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RESPONSES 2001-5 (May)

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José Mº writes...

I have seen that the gargoyles when the sun go down are lives, and a little stone skin fall from their skin, are they more small??

Greg responds...

No, they're shedding a thin layer of dead epidermus. Each day they regenerate while in stone.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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matt writes...

warrioress's question reminded me of one i've been meaning to ask, i read somewhere that because of his smaller profile Lex and other gargoyles with similar wings can actually glide faster... any truth to this? i guess they should get an advantage cuz they can't really use their hands when gliding...

Greg responds...

Don't know.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Oh, one other statement on "Metamorphosis":
The course of events leading up to Derek being accidently injected with the mutagenic formula seemed awkward. Was it Xanatos' plan to have Derek mutated? In a way it seems it was Derek's fate to be transformed since he asked to go with Xanatos, even though Xanatos said "That won't be necessary." But Derek insisted and ended up going for the ride.

What if Derek didn't go along or had never made an attempt to take the shot for Xanatos when Sevarius was going to shoot the mutagenic formula at him initially? Xanatos would have been hit with it and he would have mutated. That must have been one hell of a risk he took, not knowing that Derek might not come to his rescue. Seeing how the whole time Xanatos and Sevarius were allied and the whole thing seemed like a setup for Derek. But it still gets me as to why the things happened the way they did? For the story's sake in suppose. I at least would have expected Xanatos to scold Sevarius for almost shooting at him. Or is there something that I am missing?

Greg responds...

You're missing Xanatos' basic rule for operation. Contingency plans for everything. Owen said what he said to GET Derek interested. If Derek hadn't volunteered, Xanatos would have asked him to come.

If Derek hadn't been heading for Xanatos, Sevarius would not have shot at that point. Sevarius was aiming for Derek, not Xanatos.

But every aspect of the plan was backed by contingencies.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Some questions about "Metamorphosis" since I watched it yesterday:
1. What did Maggie do or was going to do before she got coaxed by Dr. Sevarius into becoming an experiment?
2. I noticed in this episode that once Derek was mutated and could fly, he looked almost exactly like Fang (which I guess is sort of a cross between a bobcat and a cougar maybe), but then in the later episodes which Derek was featured, his looks were completely different and he looked more like a panther and had black fur. Did you decide to make him look different later or was he essentially still mutating?
3. I also noticed that Fang's initial appearence with the quick shot of the cage they were in when Sevarius was showing Xanatos his work. Fang looked nothing like he does now, well, in a sense. Did you also change his look just for the better or was he still mutating?

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this before. I think she came to NYC to be famous. Brought what seemed like a lot of money to her, but then wound up on the streets.

2. Answered this too. Did you even look in the Mutate ARCHIVE? The "in-show" answer is that the mutates were still mutating. The 'behind the scenes' answer is that Frank wasn't satisfied with the original design on the mutates. But we ran out of time. He kept tinkering with them however to get the final version you saw and "The Cage" and forward.

3. All four mutates, including Talon, Fang, Claw and Maggie the Cat went through revisions between "Metamorphosis" and "The Cage".

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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warrioress writes...

How fast can Coldstone fly? Presumably with that built-in rocket he can fly faster than a "live" Gargoyle....

For that matter, how fast can an average Gargoyle glide?

Greg responds...

I'm not good with numbers, but yes, Coldstone can fly faster than an average garg.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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matt writes...

since "Reawakening", "Legion", "High Noon", and "Possesions" all ended with Coldstone getting screwed in one way or another, would the unmade World Tour Coldstone/Himalayas episode have ended as sadly for poor Coldstone?

Greg responds...

Bittersweet. As our Frankenstein stand-in he was a bit of a bittersweet character in design. But eventually he would have rejoined the Manhattan Clan with Coldfire and gotten a measure of peace.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Was the resemblance between Nought and Ghede of voodoo mythology intentional? I mean both of these guys have virtually the same costume top hat and all.

Greg responds...

Most likely it was a conincidence.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who were Raven's parents?
Who were Coyote's parents?
Who were Anasi's parents?

Greg responds...

Who are your parents?

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Have we seem Queen Mab's prison?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Oberon writes...

1)You saud that Queen Mab was insane but was she when she ruled over the third race?
2)Did Mab have a husband?
3) If so, was he king, or beneith Mab
4) Was Oberon's fathre Mab's husband?

Greg responds...

1. Oh, yeah.

2. What only one?

3. Nothing's that simple.

4. See above.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Josh Goldberg writes...

Can Demona get pregnant by a human at anytime? That is, is she fertile as a human at the same times as she is fertile as a gargoyle, or is she fertile like a regular human? What's Demona's fertility cycle as human and garg? (Garg's are only fertile every ten garg years, right?)

Greg responds...

Garg's are only fertile every TWENTY years.

Human females, or so I understand it, are generally VERY fertile one week a month. Potentially fertile the week to either side. And even possibly fertile at all times. At any rate, it's sure as hell safer to think that way.

Demona is a human when she's human. A garg when she's a garg. But she's extremely unlikely to get pregnant at any time. Cuz she's Demona.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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matt writes...

ok, now a few questions about "The Reckoning"...

1. did Demona keep a "mosquito" in her belt buckle for each gargoyle or just Lexington?

2. did she and Thailog plan to get Elisa's DNA together or was everything about Delilah a secreat from Demona? what i mean is, did Demona plan on getting Elisa's DNA or not?

3. TGC episode "Genesis Undone" is not canon, and you've said that Thailog had not died in the fire, is that right? if so, would he have suffered any major lasting injuries from the fire? if he did survive, why did he let Demona go on running Nightstone Unlimited even though some of it belonged to him?

4. i'm guessing Fang went back to his cell, correct?

5. if Sevarius could so easily combine human and gargoyle DNA to make Delilah, why not mix and match different gargoyle DNA for a bit of diversity? or did he? i've noticed that the four main clones seem to have combinations of different gargs. for instance, Hudson's clone looks mostly like Hudson, but has Lex's coloring, and Brooklyn's clone looks mostly like Brooklyn, but has Broadway's coloring and fanned ears. was there mixing going on?

Greg responds...

1. More than one for each.

2. Not.

3. He was laying low.

4. For a bit.

5. No. The coloring changes were a result of the forced aging. The same thing that caused Thailog's coloring to be different from Goliath's.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned that the London gargoyles (some of whom look like lions) were already in Britain during King Arthur's reign. In the Gargoyles Universe, does this explain the occasional presence of lions in Arthurian romances - i.e., the lions mentioned in Malory et al weren't really lions?

Greg responds...

Potentially. Have to take every event on a case by case basis.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why would Arthur go to Stonehenge to look for Merlin?

Greg responds...

He's lookin' under every rock.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

I know that you hate most of the time traveling in Star Trek so what did you think of that episode where Kirk goes back to WW2?

Greg responds...

Hate is a strong and not necessarily accurate word.

As for the episode you're talking about, I'm not entirely sure which one you mean. There's an episode where Kirk goes to a world where Nazi Germany has been recreated. But it's not a time travel story.

And then there's the famous time travel episode with Joan Collins set during the depression.

I assume you mean the latter.

I basically think that's a great show. At least the time travel is presented fairly consistently within the episode. It's not the way I would do it. But it's consistent to its own rules. And time travel aside, it's a great dramatic premise. Well-performed by all involved. Great stuff.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Angel writes...

Just curious, but have you ever read the the stories in the Gargoyles Saga?

Greg responds...

No. I don't read fanfiction as a policy to protect myself from law suits should I ever get the series back on the air.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Doh! Wrong word in my last question: "conscience" is supposed to be "conscious" as in aware of one's surroundings. Sorry about that.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Blaise writes...


Came back to the rambles a bit later than I expected. Anyway....

First off, I felt the animation in this episode was some of the best in the series--fluid, characters had "solidness," and just overall very well done. My only real complaint is that sometimes the positions and movements of the characters seemed a bit too...BIG. Over-dramatic perhaps. The most obvious example is the very one you mentioned, Demona's "sex-pot poses." Those always throw me, because they just didn't really seem to fit the scene for me there. I suppose the idea put forward by several other fans--she was showing off against Elisa--is probable, but still.... On the other hand, I must admit that, yes, it is certainly...appealing to watch...the poses.
ANYWAY, still some pretty good animation. But while we're on the subject, Desdemona's skin-color seemed a bit lighter to me in this episode.

Yes, Michael Dorn does a great job contrasting the two personalities in his voice, doesn't he? Just the difference in between hearing him as Othello talking to Desdemona in cyberspace, and then as Coldstone/Iago calling Demona "Sister" is chilling. His voice work is one of the highlights of the episode IMHO.

I did not balk at the progress Hudson and Broadway made in their reading. For an animated television show, I thought this was a very nice show of development among the characters. Pity that even after reading it correctly when it really counted in THE SILVER FALCON, Broadway still has trouble reading the word "right." And perhaps, after a year of watching television, Hudson should have picked up the "hit the sack" phrase--he seemed to pick up "sitting ducks" a lot quicker than Broadway--but still, it was a fun touch.
I do kind of like the modesty Elisa displays in describing herself as no hero. I don't know why, but I do.

I didn't recognize Demona and Macbeth IMMEDIATELY. As soon as they were in the station and I managed to notice the beard on the "felon" I figured it was Macbeth. I didn't recognize Demona until she started talking (who couldn't recognize Marina Sirtis' voice as Demona?). What remained foremost on my mind was why these two were working together. I actually didn't wonder too much about the rest of the stuff--maybe it just didn't occur to me, or perhaps I figured all would be revealed in good time and just suspended my disbelief. I didn't think the two were capable of escaping the Weird Sisters, though. That is, unless the Sisters wanted them to.

As for Elisa...she REALLY should have gone to the doctor if she was out for that long. I admit, in light of this "enforced nap" I always had a problem swallowing Elisa's statement that she had only slept "a few hours in the last 40" (despite the fact that she certainly LOOKED like that statement was true).

I buy that Elisa found Demona familiar (you're right, there's that sort of connection between them).

The transformation sequence of Demona from human to gargoyle (and later from gargoyle to human) were EXCELLENT. I had been waiting to see her change since THE MIRROR and was a bit frustrated that it didn't occur anytime durning the five eps with her between then and now (y'see, I didn't know about the "tiers and tentpoles" back then). Thus, I was quite happy to see her working in human form here. Also, somehow I just KNEW the transformation was going to involve pain. I don't know why...maybe it's what I would have done with the spell if I had cast it on Demona. I can be cruel sometimes.

I'm afraid that the fact that we had three villains teaming up against the heroes didn't hit me as strongly as you would have liked. It's not just that the villains had such complexity, but also the fact that Macbeth and Demona usually are fighting each other. That kind of undercut some of the "WOW, THREE VILLAINS" factor. Also, the good guys still outnumbered the villains (even though the villains managed to outthink and incapacitate them)

I do love the interaction between Goliath and Elisa when the gargoyles head off to Macbeth's. I didn't find Goliath too smug, and I thought Elisa's "full report" remark was kind of fun and endearing.

The sequence at Macbeth's house was pretty cool as well. I also love it when Goliath taps the camera with his wing--I always was interested in seeing what other uses there were for that extra pair of appendages in addition to gliding.

"Just remember, one of them hates your guts." Lex has such a wonderfully blunt method of stating the situation. ;)
Of course Goliath responds with the equally fun "Then I'll just have to be very careful" after he's punched out the console.

Broadway: "Look at all these books!"
Macbeth: "And I know how to read them."
Nice exchange that succeeds in taking us back to LIGHTHOUSE. Also, it managed to impress my brother as being an excellent insult.

Bronx sniffs Demona behind the false wall, Brooklyn takes no notice. A repeat of the events that took place at the castle in CITY OF STONE. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I get the feeling Brooklyn's going to pay a bit more attention to Bronx's hunches after this.
BTW, I just love it when Bronx scratches at the door...and gouges the wood.

I figured Macbeth in the library was probably directly over Demona in the...whatever room it was, for the pain link to work.

Yeah, the villains pulled a smart one with Coldstone/Iago volunteering the added information. I didn't doubt that they would.

Elisa and Demona have their encounter, and then Elisa runs into Morgan. I was surprised to find that Keith David was Morgan's voice--it sounded so different from Goliath. But Morgan is a fun character with some nice insight.
I don't know why, but I like Elisa's mention that if she went to sleep and woke up there would be "no more monsters, good or bad."

Elisa goes to the castle, unarmed, and Macbeth goads Demona into facing Elisa the same way. This is one instance where it makes sense that the villain gives up the advantage of a weapon--just the honorable Macbeth playing on Demona's contempt for Elisa to ensure an honorable fight. And I like that Elisa holds her own well. I'm glad that she didn't just turn out as another "damsel in distress" but worked as a heroine in her own right.

Meanwhile, through all of this, Othello has been hiding away, against Desdemona's pleas. Personally, Desdemona strikes me as the more mature of the two of them, the wiser and more patient (she continues to stick by this guy no matter what--this is one heck of a woman...gargoyle, whatever).
Even though the hair-color was always off, I recognized the three Desdemonas as the Weird Sisters (c'mon, triplets talking nearly as one, in a situation concerning Demona and Macbeth; who else could it be?).

Othello makes the decision and the fight for control begins. You have to admire the sacrifice Othello and Des make for the sake of keeping Iago in cyberspace. I couldn't help feeling sorry that it had to be this way.

After the fight's over, and the chains are blasted, Coldstone takes his leave for the safety of others. A couple things I really like here--Coldstone refers to Elisa as "my lady" and bows, and when Coldstone shakes his head to defer staying until Goliath wakes, he only is able to close the biological eye. His robotic eye can't close. Pity that only shows up here.
And then the jogger comes in for some nice comic relief.

The final tag struck me--kind of like the first Xanatos tag I saw. Coldstone was a feint just to get the talismans--the three the Archmage said would grant "ultimate magical power!" There they were! Macbeth and Demona start to question the situation, and in come the Sisters. I knew they had been involved, but I didn't quite know what they wanted the talismans for. "The coming battle" eh? Well, that was one I couldn't wait to see.

Of course I had to wait a while for AVALON. :)

Greg responds...

Glad you liked it. Hope it was worth the wait.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Ricky Stewart writes...

Ricky here again,
Max Steel is an **AWESOME** character! I'm almost finished my Max Steel story. Do I have your permission to post it on the internet, or would you like to read it first since you are the creator? Pointers? rickystewart2001@yahoo.ca

Greg responds...

A) I wasn't the creator.

B) I don't read fanfiction EVER.

C) I have nothing to do with Max Steel anymore.

D) I can't give you permission to do anything regarding the character.

E) But I'm glad you like him.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Ricky Stewart writes...

Hi Ricky here,
This is not a request for employment, but a plea for a chance to break into the business. I'm a writer and I'd like to write a novel. Can you help me?
P.S. How did you come up with Max Steel. Awesome character. Sorry you're no longer involved.

Greg responds...

I'd like to write a novel too. Can YOU help ME?

And I didn't come up with Max. Mattel did. I just developed the character.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Duncan Devlin writes...

I just watched "The Journey" for the first time--amazing, huh.

Some questions about the Stonecutters.

1) Since the show was in a completely different time slot, was John Canmore and the Pie Guy supposed to be inside jokes?

2) Why were the Hunter slashed reduced to being part of the larger symbol instead of beingm like the old 3-slice masks. (As I write this, I think its ABC's fault)?

Greg responds...

I assume you mean the Quarrymen.

1. Inside jokes? Well, I wanted people to enjoy the episode even if they hadn't seen those characters before, but no, not inside jokes.

2. No, it wasn't ABC's fault. I don't think there's a fault at all. It wasn't supposed to be DEAD obvious that Jon Canmore and John Castaway were the same person. That is, I wanted to play fair with old fans, but I wanted a mystery for new ones.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

This one's not really smart assed, but still amusing:
We definitely know that the Illuminati, and particularly Percival/Duval, would have been major antagonists for "Pendragon". Now that the "Arthurian survivors" contest is over, could you tell us now what other recurring antagonists you had planned for Arthur and Griff?

Greg responds...

Ask me later, but with more style.

Greg responds...

Sometimes I just type anything, huh?

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Siren writes...

The Fox/Titania controversy...
In the script for The Gathering, were the words that they spoke written out or was it just "psst psst..."?

Greg responds...

I guess if I wanted to start a bidding war on my copy of the script, I should answer, "The Former". :)

But I don't.

Unless we're talking BIG money.

Now what am I bid?

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Don't have time for a large ramble on "Outfoxed", so I'll just comment on a few key points.

Cyberbiotics> I was wondering what became of Cyberbiotics after "Awakening", so it was nice to see them again. And personalizing them in Renard, so we know who it was that got hurt by Goliath and everyone's actions.

I didn't think much of Vogel's resemblence to Owen. I thought they were cousins or something, or perhaps that one was a clone. He also made an interesting character, and I thought his change of heart was believable at the end.

Halcyon Renard. First of all, that is a great name. I like the sound of it. Yes, I did figure that he was Fox's father. I may have flunked out of French class that year, but I knew what Renard meant. He was a great character to, and Robert Culp did a great job doing his voice. Also he made a nice opposite to Xanatos.

Goliath was well-used in this episode. Also nice to show that he's far from perfect in his waiving off his responsibility in the destrcution of Fortress I.

Fox was great in this episode also. She became one of my favorites here. I was surprised by her pregnancy, but it seemed to be a natural step in where she and David were going. Seeing her beat David in their karate match was fun, but I'd like to see him win one some day, he lost to Owen to. Fox's attitude at the end with Renard was priceless, and nice to learn her birth-name. Janine was very appropriate.

Also, with Demona, Elisa, Angela, Fox etc, "Gargoyles" has a lot of great woman characters. That's one thing I really like about this show.

The theme/moral of integrity was a good one, and well handled. I understand how Renard feels when he says it's a daily struggle. I for one have been guilty of taking the easy way out and waiving off integrity. But I try to practice it as often as I can.

This was a very good episode. Not one of my favorites, but very good.

Also, don't ask me how, but I knew that David and Fox were going to have a son. I also knew that IF Goliath and Demona had an egg it was a daughter. Don't ask me how, I just knew.

Hopefully I'll have a longer Ramble/Review for "Revelations". I enjoy doing those.

Greg responds...

ANd I enjoy reading them.

I do like writing female characters a lot. My Starship stories also made the females more prominent. Women just appeal to me as subjects. I just hope I do them justice.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Pyro X writes...


There are several types of Characters on the show.

Hudson is like a grandfather if you know what i mean.
Goliath is the typical parent.
The trio are the teens.

My question: there is no gargoyle around the early to mid twenties range (something like Beth Maza.) Was there ever a problem not having this type of influence?

Did you give some of the qualities that a character of this age group my have to other people?

Greg responds...

Well, the Trio are in their late teens. (And Beth was in her early twenties.) So I'm not sure if the distinction you're suggesting isn't a heck of a lot subtler than you're indicating.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Lady Dominique Macbeth writes...

What is the number on Elisa's NYPD badge?

Greg responds...

Sorry, I don't have that info with me. Ask me again later.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Lady Dominique Macbeth writes...

At the end of Metemorphosis, after Elisa learns her brother has been mutated, she sits in a corner of the clocktower crying. I completely understood this--a perfectly natural reaction-- but what I didnt understand is why no one tried to comfort her. I mean, she is close to the whole clan and ou said by this time Goliath already had definate feelings for her, so why didnt someone try to help her through something that could quite possibly be the hardest time of her life?

Thanks so much!!!!

Greg responds...

You only saw a fragment of time.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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matt writes...

oh, and if i remember correctly, you said that March 21 was not only the Spring Equinox, and the possible hatch date for gargoyles, but its also your son's birthday, so, Happy Birthday Ben even though its belated by now... talk to you later!

Greg responds...

Ben thanks you.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Siren writes...

In the Gargoyles Universe, are there gargoyles without wings at all? Earthbound ones.

Greg responds...

Garg beasts have no wings.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Oh Greg the episode Metamorphisis was pretty cool the mutagen thing and all. Do you know in reality how they do gene transference between different organisms like the gene tranference between Derek and a panther, electric eel and bat. Viruses they insert genes into viruses and inject them into a creature where the viruses insert the foreign genes into the creatures DNA and it usually takes 5 months for the creature's DNA to accept the foreign genes as opposed to the 2 days in the episode Metamorphisis. Also there is also a high risk that the immune system would gobble up the mutagen plus the body also gets rid of cells that are mutated so in reality if a mad scientist ever injected you with a mutagen containing the DNA of animals your immune system would destroy the mutagen or the cells that has been mutated

Greg responds...

Oh, sure. But, uh, Sevarius compensated for that with something that temporarily weakens the immune system.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Is there a reason that MacBeth owns the real Mona Lisa while the Renaissance hunters used Leonardo's weapons? Is it a coincedence?

Greg responds...

I never said Macbeth owned the real Mona Lisa.

I just never said he didn't.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Dark Nyusu writes...

Is it possible for a child of Oberon like Puck to have a relationship with a gargoyle?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Duncan Devlin writes...

I noticed a contuning theme with the drawing of Xanatos. When there are other characters around, he seems to dominate everyone in size, with the notable exception of Goliath.

This was strongly evident in Future Tense, when Demona kicked him. She was about 1/3 his size.

Any comments? Did this happen on purpose? Was it your idea or animation's?

Greg responds...

Part of it is a function of design.

Some of it I'm sure came from the board artists/director and producers.

Some from the animators.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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matt writes...

another thing about Lex flying a helicopter... he'd only been in the modern world with modern technology for a couple months and even with the video game, he's flying a complex aircraft after one night! thats what i call a stretch... i've lived among modern technology most of my life and i've played plenty of flight simulator games and if you put me into an even simple plane or helicopter i wouldn't be able to fly it! and even if i was allowed to fiddle around with the controls for a couple days, i'd be lucky if i could fly it, my point is, was Lex's sudden skill with the helicopter another result of Kenner wanting to make a toy helicopter?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Duncan Devlin writes...

Someone asked about sources on clothing from 1000 AD so I found these two books and figured that I would post them.

The Book of Costume
-Millia Davenport

What People Wore
-Douglas Gorsline

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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matt writes...

i was wondering, how particular are gargoyles about their roosting spots? Goliath always has the same spot at the top tower of Wyvern, which i assume Hudson (Mentor) had before him, Demona (Goliath's second) had the roost directly in front of and beneath Goliath's, and when Goliath put the frozen clan on their roost he left Demona's empty. so do gargoyles have certain roosting spots? if so, why was some other gargoyle roosting in Demona's spot the night of the massacre? do only the ranking and prominent gargoyles have the same daily roost? are these roosts determined by elevation or what?

Greg responds...


They tend to take the same spot and often strike the same pose.

But they aren't anal about it.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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matt writes...

i have a couple comments on "Her Brother's Keeper" which i just watched...

first of all, i love the trio in the helicopter scene, one of the most fun moments in the series!

my real comment/question is about Hyena in this episode. why are she and Jackal suddenly outlaws, hunting a creature that doesn't legally exist is one thing, but all of a sudden they're stealing (or attempting to steal) the "most valuable stone on Earth", whats that about? oh, it was orders from Fox? i see, didn't Hyena just say, "I don't take orders, brother, not even from you!" then she dutifully follows Fox's orders several times in the episode. i don't get it... these two, particulary Hyena really confuse me and seem to be acting out of character at this point. later on, they escape from prison and so they're already outlaws, so why not rob a bank, but here they are good citizens, even popular citizens, why mess that up on Fox's orders, are they that loyal to her?

Greg responds...

They were never good citizens. They were mercenaries hired to portray heroes on tv.

None of what they did, including following orders when it suited their proclivities, seems out of character to me.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Basilisk writes...

1. In the GARGOYLES universe, is the classical Greek legend of the Minotaur (as being born from the union of Pasiphae, Queen of Crete and wife of Minos, and the white bull sent by Poseidon) true?

2. If you consider the Minotaur "a New Olympian before the term existed" or something like that, and if the answer to the above question is yes, do you see the white bull as fae? Assuming you consider

3. What about Chiron? Do you see him as the son of Cronus and the nymph Philyra?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to reveal these details at this time. Sorry.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

1. If the New Olympians are slightly more advanced than humans, why do they not take an interest to explore space? Or go somewhere else, like a new planet, to get away from humans if they fear them? I mean surely they could build something to liftoff without possibly getting detected by our satellites (if they even know that we have satellites in orbit and that we've already been to the moon and back).

2. Or is this only a human trait to explore? If so, does this make the New Olympians similiar to gargoyles, since gargs don't really seem to take an interest in exploration either?

3. And lastly, if you would get your show back, would you explain better the past history relations between mankind and the Olympians, because I'm kinda interested to know really why the Olympians left the humans, and why no human who lived then left any trace of the Olympians existence. (I know there could be a massive story behind this)

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure that's as easy as you make it sound. But also, they are isolationist. Not explorers. And certainly finding a habitable planet isn't as easy as you make it sound. And finally, why would they WANT to abandon their home AGAIN?

2. No, I don't think it's a purely human trait. But the New Olympians have a cultural imperative toward isolation.

3. Yeah, I'd love the chance to go into more detail.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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matt writes...

did the New Olympians leave to go to New Olympus all at once or was there a gradual migration to the island?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Dark Nyusu writes...

Here's a tricky one. If Demona got pregnant (Baring in mind Puck's 'gift', would the baby be born in an egg or not? Would it be human or gargoyle? How would she deal with the pregnancy? I know it may also depend on whether the father was human or gargoyle and whether she was in season or not, but can you see where i'm coming from? I'm just puzzled and curious! So what do you think?

Greg responds...

I just answered this.

And I don't like hypotheticals. Too many variables.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Does Demona sleep? How can she manage to be human during the day and still have energy to spare in being a gargoyle at night? Despite the fact she and MacBeth are magically linked, Demona is not immortal, so how does she acquire the energy to stay conscience 24 hours a day?

Greg responds...

I think Dominique must sleep some. And I think Puck's magic compensates some.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Here's a question about Demona in "Reawakening". She says to Goliath, "We have each created our own clans Goliath, you have yours and I have mine." and she says this indicating Coldstone, Xanatos in his armor and the Steel Clan robot.

While I can understand Coldstone and perhaps even the Steel Clan robot. Why does she acknowledge Xanatos in this? Especially considering that he's human.

Greg responds...

She's trying to convince herself, more than G. So she needs the numbers to make it seem clan-like. It's not rational.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Dexter writes...

Hey, I a question about Angela (big shock there)
(1) Do you think she'd ever be interested in playing guitar or any other type of musical intsrument? I mean, I guess the only-having-4-fingers thing might make that a little hard, but whatever.

(2)What about art? She seems like an art chic to me...at least an art buff if not an artist.

(3) How does she keep that skimpy outfit so clean? You'd think all that running around in a tan jumpsuit would get a girl dirty! heh heh

Greg responds...

This is the time on Schrpockets when we dance.

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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matt writes...

just watched "Possesions", one of my favirote eps by the way, anyway, i thought of a few questions...

1. ok, is it me, or does Lex hate Coldstone? the whole clan doesn't like Iago, but Lexington seems to hate Coldstone in general... in "Legion" he trys to convince Goliath not to invite Coldstone into the clan, or back to the clocktower and that was before they knew about the other souls in Coldstone, in "High Noon" he warns Goliath about freeing Coldstone, this time his concern was justified, but in "Possesions" Lex really seems to hate Coldstone, when Coldstone first arrives Lex screams his astonishment at Coldstone being brought to the clocktower by "Goliath" and "Hudson", then he seems to be the most skeptical about "Goliath's" plan, and then he is the only one not to volunteer for the soul transference. so, am i right? does Lex have a major problem with Coldstone? is it jealousy, i mean, does Lex wish he was as integrated with technology as Coldstone is? "Future Tense" comes to mind...

2. why does Puck keep trying to make Xanatos look evil to the gargs? in "Future Tense" his illusion of Xanatos is pretty nasty, and in "Possesions" Puck goes on about how Xanatos is about to unleash new robots and he is not sincere about oweing Goliath for helping to save his son, obviously Puck doesn't believe these things, but why try to make the gargs believe it?

3. any reason that Iago/Coldsteel didn't have a tail (either in cyberspace or as a robot) in "Possesions", but did have one in "Legion" and "High Noon"?

sorry for the lengthy questions...

Greg responds...

1. No. I don't think so. I just think he's very aware of Coldstone's potential danger to the clan.

2. He's simply playing to Goliath's weaknesses.

3. I never noticed that. Are you sure?

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Yttrium writes...

I know you dislike hypotheticals, Greg, but maybe you'll find this one as acceptable: If Angela wasn't traveling with her father, meaning if she and Goliath were not biologically related, would she have even wondered who her parents were? Thanks.


Greg responds...

I doubt it. It was Sevarius' DNA report that got her thinking about it. And she didn't raise the question right away. It just began to build in her mind.

On the other hand, I think it wouldn't have taken her too long to start looking at Goliath as a father figure. And in fact (biology aside) he was one of her clan fathers. And really, the only one she was likely to ever meet. (With the possible exception of Coldstone.)

Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg,

Pointless question: Does any of the gargs from the Manhattan Clan knows something of Latin?

Greg responds...

A bit. Sure. About as much as I do, probably.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Siren writes...

In light of the recent talks about obese gargoyles...male or female, it is good that Broadway is put into such a good light. Sure, Brooklyn and Lexington tease him about his weight, but they are brothers and tease eachother about anything. Broadway has a strong heart and always knows that they never mean any harm about it, cause he always has room to poke fun at them. And most overweight characters are made off to be stupid. Like his brothers...and pretty much the whole Manhattan Clan. They were slightly naive when they first came to New York, but have all grown into better gargoyles. I would never mind seeing an overweight female gargoyle. I think it's about time to start using positive role models that are not stick thin. Look at Camryn Manhiem. She loves her body and never talks about losing weight and trying to look "pretty". To her, in her eyes, she is beautiful and that's all that counts. And that is what should count. So no, I would never mind seeing an overweight female character. I wouldn't balk or gasp. I think it's about time we did have such role models.

Greg responds...

I agree. But that's not the prevailing wisdom in kids TV. If we showed a heavy female gargoyle we would never have been able to do the gentle teasing that Lex did. We'd always ALWAYS have to show the character in a positive light. Role model would not be enough. She'd have to be a saint. (And I'm not too good at writing about saints.)

Still... that's something that at the time, I could have challenged. Maybe not from day one. But certainly in Season Two. At first I was a coward (to the extent I thought about it -- which admittedly, wasn't much). Later, I forgot about it. I don't excuse either sin. But that's what happened.

(And note, I don't think Broadway is even close to obese.)

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Seeker of Knowledge writes...

Various European mythologies include triple goddesses. Which of these are the Sisters? Are there more than one group of triple fay on avalon?

Greg responds...

I'm choosing not to answer this at this time.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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matt writes...

ok, tell me if i'm right, correct me if i'm wrong:

there were 36 garg eggs took to Avalon. two of them are garg beast, both female. since Angela said she had 15 rookery sisters, there were 16 female gargs. and which leaves 18 male gargoyles.

is this right or does Angela consider the female beasts to be rookery sisters?

Greg responds...

Where did you get the idea that there are two garg beasts both female? It's not true.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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matt writes...

here we go again...

517- reformed

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Christine The Machine writes...

Ok, I'll give this a try:

Gargoyles 2198 contest

517- confused

and as a first time poster here, I have to say thanks for answering everyone's questions and working so hard to make an awesome show!

Greg responds...

You're welcome. But you're also wrong.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Jason Barnett writes...

Is there any TV show or book that you would like to be able to crossover with Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Not particularly. That doesn't drive me.

But that doesn't mean it will never happen.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Spore-chan writes...

Well, you said in SoCal we have 5 subtle seasons. Gee, and here I always thought we had 2: summer, and not summer. Of course, these don't actually correspond in any way to the time of year. (It was summer on Christmas, 80 degrees!) Ok, so what 5 seasons are you talking about?

Greg responds...

Sometimes I just talk because I'm in the habit.

Who knows what I was talking about?

No, seriously, we have Fall, Winter, Autumn, Spring and Summer. None as severe (generally) as most places. The changes are subtle but distinct, in my mind.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Eliza Pettit writes...

Dear Greg, I was looking at Todd Jensen's questions on Roswell Conspiracies and since I am a fan Roswell Conspiracies... Please answer these questions:

1. I was wondering where you got the Vampire anatomy/body-structure from. Were you thinking of the Lamia, when you designed the Vamps, or was there another source of inspiration?

2. This is a strange question, but who are the male counterparts of the Banshee. Are they parthogenic, or do they actually have consorts which wasn't shown in the series? And how old is Queen Mab supposed to be?

3. What was the basic premise in the episode "Father of Terror". Who is Sethaka, and I was wondering how a thousand year-old Vampire could be resurrected? [Because I missed it, and it hasn't been showing repeats in the U.K.]

I'd be extremely grateful if you could take some time to answer these, since you are the main founder of both Gargoyles and Roswell Conspiracies.

Greg responds...

I have never seen the show. I wrote a pilot (but not THE pilot they ultimately used). People who attended Gathering 1999 in Dallas heard a Radio Play version of my pilot. Otherwise, I had no involvement in the series (unless Bohbot kept some of my concepts without telling me).

So I'm afraid I can't answer any of your Roswell questions.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

matt told me that the garg off to the right on the latest responses page (holding the surfboard) is of Brooklyn, which I sort of can make out better now (considering that I first thought that it was your drawing of your garg-self when I first found this site). Anyways, what is the deal with the thing on his shirt?

(Stupid question, I'm expecting a smart-ass response to this)

Greg responds...

No smart ass answer. No answer at all, actually. I didn't design the site. Gorebash did. You'd have to ask him.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Blaise writes...

Finally! I've been trying to respond to this for weeks! But due to a hectic schedule (and a testy computer) I've been hampered in my efforts.

Anyway, Bronx saves Elisa--as we all knew he would--and Demona still manages to work around him. I always did find this scene interesting for the same reasons you mentioned. Bronx won't attack Demona if she does not SEEM dangerous. It's a fun scene to watch (especially when Demona still loses her cool when referring to Elisa).

Yeah, I also like the choral music in the flashback battle sequence. Actually, I have an affinity for any music with choral parts ("O Fortuna" or "Ode de Joy" for example).
One of my favorite scenes in the battle--Demona is fighting a human. He's on the ground in front of her, screaming. She brings down her mace hard. The camera quickly closes in on her face, putting the guy and mace action off-screen. We hear the sound of impact and the scream abruptly cut-off. Maybe I'm sick, but it just pleases me that people actually are dying in this battle. More real.

Seeing Demona happy (truly smiling and laughing) in her interaction with Macbeth is another one of those "heartbreaking moments" for me, because I know it won't last. It always gets me how quickly Demona's smile turns to a frown after Macbeth leaves.

While I never believed Macbeth would betray Demona, it is nice to have confirmation of that.
Demona on the other hand, I can't help but feel a bit frustrated with. That she suspects Mac will betray her I can understand, but why not go with Luach, the one who openly and VEHEMENTLY supported her and her clan? Why go over to the guy who wears a mask with a legacy of GARGOYLE KILLING? Just goes to show that Demona believes in hurting her enemies more than the salvation of her kind--at least that's what it shows to me.

You mentioned in PART TWO how Emma Samms' voicework as Gruoch improved noticably over the four eps. You're so right, she's absolutely smoking in this episode, especially when she chews out Demona. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

The ineffectiveness of the boulders dropped from above is something that always sets my brother off. The first time he saw that scene, he couldn't even complete a whole sentence. :D

The confrontation with Canmore (whose wardrobe I really love, BTW). Macbeth still tries to reason with him, something I admire. Canmore on the other hand, stabs Mac in the back. Like Todd, I find this rather despicable and cowardly. I like Canmore even less when he gives his little anti-gargoyle statement. Gruoch has a similar line, but I can't help feeling a bit more sympathetic towards her.
It's another one of those, "I always found it interesting" bits when Demona doesn't kill Gruoch. Very nice character work.
Backtracking a bit, it is good to know that Bodhe may have finally learned that sometimes you must stand and fight.
The Sisters come in and do their thing. While I already figured the spell out, I did like the way it was phrased. Good dialogue.
And Macbeth and Gruoch part. I still find it one of the most touching moments of the series.

Back in the present:
I didn't find the scene between Goliath and Xanatos too feeble. Granted the tapestry bit comes from out of nowhere somewhat, but the mouth of the armor moving is no big problem. I say that because in later airings (like the one I taped) the animation was fixed and the mouth doesn't move anymore.
I love Macbeth's interaction with Demona here. Yes, she's more rational than usual, but I love the look on her face when she realizes that Macbeth WANTS to die. Didn't see that one coming, did she?

You are right that the DUCKTALES pilot had better "fall-away floor" animation, but this one served it's purpose well enough.
Two of my favorite moments occur after falling out of the castle but before falling into the atrium. Goliath tries to stop D and M--they BOTH punch him. Xanatos tries to use his laser, Macbeth just says, "You're not the only one with weapons, laddie" and throws down a small grenade.

The final confrontation with the Sisters. Their revelations to Mac didn't much surprise me, until they mentioned Luach's death. That got me.
After the Sisters put Mac to sleep, I found myself thinking, "This would be the sort of thing Xanatos might like seeing." Immediately after, Xanatos pops up with "Normally, I'd find this all very fascinating, but right now I need that code to save my city." Wonderful touch of character. Two touches counting Xanatos' reference to Manhatten as his city.

And now, the sequence that pretty much left me breathless. The Sisters show Demona how she had been responsible for the Massacre, the Hunter, and Canmore's victory. I had never thought on that until now. And then, "The access code is...'alone'." When she said that, with tears in her eyes...I cannot adequately describe what I felt.

Xanatos jets up and saves the day. And is painfully aware that he has been seen doing that, even if it is the "dog." "What are you looking at?" Such a funny line.
It's also funny to see Demona, now her ol', vindictive self trying to break the grip of the Sisters-as-children and failing. The Sisters' exit left me eagerly anticipating their next appearance.

Then the sky burns. Whatever you guys did, kudos. Xanatos said it best, "Magnificent."

While it might have been nice for the gargoyles to lift Elisa up into the air, the scene still played well, and Xanatos' "You'll forgive me if I just shake your hand" remains humorous.

While I knew that Xanatos wasn't the type of villain to try to "kill the good guys at all costs," it is a nice final interaction he and Goliath have, explaining this.

Let's hope this posts now. With luck, I'll catch up with the next two rambles over the next couple of days.

Greg responds...

I hope so. I love your rambles. Great detailed feedback. (Doesn't hurt that you liked the stuff too.) Hey, I'm vain, but at least I'm honest.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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matt writes...

ramble on "Revelations"-

first of all, the name is perfect for this episode, perfect!

ok, i agree, Tom Wilson is excellant in this episode, you can hear what he's thinking with his tone throughout the episode, both while narrating and not. its Tom's performance here that makes Matt one of my favirote characters.

until your ramble i had no idea that a different person was voicing Chavez, which is wierd cuz i usually notice things like that. oh, well, she did a great job!

when Matt first discovers the stuff in the clocktower i was horrified, "Oh no! He's going to discover the gargs and hate them!!" then i realized i've been wanting for Matt to discover the gargs since "The Edge"

until your recent posts i didn't realize that Mace ended up dying at Hotel Cabal, i figured that eventually the Illuminati came in and saved him. Hacker seemed too casual talking about Mace for me to think he died. actually for the rest of the series i was waiting for Mace to get his revenge on Matt and Goliath... guess not, huh?

this episode definetly had the best turn-to-stone scene in the series, its like Matt said, "Wow..." sometimes i'll watch just this part of the episode, its amazing, especially Bronx, i love his stance, beautiful.

Chavez's line to Elisa and Matt about finding each other is one of my favirotes. they were finally acting like real partners by "The Silver Falcon", now they are friends too. Chavez looks especially pleased with herself at this too, probably remebering Elisa's objections to a partner in "The Edge".

i'm happy Matt got his own episode, not just tagging along with Elisa and dissapearing at the right times, what a good episode too...

Greg responds...

Thanks. I'm fond of it too.

I just used Tom Wilson again on Team Atlantis.

I think he's terrific. He played Pete for me on Max Steel.

And he just played Ashton Carnaby on Team Atlantis. It was great to see him again.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Maxy Steel writes...

I just keep rollin' them out, don't I?

1. From the episode "Scions," who played the voices of Jim and Molly McGrath, and Marco Nathanson?

Thanks for putting up with me, and catch ya later! Luv ya all!
-Maxy Steel

Greg responds...

Honestly, I don't remember. They're names would be listed in the credits. If you gave me a list of the actors names, I could tell you who played who.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg,

I was thinking: Im Max Steel and Starship Troopers, you worked with old garg fellows: Michael Reaves, Lygia Marano, Cary Bates... You invited them or was it a case of great professionals hired to work togheter?

Greg responds...

On those shows specifically, I invited them. If you find good writers, you try to work with them over and over.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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matt writes...

along the same lines as Todd's last question, who is Dane?

Greg responds...

Jack "Danforth" Dane. Son of movie star Flo Dane (aka Florence Dreedle). Step-son of Mace Malone. Criminal. Was once a member of the Dracon gang. Turned against them for undisclosed reasons. Joined the Federal Witness Relocation Program, but eventually abandoned his "Danforth" identity to join Tomas Brod's operation.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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matt writes...

in "Turf" Mace Malone's bitter stepson (sorry, can't recall his name) has joined Thomas Brode's gang. in one scene Brode, some thug, Elisa in disguise, and the stepson are being questioned by Matt in a restaurant. didn't Matt recognize Malone's stepson from "Revelations"? or vice versa? afterall, Matt did track this guy down, and his discovery changed Matt's life in many ways after it. what were their reactions to each other, if they even saw each other, which they must've.

Greg responds...

I don't think the restaurant was Matt's first encounter with Jack "Danforth" Dane since Jack rejoined the NYC crime scene. I also don't think either Matt or Jack thinks he owes the other one anything.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Jason Barnett writes...

I know you've repeatedly stated that Peter Maza's connection to Coyote doesn't make his kids Fey but does it affect them at all? Perhaps shifting luck to their favor. Being turned into a bat-winged panther might seem unlucky but Derek wouldn't have met Maggie. Elisa lost an incredible amount of blood but still managed to survive being shot.

Greg responds...

I don't think so. But maybe Coyote would disagree.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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LSZ writes...

Why was Azrael of the Avalon clan named Azrael by the Magus et all? It seems to be a Muslim(and possibly Jewish, unsure) Angel name, not even a vaguely Christian one..why did they choose it?

Greg responds...

You try to come up with 36 angel names, huh?

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How do Nokkar's people reproduce?

Greg responds...

Behind closed doors.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who is Fiona?

Greg responds...

Not Nought.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

In the list of characters' ages that you printed just now to Mel Celestial (from King Arthur all the way down to Thailog), you included a certain "Fiona". Who is she? I don't recall anyone by that name in the series.

Greg responds...


Must be a reason for that, don't you think?

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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matt writes...

i just watched "City of Stone Pt. 1" and i thought of something strange. Demona's spell steals one minute of life from all that see and hear it, right? i just can't imagine that Xanatos or Owen would believe this! i did the calculations and found that Demona would have to cast the spell on 525 million people to live a thousand years!!! 525,000,000!!!!! thats a TON of people. i know a thousand years is a long time to cast spells, but lets say that she casts this spell on a crowd of an average of 50 people, if the spell takes 30 seconds to cast she spent about 10 years of her life casting this spell!!! 10 YEARS constantly repeating this incantation!! yes, i know she didn't do all these spells in a row, i'm just putting it into perspective... another 500 years she was sleeping in stone, she certaintly wouldn't have alot of free time. she would've had to cast this spell on about 30 people a day, for a thousand years!! i understand that since Demona was lying none of this really matters, but what bugs me is that Xanatos and Owen so easily believed her. maybe Xanatos isn't as smart as we think, eh?

Greg responds...

Maybe he's just less anal than you.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Revel writes...

"Your Revelations ramble"

This is probably more a compliment than anything else. Revelations was actually the first episode of the show I ever saw. I happend to flip through as the opening theme was playing and i stopped and started to watch. As you can guess I was in front of the television again the following Friday. (man that was a while ago)
What I did want to ask was did Mace get his tattoo by choice or was it sort of like branding by the society? (ouch)

Greg responds...

Maybe both.

(And by the way, it's good to hear from a fan who found the show in the middle and wasn't too put off to invest time into catching up.)

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

A ramble-review on "Revelations".

I quite liked this episode. I'd been curious for some time about Matt's interest in the Illuminati (as I mentioned before, when I first saw Xanatos donning an Illuminati badge in "Vows", my immediate thought was "What would Matt say if he knew about this?") and in the gargoyles. So now we got an episode in which these two pursuits of his intersected.

And I did initially believe that Matt had sold Goliath out to the Illuminati, which shocked me, since I hadn't thought that he'd actually do something like that. I was glad when the truth came out at the end. I very much liked Matt's narration, as well.

(One thing that did occur to me about Elisa's "uniqueness" in being the only human whom the gargoyles considered a friend; actually, she had lost her "unique" status by this point, in light of the gargoyles also making friends with Jeffrey Robbins and Halcyon Renard - but Elisa wasn't there at either of those meetings, so I don't feel bothered by that inconsistency. And I could understand her reluctance in introducing Matt to the gargs for that reason).

Mace Malone and the Hotel Cabal worked for me (I hadn't even known about the Tower of Terror part before now, or suspected it, for that matter). So did the surprise revelation at the end of the episode that Hacker had been "one of them" all along. I was very curious about what would happen now that Matt knew that his former FBI partner was really an Illuminatus who had been hindering his search.

Actually, that brings me to one of the very few regrets that I have about the series as a whole: the fact that we didn't see anything further with the Illuminati for the rest of the season, and the only element involving it for the remainder of your run on "Gargoyles" was Owen's mention of Duval in "The Journey". (The Goliath Chronicles did do an Illuminati episode after you left, but I definitely didn't like the way that they handled the Illuminati there - they reduced them too much to the level of cliched villains as "evil munitions manufacturers who start up wars just to make a profit" - the Illuminati of your run felt much more "greyish" to me, rather than out-and-out villains like, say, the Archmage or Thailog). I hope that if you get to do the series again, we'll get to see the Illuminati thread (and particularly the Matt-and-the-Illuminati thread) developed some more.

Greg responds...

Absolutely. I had/have a lot planned for the Society and Matt.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Jason Barnett writes...

Did Elisa ever have to deal with a case involving Tony Dracon before Deadly Force? He seemed very familiar with her.

Greg responds...

Yes. He was something of a nemesis to her. And vice versa.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Greg, in a reply to matt's question you said Boudicca is older than Bronx. But how could that be since Bronx was with the rest of the clan in 994 A.D. and I'm guessing Boudicca is a beast which hatched with the rest of the garg eggs that were taken to Avalon? How could Boudicca be older than Bronx if this is true? I would not think that is should have to do with anything about how time passes more slowly on Avalon either, because logically Bronx would still be older or about the same age even though he was stone for a 1000 years.

Greg responds...

Boudicca is biologically older than Bronx. Bronx is chronologically older than Boudicca.

Boudicca is the same biological age as Angela, who is approximately the same biological age as the Trio. (Though CHRONOLOGICALLY, the Trio is MUCH older.)

Bronx is chronologically twenty years younger than the Trio. Biologically ten years younger. Which makes him approximately ten biological years younger than Boudicca.


Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Blah writes...

Okay... I know that you mostly thought up Gargoyles, but it is essentially owned by Disney right?

You've said that you had this grand plan to continue Gargoyles and have a bunch of nifty spin offs and such, and that you still hope for this to happen one day. What my real question is, if Gargoyles does eventually get the chance to be continued, would the company producing it *have* to be Disney, or could another company not associated with Disney take over?

Greg responds...

It's not essentially owned by Disney.


It would have to be Disney unless Disney allowed someone else to do it. Realistically, the latter won't happen.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Seeker of Knowledge writes...

Why didn't Renard and Vogal fall asleep when Oberon cast his sleep spell?

Greg responds...

They weren't in Manhattan when the spell was cast. Later, when they came in, they kept an energy field around the bridge of Fortress-Two.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Jacob writes...

What happens to a gargoyle if he is at the north pole during the long night in the winter? does he sleep like humans?
Give a smart-ass answer if you want to, but I woud be pleased if you don't.

Greg responds...

Over time, he or she would adapt.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Angie I. writes...

Howdy, Greg! I'm not a regular visitor to this area, so I apolgize in advance if you've already been asked about this. I looked through the archived responses, but I might have missed something.

In the episode "Grief," Goliath mentioned that gargoyles age at half the speed of humans. Does that mean that a young gargoyle that has been alive for 20 years would only appear to be a 10 year old equivelant to a human child? Because if Jackel aged the Gargoyles for the same amount of years as he did Elisa, wouldn't they really have become half of what Jackel had intended? Aging 40 years ahead instead of 80? If it's true that they age at exactly half the rate of humans, I'm sure Angela would look worn and maybe a grey hair or two, but I doubt that she would look as near death as she did. Please clear this up for me. What is the exact rate that Gargoyles age when compared to humans?

Thank you. :)

Greg responds...

You got the age rate correct, but not Jackal's intentions. He was going for OLD -- he was draining energy. He wasn't specifically saying, I want fifty years from Elisa and 100 from those gargs. Just I want them old.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Kathy Lowe (AKA The Gatekeeper) writes...

Just my $.02 worth on "Outfoxed". I'll leave the in-depth analysis up to Todd and Aris.

When I saw Preston Vogel for the first time, I honestly thought that is was Owen. All the characters extremely complex; I never thought that it was a copout from an animation standpoint. I went right to wondering what Owen's hidden agenda was. All the other villains had a hidden agenda, why not Owen. His "I've got a secret" attitude was evident from "The Awakening".
By the end of the episode I started having doubts that Vogel was Owen, but I didn't entirely dismiss the idea until I watched "Golem". The amount of care that Vogel had to give to a very sick Renard was more time consuming that even Owen could handle.
While I was expecting a hidden agenda out of this episode, (how could I not, Xanatos was involved via Fox) I never expected it to be Fox's agenda which was her relation to Renard. While I definitely understood what the "Tests" were, my vocabulary is woefully inadequate, so I did not know that Renard meant Fox.
I was not surprised by a pregnant cartoon character. I grew up with the Flintstones; and Wilma being pregnant with Pebbles. Back then, knitting baby booties was the way to indicate that someone was expecting. (The last sentence is for those readers who are half our ages <g> Boy do I feel old)

Greg responds...

Yeah, me too.

Obviously, Fox wasn't as ground-breaking as Wilma. But I think she's up there.

Interesting side note, Laura San Giamcomo and Jonathan Frake's wife Genie Francis were both expecting at the same time as Fox.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Durax writes...

It has been said:Anonymous writes...
1) What has Mab been doing all those eons in confinement? Even prisoners must do something with their time. I assume the solitary confinement has worked wonders on her sanity.

Greg responds...
Not saying.

This question caused me to wonder is Mab imprisoned alone? I had thought that her supporters were imprisoned with her, or were they all killed?

Greg responds...

Not saying.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Kathy Lowe writes...

As I understand it, you wrote the beat sheets in response to an outline or script that was submitted to you. I really enjoy reading the summaries that you wrote; I am curious about the purpose of these summaries. Were you writing down what you interpreted the story to be from the script (thinking out loud on paper)? The way it is presented in the beat sheet, seems (to me at any rate) like most of the episode ideas are coming from you rather than the other way around.

It would be nice to see one of the scripts that you did a beat sheet on, but I can certainly understand if they no longer exist. Just seeing the evolution from Beat Sheet to final episode extremely interesting.

Greg responds...

I don't do the beat sheets based on the scripts. I did them based on rough outlines from my writers and story editors. Then THEY did the scripts.

Since you aren't seeing the outlines... and you can't (at least not from me) since I don't have them anymore. It's hard to tell what ideas were coming from me and what was coming from the original outlines, or for that matter the writers' original premises or my original springboards. The best clues are when I say, "Change this to this." But mostly the whole thing needs to be viewed as an organic process. With multiple people involved. Writer/Story Editor/Supervising Story Editor (at minimum). Plus various people like Frank Paur kibitzing.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Jason Barnett writes...

You've stated that you'd like to see the people who voiced the characters portray them in a live action movie. However John Rhys-Davies would make a fairly poor MacBeth because of his size. So excluding him who would you like to see portray MacBeth?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Connery? He's probably too old now. Guess we'd have to hold auditions. :)

Actually, I'm not sure I agree with you about John.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Jim R. writes...


I found this today regarding the live-action movie, check it out and tell us what you think. Here's the website:


Greg responds...

The site still hasn't downloaded, and I don't want to waste time waiting.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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matt writes...

you've said that the Guatemalan, Ishimura, and London all had rookeries with eggs when Goliath and co. visited, why didn't you decide to show that any of these clans had eggs on screen? i think it would've been great to see that gargoyles do have a future and their not slowly dying out. was the problem time constraints? how hard is it to show some eggs in the background of certain scenes?

Greg responds...

Harder than you obviously think.

Cause for starters you're limiting my ideas to eggs.

Every episode was (at least in my opinion) bursting with ideas. As many as we could fit in and do justice too. Certain things were explicit. Some were implied. And some were just logical extrapolations of what was explicit or implied.

There was NEVER going to be room for every notion, every facet of everything. We put in what would fit and what we felt we NEEDED.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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matt writes...

would gargoyles from different clans still have the rookery children custom? what i mean is when lets say the Guatemalan eggs hatch, would they be considered rookery children to some gargs in other clans, like the Ishimura or London clans?

Greg responds...

Practically, I'm not sure what the heck your question means.

It's not like they have exchange programs in the works.

But generally, no. A clan's children are a clan's children. The parents are the parents that love and raise you. That's how I feel about humans too by the way.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

Hi Greg. I just want to clarify two questions I had previously asked you, in hopes of getting a better response.

1) Roughly how many NO are of gargoyle descent? (you answered "huh?", perhaps because the preceding question had already asked how many full-blooded NO gargates there were). Previously, you implied that non-gargoyle NO's may have mated with gargoyles. My question was meant to uncover whether there were any/many gargoyle half-breeds on New Olympus. Are there?

2) How will the NO clan be discovered by the outside world? (you said, "They will reveal themselves in front of the United Nations Building." We know that this is how the NO delegation will appear, but you have also implied that the NO gargoyles will be a bit more reluctant to reveal themselves. Looking over my question, I know that you may have decided to interpret "NO clan" to mean NO's in general (and the NO gargoyles may in fact have adopted the whole island as its "clan")). So, in case I get a different response, let me rephrase the question to ask: How will the NO gargoyles be discovered by the outside world?

Greg responds...

1. Or perhaps I said 'huh' because I didn't know that 'NO' meant New Olympians. Anyway, Vash, as I'm sure you've gathered by now, I'm not much of a numbers guy. I'm not going to quantify things for you.

2. Over time.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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matt writes...

in "Reawakening" we suddenly see Coldstone in Times Square. did Xanatos and Demona send him there to get Goliath's attention? or did Coldstone end up there himself? or what?

Greg responds...

They sent him out.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Angie I. writes...

Hi, Greg. I know you've been asked at least twice on the changes to Demona's reproduction cycles after the Puck spell, but I could use a little more clarification on the subject.

1a) I remember somebody asking how her daily transformations affected her reproductive cycle and you responded thusly...

"No. But as I said, I think the magic would compensate for a pregnancy... ON THE HUGE ASSUMPTION that she ever gets pregnant."

That's what I would like a little more info on. What if Demona had relations with another gargoyle and she happened to be in her 20-year fertility cycle and she DID become become pregnant?

1b) What would happen to the potential child inside of her created from that fertile union considering the fact that she is full gargoyle at night and full human during the day?

1c) Would it be born or hatched?

1d) Considering the father is full gargoyle, would Demona's human transformations cause it to be a hybrid? Or would it be born/hatched full gargoyle and turn to stone like any other gargoyle?

2) How do her changes affect when she is fertile? As you've explained, female gargoyles only come into season once every 20 years. But humans are fertile almost all of the time. At least, from what I know.

3) This is not likely to happen knowing Demona, but what if she had relations with a human, while she was in her human form, naturally, and she actually became pregnant? Would it be born human or what?

4) I hope this isn't too off topic, but let's say that Puck cast the same spell of daily human transformation on a male gargoyle. How would it effect him reproductively? Would it change him at all?

Thank you, Greg. I hope my questions haven't burdened you in any way.

Greg responds...

1a. What's the ACTUAL question here? What if she did become pregnant? Then she'd be pregnant.

1b. I'm not an obstetrician. What kind of details are you looking for?

1c. Ahh, well, that would depend on timing to some extent. Most likely, Demona would lay an egg, before "Dominique" had the chance to come to full term.

1d. Again, timing is a factor.

(BUT LET ME REITERATE, that all this is based on the HUGE ASSUMPTION that she ever gets pregnant.)

2. Again, what's the question? I.e. what's the question that you haven't already answered within your question.

3. Again, it would depend on timing. And on the assumption that she knows nothing about birth control.

4. Does it change HER at all? Maybe I'm dense, but I don't really understand.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Angel writes...

In Hunter's Moon, Demona is going to blanket the world with her virus, killing all the humans, i was thinking that, if Macbeth is human and Demona is responsible for the virus, would'nt die, and wouldn't she?

I'm sorry if this has already been covered, but i haven't seen that epiodes.
Anyway, just wondering.

Greg responds...

It's SO been covered. Did you even look in either the Demona or Macbeth archive?

Short answer: It would depend on Demona's true intent.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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matt writes...

oh, and also in the age of characters list you said that Yama is 29 and Sora is 19. their mates, and i thought there were never mates from different generations, Broadway and Angela being the exception. i figured that gargs mated among their rookery siblings because that way they wouldn't find a mate in a close (i.e. brother and sister) biological relative. so is it common for gargs to mate between generations? or are Broadway/Angela and Yama/Sora very different from the norm?

Greg responds...

Broadway and Angela are a very unusual case for OBVIOUS reasons. (He was asleep for 1000 years. She grew up on Avalon. As a result they are nearly the exact same age biologically.)

Yama and Sora are atypical. But their love is not unheard of.

I don't ever recall saying that gargs from separate generations couldn't or wouldn't mate. It's just not particularly common.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Super-man writes...

You said that you didn't like Morgan le Fay and Ceasar being Oberon's parents and that it was chronilogically impossible. But the myth probably meant Morgan in her fay, queen of Avalon form and the queen of Avalon is Oberon's mother so the myth isn't entirely impossible in the gargoyles universe

Greg responds...

Huh? Are you conflating Morgan and Mab?

Cuz I'm not.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Vasy writes...

Greg I have a question on the three ladies:
Morgana, Nimue and Lady of the Lake are the three ladies which took Arthur to Avalon correct?

Are the three ladies the wired sisters?

Greg responds...


I'm not sure about these "wired" sisters.

But they're not the Weird Sisters, if that's what you mean.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Seeker of Knowledge writes...

In an earlier post, you said you wanted the God of the gargoyle universe to be bigger than the God of Abraham. How is that possible? The very nature of the Judeo-Christian-Muslim teachings makes this impossible. And He is in no way limited to these three religions. If you examine other faiths, it is easy to see that even religions as distant from these three as American Indians have some similarities.

Greg responds...

I see similarities all over. ALL OVER.

These things aren't mutually exclusive, which I believe was my point.

But I've studied the bible, and I see CLEAR signs in it of a non-monotheistic god. He seems to be a geotheistic god, particularly in chapters of Genesis and Exodus. Not the only. Just "THE BEST" (or at least the toughest).

Personally, I'm a Jew who believes in God. But I can't limit my perception of him to the Torah. It just doesn't work for me. Having said that -- and before I get slammed for saying it -- let me state clearly that the above opinions are first and foremost, merely that -- OPINIONS. They are my highly personal opinions. I have no interest or desire in trying to get anyone (ANYONE) to see things my way -- anymore than I have any interest or desire for someone to attempt to convert me.

So take everything I say with a grain of salt. Or a pillar of it.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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