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Alexia writes...

1. Can Atlanteans perspire underwater?
2. How do Atlanteans keep themselves clean underwater if it's hard to take a shower when you're essentially... already in the water? Do they use seaweed scrubs or other special grooming products?
3. Did Aqualad take showers when he was on the surface or was he not used to it? I imagine the Team doing team building exercises in the cave during their spare time and then breaking off to take showers after their work out before re-grouping in the kitchen area for snacks.

Greg responds...

1. I don't know.

2. Uh... sure.

3. I'm sure he showered.

Response recorded on May 22, 2014

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hmmaster writes...

Hey, Greg, what an amazing show in Young Justice. I have a couple of questions for you.

1) I was hoping you could comment on this, because you've answered variations of this question at different times, but never this specific one. I thought of an idea that would make a lot of sense for where a certain character's situation would go after the events of Summit and Endgame, but I won't share it with you to avoid getting a spoiler. You've talked in interviews/answers before about Roy and Jade having to get married off-screen in order for CN to approve Lian being born. Were there any story-lines of similar controversial topics that you and Brandon had planned that could have created tensions between you and the network?

2) I recently rewatched JLU, specifically JLU's season 1, and I noticed a striking similarity in the way the format works there and the masterfully-crafted interwoven network of plot-lines of YJ. It seemed like you may have been inspired by that format where there were several stories being told all at the same time, as opposed to other shows that have a more episodic nature (like the first JL cartoon, before JLU). Was it a conscious decision to draw heavily from that idea, or was it something that just happened independently?

Thank you for a wonderful show.

Greg responds...

1. None spring to mind at the moment. We didn't have a lot of fights with S&P.

2. I haven't seen all that much of JLU. (Started to when we were in the development phase, but ran out of time once pre-production got started. [I'm really not much of a binge watcher. The most of any show I can stand to watch in any one sitting - no matter how good it is - is two episodes, and for me, even that's pushing it.]) The way we plotted YJ is really more in line with the way I've done other series in the past, such as The Spectacular Spider-Man and Gargoyles. And all of that goes back to lessons learned from reading and writing comic books, and, of course, from Hill Street Blues.

Response recorded on May 13, 2014

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Agent P writes...

Have any of the heroes fall into depression because of how great of a threat their enemies seem to be for him, becoming too much from them to handle, asking themselves if they could ever truly "beat" them?

Or what if they ever pondered whether or not a villain deserved to be killed for doing such unspeakably horrible acts, some which they've failed to prevent, and the villain will likely never reform?

For example, the Light has been around for a long time, has the League or the Team ever worried or dwelled on the possibility that they may not live to see The Light stopped for good?

Greg responds...

There are two ways to look at all this: 1. As a spoiler request. 2. As something that for the time being I'm best off leaving to your imagination.

In essence, there's no way for me to answer these questions outside the confines of a story, other than to more or less state the obvious:

1. Yes, sometimes they get down.

2. Thoughts may occur, but as heroes they've drawn certain ethical lines.

3. Yes, they've worried about it.

Anything beyond that, would only bear telling as part of a story.

Response recorded on May 13, 2014

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B writes...

I was watching the Justice League Unlimited episode "Fearful Symmetry aka Galatea" recently, and Martian Manhunter told Supergirl that he doesn't dream, which made me wonder: do Martians dream in Earth-16? I know they do in at least some versions of the comics continuity, since Morpheus appears to Martian Manhunter as the Martian god of dreams in The Sandman, and J'onn discusses weird dreams with Batman and Superman at Morpheus's wake.

Greg responds...

I'd say they do on Earth-16 (and on Mars-16).

Response recorded on May 12, 2014

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Mysterious Galaxy Signing

Once again, I'm hoping people in the Southern California area - especially those who live in and around San Diego - might come to my signing at Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore.

I'll be reading, answering questions and signing copies of RAIN OF THE GHOSTS at the Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore in San Diego on May 10th, 2014 at 11am.

Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore is at 7051 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Suite #302, San Diego, CA 92111

If you buy a book, I'm also happy to sign whatever other memorabilia (Gargoyles, SpecSpidey, Young Justice, whatever) that you feel like dragging into the store.

It's a big birthday bash for the bookstore, so there are other events all day long, and I'm told they're serving cake at 3pm.

Info here: http://www.mystgalaxy.com/event/MG-SD-21st-Birhday-Bash-051014

Please stop by - check out RAIN - and say hello!

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Ben writes...

I just have a quick question about Rain of the Ghosts. I was wondering if there are currently any plans to release it in a hardbound version or if that is currently not an option? I for one would really like to have it in that format. While we're at it getting the Gargoyles and Young Justice graphic novels released in hardbound form would be great too, but I understand that would probably be a bit more problematic. At any rate thanks for the entertaining stories and please keep up the good work.

Greg responds...

Much as I'd like it too, there are no plans to release Rain of the Ghosts in hardback. Ditto the Gargoyles and YJ graphic novels.

Response recorded on May 09, 2014

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hi Greg,

On a slightly different note...

1. Do you watch/like the TV series "The Big Bang Theory"?

2. As you may know (if you've seen or heard about the show) some scenes in some episodes take place in a comic book store. Now I am not that much of a regular viewer but one time in an episode in the comic book store in the background on the racks was a copy of one of the Young Justice comic books! It must have been from a while back because I believe it was either issue #0 or #2. So I'm sorry I don't know the exactness but if I find out I'd let you know (or do you already know?)

3. I ask because I wonder if you are in some entitled to something because your comic book appeared on a TV show. Do you know if there should be some sort of payment or recognition for people whose work appears in such a manner due to copyright material?

4. Do you know or would you know someplace I could be directed about copyright issues? Like say I want to use the Flash in a comic strip; some people would say it's fine, but does credit need to be given to DC Comics or do I have to get permission from DC to use him? Or say I want to take a clip of the Flash from one of the YJ episodes; again should DC be consulted? Do you think the same thing would go for stores?

5. What's been your experience with issues like these? Say you might have wanted in one of your shows for characters to enter a Starbucks; do you have to ask permission from said company first?

Thanks a lot Greg!

Greg responds...

1. Yes and yes.

2. I'd heard, but I hadn't noticed it myself. So I missed seeing the issue/episode.

3. DC owns all that. They don't have to pay me for using it as a prop.

4. Personally, I'd avoid using someone else's property in your work, period. But I'm no lawyer. And, no, I don't know where to direct you to research this.

5. I would pretty much NEVER do that. At most, I'd do a pastiche, like the FOREVER 16 SUBURBAN OUTFITTERS (instead of FOREVER 21 and URBAN OUTFITTERS) that appeared in Young Justice #0.

Response recorded on May 09, 2014

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Singlesynapsetheory writes...


Hello from Australia. I have been eagerly waiting for questions to open again.

I'm a 26 year old female, who has been an avid fan of DC comics for a long time now. I've read all of Teen Titans, The Flash (Wally west run), Justice league, and basically any tie in I could find that included Wally West.

I was really saddened when finding out West was no longer part of DC (although, looks like I don't have to suffer any longer). Your show was the perfect way for me to revisit the reasons I love DC so much.

I think my favourite part of the show is it's incredible maturity. I have read people complain about the way Wally and Dick have dealt with things (particularly, their argument) but, honestly, I saw it as a very adult conversation. Adult, obviously doesn't mean mature (what adults can say they are always logical and mature?), but what I mean is, I could see this as a real conversation that people would have. I love the complexity of the characters and just how real everything is. This was a show I could watch, analyse and really enjoy.

I also think it was so great that you didn't follow the pairings of the comics. Again, people have complained about this, but honestly, who wants to watch something, knowing already what's going to happen? Why would I bother reading a novel, watching a movie, or a tv show, if I already knew half of what was going to eventuate? I also thought the pairings made sense, and the complexities of them brought real issues of identity and what a relationship means, to the table.

I think kids these days need shows like this that are real and mature and don't treat kids as stupid.

Anyway, no questions for you this time! I really see nothing from the show that needs questioning! Just praise!

Hope you had a nice start to the new year.

Kind Regards,
Jessica from Australia

Greg responds...

Thanks, Jessica. I'll take praise anytime. :)

Response recorded on May 09, 2014

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simone writes...

Do you think if I call cartoon network on a regular and complain about how unfair they are for taking down YJ before we was able to have a 3rd/4th/5th season but yet they have all these other shows like bakugan still coming on.? Im not trying to down play them but seriously. ?! Why that play all the time but yet there is never a rerun of YJ .?? It came on on Saturday and Sunday morning. ..that's it.! I wouldn't blame the ratings if its so low.. who really wakes up at 8 or 9 to watch that show (could have came on at 10, not sure since it been so long) unless they know it was going to play that time.?

And that's another thing.. how is anybody suppose to know is there was gonna be another season if y'all don't advertise it.? I realized that y'all didn't do that for the 2nd season or if you was gonna have one (unless I looked it up on Google or something). There was times were I didn't know if a show was coming on that Saturday morning and I would have woke up for nothing ... just upset and sad.. I think that's another reason why y'all did not have that many ratings... we never really knew when it would come on unless we look it up. Please answer ... I really wanna know

Greg responds...

I've lost track of exactly what question you "really wanna know" the answer for. So I'll try to comment on what I can.

I think we can all agree that the series didn't receive as much promotion as we might have liked. Frankly, no show I've ever worked on has ever received as much promotion as I would have liked. None. (Although Star Wars Rebels may be the exception. Lucasfilm has quite the machine up and running to create buzz.) That's just the way things go in a business where promoting an animated series is an additional expense that most networks have decided they can't afford.

Whether you like Bakugan or not, keep in mind it's an acquisition, not an original series. It's considerably cheaper because the U.S. network doesn't have to pay for production, only for a license fee to air it in America.

Calling CN to complain daily does NOT sound like a good plan. Imagine if someone did that to you?

Response recorded on May 09, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

hi greg quick question ive just watched justice league war and I noticed some of the characters (T.O. Morrow Dr. Serling Roquette) have a striking resemblance to your own in young justice designs, his has also happened in the past in flashpoint paradox with kaldur, garath and tula.

so my question is

1) Do Dc just take your staffs work/designs since they own the characters or is it stored on some archive other projects can have access to.

2) also do you get some say in the matter? or compensation for the use of your work?

3) since dc seems to like copying your work so much why are they so reluctant to do a direct to dvd film to finish of young justice?

I hope you are allowed to answer and thank you in advance if you do

Greg responds...

1. I really don't know the answer, but I have a question: isn't Phil Bourassa the character designer on all these projects? If so, maybe it's Phil himself who is borrowing from himself or simply that what he's doing is similar for both.

2. It's not MY work. I can't draw stick figures with any competency. And, no, no say. Not that I need say.

3. Apples and oranges. One thing has nothing to do with another.

Response recorded on May 07, 2014

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