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VELATIONS 2013-10 (Oct)

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Mirami writes...

I see that the queue is very cluttered with fan rambles that are either pissed off about his fate or begging you to tell them that he isn't dead/will be brought back in season 3.

Personally, I will choose not to ask anything pertaining to Wally. I have faith that you, Brandon and the rest of your crew had your reasons for doing what you did and that you guys know where you're headed with this. So instead, I'll focus my efforts on trying to get to that Season 3 so we can see for ourseleves what happens next. :)

Moving on, you had given a list of the designations in your interview with World's Finest Online right before the finale and there were seven "SPOILER REQUESTS" which I figured meant that we would been seeing these characters in "Endgame."

Based on who we saw in the episode, I'd wager that as of the 20th of June, Tempest and Blue Devil were the unknown Leaguers, and Virge, Ed, Sam and Tye were the four unknown guest designations. Then by the 4th of July, Virgil gained a Team designation upon becoming Static.

Could you either confirm or correct this?

And last but certainly not least, thanks to all of you guys for writing all of these characters and stories that matter so much. I really hope that we can get not just a third season, but a fourth and a fifth, too, while we're at it.

Greg responds...

I could confirm or correct, but I won't.

Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What was Zatanna's reaction to finding out it was her glamour charm that disguised Artemis and led her to believe that her best friend was dead?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination for now.

Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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Ali writes...

First off, I love Young Justice. Thanks for making such a great show!

My question is about the Light, Reach and Bart's future. It was made pretty clear in Summit and Endgame that the Light planned to betray the Reach. They seem to have planned out all contingencies and have an even bigger masterplan involving Darkseid - basically they knew what they were getting into. So what happened in Bart's future? Bart always referred to it as the "Reach Apocalypse" and the Reach/Blue Beetle were obviously in charge - it seemed as though the Light didn't intend for the Reach to actually conquer Earth in their masterplan, so what went wrong? It just seems weird to me that the big baddies who seem to have endless schemes, tricks and Xanatos gambits could have got it so wrong.

Greg responds...

Nobody's perfect.

Response recorded on October 11, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1: Is Kylstar and the others who stayed with him conquering other planets while YJ:I is going on?
2: Can Shimmer's power affect flesh or just materials?
3: Does Tim have living parents or does he stay at the Wayne Manor?
4: How strong is Vandal Savage? (Considering he took down Black Lightning,Captain Marvel, and Black Canary like nothing) If answered, why is he that strong and was he ever that strong in other continuities?

Greg responds...

1. In theory.

2. Anything, I'd think.


4. He's pretty strong. Plus he has a healing factor that in essence augments his strength, allowing him to push to the far limits of it without sustaining injury.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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VoicesOfChaos writes...

Lots of fans are sad that YJ is over even though we still have Legacy that has canon storyline. I am super excited for it so my questions will strictly relate to that.

1: How much input did you and your team have on the game? Heard it was more then most games get.

2: If the game sells really well will that help to continue YJ ether through a squeal game, direct-to-video movie, etc.?

3: Without giving spoilers of course, is there anything special you want to tell us about the game to hype it more?

Thank you for your time. I think it is super cool that you take your personal free time to interact with the fans like this and it really upsets me whenever I see a question from someone being rude or ungrateful.

Young Justice is my favorite TV show ever! I think you and everybody that worked to make it perfect is a genius! I could probably rant for days about everything I love about the series but I don't want to waste your time and it is better to keep this message short.

Greg responds...

1. I can't speak for other games, but Brandon and I broke the story with them, and I edited all the dialogue. I also attended all the voice sessions.

2. Good sales are our best bet to get any further material.

3. Not at the moment.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

First of all, I would like to say thank you for such a quality show! It's given me new hope for this age of television, though its cancellation has dampered that a bit. But I still have faith that it will be renewed someday, hopefully sooner than later. Anyway, here are a few questions on my mind.
1. I know you don't want me asking how long the planned time skip for season three was, but I am curious if there's any hope for a shorter time skip than before. So instead, my question is, is there any hope that the time skip this time around could be a matter of months? Or is it more your style to plan longer time skips? I felt the first time skip was natural, as I already knew the characters well (aside from maybe Rocket) and I welcomed a mostly new cast. However, I now feel that with the time constraints and more plot-based story, I'm still just getting to know these characters, and would like to keep getting to know them as they are. All the same, I trust your decision-making and would look forward to whatever you and Brandon cook up.
2. If you were to get another season, would it be like season two, a more plot-driven season, or would it return to being a character-driven story? Would a character-driven season even work, given the amount of characters now on the Team? And also, would the amount of episodes given make a difference in your decision in this matter?
3. What scene do you most regret not being able to include in/before the finale? (Un-moded Jaime reuniting with Tye/his family, Artemis reuniting with Paula, more of Red Arrow and/or Cheshire and Lian, more of the runaways, just to give a few possible examples)
Thank you for your time, and just know that I'm so honored to be a fan of your brillant show! May things go well with your future endeavors.

Greg responds...


2. The amount of episodes ordered would indeed make a difference in what and how much we would attempt cover, among many other decisions.

3. Too many to count.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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Thanksalot writes...

Well, since Young Justice just finished its run, I thought I might as well say a huge thank you.
I've been a fan of your work ever since I caught a WITCH episode, and unfortunately around the time Spectacular Spiderman was airing I was at that "I'm too old for cartoons" stage of life. Thank God I got over that, and with a little internet magic I was able to watch Gargoyles, Spec, and learn about Young Justice. I enjoyed the characters, plotlines, art, fight scenes, acting,basically everything (aside from few complaints here and there, but nothing too major).
Most of all, I enjoyed that it remembered it was a cartoon and not a comic. When Wally died, I was able to actually feel sad rather than groan and think "oh great, now I have to wait until he's retconned back into existence". If you get a lot of hate mail for that, don't worry. He's a popular character who recently got poorly handled in the comicverse, so people tend to be overprotective. Personally, I think him going to speedster Valhalla or the like is way more fitting than wiping out the whole of his heroic career.
So thanks to you and the entire Young Justice team for putting some serious effort into this show. It was much appreciated.
And since I feel obligated to ask a question, the finale aired on March 16th. How did you manage that?

Greg responds...

Heh heh heh.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Wow This season was great! You and the team should be proud of you hard work it really paid off! I will dearly miss YJ it would always cheer me up when I had a bad day, I would pretend the team was there and they'd cheer me up, or they would come to school with me and help me through. I am not the only one that does this many people do, I even pretend I am on the team and we did missions together, to me the characters are real. I cried so much when reality hit me that the show is over, I cried a lot when Wally died too, but I know a lot of people asked you if he is dead and if there will be a third season so I wont ask that, instead I will thank you for this Wonderfully Amazing show, watching the team grow, listening to Dick say silly things like Aster and Whelmed, or Megan say Hello Megan, Gar say Noted or Bart say Mode and Crash etc. I know one day the show will come back because with fans like this nothing can keep us from a show like this!!! I will be waiting for the day this show comes back and I will one day show my kids this show. Thank you for taking the time to read this and create the BEST SHOW EVER!! We will keep fighting for the show to come back one day!!! The fans will never forget Young Justice!

Greg responds...

Thank you very much!!

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,

Well, the final episode of YJ has been aired, and what an ending! I gotta say, for a minute there, I thought you were gonna kill Barry, but Wally's death I did not see coming. Bravo, man. Bravo.
Furthermore, finally seeing Darkseid was nice. I mean, everyone knew he was the Light's original partner, & truthfully I expected him to show up a lot sooner, but that was good. Of course, Lex being a manipulative cuss was great, Static joing was cool, & I liked Tim & Cassie getting together.
It's a shame to see such a great show come to an end, but perhaps not for long. I saw your piece on the Veronica Mars kicksterter, & the thought of a kickstarter for Gargoyles or Young Justice didn't even occur to me until then. But if you start one, I will happily pledge what I can to the cause.

May they live again!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

One of the "Endgame" preview images on The World's Finest shows a close-up of Artemis and the Flash Family at the mission briefing in Metropolis that wasn't in the episode itself. So I was wondering: are there more close-ups from that big wide shot of all the heroes? If so, could you post them? I'd love to see a close up of Aquaman, Aqualad, Tempest and Lagoon Boy from that big wide shot.

Greg responds...

I have no means of posting anything.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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AhhGoodTimes writes...

Did Jim Harper find out about Mal Duncan becoming the new Guardian? If so, how did he react? Did they ever have any moments together after Cornered?

Greg responds...

Yes. He was fine with it. Even happy about it. And, yes.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

I apologize if this question has been asked before, I tried searching through the archives but maybe I didn't frame my search parameters correctly.

How public are The Team members as superheroes? I know the team isn't known by the general public, and certain sidekicks are known because they fight alongside their fellow mentors (like Batman and Robin, Flash and Kid Flash, Aquaman and Aqualad, and maybe later Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl and so on) but what about other heroes like Beast Boy? Or Bumblebee? Or even Superboy?

I ask because Superboy is wearing his Superman-symbol shirt in "Satisfaction." I understand this is a world where glasses can protect Clark Kent's identity or sunglasses protects Dick and Tim's, but come on! He's wearing his Superboy "uniform" right out in the open! Does that mean the public is unaware of Superboy?

What I'm basically wondering is, do certain Team members even need secret identities, or can they just go out in public without masks and such because they only ever go out for covert ops where the general public won't see them anyway?

Greg responds...


But you saw Mal Duncan wearing a Superman t-shirt in Season One. Lots of folks wear them. Heck, Superboy originally bought all his S-Shield t-shirts at Suburban Outfitters. The fact that folks see Conner Kent wearing an S-Shield t-shirt wouldn't raise ANY suspicions at all.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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Ailish writes...

Hey Greg, sorry for this. I know I'm annoying but honestly I cant even help it at this point. My grandmother just passed away, my aunt has brain cancer, and the only thing I had to look forward to was young justice and "spitfire" I am going to keep fighting for season three on behalf of all the producers and loyal fans like myself. I do have one question for you however, and yes, I'm sure you are sick of hearing it.

If(when) we get a season 3 Is there any chance that you and your team would ever consider bringing back Wally ?

Is he really dead?

Greg responds...

Ailish, my condolences for your loss and your troubles. But I have no answer for you. I'm sorry.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Why weren't Troia, Lieutenant Marvel and Sergeant Marvel included in the big group shots of heroes in "Endgame" (when Lex Luthor was outlining the plan in Metropolis)?

Greg responds...

ANSWERED. Check the archives.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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June writes...

I'm going to keep doing whatever I can to get Young Justice back, or at least finished! But for now, thank you so much for the adventure! I truly enjoyed it!
Brandon just tweeted that "Wally is gone", when he says "Wally is gone" is Wally gone/teleported to a different dimension,planet, or somewhere else? Or did Brandon mean "gone" as in deceased gone? At first I thought Wally was sucked into the Speedforce,but a while back you said the Speedforce doesn't exist on Earth-16 (so that rules that out). I still have hope Wally is still around :)
Thank You,

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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ND12 writes...

To Mr. Weisman

That was so not cool. You literally ripped my heart out of my body with Wally's death. I really hope that you meant Wally to come back in season 3. For one thing, the reaction to his death was extremely disappointing. Outside of Artemis, Bart, and Nightwing, we did not see a single person mourn for Wally. Not even his original team mates like Superboy and Miss Martian. Even Artemis' fake death had more mourning than Wally. The death was also extremely rushed. I would like to think that if a character as popular as Wally was being killed off, then there would be more of a reaction and more time was dedicated to it. Also, it was unbelievably tragic. Of all the romantic relationships on the show, the one between Artemis and Wally was the only one that felt authentic and sweet. Plus, the way it was set up in season 1, it felt that it was something that you set up for long term with the spitfire symbolic parallel with Kent Nelson and Insa. What's the point if you spend an entire season developing a relationship only to end it tragically in the next season without even showing much of the relationship on screen. It's even more painful when you see that all other relationships have either been repaired or newly formed while Artemis is left heartbroken. That along with the fact that Wally's parents lost their only son. Also, this was the only place where Wally existed since he is not in the comics currently. But I take encouragement in the fact there is no body and in comic/cartoon world, no body means alive.

Now that my sorrowful rant over the season finale is over, I would like to congratulate you for two seasons of great animation. After JL/JLU, this was the first cartoon of excellent standard of storytelling and animation. I really hope there is some way that season 3 can be made and you can resurrect Wally and reunite him with Artemis as well as continue the incomplete Apocalypse storyline.

Finally, if there is no chance of season 3 happening, can you divulge what you were planning for season 3. Would there be another time jump? Would Wally and Nightwing return?...

Greg responds...

Well, I think the notion that you didn't see his other teammates mourn is patently ridiculous. You saw their reactions in the moment. Then we skipped weeks ahead, and everyone was still feeling the effect of Wally's death. The fact that we FOCUSED on the three characters closest to Wally (Artemis, Bart, Dick) doesn't imply that the others didn't care.

Otherwise, most of this is ASKED AND ANSWERED.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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Maria writes...

Greg, wow if you really are reading this I hope you know I appreciate your work. I am not familair with the Gargoyles or anything, I am a fan of Young Justice. You see, my best friend and I are hooked on to it and we rescently saw the finale. We are broken. Yes you know it's because of Wally. No I am not asking for spoilers or for you to change the story line. I just want a yes or no answer if you could or at least put my mind at rest. Wally didn't die did he, not really. He simply disappeared and I don't think he died. If he did die then I'll accept it with understanding. But at the end of the episode it was implied more. And I think Wally will come back. I really do think so. I know cartoon network won't take another season but I know what's it like to have a story line of your own, I am an aspiring author. I know you won't leave this like that, so full of what nots but greg if you do plan to continue it or of you dont I beg of you that you come clear to us someday because what kills me the most is not knowing. Maybe you'll never confirm it or never read this and I'll go on thinking about this without being certain. Did he die? I don't care if you say yes or no, just a hint at what's going on. I probably seem a little needy but in some ways I am, the chacracters you created have such a hold on my heart its amazing. I bow my hat to you greg you've made an amaing thing here and I hope you might forgive me prying. Thank you for your work.

Greg responds...

I don't know why people keep thinking I won't even READ their comments. Unless they've broken major rules, I read everything (eventually).

And thank you for your kind words.

But, I'm sorry I won't give you a hint for reasons I've already laid out. If you haven't read why already, please check the archives.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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Jasser writes...

Oh dear, so many people impulsively asking why wally had to die and future spoilers, you are in for hell (or maybe your moderators and lots and lots of copy paste.

Anyways, now that its confirmed the light has also played with Darksied..

1. Was he(and Apocalypse) the partner referred to back in Bereft? Since we now know the reach were not drawn to earth until after the season finally.

2. The Reach themselves call black beetle...black beetle. Is this the official way to designate each scarab? Did they adopt the name from Wonder Girl?

3. Why hadn't you addressed the reach Apocalypse still being a success after Bart left?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Think of it as a translation.

3. I'm not clear on what you're asking here. But if what you're implying is that after Nate's clothes changed in the future, why had the Reach apocalypse still taken place, the answer is - it hadn't. Nate assumed it had because Mount Justice was still in ruins. But you know why Mount Justice is in ruins. It's a subtle thing, but the ash rain that was falling before Bart left, has stopped after.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hey Greg,

Sorry it's me again so quickly...I just remembered two things I wanted to bring up.

1. I've heard that Dubbilex was/is a DNAlien. Not exactly sure what that means since from what I've looked at your work you've said he is a G-Gobin/genomorph and was created by Cadmus. I just wanted to see if you could set it straight for me, what exactly is he? Also, I apologize if this is a spoiler, if you will have answered this by the time you get to my post, or it just pops up...but why did you not include him and the genomorphs in the second season? What happened to them? We saw some of them lying on the ground at the end of Season 1, and Guardian/Jim Harper is around, but nothing else. I know you don't like to give full out stories here but could you please say something regarding this, because I have seen nothing about them. I was expecting them to maybe come out, help the Team and League and maybe get the respect they were hoping for, but I don't know...

2. By now it will have been a while, but remember when I asked if you'd let Khary Payton/Aqualad say "BOOYAH!" for old time's sake and you said it was a spoiler. Well, now the season is over (again I hope the show comes back soon) and we didn't here it. I wanted to let you know though that I had another side trip or dream and I thought I actually saw Aqualad in the show say "BOOYAH!" It wasn't like in Teen Titans, but it was like he just beat up one of the bad guys (I don't know who) and he looked down on them like he looked down on Black Manta in "Summit" and said "Booyah" in that cool tone like he when he talked to his unconscious father. Then I snapped back to our reality and I was like, "Did it happen? I thought Greg wasn't going to do it, but he did! YES! BOOYAH!" And of course, then I saw it wasn't true and was :(

Oh well...Did you consider doing it at anytime in the production? If yes or no why did you not do it?

Thanks Greg.

Greg responds...

1. In our series, he's a genomorph.

1a. There's a lot of things we'd have loved to include in Season Two had there been more time.

2. No. It doesn't fit Aqualad's character. I'm all for fan-service, but it has to make sense.

Response recorded on October 10, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hello Greg,

I hope this finds you well...I wanted to thank and congratulate you and your team on the amazing show of Young Justice.

I know that by the time you read my post you will have already read dozens of posts of people commenting on the season finale. I know you will probably have seen "Why did you kill Wally?" so many times you'll probably be Copy and Pasting "ASKED AND ANSWERED" or "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT" so many times that you'll get tired and/or bored. Well I am just here to say that while I, "A Flash Fan" who have written to you a lot about the Flashes, am dismayed and was sad about Wally's "ceasing," I wanted to thank you for giving him a noble "death." The courage and bravery all heroes displayed, but the Flashes were the ones who were ready to give the ultimate sacrifice. Barry and Bart's reactions were touching and the despair and trauma felt by the other characters definitely pulled my strings.

You definitely crafted an excellent story and series that let so many, including me, connect with these characters. I definitely saw a lot of love for Wally and everyone else as I scrolled down the queue of answered questions. I truly hope we will have a season 3...and why not 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...well as many as can be in actuality possible.

Well...thank you Greg. Even though the show is over (for now, I hope it will return soon) it will always hold a special place in my heart. I think about the first time I saw the World Premier in November 2010...Here we are nearly 2.5 years later and it was truly an incredible experience to remember. I hope to come back now and again, be patient, and follow just where you'll take us next. Thank you.

All the best,

A Flash Fan

Greg responds...

Thank you. Very Much.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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csg writes...

Thanks for the amazing show, Greg! You and your team are awesome!

- Why didn't Jay Garrick show up in the end to help Barry and Bart?

Let's imagine that even the kinetic energy from Jay, Barry and Bart wasn't enough, so Wally would have to help anyway. So, for only Wally to get hit by the beams, Wally would have to be slower than Jay too, and the audience would be like "Come on, even the 90-year-old guy can dodge the beams, and Wally can't?" (I personally wouldn't have a problem with Jay being faster, because he is my favorite Flash) That's the sole reason why you didn't include Jay in that scene? I personally think you should have done it anyway, if only for the sake of reuniting the Flash Family one last time. But it's your show, so it's your decision.

Greg responds...

Wally's faster than Jay. By a little, at least.

But Jay didn't get there because there wasn't time. Wally was in the Watchtower, so his journey was Zeta-Tube to nearest Zeta-Tube and then a sprint to the Magnetic North Pole.

Jay's journey - assuming he thought to attempt it (and I'm not sure he even knew what was going on) - would have been a sprint from wherever he was deployed to the nearest Zeta-Tube, a Zeta-Tube ride to the nearest Zeta-Tube to Magnetic North and then another sprint. It was all probably over by then.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hello! I've been a big fan of Young Justice for awhile now. I love how well you manage to tie a bunch of aspects from the comics together in a way that makes sense; not only in this show, but in Spectacular Spider-Man as well! I was personally very happy to see Tim and Cassie get together in the end. I was a big fan of them together in the comics and it was nice to see them get together on one of my favorite shows. I'm still hoping for a Season 3!

How did Batman and Wonder Woman react to the news of Tim and Cassie dating?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination for now.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Cowboy_Garlicbreath writes...


I loved the show; thanks to all of you for doing a great job- I'm going to miss it(and GL)allot.

1. Do you have any irons in the fire for any more older-audience DC superhero animated shows,like GL and/or YJ?

2.How do you deal with the fan-crazy and headcanonry without popping a blood vessel in your brain? I admire your tolerance, sir!

To the next project(raises glass)!

Greg responds...

1. Not me. (Though I did write one episode of Beware the Batman.) Not that I wouldn't love to, but it's not my sandbox and no one at DC or WB seems too interested in having me work on these characters right now.

2. I do pop the occasional vessel, but mostly it's rewarding and worth the time.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Haley writes...

Dear Greg,

I held off on posting this until I was feeling a little more rational post-Endgame. Didn't want to risk posting some kind of knee-jerk reaction and coming across as a crazy person ;o)

You've said that Young Justice was all about secrets and lies and about young heroes growing up. Well, to me Young Justice was about friendship and family. Season 1 especially was amazing in that respect, because there were only six team members to focus on and that left enough room for character development. You really made us care about these characters and I loved watching them grow from a rather disorganized, squabbling group of sidekicks to a well-oiled machine that could be considered a family.

The time skip in season 2 was a shock to me (and boy, did I lament the loss of my perfect season 1 team!), but I stuck with it in hopes of Wally eventually returning to the team and of getting some nice Dick/Wally friendship moments, as their friendship has always been my primary reason for watching the show. It's why I bought all the companion comics and am still planning on buying Legacy when it comes out; anything to get another glimpse of the Dick/Wally friendship. I was extremely happy with Summit because Wally was back! And he was fighting alongside Dick! Oh, how I'd missed seeing that! Seriously, I would've been perfectly happy if the season had ended there.

But then Endgame happened. And I was just so terribly shocked and disappointed with the events of that episode. To me it felt rushed, but I know you did the best you could wrapping up such an epic story in only a few episodes. Also, why were there 21 of those Reach thingies if just one would've apparently been enough to destroy the world? But what got to me most of all was, of course, Wally's death. It was so shocking that it's…kind of ruined the entire show for me :o(

I understand that you can't make everyone happy (though I'm convinced everyone would've been happy if you hadn't killed off Wally) and you and Brandon probably felt you had good reasons for ending Wally, but with one of my favorite characters presumed dead and the other taking a leave of absence (which I'm taking to mean that we would have scarcely seen him in future episodes), my reasons for watching Young Justice are gone. I'm loyal to the characters of a show, not to the show itself; taking away my favorite characters means losing me as a viewer.

I hope I'm not coming across as someone going, "Bring back Wally in season 3 or I'll stop watching!", because that's not what I'm trying to say at all. It's your show, you've built this world and these amazing characters and you're free to do with them as you see fit (well, for the most part) and I'm sure a lot of people would still enjoy the continuing adventures of the Team if there ever is a season 3. But with the characters I was most invested in gone, the show's just not for me anymore.

It's okay though, I know it's "just" a cartoon (even if it was one I was incredibly invested in) and I'll no doubt find something else that'll catch my interest; I'm just sad that Wally's death left such a bad taste in my mouth that it's kind of tainted the entire series for me.

Anyway, regardless of whether or not you'd planned on bringing Wally back (did you?), I'm just going to stubbornly believe that he's still alive and that Dick's going to use his leave of absence to find him and figure out how to get him back. Yep, that'll be my head canon.

Best of luck with future endeavors! I hope you'll get another chance to play in the DC sandbox :o)

Greg responds...

Well, I would hope Wally's death wouldn't leave a "bad" taste in your mouth. Not that I expect you to be happy about it, but I hope you felt that Wally went out heroically and nobly.

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In an earlier Ask Greg post, you mentioned you had no plans of letting the friendship between Dick Grayson and Wally West die. How can the friendship survive if one of them is dead?

Greg responds...

How can it ever end if one of them is dead?

Response recorded on October 09, 2013

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