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Melissa Sisemore writes...

I asked a question back in February that was removed from the site. I mentioned this in the comments section of your Facebook page. So here it is again: In light of the fact that you say there are LGBTQ+ characters on Young Justice I would like to know if there are any Christian and/or homeschooled characters on the show? As I said on your Facebook page you don't have to give me a favorable response I just want a response at all.

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what "In light of the fact" is supposed to mean, but, yes, the Wests, Allens, Garricks, Zataras, Ervins, etc. are all one denomination of Christian or another, as are many - if not most - of the cast and supporting cast, in light of the fact that Christianity (in all its forms) is still the majority religion in the United States.

Actually, I seem to recall I've broken down the religious denominations of all the leads. Check the Ask Greg Young Justice archives.

Beast Boy was homeschooled.

And, just so you know, I haven't been on either of my Facebook pages in over a year. Even before I began my social media hiatus this year, I had to give up on Facebook, because it kept crashing my phone.

Response recorded on September 26, 2017

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YJ Nerd writes...

In the episode Disordered in season one of YJ, what is "Bear's" real name?

Greg responds...


(Not sure why I revealed that. You must have caught me in a good mood.)

Response recorded on September 26, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Does Blue Beetle have super strength? Because Black Beetle went toe to toe with Mongul who is stronger than both Superboy and Wonder Girl so I'm just wondering if Blue Beetle's scarab also gave him this super strength or not.

Also did the Justice League find out about Belle Reve being infiltrated by the light?
And how did Icicle Jr, Mammoth, Shimmer, Devastation and the Terror Twins break out?

Greg responds...

1. Not as much as Black Beetle or Mongul, but his strength is above a normal human of his size and build.

2. Yes. In the show. On screen. Didn't you see it?

3. They didn't "break" out. Otherwise, NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on September 26, 2017

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Green Lantern's Nightlight writes...

I don't mean to ask this antagonistically, but what exactly do you have against super breath? Isn't it in the realm of possibilities with everything that the yellow sun does to Superman, it would enhance his lung capacity?

I mean, in the beginning, he never even flew, and now that's one of his essential powers. And that's one of his powers in Young Justice.

If you just disagreed with something like the super kiss, I'd understand, but I'm not sure why you don't think super breath is a plausible power?

Greg responds...




I don't care how strong his lungs are, they're still - at most - only slightly larger than a normal human of that size. So he couldn't blow very much could he. Try to expel air from your lungs. All of it. Then assume your lungs are a super-muscle that is really good at this. And you still don't have that much air to work with. Cuz you don't have the volume.

Oh, and the whole SUPER-COLD thing is ridiculous. Breath isn't cold. When you blow on hot soup, you're not cooling the soup with your breath. You are blowing hot particles away. And, sure, you could argue, "BUT HE'S KRYPTONIAN!" And maybe Kryptonians have cold breath. But for a guy powered by the sun, I don't buy it.

I think the over-powering of heroes over time is dangerous to the needs of a storyteller. And some things are just damn silly. Super-Cold-Breath is one of those things.

Response recorded on September 25, 2017

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Michael writes...

1a. How old is Deadshot
1b. Is Floyd Lawton his real name?

2. How is the standard living in Bialya compare to Qurac? Do the citizens live in poverty? Do they even have rights?

3. You said that 9/11 happened in Young Justice, and I was wondering if Hurricane Katrina, The 2008 Financial Crisis, and the BP Oil Spill happened as well.

Greg responds...

Floyd Lawton was born in 1975.

2. Qurac has a higher standard of living.

2a. Some do in both countries.

2b. Plenty of rights in Qurac. It's a mixed bag in Bialya.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on September 25, 2017

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B_Schwaz writes...

Regarding Young Justice:

Is there any significance to the order in which the Justice League members are sitting at the League meeting in the episode "Agendas"? Even if there isn't a larger reason for the seating order in general, are there any smaller decisions you made beyond the Hawks or the Green Lanterns sitting together?

Greg responds...

I don't recall. Sorry. If I had to guess, I'd say storyboarding defined most of it. Who was talking with whom to make shots, i.e. camera angles, easy to manage.

Response recorded on September 25, 2017

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey Greg, theres something I would like to ask your opinion about.

You see comics have been notorious for being hard on average people to get into. You should know that your cartoons have been much more influential than whatever it's publised on printed form.

For millions of people when they think Young Justice they think of earth 16 and when they think of spiderman they think of spectacular.

Say Teen Titans Tv show' has Starfire as a cute alien and naive girl wich is among the best female characters ever in my opinion. While on comics she is a dumb bimbo with hardly more personalitybthan a brick

Comics on the other hand are harder to get into and well you might jot agree but the quality is much better in cartoons such as yours. I would rather watch young justice that get into the continuity mess that comics are.

It would seem that every continiuity reboot that tries to make things simpler just makes things worse.

In your experience what would you do to make comics as approachable as tv shows are?

Greg responds...

Well, I'm going to start - without going point by point - by NOT agreeing with everything you've stated above. Some comics have issues. Some are both accessible and very well-done. In general, I'm really liking DC's REBIRTH, for example. I'm reading all of it - trying to keep up. I don't love every series, let alone every issue, but generally, I think they're doing a pretty darn good job. I'd particularly recommend Wonder Woman.

And I think there are plenty of crap television series, as well.

It's all about execution. Plenty of good comics series. Plenty of good television series. Plenty of lousy examples of both. But I'm glad you like YJ and Spectacular.

Response recorded on September 25, 2017

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FallenLegend writes...

I have questions regarding adapting DC comics.

You see there is certain fan adaptation running around on the net( I won't mention it for obvious reasons) , and to be honest all the changes seem silly, cringe inducing and fanfic like.

Yet all your changes seem logical. I mean replacing Aqualad with Kalduram or Cassie as Wondergirl would be controversial but it's logical and I like it. You even improved on many characters like from the source material like Artemis and Sportsmaster.

Most of the changes you have done are like apple products they just work.

So my question is How do you make earth 17 feel so cohesive and faithful despite doing some heavy changes to the source material?

Greg responds...

Well, for starters, it's Earth-16.

But otherwise the goal is to get down to the core of every character that you're adapting and be true to that. Not all the details matter, proven out by the fact that over 75 years of comics history, a lot of the details about any given character keep changing. But who the character is at her or his core does matter.

All this is influenced by what we've already done in a universe that we're trying to keep cohesive and coherent, so we think about how any new character would fit into that schema. Or if they'll fit. Things like scope effect us too. For example, we talked about including Supergirl in both Season One and Season Two, but her story was too big to fit in either season without derailing our main overall plot or skimping on her story. We'll get to her eventually - no promises as to when - but it'll have to be when we could do justice (YOUNG justice) to her story.

Response recorded on September 21, 2017

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Ivana writes...

Look Greg I am a huge YJ fan more than you could know I live in abq USA I am a 12 year old girl.i thought every day how would it be like to bust and see you ask you in person some questions.i always thought what it would be like to play on young justice meeting all the voices and being one of them that always comes up in my mind I watched young justice over and over making sure I know everything they say and my best friend marlee she hated young justice until she watched it we now love it we talk all the time we always say stay whelmed to each other if you do get this please text me back iflores081@tanm.us

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, Ivana, but it wouldn't be responsible for me to text a twelve-year-old girl, specifically, or for me to break precedent and begin texting individual fans. I don't have time to have that kind of personal communication with everyone, and it wouldn't be fair for me to play favorites.

On top of that, I'm very nervous about you posting your information here. I wouldn't recommend anyone do that - especially a twelve-year-old. Please know that if anyone texts you and claims to be me, IT IS NOT ME.

If you have questions, you can always reach me here at ASK GREG. I know there's a delay to my responding - I'm currently four and half months behind. But most things can keep that long.

You can also follow me on TWITTER @Greg_Weisman

I'm currently taking a break from social media, but I tweet on rare occasions, and I'll probably come back eventually.

Response recorded on September 21, 2017

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nobody writes...

did wally get rid of the tracer after artemis told her secret

Greg responds...

I'm sure it was dealt with.

Response recorded on September 21, 2017

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