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ANSWERVINGS 2011-05 (May)

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Anonymous writes...

A question about Young Justice,does Black Manta know that Kaldur is his son? There was was a hint during the fight scene in "Downtime" but I'am not sure.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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xcccc writes...

Why are we having a repeat of young justice for two weeks?? It makes me sad :(

Greg responds...

Scheduling is not my department.

Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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kon-el writes...

1.In the episode Bereft why did that sphere thing help Superboy?
2.Will you tell me about the relationship between Superboy and Miss Martian?
3.Are Superboy and Miss Martian going to kiss in Young Justice?

Greg responds...

1. They bonded over being tortured together.

2. What needs telling?


Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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Grant writes...

1) Is the sphere suppose to be the Super-Cycle from Peter David's run of YJ?
If yes, is the Supercycle, which had some sort of animal like intelligence in the comic, suppose to be the last of the YJ ongoing cast to be introduced?

2) Is this version of the Queen Bee human or alien?

Greg responds...



2. Human.

Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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Annie P. writes...

Will there be more shirtless Superboy scenes? Please say yes. :)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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Trevor Doyle writes...

I just finished watching "Bereft". Another great episode by the way.

1. But when Miss Martian restores Superboy's memory there is a flash of her as a human in a cheerleading uniform. I've seen every episode of the season so far, and that never happened. So I was just wondering if there is an explination for Superboy remembering something that hasnt happened, or if there was something I missed?

2. When Kid Flash falls into the pool in the episode "Infiltrator" the side of the pool says "3.0m" or three meters. Was this intentional, or is it simply because the country that handles the animation uses the metrix system? (Just thought I'd ask cause I wasn't sure if I was the only person who noticed)

Greg responds...

1. <sigh> And we were doing so well... "ASKED AND ANSWERED."

2. Well, I didn't notice. Or at least I didn't focus on it.

Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Okay, this was what J. Michael Straczynski coined "a wham episode." At first glance, the entire cast getting amnesia is an old idea, but we got perhaps my favorite single episode of the series to date out of it. Revelations and teases ran wild in this episode.

Let's start with Artemis. It's safe to say that her father is a supervillain. And she was training under him relatively recently. In fact, she immediately assumed she was supposed to kill Wally. This certainly makes her more ominous, especially after her tense conversation with Cheshire in "Infiltrator." So what are Artemis and her mother doing living in a low rent apartment in Gotham when daddy is a supervillain, and Cheshire is a member of the League of Shadows? Curious.

And while I'm on the subject of Artemis, I absolutely love that when Wally doesn't remember her, or his biases against her, he hits on her. Often.

We also learn a lot about Miss Martian. I theorized last week that she learned about Earth from watching sitcoms, and it looks like I was right. Beyond that, she seems to have taken her human name, and her human appearance from a sitcom called "Hello Megan." And what seemed for weeks like a very, very, very annoying line and quirk is suddenly a plot point. It also lines up with Martian Manhunter learning about humans from watching cop shows. Although I am beginning to wonder if she actually is J'onn's niece.

But that lines up with something I've been enjoying about this show. In most team shows like this, only one character has a big secret that is damaging to the team. In "Justice League" it was Hawkgirl. In "Wolverine and the X-Men" it was Emma Frost. In "Young Justice" there may be more than one. Artemis has her secrets. There are definitely secrets about Superboy. Miss Martian seems to have her secrets. So far, Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad seem to be on the level. The only secret Robin seems to have is his secret identity.

So, in this episode, the team is assigned by Batman to locate alien technology that appeared in Bialya. Bialya is a rogue state ruled by a dictator calling herself Queen Bee. Well, she must be ruthless and dangerous to be a woman who has managed to rise to power in Africa or the Middle East. On that note, I find the timing of this episode's broadcast hilarious considering that Bialya is a near-anagram for Libya, especially considering the revolution that's taking place over there, which we all hope will be result in the toppling of Muammar Gaddafi's regime. But, I suspect Queen Bee will be far more than Muammar Gaddafi with boobs. But I'll get back to her in a moment.

Psimon made for a fun and creepy villain. I loved the psionic battle between him and Miss Martian. I love how this show makes minor villains feel like a dangerous threat. It happened with Lord Kobra and Sportsmaster. It happened with Black Manta and Professor Ivo. Now Psimon.

Of course, at the end, he reports to the Light. Specifically, he reports to L-4, voiced by Demona herself, Marina Sirtis. Hmm... Marina said a year ago that she was playing Queen Bee on this show. Queen Bee was mentioned by Batman as the ruler of Bialya, and now we hear Marina's voice behind a Light silhouette. Yeah, I think it's safe to say we've got definite confirmation on L-4's identity. Nice to see Marina Sirtis isn't being wasted on a one-shot villain, but being used as one of the Big Bads.

But the real surprise was the ending. Was that a Boom Tube? L-4 mentioned a new partner, and his delivery system. Alien technology was being delivered to the Light through this Boom Tube. I think it's more than safe to say that the Light has allied itself with Darkseid. The stakes have just risen exponentially.

Yes, a definite wham episode.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure how you're defining "minor villain"...

Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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Cal writes...

When I said "Should they consider making another Buzz Lightyear movie?" in the last question, I wasn't referring to Toy Story 3. I actually meant "In your opinion, do you think Tad Stones, Bob Schooley and Mark McCorkle should consider reuniting and make another DTV Buzz Lightyear of Star Command movie?" Sorry if I didn't asked the last question clearly. BTW I still remembered The Adventure Begins movie.

Greg responds...

I'm fairly sure it's not up to Tad, Bob and Mark, but of course, it's not for me to speak for them.

Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

Since Starro couldn't have fought JL because he was just recently dicovered what was the reason that JL was formed or will it be shown on the show?

Greg responds...

It will eventually be revealed. (But when was Starro ever the reason the League formed?)

Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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raymond writes...

i really just wanted to thank you for not spoiling every single detail of what you and your team have spent so much time creating. i like the way things have played out so far and i look forward to seeing what's in store for us viewers. one of the things i personally enjoy the most is how each week i find things i do and do not like about each of the show's main characters. i feel it's much more realistic to see them grow and change during the course of the series. i really admire that quality about this show. thanks again. :]

Greg responds...

Thank you!

Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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