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ANSWERVINGS 2011-02 (Feb)

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Justin writes...

Dear Greg,

Not so much a question but praise coupled with a comment!
I watched the first episode of Young Justice and, I must say I absolutely loved it! It, to me, is just as well written and thought provoking as Gargoyles ever was and look forward to subsequent episodes from you here. It has actually renewed my taste for the DC mythos... ( I'm generally a Marvel guy)

Side bar, when Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash are in the elevator with Superboy... I had recently watched Awakenings again. And when Robin opened the door I smirked thought "I wonder if commandos will be on the other end, with Robin sheepishly saying 'Heh, sorry, wrong floor?' "

Just stopped by to tell you I love your work and keep it up!

Greg responds...

Thank you!!

Response recorded on February 11, 2011

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happyteen writes...

What's Demona's insight towards other forms of life in earth? For example, does she share human's outlook in life that everything in this world is there to be exploit by "superior intelligent" creatures like her kind?

Does she consider human ways of exploiting animals and the enviroment acceptable (she hates us and all we do, but I mean...taking aside its us who are doing it)?

Would you say she is more of a cat or a dog "person"¡


Greg responds...

She has nothing against bears.

I think she'd take a more organic/naturalistic/holistic approach to the environment, as do most gargoyles culturally. But she's also big into expediency and certainly not immune to hypocrisy.

As for Dog or Cat, I could really see her with either... but really with neither.

Response recorded on February 11, 2011

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Ashton writes...

Hey Greg,

I have a couple questions about Young Justice.

1. Is Aqualad and Artemis going to become close since they both have baggage? Such as Aqualads father being a villian and Artemis having a dangerous past.

2. I've read online an interview with one of your voice actors for the show, Jesse McCartney stated two things. The first was that the relationship between Kid-Flash, Miss M, and Superboy is going to become a love triangle and the second thing he stated was that early on in the season Aqualad would tell Robin this leadership job is something you were born to do not me and that he needs to take things more serious. He also mentions that this becomes a huge discusssion between Aqualad, Robin and Batman. So my question is whether any of this stuff is true or not?

3. Would telling the age of Zatara be a spoiler? If so then you dont have to worry about it. But if not I really curious whether this is golden age Zatara, he seemed like he was in his late 40's.

4. Is their going to be any episodes that will focus on each member of Young Jusice? Such as a story about Aqualad, Artemis, or Miss M.

5. How do you think Superman felt that night discovering he had a younger clone of himself? Of course he was mad as well as in shock, But he didn't react the way I expected he would towards him, he looked at him angry and basically pond off on the rest of the Leagures, then he flew away.

6. I understand that Artemis profile showed she was a master archer, but how good is she compared to Speedy? Would you say their equal, or one's better than the other.

7. How long would you say each member of Young Justice have been superheroes? other than Robin whos been doing it for 4 years.

Thanks you for taking the time out to answer my questions, Much appreciated!

Greg responds...

1. No comment.

2. No comment.

3. He's 40.

4. Yes. In fact, each of the episodes from 103-108 focus on one of our six leads (while hopefully not ignoring the others).

5. I have tremendous sympathy for both Superman and Superboy in this scenario. Beyond that, I'll just let the series and it's characters "speak" for themselves.

6. She's neither as polished nor as physically strong. But she's damn good enough.

7. Robin = 4 years. Speedy = 3 years. Aqualad = 2 years. Kid Flash = 2 years. Superboy and Miss Martian, as of episode 105 = about a month.

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Hey greg will aqualad be living on land or in the sea

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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Kenny writes...

hey greg are there going to be any more teen heroes that join young justice besides wonder girl or do they have to have an adult member

Greg responds...

No comment.

Isn't this fun?

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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Grant writes...

Since Artemis is half-Vietnamese, does that mean she is Cheshire, Roy or Red Arrow's antagonist slash love interest from the comics?

Greg responds...

No comment.

I mean, seriously, did you really think I would answer this?

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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Caitlin VW writes...

Hey Greg, first time asking a question. I'm a big fan of the Timedancer series so I've got a question about Katana, Nashville, and Tachi. What are their personalities like? I don't need the general details so a vague anwser or something like that is fine. Thank you.

Greg responds...

I'm not going to reveal this in this forum at this time.

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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flame burner deluxe writes...

why did u make lexington gay?

Greg responds...

I didn't MAKE him gay. He always was gay. It eventually became clear to me that this was the case.

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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BonnieB21:-) writes...

Long time lurker, first time poster!

I've been trying to think of some questions I know no one else has thought of before. It's taken me a while, but I finally got them.

I've been a fan of Spiderman all my life and have watched EVERY cartoon version either in syndication, on cable, or when they originally aired. I was rewatching "Along Came Spidey" the origin of Spiderman from Spiderman And His Amazing Friends last night (a gorgeous episode, one of the best of the series and the BEST of his various origin stories (present company excluded)). But I believe this was the last time his full story was told. As in before Spiderman became a crime fighter, he was a "plain, old, SUPERSTAR!!!!!". I saw your Spectacular Spiderman origin and I had to ask you this:

I know you had to/wanted to keep towards Spiderman's live action movie origin which rushes through all the pre-crime fighting stuff. But if you could've, would you have explored Spidey's fame-whoring past? Cause I've always wondered why no one else in New York City, no other fans, or no one else remembers Spidey's pro-wrestling, personal appearance making, TV show guest starring past. If J. Jonah Jamision had a reason for hating Spiderman, I would think that would be it.

I used to watch '60s Spiderman every morning in syndication before going to school. But I hadn't seen it in a very long time until ABC Family/Disney reran a bunch of old Spidey episodes, but only one of '60s Spidey. The interesting thing about Peter Parker/Spiderman is that Peter talks in a mild mannered, soft spoken voice in his real life but once he dons the mask, his voice got deeper and more authoritative. That was the only series that had such a huge differnce between Peter and Spidey.

On Spectacular Spidey, there doesn't seem to be a huge difference between the way Peter sounds and the way Spidey sounds. Was there a reason for that? For the most part, Peter's and Spidey's lives don't connect too much (as in Spidey doesn't have to have long conversations with Peter's friends). But I would think at least of one person be it Aunt May, Gwen, or M.J. would be able to tell Peter's voice over a cell phone and Spiderman sound an awful lot alike.

Thanks for taking the time to answer fan questions!

Greg responds...

1. I'm more than happy with the origin we used.

2. Josh Keaton DID change his voice to differentiate between Pete & Spidey. It's just (intentionally) very subtle.

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

I’d like a clarification on the only thing I don’t understand about Gargoyles: Archmage’s time loop.

So, the Archmage didn’t die when he plunged down the chasm because he was saved by his future self, thus changing his inevitable outcome: death. But, the future Archmage could not have travelled back in time to save his past-self in the first place unless the latter had survived naturally, only to age and get the talismans and then travel back and begin the loop. The future Archmage saving his past-self from certain death doesn’t go against the show’s premise of time being immutable? The future Archmage could not have saved his past-self without changing history...

Is this confusing? So is this paradox, but even paradoxes make sense when they adhere to an internal logic, but I can’t find this one. A clarification would make wonders for the throbbing headaches this time loop gives me.


Greg responds...

The Archmage's ENTIRE LOOP was part of the timestream. It changed nothing. It always was. (You're viewing the timestream linearly instead of viewing it as a whole.)

The Archmage NEVER died in that cavern. In ANY incarnation.

And yes, this is a paradox, but it's a WORKING paradox. It does have logic. I did a panel on this at a Gathering once, and it's easier to explain with a chalkboard. But it works. Trust me.

Response recorded on February 09, 2011

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