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WEISMANSWERS 2009-08 (Aug)

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Liam Miroy writes...

When Thailog produces his new batch of clones will they be carbon copies of the Manhattan clan, or will he have Sevarius dabble about to mix and match, so he has clones that are mixed like Delilah?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on August 05, 2009

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Gonçalo writes...

Hi Greg, so i just recently saw episode 207 "identity crisis" from the spectacular spider-man and i got a question:

What is up with that episode? so all the journalists blindly believe a black suited alien? They see said black suited alien kicking spiderman's ass and they're still focusing more on knowing his identity rather then helping their hero? And even more, they're STILL interested in knowing spiderman's identity even after venom shows his second mouth in front of every journalist while beating spiderman to a bloody pulp?

If I were a journalist i would probably either run for my life or start investigating who is this two mouthed black creature who is defeating spider-man.

Sorry for the rant there, but that episode just made no sense

Greg responds...


It's funny. I guess you're just expressing your take on the episode, but like a lot of recent posts here it feels like you're expecting me to respond by saying, "Gee, you're right, what were we thinking?" And of course, I disagree with you, so that's not going to happen. And again, you probably don't expect it. It just feels that way to me.

I think the episode makes plenty of sense. The things you bring up are NOT mutually exclusive from the things we focused on. I certainly buy the idea that reporters en masse get an idée fixe (that's the second time in two posts I've used that term) in their heads and RUN with it to the exclusion of other ideas, because I literally see it EVERY DAY on the news. EVERY DAY. (Obama's birth certificate, anyone?) Doesn't mean some or all of these reporters aren't alos pursuing the Venom angle. We just chose not to focus on that.

But you're entitled to your opinion.

Response recorded on August 05, 2009

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Marjorie writes...

Hi Greg,

If I'm remembering correctly, Elisa and Goliath only figure out that Macbeth and Demona were being controlled by the Weird Sisters when they reach Avalon. So after the events of High Noon, what steps were taken to protect the clock tower, as it appeared that now both Macbeth AND Demona knew where they slept, and could come by any time they felt like it and destroy them when the sun was up? Of course with Macbeth and Demona whisked off to Avalon retaining no memory of what they did, the gargoyles were perfectly safe for the time being--but they didn't know that. Being vulnerable to Xanatos in the same way was the main reason Elisa pushed so hard for the Gargoyles to move house. I know not much time passed between the events of High Noon on Nov. 14th and the day Goliath, Bronx and Elisa went with Tom to Avalon, but the repercussions of those events seem too important for the gargoyles to ignore.

Was anything done to protect the police station's entrance to the clock tower where the gargoyles live? Was it discussed at any length? Just very curious to know how Elisa and Goliath adjusted to this (to them, at least) major breach of home safety.

Greg responds...

It's a fair question, but I don't have a really cool answer. I just haven't thought about it. I think they know Macbeth well enough at this point to believe he wouldn't attack them while they slept. But they can't have been as sanguine about Demona, though I suppose I can semi-buy the notion that Goliath would feel that Demona might be willing to kill them in a hundred ways BUT NOT by smashing them while they slept. That doesn't mean it's true, just that Goliath could talk himself into believing it's true. And, as we know, he can be stubborn when he gets an idée fixe.

Response recorded on August 05, 2009

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rapscallion writes...

Love what you've done with Spectacular Spider-Man. Pure genius. Not just one of the best animated Series since BTAS, but probably one of the smartest shows on TV right now.


When it comes to Gwen, I can easily figure why you made her Peter's friend and secret crush and all, due to her role in the comics, but why did you decide to make her a "nerd"? I remember her being, well, "Gorgeous Gwendolyn" in the comics. I realize she had a "make-over" in season 2, but the question is still there in my head.

Emily Osborn. What's up with her? Except in Ultimate, where Norman did some "bad things" to her, Norman was always a widower. So why did you keep her? Especially since, well, she's got the personality of a spoon? I feel like there's a message there but I can't quite get it.

One moment specifically, was when in the episode Blueprints, Martha Connor is getting pressure from Norman, Aaron Warren, Miles Warren, and her husband, to reinstate Peter despite her mistrust and for some reason she looks to Emily Osborn and then relents to it. Was there some message there?

What's with the mole on Peter's cheek? I heard it was some in-joke or something, but to what end?

Why did you make Kraven a "Cat-mutant"? I think it ended up working and I personally like it, but it's a very different take. Was it just to make him more modern? To avoid mention of his "voodoo potions"? Why?

I like how you're taking a realistic time-frame with the seasons and Peter's school year, but hypothetically, if you got a fourth season, would that be during the summer, or would you skip over it and get started in November of Peter's senior year? Also, will you include his college years in the show or would that be saved for DT-DVDs?

Did the title at the end of the theme song get an upgrade? In Season 2, it looked... shinier and bulkier. Generally cooler. Did you guys just change it due to Season 1 doing so well or was that always a plan to upgrade it or something?

Lastly, this isn't a question, but a request. I love what you've done with Miles Warren and I like how he's malicious without being "Bwa-ha-ha! evil, but if you ever do clones... you'll make me cry. You will make a grown man cry. Do you want that on your conscious? NO CLONES PLEASE!

You are a genius.

Greg responds...


I'll take your questions, paragraph by paragraph...

Gwen was ALWAYS a brain in the comics. This is often forgotten, but one of the reasons she was so interesting to both Peter and Miles Warren was because she was beautiful AND smart. We just figured that in high school, she'd be smart but not necessarily (in her junior year) already the knockout that she will be in college. But as you've seen, the transformation has already begun.

There's no message. Tthe main reason she was included was because we felt we had too many teens with single parent families. Pete and Aunt May. Gwen and Captain Stacy. Both of those pairings seemed essential to the four characters. Making the third member of the Pete-Gwen-Harry three musketeers ALSO from a single parent family seemed a bit much. And, we have plans for Emily that we will get to in Season Three if there is a Season Three.

Martha was looking for a little back-up from SOMEONE, anyone. Aaron Warren wanted Pete back at the lab. Norman encouraged it. Miles voted with Norman. And Curt basically folded. So she looked to the only person left at the table. But Emily had no opinion on the subject.

There's no "end". Sean "Cheeks" Galloway, our character designer, has a similar mole and he puts it on the cheek of all his lead characters.

The mutated Kraven idea was borrowed/adapted from Ultimate Spider-Man. The short answer is that we thought it was a pretty cool idea and visual. Plus we have long term plans for Kraven that I won't get into now.

No decision's been made on Season Three, so I'm not prepared to answer questions about Season Four. But one way or another, we'd cover the summer months. As for college, let me get through high school first.

Vic changed the logo. He liked the new version better.

No comment.


Response recorded on August 04, 2009

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Diminuendo writes...

I was wondering if Osborns death being fake was decision of your own or influenced by Kids' WB dislike of characters dying

Also could we get an update on season 3?


Greg responds...


My decision.

And no, cuz I have no update to give.

Response recorded on August 04, 2009

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gipdac writes...

1. When was Mary (Tom's mother) born?
2. Where was Mary (Tom's mother) born?
3. When was Finella born?
4. Where was Finella born?

Greg responds...

1. 966.

2. Somewhere within a mile or two of Wyvern, Scotland.

3. 972.

4. Not sure. Scotland, of course, though.

Response recorded on August 04, 2009

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gipdac writes...

As of December 31th, 1996 does Constance ("Coco") have a mate or at least a romantic interest?

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on August 03, 2009

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David Sky writes...


Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 03, 2009

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David Sky writes...

I must second the suggestion of other superheroes being mentioned in speculator spiderman. In ultimate spidey tony stark is often mentioned alongside other scientists, and sometimes the question is raised if peter is a mutant. but yeah, it wouldn't hurt if in conversation daredevil or frank castle come up in conversation since they are in fact right in peter's backyard.

Greg responds...

AGAIN... we're NOT allowed to do that. PERIOD. That may change someday, but if we're talking about the first 26 episodes we weren't even allowed to put STARK INDUSTRIES on a sign in the background.

And for the record, in our continuity, Daredevil doesn't exist yet and Frank Castle's family is still alive.

Response recorded on August 03, 2009

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Beoc writes...

Is Gwen's fate in Spectacular down the road going to match what happened in the comics? Would you even be permitted to go down that road if you wanted to since SSM is a kids show?

Greg responds...

Asked and answered before. Check the archives.

Response recorded on August 03, 2009

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