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Anonymous writes...

is it true that there's a possibility of there not being a 3rd season because it would be too expensive? because i've heard that young justice uses the best special effects and animation, so it would be impossible to get another season :( please dont let it be so!

Greg responds...

Cost is a factor, but I don't think it's because we're TOO expensive. I think they're just ready to take a shot at something else that they perceive will be more valuable overall.

It doesn't help that our toy line was cancelled, since that's where the majority of our funding came from.

Anyway, as I've said ad nauseum, none of this is up to me.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Anonymous Writes writes...

The Team and League has a lot of Secrets?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Nori writes...

Does Cheshire actually care about Roy, or does she just want him back around because of the baby? In any universe, their relationship is decidedly confusing.

Greg responds...

Of course, she cares about him.

And it's only confusing because you've missed huge chunks of it. ;)

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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DanM writes...

Hello there Greg (you don't mind me calling you Greg, do you?), how you've been?
Well I hope you have been doing well, and working hard on YJ for us fans.
So let me introduce myself, my name is Daniel I'm from Brasil and I LOVE the YJ tv show. As for the comic book, still I haven't had the chance to check it out. But I cannot see why it wouldn't be as great as the animation.
Anyways… with the recent CN's actions and the future listing of DC's solicitations, a lot of speculations have surfaced the web. Do those same speculations harm you or the crew in any way? Note that I don't mean it physically, I mean carrerwise (e.g. the mood in the work environment, the relationship with the bosses… that kind of thing?).
Have you ever thought about, or did in fact pitch in an Earth 16 title for the DC's New 52 (such as the Earth 2 title)? If not, how about it? I imagine that great things would come out of it. :) And what about novels? That would certainly be interesting!!

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what speculations you're referring to. But...

ANYWAY, I suppose this is as good an excuse as any to go through a bit of a chronology.

We finished the scripts for Invasion in January of 2012. So that's when I stopped getting paid, because although I'm a producer on the series, that title and even the responsibilities that go with it were, in essence, a courtesy, based on my experience, I guess. With a guy as talented and competent as Brandon on the job, Warners didn't feel any need to pay me to do the post-production on YJ. They had no problem with me participating, but they also had no problem with me walking away. (Same with Season One, by the way.) (And it was the same at Sony vis-a-vis The Spectacular Spider-Man. In animation, writers often aren't valued all that much once the script process is completed. From the point of view of these companies, I was really just a story editor with a glorified title, who was willing to do what he had to do in order to make the title real and NOT glorified.)

On one level, I probably should have walked away. But instead, I worked for free, helping to post the episodes with Brandon from January to October of 2012. Simultaneously - because I do need to earn a living - I did a number of freelance scripts for various series, including one for Warners' Beware the Batman, plus a Transformers Prime, a couple of Kaijudos, a couple Rescue Bots and a couple of Octonauts. Plus, there was the YJ comic, a few miscellaneous things, and I was also working on revising my first novel, Rain of the Ghosts. Oh, and Brandon and I were also giving free input on Legacy, as well. So I was plenty busy.

In October of 2012, we finished posting episode 220, "Endgame", and on Halloween I moved out of my office on the Warner Bros. Ranch and moved back to my old office in Beverly Hills. By that time, I was done with the comic as well.

During that period, Brandon and I (both separately and together) pitched all sorts of further Earth-16 properties, including (but not limited to) a third season (of course), animated spin-offs featuring Arsenal and/or the Arrow Family, a comic book entitled Earth-16, the Black Manta Celebrity Hot Tub shorts, a direct to DVD movie, etc. Brandon even pitched a YJ meets Scooby movie. Unfortunately, none of these were in the cards.

I'd love to say differently. I'd even love to say I've moved on, but I haven't really. Like many of the fans, I'm still mourning the whole thing, quite a bit. Perhaps even quite a bit more than is healthy. And - because I do need to earn a living - I'm still looking for both freelance work and my next solid gig. (It's been fourteen months without a real job, and it's starting to get a bit nerve-wracking, to be perfectly honest.) But Rain is coming out in December, and I'm hard at work on its sequel. They've both been very rewarding to work on, at least emotionally. (We'll have to wait and see if they turn out to be rewarding financially - but at least the potential upside is there.)

I'd happily do a YJ Novel, but like anything YJ related, it's just not up to me. It's just not a property I control AT ALL.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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Jesse writes...

Hi Greg!!

First I would like to say i love Gargoyles and W.I.T.C.H.!

My question about the show is
-when did Beast Bboy find out about M'gaan's true form?
-Is Zatanna single at the moment?

Keep it up with the amazing show, Young Justice!!

Greg responds...

1. Between seasons.

2. Why, are you interested?

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Who is Nightwing closer to, Tim or Wally?

Greg responds...

It feels like an apples and oranges question, but... Wally.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Becca writes...

Hi Greg! Question for you about Roy and Jade.

Was their marriage something they actually wanted? Or was it more for convenience (Jade to change her last name or something)? Or was it a decision that was made because you wanted to bring Lian in but children out of wedlock = bad for the show's intended audience?

Thank you! So excited to see YJ back!

Greg responds...

Out of universe, I'll admit there was a little discomfort on the part of some of our bosses about an out-of-wedlock child. Having said that, no one ordered us to marry them off, and ultimately, we felt it worked better for the two, given some of our plans for both Season Two and YJL.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Jasser writes...

I don't want to flood, so this is just going to be a miscilanious question post:

1.Queen bee's powers (supposedly) worked on Garfield, why does it work on pre-pubescents if it is pheromone based?

2.Why did Martians develop shapeshifting if they can't hide their thoughts from each other? On mars,what point does is serve them. We've seen that they ussually are in there default state.

3.Is Connor's super-jump a weakened form of flight, or a result of super strength in his legs?

4. How do you feel on the topic of tv show responsibility? Do you think shows have a duty to set good role models, or do you think having media as a tool for next generation change is misguided and dangerous?

sorry for not numbering my first post, I didn't notice until it was too late.

Greg responds...

1. Puberty (as I understand it) isn't a light switch. It's a process.

2. We're talking ancient evolution, and the Martians evolved along similar lines as the organic species which they now use for their clothes and Bio-Ships. In fact, I would think all three species MUST have had common ancestors. But I'm not an evolutionary biologist.

However, there are a number of truly great scientific minds over at the Station 8 Comment room. Try asking there: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/comment/

3. The latter - although not JUST his legs, I would think. (Though again, I'm not a kinesiologist.) All of which is not to say that his exposure to a yellow sun doesn't have something to do with it. That's WHY he's strong.

4. I don't want to answer for ALL shows. I think the shows I work on need to have a moral point of view. And I think it's important not to be casual about things like smoking, for example, which has done more damage to this world than almost anything I can think of, off hand.

5. Thanks for not repeating the error! :)

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Jasser writes...

Megan Questions:
Was Megan putting Psimon in Catatonia the same attack she has been abusing recently(if no, what is the difference)? You kind of alluded to that earlier, confirming.

Did she intentionally put him in a coma, or was that an accident from the force of her counterstrike rage?

Could she only do that attack in her White Martain form originally?

Did Psimons powers help him in recovering?

I hope you had a great holiday season Greg! DFTBA

Greg responds...

1. In Psimon's case, it was simply an attack. More recently, the point of the encounter was different. It wasn't about attacking, but about acquiring information. But either way it was a violent psychic attack with very similar repercussions.

2. Catatonia and a coma are two different things.

3. It made it easier.

4. Yes.

5. I did, thanks.

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

I've read your response about Beast Boy's abilities,and I wish to ask some further questions about it.

1. You say Beast Boy needs to.... grok the animal? Is that something like empathetic bonding? And does that mean he needs to form some kind of friendship with the animal he wishes to transform into?

2. You said Beast Boy cannot grok the animal from a distance or even from distant millenia. IF Beast Boy were to, let's say, somehow wind up in prehistoric times as a result of time-traveling, would he then be able to theoretically grok whatever animal he wishes to transform into?

3. Currently, Beast Boy is not able to transform into any prehistoric animals. However, has Beast Boy, at any point after gaining his shape-shifting abilities, ever wished that he had the ability to do so?

Thanks for taking the time to read my questions,

Greg responds...

1. Don't take me too literally, but check out this:


2. Yes, theoretically.

3. Sure, who wouldn't?

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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