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Noah Wotring writes...

Dude, Mr.weisman, I totally didn't read the archives and didn't realize how many people asked about season 3 of TSSM, totally sorry. But I was wondering how frustrating it is to deal with idiot fans like me on a daily basis?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 02, 2009

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Noah Wotring writes...

I'm very nervous about the renewal of the show. I want a season 3! Any words of comfort?

Greg responds...

"Chicken Soup."

Response recorded on October 02, 2009

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Matt Drake writes...

Hey Greg,
As with everyone else who has posted a question concerning Spectacular Spider-Man, I wish to both congratulate and thank you from the very deepest reaches of my heart for creating what is the best adaptation of a superhuman into any other media as well as the greatest show on television. I have several questions/comments that I really hope you will answer.
1. When One More Day/Brand New Day came out in the comics, I completely gave up on Spider-Man. It was such a terrible plot, with so many holes and destructive ideas that the character seemed to die in front of my very eyes. But then your show came along. It was so perfect that I had to pinch myself. So thank you for bringing Spidey back to me the right way. And PLEASE, don’t do anything like BND on the show, I know several good snipers.
2. I have been searching at least once a week to see if any episodes of Spectacular Spider-Man have been put up for purchase on ITunes. As of yet, they haven’t. But if they were, aside from making many fans happy, it would increase the profits of the show and make it more likely for a 3rd, 4th or 5th season. If you have any power to that extent, please use it.
3. Doc Ock has been ridiculed by Spidey many times for mistakenly calling him an “insect”, but on your show he uses “arachnid”, thank you from all the biology nerds out there.
4. I was absolutely blown away by the season 2 finale, and I cannot wait to see more Norman Osborn (Spidey’s #1 villain by far). I was wondering if you were thinking of giving him government status or power like he currently has in the “Dark Reign” storyline in Marvel Comics.
5. I realize that you won’t give out any spoilers, but I was wondering if you have some sort of hidden, future plans for Harry’s mom. She’s dead in the comics, so it crossed my mind that you may have a plan for her (Menace?).
6. In all official sources regarding Spider-Man, it is said that his webbing is several times stronger that steel, but in your show it is shown a substantially weaker. Hopeful he can make some upgrades to the serum and increase its strength.
7. Many TV series have gone on the air with their creators/producers harboring an idea for the series finale. Is this the case with you? If not, the death of Gwen Stacy seems perfect.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my queries. If you have any questions or comments unfit for your forum, you can contact me at mgarofalo19@q.com. Good luck with season 3!
(PS: Sorry if some of my questions are found in the archives. I looked through as many as I could, but you’ve been asked many questions.)

Greg responds...

1. Uh... thanks?

2. I hear the first season IS now available on iTunes. I don't use iTunes, so I don't know much about it. But that's what I was told. (And, no, I had nothing to do with it and have no power or control over ... well, anything.)

3. You're welcome.

4. Not in the short term.

5. I do have plans for Emily.

6. Maybe... but why would I want to let him do that?

7. Peter graduates high school.

Response recorded on October 02, 2009

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Bob writes...

Hello there Greg Weisman. I have a question about the "Reinforcement" episode of Spectacular Spider-Man. It was a great episode but there was something that confused me. What was the point of those 3 pair fights? I've already read your answer on how Doc Ock thought pairs would do better because it would exhaust Spider-Man and other members won't get in the way (you know, it was that question asked by a guy who didn't like Reinforcement). But I don't understand why they did it? Did they do it to try to destory Spider-Man or was that just to distract Spider-Man while Doc Ock would escape from Ravencroft?

Greg responds...

It had nothing to do with the escape. That happened later.

The idea was to destroy Spidey if they could (and splitting up seemed like the best method given their previous experience), but to at least distract him at least temporarily from hunting down the "Master Planner" at the very least (which they succeeded in doing.

Response recorded on October 02, 2009

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

"Harlan Phoenix writes...

So, what's Midtown High student Greg Weisman like?
Greg responds...

I know you're kidding, but I'm not quite getting the joke."

Ah, that's fine. I was making a little gag about the minor cameo you had with your name on the Midsummer Night's Dream cast list in season 2 of Spidey. I thought it would've made a fun candidate for a Smart Ass Response.

Greg responds...

Life is full of disappointments.

Response recorded on October 01, 2009

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spidey570 writes...

Hi Greg . I have some questions about the Spectacular Spider-man . So i wanna ask if you will make Peter be with Mary Jane after being with Gwen . Aslo will you make Gwen's death happen by the Goblin like in the comics ?
I will be very pleased if you can answer me . Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on September 30, 2009

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Hey gang,

Josh Keaton, the voice of Peter Parker/Spider-Man, and I did a podcast with spidermancrawlspace:


Check it out!

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Moritz writes...


I wanted to ask a question: When is the Spectaculart Spider-Man Series scheduled for release in Germany? I really want to support this show. I saw some episodes while I was out of my country and I have to say: BAM! Das ist das Beste was ich je gesehen hab! It captures EVERYTHING I like about the webslinger. It's better than the original universe, better than the Ultimate Universe and better than everything else related to Spidey. Why is that so? Well you took the best from every incarnation and made an awesome cocktail out of it. Add a ton of excellent storytelling and you have a masterpiece.
I hope and pray that you will get to make as many seasons as you think you'll need to finish what you want to tell about our favourite Wallcrawler.

Hopefully the Studios won't "Squash yer bug".

Moritz out.

Greg responds...

Thanks. I'm afraid I don't know when the series is coming to Germany.

Response recorded on September 29, 2009

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Joe I. writes...

Hey Greg,

Listen before I ask my Spidey-Question TM I just want you to know this......Spectacular Spiderman is the greatest thing that has ever happened to Spidey out of the comics.

Better then the movies.
Better then that 60's show.
WAAAAAY better then the 90's show.
And overall just......AMAZING.

Okay......now on to my questions.

1. First off: You said they found Osborn's body. Now I hate to brag about my incredible detective skills but.....I deduced that Mr. Roman is actually Norman Osborn. I KNOW I KNOW its a bit far-fetched....but I have a gut feeling. So what? Did Osborn clone himself.....*cough*clonesaga*cough* or what?

2. Which villian have you not yet used that your DYING to get on the show?

3. Which spidey-villian TM can you safeley say you will NEVER EVER EEEEEVER have on your show?


Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Hobgoblin. Scorpion. Many others.

3. There are none that fit that category.

Response recorded on September 29, 2009

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john writes...

if season 3 is confirmed by the time this question gets to you congrats and thank god, if not then i have some reasons it should.
the best animated show ever.
spiderman 4 rolls around the time season 3 will get done.
the ratings will be through the roof.
i know its all about the money and just think how much they would get.
the cliffhanger yous had just made us want it more.

these are only some, there is a lot more than this i can name, this series is amazing, hope this series gets at least 5 seasons and at most non-stop. i do have a question.

in the direct to dvd things you have planned if you get 5 seasons and you do a direct to dvd "death of captain stacy" or "death of gwen stacey" will you continue the story or just make these dvds for the thrill of it.

Greg responds...

I don't get to do much in this business just for "the thrill of it".

Response recorded on September 29, 2009

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