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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the comics, I believe that Barbara Gordon is able to walk again thanks to some kind of neural implant surgery. As such, why hasn't that option been explored yet for her in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. When exactly did the Earth-16 version of Stephanie Brown became aware of her father's criminal activities, and what was her reaction to this revelation?

#2. Where had Stephanie Brown been living after she ran away from her father? This question refers to both BEFORE she was captured by the Reach and AFTER she was rescued by the Team (but presumably BEFORE becoming Spoiler).

#3. Where has Stephanie Brown been living AFTER becoming Spoiler? Was it any better than where was previously living?

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Frank writes...

Hello, Greg!
I have a few questions about Atlantis and the characters from Kaldur’s arc.
1. How old is Rodunn?
2. Is there a reason why La’gaan wears a pouch on his ankle or is it just a style choice?
3. Did the purists (Wyynde, Chian, M’Chiste) have to serve prison time for their crimes in season 1?
4. Were Wyynde, Chian, and M’Chiste the ones who attacked Topo?
5. Do the Atlanteans worship Greek/Roman gods or have they evolved a different pantheon altogether?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, is Alfred Pennyworth the legal guardian of Bruce Wayne?

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Anonymous writes...

In the comics, the names of Stephanie Brown's parents are Arthur Brown (father) and Crystal Brown (mother); their marital status is identified as divorced. Is this also true in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

After the events of Season 1 of "Young Justice," did Bane eventually find out Batman's secret identity and broke his back; like in the comics? If true, when exactly did that happen in the Earth-16 timeline?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Since the Earth-16 version of Batwoman did not become a hero until 2016, I have tried to guess as to when the Earth-16 version of the events of "Catwoman: Hunted" most likely happened in the timeline and I have three possibilities in mind:

#1. It could have happened at any point during the two-year period in-between Seasons 2 and 3; aside from the January 2018 flashback from Season 4 that took place at the United Nations.

#2. It could only have happened during the one-year period in-between Seasons 3 and 4; since she temporarily resigned from the Justice League and was working as a member of Batman's team during the events of Season 3.

#3. It could have happened at almost any point off-screen during the events of Season 4; since Batwoman only appeared in the flashback that is set in early 2018, and she was also NOT present at Superboy's and Miss Martian's wedding. This also account for Child's attack all around the world; meaning the events of the film could only have happened at some point before or after the incident occurred. Additionally, Talia al Ghul had only appeared in two episodes of Artemis's story arc, and she didn't appear for the rest of Season 4.

As such, my question for you is this: Which one of these three points in the Earth-16 timeline that I presented above is correct for which the Earth-16 version of "Catwoman: Hunted" likely takes place? Please also explain as to why whichever point you choose is the one that makes the most sense to you.

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg!

1) What are your thoughts on Lilith Clay (Omen)?
2) Was she on your list of 70+ young heroes that you originally considered for inclusion in Young Justice?
3) If you were to introduce her, would you perhaps change some elements of her story? (For example, she's close friends with Donna Troy in the early comics, but Donna is Troia in YJ and might never have had a civilian life in man's world, so the two might not have met in YJ.)
4) Do you have plans to use Lilith Clay in any possible future seasons of YJ?

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Anonymous writes...

If Wonder Woman and Troia are both princesses of the Amazons of Themyscira, then which one becomes the queen in the event that their mother (Hippolyta) dies?

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Anonymous writes...

TRUE or FALSE?: The Earth-16 version of Themyscira

#1. Themyscira is a unitary sovereign city-state and archipelagic island nation.

#2. Themyscira is a segregated nation of women governed by "Aphrodite's Law," which declared that the Amazons would be immortal as long as no man sets foot on their island.

#3. Themyscira's location is undisclosed; as a security measure, the island can shift its location over both land and time, remains undetectable from the perspective of any outside observer, and as soon as anyone leaves the island, they forget its location.

#4. Themyscira is the theocracy and capital city that serves as the Amazonians' government.

#5. All Amazons in Themyscira are adept at a discipline called "bullets and bracelets" in which they can deflect bullets fired at them using the chain bands on their wrists.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does Batman ever call James Gordon "Jim" in the Earth-16 universe?

2. Since James Gordon learned that his daughter was Batgirl in 2014, what was his initial reaction once he realized the truth? I also assume that he and Barbara had some kind of heart-to-heart discussion about the reasons for her decision to become Batgirl before he (presumably reluctantly) gave her his permission/blessing to allow her to continue her heroic career as Batgirl?

3. After Barbara Gordon was paralyzed by Cassandra Wu-San, did James Gordon ever (wrongfully) blamed Batman and the other members of the Bat-Family for the incident? Did he ever blamed Cassandra Wu-San for hurting his daughter?

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P.A.G. writes...

You said there were thousands of Chaos and Order Lords and that the Chaos Lords are spread all over the universe. Since the Lords of Order don't like sending one of their own, are there other people like Doctor Fate out in the universe, or is sending an emissary instead of a Lord of Order an Earth thing only?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Was the Earth-16 version of Troia sculpted out of clay as an infant on Themyscira; just like her sister, Wonder Woman (Diana)?

2. In the Earth-16 universe, where exactly is Themyscira located on Earth?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What was Wendy Harris' initial reaction after she figured out at some point between 2016 and 2020 that many of her friends were actually superheroes? In fact, HOW exactly was she able to figure it out in the first place?

2. As of 2020, what is the current status of the relationship between Marvin White and Wendy Harris?

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Anonymous writes...

How old is the Earth-16 version of Lightning Lad (Garth Ranzz)?

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Anonymous writes...

Since Bart Allen's father (Don Allen) and mother (Meloni Thawne; presumably) were not seen in the Reach timeline in 2056, does that mean they likely died at some point between 2043 and 2056?

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Anonymous writes...

When Damian Wayne was first introduced in the comics, it was eventually revealed that he was genetically perfected and grown in an artificial womb, and was intended to become formidable warrior. In the current continuity of DC Comics, Damien was conceived during a brief fling between Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul (when they were both young adults), and then after Damian was born, Talia used the extensive scientific resources of the League of Assassins to inorganically speed up Damian's aging giving him the physiology of a ten year old in less than five years.

However, in the Earth-16 universe, it APPEARS as though Damian's birth is a natural one; without any kind of genetic manipulation whatsoever. As such, was Damian's conception a direct result of Bruce and Talia truly (and briefly) getting back together, or was it a result of Talia's manipulations against Bruce in order to get herself an heir to Ra's al Ghul's legacy? Finally, is the Earth-16 version of Damian also identified by his other name, Ibn al Xu'ffasch (which means "Son of the Bat" in Arabic)?

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Anonymous writes...

1. When did Lois Lane first started working at the Daily Planet?

2. When did Clark Kent and Lois Lane first met, and what was their initial impressions of each other?

3. Does Lois Lane ever (occasionally) call Clark Kent by the nickname "Smallville" like in the comics?

4. When did Clark Kent finally told Lois Lane the truth that he was Superman?

5. When and where did Clark Kent proposed to Lois Lane?

6. On Clark and Lois' wedding day, who was their best man and maid of honor, respectively?

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Anonymous writes...

1. In regards to the Collector of Worlds and Brainiac-5, why are their species identified as Coludroids instead of Coluans in the Earth-16 universe; even though their homeworld is Colu?

2. Is there some kind of connection/relationship between the Collector of Worlds (Vril Dox) and Brainiac-5 (Querl Dox) in the Earth-16 universe? If so, does Brainiac-5 acknowledges the Collector of Worlds as Brainiac-1?

3. How old is the Earth-16 version of Brainiac-5?

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A writes...

Hi Greg! I had a question about Garfield Logan and Jason Todd. Garfield mentioned how he mourned Jason, were the two close before Jason's death?

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg, this is Paulo again, I wanted to apologize for not asking these two questions before, but I hope you can answer these last questions of mine about the series:

3 - Why doesn't Martian Manhunter use his Telekinesis as often as his niece?

4 - Can the Martian Manhunter (and Martians in general) transform into big monsters? Could Martian Manhunter transform into a 30 meter dragon for example? Or a 5 meter tall alien/martian beast?

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Alex (aka Aldrius) writes...

Arc 5 "Rocket" Ramble

Another really great arc for me. Loved Rocket, loved the family angle, loved the way the New Gods were handled, I liked seeing Lor-Zod and his team as sort of an "anti-team", the Metron stuff was great, I LOVED the Green Lantern stuff, it pretty much single-handedly got me to watch the entirety of the Green Lantern Animated Series, and that was good too so. All around great arc.

I love the take on some of the New Genesis stuff here. This is sort of a difficult subject to incorporate because it's been done quite a few times before, and I think very successfully in terms of the Superman: The Animated Series. The New Gods mythology also requires a *plethora* of lore and exposition. I watched this with my cousin, who knows very little about the New Gods. And he was a little confused, we watched the Superman: The Animated Series episodes featuring Orion & Apokalips & Darkseid, and they opened up their New Gods storytelling with the Mother Box showing Superman a little short infotainment video about the history of Apokalips & New Genesis and I think that helped a bit.

Not a big issue for me, though, all things considered. I've honestly always liked that Young Justice doesn't hold hands about arcane comic lore, a lot of it is pretty easy to just infer from visuals and personalities. White-haired man dressed like a shepherd is good, man with fiery eyes who looks like he hangs out in hell is bad. It all works.

M'Comm continues to kind of be an issue for me. I feel like he hits a weird spot. He's not sympathetic or humanistic enough for me to sympathize with him, and he's also not really outright vicious enough for it to be much fun when he gets taken down. He just leaves me feeling kind of ambivalent unfortunately. And I really *want* to like him. Having said that, I thought his dynamic with Lor-Zod and Mantis was great. Lor-Zod makes a good impression, I think the character was a *little* young for Phil Morris's baritone, but he does a great job with the character.

I can't quite remember which arc had the Superboy stuff where, so I'll just talk about it now. I really liked this for Superboy. This was a cool way to introduce the Phantom Zone prisoners, who have been a bit hokey as far as villains go over the years. They're kind of weirdly archaic in theory. Mostly because they're so associated with Terrence Stamp's portrayal from the second Superman film I think. Beyond that, what do you really do with a team of all-powerful supervillains who want to conquer the world. Well... this. I love the use of cult imagery here, the song is great. I love how Superboy is seduced by Zod, Zod is genuinely persuasive and compelling.

Superboy's mindset is also really clear here and it works really well.

Rocket is another character here who's just kind of like a catalyst or sort of centrepiece for this wacky outer space story about near immortal gods and aliens and space ships. I'm kind of, of two minds on her arc really. To an extent. On the one hand I like how sort of normal her arc is. She's just struggling with life. She's a single mom, trying to co-parent with her ex for a kid who has particular needs that she doesn't necessarily understand. And the opening scene really just sets up that she's not good at it. The closest thing she has to a moment of crisis is that a subway station is closed and it upsets her son.

I LOVE it, because it's so normal. There is no dramatic impetus, there is no light switch that Raquel needs to flip to become a good mom, she's going to go back and keep living her life, but maybe now she'll have a better attitude, some perspective, a bit more understanding of her situation because of her experiences. It's simple, it's nice. But because it's not very dramatic, there's no real engine to drive her story here. There's no clear arc necessarily. It's just kind of a bunch of stuff that happened. Which, as I've mentioned before, I'm really fine with. There's enough other things going on to make up for it.

Orion I liked a lot. I'm sort of unfortunately comparing it in my mind with other versions of the character (in this case, the Superman:TAS/JL/JLU version played by Ron Perlman), which isn't fair, but there's a lot to like about this version honestly, so it's not like he compares badly anyway. I think there was a tone to the New Genesis characters in the DCAU where they felt sort of grand and elegant and truly super-heroic. The boom tube effect in that show was pure white, and it always felt like rays from heaven or something. And the characters themselves felt like characters out of a bible cartoon or something. And they have a lot more grit in Young Justice (and to be fair *everything* has a lot more grit in Young Justice). It's not worse by any means, just different. In regards to Orion, from my limited understanding of Autism I don't think interpreting Orion as an autistic character is even a stretch frankly. He's a lot more brusque in Young Justice than he's been in other shows I've seen him in, but the sort of core of the character is still very much there. Also I'm a sucker for a story where a character overcomes their mental health struggles. Maybe that's not the right terminology or framing exactly, but when a character who has mental health struggles succeeds. It's nice to see.

The Green Lantern episode we got was so cool, as I said it got me to watch the entire series that was based on. This is one of the episodes which felt refreshing because it was such a stand-alone story. I watched it, it was satisfying, it didn't leave me feeling ambivalent. And I sort of missed those strong self-contained stories a bit with this season. Even if it was setting up Metron and some other elements for other stories. Also Razer was a total smoke-show. That's not really substantial, or important, but it made watching the episode more fun.

I was a *bit* surprised Dee Bradley Baker was playing Tomar-Re when he was played by Jeff Bennett in GL:TAS and Jeff Bennett has been a major cast member in YJ as well, but Dee Bradley Baker was cool and I suppose Bennett may have just been unavailable or there was some good ol' cost-cutting double-casting going on with Baker.

Oh, and the Foragers... I'm indifferent. It was cute. Reciting Shakespeare with third person pronouns was cute. I really liked that femme Forager became a Green Lantern. That was a cool surprising twist.

I think that's everything. It was great. Thoroughly enjoyed watching all four episodes.

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to the Earth-16 version of The Shade, is his real name Richard Swift; like in the comics? Also, if his physical appearance is the biological equivalent of a 48-year old human male, then what is his actual age?

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Anonymous writes...

Will Season 5 of "Young Justice" introduce us to the Earth-16 version of the Outlaws; a group that is led by Red Hood (Jason Todd) in the comics?

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Allon writes...

Hi Greg, I was wondering if Icicle Jr is a meta-human.

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zareth jones writes...

Will Scott Menville & Hynden Walch voice another Animated Superhero Couple & Mento & Elasti-Woman again in The 5th Season of Young Justice?

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, when did the red hooded ninja join Ra’s group on Infinity Island?

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Mike writes...

Hey Greg! I read that you and Denys Cowan developed a Rocket pilot back in the day. I was just wondering, were there any specific choices or details about it that sticks out in your mind?

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Algae writes...

Hey Greg,

Hope you're doing okay. Really looking forward to the new Gargoyles comics coming from Dynamite later in the year.

Anyway, I was browsing the archives and noticed this little tidbit...


I realize this is like three and a half decades after the fact but do you remember anything about the other four Transformer springboards you and Cary pitched back in '86?

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Michael writes...

Hi Greg, big fan of Young Justice, hope we get another season!

I was wondering, what are Kaldur's responsibilities as Atlantean Minister of Justice?

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P.A.G. writes...

Hi Mr. Wiseman, I hope you can answer some questions I have, most of them are about Krypton. Sorry if you’ve heard it before or if it’s repetitive.

1. Is Faora Hu-Ul from the House of Ul, and the crest she wears the insignia for that house?
2. Is Jax-Ur from the House of Ur, and the crest he wears the insignia for that house?
3. Is Vor-Kil from the House of Kil, and the crest he wears the insignia for that house?
4. Why doesn’t Non wear a crest, was he disowned by his house?
5. How many planets orbited Rao before it exploded? What planet was Krypton?
6. Is Rao a black hole now or a stellar cloud?
7. Did Krypton have any moons, and if so how many?
8. Was Lara El’s maiden name Lor-Van?

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Todd Jensen writes...

Thanks for sharing the other Hercules premise with us. I got a kick out of Cassandra having a Pollyanna-like sister (the name alone made it clear that Pollyanna was an inspiration for her), and Hephaestus almost visiting a Pompeii-like fate on Greece.

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Anonymous writes...

As I understand it on Earth-16, J'onn J'onzz was accidentally transported from Mars to Earth in 1955. Since he was stranded on Earth for decades, did his family and the rest of the Martian people initially assumed that J'onn was dead? If true, when did J'onn finally get into contact with his people to let them know that he was actually still alive?

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Todd Jensen writes...

A "Young Justice" question I've wondered about a bit and finally decided to submit. In "Secrets", you featured allusions to both "Beowulf" (the Sword of Beowulf, complete with Grendel's arm for its scabbard) and Cain and Abel (I recall one of the locations in the episode was called "Abel's House of Secrets" - which definitely matched Harm's great evil deed being murdering his sibling).

In the original poem "Beowulf", Grendel is described as one of the descendants of Cain (who was punished for his murder of Abel by having his children be monsters); did this inspire the allusions to both "Beowulf" and the Cain and Abel story in the same episode? Or is it just a (neat) coincidence?

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Todd Jensen writes...

Thanks for sharing with us that "Hercules" premise you wrote. I can see why it didn't get made; I can imagine someone in the Disney administration being a bit nervous about Biblical characters (the originals, rather than namesakes) - if from the Old Testament and not directly religious ones - though I recall an episode of "Pinky and the Brain" which also featured Samson and Delilah (complete with the "jawbone of an ass" incident). I got a smile at the original Goliath showing up in the story, too (a bit early from the point of view of Biblical chronology, but then, given that the "Hercules" animated series often had people from Greek mythology and classical Greece, such as Pericles and Herodotus, as contemporaries....).

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Apparently, some rude individual had posted a message to you asking you to delete all the questions that I have been anonymously giving to you. I honestly find that person to be utterly disrespectful simply because of the fact that they feel that I posted a lot of questions recently (as of the time of this posting). If you truly feel that I have pestering you with my questions, and if I've somehow gotten you angry, I apologize.

#2. In your responses to certain postings, you previously claim that you needed to do some research in order to be able to answer specific questions (such as the full names of the characters). Now, if I recall correctly, there is a source book called "The DC Comics Encyclopedia," and the first version of that book came out around 2004. Three updated versions of it came out in 2008 ("The DC Comics Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded"), 2016 ("The DC Comics Encyclopedia: All-New Edition"), and 2021 ("The DC Comics Encyclopedia: New Edition"). If I also recall correctly, I believe in the cases of all editions of "The DC Comics Encyclopedia," the publisher of these books is identified as Dorling Kindersley Limited (branded as DK). If could offer one important key piece of advice to you, it would be this: I would recommend you get all four editions of "The DC Comics Encyclopedia," and then keep getting new/updated editions of it whenever they come out. If you follow this advice, it might end up being quite helpful to you in the long run when trying to stay up-to-date with information regarding the DC Comics Universe.

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Anonymous writes...

Are Barbara and Dick still in a relationship as of season 4 of Young Justice?

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Suzie writes...

This has been bugging me for a while. When Conner's hair burnt off in the lava, I noticed it's roughly the same place where Phantom Girl placed her hand when she sent them both into the Phantom Zone in order to save his life. Did Conner's hair burn off because Phantom Girl placed her hand on that part of his head or was it really just the lava?

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Secret writes...

1. Previously you said Black Canary and Static have secret identities despite not wearing masks, with the reasoning being along the lines of “it’s like Clark Kent and Superman/we want them to look like their comics versions/you just sorta have to roll with it” (sorry if that misrepresents what you really said).

With some exceptions, like Jaime being outed by the Reach or Garfield being green, is this generally true for all the public heroes who don’t wear masks? For example, would the general public not realize that Ed and Cassie are El Dorado and Wonder Girl?

2. Additionally, do characters with publicly well known identities who don’t wear masks not have secret identities? For example, does the general public know that “Zatanna Zatara the stage magician” is the same person as “Zatanna” of the Justice League?

3. How do the public superheroes without secret identities deal with the fame?

4. Since the Light already knows who all the heroes are (even the ones on the Team) at this point, is the use of code names mostly out of habit/tradition or just to protect them from common criminals (or both)?

Thank you!

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Spectacular Spider-Fan writes...

Hi Greg,

Hey Gregâ€"hope this finds you well. Had a Gargoyles question and some Spec Spidey questions.

1. Now that Gargoyles is coming back in comic book form, do you have new ideas that you didn’t think of back when you were working on the SLG comics that you plan to incorporate into the new series? Not asking for what they are.

2. Why didn’t Curt Conners test the Lizard formula on a rabbit or mouse like in the comics and other versions? It just seems a bit out of character for Curt, as a scientist, not to test the formula on another animal and to use himself as the only Guinea pig?

3. Did Curt know that Electro juiced the Lizard serum? I know he eventually found out since he basically shot down Warren in season 2 when he recommended using electricity for mammalian DNA. If he did know, again I wonder why didn’t he especially test the serum.

Hope you are well. Recently introduced Gargoyles to my best friend after he loved Spectacular and he’s really into it. Deadly Force really impressed him. Cheers!

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Emma writes...

Hello so I love wyynde and kaldur they are such an amazing couple I love them more than anything they were there for me when I needed something to stay they gave me a reason I suffered through a lot of suicidal thoughts it was really bad but when I watched young justice and i saw wyynde and kaldur it made me feel so much better so if we get a new season of young justice do you think we would see more of them together

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@Anonymous needs to stop writes...

Seriously, would you consider deleting/ignoring these types of questions from @Anonymous? It’s ridiculous.

“1. Why does the Earth-16 version of Lois Lane retain her maiden name even after she married Clark Kent?
2. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Tim Drake, his first name is actually Timothy, and "Tim" is his nickname, correct?
3. Shouldn't Jonathan and Martha Kent technically be identified as Jonny Kent's paternal adoptive grandparents; since Jor-El and Lara El are Jonny Kent's paternal biological grandparents?
4. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Beast Boy, his nickname is "Gar," correct? Also, is his father's name Mark Logan?
5. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Cyborg, his nickname is "Vic," correct? Also, is his mother's name Elinore Stone?
6. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Black Lightning, his nickname is "Jeff," correct?”

I know none of these questions on the queue are “important” in the grand scheme of things, but there are so many questions from someone who doesn’t have the common sense to know what a grandfather is or that Vic is a nickname for Victor (even though it’s in the show). When there are a ton of other people waiting months for an answer and only a few questions are answered per week, it’s crazy to have so many questions asking “is X a cousin of Y? Does that mean Y is a cousin of X?”

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. In regards to the Earth-16 version of the Penguin, is his name Oswald Cobblepot?

2. Is the Penguin's middle name Chesterfield?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Lois Lane's mother, is her name Elinore Lane or Elenor Lane. Also, regardless of what the correct version of her first name is, is her first name nicknamed "Ella"?

2. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Kate Kane, is Thomas Wayne her paternal uncle?

3. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Kate Kane's mother, is her name Gabrielle Kane? Also, is her first name nicknamed "Gabi"? Finally, is she Bruce Wayne's maternal aunt?

4. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Kate Kane's twin sister, is her name Elizabeth Kane? Also, is her first name nicknamed "Beth"? Finally, from Elizabeth's point of view, Bruce is her PATERNAL cousin, and from Bruce's point of view, Elizabeth is his MATERNAL cousin, is that correct?

5. In regards to Kate and Elizabeth's relationship in the Earth-16 universe, are they identical twins, or is one older than the other? If the latter, who is the oldest twin?

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P.A.G. writes...

Hi Mr. Wiseman, I hope you have time to answer my questions.

We’ve seen the Kryptonians like Dru-Zod, Ursa Zod, and Faora Hu-Ul wear those suits and I have to know, are those prison clothes due to the Phantom Zone being used as a prison, and if so does that mean all the Kryptonians that were in the Zone wore those similar outfits?
How many Kryptonians were in the Zone before the Light took them?

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Suzie writes...

1. Do you consider Icicle Jr. to be a romantic? He loves romance and wants to find true love for himself. That and he's probably the 1# Supermartian shipper
2. When M'gann got back to Earth, how did Artemis help her deal with Conner's death? Since she's been through this before when she lost Wally, Artemis was obviously going to be there for her in every way possible and can you give us any specifics? I'm asking since we never saw them interact in season 4 (sadly I might add).
3. How does Jonny Kent feel about having M'gann as his aunt and do they have a good relationship with each other?
4. Did M'gann ever go to visit the Kent farm in Smallville too?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. How many of Miss Martian's brothers and sisters are older than her? Likewise, how many of Miss Martian's brothers and sisters are younger then her?

2. Since Miss Martian has an extended family of 300 cousins, how many of them are from her paternal side of the family, and how many or them are from her maternal side of the family?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Now that Samuel Lane (Lois Lane's father) is acknowledged to exist in the Earth-16 universe, that means in terms of relationships...

A. ... he is Clark Kent's father-in-law.

B. ... he is Jonathan and Martha Kent's brother-in-law.

C. ... he is Jonny Kent's maternal grandfather.

D. ... he is Jor-El's and Lara El's brother-in-law (despite the fact they are both deceased; meaning that Samuel Lane would never be able to meet them).

These relationships should all be correct, right? Did I miss any other familial relationships that Samuel Lane might have with other Earth-16 characters? Finally, is Samuel Lane's nickname "Sam" in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why does the Earth-16 version of Lois Lane retain her maiden name even after she married Clark Kent?

2. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Tim Drake, his first name is actually Timothy, and "Tim" is his nickname, correct?

3. Shouldn't Jonathan and Martha Kent technically be identified as Jonny Kent's paternal adoptive grandparents; since Jor-El and Lara El are Jonny Kent's paternal biological grandparents?

4. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Beast Boy, his nickname is "Gar," correct? Also, is his father's name Mark Logan?

5. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Cyborg, his nickname is "Vic," correct? Also, is his mother's name Elinore Stone?

6. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Black Lightning, his nickname is "Jeff," correct?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

This link below explains who Leonardo Lane is in the mainstream DC Comics continuity.


He is a recently new character in the comics who appeared in 2021. Now, I am NOT asking you whether or not he exists in the Earth-16 universe; I'm just hoping I was able to clear up any confusion you might have had, since you previously mentioned that you knew nothing about him.

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Lots of anonymous spoiler questions clogging up the queue writes...

Can Barry and Bart vibrate people or objects fast enough to phase through objects, or can they only phase themselves through objects? Can the two of them phase through other people as well?

(Also are there any mods who can stop the same person from asking so many obvious spoilers and name-related questions from clogging up the queue…)


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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When will the Earth-16 version of Tim Drake eventually take on the costumed identity of "Red Robin," like his Earth-0 counterpart did in the comics (after the apparent death of Bruce Wayne; as depicted in "Final Crisis")?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Did the Earth-16 version of Dick Grayson had any family members on his mother's side of the family? If so, what were their names?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Has the Earth-16 version of Jason Todd ever been addressed by the nickname "Jaybird" prior to his death?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the Earth-16 version of Kara Zor-El willingly joined the forces of Apokolips as a member of the Female Furies (as opposed to being brainwashed; like in the comics), is it correct to assume that her decision is most likely influenced by the fact that she had spent over 40 years in the Phantom Zone and she had most likely completely succumbed to the Zone-Sickness; which was likely far worse for her (assuming this is due to her own youth and inexperience) than what Superboy himself had suffered (since he had been trapped in the Phantom Zone for MONTHS; whereas Kara had been trapped for YEARS)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

The reason why I previously asked you if the full name of the Earth-16 version of Bruce Wayne is "Bruce Thomas Wayne" is because in the DC Rebirth continuity, Bruce's full name was revealed in "Batman" issue #20; the fifth and final issue of the "I Am Bane" story arc. In the end of that issue, Bruce's full name was addressed by his mother (Martha Wayne) when he had a vision of her. And yet, when I previously asked you about Bruce's full name being the same in the Earth-16 universe as it currently is in the comics, you yourself said, in your exact words, "Not necessarily." If you require proof, look on the link here below.


With me now presenting some form of evidence this time around, I'll ask you once again: In the Earth-16 universe, is Bruce Wayne's full name "Bruce Thomas Wayne"?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In a previous posting, you explained how Kryptonian naming conventions work in the Earth-16 universe. As such, how do Thanagarian and Martian naming conventions work in the Earth-16 universe for males and females, and married and unmarried?

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Brian Johnston writes...

Hi Greg,

First off, I'd like to say Gargoyles was a big part of my childhood, and still is to this day. The mature content for a younger audience, cast of Star Trek alumni, and Shakespearean aspect truly got me interested in Shakespeare from a young age. My question is as follows.

1) I'm an avid storyteller in the midst of writing his first novel. My story has many different races from many different mythologies. I'd like to include Gargoyles in my story but I don't want to copy you. I have too much respect and appreciation for your creation and its characters. My question is it OK to have gargoyles in my story?

2) Also have them come alive? Or living period?

3) Not to ask your process, everyone's different but what would you recommend I do so not to copy you but have them be warriors, rulers, politicians, scholars, etc.? A living race of gargoyles in the middle is part of my overall story.

Let me know and look forward to hearing from you.


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Anonymous writes...

You bring up your background as a Jewish/atheist every time someone criticizes the way you portray Islam in your show…I’m curious as to why you haven’t shared any aspects of the culture and religion you’re actually familiar with in the same way? To be honest, the way you talk about Muslims comes off like exploitation and fetishization rather than a genuine interest in the topic when you don’t explore Judaism the same way. You had Kate Kane right there.

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Yo Toy Buenon writes...

Hola Greg, sorry if this questions are too annoying or large

1) In the war world episode I get that Dick needed to remain behind to coordinate the squads but how come Aquaman remained behind? Even if you go by the "Aquaman sucks outside water" line of thought I'm sure he would've been more useful than say, Mal.

2) I get the impression that M'gann has soft spot for young boys like Garfield, Cullen and maybe at some point Dick. Is it because they remind her of her past bond with M'comm? Could she eventually view little Johnny on a simmilar light

2.5) How would you say was M'ree's relationship with her a'ashenn younger siblings as a child?

3) As I understand the martian's super strenght comes from channeling their telekinesis inwards alongside their density control, and I get the impression that J'onn is the most physically powerful living martian. Does that mean his telekinetic abilities are equally powerful? (I think it would make sense given how M'comm's specialty seems to be shape shifting while M'gann's is telepathy)

4) Did M'comm at some point like Earth tv? It would explain his penchant for earthling snark (or are those just universal)

5) I get that they're technically equals but when Barry and Billy were transporting bad guys to prison it gave me some of the same vibes as the other sidekicks with their proteges. Considering that Billy never had a mentor of his own, does he see the other leaguers as such? Is Barry specially tight with him due to reminding him of Wally?

6) Is Conner attracted to M'gann's martian form? Because I think it would make sense given how she doesn't look that weird compared to the cadmus genomorphs that basically raised him.

7) How would you describe Klarion's relationship with Vandal? His "best friend's dad" (ergo something of an uncle), perhaps?

8) Could a martian get pregnant with another race?

9) Could you tell me which of younger heroes (say of the generation introduced since second season) are currently attending college? If so would it be a spoiler to ask about their majors?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the Black Racer (who is the physical manifestation of an aspect of Death that was captured by Darkseid; as depicted in the current DC Comics continuity)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the DNAngels; a trio of genetically engineered female US government agents whose members consists of Cherub (a clone of the combined DNA of Superboy and Tana Moon), Epiphany (a clone of the combined DNA of Superboy, Wonder Girl, and a third unknown individual), and Seraph (a clone of the combined DNA of Superboy and an unnamed African American woman)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Are the following below TRUE or FALSE about the Earth-16 version of Wonder Girl?

#1. Zeus' siblings (Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, and Demeter) are Cassie's paternal aunts and paternal uncles.

#3. Zeus' children (Hephaestus, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Persephone, Hercules, Hermes, and many others) are all Cassie's paternal half-siblings.

#4. Any and all children of Zeus' siblings are Cassie's paternal cousins.

#5. Cronus and Rhea is Cassie's paternal grandparents, and Ouranos and Gaea are Cassie's paternal great-grandparents.

#6. As the daughter of Zeus, Cassie could theoretically be more powerful than Wonder Woman, Troia, and all the other Amazons in Themyscira; assuming Cassie ever utilizes her full power.

#7. When Cassie learned of her paternal heritage, her initial reaction could only be described as "mind-blown."

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Aaron Abel writes...

I would like to know, what do the star spawn look like?

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Anonymous writes...

Earth-16 Character Wish-List for Season Five:

The Signal (Duke Thomas)
Huntress (Helena Bertinelli)
Julia Pennyworth
Mother Panic (Violet Paige)
Nyssa al Ghul
White Ghost (Dusan Al Ghul)
Mara al Ghul
Artemis (Artemis of Bana-Mighdall)
Starfire (Koriand'r)
Red Arrow (Emiko Queen)
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
Green Lantern (Simon Baz)
Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz)
Rogol Zaar
Godspeed (August Heart)
Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne)
Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel)
Punchline (Alexis Kaye)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the Gotham City vigilante known as Mother Panic (Violet Page)?

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Anonymous writes...

I just want to say that I love Lagoon Boy's relationship with Coral and Rodunn. I support their marriage and they are all very happy, but I've just got to ask. Was it rather hard for La'gann to be involved in a three person relationship, considering his previous love triangle with M'gann and Conner. I know a love triangle is different compared to polyamory, but did he have any doubts about this relationship, fearing he might end up heartbroken after what happened before?

Also can I just point out the irony of it all. In season 2, he was involved in a love triangle with 3 people and by season 4, he is in a 3 person marriage.

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Anonymous writes...

Did Lagoon Boy blame Superboy for Miss Martian breaking up with him and if so was that the main reason for Lagoon Boy's old grudge against Superboy or was there more to it?

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Suzie writes...

Are there any deleted scenes from the season 4 finale that you wanted to include but didn't?

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Kevin writes...

1. When did Vandal Savage start using his current name "Vandal Savage"?

2. Would Ra's Al Ghul martial arts ability be on the level of Sensei, Lady Shiva, Black Canary and Batman assuming they are the top martial artists? I only ask because relatively recent media have shown him being defeated rather easily. With the caveat that anyone can win any fight based on the situation would Ra's Al Ghul be up there? Or is he like King Arthur in the Gargoyles universe and has his skillset towards leadership?

3. In Young Justice Legacy why didn't the Light use Icicle Sr. over Icicle Jr given the latter's... well inconsistent success?

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Suzie writes...

I've been curious ever since the wedding, but since Icicle Jr. attended Miss Martian and Superboy's wedding aren't the heroes concerned that he might reveal to the other villains that the couple lives in Happy Harbour, not to mention he saw a lot of the heroes there too, some of them unmasked or members of their families like Clark Kent and the rest of the Kents!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

To clarify as to why I've been asking you certain questions (such as the full names of the Earth-16 characters, and paternal and maternal relationships of certain characters in the Earth-16 universe, for example), it is because I've been trying to make comparisons between the Earth-16 versions of characters and their mainstream DC Comics counterparts, and I try to see what they have in common. I usually look into the DC Database Wiki when I make comparisons, but most the mainstream versions of the DC Comics characters on the Wiki are between two sets of character pages; identified as New Earth and Prime Earth in parenthesis after their real names. Character pages with New Earth refer to those histories prior to the massive continuity changes which are a result of the 2011 DC Comics comic book event, "Flashpoint." Character pages with Prime Earth refer tho those histories after Flashpoint from 2011 onwards; even then, further events like DC Rebirth and Infinite Frontier have changed continuity in the mainstream DC Universe and making it similar to what it was prior to "Flashpoint."

So like I said before, the whole point of me asking those specific questions is because I was making comparisons and was trying to find what the characters from BOTH the mainstream DC Comics universe and the Earth-16 universe have in common. But it has been extremely difficult because some things end up being spoiler territory (Jason Todd and the Red-Hooded Ninja, for example) and some things you seem to absolutely refuse to commit to (Bette Kane's full name and exact nature of her relationship to the rest of the Kane family, for example). I mean, if there are certain things about the characters that are TRUE in BOTH the mainstream DC Comics universe AND the Earth-16 universe (full names, specific events/circumstances, familial relationships, etc.), why can't we have direct answers to certain questions from you if they are most likely true?

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Mr. Sidhu writes...

Hello Mr. Weissman, I've been a big fan of your work since Gargoyles.

1) Are the New Gods literal gods or just really advanced aliens?
2) Since YJ all takes place in a single galaxy as opposed to the entire universe as in the comics: is there life outside the Milky Way galaxy?
3) When were these characters born:
3a) Jor-El
3b) Zor-El
3c) Dru-Zod
4) When was the Green Lantern Corps first established?
5) What is the difference between Zeta Tube teleportation and Boom Tube teleportation?
6) Did Vandal Savage and Ra's Al Ghul know each other before the modern Light was formed?

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Parker writes...

Hey Greg! Huge fan of Young Justice! My questions are:
1)How long is the probationary period for a new GL?
2a)Was a young Green Lantern like maybe Kyle Rainer or Jessica Cruz ever discussed by you and Brandon for being a member of The Team’s starting lineup?
2b)Why did you ultimately decide to not have a GL on The Original Team?
3)In your original Season 3 plans, before the show was canceled, was Kaldur going to be Aquaman after the timeskip?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Wayne Enterprises:

#1. When was the company first formed in the Earth-16 universe?

#2. What are the names of corporate branches and subsidiaries of the company? Please provide some examples if all of them cannot be named.

#3. Is Bruce Wayne the chief executive officer (CEO) of the company?

#4. Who is the chief operating officer (COO) of the company?

#5. Who is the chief financial officer (CFO) of the company?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. If Orphan (Cassandra Wu-San) moved into Wayne Manor in 2018, does that also mean she became Bruce Wayne's fourth legal ward? The reason I am asking this question is because I remember in the comics (prior to the massive continuity changes in the aftermath of Flashpoint) that Cassandra Cain became the adopted daughter of Bruce Wayne.

#2. Even though Orphan's vocal cords are damaged by her own mother, that does NOT necessarily mean that Orphan will NEVER be able to speak, am I correct?

#3. Does Orphan know who her father (David Cain) is? If not, what is the reason why she does not know about him?

#4. Is Orphan's nationality considered to be half-American, half-Chinese; even though she uses her mother's surname (Wu-San)?

#5. Did Orphan's mother trained her in the following martial arts listed below?

Leopard Style Kung Fu
Dragon Style Kung Fu
Dim Mak (An ancient form of martial arts where you strike vital points of the opponent's body causing paralysis, intense and prolonged pain or death.)

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Unknown writes...

What is the interaction between Static and Rocket like In Earth-16?
They are both characters from DC Milestone.

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BatFan2099 writes...

How old is Young Justice's version of Razer as of Team Year 10?

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Anonymous writes...

I know you've said you don't like placing the show into any specific years, and in fact did relatively recently (as far as me asking this) say that we'll call Season 1 "Team Year Zero", but I've also noticed that sometimes you'll refer to events taking place before the show with the year it happened. For instance, you once said that Stephanie Brown was born in 2003 (https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=21664).

Doesn't that sort of mean you have to somewhat define the years the show takes place?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the comics, Bette Kane and Kate Kane were revealed to be cousins after the events of the 2005-2006 comic book storyline, "Infinite Crisis." However, the Young Justice Wiki establishes that Kate and Bette have an unknown relation to each other. As such, if they are not paternal cousins (considering that they share the same last name; suggesting their respective fathers are brothers) like in the comics, then what is the exact nature of their relationship to each other?

PS. Despite your inability to commit to any information regarding Bette, I am of the personal belief that Kate and Bette are indeed paternal cousins. In the Earth-16 universe, Kate was born in 1991, and Bette was born in 1995; as such, that's only about a four-year difference between them. I'm also imagine that, as such, Bette was pretty close to Kate and most likely looked up to her and spent time with her; like in the comics.

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Dustin Payne writes...

1. what origin story does earth 16 Jason Todd have the one that is the same as Dick Grayson Or the one were he got caught trying to steal the tries from the bat-mobile
2. Since we have Virgil Hawkins were is his best friend Richie Foley and if he does exist is he or will he become Gear

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Anonymous writes...

TRUE or FALSE?: The Earth-16 version of Jason Todd

#1. Prior to becoming Robin, Jason was a street orphan.

#2. Jason first encountered Batman while he attempted to steal the tires off the Batmobile in Crime Alley.

#3. As Robin, Jason was prone to defying orders, sometimes to success and sometimes to failure.

#4. Jason being prone to defying orders occurs both whenever he works alongside Batman and whenever he works alongside the other members of the Team.

#5. Jason being prone to defying orders is part of the reason for his death.

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Geoffrey writes...

1. Are Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown boyfriend and Girlfriend?

2. Who will be Cassie Sandsmark's love interest now that she is broken up with Tim Drake?

3. Who is the fourth Green Lantern? (I understand if this is a Spoiler)

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Anonymous writes...

How did Conner feel about the fact that he was mostly naked for almost the entire fourth season?

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Caleb writes...

Hi, Greg!

I'm so excited for the new Gargoyles comics coming from Dynamite! I had a weird question cross my mind today, but I figure it's unlikely you know this answer, but: why did Disney license Gargoyles out to another company when they own a comic publisher already?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Are the following relationships correct? If not, please explain why.

Wally West's Relationships:
Rudy West (father)
Mary West (mother)
Barry Allen (paternal uncle)
Iris West-Allen (paternal aunt)
Don Allen (paternal cousin)
Dawn Allen (paternal cousin)
Bart Allen (paternal first cousin once removed)

Don Allen's Relationships:
Barry Allen (father)
Iris-West Allen (mother)
Dawn Allen (twin sister)*
Bart Allen (son)
Rudy West (maternal uncle)
Mary West (maternal aunt)
Wally West (maternal cousin)

Dawn Allen's Relationships:
Barry Allen (father)
Iris-West Allen (mother)
Don Allen (twin brother)*
Bart Allen (nephew)
Rudy West (maternal uncle)
Mary West (maternal aunt)
Wally West (maternal cousin)

Bart Allen's Relationships:
Barry Allen (paternal grandfather)
Iris West-Allen (paternal grandmother)
Don Allen (father)
Dawn Allen (paternal aunt)
Wally West (paternal first cousin once removed)
Rudy West (paternal great uncle)
Mary West (paternal great aunt)

*I do not know who is the oldest of the twins; please confirm who it is.

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Anonymous writes...

What state is Metropolis located in the Earth-16 universe?

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John Paul Gontor writes...

Hey Mr weisman my favorite scene in Young Justice Outsiders are the children of the Justice League .it was funny , lighthearted and very interesting.it like the Rugrats of superheroes in the DC universe.
Are you going
YJ spinoff or expand it with more seasons in the future.

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Dr. Jarrett Parker writes...

Hey Mr.Weisman,one question to ask you please:
Do Lois and Iris have complicated pregnancy while having superhuman babies inside their wombs?

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Anonymous writes...

For the team, Alpha Squad, Beta Squad, Gamma Squad, etc is pretty self-explanatory. I know the Outsiders have animal-themed names for the squads (Raptor Squad, Gorilla Squad, Mongoose Squad), but I have some questions about the names:

1) Do these squads have rankings like the team squads do? Or are the names based on their function (“Raptor” for the group doing espionage high in the sky, “Gorilla” for guerilla warfare/all-out attack, “Mongoose” for…I don’t know)
2) If my first question is correct then what does “Mongoose” mean in this context?
3) Is it correct to assume that the names are inspired by Beast Boy when he was the leader of the Outsiders?
4) Does the JL have squad names as well?

Thank you! Hoping to see more YJ in the near future!

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Blue_Cloak writes...

Hi Greg,

Just seven questions. Okay, if they aren't all answered and apologies if you've answered them before.

1) I know you're not really confirming Designations anymore but judging from how the B designations were handed out (and you said in the past that the Outsiders used B designations until they were given the D post-Season 3) does B-34 belong to El Dorado/Eduardo Dorado Jr. and B-35 to Cyborg?

2) Did the families of the Justice League and the associates end up with A designations post-Season 2, judging from Lian (A-28) and Amistad (A-29) getting them?

3) Will we ever see Freddy Freeman/Lieutenant Marvel? If not, is it possible to know what he's up to these days with Billy and Mary (until she joined Granny Goodness)?

4) Did Tim Drake/Robin and Cassie Sandsmark/Wonder Girl break up over the events of Season 3 or did they just break up and feel better as friends?

5) Was the birth of Damian and whatever is going on with the Red Hooded Ninja and his connection to Jason Todd (either the resurrected Jason or a clone, either/or I await that story with interest) a factor into Bruce's behaviour and decision to create the Anti-Light operation? If anything, I see it being personal for Bruce to what the Light did to not just the Justice League but presumably to his own family.

5) Is Kyle Rayner active as a Green Lantern? And is Tai Pham a part of the Earth-16 universe? I was hoping for a team-up between him and the SuperSons before they awkwardly in my opinion aged up Jon Kent.

6) Are the E designations in relation to the Justice League reserve discussed by members in Season 4?

7) How close are Tim and Stephanie as of Season 4? Friends or colleagues or perhaps starting to become more? Also, did he recruit her and train her before she did something stupid?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. Between the events of "Young Justice: Phantoms" and "Young Justice: Targets," did Superboy attended at least one mandatory therapy session with Black Canary in order to discuss his post-Phantom Zone mental state and to determine whether or not he was ready to rejoin the Outsiders (which he obviously did)?

#2. If we ever see Match again in a future season of "Young Justice," is his voice likely going to become more distorted; given his current mutated/deformed-looking condition?

#3. Lian Nguyen-Harper addresses Oliver Queen as "Uncle Ollie." Does she addresses Dinah Lance as "Aunt Dinah," assuming Lian knows abut Oliver's and Dinah's relaitonship?

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P.A.G. writes...

Hi Mr. Wiseman, I hope you're available to answer some of my questions.

1. You said Kryptonian males hyphen their names, but why doesn't Non have his hyphenated? Was he disowned by his house?

2. How old is Dru-Zod (both chronologically and physically)?
3. Who was older, Jor-El or Zor-El?
4. Was Krypton's capital Kandor?
5. Is Kryptonite radioactive debris from Krypton's destruction or something else?


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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1.How long has Courtney Whitmore been hosting Star girl (the series not her alter ego) and has she ever worn a baseball cap during any out of costume intervewes or any other times when not in costume? 2. what does Miss Whitmore plan to Study as her collage major?

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JSA Fan writes...

Dear Greg,

I have 3 questions about Outsiders/Phantoms that I doubt are answered or spoilers:

1. If you have them, would you please share the Designations of League members between Aquamen 2 and 3? I know Steel is 36, but no others!

2. I am also kind of dying to know which Green Lantern joined the League before La'gaan, Alan Scott? Kyle Rayner?? Jessica Cruz??? I had a dream she and Simon Baz did back in 2016...I think haha

3. In Invasion's episode Darkest, Tommy Terror had a youthful appearance, but by Outsiders' episode True Heroes, despite retaining his muscle mass, Tommy's teeth have spread to include gaps, his cheeks have sunken in with wrinkle lines below the eyes and above the mouth...what happened? He's supposed to be 26!

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the Earth-16 version of Superman had been sent to New Genesis instead of Earth, what kind of person would he have grown up into, and what would have been his role in New Genesisian society? Also, would he have likely gained different Kryptonian powers under New Genesis' sun (assuming that each yellow sun in every solar system in the Earth-16 universe works differently)?

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Anonymous writes...

True or False in the Earth-16 Universe?

Kryptonians are vulnerable to magic because their powers occurred as a result of a natural phenomenon (under a yellow sun), rather than anything supernatural. This means that magic affects them the same way it affects anyone else; they'd be just as vulnerable to it as normal humans are.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the comics, Bane has a partial clone/"daughter" who goes by the name of Vengeance. Does a version of this character possibly exists in the Earth-16 universe? If true, is it also possible that the Earth-16 version of Bane does not yet know of her existence?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the issue #5 of the seven-issue limited series, "Flashpoint Beyond," the Joker's real name was revealed as Jack Oswald White. In that issue, the Flashpoint version of Martha Wayne (who is that universe's version of the Joker) learned this information from Psycho-Pirate (Roger Hayden) before she killed him; she wanted to know about the differences between the Flashpoint universe and the mainstream DC Comics universe. With this major revelation about the Joker's true identity in the comics, does that now mean that Jack Oswald White is also the real name of the Earth-16 version of the Joker as well?

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to the Earth-16 version of the Kryptonian High Council, how many members did it consists of, and what were the names of its members?

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