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REVELATIONS 2012-09 (Sep)

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Anonymous writes...

So, when Godfrey put up the name "Justice League" on a screen during his show, was that logo/font a deliberate shout-out to Bruce Timm's JL show?

Greg responds...

Is it too obnoxious to say "Duh!"?

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Patrick writes...

Hi Greg,

I really enjoyed the first episode of Young Justice: Invasion. I have a couple questions:

1. It seems that as team is still covert and being run by Nightwing. Would you consider the team as Earth-16's equivalent to the Outsiders?
2. What made you decide to not have the viewer hear Blue Beetle's suits discussions with Jaime?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. It was funnier that way. And it put an audience member unfamiliar with Blue in the same position as the other characters like Robin and Lagoon Boy. But mostly it was funnier that way.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Brandon writes...

Hi Greg,

Let me first say that there are plenty of things about Young Justice that I really enjoy, but I don't want to waste your time by listing everything. I do have one question though:

In "Happy New Year!", when it's revealed what happened during the 16 hours that some league members were missing, it seems like no one had figured it out already. Are we really supposed to believe that Batman (the world's greatest detective) just gave up trying to figure out where he went? I mean, he had plenty of time to investigate it. Again, thanks for a great show!

Greg responds...

I don't think he "gave up", but Batman isn't omniscient. I honestly don't see how detective skills could have possibly led him to figure out that the answer was RIMBOR.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Reiena Grayson writes...

If people are saying you ruined Young Justice, I don't think you did, I'm more curious about the show more than ever. Love Tim's look, and attitude, and loving that Dick still isn't part of the League. I had a feeling that Bumblebee would be in it, Love that Cassie is Wondergirl, and Blue Beetle is funny when he's talking to the Scarab. Okay, now the big part.

I'm so glad Dick hasn't lost his personality over five years, but will we be seeing more of his wordplay in the future is my question (don't have to answer, will be following intensly.

I think the time skip was perfect, since and invasion like what was seen today could take a lot of planning, and Vandal has some kind of plan, I just know it.

Okay, my rant is over, but overall, I was WHELMED, but I couldn't take my eyes off the screen, so I guess I was OVERwhelmed. LOL, got in a bit of Dick's wordplay.

Can't wait for more, Greg, and thanks for a great show.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Kofi Ki-Moon writes...

Hey Greg. I just had one question I wanted to ask you.

1. In the 2nd episode of the Pilot for Gargoyles, Owen mentions that Wyvern castle is haunted. Was this just originally a throw away line similar to Matt Bluestone's line about the Illuminati, or was did was the line meant all long to lay the seeds for a possible episode in the (then) future about the ghost of Hakon and the Captain? Or has it been so long that you honestly don't remember, because if it was that I honestly do understand.


Greg responds...

1. I think originally it was more of a throwaway, but it stuck with me.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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nygma619 writes...

All Things Artemis (Part Two):
6.) What made you choose to make her Mom’s former alias Huntress instead of Tigress?
7.) What exactly happened to Paula Crock that caused her to become paralyzed?
8.) Last but certainly not least, Wally and Artemis’s romance on this show is not only my favorite on the show, but might be my favorite romance on all the show’s you’ve produced. That’s no small feat amongst company like Goliath/Eliza, Fox/Xanatos, Peter/Gwen, Spider-Man/Black Cat. As a Wally West fan (my favorite of the Flashes), you and the YJ crew have also done something I didn’t think possible. Make me want to see him end up with someone besides Linda Park. Not that I wouldn't mind that as a detour, but as long as all roads end with him and Artemis together I'd be happy. I also thought Wally scooping her up before their first kiss and Artemis being fine with it was adorable as well. I’d also be remiss if I didn’t give major props to Jason Spisak and Stephanie Lemelin. Those two have had cracking chemistry from day one Artemis showed up. Whether it's them bickering or in the more tender moments, they deserve just as much credit as you and the crew did for bringing this relationship to life. I imagine it was probably a joy to watch them interacting at the table readings and/or voice recordings. Anyways this one wasn’t a question so much as me giving you and the crew a pat on the backs for creating one of my favorite romances in animation. I look forward to where both Wally and Artemis end up going in Season 2.
9.) But I digress at what point in the beginning did you guys decide to have Wally and Artemis be one of the main romances on this show?

Greg responds...

6. That was the character's original name.


8. We don't have table readings, I'm afraid, but Jason and Stephanie did rock our recordings. Can't praise either of them enough. Of course, I feel that way about all our regulars and nearly all of our guests too.

9. From the start it seemed clear to us.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Tenchi T writes...

Because Megan has such a large family, at least from what she said, do Martians either have multiple births at once, have a cultural emphasis on children, or are polygamous (the latter also known as, a way to keep both the Supermartian and Wonder Boy (Tenetive name) fans happy)

You answered the question about Robin and Kid Flash being a homosexual pairing.....

Greg responds...

Definitely multiple births. I'm not sure about the cultural emphasis thing, but I'm not ruling it out. Not polygamous.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Just out of curiosity, if you could pretend that everything that has happened in Season One of Young Justice was like one big DC Comics crossover event, what would be the name of the title you would have given for it?

Greg responds...

"Young Justice: Secrets and Lies"

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Jemm is Truly Outrageous writes...

I don't know if you have any interest in action figures at all but... Is it annoying to you that the 6 inch line of Mattel's Young Justice figures got cancelled without anyone getting a Ms. Martian figure? 'Cause, to me, this is maddening, ridiculous and inexcusable. Could you guys send Lobo to visit Matty and hash this out?

Greg responds...

Well, since you wrote this, Mattel offered the opportunity to get Miss Martian and Superboy (in his standard costume) in the six inch size via pre-order. Unfortunately, they didn't get enough pre-orders to justify it, so they cancelled the offer. I was pretty bummed, actually. But the fans spoke to their disinterest in the product at that price-point, so there's not much for me to get all Loboish about.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

batman shows up all the time in the mount justice
martin manhunters there pretty often too

do green arrow flasha nd superman ever just drop by to check up on there sidekicks?

Greg responds...

Flash is more likely to see Kid Flash back in Central City. And as you've seen, Artemis and Green Arrow have regular outings in Star City. But both stop by occasionally. Superman, during Season One, didn't view Superboy as a sidekick.

Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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