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Phoenician writes...

Hey Greg,

A little behind on the my review for the comics, will get to those one day (just know right now I've loved each and every new issue that comes out:) ).

That said, I did want to post some random thoughts about Saturday's Spiderman. I must admit that my only exposure to Spidey thus far has been the 90's incarnation as well as the three feature films . . . I've never had the chance to delve into Peter's comic origins.

That said, some thoughts:

- Love seeing the tributes to Hudson and Broadway. Shame about the Broadway statue though. Don't the folks in Spidey's world know how much us fans would pay for a collectible Gargoyles statue?? :P

- You really are a weaver of great stories, and that can be seen with all the set-up of stories to come. We meet the characters of the Green Goblin, the Lizard, Venom, and (from what I've gathered in the CR) other Spidey antagonists that I never knew about. And though I vaguely knew about the Vulture and Electro (was Electro even in the 90's version? I can't remember . . .), I still loved these two episodes -- both characters had amazing lines.

- I'm totally sympathetic for Peter with his cell phone constantly ringing during his fights, and I have no good reason why. It's not like I've been webslinging in New York City fighting crime, right?

- Speaking of web-slinging, I found it interesting that Peter's using web-cartridges, instead of having spinners. I know the movies had Peter with spinners, and the 90's show had the web-cartridges.

- I also loved Peter ripping his costume. I think my favorite part of the films was just how much his suit got torn-up in his final battles, so that little moment gave me a chuckle as well.

- I could have sworn that the classic "bad-guy-crashing-into-fellow-bad-guy" trick from Gargoyles was going to be used in one of the aerial flights, but I can't remember if it actually happened or not. I don't think it did, but I really got the impression that it was going to happen. Maybe it was because Peter was on Vulture's back that triggered the thought.

- Love the Banana Cream Pie scene.

- I really love this version of J. Jonah Jameson. While I loved him in both the 90's cartoon and the films, my memory of him is that "His bark is worse than his bite, but his bark is still totally see-through." As of Spiderman 3, he was pretty much "cute." But Saturday was the first time I actually got scared from him. Was it the voice actor, the words he said, or just the animation of Jameson ripping one on Peter? Not totally sure -- but I know my eyes went as big as Peter's. So kudos on that!

That's pretty much it -- be happy knowing you've got at least one more college guy getting up early on Saturday Morning for cartoons!

Greg responds...

Daran Norris is brilliantly funny as Jonah.

Response recorded on March 18, 2008

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legion writes...

you said before that you came up with the name Thailog from listening to Goliath's name backwards but wouldn't it be spelled/pronounced htailog instead of thailog?

Greg responds...

No. Sounds don't respect spelling conventions. "TH" is a sound. In any case, it sounded like Thailog.

Response recorded on March 18, 2008

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

This is not a question, but a comment about "Heritage." I enjoyed the story (even though I prefer a less malevolent version of Raven), but I think there must be an error in it. Maybe you're already aware of it. I don't aim to make the show look bad, but only to inform you, because you have said you have future plans for Natsilane and the Haida.

The scene with the error is when Natsilane ascends the volcano to battle Raven. He is dressed in a buckskin jacket, buckskin pants, and a feather headdress. This is the kind of clothing that many people think of when they imagine a Native American chief, but this kind of clothing was only worn in or near the Great Plains. Before European clothing became common, each region of North and South America had a separate style of clothing, with further variation between the different cultures within each region. The traditional clothing in the Northwest Coast area did not include any buckskin or feather headdresses. In general, in the Northwest Coast people traditionally wore brightly colored woven cloaks and wide-brimmed conical hats.

Greg responds...

Thanks. Obviously, if your info is accurate, our character designer for that model of Natsilane didn't do his research.

Response recorded on March 17, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

hey i cant find places to watch gargoyls do u know were i can find places to watch them i tried megavideo and youtube but nuthin so can u help

Greg responds...

Try buying the DVDs!

Response recorded on March 17, 2008

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Just a few comments. I'm sure we'll discuss it in more detail soon.

Okay, first two episodes were pretty damn good.

- Loved Keith David as the unseen Big Man.
- Spidey's quips were funny, and as Pete he was very geeky and awkward, which was cool.
- I am really liking Gwen Stacy here, she's like a spunky version of Willow when she was in High School.
- On that note, you can tell that Greg is a Joss Whedon fan, but in a way, this had a bit of a Buffy feel, especially in the High School scenes.
- I liked Vulture a lot. The re-design was great. Loved hearing Freddy Kruger's voice come out of him.
- Electro was both an imposing an sympathetic villain. Crispin Freeman did a great job with that voice.
- Eddie Brock was great... I never thought I'd ever say that, but I like this Eddie. Giving him a connection to Peter is a brilliant move, which will make things all the more tragic when he becomes Venom.
- Cameos, cameos, cameos. Flint Marko and the Rhino as criminals before they become supervillains.
- Nice foreshadowing for the Lizard. I like how the villains are interconnected. Works better than random radiation accidents.
- And Gargoyles fan service. Goliath, Hudson and Broadway statues... Broadway shattered in the fight with Vulture.
- Norman Osborn is perfect in this series. He was a ruthless businessman. Unscrupulous, amoral and a bully. His one scene with Harry said all we needed to know about what kind of father he is, and how disappointed he is in his son. I love how Harry calls him "Sir."

I also loved how Vulture didn't even manage to faze him. He is being held hundreds of feet up in the air, and dropped, and he still insults him. Yes, this is the Norman Osborn I always read in comics. Much better than the 90s version who was reduced to being the Kingpin's whiny victim, and who wasn't a bad guy before he got powers.

Greg responds...

Glad you like it.

Response recorded on March 17, 2008

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Mera writes...

Hi, Greg.

I’m compelled to tell you that I have never been interested in comics much less read them until Gargoyles and BUFFY/ANGEL (they are the only ones I read and I have every issue). I had a dream once about you and Joss Whedon collaborating in something but I woke up before I saw what it was. Therefore, please keep up the amazing work in bringing out the comics (or show if the stars align) and maybe, who knows, one day I can see both your names on something I’m reading/watching. My selfish fantasies have come true before.

Here’s the question. Even though I adore all the characters Gargoyles had brought to life for me, I, as everyone have a soft one for one or two particular characters. Depending on how you look at it. Will Owen (or Puck) ever get his own storyline or particular focus? Not asking about romance, unless there is one! Won’t say no about it. But he is a very interesting character and I hope for us to see more of him and his sharp witty one-liners.


Greg responds...

Given enough issues, the answer is yes, of course.

Response recorded on March 17, 2008

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Algernon writes...

My Thoughts on The Spectacular Spider-Man

Wow, I am truly gobsmacked by these first two episodes. I'm particularly impressed by how many figures of Spidey-lore you have managed to squeeze in here. From big names like Norman Osborn and Gwen Stacy to the insanely obscure ones like Sally Avril and Stan Carter. Most comic-based shows don't intro this many familiar faces in a whole season, this show does it in the pilot. Pretty much every single character with a speaking role is lifted directly from the comic page. But on to the episodes themselves...

Survival of The Fittest

A whole lot going on in this ep, Vulture's vendetta against Osborn, Foswell and the Enforcers cracking down on Spidey plus a whole lot of pipe laying for future story lines. It really is a great running start for the series, hope you keep up the momentum.

Another episode bursting at the seems, lots of different plot lines interweaving. Seriously I'm amazed these episodes are only 22 minutes long. Electro's never been a fave of mine but I like what you did with him here.

Random Thoughts

*Keith David's Big Man is the standout for me. I especially dig the unseen ominous voice angle, Kingpin, shmingpin I Say.

*It seems your going the Ultimate route with Eddie Brock's character development. Not my favorite incarnation of Brock but it'll be interesting seeing where you go with it.

*I'm pretty sure this is the first time Sandman's been animated since the eighties.

*Who does the voice of Norman Osborn? It kinda sounds like Kelsey Grammer

Great work so far, keep it up.

Greg responds...

Alan Rachins IS Norman Osborn.

Response recorded on March 17, 2008

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

March 17th...

In Strathbolgi, Canmore kills Luach. Bodhe also dies. Gruoch commits suicide.

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The Spectacular Spider-Man #103


The Spectacular Spider-Man
Main and End Title Credits ___________________________________________________________________________
Main Titles
Executive Producers

Developed For Television By

Created by

Opening Credits

Card #1
Supervising Producer and Story Editor

Card #2
Producer and Supervising Director

Card #3

Card #4
Written By

Card #5
Directed By

Closing Credits

Card #6
Card #7
Also Starring

Card #8
Also Starring
Card #9
Voice Casting and Dialogue Director
Card #10
Music by

Card #11
Associate Producer

Card #12
Staff Writer

Apprentice Writer

Card # 13
Storyboard Artists

Storyboard Revisionists

Card #14
Lead Character Designer
Card #15
Character Designers

Assistant Character Designers

Card #16
Background Supervisor

Background Designers

Prop Designers

Card #17
Background Painters

Color Stylists

Card #18

Supervising Timing Director

Timing Directors

Animation Checker
Card #19

Storyboard Production Manager BRIAN G. SMITH

Production Art Supervisor JOHN "BUENOS" DIAZ

Production Coordinator SHERRIAN FELIX

Episodic Casting Supervisor MATTHEW C. OTOSKI

Production Assistant BEN MALONEY

Post Production Assistant JENNIFER L. ANDERSON

Production Accountant NATHAN HARAMOTO

Card #20

Associate Producer for Marvel

Production Coordinator for Marvel

Card #21

Recorded at

Dialogue Recording Engineer

Dialogue Editor

Track Reading

Animatic Technician

Card #22


Assistant Editors

Digital Effects Supervisor

Card #23

Music Engineers MARK MATTSON

Post Production Sound Services ADVANTAGE Sound Services

Sound Designer ROBERT POOLE II

Dialogue Editor ROBBI SMITH

Foley Artist CRAIG NG


Digital Audio Transfer ROBERT PRATT

Re-Recording Mixers MELISSA ELLIS
Card #24
Main Title Theme by

Main Title Directed by

Main Title Storyboard by

Main Title Color by

Main Title Animation Production by

Card #25
Animation Production by
Card #26

This Motion Picture is protected under the laws of the United States and other countries, and its unauthorized duplication, distribution, or exhibition may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution. Many of the characters and incidents portrayed and the names used herein are fictitious, and any similarity to the name, character, or history of any person is entirely coincidental and unintentional.

"The Spectacular Spider-Man, the animated series (C) 2008 Adelaide Productions, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Spider-Man and all related characters TM & (C) 2008 Marvel Characters, Inc."

Adelaide Productions, Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purposes of Article
15(2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.




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"Natural Selection" on "The Spectacular Spider-Man"

Hey gang,

Hope you tune in on Saturday Morning to see the first appearance of the LIZARD on "The Spectacular Spider-Man". This episode is INTENSE!!! Trust me!

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Wesley Nichols writes...

You mentioned that other Gargoyles would join the Manhattan clan besides Katana, Nashville, Fu-Dog. Will we see these gargoyles soon? Also does the manhattan clan have enough Gargoyles for Atermis to have a mate by the time he reaches full adulthood?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 14, 2008

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Jordan writes...

Hey Greg,

I caught the spider-man premire and I have to say it was one of the best saturday mornings I've had in years. Congrats to you and your crew.

In the time between Gargoyles and Spider-man, how would say the overall process of creating an animated show has changed, for better or worse?

Greg responds...

Mostly worse for me at least, because in those days I had the occasional ear of Michael Eisner. He was hard to sell, but if he said yes, we got to MAKE OUR SHOW with no more bologna attached. Nowadays getting a "yes" is nearly impossible as it's always a decision by committee. Heck it took them years to decide to make Spider-Man. I mean... Spider-Man?!! If any show is a no-brainer...

Response recorded on March 14, 2008

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Chuck Logan writes...

Greg I have enjoyed reading the new gargoyles comics immensely. I have bought each issue along with the paperback edition. To find out when each issue is going to hit the stands I go to the SLG publishing website. You are a terrific storyteller, and I would love to see your take on the red tornado. The SLG website has a link posting their publishing schedule for certain comics. Does the DC website do the same? Will you let us know on AskGreg.com when these issues are supposed to hit the stand at our local comic book store? I get the same feeling from reading the comic book as I did from watching the show so many years ago. I will continue to buy anything having to do with the gargoyles universe in the hope that season two volume 2 is released and furthering the growth of the franchise. If buying other projects you work on will also help the gargoyles I will be right there showing my support.

Greg responds...

Didn't I just answer this?

Response recorded on March 13, 2008

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chuck logan writes...

Saw the new Spider-Man series and I have some quick questions:
1. Why does Doc conners have a robot arm?
If he has a perfectly fuctioning macanical arm, that may work better then a real one, why is he in such a hurry to grow a new arm? With this macanical arm (unlike in the comics) his life and ability to function is not hindered like it would be without it. The machanical arm deflates his motivation and the urgency to experiment on himself. I understand his wanting a flesh and bone arm but with a wife and child and a perfecly good maybe better robo arm his motives come across purely selfish and even more unnessisary.

2. Why do all the characters have eyes like the children in those old marionette/claymation christmas specials? This is especilly distrubing on Peter Parker.
3. Why introduse eddie brock so eairly in the series and not marry jane? Both these characters came much later in spider-man's life.
Mary Jane The Amazing Spider-Man #42 November 1966 (full apperence) \
Eddie Brock Web of Spider-Man #18 (Sept. 1986 Venom)

4. There are a couple other things that bug me, those are the big ones. Aginst my better judgment I actully like the new look of Vulture and Electro. My only problem with Electro is he is basicly a mutent. I would like it better if he uesed the suite to as a means of power not a way of containing it. This way he can lead an outwordly norm life and look like any rondom guy on the street until it is time to strike. At the end of the episode electro shattered his helmet. I hope he dosen't get another one he lookes cooler without it.

The animation on Spider-man during the action sequeces is great.
Thank You, Thank, You Thank You for giving Peter Parker/Spider-Man web shooters.
Is it true Kingpin will not appear in this show?

Greg responds...

1. It's not a robot arm, it's a somewhat advanced prosthetic arm. It doesn't function as well as a real arm, and he has no sensation in it. You'll notice he doesn't even use it to shake Peter's hand. If you think it's the same thing as having a real arm... well, you're just wrong. (Sorry.)

2. We like the art style. I'm not going to apologize for something that I VERY MUCH LIKE. Doesn't mean you have to like it, of course. To each his or her own.

3. I know exactly when each character was introduced, but I'm trying to find core truths, core dynamics for ALL the characters we're introducing. There is a method to my madness, but you may need to have a little patience.

4. Electro isn't a mutant by any comic book definition of the term that I know. I guess he's a mutate of sorts. But basically he got his powers in an accident, which is always how he got his powers in the comic.

5. As for Kingpin, at the moment we do not have permission to use the character, which I think is a damn shame. But I have hopes that'll change someday.

Response recorded on March 13, 2008

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Todd Jensen writes...

I saw the first two episodes of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" this morning, and enjoyed them. I immediately spotted a few of the elements that people have commented on here before me: the stone gargoyles in the first episode (knowing that you'd written that one, I wasn't at all surprised that they showed up), Keith David being cast as the mysterious boss determined to get rid of Spider-Man, and the way that Electro's accident evoked "Metamorphosis".

I'm looking forward to seeing the others - and I'm pleased that it's easy to follow for someone who (like me) has only a general familiarity with Spider-Man (though I got a few of the allusions, such as to Uncle Ben's death and the significance of lizards in Dr. Connors' lab). Congratulations.

Greg responds...

Thanks. We're having fun. We're exhausted, but we're having fun.

Response recorded on March 13, 2008

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Chuck Logan writes...

Greg I have enjoyed reading the new gargles comics immensely. I have bought each issue along with the paperback edition. To find out where each issue is going to hit the stance I go to the SLG publishing website. You are a terrific storyteller, and I would love to see your take on the red tornado. The SLG website has a link to that post their publishing schedule for certain comics. Does the DC website do the same? Will you let us know on AskGreg.com when these issues are supposed to hit the stand at our local comic book store? I get the same feeling from reading the comic book as I did from watching the show so many years ago. I will continue to buy anything having to do with the gargles universe in the hope that season two volume 2 is released and furthering the growth of the franchise. If buying other projects you work a lot and will also help the gargoyles. I will be right there showing my support.

You mentioned that the Red Tornado is one of your favorite characters. Would you explain why this particular character stands out in your mind and why you are excited about getting to write about this character.

Greg responds...

I don't know what DC has on their website. Check it out and let us know.

I will of course keep everyone as up to date as I can right here at ASK GREG.

I don't want to go into TOO much detail about Red Tornado now -- because I don't want to scoop the mini-series.

Response recorded on March 13, 2008

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Ricky writes...

Hey Greg,

This is my last question-posting, it'll be my third today, so I'll have filled my geekly quota!

I just (not two minutes ago) read about SLG switching formats to only putting out graphic novels. If the license is renewed, I think this could bode incredibly well for Gargoyles. Here are my thoughts on why:

1. Given the fact that a graphic novel is the same as a trade, and we got three complete stories in Clan-Building Vol 1, this would mean we would get a much larger helping of Gargoyles in one sitting. Whether it's an entire arc in one book, or one arc and the beginning of the next, or just a bunch of standalones, I think it would feel really satisfying, especially to those of us who crave Gargoyles like addicts.

2. Increased sales (which I'm sure appeals to everyone for a multitude of reasons). What happens a lot, which I'm sure you know but I'll say anyway, is that a lot of people by the individual issues and then don't by the trade, or people simply wait for the trade, which means lower sales for the issues. Releasing Gargoyles as a graphic novel and not as individual issues could mean that sales for the individual issues and the trade won't be sort of competing in that way.

3. No delays between individual issues and less delay between the completion of a story arc. Personally the delays don't bother me, I'd wait years if I had to for the next issue (I'd probably just run around like a chicken without a head). But I know that some people get discouraged and become uninterested as a result of them.

4. Less production costs. I'm assuming printing individual issues AND a trade would cost more than just producing graphic novels.

5. Hopefully less approval time from Disney. This might be a stretch, but I dunno… it's good to be hopeful.

6. Well, I'm sure there are plenty more reasons that my feeble little brain have yet to think of, but I'm sure someone else will, and you've probably thought of them all by now anyway.

Ok, so, now that I'm done with all my blabber, we can get to the actual questions.

1) You said in the past that you were unsure about whether or not the Gargoyles license will be renewed. Has there been any change, good or bad, that may have changed your feelings about that?

2) I read on a forum (yea, I know, not a very reliable source) that Dan Vado had stated that he planned to let every Disney license lapse except for Gargoyles. Do you know if there's any truth to this? Is it something he might have said in the past that may have changed? Or…is it just BS I read on a forum? 

3) Dumb question. Will you be discussing the possibility of Gargoyles continuing in this format before the final decision is made about the renewal of the license?

Ok, that's all for now. Sorry to take up so much of your time, I've just got a lot of things running through my head at once, and wanted to get them all out.

Thanks again for everything!

Greg responds...

1. At WonderCon, Dan said he planned to renew it. But he hadn't heard back from Disney yet. So it's looking more hopeful, but it's not definite.

2. I have no idea what he's planning for the other licenses.

3. I have no direct knowledge of this graphic novel thing. Dan hasn't mentioned it to me. But I'd be fine doing it that way, I guess.

Response recorded on March 13, 2008

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Demonskrye writes...

I'm really glad we're able to give you our feedback on "Spectacular Spider-Man". My husband and I watched it this morning. We're big Spidey fans - the kind with all the Essential volumes on a easily accessible bookshelf - so I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that we both loved it. The "Cheeks" designs look great in animation and I'd even say this series looks better than any previous animated incarnation of Spider-Man. My husband got a kick out of seeing the Enforcers and we both really liked the takes on Liz Allen, Gwen Stacy, and Eddie Brock. Great buildup to the upcoming Lizard episode and nice subtle tease of the Sandman too. I was also impressed that we're two episodes in and there's no direct reference to Spidey's origin. I think by now it's fair to assume most viewers know what happened. I'm sure I won't be the first person to comment on the cameo by Hudson and a couple of Broadways (or was the other one Hollywood?)), but it was really fun.

So since I feel like I should ask a question, do I recall correctly that you mentioned reading "Untold Tales of Spider-Man" in a previous interview about the show? It's one of our favorite Spider-Man comics and we'd both be thrilled to see some aspects of it make their way into the show.

I know the show has been a lot of hard work for you and likely everyone else involved, but it looks like you're having a lot of fun too. Keep up the great work; it's paying off big time.

Greg responds...

I missed what the actual question was there. But I'm glad you liked it. We did reference the origin, both in the main titles and in the first episode. But we won't be TELLING the origin for a bit.

Response recorded on March 13, 2008

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KingCobra_582 writes...


Weeks of waiting, and it's finally here. Video-taped "The Spectacular Spider-man" this morning on Kids WB! (the only reason I would ever watch that channel) and thought I'd leave my two cents.

It has a lot of nice touches to it. Loved the brief, but still informative info on the characters. Peter's infamous spider-bite, etc. I figured the entire first episode would've been devoted to it, instead of a little scene. Nice to be proven wrong, for once.

Of course, I loved the little nods to 'Gargoyles'.

Recognized Robert Englund right off (having been watching Fred Kruger movies since I was 7 or 8, not to mention his other horror films over the years, how could I not?) and thought he was just spot-on as Vulture. Vulture is now on my growing list of favorite Spider-man characters, thanks to Robert's performance and your writing. I don't know much about the character in the comics, but in the series, I think you did Vulture justice. Hope I get to see him again!

Electro. Another great villain, and another character that I could get used to. Gotta feel sorry for the guy, thrown into a situation that he didn't ask for nor could do anything about. I am curious, though. Why, when Dr. Connors said he needed more time for a cure, did Electro rage "I don't have time!"? Was he dying? Did he have something that's now impossible to do? Or was he just being impatient? Curious...

Captivating show, Greg. Definitely can't wait for next week's episode.

Never used to be a Spiderman fan, but then the movies came out, which (Not as much on part 3, though I still liked it) made me like it a little. Now we have this show, and now I just want to start reading the comics. I think I'm on the path to full fledged-spidey geek.

Thanks for that. :)

Greg responds...

Re: Electro. "Impatient" doesn't quite cover it.

Response recorded on March 11, 2008

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Rachel N. writes...

Hi Greg!
I got the Clan-Building Vol 1 TPB, and I think it's really great! I especially loved the Introduction by Wendy Pini. This past summer I attended the 20th Anniversary fan convention for the Beauty and the Beast TV series (1987-1990) where I got to meet Wendy Pini in person (she was a special guest at the Con). She's terrific, and I like the fact that being both a BatB fan and Gargoyles fan, she wrote the intro to this Gargoyles TPB.
My question is: Did you contact Wendy and ask her to contribute, or was she the one who contacted you to say she'd like to contribute an intro to the TPB?

Greg responds...

I asked her, and she very graciously agreed to do it.

Actually, any thoughts from anyone on who might be a good choice to write an intro to Volume Two?

Response recorded on March 11, 2008

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Jess writes...

Hey Greg! Just watched the premeire episodes of Spectacular Spider-Man, and I loved them! The scripts were tight as usual. I thought the way you used voice-overs for Peter was perfect. It didn't feel gimicky at all, and gave a lot of insight into Peter's thoughts. My favorite moment is during the fight with the Vulture, where Spidey's quipping away and then all of a sudden we hear "I can't let Harry lose his dad the way I lost Uncle Ben." Beautifully understated and very powerful.

The animation style took a little time to adjust too, but it grew on me, and IMO felt very fluid. Also, I noticed the Gargoyles that showed up during the opening shot and at the end of the first episode. Nice shout out.

I'll also add that the cast is very strong. Was it just me, or was Keith "Goliath" David the mysterious man on the phone?
I'm amused at find out that Josh Keaton and James Arnold Taylor have played each other's characters in various videogames, but both were great at the parts they won in the series.I was also very very happy to hear Crispin Freeman as Electro. I'm something of a fan, espicially since I just finished The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

I can't wait 'til next week!

Greg responds...

I'm glad you liked the "Uncle Ben" line. Certain people behind the scenes wanted to cut it. Vic and I fought to keep it in.

Keith David did indeed play the Big Man in the first episode.

Response recorded on March 11, 2008

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Ed Reynolds writes...

Hi Greg.

I love the trade. Wasn't sure what I'd make of the size, but it's actually great (and seeing the art large-format is a good incentive for people not to trade-wait, hopefully). Some of the writing looks a bit grainy on the inside front and back pages but otherwise the presentation is superb -- sleek and attractive, nice paper, and a lovely clear spine that can be read from the bookshelf. Thanks to Scott Saavedra and everyone else who made it happen.

Couple of questions about the future of the comic...

1. When will a decision on the lisence renewal be made?

2. Since SLG's announced that it's moving to mainly producing graphic novels, is it possible Gargoyles could continue in that format after #12? I'm enthusiastic for whatever format, but I can see a lot of positives in moving away from "floppies". (More accessible for newbies given the huge casts and complex plots; a less frequent release schedule might help fend off the perception that the comic's dogged by delays; infrequent comic-readers buying mail order would save on postage, etc.)

Greg responds...

1. Dan has told me he'd like to renew it. He was, as of WonderCon, waiting on Disney to respond.

2. This is the first I've heard of the announcement. Me, I'll take what I can get.

Response recorded on March 11, 2008

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Lumpmoose writes...

Hey, I just saw the first 2 episodes of Spectacular Spider-Man and I thought they were fantastic. I found them very engaging, so the writing-on-multiple-levels thing is working great. I caught three Gargoyles references: Hudson at the beginning, Broadway crumbling in the middle, and the policewoman that had Elisa's hair and skin color. Did I miss any? ;)

I have only one technical question. Victor Cook said at the Comic-Con panel that the series was being produced in high definition. I was watching my local affiliate of CW in HD, but the show was in 4:3 pan and scan. All the publicity screenshots before the premiere were released in 16:9 widescreen, including one in an HD resolution: http://marvel.toonzone.net/specspidey/media/gallery/04.jpg

So it seems the HD content is there, but someone just didn't put in the right tapes, or something. Spidey was born to be in widescreen, HD, digital sound, etc. Is that something you can fix?

Thanks! Love the show so far!

Greg responds...

I'm really not sure what's going on. We were trying to figure out what the CW is doing with it last night, and we think they're broadcasting it both ways... on CW and CWHD. But I don't really know for sure. I do know we're making it in HD, but making sure that all key images are in the normal TV cutoff. At the mix, we listen to the sound first in 5.1. Then we listen to it again on normal stereo speakers, to make sure it works for both.

Response recorded on March 11, 2008

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Matt writes...

Before Thailog showed up at the Eyrie on Halloween, 1996, what was Goliath's reaction, if any, to Lexington's costume?

Greg responds...

Did Goliath see it? Did he focus on it AT ALL... or perhaps was his attention focused elsewhere?

Response recorded on March 10, 2008

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Aldrius writes...

Okay, there's my spider-man ramble. Now here's a question about Gargoyles.

One character who always intrigued me was Desdemona. Great design (I love her wings) and great voice. (The regal, but very tough tone of CCH Pounder was great.) But one thing that always bothered me was... well... she always just kinda struck me as a more moral Coldstone. She was well written, and she obviously served her purpose in the storyline, but to me, it was almost as if she wasn't meeting her potential. Often being stuck in Coldstone's head in the few episodes she was in. Which brings me to my question.

Now that Coldfire is free of Coldstone's brain, will we begin to see her in other arenas? Possibly interacting with other characters outside of her three brothers?

And as a side-question, would you mind if I posted some rambles on old episodes of Gargoyles or has that ship sailed?

Greg responds...

You can always post rambles, assuming the posting function's open at all. As for Coldfire, give me enough issues and I'll get to everything eventually.

Response recorded on March 10, 2008

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