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West writes...


I've really gotten addicted to Young justice ( it has converted me from marvel to dc lol) and I watch it religiously.
My favorite characters are aqualad and superboy.
1. I kind of see superboy as the main character of the series, he seems to have the most number episodes centered around him, picks up the best toys (sphere and wolf) and over all seems to have had the most character development. While kalder is my favorite character, my favorite episodes have always been the ones centered around Conner.

So I would like to know, while the series is really more of team show, which character would you consider more of a main protagonist? ( blue beetle, nightwing etc)

2. I loved how kalder pulled an "anakin " ( went over to the dark side, so to speak,), and he's really a awesome at it!!!
I loved the scene where came out of the water to fight artemis and nightwing, and then the ALL SHALL SUFFER IF BLACK MANTRA COmmands it, along with how he instantly fired his laser while the team was in stealth mode was beautiful.

Does kalder enjoy being bad? Even a little..

3. Young justice is INCREDIBLEly well drawn, are you more motivated to make more intricate battle scenes because they come out so well?

Greg responds...

1. It doesn't work that way. This isn't Spectacular Spider-Man, where we had one clear lead, and everyone else was a satellite orbiting around him. We think of this as a DC Universe series. It's an ensemble piece. "Leads" are defined by story. Hopefully, we laid enough groundwork in Season One that any character can step up and be interesting and carry an episode.

2. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

3. Nah. We always just want the show to be the best it can be. Period.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

Another good episode! Here are my thoughts on interesting things I've seen on this episode.

Jonathan Kent's First Appearance - Finally! After all those times of me worrying of what his fate might have been in comparison to the comics, Mr. Kent is still alive and well on Earth-16. It's probably a fair bet that Martha Kent is okay too, but thanks for at least showing us Mr. Kent… Also, I noticed Jonathan acknowledged Conner as one of his "boys," and so I'm guessing that Conner was introduced to the Kents by Clark during the time-skip?

Green… Beetle? - Yeah, the latest promo did show this guy, but I never expected him to be a Martian. The name probably suggests that he is a Green Martian. I also suspect he is an original character because I looked around the Internet to see if there was prior info on the guy, but I found nothing. It got me curious that he seems to know about Martian Manhunter to some extent. Perhaps they met before?

The Light wants a team of heroes of their own? - Oh no no no no no! I had feared something like this would happen. For a while, I have been theorizing that one of the factors that could have led to the Reach Apocalypse is that there would be some kind of meta-human civil war (which would theoretically be something like the Marvel Comics event "Civil War."), because something like that could really push public opinion against the Justice League forever. And now, we are going to have a group of kids whose intentions may be good but are going to unintentionally work for the bad guys? Not good! Not good at all! If I turn out to be right, I will be very surprised.

Tim Drake's second round of leadership - It's nice to have Tim be in charge again. I've been waiting forever for him to have a chance to lead more often. If Tim gets more chances like this, I bet he'll eventually lead the Team himself someday…

Aqualad is at risk of being compromised?! - With Psimon on the case, it's going to be bad for him if the truth is revealed. I hope Aqualad recovers in time to help our heroes in the fight against the Light and the Reach…

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts about this episode.


Greg responds...

Conner is considered family at this point.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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Just A Nughtwing/Oracle fan writes...

The new episodes was AWESOME, and never have I had any other show that kept me waiting for the next.
1) What is Bruce and Barbara's relationship to you?
2) If Stephanie Brown is now in, is there gonna be like, Tim/Steph interaction?
3) Why is YJ not aired in South East Asia? Cause, well, the fans back here are all watching the newest episodes on YouTube.
4) When Nightwing said "Just don't die, okay?" to Robin, did he mean Jason?

Well, I guess that's it. If I have any more, I'll make sure to ask you. Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. I don't really think they know I exist.

2. What you saw is what you got, unless WE get more episodes or issues somehow, someday.

3. I have no idea.

4. I think Jason was on his mind.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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guy writes...

how old is deathstroke?

how old is green beetle?

Greg responds...

At the END of SEASON ONE (that's right, ONE):

Deathstroke was forty-seven.
B'arzz O'oomm was 114 Earth years old, which is the biological equivalent (more or less) of 38.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Okay as much as I love Blue Beetle and Impulse, they have way too much screen time. It was the same problem with Superboy in the first season. If you do end up getting a season 3 (fingers crossed) could we have a little more balance with character screen time?

Greg responds...

Balance (vis-a-vis screentime) was never promised, nor was it ever a priority. Nor am I much interested in it. I guess I'm glad you like all - or at least enough - of the characters to want screentime balance for them, but it's NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. That doesn't mean that ALL - and in this case, I DO mean all - of the characters don't interest Brandon and I. They do. ALL OF THEM. And given enough episodes and/or issues and/or games and/or whatever, I suppose over time you'd get more balance than you probably want. But in any given season or run or whatever, we are going to go with the story we're telling. And, frankly, balance be damned.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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Paul writes...

1) Did Red Arrow or Green Arrow tell Nightwing about Arsenal's attempt on Luthor's life in "Satisfaction"? I'm assuming not, otherwise why would Nightwing send Arsenal on the stakeout in "True Colours" without fear of it being too personal a mission for the latter?

2) Is Arsenal B-24, since he seems to be the most recent addition to the Team after Impulse?

Greg responds...


2. He's B-25. Guardian is B-24.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

Spoilers ahoy!

Wow, Greg. Just wow. True Colors blew my mind. It was like pure, bottled awesome broadcast through the TV. Loved the Atom/Bumblebee surgury bit, but was Impulse really qualified to be in an operating room? I'd be scared he'd see something shiny and go nuts. Jamie's hesitation to go on the mission was perfectly scripted and acted, and I loved Arsenal's new look, costume, hairstyle, everything. Robin in a leadership role was cool again. And Pa Kent was just awesome. Liked Impulse's impaitence, and the stealth-tech punch in the arm. More Black Beetle was great, as was Arsenal's want to cause Luthor grief. The Light's conference with Sportsmaster was great. I thought someone was going to leave that room in a body bag. And Deathstroke... One of my all time favorite villains in Young Justice caused me some serious freaking out. But the Psimon/Aqualad "therapy session" is gonna end up with some serious repercussions. And the Green Beetle was just... Completely unexpected and totally epic. Gaahh, I'm going obsessed fanboy. Just a couple questions, though.
1. Did Impulse really have any business in the operating room, or was he there for, like, moral support?
2. Where did the idea come from for Deathstroke to have a ponytail? Not finding fault, in a strange way it works.
3. Is the Martian with the scarab actually from mainstream DC? Or was it a new creation for the show?
Thank you, thank you, thank you for such a wonderful show. This episode blew my expectations out of the water. Can't wait for The Fix!!

Greg responds...

1. Impulse was a spectator at a surprisingly non-invasive procedure (which constituted two intravenous injections only - one to put Atom and Bumblebee in and the other to get them out).

2. That damn ponytail. <sigh> The ponytail was Phil Bourassa's idea, supported by Brandon Vietti. That's right, I'm hanging them both out to dry on the ponytail! HANGING THEM. OUT. TO DRY. I never liked it, but I was outvoted two to one. (But I'm glad you liked it.)

3. He was basically created for the show, extrapolating from what we know about the Reach and Mars, which of course was all based on DC Comics (through an Earth-16 lens).

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Eclectic Emma Ellason writes...

Hi Greg,

I have no idea if this has been asked or answered before but, have you read/watched the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling? And if so, what Hogwarts Houses do you think the Team (2010 and 2016) belong to?

It's okay if you aren't that knowledgeable about it and don't want to delve into that specificity, but I - as a fan - am just curious. :) Love your shows!

Greg responds...

1. I have read all seven books (and the Deathly Hallows follow-up), listened to all seven books-on-tape and seen all eight movies.

2. Your guess is as good as mine.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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JAC writes...

A couple of questions about Beast Boy...

1. Does his morphing suit only capable of those two modes, uniform and collarI know youve said before that those are the only two he knows how...but with practice, could he, for example make, a saddle for his horse form?

2. Does he have an idenic memory? It just seems to me for some reason that he does...maby because he says "noted" a lot and recites animal facts.

Also I've made this plea in the past, and you mentioned it coud go either way...but, if its still not decided yet PLEASE don't make him vegitarian. I'm sure whatever you decide to do will work out great for the show, but I have a couple points that might sway you to the meat side...
First, its BEAST boy, not "hippy d-bag boy". Second, hes a Human, an omnivore, who can become other animals, not a rabbit who can take Human form. And, finally, your own version of him spends most of the time as a hybrid monkey...also omnivores.
Please dont take this as me trying to tell you how to write your show...like I said, it.will be a great story either way. Its just that Changling was my second favorie Titan (after Nightwing, of course)...until they made him vegitarian...after that I never saw him the same way. It was like "Oh no! A ferocious tiger! Oh, never mind...its a vegitarian."

Greg responds...

1. No. He's not psychic and so cannot control it psychically. It's been "pre-programmed" by Miss Martian to react to his transformations by retracting to collar form and vice versa. Beast Boy doesn't control it AT ALL.

2. I have no reason to think so. But he's a bright kid.

3. Not that we addressed his eating habits on the series one way or another, but you MUST see that writing this request in January of 2013 was pointless. We finished ALL production in October of 2012. We couldn't honor ANY requests after that, even if we were so inclined.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

Crap. Meant to ask this in the last post. Whoops.

Did you ever consider putting Despero in YJ as the awesome, world-threatening chess fanatic?
Did I miss any chess refrences in Cornered? Because I didn't see any... But I don't know.

Greg responds...

I guess not.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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