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VELATIONS 2013-04 (Apr)

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Nightwing writes...

http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120623231608/youngjustice/images/f/f4/Young_Justice_Invasion.png Who is this Guy/Girl between Robin and Blue Beetle?

Greg responds...

This was an early internal development image designed to showcase the second season's NEW characters, that was later used for promotional purposes. It is NOT canon. But from left to right, you have: Wonder Girl (Cassie), Arsenal (Roy), Robin (Tim), Static (Virgil), Blue Beetle (Jaime) and Impulse (Bart).

Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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Nightwing writes...

Hi Greg. Can you tell me what happened to Ocean Master? And was he REAL brother of Aquaman?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by "REAL" in all-caps. They were brothers, as clearly established in the YJ companion comics.

As to what happened to him, come on, seriously?


Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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SHAZAM! writes...

1. Where did you come up with the idea for a Green Beetle? DId he exist previously?
2. Is the reach responsible for the fall of the martian civilization?
3. Who is the black beetle? Wasn't he Jaime's friend Paco in the comics, is there a reason he isn't?
4. Is the Green Beetle a red, white, or green martian?
5. Why is lex trying to help the reach conquer earth? In the comics he honestly beleives he's trying saving the planet, not doom it...

Greg responds...


2. Assumes facts not in evidence.

3. I think it's pretty clear from the show who Black Beetle is. Why in the world would you think it's Paco?

4. Green.

5. Okay, I'm aware that you wrote up these questions before the end of the series, so I have a question for you: WHY DID YOU WRITE UP THESE QUESTIONS BEFORE THE END OF THE SERIES? What was your hope here, exactly? That I'd get to it before all was revealed and answer "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT" Or that I'd get to it (more or less) now and simply refer you back to the episodes themselves.

Look, SHAZAM!, I don't mean to single you out, but this is symptomatic of an on-going problem here at ASK GREG. All you've really succeeded in doing is CLOG UP THE QUEUE.

Please, everyone, THINK before posting.

Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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Janey writes...

I just wanted to say I really like what you guys have done with the villians in Young Justice. Especially Black Manta, I love the relationship he seems to have with his son, and seems to really love him. Most shows make the bad guys just pure evil and without a care in the world and all villians think the same way. All of them have different personalities so to me it seems more real. I do have one question about Miss Martian. I looked through the forums and didn't see it so if you answered fill free to delete this post!
1. When Miss Martian is not in her true form and having to concentrate on the way she looks like does it take away from her mental abilities or is it like a subconsense thing. I guess what I mean is if she wasn't shape shifting and was in regular form would her mental powers be more focused and more powerful?

Thanks for the show!!! I love watching it, you and your team have done an amazing job with it. I love how the heroes aren't perfect and have faults too, and how the bad guys aren't pure evil(maybe seem to focus on themselves, but not you know trying to blow up the world all the time) Thanks again for all the hardwork!!!

Greg responds...

1. Somewhat. As already esttablished in episode 126.

Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1. I really enjoy the dynamic between Jaime and Bart. I am curious though, why did you decide to make them friends? Since Bart knows Blue Beetle brings on the Reach apocalypse I can easily see Bart wanting nothing to do with Jaime whatsoever. I just want to know your thoughts on this friendship.

2. You've said previously that you have sexualities in mind for the characters. You don't have to name any names, but I was wondering if you perceived any characters as asexual?

Greg responds...

1. My thoughts are mostly on screen. The relationship began with Bart trying to get close to Jaime as part of his agenda. Then they became legitimate friends.

2. Probably - in a show with as many characters as YJ has, it seems likely, doesn't it? But I haven't given it much thought.

Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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Sturidge writes...

Hi Greg! I must say, I'm absolutely loving the new season of Young Justice, especially the new aditions to the Team. I have two questions, though:
1. How long before Jason's death and Tim joining the Team? I got the feeling he hasn't been around for more than a year.
2. Has a romantic relationship between Blue Beetle and Impulse ever been considered, or should it stay on the realm of the fandom? Seeing as it is a kid's show, I can imagine it would be hard to develop such relationship, even if subtly.

Greg responds...


2. I honestly don't know what to do with this question. No, I guess the answer is no. But fans can dream.

Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I've decided to countdown my progress on writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise.

I just finished writing Chapter Nine. It's the longest chapter in the book so far. There was a LOT of expository information to cover, but I hope I did it in an entertaining way.

Hopefully, you guys'll be the judge of that soon enough.

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Brian writes...

Hi Greg,
I have to tell you that I LOVED True Colors, the whole episode was incredible and in my opinion flawless.
I've posted before and am a huge fan of your interpretation of Lex Luthor. I found it very interesting that LexCorp Farms was located in Smallville.
Many versions of Lex have featured him spending some time and/or growing up in Smallville.
1) Does this apply to Lex in Young Justice? If so could you elborate on his time in Smallville? And did this influence his decision to place LexCorp Farms in Smallville?
2) If Lex did not spend time in Smallville, why did he chose to locate LexCorp farms there?

Greg responds...



Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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B writes...

Is "the Reach" the name of the species that the Ambassador, the Scientist and Black Beetle belong to? On Young Justice Wiki, we're debating whether the Reach is a species.

Greg responds...

It is, though at this point, it's also an empire (though not in name) that incorporates many other species, as well. Still the most trusted members of the Reach are those of the original Reach species.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Marvelman writes...

Black Beetle sounds different. Did you alter his voice this season?

Greg responds...

This season? He's only appeared in the one season, i.e. Season Two. And no, Black Beetle is voiced consistently through Season Two by Kevin Grevioux. And I just want to say that we don't alter Kevin's voice at all. THAT IS HIS REAL VOICE!!

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

How long have Wally and Artemis been living together?

Greg responds...

Since the start of their sophomore year of college.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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B writes...

Given that he also has Lex's DNA, does Superboy look *exactly* like Superman did at 16 or just extremely similar?

Greg responds...

Pretty much exactly, except for the hairstyle.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Albert writes...

What is Garth's, as well as his parents Thar and Berra, Atlantean name? Thanks!

Greg responds...

Garth is Garth's Atlantean name, as you saw if you watched episode 108. We have not addressed his parents yet at all.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Piper writes...

Hello Greg. I have a few questions about Nashville as a character.

1. How would little Gnash react to living with the Manhattan Clan in 1997? Staying in one place and not time hoping around with his family like he's used to.

2. What's his impression of Goliath as the clan leader? Does he admire him, or is he envious that Goliath is the leader and not his father.

3. Does he address both his parents in English, or in English and Japanese respectively?

Greg responds...

1. That's something I'd demonstrate and reveal in storytelling. Not on a question answering site like this.

2. I think he's been raised to think highly of Goliath, but as for how it plays out... see above.

3. He's bilingual.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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btgr writes...

My review on True Colors:

It ABOUT time they've said Deathstroke in a DC cartoon!, But I love how Nick Chinlund delivered that name. More funny moments and one-liner jokes from Blue Beetle and Impulse which I do appreciate. Green Beetle?, well that's original. I really wonder where are Barbara Gordon and Cassie Sandsmark though. Anyway looking forward to "Fix".

Greg responds...

Hope you liked "The Fix."

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What determines a scarab's color?
P.S.- Good work on your shows, I appreciate how you have taken the time to set up this Q and A, and I hope you keep having this kind of communication with your fans.

Greg responds...

Scouts start out as blue. Warriors as black. Color can change based on circumstance.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Z-Rocket Fan! writes...

Dear Greg,
Zatanna and Rocket are my favorite characters, so I have a few question pertaining to them.
1) Who is better at hand-to-hand combat between the two?
2) Would you say they are close friends?
3) Where does Zatanna live now in 2015?
4) Does Rocket fight alongside Icon anymore now that she is part of the Justice League? Is she still his sidekick?
5) After Zatara's imprisonment by Dr. Fate, did Zatanna have to learn magic on her own.Did she ever ask for help from Dr. Fate?

Thanks Greg!

Greg responds...

1. Rocket, probably. I guess. Maybe.

2. Yeah.


4. She's more his partner.


Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Thomas writes...

Mind releasing some episode names post Runaways?

Also, a question about the Rimbor 8. Do they know what Godfrey is doing to the league's rep? Or anything going on at the moment

Greg responds...

The Rimbor 8? Do you mean the Rimbor 6? Or is 8 including Icon and Hawkman? If so, then why not the Rimbor 10 and throw in Hal and Guy?

Anyway, they knew very little about what was going on on Earth.

As for episode names, of course, you know them all by now.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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West writes...


I've really gotten addicted to Young justice ( it has converted me from marvel to dc lol) and I watch it religiously.
My favorite characters are aqualad and superboy.
1. I kind of see superboy as the main character of the series, he seems to have the most number episodes centered around him, picks up the best toys (sphere and wolf) and over all seems to have had the most character development. While kalder is my favorite character, my favorite episodes have always been the ones centered around Conner.

So I would like to know, while the series is really more of team show, which character would you consider more of a main protagonist? ( blue beetle, nightwing etc)

2. I loved how kalder pulled an "anakin " ( went over to the dark side, so to speak,), and he's really a awesome at it!!!
I loved the scene where came out of the water to fight artemis and nightwing, and then the ALL SHALL SUFFER IF BLACK MANTRA COmmands it, along with how he instantly fired his laser while the team was in stealth mode was beautiful.

Does kalder enjoy being bad? Even a little..

3. Young justice is INCREDIBLEly well drawn, are you more motivated to make more intricate battle scenes because they come out so well?

Greg responds...

1. It doesn't work that way. This isn't Spectacular Spider-Man, where we had one clear lead, and everyone else was a satellite orbiting around him. We think of this as a DC Universe series. It's an ensemble piece. "Leads" are defined by story. Hopefully, we laid enough groundwork in Season One that any character can step up and be interesting and carry an episode.

2. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

3. Nah. We always just want the show to be the best it can be. Period.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

Another good episode! Here are my thoughts on interesting things I've seen on this episode.

Jonathan Kent's First Appearance - Finally! After all those times of me worrying of what his fate might have been in comparison to the comics, Mr. Kent is still alive and well on Earth-16. It's probably a fair bet that Martha Kent is okay too, but thanks for at least showing us Mr. Kent… Also, I noticed Jonathan acknowledged Conner as one of his "boys," and so I'm guessing that Conner was introduced to the Kents by Clark during the time-skip?

Green… Beetle? - Yeah, the latest promo did show this guy, but I never expected him to be a Martian. The name probably suggests that he is a Green Martian. I also suspect he is an original character because I looked around the Internet to see if there was prior info on the guy, but I found nothing. It got me curious that he seems to know about Martian Manhunter to some extent. Perhaps they met before?

The Light wants a team of heroes of their own? - Oh no no no no no! I had feared something like this would happen. For a while, I have been theorizing that one of the factors that could have led to the Reach Apocalypse is that there would be some kind of meta-human civil war (which would theoretically be something like the Marvel Comics event "Civil War."), because something like that could really push public opinion against the Justice League forever. And now, we are going to have a group of kids whose intentions may be good but are going to unintentionally work for the bad guys? Not good! Not good at all! If I turn out to be right, I will be very surprised.

Tim Drake's second round of leadership - It's nice to have Tim be in charge again. I've been waiting forever for him to have a chance to lead more often. If Tim gets more chances like this, I bet he'll eventually lead the Team himself someday…

Aqualad is at risk of being compromised?! - With Psimon on the case, it's going to be bad for him if the truth is revealed. I hope Aqualad recovers in time to help our heroes in the fight against the Light and the Reach…

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts about this episode.


Greg responds...

Conner is considered family at this point.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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Just A Nughtwing/Oracle fan writes...

The new episodes was AWESOME, and never have I had any other show that kept me waiting for the next.
1) What is Bruce and Barbara's relationship to you?
2) If Stephanie Brown is now in, is there gonna be like, Tim/Steph interaction?
3) Why is YJ not aired in South East Asia? Cause, well, the fans back here are all watching the newest episodes on YouTube.
4) When Nightwing said "Just don't die, okay?" to Robin, did he mean Jason?

Well, I guess that's it. If I have any more, I'll make sure to ask you. Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. I don't really think they know I exist.

2. What you saw is what you got, unless WE get more episodes or issues somehow, someday.

3. I have no idea.

4. I think Jason was on his mind.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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guy writes...

how old is deathstroke?

how old is green beetle?

Greg responds...

At the END of SEASON ONE (that's right, ONE):

Deathstroke was forty-seven.
B'arzz O'oomm was 114 Earth years old, which is the biological equivalent (more or less) of 38.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Okay as much as I love Blue Beetle and Impulse, they have way too much screen time. It was the same problem with Superboy in the first season. If you do end up getting a season 3 (fingers crossed) could we have a little more balance with character screen time?

Greg responds...

Balance (vis-a-vis screentime) was never promised, nor was it ever a priority. Nor am I much interested in it. I guess I'm glad you like all - or at least enough - of the characters to want screentime balance for them, but it's NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. That doesn't mean that ALL - and in this case, I DO mean all - of the characters don't interest Brandon and I. They do. ALL OF THEM. And given enough episodes and/or issues and/or games and/or whatever, I suppose over time you'd get more balance than you probably want. But in any given season or run or whatever, we are going to go with the story we're telling. And, frankly, balance be damned.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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Robin's Girl writes...

First off thank you so much for this show! I don't know what I would do without it. Anyways my question is what ever became of Queen Mera's pregnancy? Did she manage to have the child sometime during the time skip?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I've decided to countdown my progress on writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise.

I just finished writing Chapter Eight. I think it turned out to be a fairly authentic conversation over dinner between a thirteen-year-old and her parents. I hope so, anyway. Need to ground my magical fantasy in some truly human reality.

Hopefully, you guys'll be the judge of that soon enough.

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Paul writes...

1) Did Red Arrow or Green Arrow tell Nightwing about Arsenal's attempt on Luthor's life in "Satisfaction"? I'm assuming not, otherwise why would Nightwing send Arsenal on the stakeout in "True Colours" without fear of it being too personal a mission for the latter?

2) Is Arsenal B-24, since he seems to be the most recent addition to the Team after Impulse?

Greg responds...


2. He's B-25. Guardian is B-24.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

Spoilers ahoy!

Wow, Greg. Just wow. True Colors blew my mind. It was like pure, bottled awesome broadcast through the TV. Loved the Atom/Bumblebee surgury bit, but was Impulse really qualified to be in an operating room? I'd be scared he'd see something shiny and go nuts. Jamie's hesitation to go on the mission was perfectly scripted and acted, and I loved Arsenal's new look, costume, hairstyle, everything. Robin in a leadership role was cool again. And Pa Kent was just awesome. Liked Impulse's impaitence, and the stealth-tech punch in the arm. More Black Beetle was great, as was Arsenal's want to cause Luthor grief. The Light's conference with Sportsmaster was great. I thought someone was going to leave that room in a body bag. And Deathstroke... One of my all time favorite villains in Young Justice caused me some serious freaking out. But the Psimon/Aqualad "therapy session" is gonna end up with some serious repercussions. And the Green Beetle was just... Completely unexpected and totally epic. Gaahh, I'm going obsessed fanboy. Just a couple questions, though.
1. Did Impulse really have any business in the operating room, or was he there for, like, moral support?
2. Where did the idea come from for Deathstroke to have a ponytail? Not finding fault, in a strange way it works.
3. Is the Martian with the scarab actually from mainstream DC? Or was it a new creation for the show?
Thank you, thank you, thank you for such a wonderful show. This episode blew my expectations out of the water. Can't wait for The Fix!!

Greg responds...

1. Impulse was a spectator at a surprisingly non-invasive procedure (which constituted two intravenous injections only - one to put Atom and Bumblebee in and the other to get them out).

2. That damn ponytail. <sigh> The ponytail was Phil Bourassa's idea, supported by Brandon Vietti. That's right, I'm hanging them both out to dry on the ponytail! HANGING THEM. OUT. TO DRY. I never liked it, but I was outvoted two to one. (But I'm glad you liked it.)

3. He was basically created for the show, extrapolating from what we know about the Reach and Mars, which of course was all based on DC Comics (through an Earth-16 lens).

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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M. writes...

In the past, has a relationship between Dick and Artemis ever been seriously considered?

Greg responds...

Do you mean a romantic relationship? If so, then no.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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The Somnabulist writes...

Young Justice is the reason I awoke after 23 solid years of uninterrupted slumber. My gratitude...


Greg responds...

I'd respond, but it looks like you've gone back to sleep.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Kyle Kincaid writes...

Greg, when is Artemis, Miss Martian, Aqualad and many other of the citizens' birthdates?

Greg responds...

As I've stated before, I have NOT assigned specific birth dates to anyone until or unless I require those for a specific story. Only birth years.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Eclectic Emma Ellason writes...

Hi Greg,

I have no idea if this has been asked or answered before but, have you read/watched the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling? And if so, what Hogwarts Houses do you think the Team (2010 and 2016) belong to?

It's okay if you aren't that knowledgeable about it and don't want to delve into that specificity, but I - as a fan - am just curious. :) Love your shows!

Greg responds...

1. I have read all seven books (and the Deathly Hallows follow-up), listened to all seven books-on-tape and seen all eight movies.

2. Your guess is as good as mine.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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JAC writes...

A couple of questions about Beast Boy...

1. Does his morphing suit only capable of those two modes, uniform and collarI know youve said before that those are the only two he knows how...but with practice, could he, for example make, a saddle for his horse form?

2. Does he have an idenic memory? It just seems to me for some reason that he does...maby because he says "noted" a lot and recites animal facts.

Also I've made this plea in the past, and you mentioned it coud go either way...but, if its still not decided yet PLEASE don't make him vegitarian. I'm sure whatever you decide to do will work out great for the show, but I have a couple points that might sway you to the meat side...
First, its BEAST boy, not "hippy d-bag boy". Second, hes a Human, an omnivore, who can become other animals, not a rabbit who can take Human form. And, finally, your own version of him spends most of the time as a hybrid monkey...also omnivores.
Please dont take this as me trying to tell you how to write your show...like I said, it.will be a great story either way. Its just that Changling was my second favorie Titan (after Nightwing, of course)...until they made him vegitarian...after that I never saw him the same way. It was like "Oh no! A ferocious tiger! Oh, never mind...its a vegitarian."

Greg responds...

1. No. He's not psychic and so cannot control it psychically. It's been "pre-programmed" by Miss Martian to react to his transformations by retracting to collar form and vice versa. Beast Boy doesn't control it AT ALL.

2. I have no reason to think so. But he's a bright kid.

3. Not that we addressed his eating habits on the series one way or another, but you MUST see that writing this request in January of 2013 was pointless. We finished ALL production in October of 2012. We couldn't honor ANY requests after that, even if we were so inclined.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

Crap. Meant to ask this in the last post. Whoops.

Did you ever consider putting Despero in YJ as the awesome, world-threatening chess fanatic?
Did I miss any chess refrences in Cornered? Because I didn't see any... But I don't know.

Greg responds...

I guess not.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

You've previously stated that Kid Flash is a Harry Potter fan. But after his doing-everything-in-his-power-to-deny-magic bit in Denial, it seems strange that he would read a book about a teenaged wizard. And the quote that led to the HP fan question was in the same episode. I don't know. Something there just doesn't connect in this screwed-up brain of mine. Does he read it to laugh at the 'stupidity' of it? Or just for the entertainment value?

Thanks. Loving Invasion, by the way. Cornered was amazing.

Greg responds...

Kid Flash has/had nothing against the portrayal of magic as FICTION. That was his whole point. IT'S FICTION. He may not think STAR WARS literally happened either, but that doesn't mean he's not a fan.

I mean do you believe in everything YOU enjoy as fiction?

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

I don't know if anyone else asked this question before or not, but I didn't realize that I should've asked this question sooner.

After the real Roy was found in Tibet and after the events of "Satisfaction", did Clone Roy ever rejoined the Justice League and worked himself back into shape?


Greg responds...

He's getting back in shape, but officially he's still on a leave of absence from the League.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Thomas writes...

What keeps the Justice League from arresting Lex Luthor or Queen Bee, who they definately know are light members from the team? And why haven't they gone public about the Light's description

Greg responds...

"description"? What does that mean?

Anyway, you need this little thing called EVIDENCE to arrest someone.

Heck, for Queen Bee you'd also need JURISDICTION.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

I hope we see more of Black Beetle. Boy he has to be one of the most badass villains I have ever seen. Great job! Despero seemed very reticent and not much of a personality but L-Ron was brilliant! I laughed. Loved him. Oh and that Megan and Conner relationship? Their drama just is getting annoying now. I can't even feel sorry for them. Poor Lagoon Boy.

Greg responds...

Um. Thanks?

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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guy writes...

red tornado was a member of the all star squadron?

Greg responds...

No. The All-Star Squadron was disbanded by the time Red Tornado was created.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Does G. Gordon Godfrey have any strong ideological problems with the Justice League or does he just rip on them for sensationalism?

Greg responds...

Neither. It's strategy.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Gothic-Cowboy writes...

Mr. Weisman, in Cornered, why was Captain Atom so ineffective debating with the Reach Ambassador, and why was the UN Secretary-General so completely willing to believe whatever he was told by the Reach? I mean, the Reach kidnapped a number of young people from many different places, all of whom were probably reported missing to the authorities. They're obviously traumatized, and the experiments that they were subjected to clearly left measurable changes in their physiologies. When all of these missing kids suddenly show up, testify against the Reach, and begin demonstrating metahuman powers that they didn't have before, how does the Reach Ambassador manage to negate all of that by waving his hand and dismissing them as impressionable groupies? Also, were none of team able to get any records (visual, audio, etc.) of the rescue itself? Wouldn't they have wanted to acquire as much information as possible on that mission, both for careful analysis later and in order to reveal the hidden threat? It just seems to me that the League should have everything they need to prove the Reach's ill-intentions. Thank you.

Greg responds...

You've got some assumptions wrong.

Ninety-nine percent of the children that were abducted were runaways, kids that either wouldn't be missed or whose disappearances could be easily explained otherwise.

THEN most of those captives are dead. There's no one to testify to the experiments besides, Virgil, Tye, Asami, Eduardo and Nate. And Nate doesn't remember anything. And the point that the Ambassador was making is that the four who could testify could be shown to be biased in favor of the heroes.

In addition, Tseng knew (from personal experience) about alien abductions BY THE KROLOTEANS. So the Ambassador's claim that Captain Atom was confusing the two was certainly plausible. Even if it could be proved that the kids had powers (which wasn't yet obvious at the time of the U.N. meeting you're discussing), the blame could be shifted rather easily to the KNOWN abductors.

As for the rest of your comments, ultimately you're entitled to your opinion. But I'm satisfied with what we portrayed.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What's your reason to change Virgil backstory ?

Greg responds...

To fit our continuity.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Windona writes...

Hi Greg! I loved Cornered, and the character interactions were great. I especially loved the subtle character development of the scarab, seeing Billy Batson again, and Mal becoming Guardian (the haminess was perfect!) Combined with how slick and manipulative the Ambassador is, along with the reveal at the end... well, I cannot think about anything but next week's episode!

Now, on to my questions:

1) Does the scarab dissolve and reform Jaime's clothes like in the comics? I ask because his pants and hoodies he wears don't seem like they'd fit under the armor, but the Earth-16 version of the scarab has less capabilities than its Earth-1 version, so I could not be sure.

2) Why did you (you or you and your team) decide to change the name of the Negotiator to the Ambassador?

Greg responds...

1. His clothes are soft and smooshable. His armor is hard. They fit.

2. What was he negotiating?

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1) is Marvin the closeted gay character that your not allowed to explicitly show as being homosexual?
1a) If so, does Wendy, his best friend know, even if he hasnt told her?
1b) If not, did he and Wendy ever date?
1c) Are both 1a and 1b true?

2) Are Marvin and Wendy still best friends?

3) Is he going to Ivy University with her?

An unrelated question:
4) Is Mercy an Amazon like she is in the comics?

Greg responds...

1. Why would I answer this? SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

1a. Obviously, since they're dating, Wendy doesn't think he's gay.

1b. Yes.

2. Yes.


4. No.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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J writes...

Speaking of Clark Kent...
In the comics there have been a number of explainations as to why the general public does not recognise Clark Kent without his glasses...do any of these aplly to Earth-16
1. Does Superman use his speed to blur his features?
2. Does he have unaturally blue eyes which are subdued by his glasses?
3. Is Clark Kent viewed as clumsy nerd, and a coward who runs away whenever there is trouble?

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. Uh... sure. I kinda like this one.

3. Clumsy nerd, yes. Coward, no. Not a hero, either, but not a coward. Just a human being, who SHOULD run if a giant alien is attacking Metropolis. But he's considered a fine reporter, who has taken some chances (human chances) to get his stories.

4. No super-hypnotism either.

Look, all you need to do is look at the original Christopher Reeve Superman movie, specifically at the scene where Clark considers telling Lois that he's Superman, and then chickens out. In that moment, I believed for the first time in my life that people could know both individuals and not make the connection. And keep in mind, there are VERY FEW PEOPLE who do know both individuals. Most know one or the other. And most people don't even think that Superman has a secret identity. They just think he's Superman from Krypton. So it wouldn't even occur to them to be trying to figure out who Superman really is.

Response recorded on April 04, 2013

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J writes...

Why is it so easy for the bad guys to manipulate the opinions of the general population of Earth-16?
I mean, if Superman existed in the real world, not many people would find it hard to believe that a multi-billiinair like Lex Luthor was really a scum-bag...thats the general consensus about most rich people anyway; even a philanthropist like Bruce Wayne would be looked at with suspission by many.
Would I be correct in assuming there is a general distrust of anyone in a mask (which I could understand, but that doesn't apply to a lot of heros like Superman, Wonder Woman, & Captian Marvel)?
Or should it just be chalked-up to "hey, these people are so unaware they dont even recognise Clark Kent without his glasses"?
Are they just REALLY gullable?

Greg responds...

I think manipulating the opinions of any large group is depressingly easy in the real world. So the notion that it's RELATIVELY easy on Earth-16 doesn't even vaguely trouble me.

Today's hero is tomorrow's goat. Today's scumbag is tomorrow's candidate for redemption. Today's truth is tomorrow's lie. Today's lie becomes tomorrow's truth. Etc. Etc. (And again, I'm talking about the real world here.)

In that context, what really bothers you about how we've depicted things?

Response recorded on April 04, 2013

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ASK GREG LIVE - Correcting the web

So, I still maintain that ASK GREG LIVE was a great success, but I've seen a few posts on the interwebs that... undercut that success a bit.

With the best intentions, I'm sure, people have attempted to relate what I said, and although they got a lot right, they also got a bunch of stuff wrong. They either misheard me or mistyped or related the information second-hand or whatever, but I'm going to try to set some of the misconceptions straight.

Myth #1: "Greg categorically stated that Wally West is dead and will never come back."

I did not. Surprisingly, I was not even asked this question and thus never responded to it at all. Now, let me be clear. I also have not stated categorically that Wally West is not dead will definitely come back. And I'm not going to do either. Let me illustrate why with an example:

You've seen memorial holograms for Jason Todd/Robin and Tula/Aquagirl. There are four potential scenarios for those two characters coming back:

Scenario A) Both are going to come back.

Scenario B) Jason is going to come back, but Tula is staying dead.

Scenario C) Tula is going to come back, but Jason is staying dead.

Scenario D) Both are staying dead.

Break it down like this, and it becomes clear why I won't answer any questions about either character in this regard. Assume, just as a hypothetical example, our plan was Scenario C. Then someone asks me about Jason. They say, the show is over; if he's really dead, why not tell us. This sounds logical (in the moment), so I state that Jason is staying dead. No harm, no foul. I've only confirmed something that the show itself already stated. No big deal. That is, until someone else asked me about Tula. I don't want to answer this one, of course, because I want her resurrection to be a surprise. But I also don't want to lie. So I go for my standard "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." But then someone realizes that I was willing to be clear about Jason, but not about Tula. Ipso facto, Tula must be coming back. And I've just spoiled my own show. Which, as I'm sure you know, I am quite LOATHE to do. Clear?

Myth #2: "Greg stated that they killed off Wally instead of Barry because Barry's death would be too telegraphed."

That's almost exactly the OPPOSITE of what I said. Rather, in response to comments I've seen that Wally's death was out of the blue, I said I found those comments to be ironic, because Brandon and I spent the whole season afraid we were telegraphing WALLY's death too much. We cut lines of dialogue from and about Wally because we thought it would send too obvious a signal that Wally was going to buy it at the end. (And this is NOT meant as a statement with regards to Myth #1 above. As far as Season Two is concerned, Wally is considered dead. What that may bode for the future, is something that I won't respond to for the reasons outlined above.)

We did - at the very beginning of the season's development - briefly consider taking out Barry instead of Wally. But we decided that Barry was too much of a minor character, and that his death would have no resonance for our audience, would exact no cost. I suppose, as some have argued, we could have spent the entire season bulking up Barry's part to make sure his end had resonance, but we didn't have either the screen time or, frankly, the desire to do that. Wally mattered to our audience. Even with relatively little screen time in Season Two, he MATTERED. And I think the proof that we made the correct choice is obvious in how it's torn fans apart over his demise. It hurts. It hurt us too. I still well up watching that scene - and I've seen it dozens of times by now. It is sad. It's supposed to be sad when a hero that we love dies. Given that, I don't have any regrets.

Myth #3: "Greg stated that Ocean-Master will have a huge roll in Young Justice: Legacy."

No, I didn't say anything of the sort. You guys have seen the villains who are participating in Legacy. You already KNOW he's not in there.

Myth #4: "Greg stated that Troia will have a huge roll in Legacy."

No, I did not. You already know the heroes participating in Legacy - except for the these-are-just-for-fun-and-don't-count-toward-the-canon-story characters. You already KNOW she's not participating in the story.

Myth #5: "Greg stated that Mary Batson is Lieutenant Marvel."

No, I did not. First off, I've never once mentioned anyone named Mary Batson. I have mentioned Mary Bromfield. But she is NOT Lieutenant Marvel. I did give a small spoiler about the Marvel Family at ASK GREG LIVE, but I'm going to leave it as a prize for those who attended in person.

Myth #6: "Greg stated that the plan from day one was to use Donna in Season One and Cassie in Season Two."

This is more of a half-truth. EARLY, early on, Donna was one of our leading candidates for Season One. This was before we had even narrowed things down very much. And BEFORE any true decisions were made, we were informed by our DC Liasons that both Wonder Girls were off-limits for legal reasons that were never explained to us. (So don't ask me.) So neither Wonder Girl was seriously considered. Then Geoff Johns came aboard and made both Wonder Girls available. Unfortunately, by that time, it was flat out too late to include Donna. So we decided we'd put Cassie in Season Two. And have Donna be one of the characters who joined and left the Team during the timeskip, and cameo her in Season Two. Unfortunately, for reasons reported fairly accurately from ASK GREG LIVE, we were unable to cameo either Troia or Mary at Rocket's bridal shower because there just wasn't time for Phil Bourassa to design FOUR new characters, i.e. the two girls in both their civilian and super-hero costumes. Had they appeared in "Satisfaction", then they would have also had cameos in "Endgame", since their designs would already have been completed. But since they didn't appear in the earlier episode, we weren't able to get them at all. This is a sadness to me. But there are realities of production that we're all subject to.

Myth #7: "Greg stated that rumors about DC wanting Wally killed off were 'complete horses#!t.'"

I NEVER used the term "Horses#!t" and never would. I clearly said "complete bulls#!t."

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RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, BOOK ONE UPDATE, Chapters Sixteen - Nineteen

RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, BOOK ONE UPDATE, Chapters Sixteen - Nineteen

In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I'm updating you on my progress proofreading the proofs of the book. (Yes, it's ridiculous, but I did use the word 'shameless' now, didn't I?)

This is a painstaking process. I'm going through each chapter sentence by sentence, trying to be careful with each word, each punctuation point.

Tonight, I finished proofing Chapters Sixteen through Nineteen, which means I finished, since the book has nineteen chapters.

Here are all the changes I've indicated in these last four chapters:

P. 169
In third paragraph, remove comma after "right waist gunner".

P. 170
In second full paragraph, change "Belle's" to "Belles". All italics. Plural, not possessive.

P. 176
In sixth full paragraph, change "Belle's" to "Belle's", taking the italics off the "'s".

P. 181
In first paragraph, change "Sam" to Sam's".

P. 201
In chapter title, change "Bontemps Rouler" to "bontemps rouler".

Admit it. You're intrigued.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg, I have a couple of questions.

1.As a creator and producer of Young Justice when it comes to the "looks" of the characters when they are going to be designed, do you take in consideration something like: "They most make the fangirls get a heart attack". Or they are just designed and see if they get fans by themselves (history, past, actitud, etc).
2.Righ now, the series it´s no over yet, we are all specting a Season 3, so most of our questions may be a Spoiler Request. But if theres no season 3, those question are gonna be answered or are gonna be let to speculation?
3.How those it feels to see all the reactions that a series you produce cause to the fandom? (Im sure it´s somehow funny)

Greg responds...

1. Well, this is probably a better question for Phil Bourassa and/or Brandon Vietti, but since it's kind or rhetorical anyway, I won't sweat it. Obviously, we wanted the characters to be attractive in their way, while still being as true as possible to what made them iconic in the first place.


3. It's a mix. I just saw a review that made me want to slit my throat. (Or maybe the reviewers'.) But on the other hand, we get a lot of great positive feedback that's very gratifying.

Response recorded on April 03, 2013

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Eliza Thornberry writes...

Has my dad been an alien this entire time? Because, to be honest, that would explain some things...

Greg responds...

>Mind frying due to unwanted crossover imagery!<

Response recorded on April 03, 2013

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Angie writes...

How does wonder woman still keep her immortal life? Does she live on paradise island

Greg responds...

I'm not clear what you mean by "immortal life"...?

Response recorded on April 03, 2013

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