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Charles Logan writes...

In the sixth and latest issue of the new gargoyles comic the same page is used twice. This page is the one where Goliath and Coldstone meet up in the cave and Coldstone throws Goliath over his shoulder. The first time we see this page the dialogue does not seem to correspond with the picture, was this a mistake? Will you be reprinting the comic with the correct pages and dialogue? If not will we be able to see the page online? Should questions about the comic be left at AskGreg or will there be a place to do this at Creature Comics? I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the new adventures of the gargoyles and cannot wait to start reading Bad Guys. I read somewhere that Bad Guys might become a new animated series, is this true?

Greg responds...

By the time you posted this, I had already responded to all these questions. I'd once again like to ask EVERYONE to read responses/archives/faqs and even check things out at the Station 8 comment room before posting here. I'm trying to avoid creating a huge backlog here.

As to Bad Guys becoming a new animated series... no, it's not true. Where did you read this?

Response recorded on October 18, 2007

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David writes...

I just read your apology for Gargoyles #6. Yes, I think it was the weakest comic thus far, and yes, I'm glad to know it's not unnoticed by SLG and yourself. But that being said, you seemed really down about it, and I wanted to give you at least one fan's response to your apology. I really appreciate your integrity,(Nice to know you stand by Renard's words!)and I won't pretend that the issue was as well done as the others. That being said, it's in a very very large part of you that we have an issue #6. Or an issue #1, or anything after Hunter's Moon Part Three. You mention not expecting our unlimited patience, but you need to know, you already had mine. Ten years from the last good episode of Gargoyles, you came through in spades. You did the impossible, and you brought Gargoyles back to me, and all the Garg fans out there. Thanks to your hard work, I finally got to see Goliath and Elisa proclaim their love for each other. A moment that brought me closer to tears then anything else in years. Thanks to you I've seen a little more of what would happen to the Manhattan Clan after finally reclaiming their old home, and forcing an alliance of sorts with Xanatos. I saw more of the Illuminati, and perhaps the best Thailog story to date. And soon, thanks to you, I'll see Bad Guys, and quite possibly the other Gargoyles spin offs that I honestly never thought would happen after the show's cancellation. As I write this I see that a lot of that is, in fact, thanks to YOUR "unlimited patience" as well as your refusal to give in and let Gargoyles die. Believe me, if you never write another Gargoyles story again, I'll consider these six issues a worthy return on my patience. Please know that all you have done for Gargoyles and it's fans is far from unnoticed. And while I can only speak for myself, I think all Gargoyles fans would agree me. So what? You stumbled a little along the way bringing us something we had all but given up hope of ever seeing. YOUR "unlimited patience" has shown us the impossible is possible. Why would we give you anything short of our own in return?

Greg responds...

Just to be clear, I'm apologizing for production errors. When you say the issue was not "as well done as the others" or "the weakest comic thus far", that's not an opinion I share, though of course you're entitled to yours.

Otherwise, thanks for your kind words.

Response recorded on October 18, 2007

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dph writes...

I do not know if you realize this or not, but you have done "This day in Gargoyles' Universe History" for over 6 months now. Thank you for doing this for us, the fans.

Greg responds...

You're welcome. It's kinda fun for me too.

Response recorded on October 18, 2007

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dph writes...

My review of issue #6

Where do I begin? This is obviously an immediate follow-up to the previous issue, which I enjoy. I enjoyed seeing Thailog in yet another change of clothes. It seemed quite plausible for the Society to be aware of the travelers' trips around the world and put together that Avalon was sending them places. I found the entry point for the travelers to be quite . . entertaining. It was also nice for humans to be treating gargoyles with respect, even if that was an order. It was nice to see Coldstone's reaction to seeing Angela and Coldstone's natural curiosity about how he was found. It's nice to know that Angela recognizes Coldstone as Gabriel's hatchling. At this point, it's nice follow-up to High Noon that Coldstone does not want to rejoin his clan out of fear of causing them injury. The way that he convinces them that the evil one has taken over is quite good. It's interesting the way that Coldstone brought them down. Then it's nice to learn where they really were as well as nice to add another mythic place to the gargoyle's universe. Also, it's very nice for Thailog to be outsmarted for once, showing that he can be. The ending with Coldsteel was quite interesting and also quite trusting of David Xanatos.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story. When I picked up comic book, I inquired about being the only one in my area who ordered Gargoyles comics. I had a pleasant surprise to find there was one other. Next time I go to the comic book store, I plan on leaving contact information so this other person can contact me.

Greg responds...

Xanatos? Trusting?

Response recorded on October 17, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 16th...

When the real Hudson and Goliath return to the Clock Tower, they find Coldstone and are soon convinced that Othello controls his body. They follow Coldstone back to the Eyrie. Minutes later, Iago, Othello and Desdemona return to the Tower in their appropriated bodies. They free Lex, who surmises that Iago must now be in control of Coldstone and has tricked Goliath and Hudson into declaring war on Xanatos. The real Iago, still posing as Brooklyn, suggests that they destroy the Coldstone body once and for all. Othello agrees, despite (or perhaps because of) the fact that this action would strand the various souls in their new bodies. At the Eyrie, Puck uses the Coldsteel and Coldfire robots to capture Goliath and Hudson. The others arrive soon after. Iago knocks Lex unconscious to take him out of the action, but when Lex recovers, the spirit of Alexander enters his body. Puck, meanwhile, uses Coldstone's body to take down Angela/Desdemona and Broadway/Othello. Brooklyn/Iago tries to make off with Desdemona, but Puck uses Coldsteel and Coldfire to stop him. After some further conflict, Lex/Alex transfers Iago, Othello and Desdemona into Coldsteel, Coldstone and Coldfire, respectively. Coldsteel flees, and Coldstone and Coldfire take off in pursuit. Puck returns Alexander to the nursery and transforms back into Owen just before Xanatos and Fox return.

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Todd Jensen writes...

My thoughts/review on #6.

It's unfortunate that this one was plagued with production errors (especially the wrong pictures on one page), and I hope that future issues won't have that problem. But you've already covered that part, so I won't say more about it.

The flashback story felt a little hurried, in order to get it into one issue, but was still interesting. Master Dawa made a good new character; I especially liked his verbal wit with such lines as "Their souls are fortunate that their bodies are such lousy shots" and "Listen with your heart, Sangpo... if that doesn't work, I'll translate later."

The revelation that Iago hadn't taken over Coldstone's body, but that Coldstone pretended that he had to prevent Goliath from bringing him back to the clan (and thus potentially endangering the other gargoyles when Iago *did* succeed in taking over Coldstone again), was also well-handled.

And I was amused by the opening of the flashback, with the skiff arriving in a laundry pot, since it reminded me of a few discussions that I'd seen in Gargoyles forums as to how small a body of water Avalon could transport one to.

While the "present-day" part of the story wasn't advanced much, we still got some enjoyable tidbits. It seems that Thailog has finally met his match in Shari, something which makes this new character all the more interesting. And I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how things go between Xanatos and Coldsteel. (It seems that his motives for providing robotic bodies for the other two souls inside Coldstone weren't as altruistic as he claimed. Though, knowing Xanatos, that shouldn't be such a surprise.)

At any rate, a good story; I just wish that there hadn't been as many production errors. And I hope that we don't see any (or none of this magnitude) in future issues.

Greg responds...

Just had to end the post with another mention of the errors, even though you already mentioned them -- and as you said I already covered them -- and you wrote " I won't say more about it." at the top of the post.

You guys are going to make Cranky Greg return.

Response recorded on October 16, 2007

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Sanguinarius writes...

I thought I'd follow up on another questioner's comment, on the huge problem with issue 6. If you've seen a print copy of it (not sure if you get one gratis or not), pages 12 and 16 are identical, picture-wise: only the dialogue and captions differ. And considering the dialogue for page 12, it's obvious that this was not intentional. I realize it's not your department, but I figured you'd know who to inform. I just hope SLG hasn't started printing the trade paperback yet, with that mistake still in it...

I should probably ask a question, since that's what this board is for... But I don't have any questions (at least no sane ones) at the moment. But thank you so much for whatever backdoor dealings you engaged in to get Gargoyles stories going again! I'm absolutely loving the series, especially with the offhand comment of adding another specie-of-legend to the mix with the Yeti... The mythology you've created is what made me fall in love with Gargoyles originally, and I'm very very glad to see you haven't lost your touch in the meantime. Thanks again!

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on October 16, 2007

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Shannon 'Shan' Muir writes...

Hi Greg,

Originally I promised I wasn't going to review 3 - 5 until I saw them as a group, and go figure when I finished this was RIGHT when the queue closed. So here it is, though with added time of reflection.

by Shannon Muir

As I've stated previously, I didn't want to comment on the comics until I could see the whole story in one piece, which to me feels like I'm reading a half hour episode adapted to three comics with one comic per act. I'm largely going to talk about the story as I think it unfair to review three different artists artwork indepth in one piece. However, broadly speaking I liked issue #5 the best artwise and issue #4 the least (mainly because I couldn't follow the fight scenes in that style which in turn impacted my ability to follow story, though the style itself was interesting).

Now, here's a breakdown of each story arc and my observations --

THE ILLUMINATI: It's nice to finally get a sense of the Illuminati structure as more than just this nebulous organization represented by just a couple people in the show. Castaway, Bluestone, Xanatos, and Thailog all at lowest run almost implies some sort of "race to the top". Both Quincy and Shari I find extremely interesting, and Thailog being a member was a turn I didn't expect. Also that Shari's symbol isn't the ring like all the men wear. (What jewelry does Thailog have I wonder, though I know you can't/won't answer). There's enough here I'm interested in what is going on in their infrastructure. Thailog's goals are, however, at this point a little bit predictable. What is more of interest is the consequences of the pursuit of said goals with Sevarius.

ELISA AND GOLIATH: I have to be honest, this was the arc that I liked the least. To me, the question of Elisa's family plans opened on the castle rampart is a "tentpole" question that should launch a much larger arc and not be thrown away in the equivalent of a half-hour episode. The fact Elisa flirted with Jason, and did take Morgan on the date, cannot be erased in one night no matter how life-threatening. Couples have conflicts but they also need to work through them, and issues of this magnitude take time. I hear rumors later issues will continue with this theme, but even what I've seen here seems just too fast. I know comics by nature need to be time compressed to some extent, but still.

I for one hope that though Elisa's re-recognized her feelings for Goliath in the heat of a pressure moment, the struggles don't end here. Those are some powerful words Elisa told Goliath back at the castle in Issue 3 about the life she wanted, and I truly feel some more examination of this is required instead of a simple daytime soap opera-esque "we'll find a way to work it out" and let it rest until it resolves itself. It has always been one of GARGOYLES' hallmarks to deal with tough issues head on and give them the treatment they deserve - whether it is single epsiodes with undertones of social issues like DEADLY FORCE or LIGHTHOUSE or the complicated psychcological examination of Demona and Macbeth of CITY OF STONE. That, to me, is what makes GARGOYLES... well, GARGOYLES.

As is, it feels like this was "rushed through" to take Elisa and Goliath to some sort of "next level" in their relationship in order to move along other plot elements. I strongly hope this isn't the case.

BROOKLYN, BROADWAY AND ANGELA: Poor Brooklyn just feels alientated by everyone. This was done in plausible contexts that made sense. I know what it is ultimately to lead to (in the most general of senses, as we've been told before), but the question is how long will things go until we get there? I hope they don't drag out but go at a natural pace. As to Broadway and Angela, I think they are handled very subtly in the background, their relationship is reconfirmed as a contrast longside Brooklyn's alienation.

LEXINGTON: Not too much to say here as Lexington is Lexington. However, what is key is his confrontation with his clone, it reveals a lot about his character as he confronts his "dark side" when the clone chooses Thailog over siding with Delilah.

THE CLONES, THE MUTATES, AND THE POWER OF FREE WILL: Maggie standing up and Delilah taking charge were both turns I applauded and worked well, Delilah's especially though I would have liked to have overseen her hearing the conversation where Goliath mentions her. Though, where did Thailog learn about Norma Rae? It took a minute to remember where she overheard Goliath's comment. This was my second favorite arc to Hudson and Robbins (see below). However, we still don't know what happened to Maggie or to Claw. We see Shari at the end of Issue 5 talking to Thailog, and supposedly she took Claw with her when she left the Labrinyth in Issue 4. Where is he? Did I miss something? (I hope so.)

HUDSON AND ROBBINS: The smallest subplot in the arc but it accomplishes volumes in just a few pages. It got a major revelation out of the way - that Robbins has suspected Hudson's identity for some time - but it didn't feel rushed or forced. It felt like every step was completely appropriate and the handshake at the end before Hudson left was the perfect cap. A total contrast to the Elisa and Goliath arc. Even Gilly and Bronx resting together was a nice touch.

BRENDAN AND MARGOT: Margot was predictable but funny, yet the interesting part here is getting a better sense of Brendan. Timing makes it clear he got Dr. Sato to help Goliath, but did he realize Goliath was what he was or does he think Goliath was just a man in a really good costume? Again, you can't answer that one but I'm letting you know the answer interests me.

DEMONA: I know she's a setup for later, but she seems out of place in these three issues if taken together as one story. Not much to say as there's not much of her around. I am left wondering if that page might have been able to be done some other way or at some other point to have better been utilized for this story.

CAMEOS AT THE PARTY: Fun if you remember the show enough. I recognized some and had to research others. I flat out did not recognize the Judge and guessed who he was simply because I had to think of what episode used a Judge. Seems too off model to me, even compensating for the costume.

OVERALL: Would I keep reading at this point? There's enough to keep me interested, but how Elisa and Goliath play out may be a real sticking point. We'll see.

ADDENDUM REGARDING ISSUE #6:I don't have Issue 6 yet (got stuck too late at work to go out the day it came out), and to be honest after hearing about the technical art gaffe I may just hold out for the trade in hope it gets corrected there and I can follow the story properly, especially since it is a stand-alone. I haven't decided. If I do get it and the queue doesn't close, I'll consider a review.

Greg responds...

Well, I don't agree with all your comments, but of course you're entitled to your opinions. A couple things I do take issue with:

I don't see Elisa as having flirted with Jason at all. She is trying to comfort him as a friend, and although I like to leave interpretations up to individual readers, I don't even see where that interpretation comes from. Frankly, I don't think she flirted with Morgan either.

I also don't have any idea why you think Shari took Claw with her.

Response recorded on October 16, 2007

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TiniTinyTony writes...

My friend, Dan, collects thousands upon thousands of comics and he has seen his share of mistakes, but never to the magnitude of the production error that occurred on page 12 of Gargoyles #6.

I know you're the talent when it comes to the Gargoyles comic and seemingly have little to no control over the production of it once it's in SLG's hands, but is there anything that can be done to prevent the continuation of mistakes? Is shopping around for a different publisher an option at this point?

4 mistakes in 6 issues is 2/3 mistakes. If my TV only worked 1/3 of the time, I would return it and never buy that brand of TV again.

Greg responds...

--Shopping around for a different publisher is neither an option nor a desire on my part.

--Your friend Dan may have thousands upon thousands of comics, but I've been in and around this business for twenty-four years, and I've seen WAY worse errors... which is not meant to forgive or even explain why we had so many in this issue... but I could do without the hyperbole, thanks, as well as the completely bogus math.

--As for what can be done, we've put some safety measures in place to try to insure that this sort of thing never happens again.

--Finally, I do appreciate your patience, and I like to think that the virtues of the issue (let alone the series as a whole) still outweigh the errors. But at the end of the day, if you feel like we're too defective to put up with, then I'll understand and watch you go with much regret.

Response recorded on October 16, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

how are gargoyle and dragon relations,good/bad?

Greg responds...

You're assuming facts not in evidence.

Response recorded on October 16, 2007

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Gargoyles #6

Okay, let me get this out of the way. I thought this was the weakest issue so far. I understand you've been wanting to use this script for a while, and I'm sure the pay-off will be worth it, but this one just didn't quite add up for me.

First off, there seems to be a problem with page twelve. Goliath is attacking Coldstone while the monks are speaking. Is this a mistake? Because on the next page, Goliath is talking to Coldstone calmly, and the panel is repeated later.

I also did not care for the coloring. I did like Purcell's pencils, but the Evans' coloring just did not do it justice. Sorry.

Okay, with that out of the way... I liked a lot. I enjoyed finally seeing the Coldstone in the Himalayas story. Although I am wondering why Avalon sent them there, as they did not accomplish much. The monks were fun.

Thailog really amused me, though. I see he likes playing Roman Emperor. Which one? Not Caligula I hope? ;) What I also liked was, after seeing Thailog play Xanatos, Sevarius, Goliath, Demona, Macbeth, and everyone. He outsmarted everyone, we finally see Shari being able to almost make him flinch. She's playing him, it's obvious, all while she feeds him grapes and pours him wine.

Speaking of Shari. Okay, I know she's very high in the pyramid, but how does she know about the travelers' visit to Tibet? I know you won't answer, but I'm beginning to think she's the most ominous of the new characters you've introduced. Quincy may outrank her, but there's just something about Shari that is frightening.

I enjoyed the ending. Xanatos and Coldsteel. *Que ominous music* Well, who said Xanatos was a good guy? I like this, I often wondered why he gave Iago a powerful body like that, now we know. He obviously gained something... Goliath is not going to like this.

Sorry if I was hard on this issue, I did enjoy it. But, if I don't criticize when I need to, I can't be honest when I praise.

Greg responds...

I find it interesting that you only noticed that the panel is repeated as opposed to the entire page.

Anyway, the issue is problematic from a production stand point, as I've already noted. But I'm glad you found things to like in it.

Response recorded on October 16, 2007

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Asatira writes...

Hi, Greg! Glad to finally get the issue 6, and to finally see something we fans have known of for a while, but never got the details. So that's what Coldsteel was doing all this time. And good to see another place from legend exists in the Gargoyles universe, I just wish there was more space and time to see more. Ah well, each medium has its pros and cons. There's a number of other things I liked about this issue, that can be summed up with one word: characters. For instance, I found the demand from Thailog to Shari for a story, and her feeding him grapes, rather funny because she outranks him. I think she's just mollifying him for now. I am glad that Angela recognizes the differences about parental concerns about biological relationships, but still barrels ahead with her guess about Gabriel's relationship to Coldstone. And his follow-up comment, quoting the "biological" but still saying son, which was most important. I kind of wonder how much Desdemona overheard and if some of that pause was her taking it in as well. Reminded once again, when Coldstone mentions his concern about children with the image of Angela, how important the clan's eggs really were to the clan. I'm like many on the site and curious about the revelation at the end. What could Xanatos have to do with Coldsteel, and will the later be cooperative?

Greg responds...

Hang tight. You're just an issue away from learning more about your last question.

Response recorded on October 16, 2007

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Rebel writes...

Hi again, these questions are about Brentwood. Will he always remain loyal to Thailog? Will he eventually get a little...er...more educated, or always be more of a goon for Thailog? Since Brentwood chose to join him, and since Thailog no longer has a "clan", will he start to treat Brentwood with more respect or still more like a slave? If Thailog makes another "clan" with the stolen genetic material from #5, would Brentwood have any sort of authority or preferential treatment in it, or would he be treated just like the others? And finally, if Lex is gay, is Brentwood gay too?

Ok, that's enough questions from me for now. I do have some more questions, but I'll hold off on them until tomorrow or a few days from now.

Greg responds...

Rebel, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I'm not going to reveal future... well, revelations. Why scoop myself when we now have the comic?

Response recorded on October 16, 2007

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Jonny Modlin writes...

Hi Greg,
I am very excited about getting Gargoyles Comic #6 by Slave Labor. I will get the remaining Gargoyles comic books by Slave Labor of 7-12, Bad Guys, Pendragon, Timedancer, The New Olympians, Gargoyles 2198, Dark Ages, etc. I NEED to know how the sales of Gargoyles Season One and Season Two, Volume One DVD sets are doing! How are the sales for Gargoyles Season One and Season Two, Volume One? I need to know if Season Two, Volume Two of Gargoyles will come out, so I can complete the entire series of Gargoyles on DVD with Season One, Season Two, Volume One and Season Two, Volume Two containing 65 episodes. Thank you.

Greg responds...

I have no new news to report. And I never get sales figures. Disney treats those like state secrets.

Response recorded on October 16, 2007

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Rebel writes...

This question is in regards to the LXM Robots. How closely will they resemble Lexington? Will they resemble him to the extent that Coldfire resembles Desdemona, or to the extent that the original Coyote resembled Xanatos? If they do resemble him closely, could a timedancing Brooklyn accidentally confuse one with Lex? If they do look a lot like Lex it has occurred to me that something like that might happen. I've noticed in the wiki it says they will be five feet tall, but I have no idea what Lex's height will be when he fully matures or how tall he is if he stands up straight, so I don't know if that means they will be a lot bigger than him or about the same size. Thanks for giving any info you can!

Greg responds...

They look like metal Lexington's -- kinda like chrome Lexington's. Brooklyn couldn't confuse one for Lex himself, though he couldn't help noticing the resemblence. They sound like Lex too.

Response recorded on October 16, 2007

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KingCobra_582 writes...

My issue #6 Review.

Thanks for another great issue, Greg.


STORY - First off, kudos on the story. Having Coldstone show up was a great idea, and well executed. I liked the expression on his/her/its' face upon learning about Gabriel, and I didn't see the twist coming. I had thought his emotions there HAD made him actually turn evil. Good plot crunch, that.

For a minute there, I actually thought he was going to kill Elisa. Brutal. But that's 'Coldsteel' for you.

I was also curious as to his (Coldstone's) exact connection with the natives, and what their relationship was, not to mention their treatment of him afterwards, but maybe someday, we'll learn more in a future issue.

Thailog was as kickass as ever.

It seems to me that Brooklyn was still a little depressed, seeing Angela and Broadway like that. He made the excuse about 'Thailog still out'. Is that the real reason he walked away, or was he lying to them? Either way, I have to say, Poor Guy.

Once again, story threads were left hanging for future issues, and I can't wait to see where they go over time. I recall hearing somewhere that this issue was based on a script you'd written for the old Marvel Comics series. Is that true?

art - Not as perfect as Issue #5 was, but better then #3 and #4 were. Decently drawn, and the coloring works primo. Nicely done. Hats off to Stephanie Lostimolo and Dustin Evans.

Bottom Line? Nice, sensible, one-shot, with, as usual, hints of future plotlines contained within, and great characterization. Thailog continues to reign highly as one of my favorite villians, and having a flashback to a previously unseen Avalon tale was clever. Hats off to an excellent story. The art, though not the greatest. was still pleasing to the eyes. If awards could be presented for artwork, Evans and Lostimolo would deserve to win big.

And you, Greg Weisman, would, once again, be #1 in 'Best Writer'.

Until #7. :D

Greg responds...


Yes, most of this issue was written originally for the Marvel book (which I was scheduled to take over) before it folded along with all of Marvel's Disney licenses. I adapted it to fit our current continuity. Glad you liked it.

Response recorded on October 16, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 16th...

Xanatos and Owen make a third attempt to transfer the souls of Iago and Desdemona into independent robot bodies. It too fails. Later, David and Fox go out for the evening, leaving Alexander in Owen's care. Owen decides to teach Alexander his first lesson in magic. Owen transforms into Puck, then glamours himself and Alexander into dead-ringers for Goliath and Hudson. They "liberate" Coldstone from the Eyrie and take him to the Clock Tower. There, "Goliath" convinces Angela and Broadway to allow the souls of Desdemona and Othello to take up temporary residence inside their bodies. Coldstone is emptied of all three souls, and the Iago soul secretly enters Brooklyn. "Goliath" and "Hudson" then depart, leaving "Brooklyn" in charge. Iago convinces Othello and Desdemona to try out their new bodies. He then follows them to the Statue of Liberty, where he hints that they might keep Broadway and Angela's bodies for themselves. Meanwhile, Puck and Alexander enter Coldstone's body; they grab Lex, tie him up in a corner and gag him.

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Rebel writes...

Okey dokey! In my previous post, I had far too many topics in one question, so I am hoping that I have made this particular question inclusive enough to make the cut.

Anyway, hi Greg! I have some questions about hair in Gargoyles (insignificant topic, I know). Why do the artists keep making Angela's hair brown? In the show it looks black. Brooklyn has white hair in youth, whereas in "City of Stone", Demona's red hair turned white with age...so...was Hudson's hair always white or did it change with age? If it changed, what color was it; I would like to know this for possible fan art. Will any of Demona's descendants inherit her spiky red hair? I love the color and the spiky-ness of it and I'm really hoping a major future character gets it (note I am not asking you to specify WHO gets it, just whether *someone* will). And finally, will Brooklyn's children have black hair? It seems like most of the Asian gargoyles have black hair but I'm really hoping Brooklyn's children don't, as it seems kinda over-done in the Gargoyles universe.

Greg responds...

Angela and Goliath both have dark brown hair. Sometimes colorists emphasize the brown... sometimes the dark, which makes it look black. Personally, I prefer when it's nearly black myself, but it is brown.

Brooklyn's hair is white.

Whether Hudson had white hair as a youth is something that we'll have to wait and see about.

And I'm hardly likely to reveal or even commit to hair colors for Demona's descendents or Brooklyn's children. Why tie the hands of my colorists down the road?

Response recorded on October 15, 2007

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Antiyonder writes...

Something that came to mind a while back. You mentioned in your rambling of The Mirror:
That the original dialogue from Demona was "You serve him, you can serve me". That was changed due to fear that "him" would be mistaken for Satan.

Kind of funny considering your ramble on "Her Brother's Keeper":

"Derek thinks Elisa thinks Xanatos is the "Prince of Darkness". "He practically is!" she responds. <SIGH> Tricksters are always being confused with Satan."

"But that was more irony. It's not the demonic-looking gargoyles who are being compared to Satan. It's the handsome, rich Bruce Wayne-esque playboy. I guess the goatee helps."

Makes his membership (666 members) in The Illuminati all the more fitting.

Greg responds...

Yep. Fun stuff, I think.

Response recorded on October 15, 2007

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tyler writes...

I love this website!!!!!!!

I have some questions about gargoyle beasts

1. what do other beasts of other clans look like. like london, mayan, loch ness ect.

2.i noticed the picture of the blue gargoyle beast of the gathering of 2004 looks a lot like it could be bronx and budecca offspring. i was wondering if it was designed to b their child or if it was desinged after them? if it was to be their kid whats is it's name, gender ect. ( sorry if u dont know what im talking about i cant think of the word, mascot maybe, it was on there web site and in a few different places in different positions)

gargoyles # 6 comes out today o ya

Greg responds...

I'm glad you love it, tyler, but without being too judgmental, I wish you'd make better use of its archives.

1. I'm not going to tie my hands -- or rather my artists hands -- by committing to something visual before we choose to depict it.

2. You'd have to ask the designer of the mascot. Mascots are fun -- but they aren't canon.

Response recorded on October 15, 2007

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tyler writes...

If there r 36 eggs in the avalon clan then how r there 80-100 in the wyvern clan wouldnt that mean that almost every female has to lay an egg. even the ones that have already had 3 eggs? (sorry if i missed something)

Greg responds...

Me too. I've answered this before. Check the archives or the comment room.

Response recorded on October 15, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey! I understand the difference between having a biological and a rookery brother/sister/father/mother and so on and so forth. Gargoyles do not recognize their biological parents as their parents like we (humans) do; they have many parents. I also know that most gargoyles (at least the ones we see the most) find a mate that was born/hatched at the same time as them, but this is not the case for all of them (like Yama and his mate). I've also come to assume that gargoyles don't look for ways to relate themselves to each other biologically (I remember you saying that Broadway doesn't know Hudson is his biological father, and wouldn't have need to think so). So, I'm thinking that it could be possible for two gargoyles that were closely related biologically (like a brother & sister), could end up as mates. If they had children, wouldn't the children have deformities? So I'm wondering, would gargoyles try to stay away from other gargoyles that look a lot like them, so that they won't become mates and therefore won't have children so that their children wouldn't end up looking deformed and have problems in life? I'm having a difficult time trying to get this question put into words here, so I hope you get what I'm saying.

Thank you for your time and all that you do.


Greg responds...

And I've answered this before as well. Check the archives or ask in the comment room.

Response recorded on October 15, 2007

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tyler writes...

how do gargoyles decide the clan leader? and y is the leaders mate usally second in command? ( by this i mean clans like avalon or ones without current leaders to chose)

Greg responds...

I'm confident I've answered this before. Check the archives -- and/or ask in the comment room. I'm sure the friendly folk there (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/index.php) can direct you to the correct answer.

Response recorded on October 15, 2007

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tyler writes...

Can broklen have a 3rd kid? if not y and if he can y doesn't he? and if he does what is it's gender, name, ect.?

Thanx love the show

Greg responds...

Again, not revealing this here.

Response recorded on October 15, 2007

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tyler writes...

Do Maggie and talon ever have kids and if so how many, what r there names ,genders and would they be more human or mutant like?

Greg responds...

Did you really think I'd reveal this here now that we have the comic?

Response recorded on October 15, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey! I was reading up on the episode Hunter's Moon part 3 last night on GargWiki and when I was reading the part about Broadway giving Elisa a lift to where Goliath was fighting the hunters, I started wondering about something. Why was it that Broadway was the one to take Elisa and not one of the other gargoyles? I have some ideas on why it was him and not one of the others, like the fact that he and Elisa are somewhat closer than she is with the other members of the trio, and if she asked him to take her, he probably would. I also wondered why not Brooklyn since he's the leader while Goliath is gone, and then I thought that since he is the leader, he wouldn't want to go against Goliath's wishes. But I want to know what your reason was for having Broadway take Elisa, and not just me guessing at it. Now that starts me thinking on which of the gargoyles thought it was okay for Broadway to take Elisa and which ones didn't agree that it was the right thing to do. Do you think any of them were against them going, which would be going against Goliath's command? Could you please shed some light on this for me?

Thank you for your time and all that you do.


Greg responds...

I guess I could, but frankly I don't think I should. This isn't some big secret, but I think we're all better served letting what exists stand on its own, leaving it to your (pretty valid as far as I'm concerned) interpretation.

Response recorded on October 15, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 14th...

Harold Godwinson is killed at the Battle of Hastings. William the Conqueror conquers England.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 13th...

When Demona refuses to allow Thailog to kill Angela, he reveals an additional clone: Delilah, created from a combination of Demona and Elisa's DNA. Demona frees Talon, Goliath and the clan. They manage to recapture Fang and take down the clones. But while fighting each other, Demona and Thailog seemingly perish in a fire. Talon offers to take the other clones back to the Labyrinth where he promises to teach them to think for themselves.

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey! Why is it that once Fox put on the Eye of Odin that it took 2 days before she started to transform and that the Eye transformed Goliath right when he put it on?

Thank you for your time and all that you do.


Greg responds...

Proximity to Odin?

Response recorded on October 12, 2007

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey Greg! It's great to be able to ask questions again. Sorry, but this has nothing to do with Gargoyles at all, but with one of your other great shows, WITCH. I just watched the WITCH episode U for Undivided (which is one of my favorite episodes; it also happens to be the one with Brenda and Marco). I had stopped watching WITCH after the 2nd season ended, so this was the first time in a while that I've watched it. It was too bad it wasn't continued, because it was a really good show. If fact, I'd say that it has been one of the best shows to come around since Gargoyles. Anyways, on to my question. In this episode we learn that Cornelia's little sister is the heart of earth and that it was because of this that Cornelia was made a guardian. We also learn that each of the guardians have a reason for being picked to be a guardian, though we only find out why Hay-Lin and Cornelia are guardians, and we are left in the dark about the other three. What I am wondering is, since I've never read the comics, did you come up with this idea or was this an idea that came from the comic books? If it was from the comic books, do you know if they ever mention why the other three guardians were chosen to be guardians? If it was you, did you plan out why the other three guardians were chosen? If so, would you enlighten me on the subject, seeing as there will not be any more seasons of the show?

Thank you for your time and all that you do.


Greg responds...

I think it was me. I had a notion for Irma, involving her birth mother and brothers -- an idea inspired by the comics, but not from them per se.

I had not yet worked out reasons for Taranee or Will, but figured they'd come to me eventually -- had the show continued.

Response recorded on October 12, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, I am interested in seeing some of the early character designs for the Gargoyles characters. Is there anywhere online that we can view them? And if not, could you possibly make them available?

Also I have been thinking about the upcoming trade paperback. TPBs sometimes have extras in the back, so if you don't make the character designs available online, is this something you might put in the TPB?

Greg responds...

I don't have access to this stuff either. It's all in the Disney archives somewhere, I assume. There have been a few years where former guest coordinator Carol Wagner arranged for exhibits of old designs at the Gathering. And of course some of the old designs are visible on the extras for the DVD. The TPB will also have extras but they're not likely to be old designs from the show. Again, I have no access.

Response recorded on October 12, 2007

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Matthew writes...

A Xanatos questios:

Has Xanatos ever had someone killed? I tend to think that while he was ruthless enough to do so, I think he wouldn't because the risks would out way the benefits. Off course, if he had no other way to achieve his goals he might so it would probably depend on the situation.

Greg responds...

I'll leave this to your imagination for now.

Response recorded on October 12, 2007

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Landon "Lumpmoose" Thomas writes...

Hello, long-time reader, first time asker. I just caught "Ken 10" and loved it. I think it's one of the best Ben 10 episodes yet, and that's saying a lot. I love seeing the shades of Gargoyles in there with your fearlessness in shaking things up, adding drama, introducing new characters, and playing with the time line. It makes me all the more excited for Spectacular Spider-man (congrats on the 26-episode pick-up, by the way).

I'm currently pondering a career in sound design/editing/engineering. Animation is my passion and that's what I'd like to work with, at least partially (i.e. I can't draw). You've mentioned Advantage Audio in the past as the Gargoyles post-production house. Advantage Audio looks like a great place to work, but it surprises me that Disney television animation would contract out for audio work on one of their flagship products.

1) I know smaller animation studios usually contract out for audio post-production, but how often do the big studios, like WDTVA, WB, Cartoon Network, and Nickelodeon, use external post-production houses?

b) Do they even have in-house audio teams? If so, how often do they use them?

c) Just out of curiosity, what does Culver Entertainment do?

2) The thing I'm worried about most is being 'merely' a tech grunt in the audio production field. In your opinion, how much creativity is there in the audio post-production field?

b) How closely do you, as a writer/producer/director, work with audio teams? Do you just pass the work on and expect an end-product?

3) This is a personal, limited-in-scope question of which you may have no opinion. I'm currently in Minneapolis with a BA in theatre, minor in computer science, and very little audio experience. I'm pondering going to Full Sail for a trained-by-the-best kind of thing. Does that school stick out for you or would a local tech school and/or experience be good enough to break into the big time?

Thanks for any help! I know questions weren't strictly Gargoyles-related, but Gargoyles was what inspired me to steer into the entertainment industry in the first place!

Greg responds...

Thanks for the congrats.

1. None of the studios I've ever worked with in Television Animation have their own post houses.

b. Never.

c. Each show is different, but as far as Spidey's concerned, we'll probably make a decision in the next couple weeks as to which audio post house we'll be using.

2. Tons. But it depends on what you mean by creativity. Obviously, you're coming at the piece near the end of the process. You're not writing the story or animating the picture, but you are breathing life into it with sound, and there are a tons of choices to be made. The producers (if not the executives) have final say of course, but a great engineer or sound fx designer makes all the difference in the world.

b. I discuss things with the team, they go to town and then I'm present for the mix (at the very least). I don't just hand it off and cross my fingers that I'll like what comes back, but I also don't stand over their shoulders while the sound is being designed.

3. I've never heard of "Full Sail", but frankly I don't know this arena very well, so don't judge by me.

Good luck!

Response recorded on October 12, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 12th...

Xanatos acquires the Cauldron of Life and prepares to test it by ordering the construction of a pair of Macbeth robots and a statue of Hudson. He also begins looking for a sword that will match Hudson's to be used with the statue.

Relieving Talon, Goliath takes his shift guarding the Labyrinth prisoners. Thailog busts Demona and Fang out. Talon and Goliath pursue them to Coney Island. Goliath departs and quickly returns with Angela, the Trio and Hudson. All are captured by Fang, Demona, Thailog and his clones: Hollywood, Brentwood, Malibu and Burbank (made from the DNA of Broadway, Lexington, Brooklyn and Hudson, respectively).

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W. C. Reaf writes...

Hi Greg

Long time fan first time questioner. I'm eagerly anticipating the Spectacular Spider-Man series and I know it'll be good with your amazing writing talent in charge. I know you can't really talk about it yet so I won't be asking any questions on it now.

I've got a question on the public perception of Gargoyles in the Gargoyles universe. Why does the public see them as wild beasts and monsters but they don't notice they don't notice or comment on the fact that they're wearing loincloths that are meant to cover their modesty?

No other animal wears clothes just for that purpose so that shows at least the Gargoyles are more than the average monster in the public eye.

Greg responds...

Frankenstein's monster wears clothes. Doesn't make him less of a monster in the eyes of the public.

Look, if they didn't wear clothes, people would notice and be further scandalized/horrified/whatever. But the fact that they are wearing clothes doesn't necessarily register. Given their basic anatomy, I think it's largely taken for granted. Do a few people stop and say, "Hey, they're wearing clothes..." Well, yeah. No response is monolithic. But the majority don't pay particular attention.

Response recorded on October 11, 2007

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Bazell writes...

Yay! Question time! I was sad we couldn't post for so long, however working on a comic and having an upcoming television show demands alot of time I'm sure. Having fun?
Anyway, what are your plans for future Gargoyles stories? No! Just kidding!!!

Fox was understandbly bitter towards her mother at the end of The Gathering. Is there a planned reconciliation in the near future, or at least a confrontation? Or is that far off still?
Furthermore, what are Zanatos' feeling about her. I'm sure he harbors some resentment, but as someone who made a living out of schemes and plots, does he have a bit more... understanding (even if not appreciation)?

Greg responds...

I am having fun, thanks for asking. I'm really tired though.

I'll leave everyone's feelings up to your interpretation for now. Eventually, we'll get to everything, but I'm trying to avoid scooping myself too much.

Response recorded on October 11, 2007

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Vaevictis Asmadi writes...

Yay the queue is open! I'm happy you're taking questions again. (and I'm of course excited to get #6, which I'll be ordering asap). I hope you don't mind questions unrelated to reviewing the comic... those Children of Oberon always make me so curious.

1. a. So Ragnarok already occured in the Gargoyles Universe. When did it happen? (If you don't want to give a year or decade, can you please say what century it happened in?)
b. Did any of the gods survive Ragnarok, other than Odin? If some did, who?

2. You've also told us that the war between the Titans and Olympians was a real event in the Gargoyles Universe. What happened to the defeated Titans afterwards? (I don't want to assume it is the same as the myths, or to ask more specifically for fear it would be an idea)

3. When was Oberon born? (If you don't want to give the year or decade, please say what century?)

Greg responds...

1a. Yes, it occured, but no I'm not going to hint at a date (even a century) at this time.

1b. Yes, a few others did. But I'm not revealing who at this time. (Though the myths themselves are a good hint.)

2. I'm not answering this at this time.

3. Ditto.

Response recorded on October 11, 2007

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Phil writes...

I'll volunteer to be one of the first to ask a question. I'll be picking up my copy of the comic this afternoon, so I can't comment about that. But I want to ask about your "Blather" ramble.

When you first posted it a year ago, many were mystified and confused, but I recognized it immediately as a secret message just waiting to be decoded. I spent several months working on it, but to no avail. So I gave up.

Then, a few months ago you posted it again in the comment room. This cemented in my mind that there is some kind of meaning to this. Otherwise, why would you bother? So since then I have renewed my efforts to make some kind of sense from your Blather, still with no success.

Here are my questions:
1) Am I wasting my time? Is "Blather" just an entertaining but ultimately meaningless exercise in stream-of-consiousness writing?
2) Is there some deeper meaning in "Blather"? Is it a coded message that perhaps reveals a heretofore hidden tidbit of Gargoyle lore?
3) If the answer to number 2 is yes, could you please offer some kind of a hint or clue? I feel like I've been down every dead end at least twice. I'm not looking for an answer; just point me in the right direction.

Thanks for the time you put into the fandom. I'm looking forward to picking up issue 6 today!

Greg responds...

1. Well, it is stream of consciousness. But it's not meaningless -- not to me anyway. Whether or not you're wasting your time isn't for me to say, though.

2. Blather is only tangentially connected to Gargoyles. It does have a number of secret messages -- and I hope a deeper meaning, but it won't tell you, say, the name of Lex's mate or anything like that. It's not in code.

3. No, I think you are heading down the wrong path. It's an interpretive piece. There's no hard key or hint that I can give you. It's... art. (I'm not saying it's great art -- though I am somewhat proud of it, but it's function is artistic.)

Response recorded on October 11, 2007

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<SIGH> Gargoyles #6


Okay. I'm embarrassed. As many of you already know, there are a number of production errors in issue #6. I have already received what I believe is a heartfelt apology from SLG, and I'm personally passing this apology on to you fans... and adding one of my own.

Here, as far as I can tell, is the rundown of the errors in Gargoyles #6:

PAGE ONE. The logo and title ("Gargoyles Clan-Building Chapter Six: Reunion") have once again been left off the book.

PAGE TWELVE. Although the correct lettering overlay was used, the art is incorrect -- and is in fact a reprint of page 16.

PAGE TWENTY-THREE. An uncorrected version of the page with the wrong "SCARAB" logo was used.

BACK COVER. The add for the trade paperback leaves Nir Paniry's name off, which is frankly inexcusable. Also Stephanie is still listed as doing tones on Bad Guys, but Karine did her own tones.

ETCHED IN STONE. In addition, the blurb for issue #7 lists Dustin Evans as that upcoming issue's colorist, but the colors for #7 are now being done by Robby Bevard. Dustin was colorist at the time I wrote that Etched in Stone, but since then the situation has changed. So that's not really an error... just consider this an update.

Guys, believe me, I am well aware how unprofessional all this makes us look. I recognize that the fans are NOT expected to have unlimited patience with all our screw-ups -- be they production errors or late deliveries. I've been told that SLG is going to reprint the issue and that exchanges will be possible. In the meantime, I'm looking for a way to post the correct pages (which exist, I swear) somewhere practical on the internet so you guys can at least see what you've missed. And of course, everything WILL be correct in the Trade Paperback (though that's hardly the inducement to buy that I was looking for).

All I can say is that we will try to do better. Truly. I know that must sound hollow, but I'll now be looking over galleys personally. Honestly, if ALL the mistakes on the book were mine, I'd feel a LOT better. And as always, I'm ready to take full responsibility for any creative stuff you don't like. That is on me.

Finally, for the record, Angela's costume on the cover is NOT an error but a creative choice made by Greg Guler (i.e. the man who designed BOTH versions of her costume). He was aware that the "scene" he was depicting was from a flashback but made the creative decision to go with the new costume on the cover. Note that covers are not canon. Covers are the FINAL ADVERTISEMENT/INDUCEMENT to get people to buy the book. Greg felt that the new costume would make for a better inducement. We discussed it, and I agreed.

Again, I'm so sorry about all this.

Greg Weisman
October 10th, 2007

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 7th...

Xanatos used the data on the disks to activate his Steel Clan Robots, which he and Demona immediately set against the gargoyles. The attempt is ultimately futile; the robots are destroyed. Demona, however, gets the drop on Goliath. She reveals her name and her complicity with Castle Wyvern's Captain of the Guard. Elisa prevents Demona from killing Goliath. And Goliath once again saves Elisa's life. Demona disappears. Xanatos is arrested and thrown in jail, initially on multiple felony charges that include grand theft and industrial espionage. Due to his wealth and international connections, he is considered a flight risk and held without bail. Repair work begins immediately to restore all damage to the castle.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 6th...

Elisa discovers that gargoyles turn to stone during the day. She's forced to lead the Commandos away from a stone Goliath in order to protect him. She then waits by his side throughout the day, cementing their friendship. That night the Trio takes the names Brooklyn, Broadway and Lexington and gives Bronx his name as well. Xanatos then reunites Goliath with Demona. Together, Demona and Xanatos convince Goliath and the clan to "retrieve" the computer disks from Cyberbiotics. Goliath and Demona attack Cyberbiotics' airship The Fortress-1, costing Vinnie his Cyberbiotics' security job in the process. The gargoyles are successful in recovering the disks. But the Cyberbiotics Underground Base (under the leadership of the Cyberbiotics Commander) is badly damaged by Hudson and Bronx. And Goliath grows disconcerted with the changes in Demona, particularly after she causes the destruction of Fortress-1. Elisa is able to convince Goliath that Xanatos has been using him, revealing that the disks were actually Cyberbiotics' property and that the Commandos were working for Xanatos.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 5th...

Elisa investigates, encountering first Owen, then Xanatos, then Bronx and finally Goliath. Frightened at seeing a live gargoyle for the first time, she backs away and falls off the building. Goliath saves her life, introduces her to the rest of the clan and agrees to meet her the next night. Early that morning, Xanatos asks Goliath's help to get his disks back. Goliath is reluctant to help. And unbeknownst to him, Xanatos and Demona are planning something. That night, the Trio leaves the castle to explore the city and accidentally trashes the motorcycle of a man named Vinnie. Goliath and Hudson keep the rendezvous with Elisa, who more or less gives Hudson his name. Hudson retreats to the castle with Bronx - where they discover television and lounge chairs. Meanwhile, Goliath and Elisa rescue an ungrateful Margot Yale and Brendan Quarters from muggers, before being attacked in Central Park by the Commandos from the night before.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 4th...

The final touches on the castle are completed. It now sits atop the Eyrie Building, high "above the clouds", thus fulfilling the condition of the Magus' spell. The Magus' curse is broken, and Goliath, Hudson, the Trio and Bronx awaken to a brave new world. Minutes later, a group of Commandos attack and seem to steal three disks from Xanatos. This attracts the attention of New York City Police Detective Elisa Maza. Elisa also meets Officer Morgan for the first time.

The werefox is first sighted in Manhattan.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 3rd...

After wearing the Eye of Odin for two days, Fox begins transforming into a werefox.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 2nd...

In anticipation of Halloween, Elisa helps the Trio order costumes through the mail. Broadway chooses a detective costume. Brooklyn, a pirate. Lex, a pilot.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

October 1st...

Just before dawn, Goliath and Hudson discover that they have been following only a small contingent of Vikings; the rest must be preparing to attack the castle. The two gargoyles turn to stone before they can get back. Simultaneously, Demona nearly warns Othello and Desdemona, but changes her mind as she sees the Vikings approach. Instead, she hides at the foot of Wyvern cliff, where she turns to stone as the sun rises. Hakon attacks. The archers' sabotaged bows are useless, and the Captain opens the main gate, allowing the Vikings to enter Castle Wyvern, which is sacked. The humans, including Katharine, the Magus, Mary and Tom are led away bound. Hakon then sets about to destroy the gargoyles, including Othello, Desdemona, Iago and Hyppolyta. The Captain is "unable" to stop him. When the sun goes down again, Demona awakens to discover that the Wyvern Clan have been massacred. When she sees Goliath and Hudson returning, she cannot face them and flees before they can discover the massacre. The only other survivors seem to be the Trio and Bronx, who were in the Rookery. The survivors head for the Viking camp to take their revenge. When Hakon and the Captain hear the gargoyles approaching, they take Katharine as a hostage. The Magus mistakenly assumes that the Princess is dead. Blaming the gargoyles, he casts a spell on all but Goliath putting them to sleep "until the castle rises above the clouds." Meanwhile, Goliath confronts the Captain and Hakon atop a cliff. He rescues the Princess, and the two villains fall to their deaths. But when Goliath discovers that the rest of his clan has been turned to stone, he asks the Princess to watch over the eggs in the Rookery and asks the Magus to cast his spell one more time. Goliath is turned to stone with the others and placed atop Castle Wyvern. Demona later returns to the castle to find Goliath frozen in stone. She watches the Magus, Tom and Princess Katharine removing the eggs from Wyvern. She departs for good. Katharine dubs Tom the Guardian of the Gargoyle Eggs. Katharine, the Magus, Tom, Mary and the rest of Wyvern's human inhabitants take the eggs and leave the cursed castle to live under the protection of Katharine's uncle, King Kenneth II. Seconds later, three time travelers arrive in 994: the Demona of 1995 has brought the Demona of 975 along with the Goliath of 1995 to see the results of the massacre. But the 1995 Demona fails to convince the 975 Demona to take up her evil cause. The time travelers depart, returning to 975.

Xanatos proposes to Fox and gives her the Eye of Odin as an engagement gift. She accepts both his proposal and the Eye. Alexander Fox Xanatos is most likely conceived on this night.

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