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SuperMartian89 writes...

What's the episode where Miss Martian's eyes glowed red, not green? While she's in her usual form, not her white martian form.

Haven't given up on the renewal of Young Justice or SuperMartian. May you have many more seasons as you can create and may SuperMartian get back together and STAY together.

Greg responds...

I don't recall them ever glowing red. (But I won't deny it might have happened.)

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In your post promoting "The Fix", you mention having been swamped with work lately. What have you been working on?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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DC fan writes...

Hey Greg, thank you for Young Justice, one of the best animated show ever made, thank you for Tim Drake, Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle, Nightwing, Captain Atom, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman,Superboy, Miss Martian, Aqualad, Wally, Impulse, Barry Allen, Jay,(Flash Family) Queen Bee, Sports Master, DeathStroke, Rocket, Wendy & Marvin, Mal Duncan, Despero, L-Ron, Catherine Cobert, Lobo, Arsenal, all the green lanterns,Black Canary, and many more. for a truly DC Fan like you. Bravo.

Greg responds...

You're very welcome.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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colton writes...

would asking for more stephanie brown be a spoiler request?please tell me you get this.

Greg responds...

I get it.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

Hey, Greg. Sorry to hear about the cancellation of Young Justice. I spent last night screaming at my iPad.
Watching Artemis's contemplation about the Glamour Charm in The Fix, I got to wondering, how exactly did Nightwing convince Zatanna to give him the charm? What justification could he have come up with? I mean, they have "history", but why would he want a charm to change his appearance?

Greg responds...

He gave no justification. Told her he couldn't. But she trusts him.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

I've read on various sites around the internet that Young Justice was going to be cancelled by Cartoon Network once Season Two is over. That seems rather unfortunate, because I was hoping to see characters like Damian Wayne and Terry McGinnis get their Earth-16 debut. I've seen on the internet that there are at least two petitions going around to try to save and continue Young Justice. If in the event that the petitions fail:

A. Have you considered moving Young Justice to another network so the show can continue? ONE example HAS proven something liked this can work. In my lifetime, that ONE example was the television series called "JAG," which started on NBC from 1995 until 1996 and then later moved to CBS in 1997. The show itself has continued on up until 2005 and became a successful television series.

B. Have you considered rebooting the entire Earth-16 universe? If the show becomes cancelled, then the entire history of the Earth-16 universe would be left for open interpretation and countless theories and questions. If Young Justice was rebooted, then maybe you'd be free to give the characters a New 52 look and pursue things you could not have done before, such as introducing Wildstorm characters...

C. Maybe you could try a new series that takes place in the Earth-16 universe, just like Young Justice? Perhaps it's time to show a different era in the Earth-16 universe with new heroes and villains?

D. Maybe do a new series that serves as BOTH a replacement and a continuation of Young Justice? Marvel is actually doing something like that with the upcoming cartoon series called "Avengers Assemble," which in itself is serving as both a replacement and a continuation of "The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes." This might be considered as one of my better suggestions, but it should NOT be confused with suggestions "B" (which is suggesting a complete reboot of the Earth-16 universe) and "C" (which is suggesting a new series that does not involve Young Justice but still takes place in the Earth-16 universe), as those two are completely different from this one.

I hope something will work out somehow; I just don't want Young Justice to end. You created something that a lot of potential, and it doesn't feel right that Cartoon Network would pull this outrageous stunt and put this potential to waste.

I'll be praying for Young Justice to continue somehow...

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

A. This is not something I can control. (I don't know how many times or how many ways I can say that before it sinks in.) Time Warner owns Warner Bros, Cartoon Network and DC Comics. It's all one big company, and they aren't likely to let one of their assets go to a different conglomerate - if for no other reason than they'd risk it being a success there. But in any case, I'm not privy to this upper level decision making, and I have absolutely NO say in the matter.

B. Earth-16 is, in and of itself, a rebooted universe. How would this help even assuming I could command it? Which of course I can't.

C. This has been pitched in multiple and various ways. TPTB showed no interest.

D. See above.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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Paul writes...

Did any members of the Team have a hangover on January 1st, Team Year Six?

If so, who?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Is Green Beetle a character made specifically for the show? Or is he an existing character in the comics? If he is, I'll search him up myself to see how he was done in the comics.

I'm really enjoying the concept of a Martian with the powers of a Reach scarab. Thanks for his introduction.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What were Zatanna's spells (besides 'etativel') in Cornered, and what was Kaldur saying in atlantean in The Fix?

Greg responds...

1. Zatanna's spells from Cornered:

Knis nwod otni eht-- (not completed before she was put out of commission)
Ees tahw I ees!
Etavacxe! (This one may have been cut for time. I can't remember.)
Etaerc a elbbub fo elbisivni ruomalg! (Ditto.)


Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

True Colors
Batman of Shanghai - Still a loving parody of not my type of anime.
Amethyst- That's one weird meadow and lake...

Again- no questions, just comments.

1- Fantastic Voyage anyone? I can't tell if Karen's infatuation is with the science alone or just the man. Dr Cross...still with good eyes. Mmm...

2- 'Noted philanthropist Lex Luthor' J

3- GGG praises tours of the farm facility. Of course you won't see anything more than folks used to see on tours of the Hall of Justice. Touring the UN doesn't make it any more open than it's component parts. Even if GGG is just a normal human- he's drunk the Kool-Aid in this case. Ironic considering what's being made there.

4-"Your Scarab has had multiple opportunities to betray us. It hasn't...."
"There Jamie Reyes, listen to the Night Wing, his logic is flawless
-Setting it straight out to be ignored. Evil. ;)

5- Tim as team leader- liking the training of a leader.
Arsenal - An angry young man...just like his clone was. Ironic the Watchtower was the last straw back then too. Of course it sounds like this Roy doesn't know it is not weaponized.

6- Pa Kent :)

7-Now that's a Rutabaga!

8-Sportsmaster wants vengeance for form not love. (Ironically Black Manta genuinely loves his son.) It doesn't seem to me that Cheshire's eyes are smiling under her mask.

9-Roy screws the mission. The question is how much damage he'll cause before he learns. I'm thinking this won't be enough. This level of anger will have him walk away from the group before that sort of maturity.

10- Black Beetle is one scary dude.

11-Roy's arm cannon from Lex can at least damage Black Beetle. Lex is a 'partner' with the Reach. I'm guessing that isn't a coincidence...or at very least it won't be anymore upon Lex seeing that on the closed circuit tv.
I'm guessing that the Light joined with the Reach so humanity could be tested and progress.

12- "Nothing like a warm plasma bath...and clean off the tomato stains." HA!

13- "As a father myself I understand your pain." He's not much for fatherly love....

14- Cornfield or cornfield? Cornfield.

15- Green Beetle. Ba-az Ahom...Barsoom? I don't trust him. He may only think he's in control. Or maybe not even that. It's just too tight on Jaime's wants and fears.

Greg responds...

Now that's a Response!

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...


Batman of Shanghi- I'm guessing it's a beautifully crafted parody of not particularly my thing.
Amethyst- cute enough

No questions- just comments.

1-Virgil ("Static Shocks" cute name drop.) The voice is familiar...sounds like the old voice but...internet...isn't.

2-Duncan and Karens' living situation makes Duncan so sad. I don't know if it is from the comics or new for the show, but he deserves better, at least I hope he has some better luck come his way soon.

3-LRon and Despero; I don't know enough outside of the cartoon to compare portrayals.

4-The Reach is smooth...set up the frame of dialogue to leave the JLA at a disadvantage- "When did you stop beating your wife?"

5- Shazam! Doesn't work? DANG. (Nice mid teen design on Billy.)

6- Can't quite catch all the JSAers at the end of the line as the tubes get smashed- ...Red Torpedo, Flash, Phantom Stranger. Was there someone else in red mixed in at the end?

7- Megan is totally debilitated by recent events, it actually speaks well for her character.

8- Duncan and the Guardian outfit was clearly telegraphed- still very nice. (Though Bumble Bee's taking out the 3rd eye helped a lot.)

9- Another headquarters destroyed....sheesh.

10- Watchtower revealed: I can't tell if it was a surprise to Eeling or not. The first view seemed yes, but the second seemed not.

11- Jamie's reveal of the Scarab and prophesy - I'm conditioned to think well of the Scarab from the Blue Beetle comics, but even this version, underneath every homicidal and over the top suggestion thus far, the Scarab's only impulse is survival. It wants nothing of the Reach, nor any grouping. Jamie is just too close to see it as anything other than a threat.

Random: The DC nation 'expert archer' looks like one of the cops in the current Gangster Squad movie.

Random two: I'm also enjoying Green Lantern. That Steam Lantern twist has got to be the most British stiff upper lip ever broadcast. I saw the big misunderstanding thing coming, but after that? Say some say the world ends in fire and some ice, but they say a pot of tea. :)

Greg responds...

6. No Phantom Stranger. You might be thinking of Sandman.

10. It was a surprise.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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JayEl20 writes...

Dose Black Manta think Kaldur and huntress love eachother.

PS:Love the show. Hope its not canceld, but if it is. Just wanna say thank you to you, Brandon, and the crew for the best comicbook show in years, and one of the best animated series ever.

Greg responds...

Yes, Manta was under the mistaken impression that his son and Huntress were lovers.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Devastated writes...

Young Justice was the only thing that could get me through long, hard and stressful weeks... Now I have nothing.

Greg responds...

Don't you think that was a bit premature to post. Back in January there were multiple episodes and a comic or two left. And Legacy is still to come.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Paul writes...

If it's true that Young Justice is cancelled, I hope it's all right if I ask this question:

Would you please reveal who the the Team members who joined and left the Team during the five year gap were (other than Tempest, Aquagirl and the second Robin)?

If the remaining season 2 episodes and Young Justice: Legacy don't answer this question (or only answer it in part) then I hope you'll answer it, please.

Greg responds...


Though, Paul, I have to ask, why WOULD you ask this now? Why clog the queue? Why not wait and SEE if your question is answered?

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Kelly writes...


I was so disappointed to come home from school and see that Young Justice has been apparently cancelled. I know that you have nothing to do with the decisions made by greedy and corrupt network executives and are truly the better person in this situation. You have made a beautifully written and amazingly touching show with a strong and true message that no matter how young or old you are, you can still make a difference. I think this message has touched and brought joy to many people who have watched Young Justice. I know it has to me. I'm a huge Flash fan and I remember sitting down and watching the episode "Bloodlines" and just feeling pure joy at my favorite characters from different times and eras being brought together in such an awesome way. Thank you so much for that Greg. I love this show. I truly do and so do many other people. And just thank you so much for it. Thank you.

Greg responds...

You're very welcome. I feel more than obligated to point out that many, many people went in to making YJ the show you love, including - but not limited to - Brandon Vietti and the writer of "Bloodlines" Peter David.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Hana writes...

Does Jaime's family knows about his superhero life? If not, then what's his cover story for his parents?

Greg responds...

His parents, at least, know. Or at least they know the basics.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Paul writes...

You said that there were six or seven major characters you wanted to include in season 2, but that you didn't have room for them in the end. I have a few questions about that:

1a) If season 2 had been 26 episodes, would you have had enough room to include them?

1b) If so, would all six or seven have featured or just a handful of them?

2) You mentioned that Starfire is a character you're thinking of for season 3 if you get one. Was she one of the major characters you originally wanted to include in season 2?

3) Regarding the two characters you originally wanted to include in the bridal shower scene in "Satisfaction": were either of them intended to be significant characters in season 2?

Greg responds...

1a. I'm not too interested in hypotheticals. We didn't. So we didn't.

1b. More episodes might have meant more characters, but there's no guarantee. It's not like we broke 26 episodes and then had to reduce them down to 20. We broke 20.

2. WHEN did I ever say Starfire was in Season Three? I just searched the ASK GREG archives for Starfire, and EVERY time I was asked that question, my response was (you'll never guess) SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT. <sigh> No, Starfire was never a candidate for Season Two.

3. Ever? Maybe in some early discussions. But not once we really got rolling.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Got to last week's episode of YJ & the hits keep on coming. First off, I'm really liking how you guys handled Deathstroke, right attitude, right power level, overall done right! The main thing I was happy about was at the end, seeing Kaldur on the road to recovery. This will also be good for Megan, I'm sure. And Green Beetle, man I like the guy, but I can't help this nagging in the back of my head that he's a mole.
Awesome work as always!

Greg responds...

Thanks. We tried.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Shyann writes...

First I'd like to say that I really love the show. Everything about it is quality and I'm so happy to see an animated show be done with such respect. I'd also like to say I'm really happy that you included the character of Klarion. Without you guys, I probably would have never found out about him. I'm also glad you guys went with a version that's more like the originally since I'm not a fan of the blue skinned innocent pilgrim boy version. And everyone seems to always use that one. Also I'd like to say I like yalls version of The Joker. I see people complain about it a lot but I personally think it's rather fresh and I enjoyed seeing him in action. So thank you for trying something different with him! Umm that aside I've got a couple of questions if you don't mind, sir.

1. Is Klarion capable of having affectionate feelings for anything other than his cat? Is he above romantic feelings? Or is he just tooo uhhh non human for that type of thing?

2. How old is Deathstroke?

3.(This is half compliment and half question) I really like the direction you guys took with Deathstroke's design. It's different from any past versions I can remember. It actually made me think of his daughter as soon as I saw the white hair sticking out like it did. What did you guys have in mind when designing him?

Greg responds...

1. He's chaotic, not emotionless.


3. You'd have to ask Phil Bourassa and Brandon Vietti, though the marching orders are generally the same for any new character. We want the character to feel iconic. But we want to translate what's great about him or her into the design style of our world.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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J writes...

Sice Stephanie Brown is confirmed to exist on Earth-16, is her father Cluemaster?
It seems like if he is, her story would be just a retelling of Artamis...but if not, she would loose a lot of who her charactor really is...so i'm not shure what i'm hoping to see. I'm guess if we ever see her again i'll be happy with what you decide either way.

And, since Cissie King-Jones exists, did her mother briefly operate as Miss Arrowette?
Her mother pushing her to become the hero she could never be (to the point of temporarily loosing her due to child-endangerment laws) was the primary aspect of her charactor in the comics, and their dynamic was one of my favorites in all of DC...but it looks like if she is ever used in the show again, your leaning more to her just being inspired by Artemis. I'll admit, if that happens i'll be dissapointed to not see her bicker with her mom...but i'll be estatic just to see her.
On the topic of Arrowette...there was a huge fan-based (myself included) speculation that she could possibly be Green Arrows illigitamate
daughter (with a lot of evidence to support that fact). I'm assuming you probably couldnt get away with that on your show, so i'm not going to het my hopes up, but i'm curious about your thoughts on that...or, do you just not even think about that since you wouldnt be allowed to do it even if you wanted to?


Greg responds...


2. Ditto, but, what the heck, I'm in the mood, so: YES.


Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Alexia writes...

What was Kaldur saying in Atlantean in his psyche in "The Fix"?

Greg responds...

I think the following covers all of the Atlantean in the episode:

Kaldur: Keh eh-GO, keh eh-GO… What is left of Kaldur'ahm? Udam-OS en keh-RO teh-LES-so… [And I, and I… What is left of Kaldur'ahm? I'll never finish in time…]

Kaldur: LIHS-soh-meh, Artemis. LIHS-soh-meh! [Please, Artemis. Please!]

Kaldur: Keh eh-GO? I am alone. There is no one here. Nothing. Ruins…

Artemis: We're here! We care about you and want to help! And we can do it… <burn> What is that word?! Sim-bih-OH-se! Together! Help us save you! Sim-bih-OH-se!

Artemis: Sim-bih-OH-se. Together.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. (Okay, so "three consecutive posts" didn't turn out like I planned. In the interest of not blocking the queue, this is the last set of questions I'll be posting for at least a few weeks). My questions today return to the subject of Ra's al Ghul and his League of Shadows.

1. When did Ra's learn Batman's secret identity (I get the distinct feeling that asking how he found it out would result in a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT)

2. Has Deathstroke ever been a member of the League of Shadows?

3. You've stated that Ra's was able to force Clayface to fall asleep via a "pre-programmed hypnotic failsafe" that all the Shadows were subjected to at the start of their training. Did Ra's subject Talia to it as well?

4. On the subject of the hypnotic suggestions, what happens after someone leaves the League of Shadows? Would the suggestions still work on (for example) Sportsmaster?

5. Why did Ra's create the League of Shadows?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't nailed down an exact date at this time.



4. Assuming he hadn't had it removed or overcome it somehow.

5. Lots of reasons, starting with this: it's lucrative.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Mirami writes...

It feels so good to have the show back from hiatus.

"Cornered," "True Colors" and "The Fix" have all been stupendous episodes and I'm loving the direction the story's following.

Keep up the good work and let's hope we get some good news about the show's future after season 2!

Greg responds...

Well, we can still hope, at least. No one can stop us hoping.

Response recorded on April 18, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

why did M'gann let herself believe in the visions in "The Fix" to allow Tula to hurt her?

Greg responds...

Guilt and shame.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What is your favorite episode from season 2 of Young Justice? If it's that hard to decide, what are your top 3? :D And thanks for the intense episodes!!

Greg responds...

They're all my children.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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