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Anonymous writes...

How would Batman and Commissioner James Gordon react if someone made a rude, crude sitcom which satires and parodies low income residents of Gotham City who are living in public housing?

Greg responds...

I feel like you're trying to make a point here that I'm missing.

In any case, readers familiar with this site know I'm not too interested in discussing hypotheticals.

Response recorded on September 05, 2012

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smartaxe writes...

Hi Greg,

I hadn't heard much about this version of Queen Bee before watching YJ, but she's definitely intrigued me. I'm based in Egypt at the moment, and the idea of a female dictator in the Middle East is a really interesting one, rife with possibilities.

A couple questions:

1. Is she a Muslim?
2a. How do her powers work? Does she issue commands telepathically, or does she need to speak to someone to control him (or her)?
2b. Am I correct in assuming that her powers are based on sexual attraction to some degree? (ie. does a person need to be attracted to women in order to be susceptable to her control?)

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Probably.

2a. It's not a telepathic power. It's chemical.

2b. Yeah.

Response recorded on September 05, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Does Queen Bee know any combat skills whatsoever because she seems like the easiest villain to beat?

Greg responds...

Her powers and abilities aren't particularly physical. But I wouldn't call her 'easy to beat'. Particularly if you're a heterosexual human male.

Response recorded on September 05, 2012

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Jordan writes...

Hey Greg! Young Justice is amazing, you are doing the best work of your career (long time Gargoyles fan here.)

I know that both the YJ comic book and TV show can be enjoyed on their own (and enjoying them I am!), but I'm wondering if just for the fun of it you've thrown in any subtle nods to the events of the comic book on the air?

Now as for my next 34 questions...Just kidding!


Greg responds...

It's all symbiotic, but keep in mind that the show has a MUCH, MUCH longer lead time than the comic does.

But we've included characters like the Terror Twins in the comic before including them in the show.

Response recorded on September 05, 2012

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no.1 batfan writes...

Let me just say right now that Usual Suspects has become my absolute favorite episode of this show, and not just because of the fantastic fight scenes or the reveal of the mole, but the fact that the team voluntarily revealed their secrets to each other. I especially liked seeing that the longer Miss Martian, Superboy, and Artemis kept their secrets, the worse things got for them, and only by revealing their secrets did things get better for them. My question is what made you and everyone else involved decide to have their secrets revealed to the team in this way, compared to say someone like Cheshire, Queen Bee, or Lex Luthor reveal them?

Greg responds...

This was always our plan. It's almost intentionally anti-climactic. Secrets are a HUGE deal to those keeping them, but often are bigger in a person's mind than they are in reality.

Response recorded on September 05, 2012

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Paul writes...

Since Red Arrow was the mole and appeared to be under mind control (given his confusion at the end of Usual Suspects), was he instructed by the mind control to place Miss Martian under suspicion in Secrets?

If so, does this mean that the tale he supposedly heard about M'gann having stowed away on J'onn's ship was just a lie concocted by Roy?

Greg responds...

1. By now, hopefully, you know the answer.

2. No. That would have been too easy a lie to check. It's true.

Response recorded on September 05, 2012

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Red Robin writes...

I'm a bit curious about Dick Grayson's training prior to becoming Robin. I'm not sure if you're ever planning to do an "origin" type episode for him, so I understand if you can't answer some of these questions due to spoilers. I've also looked through the archive, and I didn't see these questions asked, but if they were I appologies.

1. How long after adopting Dick, did Bruce wait before revealing his identity as Batman? Or did Dick find it out for himself?
2. How long did Bruce train Dick before allowing him to become Robin.
3. Who came up with using a Robin for Dick's hero identity in this continuity? Bruce or Dick or Dick's parents? (In some continuities the Grayson's nicknamed Dick "robin" due to him being born on the first of spring).
4. In the original Young Justice comic, the team were rather resentful towards Robin (Tim Drake) for keeping his identity secret from them, under Batman's orders. Does the animated Young Justice team (with the obvious exception of Wally) feel the same way towards Robin (Dick Grayson)?

Greg responds...




4. It's largely a non-issue.

Response recorded on September 05, 2012

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Niedzwiedz writes...

This is not a question. It is simple statement about Usual Suspects. I' a talkative person - I never shut up. But after the ending of that episode in a group of friends I was silent for a good few minutes. It was not the sleeper agent reveal - which I guessed. It wasn't Red Arrow as mole - I didn't guessed that (to be honest I don't recall anything in particular hinting at him), but I'm paranoid so I considered him. I was silent because of simple fact, how utterly freighting was a scene of taken watchtower. It is quite a common trope among the writers - big guns are mind controlled, weaker heroes have to deal with it. But most of the time I'm not emotionally invested, because even if all logic dictates otherwise, underdogs will somehow win. But I always liked how in Gargoyles and Spectacular you portrait shifting of different powers and long term conflict. I know you will treat it seriously - the Light will not do something incredibly stupid. And for the first time since Dollhouse, I'm concerned with possibility that the good guys (who I grew to like and I'm rooting for), already lost. And simple "Yes. Yes you were" was somehow really disturbing. Sorry to waste your time on comments without questions... but wow. I was concerned that YJ are lost momentum, but I think I have to rewatch everything in 1-2 sittings to get better feel of it. That was one of the best episodes of the series â€" the fact that team acted responsible about their secrets only adds to the value. And the best thing - I will get to watch final episode around midnight of my birthday. It is like bonus gift. Now I just wait for DVDs.

Greg responds...

Thank you. And never apologize for praising us. We're all praise-whores, believe me.

Response recorded on September 04, 2012

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Jeff writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I absolutely love Young Justice! Thank you for all of your extraordinary work. My questions pertain to "Usual Suspects."

1) During the ambush, the Riddler seemed to imply that its purpose was because the Light wanted to kill the Team or somehow prevent them from continuing to operate. If this were truly the case, why would the Light do this if they thought that they had Superboy, Miss Martian, and Artemis in their pocket and could utilize them?
2) Did Cheshire intentionally leave the suitcase behind in order for it to be delivered into the League or was it just an accident?

3) What was the Light planning to do with Artemis, Miss Martian, and Superboy at Santa Prisca?

4) I can really relate to Miss Martian as a character. Therefore, I am curious to know if had Aqualad and Superboy not been present when she revealed her true form, then would the rest of the Team have accepted her at that moment? They didn't exactly seem supportive when she revealed it.

Greg responds...

1. I don't think you can believe everything that was said. But if they had killed off a few of the uncompromised members, no one on the Light would have been crying.

2. The former.

3. Test their loyalty, for starters. They all failed.

4. I think so. You need to fairly give them a second or two to process the visual. You'd seen it before. They hadn't. And it's fairly shocking.

Response recorded on September 04, 2012

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jim munro writes...

About the Atlantean in #15 (okay, the preview of #15...)
1. What does it mean?
2. Why is it in Atlantean? Didn't the last issue (and this one too) establish that all speech was in Atlantean and translated into English?
3. Kaldur'ahm's name is spelled "KALDURAM", without the H and without the '. Is the name in a Shayerisian dialect or something?

Greg responds...

1. Kaldur says: "Queen Mera!" Mera says: "Kaldur'ahm! I need you!" Later, Ocean-Master casts a spell in Ancient Atlantean, which basically translates as "Cleanse the Unclean!" Finally, Superboy tries to translate the word "Kryptonian".

2. The style of the lettering indicates what's in actual English, what's translated Atlantean and what's not. Each issue needs to re-set up its parameters. Until page three, what you're seeing in English IS in English, and what you're seeing in Atlantean IS in Atlantean. Then starting on page three, panel two, you can see where we start showing translated Atlantean - as indicated by the caption.

3. And I don't know about the preview, but in the final version I've got sitting open in front of me here, the apostrophe is there in Kaldur'ahm. The 'h' is missing, but in Atlantean, it's implied by the pronunciation. The 'h' only becomes necessary when transliterating the name into English to make sure that it's pronounced correctly - i.e. so that the last syllable rhymes with "calm" as opposed to with 'damn'.

Response recorded on September 04, 2012

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