off by saying Young Justice's worldbuilding is just amazing, and it's one of my favorite versions of the DC Universe. Was there ever any talk of making some kind of Earth-16 guide or encyclopedia to include info about the world that the show itself couldn't cover?

2. Young Justice has this really cool balance between realism and comic booky stuff. How did you and the rest of the staff decide what aspects would be more grounded and what aspects wouldn't? Like, who wears tights and who wears armor, what technology gets explained etc.

3. Love your work and thanks for everything :)

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Nathan Scott writes...

Hi Greg I am a big fan of your work on young justice and spectacular Spider-Man. One of my favourite things that you did on spectacular was introducing some lesser-known villains, such as Colonel, Jupiter and molten man. One of those two villains Molten man was my favourite as a lot of spidey media doesn’t do him justice. If a third season had happened would we have seen more episodes of molten man?

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Jack writes...

Hi Greg. Just curious as to Goblins intentions in Spec Spidey, season 1 ep 8. Why exactly did Goblin sabotage Otto? did he want him dead or replaced? Or did he in some twisted way want to make him stronger willed?

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young gal writes...

1) Was making Artemis teach a lecture instead of a seminar a considered decision or just a style choice?
2) Is it just the comic world, but if Artemis is 25ish is she currently a professor or a TA?

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Chip writes...

Asking the question with the obvious answer for wiki editing and clarification purposes: Are Tony and “Toni” twins?

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Anonymous writes...

In season 5 of young justice Did you plan to show who sent Perdita the goggles in season 3 episode nightmare monkeys if a season 5 of young justice is ever made?

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Desperaty writes...

So if I understood correctly you're supporting this kind of people : https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_/status/1615056992049172480 ?
If you're OK with that behavior and eager to encourage it, I guess you're as crazy as these people.
Do you want to be responsible of the mental destruction this generation is already suffering ?
Can't you see the madness in wokeness ?

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Rodrigo writes...

Hello Greg. Big fan of yours
1. If Martian camouflage has nothing to do with light why their shadow vanishes every time they camouflage, shouldn't they still cast a shadow as the light still hits them?
2. With practice could a Martian develop its telekinetic abilities so they could project telekinetic blasts to hit and knock back(or out) and puch away their enemies, as well as telekinetic shields/barriers in order to deflect and protect themselves and other from attacks such as bullets,lasers, etc kinda like the force style
3. I've always thought that Martians camouflage works on the same basis as the comics with a few changes you know "by using their shapshifting abilities to change their biopolymers to reduce their capacity to reflect light they become NEARLY invisible "
Thanks for your time.

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Anonymous writes...

Do the scenes in Young Justice Season 4 that involve Ma'alefa'ak/M'comm M'orzz teaches a Moral/Hard Truth Aesop which is the fact that some people/beings won't change no matter how much you try, and sometimes you only see good in people (or non-human beings) because that's what you want to see. Fortunately, Arsenal/Roy Harper was never truly one of the people who are beyond redemption and still had some good in him, unlike M'comm.

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Anonymous writes...

I've been rewatching season 3 of Young Justice and had some questions about the meta-gene.
1. Do you have any idea how much of the powers the meta-gene gives are determined by genetics? When Vandal's story is told, many of his children have different powers, so it doesn't appear very genetic. However, everyone with the meta-gene in Brion Markov's family has similar powers from the meta-gene.
2. If the powers from the meta-gene are largely genetic, does that mean that there are different mutated versions of it?

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Desperaty writes...

Hello Greg !
Coming here to talk about some subject. I just came back from twitter where you said :''Woke isn't a dirty word to me. I WANT to be more woke. What's the alternative - being asleep? Not seeing people for who they are, but deciding for them instead?''.
I thought maybe I could bring my vision (my YJ fan vision) to your thinking.
I don't even know where to start...First of all, how can you not see the orwellian language behind the word WOKE ? I mean, if a politician calls a repressive law "the liberty law" it doesn't mean that by fighting it you're against liberty, right ? It's-just-a-name ! Who's calling that like that ? Who's saying that this represents tolerance and progress ? I mean, seriously : who is ? The words tolerance and progress were existing already, so why using a new name ? Huh ? It's like creating two political parties, calling them left and right, and saying those two are the only alternatives. Because except left and right there is nothing else, right ? Well, maybe center. But you can see the trick here, don't you ? I'm sad you're falling into this.
Now, when you say elsewhere there are more than 2 genders... Scientifically, there are 2 sexes: male and female. Those are ruled by the sex chromosomes, which are XX in females and XY in males. There can be some special cases that we call "intersex" due to sex chromosomes malfunction. But this represents like 0,1% of the cases. Now what the woke people tell us, is that a man who thinks he's a woman IS actually a woman. This is crazy. They're thinking the psychological factor takes over the genetic factor. This is crazy, wrong and dangerous. A man thinking is a woman is still a man... thinking he's a woman. A man thinking is a dolphin must be considered as a dolphin ? Come on ! This is a psychological issue, who must be dealt with psychiatry and not surgery.
Btw, are you in favor of surgery ? Of mutilating children at a vulnerable age ? Taking advantage of a temporary psychological weakness to do irreversible damage to a child ?
You should read Abigail Shrier's Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. She tells the story of teenage girls taking hormone replacement therapy and sex reassignment surgery because they "feel" like men. The parents can't do anything under the threat of being called trans-phobic or fascist. Most psychologists are supporting this. How can somebody even tolerate that we use irreversible drugs and medicines on teenagers ?
THIS IDEOLOGY IS ACTUALLY DESTROYING LIVES !!! We stopped counting the number of witnesses saying "they encouraged me to destroy my body, cut off my breast (for instance) and now, I realize I was sick and I don't want to change sex anymore but it's too late, my life is ruined and the woke community (of course) rejected me now, calling me a trans-phobic".
Because this is only a temporary state. The few parents who saved their children from this atrocity did it by cutting all contact with people, social media and so on. After a few months, the child isn't talking even about changing sex anymore.
Please, realize the danger of this. If you wanna be tolerant, great. But woke is something else. Something dangerous. It's important to see it.
I'm not seeking to make you think like me, but only to consider it. I think you're doing something very wrong with YJ, especially when addressing to a young audience.
Have a good day still !

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

The whole thing with the "Young Justice Character Countback" that you've been doing in the "Latest Responses" section confuses me. Are all the names that you've been identifying basically confirm that they all exist in the Earth-16 DC Universe?

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Some guy writes...

Which of the MCU Spider-man films are your favorite?

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Anonymous writes...

On Earth-16 of YJ is Orphan’s Legal Guardian Bruce Wayne?

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Suzie writes...

Why didn't Zatanna attend Kent Nelson's funeral since he was a close family friend?

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Anonymous writes...

If "Young Justice" gets a fifth season, will the consequences of Zatanna's actions (especially with Mary having now become a villain without any of the heroes knowing about it) be one of the major plot points of that season's overall storyline?

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Anonymous writes...

If the Earth-16 version of Power Girl (Tanya Spears) ever gets introduced in "Young Justice," would she join the Team or the Outsiders?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the timeline of the Gargoyles universe, did the events of 9/11 happened? If so, how did that tragic event affected both gargoyles and humans in the years that followed?

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Quinn Taxon writes...

Some fanfiction stories talk about PIT or P.I.T.. Apparently, this is an organization that helps Gargoyles or helps Gargoyles and humans to understand each other. It may be that in the German episodes this charity was never introduced. Could someone tell me what P.I.T means - what does this abbreviation stand for? Is there a site where I can read about it? I can't find anything about it in the Gargoyle wiki either. Thank you very much and sorry for the trouble, Quinn Taxon

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Bud writes...

In some kind of parallel universe where you got the chance to work on a massive crossover featuring the characters from a large portion of the shows you've worked on (Gargoyles, W.I.T.C.H and Spectacular Spider-Man in particular because i unfortunatelyhaven'twatched Young Justice and those shows are my hyperfixations, deal with it), how would they all react and interact with one another?

You can just do interactions between main characters, I just want to see how this kind of scenario would play out.

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Ruben writes...

After Garfield Logan started living with Rita Farr in 2011 did Garfield attend a school in 2011 in young justice universe?

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Jack writes...

Why has Garfield Logan no been told that martians age three times slower than humans by the time of young justice season 3 and if Garfield does know that martians age 3 times slower than humans by the time of season 3 why does Garfield still view miss martian as his sister knowing miss martian was born before his mom Marie logan was born?

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Anonymous writes...


#1. Big Barda is just a title; with Barda being her real name.

#2. Mister Miracle (Scott Free) is the biological son of Highfather and Highmother, and the foster son of Darkseid.

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Anonymous writes...

1 did ultra humanite mentor anyone else before/after helga?
2 when ultra humanite was still helga's mentor was this after he transplanted his brain in tolifar's body or was he still using the unknown woman's

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Comer Collier writes...

With all respect to you Mr. Greg why do you Greg think you will get plenty of fans to support for season 5 of young justice to made after you didn't have Garfield and Perdita get back together as a couple at end of young justice comic story targets as many fans wanted to happen because many fans did not believe it was far for Garfield loose Perdita over GARFIED'S depression over Garfield believing he cause Superboy to die on mars to only have Conner and Miss Martian get back together and married at the end of young justice phantoms and not have Garfield and Perdita get back together as a couple at the end of young justice comic story targets?

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Kobe B. writes...

When rewatching Gargoyles I know wonder about Goliath's choice to go into the suspended animation. Why would he go into suspended animation knowing the eggs would hatch soon? Was it did he think that he couldn't protect them or provide them with a suitable home and raise them all by himself?

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Craig writes...

In the audio podcast for “City of Stone Part Four,” you mention that the Dynamite Gargoyles comics are written to a three-act structure, like a traditional network TV episode (or at least, the first three issues are). I recall you saying that you started writing the SLG comics more in a “TV episode” mindset, but the Stone of Destiny storyline helped you break out of this. Although you did still then use a three-“act” structure in both that storyline and the “Timedancer” one, and have apparently adopted that to the Dynamite comics as well. I’m just curious as to your process, as a fellow writer: do you find the three-act structure most conducive to telling stories in the Gargoyles universe, and is that why you continue to use it?

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Kobe B. writes...

Hey Greg really enjoy your work on Gargoyles and even the latest comic it's great. This may be spoiler so I apologize if it is, but with Brooklyn and the Iago gargoyle there was some parallels to them, but now Brooklyn found his true love and even built a family while Iago stays alone and now a machine. At the end of possession episode Brooklyn said he'll be waiting when ColdSteel(Iago) returns. Will we ever see the two fight?

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Greta Anderson writes...

I have a question regarding Lexington (Nothing against the choice you made for his love life in the comics) but if there’s any other comic stories you write about him I hope you can eventually have him meet a female who has wings just like his and falls in love with him for his smarts. But perhaps Lex is turned off at her at first because he still struggles to trust anybody.

If this does happen then there could even be a spin off of the female mates of the Trio having their own adventure comic series with Elisa. That would be cool to read. But it is your comics. I.m not a judgy type. But I hope you consider this for another comic series with this idea for the future. I am a huge fan of the whole series overall. Brooklyn being my favorite.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the "Black Adam" 12-issue limited series, Black Adam's full name is Theo Ramses Djoser Teth-Adam; he addresses himself as such in the first issue. Is this also true in the Earth-16 universe as well?

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Anonymous writes...

Why exactly did Jefferson Pierce and Lynn Stewart get divorced in the Earth-16 universe; assuming the reasons are different from what is depicted the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

After Lex Luthor became United Nations Secretary-General, Lena was officially placed in charge of LexCorp. At the end of "Young Justice: Targets," Lex is shown to be back at Lexcorp. As such, what happened to Lena Luthor since the end of Season 3?

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Anonymous writes...

To Greg Wiseman,
1. Is Samson a descendant of Goliath and look like him in Gargoyles 2198?
2. What is the deal between Dynamite and Disney with Gargoyle?
3. Who is stronger: the enchanced Archmage or Oberon and who would win in a fight between them and who is stronger between Oberon mother stronger and Enchanced Archmage and who would win if they fought?
4. Did Coyote have battle armor on or not when he first appeared?

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idkwannasay writes...

How did Jason Todd die? in the young justice cannon.

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isabelle writes...

hello! i had quick little question about young justice. i noticed that in young justice, almost all of the gay and trans characters in the show are aliens or otherwise not human. please don’t get me wrong i absolutely love all the rep, but it feels a little weird that the only trans character is a human alien hybrid and all but one gay character is an atlantean.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg did you plan to have Garfield and Perdita got back to together as a couple at some point in time in season 5 if season 5 of young justice was ever made?

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Anonymous writes...

(sent my last ask off before i finished, apologies) Why does that other guard, the one who says "captain of the gargoyles you mean" look so much like the captain?

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Anonymous writes...

A guard looks like the captain of the guard back in 994, He's one of the guards who says the line about "Captain of the gargoyles you mean"

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Anonymous writes...

Have Tim and Bart ever clarified that they’re not the same Robin and Kid Flash to the public?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

After Tomar-Re was killed by Lor-Zod, was his soul sent to the Emerald Space; the resting place of all Green Lanterns who died in service to the Green Lantern Corps?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the epilogue of "Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths" issue #7, the mainstream DC Universe (Earth-0) appears to now have it own version of "The Light," and it is called "The Council of Light." This version of the group appears to be a mysterious alliance of seven unknown power brokers, and their goal is apparently to wipe out ALL metahumans (both good and bad) on Earth because they believe that metahumans are too dangerous to be controlled or imprisoned. Therefore, they are giving Amanda Waller permission to use every resource available to full eradicate all metahumans on Earth. In light of the revelation of "The Council of Light," my question to you is this: Were you ever consulted by DC Comics about this? I mean, did they needed permission from you to be able to introduce their own version of "The Light" into the mainstream DC Universe; since the group originated from the "Young Justice" animated series first?

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Storyseeker writes...

Sorry if you've had this question before: -

I've noticed that Disney seems to be remaking a lot of shows lately, and it made me wonder... If Disney was to hire you to do a remake of gargoyles set in modern times; what would you do different in it?

The one thing that stands out to me is the City of Stone saga. I enjoyed those eps a lot, but I imagine you would have to change a few things if it happened today. For one thing, not a lot of people watch live TV, so Demona would have to figure out another way to broadcast her spell to the people (maybe internet). Plus I imagine everyone would know what happened to them at night, since there are plenty of CTV cameras, cellphones to catch images, as well as satellite cameras etc.

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Ed writes...

Hi Greg,

Since GARGOYLES came back, nobody has yet posted a ramble to Ask Greg as far as I can see and I'm not even sure if you're still looking for them - particularly with the queue so long. But hopefully it is, at least, nice to vicariously share someone discovering GARGOYLES #1. (And if not, since we could be years and many rambles hence by the time you get to this one... oops).

So here, adapted from my S8 first impressions, is my ramble...


Amazon have annoyed me since they took over ComiXology but I can't fault them here. Getting to my local comic shop before they close at 5.30 is tight on a Wednesday but Amazon delivering the book to my account so early is absolutely perfect for me. I can take a moment in the peace to read before the chaos of the day begins. It just makes for such a pleasant experience.

I also find e-comics my favourite way to read. I can zoom in, the backlit screen makes everything look good but George Kambadais' amazing art particularly benefits.


What caught my attention on the preview images was the "all-ages" label. I see it's been adjusted to "teen".

I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I thought what the SLG series did with the little extra leeway was great, especially in the historical scenes.

That said, I was thinking if it was pushing to stay all-ages I might bring some issues into school for my class. I'm glad the rating has been clarified.

(Since writing this, I listened to VOICES FROM THE EYRIE #27 and it sounds like this book won't quite be as edgy as the SLG books so we'll see).


Great stone aesthetic although I miss the punctuation. I guess new-fangled concepts like punctuation doesn't fit the old-school carved-in-stone look.

I've never heard the term "packager" before in comics and I'm grateful to Craig in the Comment Room for filling me in. Nate, from what I can tell, is doing an absolutely bang-up job of promoting the book.


I'm really in love with George Kambadais' colours. He does brightness so well. The lens flare is a difficult line to tread - one wrong move and he's JJ Abrams. But he manages it. Dark Age Scotland is given a genuinely fresh perspective with that bright sun on the sea and New York looks glorious. And he is master of the speed line.

The gargoyles all look themselves and yet also there's a real flair to the style. He's just such a great choice to make the book feel completely different and yet still quality.

(Which doesn't mean I still don't want to see the legends Christopher Jones, Karine Charlebois and Greg Guler back in the fold when the opportunity presents. Let's hope those spin-offs awaken as well...)


Of course it's a full moon. But since this is Gargoyles, it's also probably a trail of breadcrumbs to the actual date - or would be if we could pinpoint how far along Maggie was in "Clan-Building". Based on the moon calendar, my guesses were 20 April or 22 May.

Although I'm really curious to see those initial conversations with Brooklyn immediately post-dance and I kind of hope that one day we revisit that day, I do like that we've had a modest time jump. Small enough that it doesn't feel like we're catching up with radically different people which sometimes I feel can be the risk of a time jump - that you're arbitrarily distanced from the characters and have to rediscover them. But large enough that it feels like a great jump-on point.


I absolutely love the choice to use Elisa as the POV character. Not only is it brilliant hearing the classic narration in Salli Richardson's voice (okay, only in my head, but still), but it feels fresh and yet also like such low-hanging fruit as the human lead is usually the access point to these kinds of shows - April discovering the turtles or the companion discovering the Doctor. In retrospect, 'Gargoyles' really stood apart in this sense -- it was always the story of the gargoyles and Elisa was, initially at least, just another threat to them. That worked brilliantly for the animated series but it makes this flip feel fresh and yet accessible in the best way.

Another VOICES revelation is that there will be different narrators for the next quite-a-few issues. Will be interesting.


Okay, a confession. I LOVE the original show's way of presenting titles. There's something about the font, the colour (including the "Hunter's Moon" variants), the use of capitals and inverted commas that's kind of ingrained in me - I just think the show had the best-looking titles in town. But I appreciate there's no sensible reason to resurrect them and frankly this feels much more fresh and modern and, as titles should be, low key. Also, some of the "Clan-Building" titles had an odd distortion where it looks like the aspect ratio had gone skew-whiff. This looks crisp and great.

There's no secret about Greg's penchant for one-word titles (in which I'm including where the only other word is "the").

At a very (very) quick tot counting chapter titles and books:
Season 1 was 40% one-worders
Season 2 was 64% one-worders
Season 3 85% one-worders

In Season 4, so far: 0% one-worders. What's happened to Greg?! (I love "Here in Manhattan" as a title mind you).


Shout out to Jeff Eckleberry. Lettering is thankless if you do it right and disastrous if it goes wrong. There were a couple of times on the SLG book where it stood out for the wrong reasons (at least in my printings). This issue is perfect -- even though there are a few tricky things to pull off like the Eyrie building panel with two different narrators. And I'm not sure outline-less captions always work for me as a general rule but it suits the art in this issue really well. Superb job.


If it's been months I kinda feel bad for Gnash if people are misnaming him. Perhaps his parents prefer Nashville (sentimental reasons?). You'd think Lex would have learned after the Angie thing and a few months is plenty of time for him to get used to a new name. Neither of them look happy at being left by Broadway and Brooklyn.

Lots of subtle revelations here. Gnash has seemingly spent a fair bit of time recently in the UK - or around people who use that slang. Or perhaps just around people who like the sixth 'Harry Potter'. And we have confirmation (I'm not sure it was in "Clan-Building" that Katana is from feudal Japan). I love the "don't ask".


It's interesting that Elisa considers them sisters since she is effectively Angela's step-mother. And to be honest, even on the World Tour, I kind of looked at them more of a family unit. Of course, Elisa's a relatively young woman so she's not going to think of herself as a mother figure to an adult conceived a thousand years plus years ago. But I wonder if Angela would see it the same way.


Owen is just kinda standing there. It's great to see him but he's literally just holding an empty plate and staring. I feel like I'm missing something really obvious...? (It's later been clarified by more eagle-eyed Phoenician in the S8 CR).


Great to see Glasses and Jack Dane. Good thing I rewatched "Turf" recently for the first time in years as I forgot Jack Dane had partnered with Brod.

"We made them share a cell because we thought it'd be funny" - does Elisa have any control over prisoner placement?


Apparently the book was too exciting because the middle pages of the comic fell out of their staples as soon as I got there. A bit disappointing - I've never had that happen with a new comic before and if it were my first read-through I'd be a bit more taken out of it.

Since then, someone else in the room has reported an issue with the Nakayama copy and the stapling. However, I bought a second Nakayama copy and the inside pages are fine, and the other copies I have are fine too.

The covers are incredible. In any other situation, I'd feel this kind of thing is a bit of a rip-off but in the case of 'Gargoyles' where the breadth of fan interest has, historically, not always been there but the depth certainly has, giving fans a value reason to buy multiple copies just makes sense. I'm not able to support (or frankly, even locate) all of these but my favourite is George Kambadais'. I do like it when there's cohesion between the cover art and the interiors but also it's just a great image. However, the Nakayama and Fleeks variants are runners-up.


I wasn't sure how Coldstone and Coldfire would go down as we've really seen very little of them as characters outside their Othello/Desdemona/Iago plotline. I like how Coldstone is willing to advocate the "wrong" (or at least the selfish) choice. And Coldfire is more sympathetic but as far as I can tell is responsible for the fire and thus potentially the civilian casualty (who we've since realised is our beloved Jogger - and Todd ID'd the paramedics as from "Deadly Force" which is the deepest of deep cuts. Anyway, it makes me concerned whether or not the Coldduo are really cut out for the kind of work the gargoyles do. Hmm.

I think Coldstone will be proved right though: there is a problem if the gargoyles are only seen by the "bad guys" and don't have any wider representation. I wonder where this will go and I feel like this could have a bigger resonance across the "Here in Manhattan" arc.


I love the way the recap narration here keeps us in the action. This was one of the things that jangled me a bit with previous recaps in Clan-Building #1, #3 and back in the original show in episodes like "Outfoxed" and "The Cage". In "Nightwatch" especially it felt like Goliath telling Elisa something she already knew so the audience could listen in. This feels so much more elegant.

Plus, it's just never as exciting seeing something the second time around. There's no need here to see a Sevarius flashback for the purposes of this issue so we get to see Brendan and Margot instead because... well, of course we do! (Seriously, I got so distracted by the pair of them I missed that this sequence was about the drain at first).

And more cameos - love seeing Erin, Benny and Thug in colour! And always great to see Shari back. (It must be a little weird for the real Erin and Benny that their 'mutate selves' are still, give or take, the same age as they were when they first 'debuted').


One of the clever by-products of Elisa narrating the story is that the tone shifts when it goes "quiet" and we're not in her head. Thailog doesn't need an introduction or a name - he's totally the bad guy. And yet the re-use of the close-up mouth angle just emphasises he's a clone.

Thailog's final lines are pretty chilling but I wonder if there's something else happening. I just can't imagine Thailog taking to the languid pace of raising a child. Surely the accelerated pace of clone ageing is more his speed? Yes, a child born to mutates is significant, but he has the mutates' designer almost literally on his right hand. Is it just the link to Elisa that makes him want this specific child? Or is this a distraction? What a bastard.


No mega cliffhanger for this one - not on the final page anyway. That's fine. I really love how this is kind of a chill issue, just surveying the lay of the land.

9.09% BIGGER!

I admit, I never expected this one to be 24 pages, even though the SLG books were. 22 or even 20 seems to have been such a standard for a long time (admittedly I don't currently read any other comics regularly). I am, of course, delighted.

All told -- I love it. Yes, it's very heavy on introductions but it never feels clogged with it. Everything moves along at a nice pace, we get to see where the clan and key allies are at this point in their lives. Everything feels fresh and modern and accessible. The art is amazing. The dialogue is great.

It pulls off the incredible feat of both feeling like the original series while also feeling like a modern regeneration of it. Just stunning.

Thank you to everyone involved, congratulations Greg and fingers crossed that this is the start of a truly epic reawakening.

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Anonymous writes...

In the comics, the six most notable human members of the Green Lantern Corps, in order, are as follows:

Harold "Hal" Jordan
John Marshall Stewart
Guy Darrin Gardner
Kyle Rayner
Simon Baz
Jessica Viviana Cruz

As such, given that it has been indicated that there are FOUR Green Lantern in the Justice League as of Season 4 of Young Justice, this would mean that Kyle Rayner DEFINITELY has to be the FOURTH Green Lantern whom Aquaman (Orin) had indirectly mentioned, correct? If so, then when exactly did he join the Justice League and what is his designation number?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in relation to the Earth-16 version of Ice:

1. In regards to Ice's real name (Tora Olasfsdotter), why is her last name spelled out as Olafsdotter, and NOT as Olafsdottir; considering it seems like it is apparently based on Icelandic naming tradition?

2. Since Ice's last name clearly indicates that Olaf is the name of her father, has Olaf ever also gone by the name Marius; like in the comics? Also, is he currently deceased; like in the comics, and if so, how old was he when he died?

3. Is Ice's mother's name Elsa? Also, assuming she is still alive; like in the comics, how old is she as of the end of Season 4?

4. Is Ice's sister's full name Nikolina Olafsdotter OR Nikolina Olafsdottir? Also, is she is Ice's older sister or younger sister? Finally, assuming she is still alive; like in the comics, how old is she as of the end of Season 4?

5. Is Ice's citizenship identified as Norwegian?

6. Was Ice's as-of-yet-unnamed paternal grandfather an evil person; just like how he was depicted in the comics? Also, is he currently deceased; like in the comics, and if so, how old was he when he died?

7. Was Ice and her sister born into a Norwegian Romani clan; like in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

how did the light react when they heard of the anti light

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Brian Smith writes...

Hi Greg, love your work!

The trailer for Across The Spider-Verse dropped and it looks like it's got every version of Spidey in it. Well... almost.

You know how Andrew Garfield said he wasn't the werewolf? I'm wondering if your version is the werewolf this time... and I'm obviously talking about the werewolf we saw in the trailer, duh!

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Rachel writes...

Dear Greg,

I know this isn't what AskGreg is for but I didn't know any other way to contact you.
My name's Rachel Bierman. Big fan of your work! I'm a college student who wishes to get into the publishing industry after graduation next year and part of my efforts to make connections and put my name out there is to create a book blog where I review books and interview authors.

I would love to interview you if you're able to. To make it easy I can just email you the questions and you can type out your replies when you have time in your schedule. It would cover your comics, and your Rain of Ghosts series and future endevours.

If yes, you can email me at rrbierman@gmail.com. If you no, you can still email me the rejection. I'd love to hear back from you if you have time but I understand if you don't.

You can see what the inteverview would be like here: https://rachelreadsreviews434255182.wordpress.com/category/interview/

And my post on your works here: https://rachelreadsreviews434255182.wordpress.com/2022/11/27/author-highlight-greg-weisman/

Have a good day,
Rachel Bierman

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. What is the gargoyle tradition in regards with dealing with the death of one of their own; in comparison to various human traditions?

#2. Is the gargoyle version of "death by natural causes" like a permanent form of stone sleep; in which very old gargoyles who have reached the natural end of their lives one day turn to stone when the sun rises, but don't wake up when the sun sets? If not, then what actually happens?

#3. Do gargoyles establish parent-child and other familial relationships among generations of their own kind in the modern era; all the way up to the year 2198?

#4. Did Brooklyn became the permanent leader of the Manhattan Clan AFTER Goliath's death (which happens at some point between 2004 and 2198)? If so, how long did Brooklyn held this position before it eventually was passed on to his own successor?

#5. Between 2004 and 2198, was there ever a civil war amongst the gargoyle clans; between those who sided with the humans and those who hated the humans?

#6. Between 2004 and 2198, did Elisa Maza died of natural causes, or did she died in the line of duty, or did she died of a broken heart (assuming Goliath's death was the cause of it)?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Do the following individuals from the comics also exist in the Earth-16 universe?

Samuel "Sam" Kent - Father of Jonathan Kent, father-in-law of Martha Kent, adoptive paternal grandfather of Clark Kent.

Harry Kent - Brother of Jonathan Kent, brother-in-law of Martha Kent, and adoptive paternal uncle of Clark Kent.

Sarah "Sal" Kent - Wife of Harry Kent, sister-in-law of Jonathan and Martha Kent, and adoptive paternal aunt of Clark Kent.

Bert Clark - Brother of Martha Kent, brother-in-law of Jonathan Kent, and adoptive maternal uncle of Clark Kent.

Daniel "Dan" Fordman - First husband of Martha Kent; he passed away due to lung cancer.

Eliza Fordman - Sister of Daniel "Dan" Fordman, and former sister-in-law of Martha Kent.

2. Are the following biological relationships correct in relation to Kal-El/Clark Kent in the Earth-16 universe?

Don-El - Biological paternal great-great-grandfather

Ter-El - Biological paternal great-grandfather

Seyg-El - Biological paternal grandfather

Lor-Van - Biological maternal grandfather

In-Ze - Biological paternal great-uncle

Zor-El - Biological paternal uncle

Alura El - Biological paternal aunt

Kara Zor-El - Biological paternal cousin

In case you are confused as to why I put "adoptive paternal/maternal" and "biological paternal/maternal," I am trying to make sure it makes sense from Clark's point-of-view in regards to his biological and adoptive families.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. In the Earth-16 universe, are the following relationships below correct in regards to the family of Soranik Natu?

Thaal Sinestro (biological father)
Arin Sur (biological mother)
Abin Sur (biological maternal uncle)
Amon Sur (biological maternal cousin)
Dgibb Natu (adoptive father)
Karoll Natu (adoptive mother)

2. Is Soranik Natu's birth name Soranik Sinestro?

3. As of the time of her first appearance, how old is Soranik Natu?

4. Since Soranik's father is from Korugar, and her mother is from Ungar, this makes Soranik a Korugaran/Ungaran hybrid, correct?

5. When exactly did Soranik Natu join the Green Lantern Corps?

6. At the point of time of her appearance during the credits scene of "Rescue and Search," does Soranik know who her biological parents are; even though she is adopted? is she also aware who her maternal biological uncle and cousin are?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I just want to let you know that the comic book "Dark Crisis: Big Bang" has an updated list of worlds in the DC Multiverse. Sadly, "Young Justice" is NOT on the list.

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Caleb writes...

So your correction to the YJ count back makes my previous question moot, and makes me look a little tin-foil hat, if I'm being honest. So here's another: are Justin King VI and Philip Wilcox original to Earth-16?

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Ryan Leger writes...

You said #KeepBingingYJ on HBO Max/TELETOON/Adult Swim CANADA/StackTV/Prime Video CANADA was the best way to #SaveEarth16, #RenewYoungJustice and increase chances of Young Justice Season 5 happening! What about DVD sales, VOD sales, Young Justice: Targets comic book sales or Change.org petition signatures?

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Caleb writes...

Hi, Greg! I remain fascinated by the Young Justice character count back, but today's entry threw me for a loop. Who is James King VI? I found a character with two appearances named James "Jimmy" King on the DC wiki, but nothing for James King or Jimmy King on the YJ wiki. Would you be willing to at least point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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Anonymous writes...

Do you think that Disney WITCH will ever get a season 3? Many people are requesting a Disney WITCH Season 3 and their are even petitions for it.

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Anonymous writes...

TRUE or FALSE?: the Earth-16 version of Darkseid's family

1. The order of Darkseid's three sons, from oldest to youngest, is Kalibak, Orion, and Grayven.

2. As all three of Darkseid's sons each have a different mother, they are considered to be paternal half-brothers to each other.

3. The name of Kalibak's mother is Suli.

4. The name of Orion's biological mother is Tigra.

5. Grayven's as-of-yet-unnamed mother hails from an as-of-yet-unnamed world that was conquered by Darkseid.

6. The mothers of Darkseid's three sons are currently deceased in the Earth-16 universe.

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Anonymous writes...

If Tye Longshadow was Jaime Reyes' best friend in the Earth-16 universe, then what about the Earth-16 versions of Brenda Del Vecchio and Paco Testas; who were Jaime Reyes' best friends in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions about the family members of Earth-16's Jaime Reyes:

1. Is his father's name Alberto Reyes?

2. Is his mother's name Bianca Leal Reyes; with Leal being her maiden name?

3. Is his younger sister's name Milagro Reyes?

4. Are his paternal grandparents' names Alejandro Reyes (grandfather) and Conchi Reyes (grandmother)?

5. Is his maternal grandmother's name Elena Leal?

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Mr. Felipe Barros writes...

Hi Greg, how are you? i wanted to ask some questions here

1. In your Spider-Man show would you consider Peter a handsome guy as Romita Peter or just a kinda cute guy like ditko's?i ask this because i find curious that pete attracts a lot of young females in your show(like in the comics too) and although he has a lot of qualities besides his physical appearance, i was wondering how much of his outer appearance is noticeable to the likes of Liz or Gwen. i.e if he is a handsome guy.

2. Do you think Spidey being short and skinny its the better way to go with a spider-man built?(like in your show) or do you prefer him being taller or maybe buff like the Romita era.

3. What is your favorite live action version of Spider-Man from the movies?

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Anonymous writes...

Can we see all the Disney WITCH season 3 own transcripts? And if you did Disney WITCH Season 3 how would you do it? And can you reaves all that you know about Disney WITCH season 3?

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Anonymous writes...

Hello! I am curious if you were ever able to get the chance to make season 3 of The Spectacular Spider-man, would you still go through with the plans you have revealed so far (scorpion and hobgoblin) and basically the rest of the plans you had before? Or have ideas changed over time or are you gonna come up with completely different ideas?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Between 2010 and 2018, how did Joker managed to escape Arkham Asylum?

2. After the Joker was defeated in January 2018 by Batman and his team, was he sent back to Arkham Asylum again, or was he sent to a more secure prison that is better equipped to dealing with his insanity and unpredictability?

3. Just like in the comics, is the Joker directly responsible for the death of Jason Todd? I'm NOT asking for any details whatsoever in regards to this event; ONLY for confirmation (yes or no) as to whether or not it happened in the Earth-16 universe.

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Peter writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. I have some questions about Young Justice regarding Orion.

1. Was Orion born on Apokolips?
2. When did he move to New Genesis?
3. Where was Orion during the events of ”Away Mission”
4. Is Orion a member of the Justice League?
5. Are Kalibak and Grayven, Orion’s brothers?

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Ronnie Hernandez Holmberg writes...

Hello Greg,
you probably get this a lot but my first question is
1)how do you feel about being back in the saddle in terms of Gargoyles?
Reading the first issue gave me major nostalgia in the best way and I was wondering if it was the same for you.

2) Is there any character in particular you've missed in terms of Gargoyle? Reading the issue made me realize i didn't even know how much i missed Goliath.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Just to be sure that I interpret the generations of the Kane family correctly in the Earth-16 universe...

#1. At least one generation consists of Martha Wayne, Jacob Kane, Nathan Kane, Philip Kane, and Bette Kane's as-of-yet-unnamed father; even though there's no way yet of knowing what is the actual order of oldest to youngest sibling in the Earth-16 universe.

#2. At least one generation consists of Bruce Wayne, Katherine "Kate" Kane, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (Kate's twin sister) and Bette Kane; with Bruce being the oldest of this generation, and Bette being the youngest of this generation. As such, the girls would be Bruce's maternal cousins (via Bruce's mother), and Bruce would be the girls' paternal cousin (via their respective fathers)

#3. Bruce Wayne is the ONLY member of his generation of the Kane family whose relationships with his uncles and aunts on this side of the family are considered maternal because his mother was a Kane before she married Thomas Wayne. For Bruce's cousins, all relationships with their uncles and aunts on this side of the family are considered paternal via their respective fathers, but nothing is currently known about their respective maternal relatives via their respective mothers (Gabrielle Kane and Bette Kane's as-of-yet-unnamed mother).

#4. Roderick Kane is the father of Martha Wayne, Jacob Kane, Nathan Kane, Philip Kane, and Bette Kane's as-of-yet unnamed father. Roderick Kane is also the maternal grandfather of Bruce Wayne, and the paternal grandfather of Katherine "Kate" Kane, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (Kate's twin sister) and Bette Kane.

#5. Elizabeth "Betsy" Kane is the mother of Martha Wayne, Jacob Kane, Nathan Kane, Philip Kane, and Bette Kane's as-of-yet unnamed father. Elizabeth "Betsy" Kane is also the maternal grandmother of Bruce Wayne, and the paternal grandmother of Katherine "Kate" Kane, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (Kate's twin sister) and Bette Kane.

#6. Nathan Kane's wife was Katherine Webb Kane (with her nickname being "Kathy," and Webb being her maiden name) in the comics. If this is also true in the Earth-16 universe, this means she is the maternal aunt of Bruce Wayne, and the paternal aunt of Katherine "Kate" Kane, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (Kate's twin sister) and Bette Kane.

#7. Catherine Hamilton Kane (with Hamilton being her maiden name) is Jacob Kane's second wife in the comics. If this is also true in the Earth-16 universe, this means she is the "maternal aunt by marriage" of Bruce Wayne, the step-mother of Katherine "Kate" Kane and Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (Kate's twin sister), and the "paternal aunt by marriage" of Bette Kane. As such, Bruce Wayne and Bette Kane would be considered Catherine's "nephew by marriage" and "niece by marriage," respectively, from her point-of view.

If any of my interpretations on the Kane Family are incorrect, please kindly explain to me as to where I got the facts wrong.

Thank you.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the comics of the 2000s, the "Batman of Zur-En-Arrh" is depicted as a violent and unhinged backup personality of Bruce Wayne that was created by him as protection against psychic attacks. As such, this personality is essentially Batman WITHOUT Bruce Wayne. Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the "Batman of Zur-En-Arrh"?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What makes Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Tim Drake so different from each other as Robins?

2. Since the Earth-16 Damian will likely not be Robin for about a decade, who would be the next likely candidate to take up the mantle of Robin after Tim Drake?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, who discovered the Phantom Zone and learned about its various effects on those who are sent there (discoloration, lack of heat signatures, and the inability to age, die, or heal) and learned about the creatures that are apparently native to it (such as Devourers)? If more than one person was involved in these discoveries, who are they? And finally, when exactly were these discoveries made?

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Anonymous writes...

1. In the Earth-16 universe, when a female Kryptonian from one House is married to male Kryptonian of another House, is she no longer a member of her former House? For example, since Lara Lor-Van married Jor-El and became Lara El, is she no longer a member of the House of Van? Likewise, since Kara Zor-El's mother, Alura In-Ze, married Zor-El and became Alura El, is she no longer a member of the House of Ze?

2. What is Lor-Van's (Lara El's father) exact relationships with each of the known members of the House of El in the Earth-16 universe; starting with the most recent generation (Jonny Kent) and then going backwards? Be sure to indicate paternal and maternal relationships of each character in relation to Lor-Van if necessary; for Jonny Kent's case, it's also a biological relationship.

3. What is In-Ze's (Alura El's father) exact relationships with each of the known members of the House of El in the Earth-16 universe; starting with the most recent generation (Jonny Kent) and then going backwards? Be sure to indicate paternal and maternal relationships of each character in relation to In-Ze if necessary; for Jonny Kent's case, it's also a biological relationship.

#4. In regards to the Kryptonian who is the father of Jor-El and Zor-El, the paternal grandfather of Kal-El and Kara Zor-El, and the paternal biological great-grandfather of Jonny Kent, is the man's Kryptonian name spelled out as Seyg-El (like in the comics) or Seg-El (like in the Syfy TV series, "Krypton") in the Earth-16 universe?

#5. Is Ter-El the father of Seyg-El, the paternal grandfather of Jor-El and Zor-El, the paternal great-grandfather of Kal-El and Kara Zor-El, and the paternal biological great-great-grandfather of Jonny Kent?

#5. Is Don-El the father of Ter-El, the paternal grandfather of Seyg-El, the paternal great-grandfather of Jor-El and Zor-El, the paternal great-great-grandfather of Kal-El and Kara Zor-El, and the paternal biological great-great-great-grandfather of Jonny Kent?

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Paul writes...

I'm sorry, Greg -- I would like to apologise to you, please, because I just checked the search function and realised that the question that I've just submitted was one I submitted a couple of months ago. I'm so sorry. I'll be more careful in the future.

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Paul writes...

We know that Troia is 20 years old biologically in Team Year Nine, but of course we don't know *how* she ages (whether she ages slowly like M'gann, or at the rate of a normal human like many characters in YJ, or doesn't age at all like Conner). With this in mind, though this may be considered a spoiler request, I would like to ask: what was her biological age when she joined the Team in Team Year Two?

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Sam writes...

Are the Beetle-tech drones designed by Blue or are they just similar in name?

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Showwatcher writes...

1.What is up with the one shot in 1x10 when Cheshire fights Red arrow and spinkicks him and flips back? because wow someone really made that and it really got on tv lol. Also People keep asking are they ever going to do a shot or scene like that again
2.its cool the animation is mostly the same as s1 and even on teen Titans but it updates the quality was that intentional or just it looks cool. Also how many seasons do you think will happen? Sorry for the long question

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Jeremy writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,
What I love about Young Justice is the original organization of the Light. I am also I big Marvel fan so I was wondering what you thought would be a good lineup for a Marvel version of the group. I ask because I think the Cabal run by Norman Osborn is lacks the stability and effectiveness of Vandal Savage's organization. Thank you for reading this if you do.

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Caleb writes...

Hi, Greg!

In anticipation of the new Dynamite Gargoyles comic, and because of the Paris clan's inclusion in YJ Targets, I tracked down a copy of "The Flashback of Notre Dame." It was a fun little read! I'm a big fan of both Chris's and your work, so it was cool to see your first (I think?) collaboration.

Just a couple questions:
1. Why was the Brooklyn analog named Monmarte? I'm admittedly not super familiar with New York or Paris, but I assume there's a parallel between the two, in the same way as Broadway and Montparnasse or Lexington Avenue and Champs Élysées.
2. Same question for Bronx and Rive Gauche.
3. Between Coldstone and Coldsteel, which corresponds to Cyrano and which to Christian?
4. Is the Paris clan less antagonistic than the Wyvern clan? It struck me as odd that Diabolique and Thomeheb were still part of the clan despite being named "Demonic" and identified as the evil twin, respectively.
5. What is the exact text of the Archmagus's spell, including the "man of silver kissing his betrothed on the last full moon of February" caveat? (Kidding, kidding... unless?)

One final thought: have you seen the recent film musical adaption of Cyrano de Bergerac starring Peter Dinklage? I liked it a lot, though admittedly i haven't read the original play.

Thanks again, and I can't wait to read the first new Gargoyles story since I discovered the series! WE LIVE AGAIN!

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. How long has Fury served with the Infinitors and does she occasionally wear a baseball cap or newsgirl cap when not in costume or on duty ? 2. What does Angel o' day do for a living ?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, is Saturn Girl's race identified as Saturnian (assuming life somehow existed on Saturn in the 31st century) or Titanian (assuming they lived on Saturn's moon, Titan) in the 31st century?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, what are the names of Ursa's parents?

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Anonymous writes...

Did the Earth-16 version of the Justice Society of America ever encountered Vladimir Sokov/Red Lantern?

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Anonymous writes...

Is Joan Garrick's maiden name Williams?

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Anonymous writes...

Where is the Earth-16 version of Judy Garrick/The Boom; the daughter of Jay and Joan Garrick?

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Anonymous writes...

On the Earth-16 version of Krypton, was kryptonite poisoning (via green kryptonite) ever identified/acknowledged by Kryptonians as the "Green Plague"?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In Detective Comics 2022 Annual #1, it is revealed that Gotham City was originally known as "Gathome Settlement" during the 1700s. As such, is this also true in the Earth-16 universe as well?

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Anonymous10000 writes...

At Conner and M'gann's wedding, Spoiler has been seen leaning on Robin. Does it mean they are a couple?

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Anonymous writes...

does the light still have the means to produce clones of ocean master? Even if they're no longer interested in doing that

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Caleb writes...

Hello, Greg! Some more questions about the YJ character countback.

1. Are Blue Falcon and Dyno-Mutt fictional in the context of Earth-16?
2. Is Mayor Sackett's first name Bradford like in the comics?
3. Does Sackett go by Buck as in the comics?
4. What is Principal Sanchez's first name?
5. After some searching on the DC wiki, I found several character with the surname Sanchez, but none seem to be a good match to the principal. Is Principal Sanchez original to Earth-16?

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Zach writes...

Hey Greg!

I've been reading you and Cary's run on Captain Atom as of late, and I've been thoroughly enjoying it. However, it made me curious: how much input, if any, did you and Cary have on DC's initial plans for Armageddon 2001 (in which Captain Atom would become Monarch)?

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Anonymous writes...

Ben Shapiro defended Kanye at one point so following the logic you use to defend yourself that means Ye cant possibly be antisemitic right? Until Ye personally offended Shaprio of course, then all of a sudden he calls it out. Exploiting identity politics as a shield will only get you so far.

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bryn_black_bat writes...

Regarding Orphan/Cassandra Wu-San, I was wondering if there was a reason you decided to write her in such a way that wouldn’t allow her to eventually learn how to talk. On other earths/in various comic runs, she did eventually learn how to speak, since speech was deprived from her rather than forcibly taken (growing up in an environment without speech vs having her vocal cords removed), so I was curious why you decided to take such a different route with Cass.

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Anonymous writes...

I've been watching Spectacular Spider-Man again and I have a few questions relating to some pretty minor characters:

1) Do the various security personnel members that Tombstone employs have names? They're all so visually distinct that I figured they would but I can't find anything about it online.

2) What is Coach Smith's first name?

3) Was "Benny" meant to be the show's legally-secure version of/allusion to Ben Urich?

4) Similarly, there is a girl with pink hair in the background of various scenes set in Midtown High that reminds me of when Jessica Jones was Jewel. Was this an intentional visual nod to Jessica or am I just reading too much into things?

5) You've said that there are currently 782 characters within the world of Young Justice as of the end of Targets; do you have an exact number for how many characters there are within the world of Spectacular Spider-Man as of the end of season two?

Thank you for your time, and for your work on not just Spectacular Spider-Man, but Young Justice, Star Wars Rebels and Gargoyles too.

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Justin rlly big Wally west fan writes...

Please please bring Wally west back. Everyone loves that character and we’ve been waiting for the return of him. I cannot stress that enough please bring him back. We want to see him back on the screen all grown up with his infamous red and white flash suit.

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Anonymous writes...

I know you’re probably sick of the religion discourse but I’d like to throw in something that I feel like you’re missing. We’re living in a time where fundamentalist religious minorities are taking over governments all over the world, from the US to Iran, Russia, Israel, India, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc. people are struggling against extremist conservative regimes that use Judiasm, Chrisitianity, Islam, and Hinudism to justify their actions. While it’s not fair to blame the entire religion, reality is that people are increasingly turned off by organized religions being shoved down our throats. In America, there are inescapable Christian undertones in media and literature. People are for sure interested in exploring different identities in entertainment, including religious groups, but those shows require a narrow focus so the issues can be explored in depth. Or there’s a way to weave these things into characters without focusing on it, like they did in Moon Knight. In a show like Young Justice, I’m sorry but it comes off more like a preachy after school special. It’s shallow. Iran just murdered a woman for a strand of hair sticking out of her hijab and killed hundreds more for protesting about it. At the same time, covered women are vulnerable to hate crimes in non-Muslim countries. No matter where they go, they’re the ones suffering. If you’re going to dedicate an episode to talking about the hijab, you need to do a lot more to actually add something of value to the discussion.

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Ryan Leger writes...

Have you seen our petition? https://chng.it/zDMDwW9K8q

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P.A.G. writes...

Hi Mr. Wiseman, I hope you’re enjoying yourself and your break from answering questions on the website and hope if and/or when you return you can answer some inquiries I have?
1. How long have Lois Lane and Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman been married?
2. Does Lana Lang exist in Earth-16 and was she a friend and/or past love of Clark?
3. When did Lois find out Clark and Superman were one and the same?
4. How did Clark learn of his Kryptonian heritage and what year did he?
5. When did Clark have his first experience with Kryptonite?
6. Does blue sunlight radiation have an effect on Kryptonians like yellow sunlight or red sunlight?
7. Did Martha Kent give Clark his first Superman suit?
8. How many light years was Krypton to Earth?
9. Is Superman also referred to as the Man of Steel?
10. What age did Clark’s powers start coming in?
11. Is Kryptonite the remnants of Krypton?

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Anonymous writes...

Has anyone on the team had diarrhea accidents on the floor in front of Batman? And if so does Batman enjoy it?

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The Diabeetus writes...

Why does clayface look like my excrete?

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