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Not really a question but something I thought you'd enjoy listening to given your love for Shakespeare. Jason Spisak reading a scene from Romeo and Juliet in his Wally West voice.
What did you think?
BTW on his 18th birthday did Wally West win the lottery on Earth 16 like he did in the comics?
1. I'd heard this. It's fantastic.
2. No.
If you had to choose, in your opinion, who do you think is the most iconic character of the original Young Justice team in season 1?
Um, well...
I guess it would be either Robin or Superboy. Artemis was pretty obscure. Miss Martian almost as. Aquaman was a new iteration. As for Kid Flash, well... he's just not quite as prominent as the other two.
Since Wally and Artemis live together in season 2, do they share a room and bed, share a room and have individual beds, or have their own rooms and beds?
Who provided Hal Jordan's voice for his brief lines in "Agendas"?
I don't remember. I'd need to look at the hard copy of my script for that episode, and it's at my Beverly Hills office. I'm currently at my Disney office. Sorry.
Hey Greg, congratulations on an excellent two seasons. Hopefully there's more to come. Here are a few questions I've been pondering:
1) Can Black Manta breathe underwater without his armor and helmet? Is he Atlantean?
2) During season one it seemed Artemis relied heavily on her bow even though she was good hand to hand; in season two it seems she is extremely adept hand to hand. Does most of her skills as Tigress come from training with her father? Or training with Black Canary? Or both? Maybe she was training during her time retired? I guess what I'm really asking is if she always this skilled at fighting even in season one and we just didn't really see it?
3) Will we ever find out what happened to poor disgraced Ocean Master/Aquaman's child/Tula? Is there a connection?
Thanks for the time!
1. No.
1a. No.
2. Her father's training acts as her base, but back in the day when he was training her, her size made his hand-to-hand training less effective. Canary's training enhanced Crusher's and leaned more toward what she could do in hand-to-hand DESPITE her size. I think she was a skilled fighter when we met her. I think in Season Two, she's MORE skilled.
3. Ever? I hope so.
1. When Black Lightning generates electricity why is it that the lightning is sometimes black when other times it is blue?
2. Does Sportsmaster have superhuman attributes or is he just incredibly fit for someone his age?
3. How many Lords/Ladies of Order and Chaos are there on Earth 16?
4. What are the different functions of Robin's circular Birdarangs and the ones that are similar in appearance to Batarangs?
5. Do Black Manta's missile launchers have different functions when they are on different shoulders?
1. It's blue-black in color - with a yellow rimlight - so it depends on the ambient lighting of the scene.
2. The latter.
4. They have much in common, actually. But obviously batarangs are larger and have more mass, so are capable of a greater impact. In addition, some birdarangs have explosive and other capabilities.
5. Um... I'm gonna say no. For now, at least.
Not much of a question but a comment.
I find some of your responses to be highly condescending, being called "Ask Greg" leaves yourself open to a multitude of questions being answered - yes people should be very aware of your rules and they should be respected, but I believe the questions that get through your moderators and you feel you can't answer adequately should just be ignored rather than given a snarky remark.
I respect your work and the shows you make have brought many people joy, but sarcastic comments like "aren't you glad you asked" following you belittling someones curiosity is rude. Some of these questions are being asked by young children and while I do believe that your time is valuable, I think you're wasting more of it by being, for a lack of a better word, a "jerk".
Again your rules are clearly stated and should be adhered to, but be the bigger person and be cordial - some don't believe that they're "breaking the rules/guidelines" (some may, but putting intent behind action that you understand is immature) so I believe that each person deserves some of the comments you give, maybe you're being frank, but frankly I read it as being annoyed and insensitive.
tl;dr - You deserve respect, but so do the readers/fans of "Ask Greg". Great shows and great work.
Mark, you have a VERY good point. And I will strive to be more patient.
But, dude, it's REALLY hard sometimes. REALLY hard.
For example, I had a knee-jerk negative reaction to your comment, because it still smacks of entitlement to me. That somehow just because they post something here, fans have a right to my patience. As opposed to the reverse notion, which is no one MADE them post here, and posting opens THEM up to whatever response they get.
But I made an effort to step back, and I do see that you're basically right.
So I'll try to do better. The negativity and snark may sneak out sometimes, but I will make an effort. And the occasional reminder to keep me honest is a good thing.
(Of course, the fact that I know CERTAIN fans LIKE my snarky responses doesn't help. Still, I shouldn't be playing to THAT audience, I know.)
Has La'gaan had any other girlfriends, or was M'gann his first one?
Would an inhibitor collar work on Superman and/or Icon.
Potentially, if the correct settings could be found.
As shown throughout season 2 , Black Beetle is shown to be far stronger than all members of the Team , and some from the Justice League. How would he fair against someone of superman's calibre.
Well enough, I'd think, as strength is only one of his attributes.
And here's another of my shameless attempts to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.):
Since there's not too much to report about the first book right now, I'm counting down my progress writing the SECOND book in the Rain series, which should come out sometime in 2014.
Today, I finished writing Chapter Thirty-Four. Starting with this chapter, pretty much EVERY chapter is a bit daunting. I'm not quite sure if I'm in the home stretch, but at this point, every chapter is telling crucial story, bringing threads together... and it's anyone's guess whether I'll wind up weaving something special with these threads - or strangling on 'em.
Tonight, I'll start on Chapter Thirty-Five.
Can Superman fly faster than Flash or KId Flash could run.
Kid Flash, maybe. Flash, no.
When did Jade and Roy get married , and how long ago did they break-up
Hey Greg. Adore your shows to an insane degrees! Got questions regarding my man Superboy
1. Since he doesn't age physically but internally, mentally is superboy still 16 as originally programmed or does he consider himself 22?
2. Since wondergirl was introduced late, and it would be kind of creepy for him to date her like in the comic books, what's their relationship like?3. Did superman finding out about connors other father, Lex, present a setback to their growing relationship? Or make it even more awkward?
4. Do the gloves have enhancing qualities( tech, comunication output, forged from something harder than kryptonian skin) or just look cool?
Much thanks. Pretty sure a good chunk of these fall under spoilers but thanks for just presenting the opportunity to ask. If Invasion is our last hurrah than can't wait for the next universe you take us to. Thankyou
1. I don't think he's very clear in his own head how old he is or is supposed to be. He thinks of himself as six, most of the time, because, well, he is. But he also thinks of himself as an adult. And he thinks of himself, still, as not fully... "realized".
2. What you see is what you get - at least until we have the chance to make more.
3. I think it was a momentary speedbump, but I also think that once Clark made the decision to be Conner's brother, it was fairly smooth sailing.
4. Probably just the latter.
Next universe seems to be STAR WARS REBELS. But Invasion's not YJ's last hurrah. Check out Young Justice Legacy this November.
I'd just like to say that my favorite "running-gag" (as it wer) of Young Justice is the fake-killing of Artemis every few episodes. I look forward to it, actually.
Most of the time if I didn't know logically in my mind that it wouldn't be allowed by the censors, I'd hope it was for real this time.
The reason I love seeing her die so much is because I REALLY hate this charactor, but I can't put my finger on why.
It has nothing to do with the way you write her. In fact, I think her lines are usually the best in the episodes she's in. Her back story is one of the most interesting. She can hold her own in a fight with no powers, which is what I usually love in a hero.
I used to think the only reason I hate her is because her being with Wally seems to threghten the existance of Wally's twins and her and Icicle, Jr.'s baby.
But I don't think that's why, exactly.
Do you ever just love to hate something for no reason?
After months of protesting, writing letters, sending e-mails, and even attempted phone calls, I don't think there is anything else I can do to save Young Justice. I just have one question; was this the plan from the beginning, or did something happen that is forcing this show to be cancelled?
I highly doubt that this question will actually be addressed, as the one and only constant that I've experienced after pledging 20+ years of my life being a devoted fan, is that my loyalty is never rewarded. The day the plug is actually pulled, and no more production is made to this show, is the day I officially hang up the boots, and just stop supporting this company.
We didn't plan to cancel the series, of course. But we were prepared at the end of each season for it to be the last.
And, I'm not sure which company you're referring to, but I wouldn't hang those boots up just yet. BEWARE THE BATMAN is very cool. You should check it out. (And that's just one example.)
"Summit" was one of my favorite episodes of the series, but one thing I could not understand was how Beast Boy was able to make jokes about the plan and how little anger against Nightwing, Kaldur, and Artemis there was. How was the Team capable of so easily overlooking:
1. That Nightwing, Artemis, and Kaldur let them believe that a friend of theirs was dead.
2. That Kaldur destroyed what for some was their only home.
3. That Kaldur and Artemis kidnapped and allowed the Reach to torture three members(all of them children)?
1. You saw a sample of their attitude when Lagoon Boy was told.
2. Big picture, please.
3. Ditto.
Look, I'm not saying there aren't issues. But everything is relative when fighting a WAR. With more episodes and/or comics, we would have had more space to deal with the fallout. But ultimately, the Team was more glad that Artemis was alive than they were angry about being fooled. Perspective.
I'm a really big fan of the show. Great work.
I was wondering if Casey from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles could take on Sportsmaster in a fight.
Depends which version of each.
1. Why did you choose to make black canary such a large part of the show? She tends to be overlooked, so I am just wondering what made her stand out to you.
2. My other question is about the YJ Riddler. Why were his teeth so gapped? I found it very refreshing to see old Ed as someone other than a sad old man. Cutos!
3. Finally, the matter of Jason Todd. A bit of an elephant constantly in the room. I umderstand that his story is a dark, sad, tedious one, but I also feel that it is really essntial to understanding the Batfam. Why did you decide not even to acknowledge him? The world will never know about Jason Todd's sacrifice. heh. geddit?
The show is flawless, though. Just sayin.
Nightwing out.
1. She's been a favorite of mine for a LONG time.
2. You'd have to ask Phil Bourassa.
3. We did acknowledge him. If we hadn't, you wouldn't have seen his hologram.
Wow! I loved the fight with M'gann as Deathstroke.
I was wondering what kind of training did she have to do to be able to fight like him?
I realize that she probably doesn't fight EXACTLY like him, but she sure made it look like it!
We'll be waiting for season 3 ;)
She's trained with Canary.
Just got done watching Summit and it was a great episode overall! My friends are a bit confused by one thing though, and it's mostly Black Manta's dialogue. You know with him talking about being a 'free man' to Kaldur.
What exactly is Black Manta's motivation in this series for being a villain?
Greg GXB Bishansky points out the following:
"Well, look what's now even more widely available. I like to think this is because it's selling well on the internet.
Best case scenario, Disney notices and decides to exploit the property even more with a direct-to-dvd movie."
Greg summit was epic it had everything you want form a show.
Thank you!!!
Hello Greg, Sorry if this question has been asked before. During Aqualad's invasion of the cave, Artemis put an inhibitor collar on Wolf. Why wouldn't Wolf have recognized Artemis by smell?
He did. That's why he didn't resist her. Wolf trusts Artemis.
In Summit, was Artemis's cover being blown an expected part of the plan?
If not, how did they initially expect Aqualad to fake his death?
Or were their fake deaths something they just came up with along the way?
1. It wasn't expected, per se, but it was a contingency they were prepared for.
2. Ditto.
3. See above.
Hello Greg!
I wanted to ask some captain marvel questions.
why were captain marvel, cannary and black lighting defeated so easily by Kalrion and Savage?.
I thought Captain Marvel would at least give a bigger fight given that he is resistan to to magic
How fast is Captain Marvel? Given that he has the spped of a god (mercury) is he faster than superman or as fast as any speedster or in this version the god mercury is slower than the flashes?
1. Klarion and Savage are badass.
2. You didn't see the fight. You have no idea how it played out. All you know is the end result. And who said he's resistant to magic?
3. On Earth-16, he's faster than Superman (at least from a dead stop) and slower than the various Flashes.
Will we ever find out who came up with the plan to infiltrate the Light? The reason I'm asking is that Nightwing was heavily criticized for leadership this season. "Summit" ends the Team praising Kaldur for his success. That what's irks me - it's his success, not Kaldur and Dick's success.
You've mentioned a few times how Nightwing does not like to lead. Dick stepped a few times to lead the Team in Season One. His command in "Failsafe" is notable as Kaldur was incapacitated. Whether or not he likes to lead, he's a good leader.
Kaldur growing as a leader is reasonable but still - the plan is his success, not Kaldur and Dick's success.
Of course, my question will probably be answered next week. :)
I'm having a little trouble following your use of pronouns above.
But basically, the idea for the plan was Kaldur's, though he and Dick worked out the details together. I think they share in whatever success (or blame) comes with its execution.
1) Is Black Manta autistic on Earth-16.
2) Who is Amistad?
3) Who assigned Conner and Megan to cover the impeachment hearings in Qurac during "Players: Chapter 1"?
4) Why did Superman request his assignment with Marie Logan in Qurac during "Players: Chapter 1"?
5) Why isn't the Peacemaker "a fan" of the Team?
1. Not that I know of.
2. SPOILER REQUEST. (Though it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.)
3. No one.
4. It was an opportunity to get to know Conner as Clark.
5. He's not a fan of the LEAGUE. I'm not going to confirm or deny whether or not he knows about the Team.)
In Earth-16 , Would Icon be considered stronger than Superman.
They're both darn strong.
Nightwing stated in 'True Colours' that only senior members of the Team were allowed on the watch tower. Are Bumblebee, Mal and Batgirl considered as senior members
Not as of "True Colors", no.
Does Queen Bee's powers class her as a Meta-Human
I guess so.
Why does Brainiac's and the Reach's insignias look the same.
Do they? I hadn't noticed.
How far into the time-skip did Dick become Nightwing. 1 year,two years etc.
Hi Greg,
Great episode Submit!!
I've got one question.
I checked the Calender that JUNE 19 2016 is the Father's Day!
As someone already guessed before this episode that Manta would be betrayed on Father's day and it comes true.
Are you arrange this day for the submit intentionally or is it a coincident?
That's really heart breaking.
I rarely care about bad guys in Hero shows but Manta is different. I feel so sorry about him.
One more question. Did Manta or Kaldur realized that it's the Father's day?
Did manta got his father's day present from Kaldur before the submit? Or did he expecting one after the submit and now all wishes crashed?
Heart breaking again.
1. All things are true.
2. I'll leave that to your imagination.
The scenes between Artemis and Ra's Al Ghul left me a bit confused.
1)Do they know each other?
They way she looked at him getting stabbed is as if she felt bad about it (of course it might be because a man was killed in front of her but i'm still a bit unsure). She also spend a lot of time starring at him.
She also said 'And I always heard the great one was such a gentleman'. Here it seemed that she was implying on hearing things about the "great one".
2) Has she ever met him before joining the team. (Since her father worked with him)
Sorry if these questions seem foolish but I just wanted to ask since it looked like they knew each other and it felt like there was something not being told.
3) How did Ra's Al Ghul realize that the necklace was a glamour charm?
1. Not personally.
2. SPOILER REQUEST, but I will say, if they have met, it would have been a LONG time ago.
3. He's been alive a LONG time. He knows stuff.
Young Justice: Invasion has been fantastic so far. The only issue I have with the show is Wally West himself, who I feel is the weakest character of the original six. I'll try to be as civil as possible so it doesn't sound like needless bashing, because I really have tried to like Wally, it's just that...
I understand that he's in college and he's retired, but when the fate of the world is at stake I really think he ought to get his prorities straight. Not to mention that his girlfriend, who is also a college student and retired, stepped right up because she was needed. And he wasted no time telling both Artemis and Dick just how unhappy he was about this. True, he only knew about the plan because Artemis wanted him to know, but it was very easy for him to step up in other ways.
Then comes "Summit". Wally has finally stopped sitting around and has actually DONE something, but it feels like it's "too little, too late". Wally has essentially just shown up for the finale to participate in the final battle and act as if he's been there the entire time. He's like the kid in a group project who does almost nothing but ends up getting as much credit as the other members who actually cared- but more on that later.
And what he said this episode made me wonder if he only returned to the hero gig to rescue Artemis and then run right back into retirement (The impression I had from "Darkest"-in which he seemed FAR more concerned and panicked about Artemis than the captured Team members- probably wasn't helping my opinion of him). He hasn't learned anything from the events of this season (how could he when he wasn't there for most of them?), so he still feels like he was in the right by not doing anything and for yelling at Dick like he expected Dick to come up with something on his behalf(if he was so worried about Artemis, why not do something himself?).
But in the end, nothing that Wally has or hasn't done will matter. He'll get the girl, he'll get to retire, and he won't get called out on how his inaction put the lives of people in danger.
Additionally, he's been rewarded for essentially doing nothing. Everyone else has worked hard and fought for his/her life, but he may as well been up in the mountains sleeping during all of it and Artemis is basically already promising him sex (it was blatantly hinted at), he's planning on going back to retirement and his selfish behaviour hasn't even been brought up.
I could go on, but you've probably heard enough of my nonsense as it is (if you even end up reading this).
You're assuming that Wally refused to help or participate. And you have NOTHING from the series to back up that assumption. (Not that you have anything from the series to back up the opposite assumption either - unless you count EVERYTHING you know about Wally from what's come before.)
Anyway, you're assumption is incorrect. He was following Dick's orders from top to bottom. Not always happy about them. Not always sure of them. But he followed them. And those orders INCLUDED going about his business as a boyfriend in mourning, so that nobody suspected that Artemis might still be alive.
And retiring from being a super-hero is no more selfish than retiring from being a cop or a firefighter or a member of the armed forces (if you live in a world of super-heroes, that is). People put in their time, protect and serve. There's nothing in the "contract" that dictates it's a lifetime commitment. If you retire from the U.S. Navy, for example, that does NOT suddenly mean that you hate your country or that you're a jerk. And it would be outrageous to assume otherwise.
As for Wally, obviously, when called, he served. PERIOD. And he paid the ultimate price, made the ultimate sacrifice. The fact, that in an idea world, Wally WANTED to retire, doesn't change any of that. (Though of course, you couldn't know that when you typed this up - which PERHAPS suggests that you just MIGHT have waited to see how ONE MORE EPISODE turned out BEFORE typing this up.)
An attempt at alliteration.
Alice asked "And aliens are attacking? "
"Aye." Articulated Andrew "Asia, America and Australia are annihilated."
Astounded, Alice approached an alcove as Andrew advanced.
"Assaulted as an apparition approached." Andrew answered.
"Appearing as?" asked Alice annoyed.
"Ant's, antlers, and arms amalgamated."
"Aye, Alice. An abomination, absurd, appalling and approaching."
Angrily Alice answered, "As always Andrew, Anonymous' annoying artifice as absurd as…"
"Ain't artifice, Alice." Andrew answered, "Article's accredited and authority approved."
"Aha! All authorized article are a__" Alice added acidly "And another airhead against acknowledging actuality approves absurdity again!"
Annoyed, Andrew absconded.
As an affiliate, Andrew acquiesced an alternate angle and amusedly appraised another acclaimed article about an author annoying an audience at an auditorium, apparently articulating asinine abstractions abundantly as animatronics animated and artificially attempted an aria affronted an attendant.
"Alice's always abrogating and annulling aberrations." Andrew accounted ambulating amongst an alley, again approaching Alice's abode.
Awakened and activated at Alice's anguished articulation; Andrew approached an alarming appearance and aspired. An aliens arm arrested Alice against an archway.
Attempting an assault at an abdomen as Andrew appraised, an appendage altered and abated Andrews advancing attack. Astounded at an accelerated adaptation, Andrew arsled away, aimed an armament and applied an alternate approach.
Appearing accomplished, Andrew articulated again. "Ain't artifice Alice."
Astonished Alice answered, "Well, do you freaking blame me?"
Um.... okay....
(backs away slowly...)
Dear Greg,
Wow, the newest episode of YJ was amazing! All I could think of was a scene from the Maverick film where the colonel says "You're security isn't worth a thing. Everyone has a gun!" I mean, the betrayals just piled up on top of each other. I did almost buy the whole Kaldur & Artemis getting shot, but their gambit worked out great. As for small bits I liked, Ubu had a nice moment, I liked Gar yelling at Dick, Klarion showing up out of nowhere was great, & I think the heroes won't have too much of a problem with Black Beetle in charge.
Can't wait for next week's finale!
Depends what you mean by "problem," I guess.
In the "Players" comic arc, Blue Beetle wasn't aware of any connection between Nightwing and the first Robin, which got me wondering about the other two.
1. Were Jason Todd and Tim Drake public heroes as Robin the same way Dick was?
2. If they were, was the general public able to figure out that it was a different person behind the cowl?
1. Robin is a public hero. Most of the world is not aware that there have been more than one.
2. Mostly, no.
Congratulations about getting your novel published!
In "Summit", I notice that most of the episode takes place in a single setting (up until the end.) Was this a conscious choice or just how the episode worked out?
I know some shows do this to experiment. I also know that some live action shows do this to save money, but I don't think that would make much of a difference with animated shows.
All of the above.
And it absolutely saves money in animation. That many fewer backgrounds to paint. (They don't grow on trees, you know.)
But I also liked setting that creative challenge for myself.
Since you are a big Shakespeare fan, I thought to ask if you've read A Midsummer Tempest by Poul Anderson? It's set in a world where all of Shakespeare's plays really happened?
No. And I won't, so as not to crowd my head with other folks' ideas. Sounds really cool, though. We were trying to accomplish the same thing (among other things) on Gargoyles.
Hi Greg,
I love how Young Justice uses so many characters from the comics, even if they are just small cameos. But, if you could, would you use an original character as a main/supporting role?
It wasn't about "could". We didn't want to. Sometimes we had to though. For example, no one we could find quite fit the Terror Twins slot. So we created them.
You've heard it before: here's another of my shameless attempts to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.):
Since there's not too much to report about the first book right now, I'm counting down my progress writing the SECOND book in the Rain series, which should come out sometime in 2014.
Tonight, I finished writing Chapter Thirty-Three. This was another longish chapter, as Rain begins to figure a few things out and sets a plan in motion to solve at least one of the many crises she's facing.
Tomorrow, I'll start on Chapter Thirty-Four.
I'll be attending Mecha-Con from August 23-25th, 2013, in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Here's my schedule:
Acting, Writing, Directing and Producing Animation 03:00pm - 04:00pm
Secondary Events/1st Floor
w/New Generation Pictures' Jonathan Klein and Hynden Walsh, the voice of Princess Bubblegum and Starfire, among many others.
Opening Ceremonies and Formal/Semi-Formal Dinner 05:30pm - 08:00pm
Main Events/1st Floor
Dolldelight FashionShow 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Main Events/1st Floor
GoldPass Meet-n-Greet 08:00pm - 09:30pm
Tertiary Events/1st Floor
Voice Acting and the Industry 01:00pm - 02:00pm
Panel Room 1/3rd Floor
w/Jonathan Klein, Hynden Walsh and Tommy Yune of Robotech fame, etc.
Voice Directing for TV Animation, Anime and Video Games 03:00pm - 04:00pm
Panel Room 3/3rd Floor
w/Jonathan Klein
Signing 04:00pm - 05:00pm
Signing Room
*5 of the Best Anime English Dubs You've Probably Never Heard of
Panel Room 1/3rd Floor
Presented by Jonathan Klein
*I might be at this one. Might not.
Star Wars Rebels 07:00pm - 08:00pm
Panel Room 1/3rd Floor
Gargoyles 19th Anniversary: Stone by Day, Warriors by Night 09:00pm - 10:00pm
Panel Room 1/3rd Floor
Young Justice: Combating the Light 10:00am - 11:00am
Panel Room 3/3rd Floor
The Animation of Disney, DC, Marvel and Beyond 11:00am - 12:00pm
Panel Room 1/3rd Floor
w/Hynden Walsh
Charity Auction 01:00pm - 04:00pm
Main Events/1st Floor
Anyway, if you're around New Orleans, stop by. I think it's going to be a great con. And if you're AT the con, stop by and say hello. I'm much nicer in person than I am here at ASK GREG. Everyone thinks so.
A serialized story in tweets. Part One. In my family, we have a saying: "Don't lick the Torah."
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Two: This expression originated on the eve of my daughter's Bat Mitzvah. She was very anxious...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Three: I said to @BandgeekErin "What's the worst that could happen? You could lick the Torah." She replied...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Four: @BandgeekErin replied, "I'd never do that!" So I said, "Then what are you worried about?"...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Five: So in our family, that became our recurring metaphor for "Don't worry about it." Then tonight...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Six: Tonight, @BandgeekErin was saying her boyfriend was nervous about meeting me. (He doesn't know that...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Seven: @BandgeekErin 's nervous boyfriend doesn't know I already like him.) I told her to tell him...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Eight: Told @BandgeekErin to tell him not to lick the Torah. THEN my wife says that today at the pre-school...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Nine: Today at the Jewish pre-school where my wife works, she took out the Torah for Shabbat, and one of...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Ten: My wife took out the Torah, and one of her two-year-old students licked it. The End.
Here, at ASK GREG, I have the room to embellish this story. But, really... what more do you need to know?
Maybe this: I'll be meeting @BandgeekErin's nervous boyfriend for the first time at MechaCON, where I'll be a guest, doing multiple panels and at least one signing!!
More details shortly!!
Wow! I surprised you got away with showing blood (from the chest no less!) in the latest episode. Did you or any crew member have to fight for that to be in there, or was it okay with Standards and Practices?
I don't remember a problem. It was a long time ago, though.
What was Artemis and Green Arrows relationship? Did Green Arrow actually care for her like he cared for Red Arrow?
Of course. I'd think that was obvious from the episodes.
What are some effective things we viewers could do to persuade Cartoon Network to pick up "Young Justice" for another season?
I'd love to see what you'd come up with next.
I really don't know. Right now, the best thing you can do is buy the DVDs, the Trade Paperbacks of the comics, the Soundtrack CD and Young Justice Legacy.
Out of the team members, who is Wonder Girl closest with?
Of the boys, Robin. Otherwise, she's probably closest to Batgirl. SBFF, and all that. ;)
Hey Greg, just wanted to know how you spell 'symbiosi' ? Is that how it would be spelled in Atlantian or would it be different ? Thanks.
Well, they wouldn't be using our alphabet, but that's how I spelled it in the scripts, I believe.
Who is more powerful in terms of Atlantean sorcery at the start of Team Year Six: Aqualad or Tempest (assuming that Tempest is still alive)?
Sorcery? Tempest, by far. Not even a contest.
In concern for "Misplaced", since Roy Harper(clone) is technically 3 years old at that time, how come he is placed in the adult world and not in the children/teens world? Thanks for reading!
Magic is often about perspective. Captain Marvel was in the adult world, and in fact was the exact same age as Billy. (Or, one could argue, younger.)
First, let apologize if this question has already been asked or answered. Secondly, there was a problem with my laptop. Hence if this question was asked twice it was not out of ignorance. I have looked through the archives of answered and unanswered questions. I have not seen this question asked. I am not presuming it has not been asked but explaining that I did not see rhat my question was asked.
My question deals with Superboy and Lex Luthor. I am not asking about any plans involving them, or the future of the show. I would simply like to know if Lex Luthor cares about Superboy. I am not going to assume that he is 100% emotionally attached to him. It is just that, when it was revealed that Superboy is half-human Luthor referred to him as his son. Luthor even points out, seemingly with pride, that they are alot alike.In "Usual Suspects" Lex claims he is proud of Superboy for deceiving him. Whether this pride is true or not is another matter I know. In "The Hunt" Lex Luthor has the father-box tied into Superboy's DNA. In "Intervention" Vandal Savage says killing Superboy may be a problem that they will deal with later.
All the points mentioned above have made me wonder if Lex considers Connor his son, or cares about him to an extent. I do not deny that I may have misunderstood, misremembered, and inadvertently distorted the facts. I also admit my interpretation may be biased. In the comics I know at certain points, Lex has considered Superboy his son. I also admit that perhaps the concept of Thailog and Goliath's relationship may be playing in my mind. I understand he may merely want Connor on his side due to his abilities. It is also logical he may only be hinting at paternal feelings to get Connor to side with him. I also understand that Lex may have programmed the father box with his DNA because Conner's was the only DNA he has access to. I also understand Vandal may have meant that killing Superboy would be hard due to his powers. On the latter point, it just seemed that in the context of the show he was not talking about his abilities. I could have sworn that Vandal Savage said something along the lines of "We'll deal with that situation after everyone has been dealt with." It seemed to me that the fact he was killed at all would pose a problem
I just thought because of the points above and the fact that they are genetically father and son Luthor might care about Superboy. Even if Luthor does I am not presuming it makes him more moral. I would not even presume his care for Superboy could be or is strong. I just felt it would give me a better understanding of Connor, Lex, and the show if I asked. Thank you for your time and have a lovely day
Luthor, in his way, cares a great deal.
First of all thank you so much for everything you have done with Young Justice. The show is absolutely brillinat, and I can't even fathom why the show may be ending after the Invasion. I just watched Summit and my mind was blown. The episode was absolutely incredibly. But I have a couple of questions regarding the actions of the Light.
You have previously stated that there is trust and shared goals between the members of the Light. You've also said that with the Light "everything is on the table". As wonderful as Summit was I a bit surprised that Klarion and Vandal left 3 of their co-conspirators to fend for themselves. Could just explain their motivation behind that?
They had faith in those three to deal with the situation at hand - which NEEDED dealing with. Meanwhile, Vandal had other things that needed dealing with. Klarion was his wheel-man.
How did Kaldur's betrayal go down? I know Nightwing planned it and told him, but how did it look to the rest of the team? Like did he turn on them in the middle of a mission or did he "retire" like Wally and Artemis and then turn up serving Manta?
Although one of the assumptions in your question is incorrect.
How much input do the head guys at DC or other workers influence what characters are in the cast of YJ? For example, is it frequent for them to say 'we want this character the show', regardless of the story being told?
At the beginning of the serious development for each season there were discussions, but never any mandates.
Why was Bart so nonchalant in the grotto when some of the others were mourning Artemis?
Many reasons, including (but not limited to):
1. He didn't really know Artemis.
2. Death was a VERY commonplace thing for him in the future he came from.
3. Death makes him hungry.
1. What is the premise for Rain of the Ghosts?
2. How many books will be in the series?
3. Is this your first novel that is being published?
4. How different is it writing a book from writing television?
5. Which medium do you prefer your stories to be told?
1. Rain Cacique is a thirteen-year-old girl who lives on a Caribbean Island that's one of the eight islands that make up the Ghost Keys (a.k.a. the Ghosts). She has the ability to see and hear dead people; she has multiple mysteries to solve and an over-arching mission to complete.
2. If all goes well, NINE.
3. Yes. (At least in part because it's the first novel I've ever finished.)
4. In some ways it's very similar. I'm still plotting things with index cards. I'm still writing bibles and timelines. I'm still trying to create fully fleshed-out characters and worlds. In other ways, it's very different, but the main difference is that animation is a VERY collaborative medium. Writing a novel is about me and the blank page. I am truly enjoying bouncing back and forth between these two states of mind.
5. Uh, see the last sentence in answer #4.
Hi Greg,
What do you think of the Ultimate Spider-Man TV series?Honestly I am not to impressed even though I tried to give it a chance. I hate how the creators say it is for kids but that isn't an excuse for a poor qaulity tv series. I loved what you did with Spectacular Spider-Man bceuase you made the characters seem real and have devlopment. I fell in love with all the characters in way I never thought I would with a cartoon. Your series also didn't shy away with having some mature themes and plotlines but without making it to intense for kids. That is why I don't like USM because there is zero countiation o episodes and the characters are boring and have no development. The series is also doesn't seem like Spider-Man because the humor is forced unlike SSM where the humor comes natural and was funny. His humor in USM is more like deadpool than Spider-Man because he always breaks the fourth wall. So I really don't get why the creators think it is all right to dumb done a tv series because kids are not stupid they are smart and can enjoy good stories and characters. So what are your thougts?
I haven't seen it. On purpose. If it's great, I'd just be very jealous. If not, it would just make me crazy. So, you see, there's no upside for me in watching.
I do know that there are a LOT of great creators working on it. So I'm guessing that if I did watch it, I'd be jealous not crazy.
Were you at any point seriously considering killing off Red Arrow in "Auld Acquaintance"?
The reason I ask is because the source of the title, in the phrase 'Should auld acquaintance be forgot' from 'Auld Lang Syne', carries that sense of "We'll never forget [the person in question]", and I don't have much trouble envisaging an ending to season 1 where Red Arrow atones for his 'betrayal' by dying in battle with the Light, leading the Team to promise that they won't forget him.
in "The Hunt", when Nightwing said of Arsenal that, "This isn't the first time he's pulled this kind of stunt", was referring solely to what happened in "True Colors", or was he referring (partially) to something that happened off-screen (like another adventure where Arsenal did something reckless)?
"True Colors".
Hi Greg,
I am loving the run to the finale.
My question pertains to Red Volcano's habit of calling people "meatbags". Did you or the writers come up with that independently, or is it more of a reference to other media such as Bender in Futurama or HK-47 in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?
I associate the term with HK-47 because he's a red-armoured droid assassin, but Bender is probably more widely-known (even though he doesn't use the term that often). So I'm just curious if it was a parallel invention, or a reference!
Well, not the latter, since I was - at the time - completely unfamiliar with that. Bender probably was an unconscious influence though.
I have a couple of questions about the "teleport to Avalon" spell cast by the Magus and later Tom in "Avalon, Part One".
Tom was able to cast the spell without using the Grimorum. Can anybody who knows the incantation cast the spell, or was Tom a special case because he had previously seen and heard the Magus cast it from the Grimorum? Or was he a special case for some other reason?
Did Elisa, Goliath, and/or Angela cast the spell to return to Avalon during their World Tour, or did the boat take them back to Avalon on its own?
Hm. Good question. I'm going to posit that this was a very powerful spell, needing only an aural component. Once learned, it worked without assistance.
1. Can you please explain the concept of freeze-dried Chicken Whizees?
2. Can you please explain the significance of choosing freeze-dried Chicken Whizees for Bart to steal from Jaime's locker?
1. They're Chicken Whizees that have been freeze-dried.
2. As opposed to?
Seeing your respond of which characters you considered were the protagonists of Invation I want to ask; whos idea was to make Blue Beetle a protagonists, and why? I would have liked to see more of the Light than the Reach, hopefully I'll get that in Summit...hopefully.
Blue Beetle as a protagonist had a lot to do, obviously, with the Reach being the major alien antagonist. I credit Mike Carlin with that notion, but keep in mind, even if we had NOT chosen the Reach, we would have chosen SOME alien race or races to be our primary alien villains for the season, so the percentage of Reach to Light probably wouldn't have changed much. And by using the Reach, it became VERY personal for at least one of our characters, i.e. Blue Beetle. I doubt we could have gotten that from any other alien race save the Martians. And we have other, very specific plans for the Martians.
Here's another of my shameless attempts to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.):
Since there's not too much to report about the first book right now, I'm counting down my progress writing the SECOND book in the Rain series, which should come out sometime in 2014.
Tonight, I finished writing Chapter Thirty-Two. This was one of the longer chapters with a number of revelations - or at least a lot of clarity presented on subjects already raised in earlier chapters. The first few bits were difficult to get through, but the last couple nights I was really on a roll, writing the last two-thirds of the chapter pretty rapidly.
And so, tomorrow, I'll start on Chapter Thirty-Three.