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Anonymous writes...

So has Jay Garrick always been a public hero without a secret identity like from the very beginning of his career as the Flash or did he decide to keep it a secret at the start or was it like ah well I can't keep it a secret well no matter it's fine either way approach by Jay to all this.

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Chief Gontor writes...

Do you think Lian,Anissa,Arthur,Jon, Jennifer,Amistad and Don & dawn become heroes like thier parents in the future?

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Curious Anon writes...

Hi Greg! Got some questions that I have been thinking for some time.

1. I know Artemis is an adaptation from the comics, but I am curious if you took Mia Dearden as an inspiration for Artemis characters for YJ? (considering they both are the second sidekick)

2. Can you just give a little hint? Is the next season (5 and hopefully 6) will be focusing or introducing or inserting new heroes? Just like S2 and S3?

3. What is your first inspiration or the first thing in your mind that make you want to develop YJ?

4. Just wondering, is the light arc gonna end in the future seasons or they will always be the light in the show?

5. Would you like/support if one day a person pitch an idea to make a spin off based on YJ and set in the same earth? (Eg: JLA, JSA, etc)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Out of curiosity, when will the Earth-16 versions of the Milestone characters get costume changes to match their Earth-M (Milestone Returns) counterparts?

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Anonymous writes...

I saw you say that the viewing numbers are better than ever but what exactly are we comparing here? The total number of streams the season has gotten? The individual episodes? The whole series? And are we just looking at the TV ratings of episode premieres or are we including the people who bought it on iTunes (throwback to when we got before the dawn in the top 10 and then cartoon network removed it) and watched reruns? I'm just curious if we can really compare it properly because I remember how difficult it was to watch the show live back in the day, the network was constantly putting it on hiatus, sometimes with no warning, and it didn't stream anywhere until it was put on Netflix. I'd sometimes have no idea an episode aired until the day after. And to be perfectly honest, I would watch it on illegal sites and I know I was far from the only one. The show being on HBO Max has made it accessible to a wide audience for the first time, so I'm wondering if it's a true increase in viewership or if it's just finally being collected in one place.

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Anonymous writes...

You're saying that it would be illogical for an atheist to exist in the Young Justice universe but you had Wally denying that magic exists when Zatara is right in front of his face? Make it make sense.

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Sackett become Mayor of Metropolis?
2. When would you say Bane began his criminal career?
3. What year was Joe Chill born?
4. What year was Cluemaster born?
5. What year did Cluemaster begin his criminal career?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Lois Lane begin working at the Daily Planet?
2. What year did Lex Luthor first meet Superman?
3. What year was Lionel Luthor born?
4. When did Bruno Mannheim begin his criminal career?
5. What year did Jimmy Olsen begin working at the Daily Planet?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Red Torpedo join the All-Star Squadron?
2. What month did the Justice Society of America form in 1940?
3. What month/year did the Justice Society of America shift to become the All-Star Squadron?
4. What year (and month, if applicable) did Cyborg join the Justice League?
5. What year (and month, if applicable) did Jay Garrick join the Justice League? Was it part of a recruitment wave or did he have an open invitation like Dick, Conner, and M'gann were stated to have in "Happy New Year"?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Dragon King born?
2. What year was Rod Reilly/Firebrand I born?
3. What year did Rod Reilly/Firebrand I begin his costumed career?
4. What year was Henry Heywood born?
5. What year did Firebrand/Red Inferno join the All-Star Squadron?

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Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

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Gargoyles Figures by NECA

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